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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Atenuação de Harmônicos nos Geradores Síncronos Provenientes das Cargas Não Lineares Utilizando Geradores de Indução / Attenuation of harmonics on synchronous generators arising from nonlinear loads using induction generators

Delbone, Edval 28 February 2012 (has links)
This work demonstrates the theoretical and experimental feasibility of a induction generator to work as an attenuator of the harmonics in main generators of on the electric power system, i.e., the synchronous generators. The induction and synchronous machines were analyzed in physical terms and established mathematical modeling in the frequency domain in order to prove the purpose of the thesis. Computer simulations were also carried out in the time domain and laboratory tests were made to check levels of attenuation of current harmonics (THDi) in accordance with the maximum standardized voltage harmonic distortion (THDv). Furthermore, this work presents a study of technical and economical feasibility of a typical application. / Este trabalho demonstra a viabilidade teórica e experimental de um gerador de indução funcionar como um atenuador dos harmônicos nos geradores principais do sistema elétrico de potência, ou seja, os geradores síncronos. Foram analisadas as máquinas de indução e síncronas do ponto de vista físico e estabelecidas modelagens matemáticas no domínio da frequência, a fim de comprovar o objetivo da tese. Foram realizadas também´em, simulações computacionais no domínio do tempo e ensaios em laboratório para verificar os n´níveis de atenuação de harmônicos de corrente (THDi) em conformidade com os limites máximos de distorções harmônicas de tensão (THDv) normalizados. Apresenta-se também neste trabalho um estudo de viabilidade técnica e econômica de uma aplicação típica. / Doutor em Ciências

Přesný funkční generátor / Precise function generator

Snopek, Petr January 2009 (has links)
The aim of the project is to design a concept of function generator with digital synthesis. The device will be controlled using microprocessor which allows synthesizing basic functions (sin, square, raw) as well as arbitrary functions stored in memory. User friendly graphical interface will be controlled by keyboard and rotary switch (IRC). The work emphasizes correct selection of DDS clock source, circuit elements and proper application of signal filtration method with attention to low distortion and low output phase noise.

Generátor náhodných čísel / Random number generator

Zouhar, Petr January 2010 (has links)
The thesis deals with issues of random numbers, their generating and use in cryptography. Introduction of work is aimed to resolution of random number generators and pseudo--random number generators. There is also included often used dividing generators on software and hardware. We mention advantages and disadvantages of each type and area of their use. Then we describe examples of random and pseudorandom numbers, mainly hardware based on physical phenomenon such as the decay of radioactive material or use atmospheric noise. The following part is devoted to suggestion own random number generator and a description of its functionality. In the second half of the work we devote to the field of cryptography. We know basic types of cryptographic systems, namely symmetric and asymmetric cryptosystems. We introduce a typical representant the various type and their properties. At the end of the work we again return to our random number generator and verify the randomness generated numbers and obtained cryptograms.

Vypočet reaktancí synchronního generátoru pomocí metody konečných prvků / Synchronous generator reactance prediction using FE analysis

Chmelíček, Petr January 2010 (has links)
Parametry nahradniho obvodu synchronniho stroje znance ovlivnuji jeho chovani jak pri statickem provozu, tak predevsim pri nahlych dynamickych jevech a poruchovych stavech. Prace je zamerena na zhodnoceni dostupnych metod pro vypocet techto parametru pomoci Metody konecnych prvku. Prvni cast je venovana teoretickemu popisu zakladnich principu Metody Konecnych Prvku a jejich aplikaci na reseni problemu elektromagnetickeho pole v elektrickych strojich. Zaroven take shrnuje zakladni usporadani nahradniho obvodu synchroniho stroje, principi jeho konstrukce a zakladni funkci. Druha cast je venovana praktickemu vypoctu reaktanci nahradniho obvodu synchronniho stroje. S pomoci MKP jsou vypocteny synchronni reactance s uvazovanim vzajmeneho magnetickeho pusobeni proudu v d a q ose. Pro vypocet transientnich a subtransientnich reaktanci jsou navrzeny ctyri odlisne metody a jsou zhodnoceny z hlediska pozadovane presnosti vypoctu a narocnosti na vypocetni cas. Zaverecna cast popisuje zakladni merici metody pro urceni parametru nahrandniho obvodu na skutecnem stroji. Kapitola take obsahuje srovnani simulace trifazoveho zkratu synchronniho stroje s realnou zkouskou provedenou laboratorne. Zaver obsahuje srovnani jednotlivych metod a navrh optimalniho postupu pro vypocet zkoumanych parametru.

