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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Magnetic and Magneto-Transport Properties of Hard Magnetic Thin Film Systems / Magnetische und magnetoresistive Eigenschaften von hartmagnetischen Dünnschichtsystemen

Matthes, Patrick 21 March 2016 (has links) (PDF)
The present thesis is about the investigation of ferromagnetic thin film systems with respect to exchange coupling, magnetization reversal behavior and effects appearing in magnetic heterostructures, namely the exchange bias and the giant magnetoresistance effect. For this purpose, DC magnetron sputtered thin films and multilayers with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy were prepared on single crystalline and rigid as well as flexible amorphous substrates. The first part concentrates on magnetic data storage applications based on the combination of the concept of bit patterned media and three dimensional magnetic memory, consisting of at least two exchange decoupled ferromagnetic storage layers. Here, [Co/Pt] multilayers, revealing different magnetic anisotropies, have been applied as storage layers and as spacer material Pt and Ru was employed. By the characterization of the magnetization reversal behavior the exchange coupling in dependence of the spacer layer thickness was studied. Furthermore, with regard to the concept of bit patterned media, the layers were also grown on self-assembled silica particles, leading to an exchange decoupled single-domain magnetic dot array, which was studied by magnetic force microscope imaging and angular dependent magneto-optic Kerr effect magnetometry to evaluate the reversal mechanism and its dependence on the array dimensions, mainly the diameter of the silica particles and layer thicknesses. To complete the study, micromagnetic simulations were performed to access smaller dimensions and to investigate the dependence of intralayer as well as interlayer coupling on the magnetization reversal of the dot array with multiple storage layers. The second part focuses on the investigation of the giant magnetoresistance effect in systems with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy, where L10 -chemically ordered FePt alloys and [Co/Pt] as well as [Co/Pd] multilayers were utilized. In case of FePt, where high temperatures during the deposition are necessary to induce the chemical ordering, diffusion and alloying of the spacer material often prevent a sufficient exchange decoupling of the ferromagnetic layers. However, with Ru as spacer material a giant magnetoresistance effect could be achieved. Large improvements of the magnetoresistive behavior of such trilayer structures are presented for [Co/Pt] and [Co/Pd] multilayers, which can be deposited at room temperature not limiting the choice of spacer as well as substrate material. Furthermore, in systems consisting of one ferromagnet with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy and one ferromagnet with in-plane magnetic easy axis, a linear and almost hysteresis-free field dependence of the electrical resistance was observed and the behavior for various thickness series has been intensively studied. Finally, the corrosion resistance in dependence of the capping layer material as well as the magnetoresistance of a strained flexible pseudo-spin-valve structure is presented. In addition, in chapter 2.5.2 an experimental study of an improved crystal growth of FePt at comparable low temperatures by molecular beam epitaxy and further promoted by a surfactant mediated growth using Sb is shown. Auger electron spectroscopy as well as Rutherford backscattering spectrometry were carried out to confirm the surface segregation of Sb and magnetic characterization revealed an increase of magnetic anisotropy in comparison to reference layers without Sb. / Die vorliegende Dissertation beschäftigt sich mit der Untersuchung ferromagnetischer Dünnschichtsysteme im Hinblick auf die Austauchkopplung, das Ummagnetisierungsverhalten und Effekte wie z.B. den