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Lietuvos juodmargių galvijų genealoginė struktūra ir jos tobulinimas / The genealogical structure of black and white cattle and its development in LithuaniaŠlyžius, Evaldas 16 March 2006 (has links)
The aim of this paper is to add to the genealogical structure of breeding Black and White cattle, to analyse their productivity and other profitable features of farms by methods of genetic statistics.
The Results of Survey. The first line of Black and White bulls in Lithuania were Plessas LT 149, Gulbių Riteris LT 277, Olaf LT 276, Hanmaksas LT 1200, Kraft-Stipruolis LT 1201, Garsas LT 200 and etc. In Lithuania a new period of creation and breeding of Black and White genealogical structure started when Black and White cattle from Holland were used en masse in order to improve the cattle breed. The best Black and White bulls from Holland were chosen as initials. Those breeds were: Annas Adema 30587, Wytsturt Annas Adema 36079, Frizo Wouter 33116, Haubois Annas Adema 44162, Diamant 33251, Haskera Governeur 44506, Hiltjes Adema 37910, Rotterda Paul 36498, Jelsumer Rudolf Jan 42884 and Adema 25473.
The evaluation of bull’s inheritable features was done with help of features of descendant’s productivity and cattle’s were chosen and bought very purposefully. From 1967 till 1976 the following breeds were created: B. Pieter LJ 305, Sietse LJ 340, Hildoj 363, Katso LJ 483, Vautero LJ 738 and some lines of Klaso LJ 335, Adema LJ 770. Paulio LJ 771, Imperatoriaus LJ 1160, Burto LJ 2085, LangerioLJ 2523 descent.
In thirty latter years Black and White cattle’s in Lithuania were being intensively improved by Black and White breed from Holland, Denmark, England and Germany and by Holsteins... [to full text]
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Michel Foucault seksualumo genealogija kaip politinis projektas / Michel Foucault’s genealogy of sexuality as a political projectJasaitytė, Kristina 05 July 2011 (has links)
Magistro baigiamajame darbe išanalizuotas Michel Foucault politinis projektas, bei siekta per Foucault įvardintus galios santykius ir subjektų problematikos diskursus paaiškinti viešojo politinio diskurso atsiradimą. Darbas grynai teorinis, tik vietomis persipinantis su praktinio pritaikymo ar praktinių problemų panaudojimo aspektais. Pirmojoje darbo dalyje apibrėžiama kaip Foucault naudoja genealoginį istorijos tyrimo metodą, aiškinama su kokiais kitais metodais jis gali būti naudojamas. Taip pat per interpretacijas yra aiškinama Foucault politikos samprata. Antrojoje darbo dalyje apžvelgiami istoriniai ir socialiniai reiškiniai, kurie tapo prielaidomis atsirasti moteriškąjį seksualinį konstruktą analizuojančiai feministinei politinei teorijai, bei seksualumo dispozityvo forma veikiantčiam feministiniam politiniam judėjimui. Trečioje dalyje konsentruojamasi į normalizavimo procesus, kurių veikiamas seksualumo diskursas skaidosi. Čia mėginama atsakyti į tokius klausimus, kaip pavyzdžiui, kodėl seksualumas kaip socialiai sukonstruotas reiškinys nėra visiškai politinis ir negali tokiu būti. Taip pat mėginama pažvelgti iš globalinės perspektyvos, ir numatyti, kokiais būdais bet kokie privatūs subjektai ir jų problematika patenka į viešąjį diskursą ir yra įvelkami į institucionalizacijos rėmus. / This master’s thesis comprises ofthe analysis of Michel Foucault’s political project, and attempts to explain the emergence of some public political discourses through the power relations, defined by Foucault, and the subject problematization discourses. Given that the thesis is in itself purely theoretical, acknowledgement of the practical use of the theories is rather narrow. In the first part of the thesis the use of genealogy as a method to purify history, largely used by Foucault, is defined, and the methods, that work well with the latter method are elaborated. Furthermore, through those interpretations of genealogy, Foucauldian notion of political is explained. The second part reviews historical and social events, that could have become presumptions for the emergence of the feminist theory, defined by the analysis of the feminine social construct, and political feminist movement, driven by the form of the dispositif of sexuality. The third part concentrates on the processes of normalization, which when applied on the discourses of sex makes it deconstruct. Herefore the questions, such as why sexuality, as a socially constructed event, is not and can not be totally political?, can be asked. Further, the global perspective is taken into account while trying to foresee the methods, which move any private subject and their problematization towards the public discourse and dresses them in the institutional uniform.
