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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


[pt] Sensores capazes de detectar campos magnéticos são largamente aplicados nas mais variadas áreas da engenharia. Um magnetômetro é um dispositivo que, baseado na utilização de um sensor magnético, é capaz de medir a magnitude e/ou direção de um campo magnético. Magnetômetros GMI são transdutores magnéticos cujos elementos sensores se baseiam no efeito da Magnetoimpedância Gigante (Giant Magnetoimpedance - GMI) que se caracteriza pela grande variação da impedância (módulo e fase) de uma amostra de material ferromagnético quando submetida a um campo magnético externo. A sensibilidade dos transdutores magnéticos está diretamente associada à sensibilidade de seus elementos sensores. No caso de amostras GMI, a sensibilidade é afetada por diversos parâmetros, e essa dependência ainda não é bem modelada quantitativamente. Esta dissertação apresenta um modelo computacional baseado em Redes Neurais MLP e em Algoritmos Genéticos que determina a sensibilidade ótima da fase da impedância do efeito GMI em função do campo magnético externo, para ligas ferromagnéticas amorfas de composição Co70 Fe5 Si15 B10, a partir dos seguintes parâmetros que as afetam: comprimento das amostras, nível CC e frequência da corrente de excitação além do campo magnético externo. / [en] Sensors capable of detecting magnetic fields are widely applied in many areas of engineering. A magnetometer is a device that based on the use of a magnetic sensor is capable of measuring the magnitude and direction of a magnetic field. Magnetometers GMI are magnetic transducers which sensors elements are based on the Giant Magnetoimpedance effect (Giant Magnetoimpedance - GMI) that is characterized by large variation of the impedance (magnitude and phase) of a sample of ferromagnetic material when subjected to an external magnetic field. The magnetic transducers sensitivity is directly affected by the sensitivity of its sensor elements. In the case of GMI samples, the sensitivity is affected by several parameters, and this dependence is not well modeled quantitatively. This dissertation presents a computational model based on feedforward Multilayer Perceptron Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms that determines the optimal impedance phase sensitivity of the GMI effect, as functions of the magnetic field, for Co70 Fe5 Si15 B10 ferromagnetic amorphous alloys, The proposed model is based on some of the main parameters that affect it: length of the samples, DC level and frequency of the excitation current and the external magnetic field.

Klinischer Stellenwert der Time of Flight FDG-PET/CT bei entzündungsspezifischen Fragestellungen / Clinical value of Time of Flight FDG-PET/CT in detecting of infection and inflammation

Braune, Isabell 26 January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Contrôle non destructif par courants de Foucault de milieux ferromagnétiques : de l’expérience au modèle d’interaction / Eddy current non destructive testing of ferromagnetic materials : experimentation and modeling

