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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Photon reconstruction for the H.E.S.S. 28 m telescope and analysis of Crab Nebula and galactic centre observations

Holler, Markus January 2014 (has links)
In the presented thesis, the most advanced photon reconstruction technique of ground-based γ-ray astronomy is adapted to the H.E.S.S. 28 m telescope. The method is based on a semi-analytical model of electromagnetic particle showers in the atmosphere. The properties of cosmic γ-rays are reconstructed by comparing the camera image of the telescope with the Cherenkov emission that is expected from the shower model. To suppress the dominant background from charged cosmic rays, events are selected based on several criteria. The performance of the analysis is evaluated with simulated events. The method is then applied to two sources that are known to emit γ-rays. The first of these is the Crab Nebula, the standard candle of ground-based γ-ray astronomy. The results of this source confirm the expected performance of the reconstruction method, where the much lower energy threshold compared to H.E.S.S. I is of particular importance. A second analysis is performed on the region around the Galactic Centre. The analysis results emphasise the capabilities of the new telescope to measure γ-rays in an energy range that is interesting for both theoretical and experimental astrophysics. The presented analysis features the lowest energy threshold that has ever been reached in ground-based γ-ray astronomy, opening a new window to the precise measurement of the physical properties of time-variable sources at energies of several tens of GeV. / In der vorliegenden Dissertation wird die zur Zeit sensitivste Methode zur Photonrekonstruktion in der bodengebundenen Gammastrahlungsastronomie an das 28 m H.E.S.S. Teleskop angepasst. Die Analyse basiert auf einem semi-analytischen Modell von elektromagnetischen Teilchenschauern in der Erdatmosphäre. Die Rekonstruktion erfolgt durch den Vergleich des Bildes der Teleskopkamera mit der Tscherenkow-Emission, die mittels des Schauermodells berechnet wurde. Zur Verringerung des dominanten Untergrundes, der hauptsächlich durch Teilchen der geladenen kosmischen Strahlung hervorgerufen wird, werden Ereignisse anhand bestimmter Kriterien ausgewählt. Die Leistungsfähigkeit der Analyse wird unter Verwendung simulierter Ereignisse evaluiert. Die Methode wird anschließend auf zwei Gammastrahlungsquellen angewendet. Zuerst wird der Krebsnebel analysiert, die Standardkerze der bodengebundenen Gammastrahlungsastronomie. Die Resultate der Analyse des Krebsnebels bestätigen die bereits zuvor erwartete Leistungsfähigkeit der Rekonstruktionsmethode, wobei hier insbesondere die im Vergleich zu H.E.S.S. I stark verringerte Energieschwelle hervorzuheben ist. Als Zweites werden Beobachtungen der Region um das galaktische Zentrum ausgewertet. Die Analyseergebnisse dieser Daten unterstreichen die Fähigkeiten des neuen Teleskops zur Messung kosmischer Gammastrahlung in einem für die theoretische und experimentelle Astrophysik interessanten Energiebereich. Die vorgestellte Analyse besitzt die niedrigste Energieschwelle, die in der bodengebundenen Gammastrahlungsastronomie je erreicht wurde. Sie ermöglicht damit präzise Messungen der physikalischen Eigenschaften von zeitabhängigen Quellen im Energiebereich von 10 bis 100 GeV.

Innovative scintillating optical fibers for detecting/monitoring gamma radiation

Jayaprakash, Ashwini. January 2006 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--Mississippi State University. Department of Physics and Astronomy. / Title from title screen. Includes bibliographical references.

Descrição de Horava-Lifshitz para modelos que violam a invariância de Lorentz via operadores de altas ordens derivativas.