Exchange Bias Effekt oder den Riesenmagnetwiderstandseffekt (GMR), welche in derartigen Heterostrukturen auftreten können. Die Probenpräparation erfolgte mittels DC Magnetronsputtern, wobei auf einkristallinen aber auch flexiblen sowie starren amorphen Substraten abgeschieden wurde. Im ersten Teil der Arbeit werden Untersuchungen mit dem Hintergrund einer Anwendung als magnetischer Datenträger vorgestellt. Konkret werden hier die Konzepte Bit Patterned Media (BPM) und 3D Speicher miteinander kombiniert. Letzteres Konzept basiert auf der Verwendung wenigstens zweier austauschentkoppelter ferromagnetischer Schichten, für welche [Co/Pt] Multilagen mit unterschiedlicher magnetischer Anisotropie verwendet wurden. Als Zwischenschichtmaterial diente Pt und Ru. Durch die Charakterisierung des Ummagnetisierungsverhaltens wurde die Austauschkopplung in Abhängigkeit der Zwischenschichtdicke untersucht. Darüber hinaus wurden jene Schichtstapel zur Realisierung des BPM-Konzeptes auf selbstangeordnete SiO2 Partikel mit unterschiedlichen Durchmessern aufgebracht, durch welche sich lateral austauschentkoppelte, eindomänige magnetische Nanostrukturen erzeugen lassen. Zur Untersuchung des Ummagnetisierungsverhaltens und der jeweiligen Größenabhängigkeiten (maßgeblich Durchmesser und Schichtdicke) wurden diese mittels Magnetkraftmikroskopie sowie winkelabhängiger magnetooptischer Kerr Effekt Magnetometrie untersucht. Zur weiteren Vertiefung des Verständnisses noch kleinerer Strukturgrößen erfolgten mikromagnetische Simulationen, bei denen die magnetischen Wechselwirkungen lateral (benachbarte 3D Elemente) als auch vertikal (Wechselwirkungen ferromagnetischer Schichten innerhalb eines 3D Elementes) im Interesse standen, sowie deren Auswirkungen auf das Ummagnetisierungsverhalten des gesamten Feldes. Der Fokus des zweiten Teils liegt auf der Untersuchung des Riesenmagnetwiderstandseffektes in Systemen mit senkrechter Sensitivität. Dafür sind ferromagnetische Schichten mit senkrechter magnetischer Anisotropie nötig, wobei hier die chemisch geordnete L10-Phase der FePt Legierung und [Co/Pt] sowie [Co/Pd] Multilagen Anwendung fanden. Für eine chemische Ordnung der FePt Legierung sind hohe Temperaturen während der Schichtabscheidung notwendig, welche eine hinreichende Austauschentkopplung beider ferromagnetischer Schichten meist nicht gewährleisten. Grund dafür sind einsetzende Diffusionsprozesse als auch Legierungsbildungen mit dem Zwischenschichtmaterial. In der vorliegenden Arbeit konnte der GMR Effekt daher ausschließlich mit einer Ru Zwischenschicht in FePt basierten Trilagensystemen nachgewiesen und charakterisiert werden. Enorme Verbesserungen der magnetoresistiven Eigenschaften werden im Anschluss für [Co/Pt] und vor allem [Co/Pd] Multilagen vorgestellt. Diese Schichtsysteme mit senkrechter magnetischer Anisotropie können bei Raumtemperatur präpariert werden und stellen daher keine weiteren Anforderungen an das Zwischenschichtmaterial sowie die verwendeten Substrate. Hier wurden neben Systemen mit ausschließlich senkrechter magnetischer Anisotropie auch Systeme mit gekreuzten magnetischen Anisotropien intensiv untersucht, da diese durch einen linearen und weitgehend hysteresefreien R(H) Verlauf imHinblick auf Sensoranwendungen enorme Vorteile bieten. Letztendlich wurde die Korrosionsbeständigkeit in Abhängigkeit des Deckschichtmaterials als auch die mechanische Belastbarkeit von auf flexiblen Substraten abgeschiedenen GMR-Schichtstapeln untersucht. Zusätzlich wird in Kapitel 2.5.2 eine experimentelle Studie zum Surfactant-gesteuerten Wachstum der FePt Legierung mittels Molekularstrahlepitaxie vorgestellt. Als Surfactant dient Sb, wodurch die Kristallinität bei geringer Depositionstemperatur deutlich verbessert werden konnte. Die Oberflächensegregation von Sb wurde mittels Auger Elektronenspektroskopie und Rutherford Rückstreuspektrometrie verifiziert und die Charakterisierung magnetischer Eigenschaften belegt einen Anstieg der magnetischen Anisotropieenergie im Vergleich zu Referenzproben ohne Sb.

