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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

De Novo Variants in RAB11B Cause Various Degrees of Global Developmental Delay and Intellectual Disability in Children

Ahmad, Natalie 06 December 2024 (has links)
Die Dissertation beschreibt neue genetische Veränderungen im RAB11B-Gen, die bei Kindern unterschiedliche Grade der Entwicklungsverzögerung und Intelligenzminderung verursachen, um den Wissensstand über das phänotypische Sprektrum von RAB11B als Ursache für eine Entwicklungsverzögerung zu erweitern. Es werden in der Arbeit neue mit bereits bekannten genetischen Varianten der Individuen und deren Phänotypen verglichen.

Auswirkungen der Genpolymorphismen ASIC1, BDNF und NPSR1 auf die Antizipationsphase aversiver Reize / Effects of the ASIC1, BDNF and NPSR1 gene polymorphisms on the anticipation phase of aversive stimuli

Balbierer [geb. Hoock], Julia Maria January 2024 (has links) (PDF)
In dieser Arbeit wurden einerseits die Antizipationsphasen von aversiven gegenüber neutralen Reizen anhand von Messungen der Hautleitfähigkeit und der Startle-Reaktion untersucht. Andererseits wurde die Hautleitfähigkeit auch während der Präsentation aversiver und neutraler Reize mit dem Ziel gemessen, signifikante Unterschiede festzustellen. Insbesondere wurden die Auswirkungen der Allele der Gene ASIC1 und der Interaktion der Genallele BDNF und NPSR1 betrachtet. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es, den Einfluss der Risikogene auf die physiologische Angstreaktion und die subjektive Angstwahrnehmung zu untersuchen. Hierzu wurden den genotypisierten Probanden aversive und neutrale Videos präsentiert. Vor jedem Video erfolgte die Ankündigung, ob es sich um ein neutrales oder aversives Video handelt, wodurch bei Letzterem im Allgemeinen antizipatorische Angst – Erwartungsangst – hervorgerufen wird. Im Vergleich der Antizipationsphase vor Darbietung aversiver Videos mit der Antizipationsphase vor neutralen Videos konnte eine erhöhte Startle-Amplitude gemessen werden. Jedoch konnte weder anhand der Veränderung der Hautleitfähigkeit noch anhand der Startle-Amplitude ein signifikanter Unterschied bei Trägern und Nicht- Trägern der Risikogenallelen in der Antizipationsphase festgestellt werden. Während der Präsentation der Videos konnte für die aversiven Videos im Vergleich zu den neutralen eine erhöhte Hautleitfähigkeit gemessen werden. Ebenfalls konnte bei der Darbietung von aversiven Videos bei den Trägern der Genallel-Interaktion NPSR1 AT/TT * BDNF GG und den Trägern des Risikogenallels ASIC1TT eine erhöhte Hautleitfähigkeit gemessen werden. So konnte mit den Ergebnissen dieser Arbeit belegt werden, dass Antizipationsangst auslösbar und anhand der Startle-Amplitude messbar ist. Um Antizipationsangst festzustellen oder diese bei Risikogenallel-Träger zu untersuchen, waren die Ergebnisse bezüglich der Hautleitfähigkeit jedoch weniger aussagekräftig als erwartet. Allgemein konnte die Interaktion NPSR1 AT/TT * BDNF GG und ASIC1 TT als Risikogenallele bezüglich einer verstärken Reaktion auf aversive Reize bestätigt werden. Weitere Studien sind notwendig, um die genetische Komponente von Angst und damit auch von Angsterkrankungen näher zu beleuchten, damit zukünftige Diagnostik- und Therapieansätze präzise entwickelt werden können. / In this study, the anticipation phases of aversive versus neutral stimuli were investigated using measurements of electrodermal activity and the startle response. Furthermore, electrodermal activity was also measured during the presentation of aversive and neutral stimuli with the aim of identifying significant differences. In particular, the effects of the alleles of the genes ASIC1 and the interaction of the gene alleles BDNF and NPSR1 were considered. The aim of the presented study was to investigate the effect of the genes on the physiological fear response and the subjective perception of fear. For this purpose, aversive and neutral videos were presented to genotyped test subjects. Each video was preceded by an announcement as to whether it was a neutral or aversive video, which generally generates anticipatory anxiety in the latter case. An increased startle amplitude was measured when comparing the anticipatory phase before the presentation of aversive videos with the anticipatory phase before neutral videos. However, neither the change in electrodermal activity nor the startle amplitude showed a significant difference between carriers and non-carriers of the risk alleles in the anticipation phase. During the presentation of the videos, an increased electrodermal activity was measured for the aversive videos compared to the neutral videos. Likewise, during the presentation of aversive videos, the carriers of the of the gene allele interaction NPSR1 AT/TT * BDNF GG and the carriers of the risk gene allele ASIC1 TT. The results of this study thus demonstrate that anticipatory anxiety can be triggered and measured using the startle response. However, the results regarding electrodermal activity were less significant than expected for detecting anticipatory anxiety or investigating for in risk gene allele carriers. In general, the interaction of NPSR1 AT/TT * BDNF GG and ASIC1 TT could be confirmed as risk gene alleles with regards to an increased reaction to aversive stimuli. Further studies are needed to shed more light on the genetic component of anxiety as well as on anxiety disorders so that future diagnostic and therapeutic approaches can be developed precisely.

