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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Status of mirror segment production for the Giant Magellan Telescope

Martin, H. M., Burge, J. H., Davis, J. M., Kim, D. W., Kingsley, J. S., Law, K., Loeff, A., Lutz, R. D., Merrill, C., Strittmatter, P. A., Tuell, M. T., Weinberger, S. N., West, S. C. 22 July 2016 (has links)
The Richard F. Caris Mirror Lab at the University of Arizona is responsible for production of the eight 8.4 m segments for the primary mirror of the Giant Magellan Telescope, including one spare off-axis segment. We report on the successful casting of Segment 4, the center segment. Prior to generating the optical surface of Segment 2, we carried out a major upgrade of our 8.4 m Large Optical Generator. The upgrade includes new hardware and software to improve accuracy, safety, reliability and ease of use. We are currently carrying out an upgrade of our 8.4 m polishing machine that includes improved orbital polishing capabilities. We added and modified several components of the optical tests during the manufacture of Segment 1, and we have continued to improve the systems in preparation for Segments 2-8. We completed two projects that were prior commitments before GMT Segment 2: casting and polishing the combined primary and tertiary mirrors for the LSST, and casting and generating a 6.5 m mirror for the Tokyo Atacama Observatory.

Virus géants et pathogènes d'amibes

Campocasso, Angélique 14 February 2012 (has links)
Les amibes sont des protozoaires unicellulaires ubiquitaires dans l'environnement qui se nourrissent des microorganismes qui les entourent. Cependant plusieurs études ont déjà montré que certains de ces microorganismes (bactéries et virus) sont capables d'entrer dans les amibes et de s'y multiplier au lieu d'y être digérés. Cette capacité et l'analogie entre les amibes et les macrophages fait de ces microorganismes de potentiels pathogènes humains. L'utilisation de la technique de coculture sur amibes a donc été développée afin de permettre l'isolement de ces microorganismes. En 2001 elle a permis l'isolement d'un petit coque Gram positif qui sera identifié en 2003 comme étant le premier virus géant isolé : Acanthamoeba polyphaga Mimivirus, pour « mimiking microbe » en référence à sa coloration positive au Gram. La découverte de ce virus associé aux amibes et qualifié de « géant » il y a moins d'une décennie a bouleversé les définitions même de virus. Une taille exceptionnelle de 500 nm, un génome qui dépasse 1 Mb, une particule comportant des ADN et des ARN, autant de caractéristiques originales qui l'ont rendu exceptionnel. Depuis, d'autres virus géants ont été isolés, notamment Marseillevirus, et il est probable que la famille s'étende rapidement maintenant que l'on sait que leur isolement était impossible à cause de leur caractère non filtrable. Des études en métagénomique dans l'environnement ont suggéré une grande ubiquité de ces virus dans l'environnement, notamment hydrique. / Free living amoebas are ubiquitous in the environment and feed on microorganisms. However, several studies have already shown that some of these microorganisms (bacteria and virus) are able to enter the amoeba and multiply within the cell. This capacity and the analogy between amoebas and macrophages allow to think that these microorganisms are potentially human pathogens. The use of the amoeba coculture method was thus developed to allow the isolation of these microorganisms. In 2001 it allow the isolation of a small Gram positive coccus which will be characterized in 2003 as the first isolated giant virus : Acanthamoeba polyphaga Mimivirus. The discovery of this virus less than a decade ago challenged the definition of viruses. An exceptional size of 500 nm, a genome which exceeds 1 Mb, a particle containing DNA and ARN, so many original characteristics which made it exceptional. Since, other giant viruses were isolated, in particular Marseillevirus, and it's likely that the family quickly extends now that we know that their isolation was impossible because of their not filterable character. Environmental metagenomic studies suggested a big ubiquity, particularly into hydric environment. Furthermore the description of virophages, small viruses capable of infecting Mimivirus and behaving towards him as a bacteriophage, contribute to debate on the nature of viruses as well as on their place in the evolution.

