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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Die Gametogenese des humanpathogenen Malariaerregers Plasmodium falciparum - eine Charakterisierung von daran beteiligten Proteasen sowie die Beschreibung und Funktionsanalyse von dabei auftretenden interzellulären Gametenfilamenten / Gametogenesis of the human malaria pathogen Plasmodium falciparum - the characterization of involved proteases and a description and functional analysis of gamete intercellular filaments

Rupp, Ingrid January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Malaria stellt mit einer Mortalität von über einer Million Menschen pro Jahr die bedeutsamste Tropenkrankheit für den Menschen dar. Wachsende Resistenzen der Malariaerreger gegenüber den verfügbaren Medikamenten erhöhen mehr denn je den Druck, neue Therapiemöglichkeiten sowie einen Impfstoff gegen diese Krankheit zu entwickeln. Eine Unterbrechung des sexuellen Fortpflanzungszyklus im Laufe der Transmission von Mensch zu Stechmücke würde zu einem Verbreitungsstopp des Erregers führen. Sowohl die Identifizierung von molekularen Wechselwirkungen als auch die Erforschung von an Fertilisationsereignissen beteiligten Prozessen sind wichtige Schritte, um die Sexualphase des Erregers aufzuklären und neue Angriffspunkte für Medikamente oder Vakzine zu entwickeln. Dem Genom von P. falciparum konnten 92 putative Proteasen zugeordnet werden, von denen nur ein geringer Bruchteil charakterisiert worden ist. Unter Anwendung von Protease-Inhibitoren konnte in dieser Arbeit gezeigt werden, dass die Exflagellation der männlichen Gameten die Beteiligung von Proteasen verschiedener Kategorien benötigt. Die Ergebnisse belegten, dass die Aktivität von zwei oder mehr Serinproteasen, von Falcipain-ähnlichen Cysteinproteasen, von nicht-Thermolysin-ähnlichen Zink-Metalloproteasen und von Aspartatproteasen für den erfolgreichen Abschluss der männlichen Gametogenese eine wichtige Voraussetzung ist. Die Lokalisation des Cysteinproteasen- und Falcipain-hemmenden Inhibitors bADA konnte erstmals im Zytosol von Sexualstadien nachgewiesen werden. In dieser Arbeit wurden zusätzlich die Proteasen Calpain, DPAP2, GPI8, Metacaspase 2, Plasmepsin 6 und PfSub3 näher untersucht. RT-PCR-Analysen konnten die Transkription der sechs ausgesuchten Proteasen in gemischten asexuellen Parasiten sowie zum Großteil in Gametozyten, Gameten und Zygoten belegen. Die Transformation von asexuellen Parasiten mit entsprechenden knockout-Konstrukten deckte für Metacaspase 2 und PfSub3 auf, dass sie im asexuellen Vermehrungszyklus nicht essentiell und die entsprechenden Genloci für Rekombinationsereignisse zugänglich sind. Die Ergebnisse der übrigen Transformationen deuteten darauf hin, dass Calpain essentiell im asexuellen Vermehrungszyklus und dass der Genlocus von Plasmepsin 6 für Rekombinationsereignisse unzugänglich ist. Proteinexpressionsstudien anhand von Western-Blot-Analysen und Immunfluoreszenzstudien für PfSub3 konnten Hinweise darauf liefern, dass diese Serinprotease in asexuellen Parasiten, nicht-aktivierten sowie aktivierten Sexualstadien exprimiert wird. Aufgrund der in dieser Arbeit generierten Ergebnisse konnten im Laufe der Gametogenese auftretende Gametenfilamente morphologisch beschrieben sowie Hinweise auf ihre mögliche Funktion erlangt werden. Durch die Anwendung von Immunfluoreszenzstudien, rasterelektronenmikroskopischen Aufnahmen sowie die Analyse lebender Gameten konnte gezeigt werden, dass die bis zu 180 µm langen Filamente am Ende geschlossen sind und einen Durchmesser von ca. 200 nm aufweisen. Die tubulären Zellausläufer konnten weiterhin als verzweigte sowie nicht-verzweigte Ausläufer der parasitären Plasmamembran dargestellt werden, die mit Zytoplasma gefüllt sind. Es konnte belegt werden, dass die Aktin-assoziierten Filamente in periodischen Abständen