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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Wie können intergenerationelles Lernen und Wissens(ver-)teilung in einer mehrgenerationalen Arbeitswelt gefördert werden?

Langesee, Lisa-Marie 13 October 2021 (has links)
Der momentane Arbeitsmarkt wird von vier Generationen abgebildet - den Babyboomern und den Generationen X, Y und Z. Die nächste Generation auf dem Arbeitsmarkt, die in den Ruhestand eintritt, sind die Babyboomer. Diese zahlenmäßig starke Kohorte hat im Laufe ihres Arbeitslebens einen wertvollen Schatz impliziten Wissens aufgebaut. Ohne geeignete Maßnahmen wird dieses Erfahrungswissen die Unternehmen unwiederbringlich verlassen. Doch in Wissensgesellschaften ist Wissen das höchste Gut, das Wettbewerbsvorteile schaffen soll. Im Fokus dieser Arbeit steht folglich das implizite Wissen, das wesentlich durch individuelle Erfahrungen geprägt ist. Die Wissensverteilung kann jedoch durch steigende Generationenkonflikte gehemmt werden. Deshalb werden generative Handlungsempfehlungen aufgestellt, die einen intergenerativen Austausch unterstützen sollen. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, den Wissensaustausch der vier Generationen am Arbeitsplatz durch generationsspezifische Wissenstransfermethoden und intergenerationelles Lernen (IGL) anzuregen und zu fördern. Um diese Zielsetzung zu erreichen, werden drei Forschungsfragen formuliert. • Welche Methoden der intergenerativen Wissensverteilung lassen sich identifizieren? • Welche generativen Präferenzen lassen sich in der Wissensverteilung und dem intergenerationellen Lernen feststellen? • Welche konkreten Handlungsempfehlungen unterstützen sowohl das intergenerationelle Lernen als auch die intergenerative Wissensverteilung am Arbeitsplatz? Zur Beantwortung der Forschungsfragen fand sowohl eine systematische Literaturanalyse (SLA) als auch eine quantitative Studie in Form einer Online-Befragung statt. Die Ergebnisse der SLA flossen in die Gestaltung des Fragebogens der Befragung ein. Durch das zweistufige Forschungsdesign konnten zahlreiche generative Präferenzen in der Wissensteilung und im IGL identifiziert werden. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass alle Generationen das Mentoring zur Wissensteilung und das Miteinander-Lernen zum intergenerativen Austausch bevorzugen. Diese Präferenz fiel jedoch in unterschiedlicher Intensität aus, weshalb es umso wichtiger ist, sich intensiv mit alternativen Methoden des Wissenstransfers zu beschäftigen. Da bei den Befragten eine hohe Lernbereitschaft aufgedeckt werden konnte, wurde ein Scoringmodell, der Präferenz-Bekanntheits-Score (PBS), entwickelt. Dieser gewichtete Score ermöglicht es Unternehmen, die ausgeprägte Lernbereitschaft der Mitarbeitenden zu nutzen, indem er unbekannte, aber von den Generationen präferierte Transferinstrumente klassifiziert. Das Endartefakt der Arbeit stellen allgemeine und generative Handlungsempfehlungen dar. Diese konkreten Empfehlungen sollen Unternehmen bei dem Auf- und Ausbau eines Wissens(ver-)teilungs- und Lernprogrammes unterstützen. Zum Beispiel sprechen die Befragungsergebnisse für die Einführung eines Wissenscafés. Dieser Treffpunkt fördert das IGL und entspricht dem Wunsch der Befragten nach einem Über- und Voneinander-Lernen. Insgesamt konnten elf allgemeine und zahlreiche generationsspezifische Handlungsempfehlungen abgeleitet werden. Die Untersuchung zeigt ein hohes Potenzial für Wissenstransfer- und Lernprogramme auf. Die große Mehrheit der Befragten schätzt den Wissenstransfer als wesentlich für Gesellschaft und Unternehmen ein und ist bereit, ihr Wissen weiterzugeben. Diese Arbeit zeigt zum Einen generative Unterschiede und Präferenzen auf, zum Anderen aber auch Lösungen, die ein effektives Miteinander der Generationen am Arbeitsplatz ermöglichen. Das Teilen von implizitem Wissen ist essentiell, um auch bei Renteneintritt der Babyboomer weiterhin Wettbewerbsvorteile realisieren zu können. Zur Überprüfung der Handlungsempfehlungen kann eine altersheterogene Pilotgruppe im Unternehmen gebildet werden. Nach einer Evaluation der Erkenntnisse, können die Empfehlungen verfeinert und dem gesamten Unternehmen zur Verfügung gestellt werden. Die Einzelmaßnahmen können in regelmäßigen Mitarbeitendenbefragungen überprüft werden, um sie kontinuierlich an das Unternehmen und die Bedürfnisse der Belegschaft anzupassen.