Využití dat DPZ pro hodnocení aktuálního stavu a vývoje smrkových porostů v Krkonoších / Remote sensing for evalution of state and development of Spruce stands condition in the Giant Mountains

Musilová, Romana January 2012 (has links)
Bc. Romana Musilová: Využití dat DPZ pro hodnocení aktuálního stavu a vývoje smrkových porostů v Krkonoších Remote sensing for evaluation of state and development of Spruce stands condition in the Giant Mountains Abstract Monitoring the health status of forest areas using remote sensing methods are still under development. This master thesis focuses on the use of SPOT, Landsat, QuickBird and WorldView-2 images to evaluate condition of spruce stands in Giant Mountains National Park. For these purposes were selected vegetation indices available in the lite- rature. First satellite images were preprocessed and subsequently calculated vegetation indices. From the generally known were used Normalized Difference Vegetation Index, leaf area index and Simple Ratio. Than were calculated Green Vegetation Index and Red Green Index based on the monitoring of needles color changes. To evaluate moistu- re conditions were used indices Foliar Moisture Index and wide-band Normalized Diffe- rential Infrared Index. The goal was a comparison of the results of these indices and assessment of their applicability. Map outputs indices were compared with maps of de- foliation and mortality of coniferous stands by Ing. Milan Stoklasa. Keywords: remote sensing, Norway Spruce stands, Giant Mountains, vegetation indi- ces, SPOT,...

Nouvelles méthodes de détection de virus dans l'environnement : application à l'identification de nouveaux virus géants dans le milieu marin.

Arslan, Defne 24 November 2011 (has links)
L’objectif de cette thèse était d’isoler de nouveaux Mimiviridae dans l’environnement marin à l’aide d’amibes, hôtes potentiels de ces derniers et surtout organismes ubiquistes phagocytaires et connus pour être parasités par des microorganismes pathogènes. Après la mise en place et la validation de protocoles d’échantillonnages et de mise en culture de prélèvements environnementaux, plusieurs échantillons ont été analysés. Un nouveau membre de la famille des Mimiviridae a été isolé à partir d’un échantillon marin côtier provenant du Chili, stocké dans un milieu enrichi en amidon (milieu riz, propice à la conservation voire à la production de virus) puis mis en coculture dans une souche d’amibe Acanthamoeba griffini. Le séquençage de son génome révèle 1260 kb, codant pour 1120 protéines putatives, ce qui en fait le plus grand génome viral connu. Nommé megavirus chiliensis, sa capside est icosaédrique et possède également des fibrilles comme Acanthamoeba polyphaga mimivirus tout en étant plus grande (diamètre apparent 520 nm vs 450 nm). Bien que les morphologies des deux virus soient similaires et que de nombreuses particularités de mimivirus soient conservées chez megavirus (stargate), 23 % des protéines de megavirus n’ont pas d’homologues chez mimivirus, et les 594 gènes orthologues partagés présentent une identité résiduelle moyenne de 50 %. De plus, megavirus présente 3 amino-acyl-ARNt-synthètases supplémentaires (IleRS, TrpRS et AsnRS) à celles de mimivirus. Ces résultats suggèrent que ces deux virus sont issus d’un génome cellulaire ancestral qui a évolué par réduction génomique. Un parasite intracellulaire obligatoire a également été isolé à partir d’échantillons de sédiments marins de la côte chilienne. Des observations au microscope électronique à transmission indiquent une forme ressemblant à une endospore, de taille très variable (de 400 nm jusqu’à 1 μm), avec une paroi multicouche épaisse (~60 nm) et un pore apical. Cependant, aucune évidence de division n’a encore été observée, laissant penser que cette entité capable de multiplication pourrait être un virus, sans ressembler aux morphologies connues à ce jour. / In order to isolate new Mimiviridae from the marine environment, we used amoeba -ubiquitous phagotrophic protozoa - as potential host for these viruses. Different sampling protocols were tested and validated before carrying out co-cultures with amoeba and environmentals samples. A new Mimiviridae giant virus was isolated from Chilean coastal seawater completed with rice media (enriched incubation). Produced in Acanthamoeba griffini, its genome sequence has 1,260 Mbp and encodes for 1120 putative proteins, making it the largest known viral genome and thus named Megavirus chiliensis. Its icosaedral capsid is covered with fibrils and its size is bigger than that of Acanthamoeba polyphaga mimivirus (520 nm vs 450 nm). Although both virions are very similar and most of the mimivirus idiosyncrasies are conserved in megavirus (stargate), 23 % of megavirus putative proteins have no mimivirus homologs. Both viruses share 594 orthologous proteins exhibiting an average identity of 50 %. Moreover, megavirus contains 3 additional amino-acyl tRNA synthetases (IleRS, TrpRS and AsnRS) compare to mimivirus. These results suggest that these viruses have evolved from an ancestral cellular genome by reductive evolution. In addition, an amoeba obligatory intracellular parasite was isolated from marine sediments from Chilean coast. Transmission electron microscopic images show a particule like endospore with variable size (from 400 nm to 1 µm), a multilayered outer wall (~60 nm) and an apical pore. No evidence of division was observed, suggesting that the multiplication of this endoparasite occurs without division, suggesting that it could be a virus without any similarity to those described today.

