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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Genderové rozdíly na trhu práce / Gender Differences on the Labour Market

Benešová, Kateřina January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with gender differences in the labor market. The aim is to determine whether wage differentials exist on the labor market, reveal their causes and overall impact. The theoretical part deals with basic terminology and concepts are explained as gender, mainstreaming, ,,glass ceiling", discrimination. There is also an overview of Czech and European legislation and institutional safeguards to ensure equal access for women and men. In the practical part of the thesis deals with the analysis of the gender wage gap, which is performed using pointers Gender Pay Gap. The thesis analyzes the situation both in the nationwide economy, but also at the level of individual professional categories of CZ-ISCO. Outlined here are the factors that affect the GPG. In the final part is mentioned the situation within the EU also. The work presents an analysis of statistical data, which explains the different status of men and women in the labor market .

‚Queering‘ Social Class. / Zum Zusammenhang von sexueller Orientierung, Geschlechtsidentität und sozialer Herkunft

Kasprowski, David 17 May 2024 (has links)
LSBT*-Personen unterscheiden sich häufig in gelebten Familien- und Partnerschaftskonzepten von der heteronormativen Idealvorstellung und weisen womöglich deshalb bedeutsame Differenzen in Bildungsabschlüssen, Löhnen und beruflichen Status verglichen zur heterosexuellen Cisbevölkerung auf. Mithilfe der gezielten Aufstockungsstichprobe von LSBT*-Personen des SOEP und der Onlinebefragung LGBielefeld analysiert die Dissertation die soziale Lage queerer Personen in der Intersektion von sozialer Herkunft, sexueller Orientierung und Geschlechtsidentität. LSB*-Cispersonen aus Arbeiter*innenklassen erreichen in Deutschland höhere Bildungstitel verglichen mit ihren heterosexuellen Pendants. Gemäß der ‚Queer Habitus‘ Hypothese führt das Begehren außerhalb der Heteronormativität zu einer Reflektion des Klassenhabitus und damit einer „Klassenflucht“ durch Bildung. Allerdings lohnen sich die höheren Bildungserrungenschaften finanziell weniger als für heterosexuelle Cispersonen, da LSB*-Cispersonen auf strukturelle Barrieren stoßen. Ambivalente Beziehungen zur Herkunftsfamilie und stärkere Bindungen zur Wahlfamilie bedeuten außerdem elternunabhängige Karrierewege. Das letzte empirische Kapitel präsentiert erstmalig gemeinsam den Gender Pay Gap und Sexual Orientation Wage Gap inkl. vielfältiger Geschlechter. LSBT*-Personen profitieren nicht von einer Eheschließung. Queere Paare organisieren Arbeit egalitärer, weshalb sie nicht wie heterosexuelle Cismänner auf die Übernahme von Fürsorge- und Hausarbeit der Ehefrauen zurückgreifen können und somit lediglich heterosexuelle Cismänner die Vorteile einer Heiratsprämie genießen. Gelebte Partnerschafts- und Familienverhältnisse jenseits heteronormativer Vorstellungen üben also einen bedeutenden Einfluss auf die soziale Lage aus. Vielmehr als Chancen zu erhöhen, legen die Analysen nahe, dass Dominanzverhältnisse und Vorteile abgebaut werden müssen, um Gleichstellung über rechtliche Veränderungen hinaus auch in die Realität zu übertragen. / LGBT* people often differ from the heteronormative ideals in their family and partnership concepts and may therefore differ substantially in terms of educational qualifications, wages and occupational status compared to the heterosexual cis-population. The dissertation analyzes the education and social destination of queer people in the intersection of social origin, sexual orientation and gender identity using the oversample of LGBT* people in the SOEP and by using the LGBielefeld online survey. LGB* cisgender people from working-class backgrounds achieve higher educational attainments in Germany compared to their heterosexual counterparts. According to the 'queer habitus' hypothesis, desire outside of heteronormativity can lead to a reflection of the class habitus and thus to "escape from home" through education. However, higher educational attainment is less financially rewarding than for heterosexual cisgender people, as LGB* cisgender people seem to face structural barriers. Ambivalent relationships to the family-of-origin and stronger ties to the family-of-choice also indicate career paths independent of parents. The final empirical chapter jointly presents the Gender Pay Gap and Sexual Orientation Wage Gap including gender diversity for the first time. LGBT* people do not benefit from marriage. Queer couples organize work in a more egalitarian way, which is why they cannot rely on their wives to take on care and housework like heterosexual cisgender husbands, which means that only heterosexual cisgender men enjoy the benefits of a marriage premium. Lived partnership and family relationships beyond heteronormative ideas therefore have a considerable impact on the social situation. Rather than increasing equal opportunities, the analyses suggest that dominance relations and advantages must be minimized in order to implement equality in everyday life beyond legal changes.

