Spelling suggestions: "subject:"enerator"" "subject:"benerator""
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L'importance du système noradrénergique aux niveaux thoracique et lombaire de la moelle épinière pour la locomotion du chatDelivet-Mongrain, Hugo January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.
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Modellierung von Wasser und Energieverbräuchen in HaushaltenPflugradt, Noah Daniel 26 August 2016 (has links) (PDF)
In dieser Arbeit wird ein Modell für die Simulation des Verbraucherverhaltens in Haushalten entwickelt. Das Ziel ist die Erstellung von Lastprofilen für den Strom- und Wasserverbrauch. Das Modell wird in einem Programm implementiert. Die Ergebnisse werden anschließend validiert und verschiedene Kenngrößen mit Literaturwerten verglichen. Abschließend wird eine Parameterstudie durchgeführt, um den Einfluss verschiedener Faktoren wie z.B. das Arbeitszeitmodell oder die Feiertagsmodellierung auf Lastprofile zu quantifizieren. Das Modell basiert auf einem Bedürfnismodell aus der Psychologie und ermöglicht den Verzicht auf die Errechnung von Aktivitäts-Wahrscheinlichkeitsverteilungen. / In this thesis a model for the simulation of the behaviour of people in residential households is introduced. The goal is to generate load profiles for residential electricity and water consumption. The model is implemented as a Windows program. The results are validated and various metrics are compared with literature values. A parameter study is performed to quantify the influence of various factors such as the working hours or the influence of holidays on the load profile. The model is based on a desire model from the field of psychology and makes it possible to avoid calculating any probabilty distributions.
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Utveckling av koncept för att reglera reaktiv effekt vid generatordrift via PLC : Framtagande och provning av prototyp / Development of concepts for regulating reactive power during generator operation via PLC : Creation and testing of prototypeGran, Erik, Hård, Erik January 2019 (has links)
I projektet utreds möjligheterna kring att kunna kontrollera en generators reaktiva effektproduktion genom att styra magnetiseringsströmmen från en PLC. Som metod för styrning från PLC beslutades att en signal på 0-5V skulle användas. För att reglera magnetiseringen, och därmed i förlängningen den reaktiva effekten, beslutades att den befintliga manuella potentiometern skulle ersättas med två parallellkopplade digitala potentiometrar av typen MCP4261 som kontrollerades av en mikrokontroller. Att de digitala potentiometrarna skulle parallellkopplas beslutades efter en förstudie som visade på att det skulle resultera i en noggrannare reglering utan någon inskränkning på användbart reglerspann. Praktisk provning av mikrokontroller och digitala potentiometrar gav ett tillfredsställande och bra resultat med god upplösning. / This project investigates the possibilities of being able to control a generators reactive power production by controlling the excitation current from a PLC. As a method for controlling from PLC, it was decided that a signal of 0-5V should be used. In order to regulate the magnetization, and hence in the long term the reactive power, it was decided that the existing manual potentiometer would be replaced by two parallel-connected digital potentiometers of the type MCP4261 controlled by a microcontroller. The fact that the digital potentiometers would be connected in parallel was decided after a feasibility study which showed that in this way it would result in a more accurate regulation without any restriction on the usable control span. Practical testing of microcontrollers and digital potentiometers provided a satisfactory result with a good resolution.
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Estudo de um formalismo para discretizar eficientemente as equações integrais do Método da Coordenada Geradora Hartree-Fock / The study of a formalism to discretize efficiently the integral equations of the generator coordinate Hartree-Fock methodChahad, Alexandre Pereira 09 June 2009 (has links)
A busca por um conjunto de bases de alta qualidade é feita por vários grupos, pois a utilização destes conjuntos é importante para a obtenção de resultados exatos, tanto para propriedades atômicas quanto para propriedades moleculares. Os conjuntos usados neste trabalho são constituídos através da utilização do Método da Coordenada Geradora Hartree-Fock em sua versão polinomial e foram construídos de forma a permitirem uma maior flexibilidade à camada de valência do átomo, flexibilidade esta que foi proporcionada pelo número de funções que descrevem a última camada do átomo. Uma nova metodologia para a construção de conjuntos de base foi proposta neste trabalho. Esta nova metodologia diminui a busca artesanal pela busca pelos conjuntos de base introduzindo o Método Simplex em nosso programa gerador de base GENBASIS minimizando o tempo de procura por essa bases de qualidade. A aplicação destes conjuntos para estimativa de propriedades atômicas e moleculares foi feita em comparação com conjuntos de base largamente utilizados na literatura, envolvendo cálculos com vários níveis de teoria, desde o método Hartree-Fock até a Teoria do Funcional Densidade. / The search for high quality basis set is made by several groups since the quality of the basis sets is a very important factor to obtain accurate results for atomic and molecular properties. The basis sets used in this work are designed by using the polynomial Generate Coordinate Method and were constructed with the aim to improve the flexibility of a basis sets to describe the valence shell. A new methodology for the search of this basis set is proposed in this work. This new methodology makes the search for this basis set less artisanal with the introduction of the Simplex Method in our basis generator program, GENBASIS. This introduction minimizes the time used in the search for these quality basis set. The application of our basis sets in atomic and molecular calculations were compared with the most used basis sets in the literature and were performed by using different level of calculations, namely, from Hartree-Fock to Density Functional Theory.