Interferência de fungos na qualidade das sementes de Solanum granulosoleprosum e Senna alata / Fungi interference on seed quality of Solanum granulosoleprosum and Senna alata

Koch, Evelyn Fernandes de Araujo 29 April 2019 (has links)
O aumento da demanda por espécies brasileiras tem sido expressivo nos últimos anos, em função do interesse em recuperação de áreas degradadas e recomposição da paisagem. No entanto, para otimizar a utilização do insumo básico para a produção de mudas, a semente, ainda restam lacunas a serem preenchidas no tocante à qualidade de algumas espécies, dentre elas Solanum granulosoleprosum e Senna alata. Este estudo foi dividido em quatro capítulos. O primeiro teve a finalidade de pesquisar condições de temperatura aliadas ao período de incubação que fossem mais adequadas à detecção de fungos associados às sementes das duas espécies estudadas. O segundo objetivou avaliar a interferência da luz, da temperatura, da posição das sementes no substrato papel e do nitrato de potássio na germinação de sementes de S. granulosoleprosum, visando à recomendação de um método a ser utilizado na avaliação da germinação desta espécie. No terceiro foi verificada a interferência dos fungos Alternaria alternata (Aa), Fusarium do complexo de espécies incarnatum-equiseti (FIESC) e Fusarium pseudocircinatum (FPC) na qualidade das sementes de S. alata, bem como a transmissão e sobrevivência destes, quando inoculados nas sementes através da técnica de restrição hídrica e no quarto verificou-se a interferência do fungo Fusarium do complexo de espécies incarnatum-equiseti (FIESC) na qualidade das sementes de S. granulosoleprosum, bem como sua transmissão e sobrevivência, quando inoculado em sementes, através da técnica de restrição hídrica. Os resultados demonstram que o método do papel de filtro, incubado sob temperaturas de 25°C, 7 ou 10 dias e 25°C, 10 dias é eficiente para a detecção de fungos associados às sementes de S. granulosoleprosum e S. alata, respectivamente. Foram identificados dois gêneros de fungos potencialmente patogênicos: Alternaria sp em S. alata e Fusarium sp, para as duas espécies estudadas. A alternância de temperatura 20-30°C, com semeadura entre papel e sobre papel, assim como a alternância a 15-35°C com semeadura sobre papel, aliados ao fotoperíodo de 8 horas e à utilização de solução de KNO3 a 0,2% para umedecimento do substrato são condições propícias para o teste de germinação das sementes de fumo bravo. A técnica de restrição hídrica possibilita a inoculação de fungos nas sementes de S. granulosoleprosum e S. alata. Os fungos A. alternata, Fusarium do complexo de espécies incarnatum-equiseti (FIESC) e Fusarium pseudocircinatum (FPC) interferem na germinação e emergência da plântula, permanecem em associação com as sementes de S. alata durante o armazenamento e são transmitidos pelas sementes causando morte de sementes, necrose da raiz, estrangulamento do colo das plântulas e tombamento. Fusarium do complexo de espécies incarnatum-equiseti (FIESC) não causa interferência na germinação das sementes de S. granulosoleprosum inoculadas, tem a incidência reduzida ao longo do armazenamento, porém é transmitido para as plântulas causando morte de sementes, plântulas com cotilédone preso pelo tegumento, estrangulamento do hipocótilo, má formação de raiz, hipocótilo com encharcamento e necrose nos cotilédones. / The increased demand for Brazilian species has been expressive in the last years, due to the interest in recovery of degraded areas and recomposition of the landscape. However, to optimize the use of the basic input for seedling production, there are still gaps to be filled concerning seed quality of some species, such as Solanum granulosoleprosum and Senna alata. This research was divided into four chapters. The first one had the purpose of investigating temperature conditions allied to the incubation period that were more suitable for detection of fungi associated to the seeds of both species studied. The second focused on evaluating the influence of light, temperature, seed position on paper substrates and potassium nitrate on the germination of S. granulosoleprosum seeds, in order to recommend a method for testing germination of this species. On the third chapter the interference of the fungi Alternaria alternata (Aa), Fusarium belonging to the complex of species Fusarium incarnatum-equiseti (FIESC) and Fusarium pseudocircinatum (FPC), on the quality of S. alata seeds was checked, as well as their transmission and survival on the seeds when inoculated by means of water restcriction technique. On the fourth one the interference of (FIESC) on the quality of S. granulosoleprosum seeds, was tested, as well as its transmission and survival, when inoculated in seeds, through the water restriction technique. The results showed that the blotter test method, incubated at 25°C, 7 or 10 days and 25°C, 10 dias, were more favorable for the detection of fungi associated with S. granulosoleprosum and S. alata seeds, respectively. Two genera of potentially pathogenic fungi were identified: Alternaria sp in S. alata and Fusarium sp, for both species studied. The temperature alternation between 20-30°C, with sowing between paper and on top of paper, as well as the alternation at 15-35°C with sowing on top of paper, under photoperiod of 8 hours and the use of 0.2 % KNO3 solution for substrate wetting are suitable conditions for testing the germination of S. granulosoleprosum seeds. The water restriction technique provided inoculated seeds of S. granulosoleprosum and S. alata. The fungi A. alternata, Fusarium of the incarnatum-equiseti species complex (FIESC) and Fusarium pseudocircinatum (FPC) interfere on the germination and emergence of the seedlings, remain in association with Senna alata seeds during storage period and were transmitted by seeds causing seed death, root necrosis, hypocothil constriction followed by damping off. On the other hand, Fusarium of the incarnatum-equiseti species complex (FIESC) does not interfere on germination of the inoculated S. granulosoleprosum seeds, has the incidence decreased during storage, however, is transmitted from seeds to seedlings causing seed death, seedlings with cotyledons trapped by the seed coat, hypocotyl strangulation, root malformation, hypocotyl with watersoaking and necrosis on cotyledons.