FARIAS, Klecio Emanuel Lima de. 17 October 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Emanuel Varela Cardoso (emanuel.varela@ufcg.edu.br) on 2018-10-17T19:12:16Z No. of bitstreams: 1 KLECIO EMANUEL LIMA DE FARIAS – DISSERTAÇÃO (PPGFísica) 2017.pdf: 669446 bytes, checksum: 26edbf33fb48c30aed37e5d2c6da2a80 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-10-17T19:12:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 KLECIO EMANUEL LIMA DE FARIAS – DISSERTAÇÃO (PPGFísica) 2017.pdf: 669446 bytes, checksum: 26edbf33fb48c30aed37e5d2c6da2a80 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-10-04 / Capes / Neste trabalho, aplicamos o reescalonamento tipo ao de Hoˇrava-Lifshitz para reescrever algumas teorias eletrodinâmicas de altas ordens derivativas que violam a simetria de Lorentz, controladas por quadrivetores: (n )s que determinam direções preferenciais no espaço - tempo. As equações de movimento foram obtidas, através das quais analisamos as relações de dispersão modificadas em conjunto com os resultados observacionais das experiências de explosão de raios gama (GRB). Os limites do expoente crítico foram discutidos a partir dos dados dos GRBs através de cálculos de grau de polarizaçao (usando operador de dimensão-cinco) e de atraso temporal (usando operador de dimensão-seis) nas propagações dos fótons. As implicações físicas foram comparadas com recentes resultados da literatura sobre limites da quebra da invariância de Lorentz via GRBs. / In this work, we used a Hoˇrava-Lifshitz scaling to rewrite a high-order derivative electrodynamics that violates the Lorentz symmetry, controlled by 4-vector (n )s which determine the space-time preferential directions. The equations of motion were obtained, through which the modified dispersion relation was analyzed together with observational results of gamma ray bursts (GRB). The limits of the critical exponent were discussed from the GRBs values through calculation of degree of polarization (using five-dimensional operator) and temporal delay (using six-dimensional operator) on photon propagation. The physical implications were compared with the current results from the literature regarding Lorentz invariance violation via GRB.

Spectrocopie gamma des noyaux 84, 86Se, 83As et 98Y / Gamma spectroscopy of nuclei : 84,86Se, 83As et 98Y

Drouet, Floriane 10 September 2014 (has links)
Le travail présenté dans ce manuscrit regroupe quatre études par spectroscopie gamma de quatre noyaux produits par une réaction de fission induite par protons de 25 MeV, sur une cible épaisse d'238U. Cette expérience a été menée au JYFL à Jyväskylä auprès du multidétecteur JUROGAM II. Dans ce manuscrit l'étude spectroscopique détaillée des noyaux : 84Se, 86Se, 83As et 98Y a été menée. Les trois premiers noyaux sont des noyaux sphériques se situant au voisinage de la couche magique N = 50. Leurs études peuvent permettre de mieux aborder l'évolution du gap de cette couche, mais aussi d'améliorer les interactions utilisées dans les calculs de modèle en couches permettant de reproduire leurs comportements. Huit nouvelles transitions ont pu être assignées à ces noyaux, ces résultats expérimentaux sont relativement bien en accord avec les calculs de modèle en couches effectués. Le noyau 98Y est un noyau possédant une coexistence de formes nucléaires. Alors que les états d'énergies inférieures à 500keV ont une configuration sphérique, les états situés au dessus sont déformés. Cinq nouvelles transitions ont été déterminées et ajoutées au schéma de niveaux existants, et deux calculs utilisant deux modèles collectifs ont été réalisés. Le premier utilisant le modèle GICM reproduit le comportement des états au dessous de 500keV et le deuxième QPRM reproduit les états prolate déformés permettant l'assignation d'un comportement sphérique à l'isomère (10-). / The work presented in this thesis includes four gamma-ray spectroscopy studies of four nuclei produced by fission induced by 25 MeV protons, on a thick target of 238U. This experiment was realized at JYFL in Jyväskylä with the multi-detector JUROGAM II. In this manuscript a detailed spectroscopic study of nuclei : 84Se, 86 Se, 83 As and 98Y was performed. The first three nuclei are spherical and they are on or adjacent to the N =50 shell closure. Their studies provide a better understanding of the possible decrease in energy of this shell closure, and also of the interactions used in shell-model calculations. Eight new transitions have been assigned to these nuclei and these experimental results are in a relatively good agreement with the shell-model calculations. In the nucleus 98Y a coexistence of nuclear shapes is observed. While the low-energy states below 500keV have a spherical configuration, higher lying states are deformed. Five new transitions were discovered and added to the existing levels scheme, and two calculations using two collective models have been made. The first set of calculations has used the GICM model to reproduce the behavior of states below 500keV and the second set of calculations has used QPRM to reproduce the prolate deformed states, and permitted the assignment of a spherical shape to the isomer (10-).