Modernizace a ekologizace teplárny / Heating plant modernization and environmental

Sobotka, Tomáš January 2012 (has links)
The target of this diploma thesis is design of cogeneration unit with following requirements: • Installation of new unit instead of the old and used up one. • Electric energy supply within Supportive service – fast starts • Greening (replacement of coal with natural gas) At the beginning I deal with the current state of old unit. In the next part there is the design of new technological unit, which consists of design of boilers, gas engines, steam turbines. Final phase of the thesis includes economical analysis focused on setting of financial return.

Automatic Torque Control for Bicycle Driven Brushless DC (BLDC) Generator

Müller, Luke, Sjöström, Kasper January 2021 (has links)
This work was carried out on behalf of Science Safari. Science Safari wants to create a product that facilitates the understanding of how much physical work is required to create electrical energy. This is done by cranking the pedals of a bicycle. The purpose of this work is to create a control unit that keeps the torque required to crank the pedals close to constant. The torque can be kept constant by creating a variable load for the generator, in this case, a pulse modulated JFET is used. The output of the current sensor and the Hall-effect sensor are used to calculate the required resistance of the JFET to keep constant torque. All this is controlled via a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B (RPi) which also shows real-time values on a display. The functionality of the sensors and JFET has largely been completed, but the assembly of all components is lacking in this work. / Detta arbete är utfört i uppdrag av Science Safari. Science Safari vill skapa en produkt som underlättar förståelsen av hur mycket fysiskt arbete som krävs för att skapa elektrisk energi. Detta genom att användaren vevar på en cykels pedaler för hand. Syftet med detta arbete är att skapa en styrenhet som ungefär håller ett konstantvridmomentet på en cykels pedaler. Vridmomentet kan hållas konstant genom att skapa en variabel last till generatorn, med hjälp av en pulsmodulerad JFET. För att beräkna vilken resistans JFETen ska ha för att hålla konstant vridmoment används en strömsensor och en Hall-effect sensor. Allt detta styrs via en Raspberry Pi 3 ModelB som även visar värden i realtid på en display. Funktionaliteten av sensorerna och JFET har till stor del färdigställts men sammansättning av alla komponenter saknas i detta arbete.

Simplified Model For Simulation of Fault Ride Through at Hydropower Units

Söderström, Sebastian January 2021 (has links)
As new requirements for grid connected generators were implemented, the requirements for evaluating the Fault Ride Through capabilities of the generators became stricter. When refurbishing a power unit, proof that the power unit meet the requirements must be submitted to the authorities. Performing simulations of the Fault Ride Through of a production unit is an extensive process and requires advanced simulation models and tools. Therefore, the need for a simplified tool for estimating the Fault Ride Through capability arose, which is what the project produced. Also, knowledge of which production module characteristics (such as the generator parameters, transformer and excitation system) have the largest effect on the Fault Ride Through time, would also be beneficial. Through the creation of Simulink simulation models of two hydropower stations and a sensitivity analysis of station parameters, the relative effect of the parameters on the Fault Ride Through time is estimated and implemented into a time independent Fault Ride Through time estimation tool, based on the Equal Area criterion. The purpose of the time-independent Fault Ride Through time estimation tool is to provide an insight into the approximate transient stability of the hydropower station and which parameters affect the performance the most. Simulations show that the transient reactance of the generator, the generator inertia, the transient time constant and the transformer inductance have the largest effect on the Fault Ride Through capability. The results show that a simplified tool cannot estimate the Fault Ride Through as accurately as a time-domain simulation model can.

Design and Simulation of a Slotless Aircored PM Synchronous Generator

Hasnain, Bakhtiyar Asef, Hodzic, Ademir January 2020 (has links)
This thesis is a study on an unconventional slow speed direct drive permanent magnet (PM) generator. Unlike a standard permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG) which has the copper coils wound around iron teeth, the work in this thesis will present a generator where the copper coils are directly mounted on the stator which eliminates the slots and teeth in the generator. By having a slotless design it is possible to eliminate cogging torque, iron losses in teeth and achieve a lightweight design. These characteristics can prove useful when developing generators for an application such as wind turbines, or more specifically vertical axis wind turbines (VAWTs) in remote areas where weight and serviceability is of concern. This thesis consists of two main parts where the main focus was on the design and simulation of slotless generators. The second part of the thesis was to investigate an available slotless axial flux machine. For the simulations, three different models were created in 2D using CAD software. Two of the models were double-rotor slotless generators and one was a single rotor variant. The electromagnetic properties of these models were analysed using FEMM and COMSOL. The results showed that the double rotor variant with the smaller magnets were more favourable considering the price of magnets and no iron core losses. The experimental results of the axial flux machine gave insight into the construction of commercially available axial slotless generators which could be used to further analyse these types of machines.