Inclusion of local actors in Sustainable Development Projects : Evaluation of co-management in Sustainable development projects based in the Bolivian Amazonia

Caballero Paz, Sebastian January 2018 (has links)
Sammanfattning  En av utmaningarna för de projekt som arbetar med hållbar utveckling är att mäta och analysera nivån på lokalt deltagande. Lokalt deltagande betraktas som en nyckelaspekt för att genomföra långsiktiga processer som kan bidra till bevarande av ekosystem och även förbättra förhållandena för lokala aktörer.  Avhandlingen syftar till att bedöma två fallstudier i bolivianska Amazonas enligt principerna av co- management/samverkan. Syftet är att uppnå följande huvudmål: - Granska litteratur om management för samverkan av hållbara utvecklingsprojekt. -Utveckla en kvalitativ ram för att bedöma intryck och resultat av projekt. -Utvärdera två befintliga projekt enligt den etablerade ramen.  Denna avhandling analyserar arbetet som en icke-statlig organisation (NGO) genomför i två olika samhällen i bolivianska Amazonas, i projekt relaterade till hållbar utveckling och bevarande. Ett av samhällena är urfolket Tacana, som ligger i regionen La Paz; den andra betraktas vara en multietnisk befolkningsgrupp som formellt är etablerad i en region som heter Santa Rosa del Abuna i regionen Pando. Trots att dessa två grupper uppvisar kulturella och organisatoriska skillnader arbetar de både med skörd av råvaror från skogen, dock ej skogs och trädavverkning. Råvarorna representerar de viktigaste ekonomiska intäkterna för dessa samhällen.  För att kunna utvärdera projekten, har besök till samhällen genomförts. Intervjuer och deltagarobservation har utförts för att studera relationerna mellan de olika aktörerna som är involverade i projekten. Flera intervjuer genomfördes också med medarbetare från NGOs på deras kontor i La Paz och Cobija.  För att förbereda utvärderingsprocessen har olika teorier använts för att skapa specifika kriterier för att utvärdera framgångsnivån för medverkande processer i projekten. Co-management and co-generation of knowledge har bedömts vara verktyg som kan användas för att utveckla en ram som kan utvärdera lokalt deltagande i olika projekt. För att utveckla detta har sex kriterier använts för att analysera lokalt engagemang i projekten och hur detta deltagande kan förbättras i det långsiktiga perspektivet.  Denna utvärdering kan bidra till att öka det lokala och aktiva deltagandet i projekten, men kan också hjälpa medlemmarna i externa organisationer (i detta fall frivilligorganisationer) att förstå den relevans som lokalt engagemang och lokal kunskap kan ha för projekten. Tanken är att olika aktörer / organisationer kan använda denna typ av utvärdering för att hitta möjliga svagheter vid genomförandet av projekt relaterade till hållbar utveckling. / Abstract  One of the challenges for projects that work on sustainable development is to measure and analyse the level of local participation. Local participation is considered a key aspect in order to implement long term processes that can contribute to conservation of ecosystems and also improve the living conditions of local actors.  The aim of this thesis is to assess two case studies ongoing in the Bolivian Amazon according to co-management principles. This aim raises the following core objectives: -Review literature on co-management for sustainable development projects. -Develop a qualitative framework to assess the perceptions and performance of projects. -Assess two existing projects according to the established framework.  This thesis analyses the work that a non-governmental organization (NGO) does in two different communities in the Bolivian Amazonia in projects related to sustainable development and conservation. One is an indigenous group called Tacana located in the department of La Paz; the other is considered a multy-ethnic population that is formally established in a region called Santa Rosa del Abuna in the department of Pando. Even though these two groups show cultural and organizational differences both work on the harvesting of non-timber forest recourses. The recollection of the products that come from the forest represents the main economical income for these populations.  To evaluate the projects, visits to the communities where done in order to make interviews, participant observation and to see the relations between the different actors involved in the projects. Several interviews were also done with the members of the NGO in their offices in La Paz and Cobija.  To prepare this evaluation process, different theories have been used in order to create specific criteria to evaluate the level of success of co-participation processes into the projects. Co-management and Co-generation of knowledge have been seen as interesting tools that can be used to develop a framework that can evaluate the local participation in different projects. To develop this, six criteria have been used to analyse the local participation on the projects and how this participation can be improved in the long-term perspective.  This evaluation can help to increase the local and active participation into the projects but also can help the members of external organizations (in this case the NGO) to understand the relevance that local participation and local knowledge can have for the projects. The idea is that this kind of evaluation can be used by different actors/organizations in order to find possible weaknesses during the implementation of projects related to sustainable development.