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Galios diskursas ir kritiškai mąstančio intelektualo pozicija: M. Foucault / Discource of power and position of critically thinking intellectuals: M. FoucaultBraškutė, Giedrė 12 July 2011 (has links)
Darbe analizuojama intelektualo geba ir būtinybė kritiškai mąstyti disciplinarinės valdžios salygomis. Šios valdžios objektas yra visuomenės gyvenimas, populiacija, žmonių kūnai suprantami kaip vertingi ištekliai. Disciplinarinės valdžios uždavinys yra versti visuomenę augti tam tikra kryptimi, klasifikuoti, kategorizuoti individus taip, kad užtikrinti reguliarų išteklių atsinaujinimą; kai reikia – atsikratyti pertekliaus ir kontroliuoti jų augimą. Populiacija, suvokiama kaip resursai – žmogiškieji resursai, atsinaujinantys resursai – reikia prižiūrėt, kad jie nenunyktų, neišsivaikščiotų. Intelektualo funkcija šiuose procesuose yra nuolat konfrontuoti galios procesams, juos atpažinti, o atpažinus traukyti saitus. Foucault supranta, kad galios santykiai yra neišvengiami ir įvardina intelektualo laikyseną kaip stiprų pesimistinį aktyvizmą. Rezistencija svarbi kaip kritinio klausinėjimo kelias, kuris atveria suvokimą, kad visuomenės negalima aiškinti vien tik pasitelkus techninius galios apibrėžimus. Šis nuolatinės konfrontacijos kelias yra vienintelis, kuris lieka tikrąjam intelektualui. / This work analyzes the possibility and necessity to think critically in the condition of disciplinary government. The object of this kind of government is living in society, it’s population, bodies of people are understood as valuable resources. The aim of disciplinary government is to force society grow in certain direction, to classify and categorize individuals in such form, which can ensure renewal of regular resources. When we understand population as resources - human resources, renewal of resources – it is necessary supervise that these resources wouldn’t vanish. Intellectual’s function in these processes is to recognize and confront to these processes of power, to damage it’s bonds. Foucault understands the manifestations of modern disciplines in terms of power-knowledge relationship. These relationships of power are inevitable and designates intellectual’s attitude as strong pessimistic activism. Resistance is significant as the way of critical questioning, which opens perception, that we can’t treat society only in definitions of technical power. The ongoing confrontation is the only path that remains to the true intellectual.
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UAB „Litgenas“ bulių reproduktorių genealogijos ir veislinės vertės dinamika / Dinamics of bulls sires genealogy and value of breed in the company „Litgenas“Eidintas, Giedrius 19 April 2007 (has links)
Dairy cattle breeding is still taking the first place of it‘s production. Growing requirements in the national and international markets require animals productivity, increase of genetic potential and development of production quality. The growth of animal’s genetic potential promote the use of bull’s sires with high value of breed.
There are a lot of the bulls sires witch are improving the breed. So they constitute line of descent or related groups. The company „Litgenas“ during 14 work years has been used 11 line of descent and related groups. There are 4 the main line of descent and related groups: 1. W. A. BURKE LAD 697789 line ( 920 ); 2. R. O. R. A. ELEVATION 1491007 US1491007 related group ( 931 ); 3. O. IVANHOE 1189870 line ( 960 ); 4. P. F. ARLINDA CHIEF TL 1427381 related group ( 982 ).
Comparing to the controlled cows’ bands of 2004-2005 years the supply of company coincides with the demand of market.
I was using „R“ statistic analysis packet, counting arithmetic avarages of values of bulls breeds and coefficient of variation. Also during the communication with farmers I noticed that the requirements of bulls genealogy schemes which are used by the company „Litgenas“ became much bigger. So due to the information of bulls line of descent which were cumulated by the computation centre “VIC” of Lithuania I made bulls sires genealogy schemes. All farmers, selectioners of company, regions breeding inspectors and inseminators are using this poster.
The... [to full text]
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