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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Stanovení nejvhodnějšího poměru katodových materiálů pro systém lithium-síra / Determination of the most suitable ratio of cathode materials for the lithium-sulfur battery system

Benešová, Petra January 2021 (has links)
This master's thesis deals with a topic of determination of the most suitable ratio of cathode materials for the lithium-sulfur systems. The first two chapters provide a general introduction to the topic of electrochemical energy sources and present the commonly used primary and secondary battery systems with emphasis on their characteristics and applications. The core of the theoretical part is dedicated to lithium-ion and lithium-sulfur batteries, their working principles along with the benefits or drawbacks related to the particular systems, and widely used materials. The experimental part briefly comments on determining the suitable electrode paste preparation method, the subsequent main part is focused on evaluation of electrochemical performance of cells using different ratios of cathode materials. Five samples of cathode materials were prepared, where the sulfur ratio is in range from 64 to 88 wt. %. Finally, the comparison of all prepared ratios in terms of their electrochemical properties is provided.

Pokročilé uhlíkové struktury jako materiál pro Na-ion akumulátory / Advanced carbon structures as a material for Na-ion batteries

Bečan, Jan January 2021 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the description of individual types of batteries. The first part is focused to primary and secondary batteries, materials for their positive and negative electrodes with a focus on lithium-ion batteries and their changes over time. The next section focuses on a more detailed description of sodium-ion batteries, used electrode materials and to their problems. Practical part is focesed to preparing of electrode materials and to completing of measuring electrochemical cell and to discribing of measuring methodes and to evaluation of measured data.

Připrava a charakterizace keramických aktivních materiálů pro sodno-iontové akumulátory / Preparation and characterisation of ceramic electroactive materials for Na-ion batteries

Vaněk, Martin January 2016 (has links)
Hlavním cílem této práce je charakterizace vzorků titanátů, jako materiálů pro sodíko-iontové (Na-ion) akumulátory. Syntéza některých vzorků je součástí této práce. Charakterizace je zaměřena na elektrochemické vlastnosti, složení a morfologii použitých materiálů. První část se zabývá lithium-iontovými (Li-ion) akumulátory. Byly vybrány, protože jsou ve vědeckých článcích dobře popsány a základní funkční princip je aplikovatelný také na Na-ion akumulátory. Materiály používáné pro katody, anody a elektrolyty následují po krátké části shrnující parametry a konstrukci Li-ion akumulátorů. Následující kapitola je zaměřena na sodíko-iontové akumulátory. Srovnání sodíku a lithia je následováno materiály používanými pro elektrody a elektrolyty (s důrazem na anodové materiály). Třetí část popisuje analytické metody použité pro charakterizaci elektrod a materiálů. Jedná se o elektrochemickou charakterizaci (cyklická voltametrie a galvanostatické cyklování s potenciálovým omezením), morfologii (rastrovací elektronová mikroskopie) a složení (X-ray difrakční spektroskopie). Poslední dvě kapitoly obsahují syntézu a charakterizaci sodného titanátu a charakterizaci dvou vzorků TiO2. Výsledky této práce jsou shrnuty v závěru.

Electrodes positives lithiées d’oxysulfures de titane pour microbatteries Li-ion / Lithiated positive electrodes of titanium oxysulfides for Li-ion microbatteries