von beulenartigen Auswölbungen unterbrochen werden und dass sie in rasterelektronenmikroskopischen Analysen ein perlschnurartiges Erscheinungsbild aufweisen. Weiterhin wurde dokumentiert, dass die Zellausläufer mit typischen sexualstadienspezifischen Proteinen wie Pfs25, Pfs230, Pfs48/45 und PfCCp4 assoziiert vorliegen, wobei das Fehlen einzelner dieser Proteine jedoch nicht das Ausbilden der Gametenfilamente verhinderte. Als typisches Charakteristikum der Filamente konnte ihre Eigenschaft beschrieben werden, mehrere Makrogameten und zum Teil Gametozyten in einem Zellkluster miteinander netzartig zu verbinden, wobei bis zu neun Filamente von einem Makrogameten ausgehend beobachtet werden konnten. Die Gametenfilamente zeigten ebenfalls die Fähigkeit, an umliegende nicht-infizierte Erythrozyten sowie mit asexuellen Parasiten infizierte Erythrozyten zu adhärieren. Die Filamente waren bereits fünf Minuten nach der Aktivierung der Gametozyten und im Laufe der Gametogenese bei 33 bis 73 % der Zellen nachweisbar. Die Gametenfilamente blieben bis zu 12 Stunden nach Aktivierung der Gametozyten mit der Zelloberfläche verbunden. Der aktive Einzug eines Zellfilaments sowie die Bildung der Gametenfilamente im Mitteldarm der Stechmücke konnte ebenfalls demonstriert werden. Die in dieser Arbeit dargestellten Ergebnisse lieferten unter anderem den Grundbaustein einer formulierten Funktionshypothese für diese Gametenfilamente. Es wird angenommen, dass die Filamente aufgrund ihrer adhäsiven Eigenschaften im Laufe der Befruchtung von Plasmodium im Mitteldarm der Stechmücke auftreten. Möglicherweise bedienen sich vitale Gameten dieser Strukturen, um andere Sexualstadien zu finden und sie zu verbinden. / Malaria remains the deadliest among the tropical diseases with a death toll rate of more than one million people annually. Increasing resistance of the causative organism Plasmodium spec. against available drugs heightens the need for the development of new antimalarial drugs and a vaccine. The sexual reproduction phase of this pathogen has garnered increasing attention because of the potential to prevent the transmission of the parasite from human to mosquito by blocking fertilization and following essential processes in the vertebrate host. Therefore, the identification of molecular interactions during fertilization processes is essential to elucidate the sexual replication phase in order to develop new transmission blocking strategies. The genome of P. falciparum encodes for 92 putative proteases among them only few are partly characterized, although they are considered as excellent drug targets. The data herein defines the involvement of proteases belonging to various protease classes in the exflagellation of male gametes in P. falciparum. It was shown that this essential process of male gametogenesis can be blocked by use of different protease inhibitors. The data suggests an involvement of two or more serine proteases, falcipain-like cysteine proteases, non-thermolysin-like zinc metalloproteases and aspartic proteases in microgametocyte exflagellation. Furthermore, the described data defined the localization of the cysteine protease and falcipain-blocking inhibitor bADA. This inhibitor was shown to be localized in the cytosol of trophozoites, schizonts, gametocytes at all stages of maturity and macrogametes. Additionally, the present thesis achieved first evidence about six specifically selected and largely uncharacterized proteases calpain, DPAP2, GPI8, metacaspase 2, plasmepsin 6 and PfSub3. RT-PCR-Analyses were conducted to demonstrate the existence of transcript and consequently genetically active gene loci for mixed asexual parasites and for most of the gametocyte, gamete and zygote stages. The transformation of asexual parasites with metacaspase-2- and PfSub3-knockout-constructs led to the conclusion that these