Investigating non-canonical, 5' UTR-dependent translation of MYC and its impact on colorectal cancer development / Untersuchung der nicht-kanonischen, 5' UTR-abhängigen Translation von MYC und ihres Einflusses auf die Entwicklung von Darmkrebs

Hahn, Sarah January 2024 (has links) (PDF)
Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the second most common tumour disease in Germany, with the sequential accumulation of certain mutations playing a decisive role in the transition from adenoma to carcinoma. In particular, deregulation of the Wnt signalling pathway and the associated deregulated expression of the MYC oncoprotein play a crucial role. Targeting MYC thus represents an important therapeutic approach in the treatment of tumours. Since direct inhibition of MYC is challenging, various approaches have been pursued to date to target MYC indirectly. The MYC 5' UTR contains an internal ribosomal entry site (IRES), which has a particular role in the initiation of MYC translation, especially in multiple myeloma. As basis for this work, it was hypothesised on the basis of previous data that translation of MYC potentially occurs via its IRES in CRC as well. Based on this, two IRES inhibitors were tested for their potential to regulate MYC expression in CRC cells. In addition, alternative, 5’ UTR-dependent translation of MYC and interacting factors were investigated. EIF3D was identified as a MYC 5' UTR binding protein which has the potential to regulate MYC expression in CRC. The results of this work suggest that there is a link between eIF3D and MYC expression/translation, rendering eIF3D a potential therapeutic target for MYC-driven CRCs. / Das kolorektale Karzinom (KRK) ist die zweithäufigste Tumorerkrankung in Deutschland, wobei die sequenzielle Akkumulation bestimmter Mutationen eine entscheidende Rolle beim Übergang vom Adenom zum Karzinom spielt. Insbesondere die Deregulation des Wnt-Signalweges und die damit verbundene deregulierte Expression des MYC-Onkoproteins spielen eine entscheidende Rolle. MYC ist ein zentraler Vermittler von Zellfunktionen und reguliert als Transkriptionsfaktor die Expression fast aller Gene sowie verschiedener RNA-Spezies. Selbst kleine Veränderungen der zellulären MYC-Konzentration können das Proliferationsverhalten beeinflussen und die Entstehung und das Fortschreiten von Tumoren fördern. Die gezielte Beeinflussung von MYC stellt daher einen wichtigen therapeutischen Ansatz für die Behandlung von Tumoren dar. Da eine direkte Hemmung von MYC aufgrund seiner Struktur herausfordernd ist, wurden bisher verschiedene Ansätze verfolgt, um MYC indirekt zu beeinflussen, etwa über seinen Interaktionspartner MAX oder auf Ebene der Stabilität, Transkription oder Translation. In unserer eigenen Forschungsgruppe lag der Schwerpunkt in den letzten Jahren speziell auf der Translation von MYC im KRK. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Hemmung der kanonischen cap-abhängigen Translation nicht wie erwartet zu einer Verringerung der zellulären MYC-Level führt, was auf einen alternativen Mechanismus der MYC-Translation hindeutet, der unabhängig vom eIF4F-Komplex abläuft. Die 5'-UTR von MYC enthält eine interne ribosomale Eintrittsstelle (IRES), die eine besondere Rolle bei der Initiierung der MYC-Translation spielt, insbesondere im Multiplen Myelom. Als Grundlage für diese Arbeit wurde daher die Hypothese aufgestellt, dass die Translation von MYC im KRK möglicherweise ebenfalls über die IRES erfolgt. Auf dieser Grundlage wurden zunächst zwei publizierte IRES-Inhibitoren auf ihr Potenzial zur Regulierung der MYC-Expression in KRK-Zellen getestet. J007-IRES hatte keine Auswirkungen auf die MYC-Proteinmenge, und Cymarin scheint weitaus globalere Auswirkungen zu haben, die nicht ausschließlich auf die Verringerung der MYC-Proteinmenge zurückzuführen sind. Daher wurde weiter untersucht, inwieweit die alternative Translation von MYC generell von der 5'-UTR und damit interagierenden Faktoren abhängig ist. EIF3D wurde als MYC-5'-UTR-Bindungsprotein identifiziert, dessen Knockdown zu reduzierten MYC-Leveln, einem Proliferationsdefizit sowie einer Verringerung der globalen Proteinsynthese in KRK-Zellen führte. Darüber hinaus führte die Depletion von EIF3D zu ähnlichen Veränderungen im zellulären Genexpressionsmuster wie die Depletion von MYC, wobei viele tumorassoziierte Signalwege betroffen waren. Mittels eCLIP-seq wurde die Bindung von eIF3D an die MYC mRNA nachgewiesen, der genaue Mechanismus einer möglicherweise durch eIF3D vermittelten Translation von MYC muss jedoch weiter untersucht werden. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit deuten darauf hin, dass eine Verbindung zwischen eIF3D und der MYC-Expression/Translation besteht, wodurch eIF3D zu einem potenziellen therapeutischen Ziel für MYC-getriebene KRKs wird.