Dubois, Vincent 03 October 2013 (has links)
Le développement à grande échelle des microbatteries pour des applications diverses comme l’alimentation de secours de certains composants électroniques dans les téléphones portables nécessite une compatibilité avec le procédé de solder-reflow employé dans le domaine de la microélectronique. Dans ce contexte, cette étude porte sur la mise au point d’un nouveau procédé de réalisation de couches minces d’oxysulfures de titane lithiés (LixTiOySz) pour une utilisation en tant qu’électrode positive dans une microbatterie Li-ion. Tout d’abord ce travail a débuté par la synthèse et la caractérisation de plusieurs compositions de sulfures de titane lithiés à l’état massif par réaction en solution de TiS2 ou TiS3 avec le n-butyllithium mais aussi par réaction à l’état solide à haute température entre les précurseurs TiS2, Li2S et Ti. Par la suite, des couches minces de LixTiOySz ont été déposées par pulvérisation cathodique radiofréquence à effet magnétron de cibles réalisées à partir des matériaux lithiés à l’état massif. La composition chimique de ces dépôts dépend de celle de la cible utilisée ce qui permet d’obtenir des couches plus ou moins riches en lithium et en soufre. En revanche, elles sont toutes très mal cristallisées, denses et elles ne présentent pas de structuration particulière. Enfin, les caractérisations électrochimiques des dépôts de LixTiOySz, à la fois en électrolyte liquide et solide, ont permis de mettre en évidence une corrélation entre leur composition chimique et leur comportement électrochimique. Globalement, ces dernières sont performantes, compatibles avec le solder-reflow et donc tout à fait intéressante pour l’application. / Large-scale development of microbatteries for various applications such as back-up power sources for cell phone electronic components needs suitability with reflowing process that is often used in microelectronic. Here we report on the development of a new realization process to produce lithiated titanium oxysulfides (LixTiOySz) thin films for use as positive electrode in Li-ion microbatteries. First of all, this work began with synthesis and characterization of several lithiated titanium sulfides compounds prepared by reaction between TiS2 or TiS3 with n-butyllithium but also by solid state reaction at high temperature between TiS2, Li2S and Ti. Then, LixTiOySz thin films were sputtered by magnetron effect radio-frequency sputtering from targets made of lithiated materials previously synthesized. The chemical composition of those films depends on the target one and allows obtaining thin films with different lithium and sulfur contents. In contrast, they are all amorphous, dense and they don’t have a morphological structuration. Finally, electrochemical characterizations of thin films, both in liquid and solid electrolyte, have highlighted a correlation between their chemical composition and their electrochemical behavior. Taken as a whole, LixTiOySz thin films are powerful, suitable with reflowing process and thus very interesting for the application.

Příprava a charakterizace sulfurizovaných polymerů pro elektrochemické zdroje proudu / Synthesis and characterization of sulfurized polymers for electrochemical power sources

Svoboda, Lukáš January 2019 (has links)
Batteries based on lithium-sulfur technology have the potential to increase the amount of stored energy in comparison with current lithium-ion systems while maintaining the same weight. Achieving this goal is possible due to the high theoretical energy density of sulfur, which exceeds the values of other materials used in batteries. However, these batteries suffer from several failing, which still hinder the practical use. The use of amorphous sulfur instead of its crystalline form might lead to increasing of durability and charge efficiency. Inverse vulcanization of sulfur seems to be the perspective method for the preparation of polymer sulfur because it prevents its recrystallization and stabilizes amorphous sulfur. The aim of this thesis is the preparation and study of properties of materials made of inverse vulcanized sulfur.

Vliv retardéru hoření na záporné elektrody v lithno – iontovém akumulátoru / Influence of flame retardant on negative electrodes in lithium - ion accumulator

Buchta, Martin January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with problematics of electrochemical power sources with focus on lithium accumulators, their construction and functioning priciple. It also discusses the safety of li-ion batteries with respect to their flammability. In addition, the flame retarders, which help to lower the flammability, are listed. The thesis describes Cyclic Voltammetry and Galvanostatic Cycling with Potencial which are lithium-ion cell measuring methods. In the last part, the influence of various flame retarders on negative electrode is compared based on the conducted tests.

Etude de nouveaux matériaux phosphates de lithium et d'élément de transition comme électrode positive pour batteries LI-ION / Iron phosphates with original structures used as positive electrode materials in lithium and sodium batteries

Trad, Khiem 30 September 2010 (has links)
Depuis la mise en évidence des potentialités du phosphate LiFePO4 comme électrode positive de batteries lithium-ion, un très fort regain d’intérêt pour les phosphates de fer est actuellement observé. Dans cette optique de recherche de nouveaux matériaux, notre intérêt s’est porté sur la phase Na3Fe3(PO4)4 et sur des monophosphates de fer et de manganèse de type alluaudite LiXNa1-XMnFe2(PO4)3. Leurs structures, respectivement en couche et en chaines, en font de bons candidats pour des applications en tant que matériau d’électrode pour des batteries au lithium ou au sodium. Notre étude porte donc, d’une part, sur la synthèse et la caractérisation structurale de ces phases, et d’autre part sur leurs propriétés physiques et électrochimiques. / Since the discovery of highly interesting properties for LiFePO4 as a positive electrode material in lithium ion batteries, the search for novel polyanion-based insertion hosts is intense. Actually, cathodic materials based on iron phosphates exhibit high stability and economical and environmental interests. In this context, we were interested in Na3Fe3(PO4)4 with a lamellar structure and in alluaudite-like iron and manganese phosphates LiXNa1-XMnFe2(PO4)3 which structure exhibits tunnels. This work deals, in one hand, on the synthesis and the structural characterisation of these materials and in the other hand on their physical and electrochemical properties as positive electrode for lithium and sodium batteries.