proteases are non-essential during the asexual replication cycle and their gene loci are accessible to homologous recombination. Additional transformation experiments indicated both that calpain is indispensable in the asexual replication cycle and that the gene locus for Plasmepsin 6 might be inaccessible for homologous recombination. The protein expression analysis for PfSub3 was carried out by using western blot and immunofluorescence assays. The analysis suggests that this serine protease is expressed in asexual parasites as well as in non-activated and activated gametocytes. Based on the data described herein, both the morphologic description of newly discovered filaments of gametes emerging during gametogenesis and the assignment of their putative function was possible. Using immunofluorescence analysis, scanning electron microscopy and live imaging analysis of gametes it was shown that these tubular filaments are about 200 nm in diameter and exhibit a length of up to 180 µm. Furthermore, it was demonstrated that they are close-ended, actin-associated and cytoplasm-containing cell extensions of the parasite’s plasma membrane with a branched or straight appearance. The surface of filaments was associated with bulge-like structures and appeared in scanning electron microscopy partly as a beaded structure. Additionally, it was demonstrated that the sexual stage surface proteins Pfs25, Pfs230, Pfs48/45 and PfCCp4 are connected with these cell extensions, whereby the lack of single proteins did not result in a complete blockade of filament formation. The most typical feature of the filaments was described: to connect several macrogametes and even gametocytes within a cell cluster. It was defined that up to nine filaments emerged from the surface of macrogametes, which were able to adhere to non-infected erythrocytes as well as to parasite-infected erythrocytes. Analysis of their formation revealed that the filaments are formed within five minutes after gametocyte activation and are able to persist on the surface of gametes for a time period of up to 12 hours. During gametogenesis, 33 to more than 70 % of macrogametes exhibited the described filaments. It was possible to demonstrate the active retraction of a filament formed by a macrogamete as well as the generation of a filament in the mosquito midgut. Due to these findings a putative function was assigned. Thus, it can be suggested that the filaments likely form during gametogenesis in the mosquito midgut due to their adhesive properties in order to locate and collect other sexual stages. It might be possible that the filaments are used as a tool of vital gametes to enhance fertilization in the vertebrate host.

The molecular interplay of proteins expressed in the sexual stages and the induction of gamete formation in the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum / Molekulare Wechselwirkungen in den Sexualstadien exprimierter Proteine und die Induktion der Gametenbildung im Malariaerreger Plasmodium falciparum

Kühn, Andrea January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Transmission of the malaria parasite from man to the mosquito requires the formation of sexual parasite stages, the gametocytes. The gametocytes are the only parasite stage that is able to survive in the mosquito midgut and to undergo further development – gamete formation and fertilization. Numerous sexual stage-specific proteins have been discovered, some of which play crucial roles for parasite transmission. However, the functions of many sexual stage proteins remain elusive. Amongst the sexual stage-specific proteins are the proteins of the PfCCp proteins family, which exhibit numerous adhesion domains in their protein structures. For four members of the protein family, PfCCp1 to PfCCp4 gene-disruptant parasite lines had been already studied. Amongst these, PfCCp2 