Identification of characteristic energy scales in nuclear isoscalar giant quadrupole resonances: Fourier transforms and wavelet analysis

Usman, Iyabo Tinuola 08 August 2008 (has links)
The identification of energy scales in the region of Isoscalar Giant Quadrupole Resonance (ISGQR) is motivated by their potential use in understanding how an ordered collective motion transforms into a disordered motion of intrinsic single-particle degrees-of-freedom in many-body quantum systems. High energy-resolution measurements of the ISGQR were obtained by proton inelastic scattering at Ep= 200 MeV using the K600 magnetic Spectrometer at iThemba LABS. The nuclei 58Ni, 90Zr, 120Sn and 208Pb, associated with closed shells, were investigated. Both the Fourier transform and Wavelet analysis were used to extract characteristic energy scales and were later compared with the results from the theoretical microscopic Quasi-particle Phonon Model (QPM), including contributions from collective and non-collective states. The scales found in the experimental data were in good agreement with the QPM. This provides a strong argument that the observed energy scales result from the decay of the collective modes into 2p-2h states. The different scale regions were tested directly by reconstruction of measured energy spectra using the Inverse Fourier Transform and the Continuous Wavelet Transform (CWT), together with a comparison to a previously available reconstruction using the Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT).

Mecanismos de fotofissao do ANTPOT.232 TH entre 7,0 e 60,0 meV. / Mechanisms of fotofissao 232 TH between 7,0 and 60.0 meV.

Deppman, Airton 17 December 1990 (has links)
Nosso objetivo e estudar os principais mecanismos de foto absorção no ANTPOT.232 TH entre 7 e 60 Mev, ressonâncias gigantes e mecanismo do quase-deuteron, associados ao decaimento por fissão. Para isso, fizemos medidas da seção de choque de eletrofissão no ANTPOT.232 TH, entre as energias de 7 a 60 Mev, no laboratório do acelerador linear do IFUSP. Utilizamos, na analise, o formalismo dos fótons virtuais, que relaciona a seção de choque de fotofissão a seção de choque de eletrofissão. Foi utilizada a seção de choque de fotofissão medida em livermore e calculamos a seção de choque de fotoabsorção e2 (t=0 e t=1), além da seção de choque de fotoabsorção obtida via quase-deuteron. Verificamos que a contribuição predominante para a seção de choque de eletrofissão e a da componente de dipolo elétrico, sendo as demais contribuições (quadrupolo elétrico e modelo modificado do quase-deuteron) uma ordem de grandeza inferior a esta. / Our objective is to study the main photoabsorption mechanisms in 232T]n between 7 and 60 Mev, namely, Giant Resonances and Quasi-Deuteron, associated to fission decay. We performed electrofission measurements at the linear accelerator of IFUSP. In the analysis, the Virtual Photon Formalism, that relates the photofission cross section to the electrofission cross section, was used. In the calculations, the photofission cross section measured at Livermore Laboratory was used. The E2 photoabsorption and quasi-deuteron photoabsorption cross sections were calculated. We concluded that the most important contribution to the electrofission cross section comes from the El- giant resonance component, the other ones (E2 giant resonance component and quasi-deuteron mechanisms) being 1 or 2% of total electrofission cross section.

Estudo microscópico morfométrico e genotípico de pacientes portadores de lesão central de células gigantes / Microscopic morphometric and genotypic assessment of patients with central giant cell lesions