Zorni, Chiara 28 February 2012 (has links)
La problématique étudiée est le contrôle non destructif par courants de Foucault de matériaux ferromagnétiques à l’aide d’un capteur à magnétorésistance géante (GMR). Durant ces travaux deux aspects complémentaires ont été abordés : l’un concerne la mesure expérimentale pour essayer de quantifier et de s’affranchir du bruit de structure et du champ magnétique rémanent, l’autre le développement d’un modèle numérique d’interaction. En ce qui concerne la partie expérimentale plusieurs études avec un capteur GMR qui présente un intérêt particulier en raison de sa bonne sensibilité à basses fréquences, de sa dynamique et de la relative simplicité de mise en œuvre ont été conduites et ont permis d’identifier et quantifier les phénomènes d’artefacts spécifiques aux matériaux ferromagnétiques : le bruit de structure et le champ magnétique rémanent. Une solution basée sur une combinaison linéaire des données expérimentales obtenues à plusieurs fréquences est appliquée pour atténuer le bruit dû à la structure du matériau. Le champ magnétique rémanent a été analysé expérimentalement et un circuit d’asservissement permettant de fixer un point de polarisation dans la zone de fonctionnement linéaire de la GMR et ainsi d’atténuer les perturbations dues aux champs magnétiques rémanents est mis en place. En parallèle et dans l’optique de développer des outils de simulation permettant de mieux comprendre les phénomènes physiques et ainsi d’optimiser les procédés de contrôle, un modèle numérique d’interaction simulant le cas du contrôle d’une pièce plane ferromagnétique d’une ou plusieurs couches pouvant contenir un ou plusieurs défauts est développé. Il étend un modèle déjà existant dans un cas non-ferromagnétique déjà intégré dans la plateforme de simulation CIVA développé par le CEA-LIST et permettant la simulation du Contrôle Non Destructif par Courants de Foucault. Il est basé sur une méthode d’intégrales de volume (VIM) et l’utilisation des tenseurs ou dyades de Green. La solution est obtenue après la discrétisation du volume de calcul et l’application d’une variante de Galerkin de la Méthode des Moments (MoM). La réponse de la sonde est ensuite calculée en appliquant le théorème de réciprocité de Lorentz. Des collaborations avec deux laboratoires universitaires (le Laboratoire de Génie Électrique de Paris (LGEP) et l’Université de Cassino (Italie)) ont permis de comparer les résultats issus des trois différents modèles sur un cas de la littérature. Les résultats se sont révélés satisfaisants et plusieurs études de convergence ont permis d’analyser la stabilité du modèle. / The aim of this work is the eddy-current testing (ECT) of ferromagnetic materials within magnetic sensors, such as Giant Magneto-Resistances (GMR). Two complementary aspects have been studied. Experimental measurements have been carried out in order to quantify and minimize the noise coming from the materials structure and residual magnetization. On the other hand, a model has been developed in order to be able to simulate the electromagnetic interactions between a ferromagnetic specimen and the EC probe. The GMR sensors are characterized by high sensitivity at low frequency, large dynamic range and are relatively easy to implement. The studies carried out during this thesis allowed us to identify and analyse the “ghost signals” due to magnetic materials. In order to minimize the noise coming from the materials structure, a linear multi-frequencies combination of experimental signals has been employed successfully and the detection of buried flaws has been improved. The residual magnetization in ferromagnetic materials has been experimentally analyzed and an electronic system has been realized to fix the polarisation point of the sensor in the linear response zone of the GMR. Thus, disturbances caused by residual magnetization are successfully reduced. Beside, in order to develop simulation tools aiming at improving the understanding of experimental signals and optimizing the performances of ECT procedures, a model has been developed to simulate the ECT of planar, stratified and ferromagnetic materials affected with multiple flaws. CEA developed for many years semi-analytical models embedded into the simulation platform CIVA dedicated to non-destructive testing. Following a previous work carried out at the laboratory and already integrated in the simulation platform CIVA, developed at CEA-LIST, the new model extends CIVA functionalities to the ferromagnetic planar case. Simulation results are obtained through the application of the Volume Integral Method (VIM) which involves the dyadic Green’s functions. Two coupled integral equations have to be solved and the numerical resolution of the system is carried out using the classical Galerkin variant of the Method of Moments (MoM). Finally, the probe response is calculated by application of the Lorentz reciprocity theorem. A collaboration with the University of Cassino (Italy) and Laboratoire de Génie Electrique de Paris (France) allowed us to compare the three models on experimental and numerical results from literature. Results showed a good agreement between the three models and the model stability has been analyzed.

Asteroseismic inferences from red-giant stars

Themeẞl, Nathalie 28 September 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Géante éolienne offshore (GEOF) : analyse dynamique des pales flexibles en grandes transformations / Large scale offshore wind turbines (GEOF) : dynamic analysis of flexible blades undergoing large displacements and large rotations