Suppressor of zeste 12, a Polycomb group gene in Drosophila melanogaster; one piece in the epigenetic puzzle

Birve, Anna January 2003 (has links)
<p>In multicellular organisms all cells in one individual have an identical genotype, and yet their bodies consist of many and very different tissues and thus many different cell types. Somehow there must be a difference in how genes are interpreted. So, there must be signals that tell the genes when and where to be active and inactive, respectively. In some instances a specific an expression pattern (active or inactive) is epigenetic; it is established and maintained throughout multiple rounds of cell divisions. In the developing <i>Drosophila</i> embryo, the proper expression pattern of e.g. the homeotic genes <i>Abd-B</i> and <i>Ubx</i> is to be kept active in the posterior part and silenced in the anterior. Properly silenced homeotic genes are crucial for the correct segmentation pattern of the fly and the Polycomb group (Pc-G) proteins are vital for maintaining this type of stable repression.</p><p>As part of this thesis, <i>Suppressor of zeste 12 (Su(z)12)</i> is characterized as a <i>Drosophila</i> Pc-G gene. Mutations in the gene cause widespread misexpression of several homeotic genes in embryos and larvae. Results show that the silencing of the homeotic genes <i>Abd-B</i> and <i>Ubx</i>, probably is mediated via physical binding of SU(Z)12 to Polycomb Response Elements in the BX-C. <i>Su(z)12</i> mutations are strong suppressors of position-effect-variegation and the SU(Z)12 protein binds weakly to the heterochromatic centromeric region. These results indicate that SU(Z)12 has a function in heterochromatin-mediated repression, which is an unusual feature for a Pc-G protein. The structure of the <i>Su(z)12</i> gene was determined and the deduced protein contains a C2-H2 zinc finger domain, several nuclear localization signals, and a region, the VEFS box, with high homology to mammalian and plant homologues. <i>Su(z)12 </i>was originally isolated in a screen for modifiers of the zeste-white interaction and I present results that suggests that this effect is mediated through an interaction between <i>Su(z)12 </i>and <i>zeste</i>. I also show that <i>Su(z)12</i> interact genetically with other Pc-G mutants and that the SU(Z)12 protein binds more than 100 euchromatic bands on polytene chromosomes. I also present results showing that SU(Z)12 is a subunit of two different E(Z)/ESC embryonic silencing complexes, one 1MDa and one 600 kDa complex, where the larger complex also contains PCL and RPD3. </p><p>In conclusion, results presented in this thesis show that the recently identified Pc-G gene, <i>Su(z)12</i>, is of vital importance for correct maintenance of silencing of the developmentally important homeotic genes.</p>