Byl jednou jeden cizinec na cestě. / Once upon a time, there was a stranger on the road

Vondráčková, Kristýna January 2013 (has links)
v anglickém jazyce: This thesis mainly analyzes the five-part novel Gargantua and Pantagruel written by the French author Francois Rabelais. Emphasis is based particularly on an inclusion of Rabelais's work in historical and literary context of the period of transformation between medieval and Renaissance society. More specifically, it deals with the author's humanist opinion and his critique of contemporary society, which is the main line of the work itself. The aim of our thesis is especially an attempt to outline the various possible meanings of the terms « road or path » and « stranger » in Rabelais's work and explain the role of these thematic concepts in the author's concept of criticism of society.

Steuerung der Beinmotorik von Grillen durch ein Paar gravizeptiver Interneurone / Control of leg motor activity via a pair of graviceptive interneurons in crickets

Funke, Frank 04 November 2004 (has links)
No description available.

Thermische Stabilität und Reaktion metallischer Multilagen / Thermal stability and reaction of metallic multilayers

Ene, Constantin Buzau 19 December 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Tidal sedimentology and geomorphology in the central Salish Sea straits, British Columbia and Washington State

Mullan, Sean 03 January 2018 (has links)
Intra-archipelago waterways, including tidal strait networks, present a complex set of barriers to, and conduits for sediment transport between marine basins. Tidal straits may also be the least well understood tide-dominated sedimentary environment. To address these issues, currents, sediment transport pathways, and seabed sedimentology & geomorphology were studied in the central Salish Sea (Gulf and San Juan Islands region) of British Columbia, Canada and Washington State, USA. A variety of data types were integrated: 3D & 2D tidal models, multibeam bathymetry & backscatter, seabed video, grab samples, cores and seismic reflection. This dissertation included the first regional sediment transport modelling study of the central Salish Sea. Lagrangian particle dispersal simulations were driven by 2D tidal hydrodynamics (~59-days). It was found that flood-tide dominance through narrow intra-archipelago connecting straits resulted in the transfer of sediment into the inland Strait of Georgia, an apparent sediment sink. The formative/maintenance processes at a variety of seabed landforms, including a banner bank with giant dunes, were explained with modelled tides and sediment transport. Deglacial history and modern lateral sedimentological and morphological transitions were also considered. Based on this modern environment, adjustments to the tidal strait facies model were identified. In addition, erosion and deposition patterns across the banner bank (dune complex) were monitored with 8-repeat multibeam sonar surveys (~10 years). With these data, spatially variable bathymetric change detection techniques were explored: A) a cell-by-cell probabilistic depth uncertainty-based threshold (t-test); and B) coherent clusters of change pixels identified with the local Moran's Ii spatial autocorrelation statistic. Uncertainty about volumetric change is a considerable challenge in seabed change research, compared to terrestrial studies. Consideration of volumetric change confidence intervals tempers interpretations and communicates metadata. Techniques A & B may both be used to restrict volumetric change calculations in area, to exclude low relative bathymetric change signal areas. / Graduate / 2018-12-07

Modélisations photochimiques saisonnières des stratosphères de Jupiter et Saturne / Seasonal photochemical modeling of Jupiter and Saturn’s stratosphere