Boujelben, Abir 15 November 2018 (has links)
L’objectif de ce travail porte sur le développement d’un modèle d’interaction fluide-structure adapté à la dynamique des éoliennes de grandes tailles avec des pales flexibles qui se déforment de manière significative sous l’effet de la pression exercée par le vent. Le modèle développé est basé sur une approche efficace d’IFS partitionnée pour un fluide incompressible et non visqueux en interaction avec une structure flexible soumise a des grandes transformations. Il permet de fournir une meilleure estimation de la charge aérodynamique et de la réponse dynamique associée du système (pales, mat, attachements, câbles) avec un temps de calcul raisonnable et pour des simulations sur des longues périodes. Pour la modélisation structurale, un élément fini de type solide 3D est développé pour l’étude dynamique des pales d’éolienne soumises à des grands déplacements et des grandes rotations. Une amélioration du comportement en flexion est proposée par l’introduction des degrés de liberté en rotation et l’enrichissement du champ de déplacements afin de décrire plus précisément la flexibilité des pales. Cet élément solide est apte de capter des modes de hautes fréquences qui peuvent s’avérer néfastes pour la stabilité du calcul. Deux techniques sont donc proposées pour les contrôler : la régularisation de la matrice masse et le développement des schémas d’intégration robustes de conservation et de dissipation d’énergie. Les chargements aérodynamiques sont modélisés en utilisant la Panel Method. Il s’agit d’une méthode aux frontières, relativement rapide par rapport à la CFD mais suffisamment précise pour calculer la distribution de la pression exercée sur la pale. Les modèles fluide et structure interagissent via un algorithme de couplage partitionné itératif dans lequel des considérations particulières sont prises en compte dans le contexte des grandes transformations. Dans un effort visant à instaurer un indicateur de fatigue dans la méthodologie proposée, des câbles précontraints sont introduits reliant le mat de l’éolienne au support. Une nouvelle formulation complémentaire en termes de contraintes est ainsi développée pour l’analyse dynamique des câbles 3D en comportement élasto-visco-plastique. Chaque méthode proposée a été d’abord validée sur des cas tests pertinents. Par la suite, des simulations numériques d’éoliennes avec des pales flexibles sont effectuées en vue d’affiner la compréhension de leur comportement dynamique et l’intérêt que la flexibilité des pales peut apporter à leur fonctionnement. / In this work, a numerical model of fluid-structure interaction is developed for dynamic analysis of giant wind turbines with flexible blades that can deflect significantly under wind loading. The model is based on an efficient partitioned FSI approach for incompressible and inviscid flow interacting with a flexible structure undergoing large transformations. It seeks to provide the best estimate of true design aerodynamic load and the associated dynamic response of such system (blades, tower, attachments, cables). To model the structure, we developed a 3D solid element to analyze geometrically nonlinear statics and dynamics of wind turbine blades undergoing large displacements and rotations. The 3D solid bending behavior is improved by introducing rotational degrees of freedom and enriching the approximation of displacement field in order to describe the flexibility of the blades more accurately. This solid iscapable of representing high frequencies modes which should be taken under control. Thus, we proposed a regularized form of the mass matrix and robust time-stepping schemes based on energy conservation and dissipation. Aerodynamic loads are modeled by using the 3D Vortex Panel Method. Such boundary method is relatively fast to calculate pressure distribution compared to CFD and provides enough precision. The aerodynamic and structural parts interact with each other via a partitioned coupling scheme with iterative procedure where special considerations are taken into account for large overall motion. In an effort to introduce a fatigue indicator within the proposed framework, pre-stressed cables are added to the wind turbine, connecting the tower to the support and providing more stability. Therefore, a novel complementary force-based finite element formulation is constructed for dynamic analysis of elasto-viscoplastic cables. Each of theproposed methods is first validated with differents estexamples.Then,several numerical simulations of full-scale wind turbines are performed in order to better understand its dynamic behavior and to eventually optimize its operation.

Taking Mormons Seriously: Ethics of Representing Latter-day Saints in American Fiction

