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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sensibilités technologiques : expérimentations et explorations en architecture numérique 1987-2010 / Technological sensibilities : experiments and design explorations in digital architecture 1987-2010

Bourbonnais, Sébastien 27 October 2014 (has links)
Depuis le début des années 1990, l'ordinateur a introduit de nouvelles réalités technologiques dans les pratiques architecturales. Le changement s'est opéré progressivement, aux travers de plusieurs expérimentations, qui ont entrainé l'appropriation de certains logiciels et environnements de programmation, et aussi l'élaboration de nouvelles machines de fabrication. De nombreux architectes ont d'ailleurs expérimenté ces nouvelles technologies dans l'objectif de trouver de nouveaux modes d'exploration de la forme. Ces explorations architecturales constituent un corpus d'étude riche et fécond pour rendre compte des différentes conduites et attitudes adoptées vis-à-vis des technologies numériques. En s'appuyant sur certains penseurs de la technique comme le philosophe Gilbert Simondon, cette recherche a défini des sensibilités singulières propres aux architectes, construites par étapes successives, et modifiant à chaque fois leurs approches du projet. Notre démarche transductive montre que ces sensibilités technologiques s'avèrent à la fois structurantes et structurées par les explorations architecturales. Cette évolution des sensibilités participe autant que les projets à la construction d'un imaginaire numérique, lequel est à l'origine d'inventions architecturales particulières. Ces inventions architecturales propres au numérique ne se sont pas réalisées directement, mais au travers d'une articulation technologique complexe, intégrant les différentes phases du projet-objet. L'analyse de cette chaîne de relation a permis de suivre les tensions entre les désirs architecturaux et les potentialités technologiques qui ont structuré la période étudiée. Cette énergie humaine, déployée et accumulée sur plus de vingt ans d'expérimentations et d'explorations, a finalement laissé des traces sur les différentes couches du bâtiment, révélant par là certains aboutissements du numérique en architecture / Since the beginning of 90s, computers introduced new technological realities in architectural practices. Changes occurred gradually, through several phases of experimentation, and performed by tools (software) or manufacturing machines of all kinds, revealing the different ways architects appropriate technologies. Many architects seized these technological opportunities to find new ways in exploring the form. These architectural explorations constitute a rich and fruitful corpus to understand the different behaviors and attitudes towards digital technologies. Based on philosophers of technique such as Gilbert Simondon, this research defines the sensibilities specific to architects constructed in successive steps and modifying their perceptions of the project. Our transductive approach shows that these technical sensibilities happen to be structured by the architectural explorations and at the same time to structure these explorations. This evolution of sensibility participates in the construction of the architect's digital thinking, which is at the origin of some particular architectural inventions. These architectural inventions specific to digital technologies are not achieved directly, but integrating different phases of the project-object through a complex technical articulation. The analysis of this chain relationship allows monitoring the tensions between architectural desires and technical potentials, which structure the studied period. The human efforts deployed and accumulated over twenty years of experimentation and exploration have finally left their mark on different layers of the building by revealing, thus, some particular achievements of digital technologies in architecture

Comporter la norme. La normativité de l’apprentissage algorithmique à partir du problème du comportement

Reigeluth, Tyler 10 January 2018 (has links)
Cette recherche se donne comme défi de retracer les enjeux normatifs liés au développement du sous-domaine de l’intelligence artificielle appelé machine learning. Bien que celui-ci connaisse un impressionnant regain d’intérêt depuis le début du XXIe siècle, et ce à travers un nombre croissant d’activités sociales, son émergence remonte au moins à la première moitié du XXe siècle. En effet, l’idée de concevoir des machines capables de modéliser l’apprentissage organique est largement concomitante au projet cybernétique de fonder une science du contrôle et de la communication. A force de modéliser l’apprentissage, il devient progressivement possible d’envisager à partir des années 1940 et 50 que les machines elles-mêmes seraient capables d’apprendre. C’est par l’observation des comportements des machines qu’une formalisation algorithmique de l’apprentissage s’impose. A partir de cette mise en scène, nous chercherons à montrer en quoi l’apprentissage algorithmique n’est pas nécessairement une question d’automatisation de l’apprentissage et que le comportement permet, au contraire, de problématiser la normativité des algorithmes apprenants en ce qu’ils participent activement à certaines activités sociales (travail, enseignement, guerre, etc.). Il s’agira, à partir des philosophies de Georges Canguilhem et Gilbert Simondon, de montrer en quoi les effets normatifs induits par l’apprentissage algorithmique, comme mode de gouvernement au sein d’activités sociales données, peuvent se comprendre à l’aune du concept de "répertoire de comportements potentiels". / Doctorat en Philosophie / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished


ADAMO BOUÇAS ESCOSSIA DA VEIGA 30 November 2016 (has links)
[pt] O presente trabalho se pretende pensar o social a partir de um ponto de vista metafísico, entendendo-se aqui o termo como uma solução de continuidade entre o humano e a natureza. A incomensurabilidade ontológica absoluta entre o homem e o cosmo – inaugurada na modernidade – nos leva a diversos problemas sociais, éticos, ambientais e políticos na medida em que serve como justificativa teórica e prática para a devastação do meio ambiente. Por outro lado, o dualismo natureza e cultura é análogo a disjunção parte-todo que dominou o pensamento sociológico até o século passado, sendo esta igualmente problemática na medida em que, por um lado, o predomínio do Todo nos leva a posturas fascistizantes e, pelo outro, uma postura centrada no predomínio absoluto do indíviuo nos leva ao neoliberalismo. Em ambos, temos o predomínio dos termos sobre as relações, sendo a disjunção colocada como um a priori intransponível. O que pretendemos é uma análise social que supere estes binarismos: primeiramente, através de uma continuidade entre o homem e a natureza, e, em segundo lugar, pela destituição da disjunção parte-todo. Sendo assim, nos voltamos para o pensamento de Gilbert Simondon e Gabriel Tarde, procurando articulá-los em uma metafísica do social que exclua a dicotomia entre parte e todo e natureza e cultura. Simondon realiza um percurso da física à sociedade humana, estabelecendo um contínuo entre eles na sua teoria da individuação; Tarde, por outro lado, expande o conceito de sociedade para toda a natureza, realizando o movimento oposto ao de Simondon. Trata-se de uma via de mão dupla, cuja complementariedade será o objeto do presente trabalho. / [en] The present work intends to think the social through a metaphysical point of view, understanding metaphysics as a solution of continuity between human (and culture) and Nature. The absolute ontological incommensurability between both – created in the modernity – leads us to diverse social, ethical, environmental and political problems inasmuch as it works as a theoretical and practical justification to the environmental devastation. By other side, the nature-culture dualism is analogous to the part-whole disjunction that has dominated the social thought until the last century, being that equally problematic as long as, by one side, the prevail of the Whole lead us to fascistic postures and, by other, a posture centered in the absolute prevail of the individual leads us to neoliberalism. In both cases, we have the prevail of the terms on the relations, being the disjunction given as an insurmountable a priori. What we intend to do is a social analysis that goes beyond those binarisns: first, through a continuity solution between Man and Nature and, secondly, by the destitution of the part-whole disjunction. Therefore, we will recur to the thought of Gilbert Simondon and Gabriel Tarde, looking to articulate both in a metaphysics of the social that excludes the part-whole and human-nature dichotomy. Simondon goes from the physics to the human society, making a continuum between them in his individuation theory; Tarde, by his turn, expands the concept of society to the whole nature, making a opposite movement regarding Simondon. It is a double way, in which the complementarity will be the main object of the present work.

Petals from a Flower, Crystals from a Germ

Bazzano, Manu 05 December 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Tecnologia social: fundamentações, desafios, urgência e legitimidade / Social technology: fundamentals, challenges, urgency and legitimacy