Hue, Vincent 24 September 2015 (has links)
L’un des objectifs de cette thèse est d’interpréter les observations des principaux hydrocarbures(C2H2 et C2H6) effectuées par Cassini (NASA/ESA) sur Jupiter et Saturne. Les modèles photochimiques à une dimension sont insuffisants pour interpréter ces observations spatialement résolues. J’ai développé le premier modèle photochimique saisonnier à deux dimensions (altitude-latitude) des planètes géantes qui calcule leur composition chimique.En l’absence de transport méridional, la composition chimique de Saturne suit les variations d’ensoleillement. Les abondances de C2H2 et C2H6 mesurées par Cassini (Guerletet al., 2009) sont reproduites jusqu’aux latitudes moyennes, à des pressions supérieures à0,1mbar. Les écarts notés dans l’hémisphère sud suggèrent la présence de dynamique ou d’une chimie entre les ions et les espèces neutres. J’ai couplé, pour la première fois, mon modèle photochimique avec le modèle radiatif de Greathouse et al. (2008). Nous prédisons un décalage du pic saisonnier de température, par rapport aux précédents modèles, d’une demi-saison à haute altitude et aux hautes latitudes.Jupiter présente de faibles variations saisonnières de composition chimique, uniquement contrôlées par son excentricité. Les distributions méridionales observées de C2H2 etC2H6 présentent des tendances opposées (Nixon et al., 2010). Mon modèle est en accord avec les observations de C2H6 lorsque j’invoque une combinaison de diffusion méridionale et de circulation stratosphérique, tout en provoquant un plus grand désaccord avec les observations de C2H2. La chimie ionique pourrait principalement affecter C2H2 et jouer un rôle important dans l’atmosphère de Jupiter. / One of the goals of this thesis is to interpret the observations of the main hydrocarbons(C2H2 and C2H6) from Cassini (NASA/ESA) on Jupiter and Saturn. The one-dimensional photochemical models are insufficient to explain these spatially resolved observations. I have developed the first two-dimensional (altitude-latitude) seasonal photochemical model for the giant planets, which predicts their chemical composition.Without meridional transport, Saturn’s chemical composition follows the insolation variations. The C2H2 and C2H6 abundances measured by Cassini (Guerlet et al., 2009)are reproduced from the equator up to mid-latitudes, at pressures higher than 0.1mbar.At higher latitudes, the disagreements suggest either a stratospheric circulation cell orthe signature of ion-neutral chemistry. For the first time, I have coupled our seasonal photochemical model with the seasonal radiative model of Greathouse et al. (2008). I predict that the seasonal temperature peak is shifted half a season earlier, with respect to previous models, at high latitudes in the higher stratosphere.Jupiter shows weak seasonal variations of chemical composition, only controlled by its orbital eccentricity. The observed meridional distributions of C2H2 and C2H6 show opposition trends (Nixon et al., 2010). C2H6 observed distribution is reproduced when Isuppose a combination of meridional diffusion and stratospheric circulation, while causingat the same time a stronger agreement with the C2H2 observations. Accounting for theion-neutral chemistry might preferentially affect C2H2 and potentially play a key role on hydrocarbon abundances in Jupiter’s stratosphere.