Genetic Studies of Rheumatoid Arthritis using Animal Models

Nordquist, Niklas January 2001 (has links)
<p>Predisposition to autoimmune diseases such as, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, and multiple sclerosis, is caused by the effect of multiple genes and a strong influence from the environment. </p><p>In this study, I have investigated genetic factors that confer susceptibility to rheumatoid arthritis in a rat model. This work has led to the identification of several chromosomal regions, containing uncharacterized genes that directly or indirectly are associated to the arthritis development in these rats. We have observed that timing, gender, and genetic interactions are features that play a part in the effect that these genetic factors exert. </p><p>Unarguably, animal models for human disorders display differences to the human form of disease. An important fact is however that the same chromosomal regions are identified in both rodent and human studies, which suggests that there are genetic factors that we have in common, which are involved directly or indirectly with an autoimmune response. </p><p>Focusing the interest on these similarities, and on the possibility to apply a wide set of genetic tools, make animal models an invaluable, and probably necessary, instrument to dissect the genetic component of complex disorders. To fully comprehend the genetic basis for a complex disorder like this, will require understanding of how multiple genes interact with each other to cause disease. </p><p>We have been able to demonstrate that chronic arthritis, in a rat model for rheumatoid arthritis, is regulated by several genes and that these act during different temporal phases of the disease. These findings will hopefully contribute to our understanding of the etiology and progression of rheumatoid arthritis.</p>

Molecular Pathogenesis of Cervical Carcinoma : Analysis of Clonality, HPV16 Sequence Variations and Loss of Heterozygosity

Hu, Xinrong January 2001 (has links)
<p>A previous model of morphological pathogenesis assumed that cervical carcinoma is of monoclonal origin and progresses through multiple steps from normal epithelium via CINS into invasive carcinomas. The aim of this study was to investigate the molecular mechanism of pathogenesis of cervical neoplasia. </p><p>In the clonality study, we found that 75% (6/8) of informative cases of cervical carcinoma had identical patterns of loss of heterozygosity (LOH) in the multiple synchronous lesions, while the remaining cases had different LOU patterns. In an extensively studied "golden case", the multiple carcinoma and cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) lesions could be divided into several different clonal groups by the X-chromosome inactivation patterns, HPV 16 mutations and LOH patterns. The biggest clonal family included one CIN II, one CIN III and four carcinoma samples, while four other monoclonal families of carcinoma did not include CIN lesions. These results suggested that cervical carcinoma can be either monoclonal or polygonal and contains clones developing either directly or via multiple steps. In the study of HPV types and HPV16 variations, the results confirmed that specific HPV types are the cause of cervical carcinoma but failed to support the previous opinion that HPV16 E6 variants are more malignant than the prototype. We established a novel classification called oncogene lineage of HPV16, and found that additional variations of HPV 16 oncogenes might be a weak further risk factor for cervical carcinoma. In the study of LOH, we found that interstitial deletion of two common regions of chromosome 3p, i.e., 3p2l.1-3p2l.3, and 3p22, was an early event in the development of cervical carcinoma. The results showed that the hMLH1 gene, located in 3p22 and showing LOH in 43% of the studied cases, was not involved in the development of cervical carcinoma because neither the expression level of protein nor the gene sequence was altered in these cases. </p><p>In summary, a suggested model of molecular pathogenesis of cervical carcinoma is as follows. Specific types of HPV infect one or more committed stem cells in the basal layer of the epithelium. Fully efficient LOH events turn one (monoclonal origin) or more (polyclonal origin) HPV-infected stem cells into carcinoma cells without CIN steps. Less efficient LOH events would lead to CIN steps where some other unknown factors require to be added to facilitate the formation of carcinoma. In the absence of LOH events no carcinoma develops from the HPV-infected stem cells.</p>