Mehrkriterielle Parameteroptimierung eines Thermoelektrischen Generators

Heghmanns, Alexander, Beitelschmidt, Michael 08 May 2014 (has links)
Aufgrund von steigenden Energiekosten und einer sukzessive steigenden öffentlichen sowie politischen Forderung nach Umweltbewusstsein und Nachhaltigkeit, ist die Effizienzsteigerung von Gesamtsystemen einer der treibenden Kräfte für innovative, technologische Neuheiten geworden. Besonders bei der Entwicklung von verbrennungsmotorisch angetriebenen Fahrzeugen wurden z.B. durch die Hybridisierung von Antriebssträngen, die die Rekuperation von kinetischer Energie ermöglichen, Technologien zur Energieeinsparung etabliert. Da bei Verbrennungsmotoren ein hoher Anteil der im Kraftstoff gespeicherten Energie technologiebedingt als Abwärme im Abgas verloren geht, bietet die Wärmerekuperation ein weiteres hohes Potential für weitere Einsparungen. Diese ist z.B. mit Hilfe von thermoelektrischen Generatoren (TEG) möglich, die einen Wärmestrom direkt in elektrische Energie umwandeln. Zur effizienten TEG-Systemgestaltung ist ein hoher Temperaturgradient über dem thermoelektrisch aktivem Material notwendig, der wiederum zu kritischen thermomechanischen Spannungen im Bauteil führen kann. Diese werden zum einen durch die unterschiedlichen Temperaturausdehnungskoeffizienten der verschiedenen Materialien und zum anderen durch die mechanische Anbindung auf der heißen und kalten Seite des TEG verursacht. Somit liegt ein Zielkonflikt zwischen dem thermoelektrischen Systemwirkungsgrad und der mechanischen Festigkeit des Bauteils vor. In dieser Arbeit wird mit Hilfe einer mehrkriteriellen Parameteroptimierung eines vollparametrisierten FE-Modells des TEG in ANSYS WORKBENCH eine Methode vorgestellt, den thermoelektrischen Wirkungsgrad bei gleichzeitiger Reduktion der thermomechanischen Spannungen zu optimieren. Zur Optimierung kommt dabei ein genetischer Algorithmus der MATLAB GLOBAL OPTIMIZATION TOOLBOX zum Einsatz. Der Modellaufbau wird in ANSYS WORKBENCH mit der Makro-Programmiersprache JSCRIPT realisiert. Als Ziel- und Bewertungsfunktionen wird die mechanische Belastung jedes Bauteils im TEG ausgewertet und dessen elektrische Leistungsdichte berechnet. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass mit Hilfe der vorgestellten Methodik eine paretooptimale Lösung gefunden werden kann, die den gestellten Anforderungen entspricht.

Energy Harvesting Opportunities Throughout the Nuclear Power Cycle for Self-Powered Wireless Sensor Nodes

Klein, Jackson Alexander 12 June 2017 (has links)
Dedicated sensors are widely used throughout many industries to monitor everyday operations, maintain safety, and report performance characteristics. In order to adopt a more sustainable solution, much research is being applied to self-powered sensing, implementing solutions which harvest wasted ambient energy sources to power these dedicated sensors. The adoption of not only wireless sensor nodes, but also self-powered capabilities in the nuclear energy process is critical as it can address issues in the overall safety and longevity of nuclear power. The removal of wires for data and power transmission can greatly reduce the cost of both installation and upkeep of power plants, while self-powered capabilities can further reduce effort and money spent in replacing batteries, and importantly may enable sensors to work even in losses to power across the plant, increasing plant safety. This thesis outlines three harvesting opportunities in the nuclear energy process from: thermal, vibration, and radiation sources in the main structure of the power plant, and from thermal and radiation energy from spent fuel in dry cask storage. Thermal energy harvesters for the primary and secondary coolant loops are outlined, and experimental analysis done on their longevity in high-radiation environments is discussed. A vibrational energy harvester for large rotating plant machine vibration is designed, prototyped, and tested, and a model is produced to describe its motion and energy output. Finally, an introduction to the design of a gamma radiation and thermal energy harvester for spent nuclear fuel canisters is discussed, and further research steps are suggested. / Master of Science / In this work multiple energy harvesters are investigated aimed at collecting wasted ambient energy to locally power sensor nodes in nuclear power plants, and in spent nuclear fuel canisters. Locally self-powered, wireless sensors can increase safety and reliability throughout the nuclear process. To address this a thermal energy harvester is tested in a radiation rich environment, and its performance before and after irradiation is analyzed. A vibrational energy harvester designed for use on large rotating machinery is discussed, manufactured, and tested, and a mathematical model describing it is produced. Finally, an introduction to harvesting radiation and heat given off from spent nuclear fuel in dry cask canister storage is investigated. Power capabilities for each design are considered, and the impact of such energy harvesting for wireless sensor nodes on the longevity, safety, and reliability of nuclear power plants is discussed.

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