Limitando a opacidade cósmica com super novas e gamma-ray bursts.

COSTA, Felipe Sérvulo Maciel. 07 November 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Emanuel Varela Cardoso (emanuel.varela@ufcg.edu.br) on 2018-11-07T20:16:04Z No. of bitstreams: 1 FELIPE SÉRVULO MACIEL COSTA – DISSERTAÇÃO (PPGFísica) 2017.pdf: 4976980 bytes, checksum: eb50b091cd9c69ef0ba3d67fba7d69bb (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-11-07T20:16:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 FELIPE SÉRVULO MACIEL COSTA – DISSERTAÇÃO (PPGFísica) 2017.pdf: 4976980 bytes, checksum: eb50b091cd9c69ef0ba3d67fba7d69bb (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-11 / Capes / Há cerca de vinte anos, dois grupos de pesquisadores estudaram o brilho aparente das super novas do tipo Ia(SNe Ia) e, de forma independente, descobriram que a expansão atual do universo é acelerada. Esta descoberta lançou a astronomia para a era da energia escura, componente energética que, dentro da teoria da relatividade geral,é a responsável pela aceleração cósmica. Porém, a presença de uma opacidade cósmica nos dados de super novas pode imitar o comportamento de uma componente escura. Hoje em dia, embora a aceleração cósmica seja sustentada por outras observações astronômicas, uma possível presença de opacidade nos dados das SNe Ia pode levar a erros nas estimativas de parâmetros cosmológicos. Assim, vários trabalhos na literatura tem investigado a hipótese da transparência do Universo utilizando medidas de distâncias de luminosidade de velas-padrão, como supernovas do tipo Ia (SNeIa) e gamma raybursts (GRBs),e de distâncias obtidas pela taxa de expansão de Hubble H(z), sendo estas últimas independentes da hipótese de transparência cósmica. Nesta dissertação, nós fazemos uma revisão bibliográ fica sobre estes trabalhos, nos quais foram usados dados de SNeIa, GRBse H(z). Novos limites sobre a opacidade foram colocados com os mais recentes dados de GRBse H(z) no contexto do modelo padrão da cosmologia. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que a hipótese da transparência cósmica está em acordo com os dados, porém, os resultados vindos das observações de GRBs, que alcançam z > 9, onde z é o redshift, não excluem a presença de alguma fonte de opacidade com alto grau de con fiança estatística. / About twenty years ago, two groups of researchers studying the apparent brightness of type Ia super nova e (SNe Ia), independently discovered that the current expansion of the universe is accelerated. This discovery launched astronomy in to the dark energy era, an energy component that, with in the theory of general relativity, is responsible for the cosmic acceleration. However, the presence of a cosmic opacity in SNe Ia data may mimicthe behavior of a dark component. Now a days, although the cosmic acceleration is supported by other astronomical observations, a possible presence of opacity in the SNe Ia data can lead to errors in the cosmological parameter estimates. Thus, several works in the literature have investigated the universe's transparency hypothesis using measurement so fluminosity distances of standard candles, suchas SNe Ia and gamma ray bursts (GRBs), and distances obtained of the cosmic expansion rate H(z). These last ones being independent of the cosmic transparency hypothesis. In this dissertation, we make a bibliographical review on these works and new limits on opacity were placed with the latest data of GRB sand H(z) in the context of the standard model. We have found that the cosmic transparency hypothesis is in agreement with the data, but the results from the observations of GRBs, which reach z > 9, where z is the it red shift, do not exclude the presence of some source of opacity with a high degree of statistical con dence.