and PfCCp3 showed an important role for development of the parasites in the mosquito. In the present work the study of gene-disrupted parasites of the PfCCp Protein family was completed. PfCCp5-KO and PfFNPA-KO parasite lines were characterized to a great extent and many properties were similar to those of other PfCCp proteins. The co-dependent expression previously reported to be a phenomenon of PfCCp proteins was also observed in these two mutants, although to lesser extent. When either PfCCp5 or PfFNPA were absent, all other proteins were detected in reduced abundance only. Co-dependent expression manifests exclusively on the protein level. Transcript levels were not altered as RT-PCR showed. Amongst PfCCp proteins numerous proteinproteins interactions are taking place. The previously described multimeric protein complexes also include further sexual stage-specific proteins like Pfs230, Pfs48/45 and Pfs25. Recently, a new component of PfCCp-based multimeric protein complexes had been identified. The protein was named PfWLP1 (WD repeat protein-like protein 1) due to its possession of several WD40 repeats. In the present study expression of this uncharacterized protein was investigated via indirect IFA. It was expressed in asexual blood stages and gametocytes. Upon gamete formation and fertilization its expression ceased. Another sexual stage protein studied in this work was PfactinII. It was shown to be exclusively expressed in sexual stages. In gametocytes it co-localizes with Pfs230 and correct localization of PfactinII depends on presence of Pfs230. Transcript analysis by means of RT-PCR revealed the expression of several components of the IMC in gametocytes. Furthermore, five or six myosin genes encoded in the P. falciparum genome were detected in gametocytes. Gametocyte egress was studied on the ultrastructural level via transmission electron microscopy and an inside-out type of egress was observed. Firstly, the membrane of the parasitophorous vacuole (PVM) was lysed and only thereafter the membrane of the red blood cell (RBCM) ruptured. Furthermore, a new inductor of gametogenesis was identified: The K+/H+ ionophore nigericin induced gametocytes activation in the absence of xanthurenic acid (XA), which is responsible for gamtetocyte activation in the mosquito midgut. Selective permeabilization of RBCM and PVM by the mild detergent saponin, showed that in the absence of these membranes male gametocytes were still able to perceive both XA and the drop in temperature. Thus, the receptors for both factors signaling the parasite transmission to the mosquito, seem to be of parasitic origin. LC/MS/MS analysis confirmed the ability of RBCs to take up XA. With malaria eradication on the agenda of malaria research targeting the sexual stages becomes a crucial part of intervention strategies. The sexual stages are especially attractive target as they represent a population bottleneck. The here reported findings on P. falciparum gametocytes provide several potential candidate proteins for developing tools to interrupt transmission from man to mosquito. Such tools might include Transmission blocking vaccines and drugs. / Die Übertragung der Malaria vom menschlichen Wirt auf die Überträgermücke erfordert die Bildung von Sexualstadien, der Gametozyten. Dieses Parasitenstadium ist in der Lage im Mitteldarm der Mücke zu überleben und sich zu Gameten zu entwickeln, gefolgt von Befruchtung und ygotenbildung. Eine Vielzahl von in den Sexualstadien exprimierter Proteine wurde bereits entdeckt. Einige von diesen haben essentielle Funktionen für die Transmission der Parasiten auf die Mücke. Die Rolle der meisten dieser spezifisch exprimierter Protein ist jedoch ungeklärt. Zu den sexualstadienspezifischen Proteinen gehören die Proteine der PfCCp-Proteinfamilie. Für vier Proteine diese Proteinfamilie wurden bereits KO-Mutanten untersucht. Zwei Mutanten, PfCCp2-KO und PfCCp3-KO besitzen eine wichtige Funktion während der Entwicklung der Parasiten in der Mücke. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die Studie der PfCCp-Proteine komplettiert. PfCCp5- und PfFNPA-defiziente Parasitenlinien wurden zu einem Großteil charakterisiert. Viele Eigenschaften dieser beiden Parasitenlinien wiesen Ähnlichkeiten zu den bisher untersuchten PfCCp-KO-Mutanten auf. Die ko-abhängige Expression welche in der PfCCp-Proteinfamilie vorkommt, wurde auch in diesen beiden Mutanten beobachtet, wenngleich in geringerem Ausmaß. In den Mutanten, in welchem entweder PfCCp5 oder PfFNPA fehlten, waren alle übrigen PfCCp-Proteine nur in reduzierter Menge nachzuweisen. Diese ko-abhängige Expression ist ausschließlich auf dem Proteinlevel zu beobachten. Die Transkription der jeweiligen Gene hingegen ist unbeeinflusst. Zahlreiche Protein-Protein-Interaktionen finden zwischen den Proteinen der Proteinfamilie statt. The zuvor beschriebenen multimeren Proteinkomplexe schließen auch weitere sexualstadienspezifische Proteine ein, wie Pfs230, Pfs48/45 und Pfs25. Kürzlich wurde eine neue Komponente der PfCCp-basierten Multiproteinkomplexe identifiziert. Dieses Protein wurde PfWLP1 (WD repeat protein-like protein 1) genannt, da es mehrere WD40 repeat Domänen besitzt. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde das bisher unbeschriebene Protein mittels indirekter immunfluoreszenzstudien charakterisiert. PfWLP1 ist sowohl in asexuellen Blutstadien als auch in Gametozyten exprimiert. Nach der Gametenbildung und Fertilisation nimmt die Expression des Proteins ab. Ein weiteres Protein der Sexualstadien, welches in dieser Arbeit untersucht wurde, ist PfactinII. Es wurde gezeigt, dass dieses Protein ausschließlich in den Sexualstadien vorliegt. In Gametozyten ko-lokalisiert es mit Pfs230 und die korrekte Lokalisierung ist abhängig von der Anwesenheit von Pfs230. Mittels RT-PCR wurden mehrere Komponenten des inneren Membrankomplexes in Gametozyten nachgewiesen. Weiterhin wurden Transkripte für fünf der sechs Myosin-Gene, welche im Genom von P. falciparum exprimiert sind, nachgewiesen. Der Austritt der Gametozyten aus der Wirtszelle wurde auf ultrastruktureller Ebene mittels Transmissionselektronenmikroskopie untersucht. Hierbei wurde gezeigt, dass die Lyse der den Parasiten umgebenden Membranen von innen nach außen geschieht. Das heißt, dass zunächst die Membran der parasitophoren Vakuole (PVM) lysiert wird, und erst anschließend die Erythrozyten-Plasmamembran (RBCM). Als neuer Induktor der Gametozytenaktivierung wurde Nigericin identifiziert. Nigericin ist ein K+/H+-Ionophor, welcher in Abwesenheit von XA in der Lage ist, die Gametenbildung zu identifizieren. Die selektive Permeabilisierung der beiden den Gametozyten umgebenden Membranen, PVM und RBCM, zeigte, dass männliche Gametozyten nach Entfernung der beiden Membranen, in der Lage sind, den Temperaturabfall und XA zu perzipieren. Somit kann geschlussfolgert werden, dass die Rezeptoren beider Stimuli parasitischen Ursprungs sind. LC/MS/MS-Analysen bestätigten, dass Erythrozyten in der Lage sind, XA aufzunehmen. Die Sexualstadien des Malariaparasiten nehmen mehr und mehr an Bedeutung zu, da langfristig nicht nur eine Eindämmung der Malaria in endemischen Gebieten sondern die Auslöschung der Malaria angestrebt wird. Die Sexualstadien sind ein attraktiver Angriffspunkt aufgrund ihrer Bedeutung für die Transmission der Krankheit. Zum anderen ist die auf den Vektor übertragene Parasitenanzahl vergleichsweise gering. Die Ergebnisse der vorliegenden Arbeit zeigen mehrere potentielle Kandidatenproteine auf, welche für die Entwicklung von Interventionsstrategien von Bedeutung sein könnten. Als Interventionsstrategien wären sowohl transmissionsblockierenden Vakzine als auch transmissionsblockierende Wirkstoffe denkbar.