Stretchable Magnetoelectronics

Melzer, Michael 19 November 2015 (has links)
In this work, stretchable magnetic sensorics is successfully established by combining metallic thin films revealing a giant magnetoresistance effect with elastomeric materials. Stretchability of the magnetic nanomembranes is achieved by specific morphologic features (e.g. wrinkles), which accommodate the applied tensile deformation while maintaining the electrical and magnetic integrity of the sensor device. The entire development, from the demonstration of the world-wide first elastically stretchable magnetic sensor to the realization of a technology platform for robust, ready-to-use elastic magnetoelectronics with fully strain invariant properties, is described. The prepared soft giant magnetoresistive devices exhibit the same sensing performance as on conventional rigid supports, but can be stretched uniaxially or biaxially reaching strains of up to 270% and endure over 1,000 stretching cycles without fatigue. The comprehensive magnetoelectrical characterization upon tensile deformation is correlated with in-depth structural investigations of the sensor morphology transitions during stretching. With their unique mechanical properties, the elastic magnetoresistive sensor elements readily conform to ubiquitous objects of arbitrary shapes including the human skin. This feature leads electronic skin systems beyond imitating the characteristics of its natural archetype and extends their cognition to static and dynamic magnetic fields that by no means can be perceived by human beings naturally. Various application fields of stretchable magnetoelectronics are proposed and realized throughout this work. The developed sensor platform can equip soft electronic systems with navigation, orientation, motion tracking and touchless control capabilities. A variety of novel technologies, like smart textiles, soft robotics and actuators, active medical implants and soft consumer electronics will benefit from these new magnetic functionalities.:Outline List of abbreviations 7 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Motivation and scope of this work 8 1.1.1 A brief review on stretchable electronics 8 1.1.2 Stretchable magnetic sensorics 10 1.2 Technological approach 11 1.3 State-of-the-art 12 2. THEORETICAL BACKGROUND 2.1 Magnetic coupling phenomena in layered structures 14 2.1.1 Magnetic interlayer exchange coupling 14 2.1.2 Exchange bias 15 2.1.3 Orange peel coupling 16 2.2 Giant magnetoresistance 17 2.2.1 Electronic transport through ferromagnets 17 2.2.2 The GMR effect 19 2.2.3 GMR multilayers 20 2.2.4 Spin valves 21 2.3 Theory of elasticity 22 2.3.1 Elastomeric materials 22 2.3.2 Stress and strain 23 2.3.3 Rubber elasticity 25 2.3.4 The Poisson effect 26 2.3.5 Viscoelasticity 27 2.3.6 Bending strain in a stiff film on a flexible support 27 2.4 Approaches to stretchable electronic systems 28 2.4.1 Microcrack formation 28 2.4.2 Meanders and compliant patterns 29 2.4.3 Surface wrinkling 30 2.4.4 Rigid islands 32 3. METHODS & MATERIALS 3.1 Sample fabrication 34 3.1.1 Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) 34 3.1.2 PDMS film preparation 35 3.1.3 Lithographic structuring on the PDMS surface. 36 3.1.4 Magnetic thin film deposition 38 3.1.5 GMR layer stacks 40 3.1.6 Mechanically induced pre-strain 43 3.1.7 Methods and materials for the direct transfer of GMR sensors 45 3.1.8 Materials used for imperceptible GMR sensors 47 3.2 Characterization 48 3.2.1 GMR characterization setup with in situ stretching capability 48 3.2.2 Sample mounting 50 3.2.3 Electrical contacting of stretchable sensor devices 51 3.2.4 Customized demonstrator electronics 52 3.2.5 Microscopic investigation techniques 53 4. RESULTS & DISCUSSION 4.1 GMR multilayer structures on PDMS 54 4.1.1 Pre-characterization 54 4.1.2 Thermally induced wrinkling 55 4.1.3 Self-healing effect 57 4.1.4 Demonstrator: Magnetic detection on a curved surface 60 4.1.5 Sensitivity enhancement 61 4.1.6 GMR sensors in circumferential geometry 64 4.1.7 Stretchability test 67 4.2 Stretchable spin valves 69 4.2.1 Random wrinkles and periodic fracture 70 4.2.2 GMR characterization 73 4.2.3 Stretching of spin valves 74 4.2.4 Microcrack formation mechanism 76 4.3 Direct transfer printing of GMR sensorics 81 4.3.1 The direct transfer printing process 82 4.3.2 Direct transfer of GMR microsensor arrays 84 4.3.3 Direct transfer of compliant meander shaped GMR sensors 86 4.4 Imperceptible magnetoelectronics 89 4.4.1 GMR multilayers on ultra-thin PET membranes 89 4.4.2 Imperceptible GMR sensor skin 92 4.4.3 Demonstrator: Fingertip magnetic proximity sensor 93 4.4.4 Ultra-stretchable GMR sensors 94 4.4.5 Biaxial stretchability 99 4.4.6 Demonstrator: Dynamic detection of diaphragm inflation 101 5. CONCLUSIONS & OUTLOOK 5.1 Achievements 102 5.2 Outlook 104 5.2.1 Further development steps 104 5.2.2 Prospective applications. 105 5.3 Technological impact: flexible Bi Hall sensorics 106 5.3.1 Application potential 106 5.3.2 Thin and flexible Hall probes 107 5.3.3 Continuative works and improvements 108 5.4 Activities on technology transfer and public relations 108 Appendix References 110 Selbständigkeitserklärung 119 Acknowledgements 120 Curriculum Vitae 121 Scientific publications, contributions, patents, grants & prizes 122

Elliptic Curve Cryptography for Lightweight Applications.