Etude des phases Li10MP2S12 (M=Sn, Si) comme électrolyte pour batteries tout-solide massives / Study of Li10MP2S12 (M=Sn, Si) phases as electrolyte for solid state batteries

Tarhouchi, Ilyas 07 December 2015 (has links)
En remplaçant l’électrolyte liquide par un solide, les batteries tout-solide massivessont souvent considérées comme une solution aux problèmes de sécurité desbatteries Li-ion actuelles. La récente découverte du matériau Li10GeP2S12 destructure dite LGPS présentant une conductivité ionique équivalente à celles desélectrolytes liquides a réactivé ce domaine de recherche.Dans cette optique, nous avons étudié les matériaux Li10MP2S12 (M=Sn, Si) destructure LGPS, au moyen de diverses caractérisations structurales (DRX,RMN du 31P, spectroscopie Mössbauer …), de propriétés de mobilité/conductionionique (RMN du 7Li, spectroscopie d’impédance) et de propriétés électrochimiques(voltammétrie cyclique, cyclage galvanostatique).Les échantillons commerciaux de Li10SnP2S12 contiennent des impuretés et uneincertitude subsiste sur la composition de la phase de structure LGPS. Lamodélisation des déplacements de RMN du 31P a notamment permis de mettre enévidence l’influence des lithium en site octaédrique adjacents. Les mesuresd’impédance suggèrent une réactivité avec le Li métallique et la voltammétrieconfirme que cette phase est très instable à bas potentiel, excluant son utilisation entant que simple électrolyte dans une batterie tout-solide. Nous proposons qu’il puisseêtre utilisé à la fois comme électrolyte et comme matériau de négative.L’étude préliminaire des matériaux au silicium souligne la difficulté d’obtention dematériau pur de structure LGPS, et conduit à la mise en cause du modèle structuraldit thio-LiSICON. Par ailleurs, elle montre là encore l’instabilité de ces matériauxface au lithium métal. / By replacing the liquid electrolyte by a solid one, solid state batteries are oftenconsidered as a solution to safety issues in current Li-ion batteries. The recentdiscovery of Li10GeP2S12 with so-called LGPS structure, which exhibits an ionicconductivity equivalent to that of liquid electrolytes, has boosted related researchactivities.In this perspective, we studied the Li10MP2S12 (M=Sn, Si) materials with LGPSstructure, using various methods to characterize the structure (XRD, 31P NMR,Mössbauer spectroscopy …), the ionic mobility/conductivity (7Li NMR, Impedancespectroscopy), and the electrochemical properties (cycling voltammetry,galvanostatic cycling) of the material.Commercially available Li10SnP2S12 batches contain impurities and there remains anambiguity in the actual composition of the LGPS type phase. Modelling of the 31PNMR shifts reveals the effect of lithium in neighboring octahedral sites. Impedencemeasurements suggest reactivity with Li metal, and cyclic voltammetry confirms thatthe material is highly unstable at low potential, which excludes its use as a simpleelectrolyte in solid state batteries. We propose that it might be used both as anelectrolyte and as a negative electrode.The preliminary study on silicon based materials highlights difficulties in obtaining apure LGPS-type compound and questions the real nature of the so-calledthio-LiSICON structural model. Besides, it also shows the instability of thesematerials versus lithium metal.

Vliv lisovacího tlaku na elektrochemické vlastnosti elektrod pro akumulátory Li-S / Effect of compaction pressure to the electrochemical properties of the electrodes for Li-S accumulators

Jaššo, Kamil January 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this diploma thesis is to describe the impact of compaction pressure on the electrochemical parameters of lithium-sulfur batteries. Theoretical part of this thesis contains briefly described terminology and general issues of batteries and their division. Every kind of battery is provided with a closer description of a specific battery type. A separate chapter is dedicated to lithium cells, mainly lithium-ion batteries. Considering various composition of lithium-ion batteries, this chapter deeply analyzes mostly used active materials of electrodes, used electrolytes and separators. Considering that the electrochemical principle of Li-S and Li-O batteries is different to Li-ion batteries, these accumulators of new generation are included in individual subhead. In the experimental part of this thesis are described methods used to measure electrochemical parameters of Li-S batteries. Next chapter contains description of preparing individual electrodes and their composition. Rest of the experimental part of my thesis is dedicated to the description of individual experiments and achieved results.

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