Simulations numériques de collisions de vents dans les systèmes binaires / Numerical simulations of colliding winds in binary systems

Lamberts-Marcade, Astrid 14 September 2012 (has links)
L'objectif de cette thèse est de comprendre la structure des binaires gamma, binaires à collision de vents composées d'une étoile massive et d'un pulsar jeune. Ces binaires possèdent probablement une structure similaire aux binaires à collision de vents composées de deux étoiles massives, avec des particularités liées à la nature relativiste du vent de pulsar. L'interaction de deux vents supersoniques d'étoiles massives crée une structure choquée qui présente des signatures observationnelles du domaine radio aux rayons X. Plusieurs instabilités ainsi que le mouvement orbital des étoiles influent sur la structure choquée. Afin de comprendre leur impact, j'ai effectué des simulations à haute résolution de binaires à collision de vents à l'aide du code hydrodynamique RAMSES. Ces simulations sont numériquement coûteuses à réaliser, surtout lorsque un des vents domine fortement l'autre. A petite échelle, les simulations soulignent l'importance de l'instabilité de couche mince non-linéaire dans les collisions isothermes alors que l'instabilité de Kelvin-Helmholtz peut fortement modifier la structure choquée dans une collision adiabatique. A plus grande échelle, cette instabilité peut parfois détruire la structure spirale à laquelle on s'attend si la différence de vitesse entre les vents est trop importante. WR 104 est une binaire dont on observe la structure spirale grâce à l'émission de poussières. Les simulations de ce système montrent un bon accord avec la structure observée et indiquent que des processus de refroidissement du gaz sont nécessaires à la formation de poussières. Pour modéliser les vents de pulsar dans les binaires gamma, RAMSES a été étendu à l'hydrodynamique relativiste. J'utilise ce nouveau code pour réaliser des simulations préliminaires de binaires gamma. Elles montrent effectivement une structure similaire aux binaires stellaires, avec de légères corrections relativistes . Ce code est adapté à l'étude de divers systèmes astrophysiques tels que les jets relativistes, les sursauts gamma ou les nébuleuses de pulsar et fera partie de la prochaine version de RAMSES qui sera rendue publique. / The aim of this thesis is to understand the structure of colliding wind binaries composed of a massive star and a young pulsar, called gamma-ray binaries. They are expected to display a similar structure to colliding wind binaries composed of massive stars, with some particularities due to the relativistic nature of the pulsar wind. The interaction of the supersonic winds from massive stars creates a shocked structure with observational signatures from the radio domain to the X-rays. The structure is affected by various instabilities and by the orbital motion of the stars. To understand their impact, I carried out high resolution simulations of colliding wind binaries with the hydrodynamical code RAMSES. They are computationally demanding, especially when one of the winds strongly dominates the other one. Small scale simulations highlight the importance of the Non-linear Thin Shell Instability in isothermal collisions while the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability may strongly impact the dynamics of adiabatic collisions. I found that, at larger scales, this instability can destroy the expected large scale spiral structure when there is an important velocity gradient between the winds. WR 104 is a system that displays a spiral structure with important dust emission. The simulation of this system shows a good agreement with the observed structure and indicates cooling processes are necessary to enable dust formation. To model the pulsar wind in gamma-ray binaries, an extension of RAMSES has been developed, that incorporates relativistic hydrodynamics. I used this new relativistic code to perform preliminary simulations of gamma-ray binaries. They display a similar structure to colliding wind binaries with small relativistic corrections. We expect to use this code to perform large scale simulations of gamma-ray binaries. It will be part of the next public release of RAMSES and is suited for the study of many astrophysical problems such as relativistic jets, pulsar wind nebulae or gamma-ray bursts.