Hitchcock, Yvonne Roslyn January 2003 (has links)
Elliptic curves were first proposed as a basis for public key cryptography in the mid 1980's. They provide public key cryptosystems based on the difficulty of the elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem (ECDLP) , which is so called because of its similarity to the discrete logarithm problem (DLP) over the integers modulo a large prime. One benefit of elliptic curve cryptosystems (ECCs) is that they can use a much shorter key length than other public key cryptosystems to provide an equivalent level of security. For example, 160 bit ECCs are believed to provide about the same level of security as 1024 bit RSA. Also, the level of security provided by an ECC increases faster with key size than for integer based discrete logarithm (dl) or RSA cryptosystems. ECCs can also provide a faster implementation than RSA or dl systems, and use less bandwidth and power. These issues can be crucial in lightweight applications such as smart cards. In the last few years, ECCs have been included or proposed for inclusion in internationally recognized standards. Thus elliptic curve cryptography is set to become an integral part of lightweight applications in the immediate future. This thesis presents an analysis of several important issues for ECCs on lightweight devices. It begins with an introduction to elliptic curves and the algorithms required to implement an ECC. It then gives an analysis of the speed, code size and memory usage of various possible implementation options. Enough details are presented to enable an implementer to choose for implementation those algorithms which give the greatest speed whilst conforming to the code size and ram restrictions of a particular lightweight device. Recommendations are made for new functions to be included on coprocessors for lightweight devices to support ECC implementations Another issue of concern for implementers is the side-channel attacks that have recently been proposed. They obtain information about the cryptosystem by measuring side-channel information such as power consumption and processing time and the information is then used to break implementations that have not incorporated appropriate defences. A new method of defence to protect an implementation from the simple power analysis (spa) method of attack is presented in this thesis. It requires 44% fewer additions and 11% more doublings than the commonly recommended defence of performing a point addition in every loop of the binary scalar multiplication algorithm. The algorithm forms a contribution to the current range of possible spa defences which has a good speed but low memory usage. Another topic of paramount importance to ECCs for lightweight applications is whether the security of fixed curves is equivalent to that of random curves. Because of the inability of lightweight devices to generate secure random curves, fixed curves are used in such devices. These curves provide the additional advantage of requiring less bandwidth, code size and processing time. However, it is intuitively obvious that a large precomputation to aid in the breaking of the elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem (ECDLP) can be made for a fixed curve which would be unavailable for a random curve. Therefore, it would appear that fixed curves are less secure than random curves, but quantifying the loss of security is much more difficult. The thesis performs an examination of fixed curve security taking this observation into account, and includes a definition of equivalent security and an analysis of a variation of Pollard's rho method where computations from solutions of previous ECDLPs can be used to solve subsequent ECDLPs on the same curve. A lower bound on the expected time to solve such ECDLPs using this method is presented, as well as an approximation of the expected time remaining to solve an ECDLP when a given size of precomputation is available. It is concluded that adding a total of 11 bits to the size of a fixed curve provides an equivalent level of security compared to random curves. The final part of the thesis deals with proofs of security of key exchange protocols in the Canetti-Krawczyk proof model. This model has been used since it offers the advantage of a modular proof with reusable components. Firstly a password-based authentication mechanism and its security proof are discussed, followed by an analysis of the use of the authentication mechanism in key exchange protocols. The Canetti-Krawczyk model is then used to examine secure tripartite (three party) key exchange protocols. Tripartite key exchange protocols are particularly suited to ECCs because of the availability of bilinear mappings on elliptic curves, which allow more efficient tripartite key exchange protocols.