A importância da criação e transferência de conhecimento em incubadoras tecnológicas: o caso da Incubadora Tecnológica de Guarulhos

Tavares, Herida Cristina 25 November 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:48:31Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Herida Cristina Tavares.pdf: 1351959 bytes, checksum: dc3af4d2ae29e463f60d8e1d70db81fd (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-11-25 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The objective of this thesis is to analyze the process of creating and transferring knowledge in technological business incubators in view of the innovation process. Thus, to investigate what are the sources of knowledge and what level of generation and transfer of knowledge relevant to innovation in the Technology Incubator of Guarulhos. In particular, the work proposes to examine the modes of knowledge creation and transfer of intra and interincubator and the incubator environment is favorable for the creation and transfer of knowledge. The research procedure used is a literature search. For further research, a case study is also conducted by means of data collection, in which the chief administrator of each incubated company answer a semi-structured questionnaire. The results of this study, with their limited sample size, have no statistical validity to the technology incubator of Guarulhos in general. But shows that formal networks of knowledge are the sources of knowledge more relevant to the development of innovative products or processes of the incubated companies. Another conclusion is that the level of knowledge transfer is directly linked to the level of interaction between enterprises and other agents, either within or outside the incubator. So, about knowledge transfer intra-incubator was found that the level of interaction is low. In an inter-incubator is also low, with few companies having some kind of agreement for cooperation with industry, universities or research centers / O objetivo desta dissertação é analisar o processo de criação e a transferência de conhecimento em incubadoras tecnológicas de empresas, tendo em vista o processo de inovação. Desta forma, investigar quais são as fontes de conhecimento e qual o nível de geração e transferência de conhecimento relevante para a inovação na Incubadora Tecnológica de Guarulhos. Em especial, o trabalho propõe-se a analisar os modos de criação e transferência de conhecimento intraincubadora e interincubadora e se o ambiente da incubadora é favorável para a criação e transferência de conhecimento. O procedimento de pesquisa utilizado é uma pesquisa bibliográfica. Para aprofundar a investigação, um estudo de caso é também realizado, por meio da coleta de dados, no qual o principal gestor de cada empresa incubada responde um questionário semi-estruturado. Os resultados desse estudo, com suas limitações de tamanho de amostra, não têm validade estatística para a incubadora tecnológica de Guarulhos, em geral, mas evidencia que as fontes de conhecimento mais relevantes para o desenvolvimento de produtos ou processos inovativos das empresas incubadas são as redes formais de conhecimento. Outra conclusão é que o nível de transferência de conhecimento está diretamente ligado ao nível de interação das empresas com os demais agentes, seja dentro ou fora da incubadora. Desta forma, com relação à transferência de conhecimento intraincubadora verificou-se que o nível de interação é baixo. Na forma interincubadora também é baixo, com poucas empresas tendo algum tipo de acordo de cooperação com indústrias, universidades ou centros de pesquisa