Embriologia de Miconia albicans (Sw.) Triana (Melastomataceae), especie agamospermica / Embriology of Miconia albicans (Sw.) (Melastomataceae), agamospermous species

Cortez, Priscila Andressa, 1980- 27 July 2007 (has links)
Orientadores: Sandra Maria Carmello-Guerreiro, Simone de Padua Teixeira / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Biologia / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-09T03:29:24Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Cortez_PriscilaAndressa_M.pdf: 142634667 bytes, checksum: 533aad1a400f13a4d678be944c37b495 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007 / Resumo: Miconia albicans (Melastomataceae) mostrou-se uma espécie com agamospermia obrigatória do tipo diplosporia e viabilidade polínica nula em populações do Cerrado e da Floresta Atlântica. A inviabilidade polínica não esteve restrita a um único estádio de desenvolvimento dos andrófitos e a principal anormalidade observada nas anteras de flores em pré-antese foi a deformidade das células reprodutivas, principalmente aquelas em estádio de andrósporos livres. A intensa vacuolação das células androsporogênicas e tapetais, bem como a precoce degeneração das células do tapete, podem ser características relacionadas à esterilidade masculina da espécie. A ontogenia dos estratos parietais diferiu da observada em outros membros do gênero, corroborando a sua classificação como irregular. Anteras em estádio de pré-deiscência apresentaram a região de deiscência coberta por uma provável epiderme com características distintas daquela observada no restante da mesma. Diferenças ambientais foram observadas apenas na quantidade de células encontradas nas anteras de flores em pré-antese, cerca de 50% maior nos indivíduos provenientes do Cerrado. A ontogenia do óvulo e do ginófito se assemelhou àquela observada em outras espécies do gênero, exceção feita a divisão da célula arquesporial e a supressão da meiose em M. albicans. Os embriões agamospérmicos foram originados no interior do ginófito, a partir da oosfera ou de uma das duas sinérgides. Evidências sugerem que o endosperma autônomo do tipo nuclear foi originado por expansões de cada um dos núcleos da célula central, e não por sua fusão. A porcentagem de aborto de óvulos na espécie foi de cerca de 50% e as sementes maduras produzidas apresentaram uma porcentagem de germinação bastante variável, provavelmente em decorrência da alta incidência de fungos observada nos experimentos realizados. Os frutos formados em botões florais apresentaram características semelhantes às observadas nas demais unidades, incluindo a viabilidade das sementes / Abstract: Miconia albicans (Melastomataceae) is a species with diplosporic obligate agamospermy and no pollen viability in ¿Cerrado¿ and Atlantic Forest vegetations. The sterility of pollen grains wasn¿t restricted to one developmental stage and the major abnormality of the cells from pre-anthesis flower anthers was the deformation of the reproductive cell wall, mainly in the free microspore stage. Intense vacuolation of both sporogenous and tapetal cells as well as the precocious degeneration of the tapetal cells may be related to male sterility in this species. The ontogeny of the parietal layers was different from that observed in another species of the genus and was in agreement with its classification of irregular type. The anthers in predehiscence stage showed the dehiscence region probable closed with an epidermis with papilous cells, differently from that observed in the another anther regions. Ambient differences were restricted to the number of cells observed in the pre-anthesis anthers, which was about 50 percent up in the Atlantic Forest vegetation in relation to the Cerrado one. The ovule and embryo sac ontogeny was similar to that observed in another species of the genus, except for the division of the arquesporic cell and the suppression of the meiotic division during the gametogenesis, both observed only in M. albicans. The agamospermous embryos were originated in the embryo sac from the egg cell or one of two synergids. Evidence suggested that the nuclear autonomous endosperm was originated from expansions in both nucleus of the central cell, and not from the fusion of both. The percentage of ovule abortion was about 50 percent and the mature seeds showed a variable germination percentage probably due to fungi incidence which occurred in the seeds from both environments. The ontogenetic characteristics observed in fruits from both floral buds and flowers were similar, as well as the seeds viability / Mestrado / Biologia Vegetal / Mestre em Biologia Vegetal

Apomixia e reprodução sexuada em especies de Miconia Ruiz & Pavon, Melastomataceae / Apomixis and sexual reproduction in species of Miconia Ruiz & Pavon, Melastomataceae