Magnetic and Magneto-Transport Properties of Hard Magnetic Thin Film Systems

Matthes, Patrick 21 December 2015 (has links)
The present thesis is about the investigation of ferromagnetic thin film systems with respect to exchange coupling, magnetization reversal behavior and effects appearing in magnetic heterostructures, namely the exchange bias and the giant magnetoresistance effect. For this purpose, DC magnetron sputtered thin films and multilayers with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy were prepared on single crystalline and rigid as well as flexible amorphous substrates. The first part concentrates on magnetic data storage applications based on the combination of the concept of bit patterned media and three dimensional magnetic memory, consisting of at least two exchange decoupled ferromagnetic storage layers. Here, [Co/Pt] multilayers, revealing different magnetic anisotropies, have been applied as storage layers and as spacer material Pt and Ru was employed. By the characterization of the magnetization reversal behavior the exchange coupling in dependence of the spacer layer thickness was studied. Furthermore, with regard to the concept of bit patterned media, the layers were also grown on self-assembled silica particles, leading to an exchange decoupled single-domain magnetic dot array, which was studied by magnetic force microscope imaging and angular dependent magneto-optic Kerr effect magnetometry to evaluate the reversal mechanism and its dependence on the array dimensions, mainly the diameter of the silica particles and layer thicknesses. To complete the study, micromagnetic simulations were performed to access smaller dimensions and to investigate the dependence of intralayer as well as interlayer coupling on the magnetization reversal of the dot array with multiple storage layers. The second part focuses on the investigation of the giant magnetoresistance effect in systems with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy, where L10 -chemically ordered FePt alloys and [Co/Pt] as well as [Co/Pd] multilayers were utilized. In case of FePt, where high temperatures during the deposition are necessary to induce the chemical ordering, diffusion and alloying of the spacer material often prevent a sufficient exchange decoupling of the ferromagnetic layers. However, with Ru as spacer material a giant magnetoresistance effect could be achieved. Large improvements of the magnetoresistive behavior of such trilayer structures are presented for [Co/Pt] and [Co/Pd] multilayers, which can be deposited at room temperature not limiting the choice of spacer as well as substrate material. Furthermore, in systems consisting of one ferromagnet with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy and one ferromagnet with in-plane magnetic easy axis, a linear and almost hysteresis-free field dependence of the electrical resistance was observed and the behavior for various thickness series has been intensively studied. Finally, the corrosion resistance in dependence of the capping layer material as well as the magnetoresistance of a strained flexible pseudo-spin-valve structure is presented. In addition, in chapter 2.5.2 an experimental study of an improved crystal growth of FePt at comparable low temperatures by molecular beam epitaxy and further promoted by a surfactant mediated growth using Sb is shown. Auger electron spectroscopy as well as Rutherford backscattering spectrometry were carried out to confirm the surface segregation of Sb and magnetic characterization revealed an increase of magnetic anisotropy in comparison to reference layers without Sb. / Die vorliegende Dissertation beschäftigt sich mit der Untersuchung ferromagnetischer Dünnschichtsysteme im Hinblick auf die Austauchkopplung, das Ummagnetisierungsverhalten und Effekte wie z.B. den Exchange Bias Effekt oder den Riesenmagnetwiderstandseffekt (GMR), welche in derartigen Heterostrukturen auftreten können. Die Probenpräparation erfolgte mittels DC Magnetronsputtern, wobei auf