Signal Transduction in Mast Cell Migration

Sundström, Magnus January 2001 (has links)
<p>Mast cells are essential effector cells in the immune system as they release several inflammatory mediators. An accumulation of mast cells has been described in inflammatory conditions such as asthma and allergic rhinitis. Increased mast cell number, in the skin and other organs, is also a characteristic in mastocytosis, a disease without an effective treatment. One explanation for the increase in mast cell number is migration of mast cells in the tissue. In our studies we utilised mast cell lines, including HMC-1; cell lines transfected with the <i>c-kit</i> gene; and <i>in vitro</i> developed mast cells.</p><p>Our aim was to characterise, two variants of the HMC-1 cell line; the signalling pathways essential for mast cell migration towards TGF-β and SCF; and the mechanism regulating mast cell accumulation in mastocytosis.</p><p>Our results help to explain inconsistent findings regarding mast cell biology when HMC-1 cells have been used as a model system. The two variants, which we name HMC-1<sup>560</sup> and HMC-1<sup>560, 816</sup>, are used in different laboratories around the world. HMC-1<sup>560</sup> and HMC-1<sup>560, 816</sup> exhibited different characteristics regarding their karyotype, phenotype as well as their set of activating point mutations in the Kit receptor. Furthermore, divergent signalling pathways are of importance for mast cell migration towards TGF-β and SCF. The classical MAP kinase-signalling cascade was found to be of major relevance for TGF-β-induced migration. In contrast, this pathway had a modest impact on SCF-induced migration, which instead was highly dependent on p38 MAP kinase signalling. Finally, one mechanism for mast cell accumulation in mastocytosis appeared to be an activating point mutation in the gene for the Kit receptor. This mutation appeared to prone transfected cells and mast cell progenitors to a higher rate of migration towards SCF if compared with cells expressing wt Kit receptor.</p><p>In conclusion, our results show the importance of two different MAP kinase signalling pathways and mutations in the Kit receptor for mast cell migration induced by various types of stimuli. This knowledge helps us to understand the mechanism </p>

Mutation and Diversity in Avian Sex Chromosomes

Sundström, Hannah January 2003 (has links)
<p>Sex chromosomes are useful for the study of how factors such as mutation, selection, recombination and effective population size affect diversity and divergence.</p><p>A comparison of gametologous introns in seven different bird species revealed a complete lack of diversity on the female-specific W chromosome. In contrast, Z had at least one segregating site in all examined species. This can be explained by the lower mutation rate and lower effective population size of W but also suggests that selection affects diversity levels on the non-recombining W chromosome.</p><p>In a diverse set of chicken breeds, the Z chromosome showed reduced diversity compared to autosomes and significant heterogeneity in levels of variation. High variance in male reproductive success, leading to a reduced Z chromosome effective population size, can partly explain this observation. In addition, we suggest that selective sweeps frequently act on the Z chromosome and are responsible for a significant part of the observed Z reduction. </p><p>Differences in the mutation rate of Z and W chromosome sequences indicate that the time spent in male germ line is important for the mutation rate, but does not exclude a specifically reduced mutation rate on the Z chromosome. Estimates of mutation rate in autosomal, Z- and W-linked chicken and turkey sequences indicate a slight reduction in the rate on Z. However, due to rate heterogeneity among introns this reduction is not significant and we cannot exclude male biased mutation as the single cause of rate variation between the chromosomal classes.</p><p>Analysis of indel mutation rates in avian and mammalian gametologous introns show frequent occurrence of indels on both W and Y, excluding meiotic recombination as the only source of this type of mutation. The different indel rate patterns in birds (Z>W) and mammals (X=Y) suggest that indels are caused by both replication and recombination.</p>

Postglacial Population History of the Common Shrew (<i>Sorex araneus</i>) in Fennoscandia : Molekylära studier av återkolonisation, könsbundet genflöde och kromosomrasbildning. / Den vanliga näbbmusens (<i>Sorex araneus</i>) postglaciala populationshistoria i Fennoskandien : Molekylära studier av återkolonisation, könsbundet genflöde och kromosomrasbildning.