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Controle direto de torque aplicado em aerogeradores que empregam o gerador de indução com rotor bobinadoTabares, Harrison García January 2014 (has links)
Orientador: Dr. Alfeu J. Sguarezi Filho / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do ABC, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Elétrica, 2014. / Devido as preocupações com a redu¸c¿ao do uso dos recursos f'osseis e das
emiss¿oes de CO2 ocasionadas pelos mesmos, o interesse no uso de energias renov
'aveis aumentou, sendo uma destas fontes a energia e'olica. O Gerador de
Indu¸c¿ao de Rotor Bobinado (GIRB) tem demonstrado ser uma ferramenta capaz
de otimizar o uso da energia e'olica, dada a sua alta efici¿encia, rentabilidade
e robustez mec¿anica, ainda assim 'e necess'ario superar os numerosos desafios
que est¿ao presentes nesta tecnologia, tais como qualidade da pot¿encia, estabilidade
da rede, entre outros. O objetivo desta pesquisa se concentra no estudo
de t'ecnicas de controle de pot¿encia fornecida pelo GIRB aplicado a sistemas
de gera¸c¿ao e'olica. No presente caso, o sistema de gera¸c¿ao 'e composto por um
GIRB com seu estator conectado diretamente 'a rede e seu rotor 'e conectado
'a rede atrav'es de um conversor bidirecional. Prop¿oe-se estudar o m'etodo de
controle direto de torque (CDT) com emprego de controladores PI e por modos
deslizantes (SMC) mais PI. O controle direto de torque 'e uma t'ecnica de alto
desempenho din¿amico e possibilita o controle independente do torque e fluxo do
gerador o que possibilitar'a o controle das pot¿encias ativa e reativa do GIRB. Da
mesma forma, 'e estudado o conversor para o processamento da energia gerada.
As simula¸c¿oes baseadas em modelos matem'aticos destes m'etodos de controle
foram revistos, analisados e comparados com as simula¸c¿oes de textos de refer¿encia.
Resultados experimentais obtidos em uma bancada validaram o prot'otipo
proposto. / Due to concerns about reducing the use of fossil resources and the CO2
emissions caused by them, interest in the use of renewable energy increased,
one of these sources is wind energy. The Wound Rotor Induction Generator
(WRIG) has been proved to be a tool to optimize the use of wind energy, given
its high efficiency, profitability and mechanical robustness, it is still necessary
to overcome the many challenges that are present in this technology, such as
power quality, grid stability, among others. This research focuses on the study
of control techniques for power supply by WRIG applied to wind generation
systems. In this case, the generation system consists of a stator WRIG is connected
directly to the electrical network and its rotor too, but via a bidirectional
converter. It is proposed to study the method of direct torque control (DTC)
with the use of PI and sliding mode controllers (SMC) more PI. The direct
torque control is a technique of high dynamic performance and enables independent
control of torque and flux generator, which will enable the control of
active and reactive power ofWRIG. Likewise, it is studied the converter for processing
the generated power. The simulations based on mathematical models
of these control methods were reviewed , analyzed and compared with simulations
of reference texts . Experimental results obtained on a bench validated
the proposed prototype.