Stanovení objemové aktivity nuklidů záření gama ve vzorcích životního prostředí a posouzení vlivu provozu Jaderné elektrárny Temelín na výslednou aktivitu / Determination of volume activity of gamma nuclide in environmental samples and assessment of influence of NPP Temelin on actual measured activity

DAVIDOVÁ, Lenka January 2007 (has links)
In this thesis I target the assesment of a volume activity of gamma ray nuclides in the environment and the examination of the operation the Nuclear Power Station (NPS) Temelín in term of emitting the gamma ray nuclides and their environmental impact. There were collected data of several sorts of environmental samples for statistical analysis. The activity of gamma ray nuclides released by nuclear power plants to the environment after its initiation was compared to the activity of gamma ray nuclides contained it the environment before the initiation of the NPS. It was chosen five exemplary samples - , aerosoles, sediments, milk, soil and surface moisture, which have been scanning in years 1995 and 2005. In these samples, that have sufficient amount of data (sorts of milk, aerosoles and surface moisture) so the statistical analysis was relevant, it was proved, by the non-parametrical Mann-Whitney statistical testing, that there were no statistical difference between the data before and after the initiation of the NPS. The environmental impact wasn´t demonstrated. In these samples, that haven´t sufficient amount of data (sediments and soil), they were also tested (parametrical t. test) and it was proved that there were no statistical difference between the data before and after the initiation of the NPS. Because of very low quality of the testing, we have to use the box plot to ascertain the influence of NPS. In these plots the environmental impact wasn´t demonstrated as well.

Medidas de seções de choque de reações nucleares utilizando prótons com energias menores que 30 MeV / Measurements Cross Sections Nuclear Reactions Protons Energies 30 MeV