Williams, Terrol Roark 10 July 2007 (has links)
My paper examines the ethics of representing Mormons in serious American fiction, viewed through two primary texts, Bayard Taylor's nineteenth-century dramatic poem The Prophet and Maureen Whipple's epic novel The Giant Joshua. I also briefly examine Walter Kirn's short stories “Planetarium” and “Whole Other Bodies.” Using Werner Sollors' and Matthew Frye Jacobson's writings on ethnicity as foundational, I argue in that Mormonism constitutes an ethnicity, which designation accentuates the ethical demands of those who represent the group. I also use W.J.T. Mitchell's theories of representation as the basis of my arguments of the ethics of representing ethnicity. As ethical theorists, Emmanuel Levinas and Edward Said inform the theoretical framework of my project, and I place their theories both in opposition to and harmony with each other in terms of what it means to be truly “Other” and the responsibility of those who view, represent, project, or accept otherness as essential to being. I also borrow from Wayne C. Booth, particularly in his practical application of ethics theory. I employ Terryl Givens, Michael Austin, Bruce Jorgensen, and Gideon Burton to help bring the theory into the field of Mormon studies. In applying all these theorists to Taylor and Whipple I examine Taylor's exoticizing, “Othering” Mormons, creating an “Oriental” version of the rise of Mormonism, parallel to some of his Middle Eastern travel writing. Taylor also makes the remarkable ethical step of being the first non-Mormon to “take Mormons seriously” in literary fiction. I demonstrate how his use of classical literary forms and themes moves the ethical treatment of Mormons forward in an unprecedented way. Maureen Whipple relies on some of the sensational, romantic tropes in common use, but overall she also moves forward ethical representation of Mormons in serious literature, being the best-received of “Mormondom's Lost Generation” of literary writers. In conclusion I argue that these texts, along with the more problematic Kirn stories, help create a positive ethical climate for Mormon representation.

Boneh-Boyen Signatures and the Strong Diffie-Hellman Problem

Yoshida, Kayo January 2009 (has links)
The Boneh-Boyen signature scheme is a short signature scheme which is provably secure in the standard model under the q-Strong Diffie-Hellman (SDH) assumption. The primary objective of this thesis is to examine the relationship between the Boneh-Boyen signature scheme and SDH. The secondary objective is to survey surrounding topics such as the generic group model, related signature schemes, intractability assumptions, and the relationship to identity-based encryption (IBE) schemes. Along these lines, we analyze the plausibility of the SDH assumption using the generic bilinear group model. We present the security proofs for the Boneh-Boyen signature scheme, with the addition of a small improvement in one of the probability bounds. Our main contribution is to give the reduction in the reverse direction; that is, to show that if the SDH problem can be solved then the Boneh-Boyen signature scheme can be forged. This contribution represents the first known proof of equivalence between the SDH problem and Boneh-Boyen signatures. We also discuss the algorithm of Cheon for solving the SDH problem. We analyze the implications of Cheon's algorithm for the security of the Boneh-Boyen signature scheme, accompanied by a brief discussion on how to counter the attack.

Boneh-Boyen Signatures and the Strong Diffie-Hellman Problem

Yoshida, Kayo January 2009 (has links)
The Boneh-Boyen signature scheme is a short signature scheme which is provably secure in the standard model under the q-Strong Diffie-Hellman (SDH) assumption. The primary objective of this thesis is to examine the relationship between the Boneh-Boyen signature scheme and SDH. The secondary objective is to survey surrounding topics such as the generic group model, related signature schemes, intractability assumptions, and the relationship to identity-based encryption (IBE) schemes. Along these lines, we analyze the plausibility of the SDH assumption using the generic bilinear group model. We present the security proofs for the Boneh-Boyen signature scheme, with the addition of a small improvement in one of the probability bounds. Our main contribution is to give the reduction in the reverse direction; that is, to show that if the SDH problem can be solved then the Boneh-Boyen signature scheme can be forged. This contribution represents the first known proof of equivalence between the SDH problem and Boneh-Boyen signatures. We also discuss the algorithm of Cheon for solving the SDH problem. We analyze the implications of Cheon's algorithm for the security of the Boneh-Boyen signature scheme, accompanied by a brief discussion on how to counter the attack.

Beziehungen zwischen objektiv und subjektiv ermittelten Fleischqualitätsparametern unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Muskelstrukturmerkmale im (<i>Musculus longissimus</i>) von Schweinen / Relations between objective and subjective determined parameters under specific consideration of musclestructural traits in the longissimus muscle of pigs

Link, Gregor 01 February 2007 (has links)
No description available.