Teixeira, Renata Cordeiro 20 May 2011 (has links)
A lesão central de células gigantes (LCCG) é uma afecção benigna dos maxilares, de comportamento biológico incerto, variando de discreta tumefação assintomática e de crescimento lento à uma forma agressiva, associada a dor, reabsorção radicular e óssea, com destruição cortical. Sua etiologia permanece desconhecida, havendo controvérsias entre processo reacional, neoplásico ou genético. Mutações no gene SH3BP2 foram identificadas em pacientes com querubismo, condição que compartilha várias características clínicas, radiográficas e histopatológicas com a LCCG. Para testar a hipótese de que tais mutações seriam responsáveis por, ou estariam associadas a LCCG e na tentativa de melhor entender a diferenciação microscópica/morfométrica das lesões agressivas e não agressivas, vinte e cinco pacientes portadores de LCCG foram selecionados para o estudo. O DNA foi obtido através do sangue e de espécimes em blocos de parafina, oriundos de biópsias e tratamento cirúrgico. Um estudo microscópico morfométrico foi paralelamente realizado, para avaliar o número de células gigantes e densidade de volume das mesmas nas lesões agressivas e não agressivas. O sequenciamento genético dos treze exons do gene SH3BP2 nos vinte e cinco pacientes estudados evidenciou uma alteração no códon do exon 4 em 10 pacientes. A densidade de volume de células gigantes foi maior nas lesões agressivas quando comparadas às não agressivas (p=0,013). Não houve diferença significante quanto ao número de células gigantes/mm2 em lesões agressivas e não agressivas (p =0,245). / Central giant cell lesion (CGCL) is a benign disease of the jaws, with uncertain behavior, ranging from mild asymptomatic slow-growing swelling to an aggressive form, with pain, radicular and bone resorption and cortical destruction. Its aetiology is still unknown and there is discussion whether it is a reactive, neoplastic or genetic disease. Mutations on gene SH3BP3 were identified in patients with cherubism, which shares several clinical, radiographic and histopathological features with CGCL. In order to test the hypothesis that such mutations would be responsible for or would be related to CGCL and also in order to better understand microscopic morphometric differentiation of the aggressive and non-aggressive lesions, 25 patients with CGCL were selected to this study. DNA was extracted from blood samples and from tissue samples, obtained by biopsy or surgical treatment. Microscopic morphometric assessment was also performed, in order to evaluate the number and the volume density of the giant cells in aggressive and in non-aggressive lesions. Gene sequencing of all 13 exons in gene SH3BP3, performed on each of the 25 patients, showed an alteration in one codon from exon 4, in ten patients. Volume density of giant cells was greater in aggressive lesions than in non-aggressive ones (p=0,013). There was no significant difference on the number of giant cells per mm2 when comparing aggressive and non-aggressive lesions.

Expressão das conexinas 32 e 43 em células trofoblásticas da placenta bovina em cultura celular / Expression of the connexins 32 and 43 in trophoblast cells of the bovine placenta in cellular culture

Birck, Arlei José 05 December 2007 (has links)