Cruz, Cristiano Cordeiro 10 November 2017 (has links)
Este trabalho versa sobre a tecnologia, atendo-se de modo particular, mas não exclusivo, a isso que no Brasil se chama de tecnologia social (TS). A tese que se buscará defender aqui é múltipla. Em primeiro lugar, ontológica e politicamente, sustentar-se-á que a tecnologia social é uma implementação não apenas tecnicamente legítima e autêntica, como social e ambientalmente urgente. Contudo, para que tal tipo de solução seja passível de ser desenvolvida, é necessário, de uma parte, que se desenvolvam conhecimentos científicos e engenheiris apropriados. Com isso, o segundo argumento, epistemológico, é que esses conhecimentos são passíveis de ser produzidos e que os mecanismos que podem tornar tal coisa possível não subvertem o ethos próprio da ciência ou da engenharia. De outra parte, TS e engenharia popular demandam também um perfil profissional específico, o do engenheiro educador (ou engenheiro popular). Essa é a terceira dimensão da tese que defendemos. Por fim, ontológica e existencialmente, proporemos que o caminho para superar o desencantamento substantivo do mundo (Weber), a entificação do Ser (em seu desvelamento tecnológico no qual nos encontramos presos, via enquadramento Heidegger), a ditadura da racionalidade instrumental (Horkheimer & Adorno) ou a autoprodução e o automatismo do desenvolvimento tecnológico (que nos aprisiona ou agencia quase que inapelavelmente Ellul) pode emergir precisamente de algo como a tecnologia social, por meio da incorporação dos valores e saberes populares à construção da realidade sociotécnica que decidimos nos dar. Esse quarto aspecto, nesses termos, reforça o primeiro, trazendo novos elementos para subsidiar-se o entendimento acerca da urgência, em nossos dias, de uma solução técnica como a tecnologia social. / This work discusses technology, giving special attention to this that is called social technology (ST) in Brazil. The thesis that is substantiated here is multiple. First, ontologically and politically, it will be argued that social technology is not only technically legitimate and authentic, but also socially and environmentally urgent. However, in order to be implementable, ST demands, on the one hand, specific engineering and scientific knowledge to be advanced. Thus, the second dimension of our thesis, epistemological, sustains the understanding that such knowledge can be produced and the mechanisms required to make such production possible do not corrupt the scientific or engineering ethos. On the other hand, ST and popular engineering also demand a specific professional profile, the educator engineer (or popular engineer). This is the third dimension of the argument we defend here. Finally, ontologically and existentially, it will be suggested that a way to overcome the substantial disenchantment of the world (Weber), the entification of Being (in its technological unveiling in which we found ourselves trapped, via enframing Heidegger), the dictatorship of instrumental rationality (Horkheimer and Adorno) or the self-production and automatism of technological development (Ellul) may precisely emerge from something like social technology. This would be so by dint of the incorporation of popular values and knowledge to the construction of the sociotechnical reality we decide to build. This fourth aspect, then, strengthens the first one, offering new supporting elements to the urgency claim associated with the development of ST in our days.

Tecnologia social: fundamentações, desafios, urgência e legitimidade / Social technology: fundamentals, challenges, urgency and legitimacy

Cristiano Cordeiro Cruz 10 November 2017 (has links)
Este trabalho versa sobre a tecnologia, atendo-se de modo particular, mas não exclusivo, a isso que no Brasil se chama de tecnologia social (TS). A tese que se buscará defender aqui é múltipla. Em primeiro lugar, ontológica e politicamente, sustentar-se-á que a tecnologia social é uma implementação não apenas tecnicamente legítima e autêntica, como social e ambientalmente urgente. Contudo, para que tal tipo de solução seja passível de ser desenvolvida, é necessário, de uma parte, que se desenvolvam conhecimentos científicos e engenheiris apropriados. Com isso, o segundo argumento, epistemológico, é que esses conhecimentos são passíveis de ser produzidos e que os mecanismos que podem tornar tal coisa possível não subvertem o ethos próprio da ciência ou da engenharia. De outra parte, TS e engenharia popular demandam também um perfil profissional específico, o do engenheiro educador (ou engenheiro popular). Essa é a terceira dimensão da tese que defendemos. Por fim, ontológica e existencialmente, proporemos que o caminho para superar o desencantamento substantivo do mundo (Weber), a entificação do Ser (em seu desvelamento tecnológico no qual nos encontramos presos, via enquadramento Heidegger), a ditadura da racionalidade instrumental (Horkheimer & Adorno) ou a autoprodução e o automatismo do desenvolvimento tecnológico (que nos aprisiona ou agencia quase que inapelavelmente Ellul) pode emergir precisamente de algo como a tecnologia social, por meio da incorporação dos valores e saberes populares à construção da realidade sociotécnica que decidimos nos dar. Esse quarto aspecto, nesses termos, reforça o primeiro, trazendo novos elementos para subsidiar-se o entendimento acerca da urgência, em nossos dias, de uma solução técnica como a tecnologia social. / This work discusses technology, giving special attention to this that is called social technology (ST) in Brazil. The thesis that is substantiated here is multiple. First, ontologically and politically, it will be argued that social technology is not only technically legitimate and authentic, but also socially and environmentally urgent. However, in order to be implementable, ST demands, on the one hand, specific engineering and scientific knowledge to be advanced. Thus, the second dimension of our thesis, epistemological, sustains the understanding that such knowledge can be produced and the mechanisms required to make such production possible do not corrupt the scientific or engineering ethos. On the other hand, ST and popular engineering also demand a specific professional profile, the educator engineer (or popular engineer). This is the third dimension of the argument we defend here. Finally, ontologically and existentially, it will be suggested that a way to overcome the substantial disenchantment of the world (Weber), the entification of Being (in its technological unveiling in which we found ourselves trapped, via enframing Heidegger), the dictatorship of instrumental rationality (Horkheimer and Adorno) or the self-production and automatism of technological development (Ellul) may precisely emerge from something like social technology. This would be so by dint of the incorporation of popular values and knowledge to the construction of the sociotechnical reality we decide to build. This fourth aspect, then, strengthens the first one, offering new supporting elements to the urgency claim associated with the development of ST in our days.