Andersson, Anna-Carin January 2004 (has links)
<p>The common shrew, <i>Sorex araneus</i>, has one of the most variable karyotypes among mammals, displaying numerous chromosomes races throughout its distribution, which can be categorized into different karyotypic groups. The objective of this thesis was to examine the postglacial population history of Fennoscandian common shrews using autosomal microsatellites, mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and a Y chromosome specific microsatellite (L8Y).</p><p>Autosomal microsatellites and mtDNA revealed weak genetic structure over a hybrid zone between the karyotypically divergent Northern and Western karyotypic groups. However, the genetic structure displayed by the Y chromosome microsatellite was orders of magnitude higher. Hence, considerable chromosomal differences between the groups do not prevent female gene flow, while male gene flow is reduced (cf. Haldane's rule). Further, the results suggest that the Haldane effect may be caused by the chromosomal differences between the karyotypic groups.</p><p>No mtDNA differentiation was observed either between chromosome races or between the Northern and Western karyotypic groups in Fennoscandia. The combined pattern of karyotypic and mtDNA variation of Fennoscandian common shrews, suggest bi-directional postglacial recolonisation from a single refugium in Europe. The variation of the Y-linked microsatellite supported this conclusion. In contrast, significant mtDNA structure, discordant with the karyotypic variation, revealed that common shrews in southern Finland belong to a different lineage than remaining Fennoscandian regions, implying postglacial recolonisation from a different source.</p><p>MtDNA variation of the chromosome races in Sweden supports the hypothesis that three races of the Western karyotypic group have been formed through whole arm reciprocal translocations (WARTs), as suggested by their mutual karyotypic variation. The variation of the molecular markers supports the theory of rapid karyotypic evolution in the common shrew.</p>

Immunoglobulin Gene Analysis in Different B cell Lymphomas : With Focus on Cellular Origin and Antigen Selection

Thorsélius, Mia January 2004 (has links)
<p>B cell lymphoma (BCL) comprises a biologically and clinically heterogeneous group of tumors deriving from different stages of B cell development. The immunoglobulin (Ig) variable heavy chain (V<sub>H</sub>) gene rearrangement is unique for each BCL and can be used to reveal cellular origin, to study signs of antigen selection and to quantify tumor cell load.</p><p>The normal counterpart of mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) has been postulated to be a naïve B cell and in hairy cell leukemia (HCL) it is considered to be a post-germinal centre B cell. We analyzed the V<sub>H</sub> gene rearrangements in 110 MCLs and 32 HCLs by PCR amplification and sequencing. Most MCLs (84%) displayed V<sub>H</sub> genes lacking somatic hypermutation (SHM), thus correlating to a naïve cell origin, whereas a subgroup (16%) showed SHM, implying derivation from a more differentiated B cell. In HCL, a majority of cases (84%) displayed SHM with signs of intraclonal heterogeneity and 16% had unmutated V<sub>H</sub> genes, thus questioning the cell of origin in HCL. Biased usage of particular V<sub>H</sub> genes was detected in both HCL (V<sub>H</sub>3-30) and MCL (V<sub>H</sub>3-21 and V<sub>H</sub>4-34), which indicates that antigen selection may be involved in lymphoma development. Furthermore, V<sub>H</sub>3-21<sup>+</sup> MCLs showed a highly restricted V<sub>λ</sub>3-19 gene use and they also had a superior outcome compared to other MCLs.</p><p>Rearrangement analysis of 67 V<sub>H</sub>3-21<sup>+</sup> chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) cases from three different countries verified, regardless of geographical origin, the short and highly homologous complementarity determining region 3s and the strikingly biased usage of the V<sub>λ</sub>2-14 gene (75%), as previously reported in CLL. This further supports that antigen selection by a common antigenic epitope may have occurred in V<sub>H</sub>3-21<sup>+</sup> CLLs. </p><p>In an autologous transplantation study of 30 multiple myeloma patients, we quantified the tumor content in the autografts before and after stem cell selection using clone-specific PCR. We conclude that stem cell selection reduced the number of clonal cells linearly, but purging could not totally eliminate the tumor cells from the graft, thus increasing the risk of a relapse.</p><p>Altogether, our data allowed us to define new BCL subsets and to gain insights into the potential role of antigen selection in BCL development as well as the monitoring of tumor cell load using Ig gene rearrangements analysis. </p>

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