Francis Bringas Gutiérrez 04 April 2003 (has links)
Alvos naturais de Mg, Al, Si, Cr, Ti, Ni e Zr foram irradiados com prótons e as seções de choque para várias reações nucleares foram determinadas a energias inferiores a 30 MeV. As irradiações foram efetuadas nos ciclotrons CV-28 e CYCLONE 30 do IPEN, que possuem energia nominal de 24 e 30 MeV, respectivamente. O feixe de prótons foi monitorado por meio de lâminas de Cu ou a partir da formação de nuclídeos na própria amostra com seção de choque conhecida para as energias utilizadas. Especial interesse foi dedicado às reações raras di tipo (p, 2alfa) e (p, ANTPOT.3 H) das quais existem, em geral, poucos dados publicados, principalmente para energias próximas do limiar. A determinação da seção de choque foi realizada a partir da medida da atividade residual dos produtos pelo método de espectroscopia gama simples. Um detector HPG com resolução menor que 2 keV foi utilizado. Devido ao valor reduzido da seção de choque das reações de interesse no intervalo de energia considerado, uma análise estatística cuidadosa dos dado foi necessária. Em áreas reduzidas dos picos detectados precisaram da quantificação, em alguns casos, da contribuição de nuclídeos formados na própria amostra por outras reações, a partir de impurezas ou provenientes do fundo radioativo. Entre os produtos obtidos encontram-se os nuclídeos ANTPOT.22 Na, ANTPOT.26 Al, ANTPOT.44 Ti, e ANTPOT.54 Mn. A detecção de ANTPOT.26 Al nas amostras de Al e Si, permitiu estimar os limites do método proposto para o estudo de reações raras de interesse astrofísico. No total, são apresentados neste trabalho 72 valores de seção de choque. Desse total, 21 dados são apresentados pela primeira vez ou foram obtidos pela primeira vez pelo método proposto ou às energias estudadas. Os resultados mais importantes referem-se às reações ANTPOT.29 Si(p, 2alfa)ANTPOT.22 Na,ANTPOT.53 Cr(p, 2alfa)ANTPOT.46 Sc, ANTPOT.46 Ti(p, ANTPOT.3 H)ANTPOT.44 Ti, )ANTPOT.58 Ni(p, ANTPOT.3 H)ANTPOT.56 Ni e ANTPOT.90 Zr(p, ANTPOT.3 H)ANTPOT.88 Zr. Os resultados foram comparados com valores publicados na literatura e com o resultado do cálculo realizado a partir de modelos teóricos conhecidos, permitindo a obtenção de conclusões relativas ao método experimental, assim como aos mecanismos da reação envolvidos. / Natural targets of Mg, Al, Si, Cr, Ti, Ni and Zr were irradiated with protons and the cross section for several reactions were determined for incident energies up to 30 MeV. The irradiations were performed at the CV-28 and CYCLONE 30 cyclotrons from the IPEN, which have nominal energies of 24 and 30 MeV, respectively. The protons beams were monitored by copper foils or by the nuclide formation in the irradiated targets with known cross sections for the used energy. Special interest was dedicated to rare reactions of the (p, 2alfa) and (p, ANTPOT.3 H) kind, from which we have a few published data, mainly for energies near the threshold. The cross section determination was accomplished by the residual actives measurement of the reaction products by the simple gamma spectroscopy method using an HPGe detector with resolution better than 2 keV. Due to the low value of the cross section for the considered reaction, a careful statistical analysis of the obtained data was needed. The small areas of the detected peaks required the quantification of the contributions of nuclides produced by others reactions, from contaminants or from the radioactive background. Among others, the ANTPOT.22 Na, ANTPOT.26 Al, ANTPOT.44 Ti and ANTPOT.54 Mn products have been detected. The detection of ANTPOT.26 Al in the Al and Si targets allow the estimation of the limits of the proposed method for the study of astrophysical interest reaction. In total, 72 cross section values are being presented. Out of this amount, 21 are being presented for the first time or have been obtained for the first time by the method or for the studied energies. The most important results refer to the ANTPOT.29 Si(p, 2gamma)²²Na, ANTPOT.53 Cr(p, 2gamma)ANTPOT.46 Sc, ANTPOT.46 Ti(p, ANTPOT.3 H)ANTPOT.44 Ti, ANTPOT.58 Ni(p, ANTPOT.3 H)ANTPOT.56 Ni and ANTPOT.90 Zr(p, ANTPOT.3 H)ANTPOT.88 Zr reactions. The results have been compared to published vales and calculations using known theoretical models, allowing the achievement of conclusions related to the experimental method, as well as the reaction mechanism involved.

Estudo da distribuição de momento de elétrons ligados por correlação ângulo-energia da radiação de aniquilação elétron-pósitron / Study of the momentum distribution of bound electrons by angle-energy correlation of electro-positron annihilation radiation