The Spatial and Temporal Distribution of the Metal Mineralisation in Eastern Australia and the Relationship of the Observed Patterns to Giant Ore Deposits

Robinson, Larry J. Unknown Date (has links)
The introduced mineral deposit model (MDM) is the product of a trans-disciplinary study, based on Complexity and General Systems Theory. Both investigate the abstract organization of phenomena, independent of their substance, type, or spatial or temporal scale of existence. The focus of the research has been on giant, hydrothermal mineral deposits. They constitute <0.001% of the total number of deposits yet contain 70-85% of the world's metal resources. Giants are the definitive exploration targets. They are more profitable to exploit and less susceptible to fluctuations of the market. Consensus has it that the same processes that generate small deposits also form giants but those processes are simply longer, vaster, and larger. Heat is the dominant factor in the genesis of giant mineral deposits. A paleothermal map shows where the vast heat required to generate a giant has been concentrated in a large space, and even allows us to deduce the duration of the process. To generate a paleothermal map acceptable to the scientific community requires reproducibility. Experimentation with various approaches to pattern recognition of geochemical data showed that the AUTOCLUST algorithm not only gave reproducibility but also gave the most consistent, most meaningful results. It automatically extracts boundaries based on Voronoi and Delaunay tessellations. The user does not specify parameters; however, the modeller does have tools to explore the data. This approach is near ideal in that it removes much of the human-generated bias. This algorithm reveals the radial, spatial distribution, of gold deposits in the Lachlan Fold Belt of southeastern Australia at two distinct scales – repeating patterns every ~80 km and ~230 km. Both scales of patterning are reflected in the geology. The ~80 km patterns are nested within the ~230 km patterns revealing a self-similar, geometrical relationship. It is proposed that these patterns originate from Rayleigh-Bénard convection in the mantle. At the Rayleigh Number appropriate for the mantle, the stable planform is the spoke pattern, where hot mantle material is moving upward near the centre of the pattern and outward along the radial arms. Discontinuities in the mantle, Rayleigh-Bénard convection in the mantle, and the spatial distribution of giant mineral deposits, are correlative. The discontinuities in the Earth are acting as platforms from which Rayleigh-Bénard convection can originate. Shallow discontinuities give rise to plumelets, which manifest at the crust as repeating patterns ranging, from ~100 to ~1,000 km in diameter. Deeper discontinuities give rise to plumes, which become apparent at the crust as repeating patterns ranging from >1,000 to ~4,000 km in diameter. The deepest discontinuities give rise to the superplumes, which become detectable at the crust as repeating patterns ranging from >4,000 to >10,000 km in diameter. Rayleigh-Bénard convection concentrates the reservoir of heat in the mantle into specific locations in the crust; thereby providing the vast heat requirements for the processes that generate giant, hydrothermal mineral deposits. The radial spatial distribution patterns observed for gold deposits are also present for base metal deposits. At the supergiant Broken Hill deposit in far western New South Wales, Australia, the higher temperature Broken Hill-type deposits occur in a radial pattern while the lower temperature deposits occur in concentric patterns. The supergiant Broken Hill deposit occurs at the very centre of the pattern. If the supergiant Broken Hill Deposit was buried beneath alluvium, water or younger rocks, it would now be possible to predict its location with accuracy measured in tens of square kilometres. This predictive accuracy is desired by every exploration manager of every exploration company. The giant deposits at Broken Hill, Olympic Dam, and Mount Isa all occur on the edge of an annulus. There are at least two ways of creating an annulus on the Earth's surface. One is through Rayleigh-Bénard convection and the other is through meteor impact. It is likely that only 'large' meteors (those >10 km in diameter) would have any permanent impact on the mantle. Lesser meteors would leave only a superficial scar that would be eroded away. The permanent scars in the mantle act as ‘accidental templates’ consisting of concentric and possibly radial fractures that impose those structures on any rocks that were subsequently laid down or emplaced over the mantle. In southeastern Australia, the proposed Deniliquin Impact structure has been an 'accidental template' providing a 'line-of-least-resistance' for the ascent of the ~2,000 km diameter, offshore, Cape Howe Plume. The western and northwestern radial arms of this plume have created the very geometry of the Lachlan Fold Belt, as well as giving rise to the spatial distribution of the granitic rocks in that belt and ultimately to the gold deposits. The interplay between the templating of the mantle by meteor impacts and the ascent of plumelets, plumes or superplumes from various discontinuities in the mantle is quite possibly the reason that mineral deposits occur where they do.

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