A expressão da conexina 32 e 43 nas células gigantes trofoblásticas foi analisada em condições de cultura celular com e sem influência de hormônios sexuais. Placentônios bovinos foram coletados de vacas prenhes em abatedouro nos diferentes períodos gestacionais e divididos em três grupos, primeiro terço (I), segundo terço (II), terceiro terço (III) e transportados ao laboratório em condições assépticas à temperatura de 4ºC em solução de PBS com antibiótico. No laboratório as células foram isoladas e cultivadas em meio D-MEM com 10% SFB por cinco dias. As detecções das conexinas 32 e 43 foram realizadas através de munofluorescencia, pelo método de amplificação da tiramida-fluoresceina, utilizando anticorpo primário policlonal a imunoglobulina de coelho, anti-conexina 32 e 43 de camundongo. Os resultados mostraram que as células gigantes trofoblásticas expressam conexinas 32 e 43 nos três períodos gestacionais com exceção da Cx32 no primeiro terço gestacional sem adição de hormônios, a qual passou a expressar fluorescência após a adição de hormônios. A distribuição da Cx43 evoluiu com a progressão da gestação, permanecendo limitada ao interior das células gigantes trofoblásticas, sem formar junções comunicantes. O terceiro terço gestacional mostra a Cx43 na CGTT localizada no interior do núcleo. A adição de hormônios ao meio de cultura vem confirmar que a progesterona e o estrógeno podem ter um papel no controle da Cx32. Para Cx43 onde se adicionou progesterona os níveis de expressão foram baixos no início aumentando no decorrer da gestação, o mesmo foi encontrado para o conjugado de progesterona/ estrógeno. Para o estrógeno no grupo I os níveis de expressão foram menores se comparados aos três grupos diminuindo no grupo II e voltando a aumentar no grupo III. / The trophoblast cells expression of connexins 32 and 43 was studied in cell culture conditions with or without influence of sexual hormones. Bovine placentomes were collected from pregnant cows in slaughterhouses in different gestational periods and so divided into three groups, first term (I), second term (II), and third term (III), and transported to the laboratory in aseptic conditions at a temperature of 40C in PBS solution with antibiotics. At the laboratory the cells were isolated and cultivated in D-MEM environment with 10% SFB for five days. The detections of connexins 32 and 43 were achieved through immunofluorescence, by the tyramide-fluorescein amplification method, using a rabbit polyclonal primary antibody anti-connexin 32 and 43 of mice. The results showed that the trophoblast cells expressed connexins 32 and 43 in the three gestational periods with an exception of the Cx32 at the first gestational period. However, after the addition of sexual hormones, they began to express the connexins in the cytoplasm in the first stage. The distribution of the Cx43 evolved with the progression of the gestation, remaining limited to the trophoblast`s cells interior, without formation of gap junctions. The third gestational term shows the Cx43 located inside the nuclei of the CGTT. Addition of hormones in the culture environment confirmed that estrogen and progesterone may have an important action controlling Cx32. For Cx43, the expression was low after prosterone was added to the culture medium, but increased as the gestation evolved, the same was found for a combined compost of estrogen\\ progesterone. For estrogen, in group I the expression levels were inferior when compared to the three groups decreasing in group II and increasing again in group III. We may conclude that the sexual hormes, specially estrogen, affect the expression of connexins in trophoblastic cells.