Leandro Mariano 04 November 2010 (has links)
Neste trabalho foi medido o alargamento Doppler de uma aniquilação elétron pósitron com o uso de um filtro angular. O Filtro angular reduz, substancialmente, a detecção de fótons provenientes de aniquilações de elétrons com baixo momento, enfatizando, desta forma, a contribuição de aniquilações com elétrons fortemente ligados. Foram medidos os espectros de coincidência para os ângulos de corte de 0,28°, 0,42° e 1.2°. Os resultados obtidos mostram que, conforme se aumenta o ângulo de corte, há uma redução das aniquilações com elétrons de valência em proporção muito maior do que para elétrons fortemente ligados. Foi determinada a transmissibilidade do filtro em função do ângulo entre as direções de emissão dos gamas, levando em conta todos os elementos do arranjo experimental para cada ângulo crítico, assim como a distribuição espacial da atividade da fonte radioativa. Um modelo simples foi utilizado para estimar teoricamente a dependência da dispersão da energia em função do ângulo de corte. Este modelo permitiu calcular o alargamento Doppler da radiação de aniquilação elétron pósitron. Os resultados obtidos mostram um bom acordo com os dados experimentais. Geralmente, estudos de aniquilação de pósitrons com elétrons fortemente ligados dependem de uma modelagem detalhada do espectro de coincidência, ou da medida dos fótons provenientes da aniquilação em coincidência com elétrons Auger. O filtro angular, desenvolvido neste trabalho se coloca como uma boa alternativa a estes métodos. / This work reports the measurement of the Doppler broadening of the electron-positron annihilation radiation using an angular filter. The angular filter substantially reduces the number of detected gamma-rays from positron annihilation with low momentum electrons, therefore emphasizing the contribution of bound electron. Four coincidence measurements of the emitted gamma-rays were done with arrangements corresponding to critical angles of 0.28°, 0.42°, 1.2°. The obtained results show that the relative intensity of annihilation with valence electrons decreases as the critical angle increases. The filter transmissibility as a function of the angle between the two gamma-rays emission directions was determined taking into account all the elements of the experimental arrangement for every critical angle as well as the spatial distribution of the source activity. A simple model was used to theoretically estimate the dependence of the energy dispersion on the critical angle. The model allows us to calculate the Doppler broadening of the electron-positron annihilation radiation, and the obtained results show good agreement with the experimental data. Usually, the study of positrons annihilation with inner electrons requires good detectors\' energy resolution and depends on either sophisticated modeling and statistical analysis of the coincidence spectra or the measurement of the annihilation gamma-rays in coincidence with Auger electrons. The use of the angular filter developed in this work is a good alternative to those procedures.

Metodologia de redução dos espectros de correlação angular perturbada / Methodology for reduction of perturbed angular correlation spectra

Rogerio Tramontano 25 April 2003 (has links)
Medidas de correlação angular perturbada diferencial no tempo - TDPAC - foram efetuadas com um sistema de detetores de HPGe com o objetivo de ampliar o conjunto de nuclídeos utilizáveis como sondas de prova de campo magnético e de gradiente de campo elétrico na matéria. A análise dos espectros obtidos considera a convolução angular de ordem superior a dois, o que está fora do escopo do procedimento convencional quando se utiliza o arranjo experimental padrão. O algoritmo é baseado no método dos mínimos quadrados e considera rigorosamente as incertezas estatísticas dos dados. O programa de cálculo implementado é orientado a objetos, que representam as estruturas matemáticas envolvidas na redução dos dados pelo método dos mínimos quadrados e os sistemas físicos característicos do experimento. Os detetores semicondutores mostraram-se inadequados ao estudo de materiais por TDPAC nas condições experimentais disponíveis. O método de análise proposto aqui foi aplicado à redução dos espectros obtidos em outros laboratórios, que utilizam cintiladores rápidos, resultando na determinação de parâmetros associados à estrutura cristalina para os quais a análise convencional não é sensível, em particulas dos coeficientes de atenuação temporal da correlação para cada uma das freqüências de oscilação. Esta metodologia permite calcular corretamente as incertezas nos parâmetros, notadamente nas frações de ocupação de diferentes sítios pela sonda de prova. / Time dependent perturbed angular correlation TDPAC measurements were performed with a HPGe detector array aiming to increase the set of nuclides usable as magnetic field and electric field gradient probes in matter. The analysis of the obtained spectra takes into account the convolution of the perturbation function with the detector time response and angular correlation coefficients of order greater than two, which is not in scope of the conventional procedure. The algorithm is based on the least-squares method and considers rigorously the data statistical uncertainties. The implanted computer code is built on objects representing the mathematical entities used in data reduction by the least-squares method and the physical components of the experiment. The semiconductor detectors were found unsuitable for material study through TDPAC in the available experimental conditions. The analysis method proposed here was applied to the reduction of spectra obtained by other Laboratories that use fast scintillators, giving crystalline structure related parameters which cannot be determined in the conventional analysis, particularly correlation time attenuation parameters for each oscillation frequency. The uncertainties in the fitted parameters are correctly calculated by this method notably in the site probe occupation fractions.

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