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Jedan pristup generisanju izvršnih softverskih specifikacija informacionog sistema / An Approach to Generating Executable Software Specifications of an Information SystemBanović Jelena 13 May 2010 (has links)
<p>Cilj istraživanja realizovanih u ovom radu, bio je modelovanje i formalna prezentacija jednog pristupa rješenju problema generisanja izvršnih softverskih specifikacija informacionog sistema. Kreiranjem rečnika opšteg modela korisničkog interfejsa, omogućeno je definisanje parametara koji specificiraju vizuelni dizajn korisničkog interfejsa. Praktična upotreba ovakvog pristupa sastoji se u automatskom generisanju prototipova koji su vrlo bliski finalnoj implementaciji aplikativnih sistema nekog informacionog sistema, korišćenjem generatora implementiranog u okviru alata IIS*Case. Time je omogućeno da se, u vrlo kratkom roku, izgeneriše funkcionalan korisnički interfejs za prikaz i ažuriranje podataka.</p> / <p>The aim of the research presented in this work is a modeling and formal presentation of an approach to the problem of generating executable software specifications of an information system. A specification of common user interface models is provided by defining the appropriate repository definitions. Practical application of the approach is provided by the implementation of an application generator as a part of IIS*Case tool. It provides automated generation of the prototypes that are very close to the final implementation of the system applications. By this, it is possible to efficiently generate dynamic user interface for data presentation and database update operations.</p>
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Conception et fabrication d'un dispositif de mise en compression par impulsions électro magnétiques (EMP) / Conception and realization of an electromagnetic pulse peening deviceChazottes-Leconte, Aurélien 19 June 2019 (has links)
Les procédés de traitement de surface sont utilisés à l'échelle industrielle pour améliorer les performances de pièces mécaniques en introduisant des contraintes résiduelles de compression. Cette mise en compression de surface permet de limiter l'amorçage et la propagation de fissures dans le matériau. Ceci permet d'augmenter de façon significative la durée de vie en fatigue des pièces mécaniques ainsi traitées. L'utilisation de ces procédés dans l'industrie a démontré leur efficacité, mais aussi leurs limitations et inconvénients. Les défauts récurrents consistent en une profondeur traitée faible, une dégradation de l'état de surface (rugosité), des difficultés de contrôle, une contamination du matériau traité, etc. Ces défauts ont conduit à l'élaboration de nouveaux procédés innovants qui permettent de meilleures performances en évitant certains des inconvénients succinctement évoqués. Parmi ces procédés innovants, le traitement de surface par impulsion électromagnétique semble particulièrement intéressant. Ce procédé met en œuvre un puissant champ magnétique transitoire pour engendrer des forces de Laplace dans une pièce métallique et induire des contraintes résiduelles. Il n'existe que peu d'informations dans la littérature et il n'existe aucun dispositif expérimental de ce procédé. Cette thèse est dédiée à la conception et la réalisation d'un prototype de mise en compression électromagnétique. Le premier chapitre de cette thèse est un état de l'art des technologies de mise en compression et du procédé de mise en compression par impulsion électromagnétique. Ainsi, les besoins de ce procédé sont identifiés et les technologies pouvant répondre à ces besoins sont explorées. Le deuxième chapitre, après une sélection de la structure globale du dispositif, va consister aux dimensionnements des éléments du prototype EMP. Cette étude commencera avec une étude sur l'inducteur qui va être utilisé avant de continuer sur le dimensionnement du stockage d'énergie et de l'interrupteur de décharge. Afin de valider le dimensionnement des composants précédents, une simulation électromagnétique 3D du système est réalisée. L'assemblage du prototype est présenté dans le troisième chapitre ainsi qu'une première campagne d'essai sur un alliage d'aluminium. Deux types d'éprouvettes sont testées : une éprouvette fine pour vérifier visuellement la mise en compression (essai Almen) et une éprouvette massive afin d'évaluer la profondeur traitée. Une modélisation multiphysique 3D du procédé est réalisée afin de corréler ces résultats avec l'expérience. Dans un dernier chapitre, une étude exploratoire est menée sur un matériau ferromagnétique, le mumétal, pour visualiser l'influence des contraintes résiduelles sur les propriétés magnétiques de ce dernier. / Penning processes are widely used in industries to apply compressive residual stresses into the most solicited part of mechanical pieces. In that way, the compressive residual stresses limit the priming and the propagation of micro-cracks in the material. This increases significantly the lifespan of the treated mechanical piece under fatigue stresses. These existing peening processes have proved their efficiency and also their limitations and weaknesses. The main recurrent defaults are a shallow depth of treatment, a degradation of the surface condition, a random control of the treatment, a material contamination, etc. These problems have led towards the development of news innovative peening processes which allow better performance avoiding some previous defaults briefly evoked. Among these news processes, the electromagnetic peening process seems especially interesting. This process uses high energy electromagnetic fields to induce Lorentz forces into a metallic piece and thus residual stresses. Actually, there is not much information about this process in the literature and no prototype was ever built. The work of this thesis is dedicated to