Porovnání práv žen v USA a v ĆR / Comparison of women's rights in the USA and the Czech Republic

Švecová, Lucie January 2016 (has links)
The Master's Thesis deals with women's rights in the Czech Republic and in the United States of America. The aim of the study is to compare women's rights and opportunities in education, labour market and family life. The theoretical part of the thesis deals with the role of women in society in terms of education, voting rights and employment on labour market. Special attention is focused on family law, mainly on benefits for mothers in different life situations. The practical part of the thesis consists of two parts, a primary empirical research in the form of individual personal interviews and an interpretation of secondary statistical data. In the end of the thesis there is a comparison of both countries based on the theoretical information and the results of the empirical research.

Glastakets geografi : En kartläggning av könslönegapet över inkomstfördelningen i och utanför storstadsområden i USA.

Piirainen, Viktoria January 2020 (has links)
This descriptive study examines the gender pay gap across the income distribution in metropolitan and nonmetropolitan areas in the United States in two periods in the 2000’s. In metro areas, the raw gender pay gapgrows larger in the top of the income distribution. In non-metro areas however, the raw gender pay gap isrelatively even in the upper tail of the distribution and does not show this accelerating pattern. Moreover,the study takes a quantile regression approach to measure the adjusted gender pay gaps conditional onhuman capital variables. Comparisons show that the raw gender pay gap has decreased over time, while thecorresponding adjusted gender pay gap has increased over time. This seems to be explained mainly by theincrease in women’s educational attainment, but also convergence of men’s and women’s work experience.In non-metro areas, this generates an adjusted gap that is substantially bigger in the top quantiles in thelatter period. In metro areas, the pattern of a successively widening gap in the top of the distribution persists.

The Pay Equity Dilemma Women Face Around The World

McMurray, Lana D 01 January 2018 (has links)
In this research, I examine the pay equity dilemma women face around the world and how it is different in various regions of the world. My research question focuses on “how a nation’s cultural characteristics affect pay equity?” It is already documented that men are paid more than women. The goal of this study is to explain how individual characteristics of national culture (such as masculinity, individualism, power distance, and uncertainty avoidance) impacts this inequality. By increasing the understanding of pay inequality, changes can be made that will improve the lives of not just women but the families of those women and the world overall. We use data from Geert Hofstede's national culture dimensions and the Global Gender Gap Report by the World Economic Forum. Our results suggest that gender gap reduces in low power distance cultures, in high individualistic cultures, in low masculine cultures, and in low uncertainty avoidance cultures. Our results provide evidence that the economic prosperity of women around the world is significantly impacted by cultural dimensions.

Job tasks, wage formation and occupational mobility

Fedorets, Alexandra 02 March 2015 (has links)
Die drei Aufsätze dieser Dissertation liefern einen Beitrag zur empirischen Literatur bezüglich der Lohnbildung mit besonderem Fokus auf die Rolle von Arbeitsinhalten. Der erste Aufsatz analysiert das Lohngefälle zwischen Männern und Frauen in Hinblick auf die geschlechtspezifischen Tätigkeitsinhalte. Mit Hilfe eines neu zusammengestellten Datensatzes, der deutsche administrative Paneldaten mit individuellen Tätigkeitsinhalten kombiniert, wird der Zusammenhang zwischen ausgeübten Tätigkeiten und Löhnen sowie die Entstehung von Lohnunterschieden zwischen den Geschlechtern in Deutschland zwischen 1986 und 2004 geschätzt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass sowohl Arbeitsinhalte, als auch deren Erträge geschlechtspezifisch sind. Außerdem tragen relative Preise für Tätigkeitseinheiten wesentlich zur Entwicklung des Lohngefälles zwischen den Geschlechtern bei, wobei sich Heterogenitäten entlang der Lohnverteilung zeigen. Der zweite Aufsatz beschäftigt sich mit der strukturellen Veränderung in der Nachfrage nach unterschiedlichen Berufsgruppen und nutzt die deutsche Wiedervereiningung als Quasi-Experiment. Die Berücksichtigung der Charakteristiken der Nachfrage nach bestimmten Berufen ermöglicht die Schätzung des kausalen Effekts eines erzwungenen Berufswechsels auf Löhne. Der abschließende Aufsatz fokussiert sich auf die Veränderungen der Arbeitsinhalte und deren Relation zu Individuallöhnen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Lohndifferenziale bei einem Berufswechsel stark mit der Ähnlichkeit der Inhalte zwischen dem Ausgangs- und Zielberuf zusammenhängen. Außerdem liefert dieser Aufsatz neue Evidenz hinsichtlich der positiven Relation zwischen den sich verändernden Arbeitsinhalten und den Löhnen von Arbeitnehmern, die keinen Berufswechsel erleben. Dieses Ergebnis zeigt, dass wachsende Kompetenz in Tätigkeiten einen Teil des positiven Zusammenhanges zwischen Löhnen und der Dauer des Beschäftigungsverhältnisses erklärt. / This thesis consists of three essays that contribute to the empirical literature on wage formation regarding job contents. The first essay analyzes the formation and the closing of the gender pay gap with respect to gender-specific task inputs in 1986-2004 in Germany. Using a newly constructed data set that combines administrative panel data on wages with individual-level task information, I am able to estimate the association of individual task profiles with wages and their contribution to the formation of the pay gap. The results document that task contents and returns to them are gender-specific. In particular, relative prices for task-specific units are substantially related to the formation of the wage gap, though the evidence exhibits heterogeneity along the wage distribution. The second essay is devoted to the shifts in the demand for occupations based on the quasi-experimental case of occupational demand shifts in East Germany after reunification. Taking the parameters of the demand for particular occupations into account helps to identify the causal effect of imposed occupational change on wages. The magnitude of the estimated wage effect is huge and persistent, though it points towards a positive selection of the group of employees who experienced an occupational change due to reunification. The third essay focuses on the changes of job contents and their relation to individual wages. The estimation results show that the wage differential due to an occupational change correlates significantly with the degree of similarity between the source and the target occupation. Moreover, the essay provides novel evidence on the positive relation of changing occupational contents with wages for employees who stay in their occupation, which implies that a part of the effect of tenure on wages is due to the increasing proficiency in job tasks.