Expressão e distribuição da conexina 43 nas células trofoblásticas gigantes bovinas em três fases gestacionais / Expression and distribution of Connexin-43 in bovine trophoblast giant cells in three gestational phases

Carvalho, Ivana 17 December 2004 (has links)
O presente trabalho estudou a expressão da conexina 43 nas células trofoblásticas gigantes bovinas, em especial nas células trofoblásticas gigantes binucleadas. Foram utilizadas 12 amostras de placenta bovina, divididas em três grupos segundo a fase gestacional, primeiro terço, segundo terço e terceiro terço da gestação. O tecido placentário foi fixado em solução metacarn e, posteriormente, submetido ao método tradicional de inclusão em parafina. A detecção da conexina 43 foi realizada através de imuno-histoquímica, pelo método de amplificação da tyramida, utilizando como anticorpo primário policlonal a imunoglobulina de coelho anti-conexina 43 de camundongo. Os resultados deste trabalho indicaram que as células trofoblásticas gigantes bovinas são capazes de expressar a conexina 43 nas três fases da gestação. A distribuição da conexina 43 evoluiu com a progressão da gestação, mas ficou limitada ao interior das células trofoblásticas gigantes bovinas, sem formar marcações pontuais na membrana citoplasmática que pudessem indicar a formação de junções comunicantes. A avaliação de diferentes protocolos histológicos e imuno-histoquímicos permitiu estabelecer a melhor metodologia para a preservação do arranjo tecidual da placenta bovina e a identificação da conexina 43 nas células trofoblásticas gigantes bovinas / The present study has researched the expression of Connexin-43 in bovine trophoblast giant cells, especially in binucleate trophoblast giant cells. Twelve samples of bovine placenta were used, divided into three groups according to the gestational phase, first part, second part and third part of gestation. The placental tissue was fixed in Methacarn solution and later submitted to the traditional method, that is, embedded in paraffin. The detection of Connexin-43 was done through immunohistochemistry by the tyramide amplification method, using as polyclonal primary antibody, rabbit immunoglobuline anti-mouse Connexin-43. The results of this study have revealed that the bovine trophoblast giant cells are capable of the expression of Connexin-43 in the three phases of gestation. The distribution of Connexin-43 evolved as gestation progressed, but was limited to the interior of the bovine trophoblast giant cells without punctate markings in the cytoplasmic membrane which could indicate the formation of communicating junctions. The assessment of different histological and immunohistochemical protocols allowed us to establish the best methodology for the preservation of the tissue arrangement of bovine placenta and the identification of Connexin-43 in the bovine trophoblast giant cells

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