development and realization of an electromagnetic peening prototype. The first chapter of this thesis adresses the state of the art of major peening processes actually in industrial use. Next, the electromagnetic peening process, or EMP process, is described and the electrical needs are exposed. A second state of the art is made about the technological solutions to respond to the EMP needs. The second chapter is about the conception of the EMP prototype with the electrical structure adopted in the previous chapter. The first step is about the inductor sizing to generate an electromagnetic field sufficient enough for a peening application. Next, the storage system is designed depending on the inductor parameters and finally the closing switch is created considering the electrical parameters used for the EMP process. To validate the previous results, a 3D electromagnetic simulation is done. The prototype assembly is presented in the third chapter and also the first experimental test on the EMP prototype. To begin with, an aluminium alloy with low yield strength is selected to be treated. Two different samples forms are used, a thin one, to realize a similar test to the Almen test and thick one to check the EMP depth of treatment. A 3D multiphysics simulation of these experiments is made and these numeric results are next correlated to the experimental ones. In the fourth chapter, an exploratory study is realized on the effects of the residual stresses on magnetic properties of ferromagnetic material, the mumetal
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Computational fluid-dynamics investigations of vortex generators for flow-separation controlvon Stillfried, Florian January 2012 (has links)
Many flow cases in fluid dynamics face undesirable flow separation due to ad-verse pressure gradients on wall boundaries. This occurs, for example, due togeometrical reasons as in a highly curved turbine-inlet duct or on flow-controlsurfaces such as wing trailing-edge flaps within a certain angle-of-attack range.Here, flow-control devices are often used in order to enhance the flow and delayor even totally eliminate flow separation. Flow control can e.g. be achieved byusing passive or active vortex generators (VGs) for momentum mixing in theboundary layer of such flows. This thesis focusses on such passive and activeVGs and their modelling for computational fluid dynamics investigations. First, a statistical VG model approach for passive vane vortex genera-tors (VVGs), developed at the Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm andthe Swedish Defence Research Agency, was evaluated and further improvedby means of experimental data and three-dimensional fully-resolved computa-tions. This statistical VVG model approach models those statistical vortexstresses that are generated at the VG by the detaching streamwise vortices.This is established by means of the Lamb-Oseen vortex model and the Prandtllifting-line theory for the determination of the vortex strength. Moreover, thisansatz adds the additional vortex stresses to the turbulence of a Reynolds-stresstransport model. Therefore, it removes the need to build fully-resolved three-dimensional geometries of VVGs in a computational fluid dynamics mesh. Usu-ally, the generation of these fully-resolved geometries is rather costly in termsof preprocessing and computations. By applying VVG models, the costs arereduced to that of computations without VVGs. The original and an improvedcalibrated passive VVG model show sensitivity for parameter variations suchas the modelled VVG geometry and the VVG model location on a flat plate inzero- and adverse-pressure-gradient flows, in a diffuser, and on an airfoil withits high-lift system extracted. It could be shown that the passive VG modelqualitatively and partly quantitatively describes correct trends and tendenciesfor these different applications. In a second step, active vortex-generator jets (VGJs) are considered. They were experimentally investigated in a zero-pressure-gradient flat-plate flow atTechnische Universitä̈t Braunschweig, Germany, and have been re-evaluated for our purposes and a parameterization of the generated vortices was conducted. Dependencies of the generated vortices and their characteristics on the VGJsetup parameters could be identified and quantified. These dependencies wereused as a basis for the development of a new statistical VGJ model. This modeluses the ansatz of the passive VVG model in terms of the vortex model, theadditional vortex-stress tensor, and its summation to the Reynolds stress ten-sor. Yet, it does not use the Prandtl lifting-line theory for the determinationof the circulation but an ansatz for the balance of the momentum impact thatthe VGJ has on the mean flow. This model is currently under developmentand first results have been evaluated against experimental and fully-resolvedcomputational results of a flat plate without pressure gradient. / <p>QC 20120511</p>
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Stochastic Simulation Of Daily Rainfall Data Using Matched Block BootstrapSanthosh, D 06 1900 (has links)
Characterizing the uncertainty in rainfall using stochastic models has been a challenging area of research in the field of operational hydrology for about half a century. Simulated sequences drawn from such models find use in a variety of hydrological applications. Traditionally, parametric models are used for simulating rainfall. But the parametric models are not parsimonious and have uncertainties associated with identification of model form, normalizing transformation, and parameter estimation. None of the models in vogue have gained universal acceptability among practising engineers. This may either be due to lack of confidence in the existing models, or the inability to adopt models proposed in literature because of their complexity or both.