Radikální relační ontologie: prožitek diference nitra / Radical Relational Ontology: Living the Difference from Within

Garrigue, Arthur January 2021 (has links)
This work unfolds Arturo Escobar's radical relational ontology in an imagined discussion with Gilbert Simondon. Questioning Escobar's academic reception in the North, we seek the answer in Escobar's own work, in his proposal of a political ontology and the pluriversal posture it underlies. In trying to grasp what radical difference means, understood as ontological excess, we come to the point of having to outline a pluriversal ethic of otherness in order to "live fearlessly the difference from within". Key words: relational-ontology; indigenous-struggles-for-the-territory ;ontological- conflicts ; otherness ; radical-otherness; anthropology ;philosophy; Arturo-Escobar; Gilbert- Simondon

As categorias filosóficas de Gilbert Simondon e suas relações com o objeto técnico do campo de saber do design

FARIA, José Neto de 20 March 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Patricia Figuti Venturini (pfiguti@anhembi.br) on 2018-10-03T21:02:33Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Jose Neto de Faria.pdf: 17062766 bytes, checksum: 1659485ffb025186791c5015c7bb71f2 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Patricia Figuti Venturini (pfiguti@anhembi.br) on 2018-10-04T14:51:32Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Jose Neto de Faria.pdf: 17062766 bytes, checksum: 1659485ffb025186791c5015c7bb71f2 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Patricia Figuti Venturini (pfiguti@anhembi.br) on 2018-10-04T14:51:51Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Jose Neto de Faria.pdf: 17062766 bytes, checksum: 1659485ffb025186791c5015c7bb71f2 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-10-04T14:52:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Jose Neto de Faria.pdf: 17062766 bytes, checksum: 1659485ffb025186791c5015c7bb71f2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-03-20 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / This thesis tried to investigate and study the cycles of design reorganization with respect to the programs of the main design education institutions to delimit both the thinking that constitutes the cultural object and the very field of design knowledge using the philosophical categories of Gilbert Simondon. In other words the main objective of this research was to deal with the cultural object of the design field aided by the philosophical categories of Gilbert Simondon to reconstruct the forms of analysis and the understanding models needed to describe the operations and the functions of the supra-structural components of "information systems" as design cultural objects. The methodology sought to provoke the rise of different sets of explanations in order to stimulate processes of differentiation, integration and dedifferentiation capable of elucidating both the dynamic nature of the design knowledge and the renewal dynamics of the design cultural object. The thesis relevance is precisely based on the importance of characterizing and understanding the proper space and time of the becoming of design, seeking to foresee what has previously been announced in the symptoms emitted as signals by the system. It also tries to break with the reading logic of "information systems", which are based on the understanding of the aesthetic qualities of its parts rather than on the supra-structures that articulate and integrate the object constitution. However, the first impression is that the field of design is a passing territory, which reorganizes itself as the caravans pass by, so it should not be surprising that the field of design knowledge is always described through other fields of the knowledge. The focus on the surface of what is visible can not reveal the supra- structure that sustains the skin of the design object. / A presente tese buscou pesquisar e estudar os ciclos de reorganização do design em função dos currículos das principais instituições de ensino do design com o intuito de delimitar o pensamento que constitui tanto o objeto cultural quanto o próprio campo de saber do design através das categorias filosóficas de Gilbert Simondon. Assim, a pesquisa tem como principal objetivo abordar o objeto cultural do campo do design com o auxílio das categorias filosóficas de Gilbert Simondon, a fim de reconstruir as formas de análise e os modelos de compreensão necessários à descrição das operações e das funções das supraestruturas constituintes dos sistemas de informação enquanto objeto cultural do design. A metodologia buscou provocar o surgimento de conjuntos de explicações concorrentes a fim de que pudesse ser instigado o surgimento de processos de diferenciação, de integração e de desdiferenciação capazes de induzir elucidações tanto sobre a constituição dinâmica do campo de saber do design quanto da dinâmica de renovação do objeto cultural do design. A tese tem a sua relevância baseada justamente na importância de se caracterizar e compreender o espaço e o tempo próprios do devir do design, buscando antever aquilo que previamente se anuncia nos sintomas emitidos como formas de sinais pelo sistema, por tentar romper com a lógica de leitura dos sistemas de informação baseada na compreensão mais das qualidades estéticas de suas partes do que propriamente das supraestruturas articuladoras e integradoras de constituição do objeto. No entanto, a primeira impressão é de que o campo do design é um território de passagem, que conforme as caravanas passam, se reorganiza, por isso não se deve estranhar que o campo de saber do design seja sempre descrito a partir de outros campos do conhecimento. O foco na superfície do que se vê não pode revelar a supraestrutura que sustenta a pele do objeto do design.