Workshops em design espaços de aprendizagens e geração de conhecimentos

Fraga, Eliara dos Santos 28 March 2011 (has links)
Submitted by Fabricia Fialho Reginato (fabriciar) on 2015-07-04T01:04:29Z No. of bitstreams: 1 EliaraFraga.pdf: 3689951 bytes, checksum: 4a84a0fdf1a1d08e8ecf011905409686 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-07-04T01:04:29Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 EliaraFraga.pdf: 3689951 bytes, checksum: 4a84a0fdf1a1d08e8ecf011905409686 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011 / Banco Santander / Banespa / A intensificada concorrência desencadeada pela era da informação tem gerado novos desafios às empresas e profissionais. O design mostra-se como uma área que tem contribuído para entender e atuar sobre as demandas contemporâneas, destacando-se pela capacidade de criar valor para empresas e consumidores. Nessa perspectiva, esse trabalho apresenta a investigação realizada sobre uma ferramenta de design - workshop, tendo como objetivo compreender os processos que acontecem no Workshop em Design Estratégico, a partir do pressuposto que esse instrumento pode ser associado a processos de aprendizagem e geração de conhecimentos. O estudo consistiu na articulação entre referencial teórico e pesquisa empírica - composta pela observação de quatro workshops realizados na Escola de Design Unisinos, nos anos de 2009 e 2010, e pela realização de seis entrevistas com profissionais ligados ao ensino de design, na mesma instituição. Os resultados apontam que o workshop em design consiste em uma sessão de projeto concentrada, intensa e criativa, com uma estrutura intencionalmente projetada e um grupo específico de atores, entre os quais se destacam coordenadores, ministrantes e participantes. As etapas (problem setting, problem solvin, visualizing), que objetivam o entendimento do problema, a busca por soluções e a visualização dos concepts, promovem reflexão individual e coletiva, articulação entre teoria e prática, conflitos e resultados - que podem ser tangíveis (concepts apresentados) ou intangíveis (experiência que os participantes vivenciaram). Assim, o entrelaçamento dos saberes/conhecimentos prático-reflexivos (tácitos) com os saberes/conhecimentos científico-racionais (explícitos) dos participantes, torna o Workshop em Design Estratégico um espaço profícuo para aprendizagens e geração de conhecimentos. / The heightened competition unchained by the era of the information has been generating new challenges to the companies and professionals. The design is shown as a field that has been contributing to understand and act on the contemporary demands, standing out for the capacity to create value for companies and consumers. In that perspective, the study presents the investigation accomplished on a design tool - workshop, having as objective to understand the processes that happen in the Workshop in Strategic Design, implying that this instrument can be associated to learning processes and generation of knowledge. The study comprises the connection between theoretical reference and empirical research - composed by the observation of four workshops accomplished at Unisinos’ Design School, in 2009 and 2010, and six interviews made with professionals involved with Design teaching, in the same institution. The results show that the workshop in Design consists in a concentrated, intense and creative project session with a structure intentionally planned and a specific group of players, among which stand out coordinators, people that make speeches and participants. The stages (problem setting, problem solving, visualizing), that aim the problem understanding, the search for solutions and the concepts visualization, promote individual and collective reflection, connection between theory and practice, conflicts and results - that can be tangible (presented concepts) or intangible (participants experience). Therefore, the interweaving of the practical and reflexive knowledge (tacit) with the scientific and rational knowledge (explicit) of the participants turns the Workshop in Strategic Design an useful space for learning and generation of knowledge.

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