In the present study, a new nonparametric Matched Block Bootstrap (MABB) model is proposed for stochastic simulation of rainfall at daily time scale. It is based on conditional matching of blocks formed from the historical rainfall data using a set of predictors (conditioning variables) proposed for matching the blocks. The efficiency of the developed model is demonstrated through application to rainfall data from India, Australia, and USA. The performance of MABB is compared with two non-parametric rainfall simulation models, k-NN and ROG-RAG, for a site in Melbourne, Australia. The results showed that MABB model is a feasible alternative to ROG-RAG and k-NN models for simulating daily rainfall sequences for hydrologic applications. Further it is found that MABB and ROG-RAG models outperform k-NN model. The proposed MABB model preserved the summary statistics of rainfall and fraction of wet days at daily, monthly, seasonal and annual scales. It could also provide reasonable performance in simulating spell statistics. The MABB is parsimonious and requires less computational effort than ROG-RAG model. It reproduces probability density function (marginal distribution) fairly well due to its data driven nature. Results obtained for sites in India and U.S.A. show that the model is robust and promising.
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Design and development of material-based resolution enhancement techniques for optical lithographyGu, Xinyu 18 November 2013 (has links)
The relentless commercial drive for smaller, faster, and cheaper semi-conductor devices has pushed the existing patterning technologies to their limits. Photolithography, one of the crucial processes that determine the feature size in a microchip, is currently facing this challenge. The immaturity of next generation lithography (NGL) technology, particularly EUV, forces the semiconductor industry to explore new processing technologies that can extend the use of the existing lithographic method (i.e. ArF lithography) to enable production beyond the 32 nm node. Two new resolution enhancement techniques, double exposure lithography (DEL) and pitch division lithography (PDL), were proposed that could extend the resolution capability of the current lithography tools. This thesis describes the material and process development for these two techniques. DEL technique requires two exposure passes in a single lithographic cycle. The first exposure is performed with a mask that has a relaxed pitch, and the mask is then shifted by half pitch and re-used for the second exposure. The resolution of the resulting pattern on the wafer is doubled with respect to the features on the mask. This technique can be enabled with a type of material that functions as optical threshold layer (OTL). The key requirements for materials to be useful for OTL are a photoinduced isothermal phase transition and permeance modulation with reverse capabilities. A number of materials were designed and tested based on long alkyl side chain crystalline polymers that bear azobenzene pendant groups on the main chain. The target copolymers were synthesized and fully characterized. A proof-of-concept for the OTL design was successfully demonstrated with a series of customized analytical techniques. PDL technique doubles the line density of a grating mask with only a single exposure and is fully compatible with current lithography tools. Thus, this technique is capable of extending the resolution limit of the current ArF lithography without increasing the cost-of-ownership. Pitch division with a single exposure is accomplished by a dual-tone photoresist. This thesis presents a novel method to enable a dual-tone behavior by addition of a photobase generator (PBG) into a conventional resist formulation. The PBG was optimized to function as an exposure-dependent base quencher, which mainly neutralizes the acid generated in high dose regions but has only a minor influence in low dose regions. The resulting acid concentration profile is a parabola-like function of exposure dose, and only the medium exposure dose produces a sufficient amount of acid to switch the resist solubility. This acid response is exploited to produce pitch division patterns by creating a set of negative-tone lines in the overexposed regions in addition to the conventional positive-tone lines. A number of PBGs were synthesized and characterized, and their decomposition rate constants were studied using various techniques. Simulations were carried out to assess the feasibility of pitch division lithography. It was concluded that pitch division lithography is advantageous when the process aggressiveness factor k₁ is below 0.27. Finally, lithography evaluations of these dual-tone resists demonstrated a proof-of-concept for pitch division lithography with 45 nm pitch divided line and space patterns for a k₁ of 0.13. / text
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