Gilbert Simondon a jeho vliv na současné myšlení o médiích / Gilbert Simondon and his influence on current media thinking

Maha, Jiří January 2016 (has links)
Keywords Gilbert Simondon, Bernard Stiegler, Mark B. N. Hansen, philosophy, media, technology, humanism, individuation, information Abstract This text has two parallel objectives. First, to introduce the original work of french philosopher Gilbert Simondon. Second, to show its potential of his philosophy in relation to our thinking about the current media-techno- logically conditioned environment in which we live and through which we understand the world. I have two motivations for the first objective. First, the work of Gilbert Simondon is still completely unknown in Czech Repub- lic, therefore I find it necessary to offer to the reader the introduction of his work. Second, without such introduction it would be very difficult to ope- rate with his crucial concepts in the work of his contemporary interpreters whose contributions I will discuss in the second part of the text. The se- cond objective is motivated with my interest in delimitation of speculative and materialistic line of thinking based on the work of Gilbert Simondon. Such thought with its description of the world is in clear opposition with anthropocentrism. Nevertheless, it cannot be considered as a part of object oriented ontology neither. I'm not going to show the importance of Gilbert Simondon for media theory in this text. Rather, I will...

A transdisciplinary study of embodiment in HCI, AI and New Media

Al-Shihi, Hamda Darwish Ali January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to report on a transdisciplinary approach, regarding the complexity of thinking about human embodiment in relation to machine embodiment. A practical dimension of this thesis is to elicit some principles for the design and evaluation of virtual embodiment. The transdisciplinary approach suggests, firstly, that a single discipline or reality is, on its own, not sufficient to explain the complexity and dynamism of the embodied interaction between the human and machine. Secondly, the thesis argues for thinking of transdisciplinary research as a process of individuation, becoming or transduction, that is, as a process of mediation between heterogeneous approaches rather than perceiving research as a stabilized cognitive schema designed to accumulate new outcomes to the already-there reality. Arguing for going beyond the individualized approaches to embodiment, this thesis analyzes three cases where the problems that appear in one case are resolved through the analysis of the following one. Consisting of three phases, this research moves from objective scientific 'reality' to more phenomenological, subjective and complex realities. The first study employs a critical review of embodied conversational agents in human-computer interaction (HCI) in a learning context using a comparative meta-analysis. Meta-analysis was applied because most of the studies for evaluating embodiment are experimental. A learning context was selected because the number of studies is suitable for meta-analysis and the findings could be generalized to other contexts. The analysis reveals that there is no 'persona effect', that is, the expected positive effect of virtual embodiment on the participant's affective, perceptive and cognitive measures. On the contrary, it shows the reduction of virtual embodiment to image and a lack of consideration for the participant's embodiment and interaction, in addition to theoretical and methodological shortcomings. The second phase solves these problems by focusing on Mark Hansen's phenomenological account of embodiment in new media. The investigation shows that Hansen improves on the HCI account by focusing on the participant's dynamic interaction with new media. Nevertheless, his views of embodied perception and affection are underpinned by a subjective patriarchal account leading to object/subject and body/work polarizations. The final phase resolves this polarization by analyzing the controversial work of Alan Turing on intelligent machinery. The research provides a different reading of the Turing Machine based on Simondon's concept of individuation, repositioning its materiality from the abstract non-existent to the actual-virtual realm and investigating the reasons for its abstraction. It relates the emergence of multiple human-machine encounters in Turing's work to the complex counter-becoming of what it describes as 'the Turing Machine compound'.

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