Caetano, Ana Paula de Souza, 1985- 15 August 2018 (has links)
Orientadores: Sandra Maria Carmello-Guerreiro, Simone de Padua Teixeira / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Biologia / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-15T16:53:33Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Caetano_AnaPauladeSouza_M.pdf: 5552395 bytes, checksum: ddd2d3795d5da107ef405fe68e7a02a3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010 / Resumo: Em Miconia fallax, uma espécie apomítica, e Miconia pepericarpa, uma espécie sexuada, os processos de esporogênese e gametogênese apresentam diversas características semelhantes, muitas delas compartilhadas com outros membros da família Melastomataceae. Entretanto, apesar das similaridades, algumas diferenças foram observadas. Em relação à antera, o formato da célula generativa no grão de pólen maduro é fusiforme em M. pepericarpa e esférico em M. fallax. Além disso, a quantidade de grãos de pólen viáveis produzidos é marcadamente menor na espécie apomítica. Quanto ao óvulo, as diferenças encontradas são ainda mais marcantes. Em M. fallax, células denominadas iniciais apospóricas se diferenciam juntamente com as células-mãe de megásporos, levando à formação de mais de um saco embrionário. Assim, enquanto M. fallax apresenta até três sacos embrionários no óvulo maduro, sendo um sexuado e até dois apospóricos, M. pepericarpa exibe apenas um saco embrionário. Além disso, na espécie apomítica M. fallax, constatou-se a formação de embriões adventícios em sementes jovens. Provavelmente, o desenvolvimento de embriões a partir dos sacos embrionários apospóricos juntamente com a formação do embrião zigótico e adventício levam à poliembrionia em M. fallax, com formação de até quatro embriões em uma mesma semente. Das diferenças encontradas entre as duas espécies, apenas o formato da célula generativa não foi relacionado à apomixia, sendo um caráter específico. Já as demais diferenças, são características exclusivas de M. fallax, e estão diretamente relacionadas à apomixia, sendo elas: 1) formação de uma proporção menor de grãos de pólen viáveis; 2) diferenciação de células iniciais apospóricas; 3) formação de múltiplos sacos embrionários; 4) desenvolvimento de embriões apomíticos; 5) poliembrionia. A espécie apomítica M. fallax é poliplóide e, neste caso, a viabilidade polínica baixa pode ser explicada pela ocorrência de alterações na meiose, comuns em espécies poliplóides. A poliembrionia, também tem sido bastante relacionada à apomixia, sendo esta relação confirmada pelos dados obtidos neste trabalho. Além disso, com os resultados alcançados, foi possível reconhecer que M. fallax é uma apomítica facultativa, uma vez que, além da possibilidade de produção de embriões apomíticos, a espécie ainda preserva os mecanismos de formação de grãos de pólen e sacos embrionários sexuados, com possibilidade de produção de embriões zigóticos. / Abstract: In Miconia fallax, an apomictic species, and Miconia pepericarpa, a sexual species, the processes of gametogenesis and sporogenesis have a number of similar characteristics, many of which are shared with other members of the family Melastomataceae. However, despite the similarities, some differences were observed. Concerning the anther, the generative cell in mature pollen grain is spindle shaped in M. pepericarpa and spherical in M. fallax. Furthermore, the quantity of viable pollen grains produced is markedly lower in apomictic species. Regarding the ovule, differences are even more striking. In M. fallax, cells called aposporous initials differentiate themselves along with the megaspore mother cell, leading to the formation of more than one embryo sac. Thus, while M. fallax exhibit up to three embryo sacs in mature ovule, one being sexed and a maximum of two aposporous, M. pepericarpa displays only one embryo sac. Moreover, in apomictic species M. fallax, we found the formation of adventitive embryos in young seeds. Probably the development of embryos from the aposporous embryo sac parallel to the formation of zygotic and adventitious embryos lead to polyembryony in M. fallax, with formation of up to four embryos in a single seed. About differences found between this two species, only the shape of the generative cell was not related to apomixis, as it is a specific character. The other differences are unique features of M. fallax and are directly related to apomixis, namely: 1) the formation of a smaller proportion of viable pollen grains, 2) the differentiation of aposporous initial cells 3) the formation of multiple embryo sacs, 4) the development of apomictic embryos (adventitious or aposporic), and 5) polyembryony. The apomictic species M. fallax is polyploid, and, in this case, the low pollen viability can be explained by the occurrence of changes in meiosis, common in polyploid species. The polyembryony, has also been frequently related to apomixis, and this relationship is confirmed by data obtained in this work. Furthermore, with these results, it was possible to recognize that M. fallax is a facultative apomictic, since in addition to the possibility of apomictic embryo production the species still preserves the mechanisms of the formation of pollen grain and sexual embryo sac, with the possibility of producing zygotic embryos. / Mestrado / Mestre em Biologia Vegetal