Alternativní pracovní úvazky a jejich vliv na diskriminaci žen na trhu práce / Alternative work arrangements and their connection with discrimination against women on the labour market

Dušková, Karolína January 2009 (has links)
This thesis deals with the alternative work arrangements in Europe, namely flexitime and part-time. The theoretical basis is built on the theory of preferences and takes into account household labour supply considering also household production. The aplication part compares and contrasts situation in corresponding European countries with special reference to identification the differences between men and women. As a next step, regression and correlation analysis is used in order to identify relationship between part-time ratio and other variables. It was found that there is no relationship between part-time ratio and gender wage gap. Furthermore, there is a statistically significant relationship between GDP per capita and women part-time ratio, which helps to explain the differences among corresponding countries.

Analýza vlivu vzdělání na výši mzdy v České republice / Analysis of education influence on the wage level in Czech Republic

Tománková, Martina January 2015 (has links)
The main objective of this thesis is to find out if and how education influence wage. Logical consideration and existing studies imply that there is a positive correlation in between achieved education and individual´s wage level. The studies, however, vary in size of influence and in the Czech Republic there are very few studies that deal with this topic. This master thesis is based on its own survey from which was obtained a total of 521 responses. The survey was conducted during the period of March to May 2015. Data were analysed and interval regression demonstrated positive correlation between achieved education and wage level. When reaching a bachelor´s degree, an individual´s wage increase on average by 8 % compared to individuals with secondary education with graduation. If an individual reaches master degree, his wage increases on average by 21.9 % compared to the wage of individual who achieved the secondary education with graduation. The analysis has also proven the existence of gender pay gap. According to the results, women in Czech Republic have lower wages by 21.3 % compared to men´s. The study also discusses the achievement of higher education for individuals older than 26 years. Regression analysis showed that obtaining bachelor education for this group has higher yield (14.4 %) than in the analysis of the whole data set. Conversely, obtaining master degree has for this group lower profitability (17.3 %). Part of this thesis was also to calculate the return on investment in higher education. Using the method of internal rate of return, it was found out that the return on investment is 8.3 %.

Příjmová nerovnost mužů a žen v kategorii vědců a odborných duševních pracovníků / Wage differentials Men and Women in the Professional Category of Scientists and Knowledge Workers

Jeníková, Barbora January 2010 (has links)
This thesis is concerned with different incomes of men and women in the professional category of scientists and intellectual workers and aims to describe the reasons and the degree of income inequality between men and women in this category and in the conditions of the Czech Republic. The theoretical resources of the thesis are a compilation of facts and opinions of the authors and scientists who are engaged in the area of (gender) income inequality. The chapters gradually reveal the state of gender inequality in selected regions of the world - the U.S.A, Asia and Europe, including the legislative framework. The following chapter is based on available statistical information reflects the situation in the Czech Republic. The theoretical part ends with a description of the indicators of income inequality. Practical part of this thesis works with SILC2009 data for the category of scientific and intellectual workers in terms of dependent variables affecting the amount of income for both sexes and compares the results against each other. For complete the overall view on the topic of gender income inequality was made research of respondents' awareness of the issue

Analýza příjmové nerovnosti pohlaví / Analysis of Income Inequality Between the Sexes

Kuboušková, Hana January 2010 (has links)
Diploma thesis is focused on understanding the causes of gender pay gap, especially in connection with parenthood and related differences between male and female qualification- and career development and their respective time schedule. Using statistical methods and software instruments Statgraphics and Microsoft Excel the thesis attempts to describe the influence of parenthood and other significant factors such as age, education, occupational status or work field on economic activity and total personal income with respect to gender pay gap.

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