einkristallinen aber auch flexiblen sowie starren amorphen Substraten abgeschieden wurde. Im ersten Teil der Arbeit werden Untersuchungen mit dem Hintergrund einer Anwendung als magnetischer Datenträger vorgestellt. Konkret werden hier die Konzepte Bit Patterned Media (BPM) und 3D Speicher miteinander kombiniert. Letzteres Konzept basiert auf der Verwendung wenigstens zweier austauschentkoppelter ferromagnetischer Schichten, für welche [Co/Pt] Multilagen mit unterschiedlicher magnetischer Anisotropie verwendet wurden. Als Zwischenschichtmaterial diente Pt und Ru. Durch die Charakterisierung des Ummagnetisierungsverhaltens wurde die Austauschkopplung in Abhängigkeit der Zwischenschichtdicke untersucht. Darüber hinaus wurden jene Schichtstapel zur Realisierung des BPM-Konzeptes auf selbstangeordnete SiO2 Partikel mit unterschiedlichen Durchmessern aufgebracht, durch welche sich lateral austauschentkoppelte, eindomänige magnetische Nanostrukturen erzeugen lassen. Zur Untersuchung des Ummagnetisierungsverhaltens und der jeweiligen Größenabhängigkeiten (maßgeblich Durchmesser und Schichtdicke) wurden diese mittels Magnetkraftmikroskopie sowie winkelabhängiger magnetooptischer Kerr Effekt Magnetometrie untersucht. Zur weiteren Vertiefung des Verständnisses noch kleinerer Strukturgrößen erfolgten mikromagnetische Simulationen, bei denen die magnetischen Wechselwirkungen lateral (benachbarte 3D Elemente) als auch vertikal (Wechselwirkungen ferromagnetischer Schichten innerhalb eines 3D Elementes) im Interesse standen, sowie deren Auswirkungen auf das Ummagnetisierungsverhalten des gesamten Feldes. Der Fokus des zweiten Teils liegt auf der Untersuchung des Riesenmagnetwiderstandseffektes in Systemen mit senkrechter Sensitivität. Dafür sind ferromagnetische Schichten mit senkrechter magnetischer Anisotropie nötig, wobei hier die chemisch geordnete L10-Phase der FePt Legierung und [Co/Pt] sowie [Co/Pd] Multilagen Anwendung fanden. Für eine chemische Ordnung der FePt Legierung sind hohe Temperaturen während der Schichtabscheidung notwendig, welche eine hinreichende Austauschentkopplung beider ferromagnetischer Schichten meist nicht gewährleisten. Grund dafür sind einsetzende Diffusionsprozesse als auch Legierungsbildungen mit dem Zwischenschichtmaterial. In der vorliegenden Arbeit konnte der GMR Effekt daher ausschließlich mit einer Ru Zwischenschicht in FePt basierten Trilagensystemen nachgewiesen und charakterisiert werden. Enorme Verbesserungen der magnetoresistiven Eigenschaften werden im Anschluss für [Co/Pt] und vor allem [Co/Pd] Multilagen vorgestellt. Diese Schichtsysteme mit senkrechter magnetischer Anisotropie können bei Raumtemperatur präpariert werden und stellen daher keine weiteren Anforderungen an das Zwischenschichtmaterial sowie die verwendeten Substrate. Hier wurden neben Systemen mit ausschließlich senkrechter magnetischer Anisotropie auch Systeme mit gekreuzten magnetischen Anisotropien intensiv untersucht, da diese durch einen linearen und weitgehend hysteresefreien R(H) Verlauf imHinblick auf Sensoranwendungen enorme Vorteile bieten. Letztendlich wurde die Korrosionsbeständigkeit in Abhängigkeit des Deckschichtmaterials als auch die mechanische Belastbarkeit von auf flexiblen Substraten abgeschiedenen GMR-Schichtstapeln untersucht. Zusätzlich wird in Kapitel 2.5.2 eine experimentelle Studie zum Surfactant-gesteuerten Wachstum der FePt Legierung mittels Molekularstrahlepitaxie vorgestellt. Als Surfactant dient Sb, wodurch die Kristallinität bei geringer Depositionstemperatur deutlich verbessert werden konnte. Die Oberflächensegregation von Sb wurde mittels Auger Elektronenspektroskopie und Rutherford Rückstreuspektrometrie verifiziert und die Charakterisierung magnetischer Eigenschaften belegt einen Anstieg der magnetischen Anisotropieenergie im Vergleich zu Referenzproben ohne Sb.

Městské lázně / The Municipal Baths

Tunková, Martina January 2010 (has links)
"The sick body needs a doctor friend sick souls." (Menandros)

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