New insights into the molecular basis of gametogenesis of the hybridogenetic water frog Pelophylax esculentus

Plötner, Marcela 09 February 2023 (has links)
Der mitteleuropäische Wasserfroschkomplex umfasst Pelophylax lessonae (Genotyp LL), Pelophylax ridibundus (RR) und deren Hybriden Pelophylax esculentus (LR), der sich hemiklonal durch Rückkreuzen mit LL in lessonae-esculentus (L-E)-Populationen oder RR in ridibundus-esculentus (R-E)-Populationen reproduziert. Außerdem können Hybriden in reine Hybridpopulationen (E) bilden, in denen triploide Individuen die Elternarten funktionell ersetzen. Bislang ist wenig über die molekularen Mechanismen bekannt, die der klonalen Gametenbildung in der Keimbahn der Hybridform zugrunde liegen. In dieser Studie wurden erstmalig 160 Gene der Elternarten untersucht, die an der Gametenbildung beteiligt sind. Zusätzlich wurden 131 SNPs von 52 dieser Gene von 652 Wasserfröschen aus 26 Populationen analysiert. Im Ergebnis wurden 14 SNPs von 10 Genen entdeckt, deren Frequenzen mit dem Populationssystem assoziiert waren. In Übereinstimmung mit ihren Funktionen könnten diese Gene im Zusammenheng mit den system-spezifischen hybridogenetischen Reproduktionsmodi stehen. Sowohl transkriptomische als auch SNP-Daten lieferten Hinweise auf genetische Introgression, d. h. einen Transfer lessonae-spezifischer Allelen in den ridibundus-Genpool oder umgekehrt. Außerdem wurde bei P. lessonae eine kryptische genetische Diversität beobachtet. SNP-Analysen ergaben auch, dass LR-Individuen aus E-Populationen eine höhere genetische Ähnlichkeit mit LR-Individuen aus R-E als aus L-E-Populationen aufweisen. Diese Ergebnisse werfen die Frage nach dem Ursprung der E-Populationen auf, von denen bisher angenommen wurde, dass sie aus L-E-Populationen hervorgegangen sind. Die neuen molekularen Daten stehen mit den hemiklonalen Fortpflanzungsmodi von P. esculentus im Einklang und unterstreichen, dass diese wahrscheinlich auf komplexen Wechselwirkungen zwischen verschiedenen Genen und Faktoren basieren. / The Central European water frog complex comprises Pelophylax lessonae (genotype LL), Pelophylax ridibundus (RR), and their hybridogenetic hybrid Pelophylax esculentus (LR), which reproduces by backcrossing with LL in lessonae-esculentus (L-E) populations or RR in ridibundus-esculentus (R-E) populations. In addition, hybrids are able to reproduce in all-hybrid (E) populations in which triploid individuals functionally replace the parental species. To date, little is known about the molecular mechanisms underlying clonal gamete formation in the hybrid germline. In this study, 160 genes from P. lessonae and P. ridibundus known to be involved in gametogenesis were characterized for the first time. In addition, 131 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) from 52 of these genes were analyzed, derived from 652 water frogs of 26 populations. As a result of logistic regressions, 14 SNPs of 10 genes were detected whose frequencies were associated with the population system. Consistent with their functions during gametogenesis, these genes can be considered as candidates associated with the system-specific hybridogenetic modes, i.e. clonal inheritance of the L and/or R genomes. Both transcriptomic and SNP data provided evidence for genetic introgression, i.e. a transfer of lessonae-specific alleles into the ridibundus gene pool or vice versa. In addition, cryptic genetic diversity was observed in P. lessonae. SNP analysis also revealed that LR individuals from E populations exhibit higher genetic similarity to LR individuals from R-E than L-E populations where triploid frogs do not occur. These findings raise the question of the origin of E populations, which were previously thought to have arisen from L-E populations after the emergence of triploid hybrids. The new molecular data are consistent with the reproductive modes of P. esculentus and emphasize that clonal inheritance is most likely caused by complex interactions of different genes and genetic factors.

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