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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Konstrukční lamelové dřevo vyztužené kompozitními materiály / Structural laminated wood reinforced with composite materials

Kovács, Pavel January 2012 (has links)
This master’s thesis describes an experimental program investigating the strengthening of beams of glued laminated timber with composite reinforcement. The work compares the behavior of beams reinforced with composite reinforcement with unreinforced beam and with solid timber beam. The work also deals with identifying and evaluating the physic-mechanical properties of materials.

Ekonomisk och miljömässig jämförelse av logistikhallar byggda i limträ- och stålstomme / Economic and environmental comparison of logistic halls built with glue laminated timber- and steel frame

Jansson, Felix, Erlbacher, Sören January 2023 (has links)
Introduktion – Byggbranschen idag står för en betydande andel av jordensväxthusgasutsläpp och behovet för att minska dessa är stora. Att investera merklimatsmart i nybyggnation ökar och trä har blivit till ett alltmer populärt byggmaterialnär det kommer till flerbostadshus, men logistikhallar domineras fortfarande av stål.Studiens mål är att undersöka skillnaderna i kostnader och utsläpp av växthusgasermellan limträ- och stålstommar för logistikhallar. Detta för att undersöka om trä är ettekonomiskt rimligt och mer miljöeffektivt stommaterial vid byggnation avlogistikhallar än en stålstomme. Metod – Metoden som valts till studien är en fallstudie då den kommer omfatta bådeen teoretisk undersökning, granskning av kvantitativa data från ett tidigare projekt samtuppskatta storleken på en trästommes tvärsnitt genom simulering i endimensioneringsmjukvara. Kostnad och miljöpåverkan för en stål- och limträstommekommer att tas fram för att sedan kunna utföra en jämförande analys av de tvåstommaterialen. Resultat – Stommarna skiljer sig procentuellt sätt inte så mycket i pris menlimträstommen orsakar betydligt mindre växthusgasutsläpp jämfört med stålstommen.Kostnaden mellan stål- och trästommen skiljde sig knappt utifrån material- ochmontagekostnaderna. Stålstommen står för nästan sju gånger mer växthusgasutsläpp änlimträstommen under produktionsstadiet. I transportskedet har limträ en längretransportsträcka än stål i denna studie vilket är huvudorsaken till att limträstommenspåverkan på miljön är större än stålstommen i detta skede. Monteringsskedet harstålstommen en större miljöpåverkan än trästommen. Utifrån hela stommen under helabygg- och produktionsstadiet hade stålstommen fyra gånger mer i utsläpp änlimträstommen. Analys – Om priset på stommen är det huvudsakliga intresset hos byggherren bör inteen stålstomme antas vara det billigare alternativet. Denna studie har största spännvidderav balkar på 24 meter och vid större spännvidder kan förutsättningarna för val avstommaterial se annorlunda ut. Limträ är väl lämpat som stommaterial om ambitionenär att bygga med små mängder växthusgasutsläpp. Diskussion – Byggbranschen har en viktig roll i arbetet med att minskakoldioxidutsläppen och uppnå klimatmålen. Trots att trästommen som analyserats inteär optimalt utformad påvisar ändå studien stora miljömässiga fördelar att användalimträ som stommaterial i logistikhallar utan några större skillnader i kostnad. / Introduction – The construction industry today accounts for a significant portion ofthe Earth's greenhouse gas emissions, and the need to reduce these emissions issubstantial. Investing more climate-smartly in new construction is increasing, and woodhas become an increasingly popular building material, especially for multi-familyhouses. However, logistic warehouses are still predominantly dominated by steel. Theaim of this study is to investigate the differences in costs and greenhouse gas emissionsbetween glulam timber and steel frames for logistic warehouses. This is done toexamine whether wood is an economically viable and environmentally more efficientstructural material for constructing logistic warehouses compared to a steel frame. Method – The chosen method for the study is a case study, as it will encompass both atheoretical examination, a review of quantitative data from a previous project, and anestimation of the cross-sectional size of a timber frame through simulation in astructural design software. The cost and environmental impact of a steel and glulamtimber frame will be determined in order to conduct a comparative analysis of the twostructural materials. Results – The frames do not differ significantly in terms of price, but the glulam timberframe results in significantly lower greenhouse gas emissions compared to the steelframe. The cost difference between steel and timber frames was minimal based onmaterial and assembly costs. The steel frame generates almost seven times moregreenhouse gas emissions than the glulam timber frame during the production stage. Inthe transportation phase, laminated timber has a longer transportation distance then steelin this study, which is the main reason for the greater environmental impact of thelaminated timber frame compared to the steel frame at this stage. During the assemblyphase, the steel frame has a larger environmental impact than the timber frame. Acrossthe entire frame during the entire construction and production stages, the steel framehas four times more emissions than the glulam timber frame. Analysis – If the cost of the frame is the primary concern for the builder, a steel frameshould not be assumed to be the cheaper alternative. This study considers the widestspan of beams at 24 meters, and for larger spans, the conditions for choosing structuralmaterials might differ. Glulam timber is well-suited as a structural material if the goalis to build with minimal greenhouse gas emissions. Discussion – The construction industry plays a crucial role in reducing carbon dioxideemissions and achieving climate goals. Despite the fact that the analyzed timber framemight not be optimally designed, the study still demonstrates significant environmentaladvantages in using glulam timber as a structural material in logistic warehouses, withno major differences in cost.

Análise numérica e experimental de vigas de madeira laminada colada em situação de incêndio / Numerical and experimental analysis of glued laminated timber in fire situation

Martins, Gisele Cristina Antunes 29 July 2016 (has links)
Elementos estruturais de Madeira Laminada Colada (MLC) têm sido muito utilizados na América do Norte e na Europa. Entretanto no Brasil há restrições quanto ao uso, principalmente, em razão da insegurança diante de potenciais riscos relacionados a incêndios. Este trabalho investigou o comportamento térmico e mecânico de elementos estruturais de MLC expostos à curva de incêndio-padrão ISO 834, preparados com duas espécies de madeira (Eucalyptus e Pinus) sem adição de tratamentos preservantes. Adicionalmente, elementos tratados com preservante ignífugo a base Borato de Cobre Cromatado (MOQ® OX 50CCBO) ou tratamento retardantes ao fogo (OSMOGUARD® FR100) também foram utilizados para analisar a influência na carbonização. O objetivo principal da pesquisa foi analisar a resistência ao fogo de elementos de MLC, avaliando a influência da espécie de madeira, a influência da densidade, bem como os efeitos dos tratamentos preservantes. O programa experimental foi realizado no forno horizontal a gás instalado no Departamento de Engenhara das Estruturas - EESC/USP, com dimensões internas de 3m x 4m x 1,5m, e as análises numéricas foram implementadas no pacote computacional ABAQUS. O modelo numérico, com vistas ao monitoramento a deflexão no meio do vão e a avaliação da distribuição da temperatura ao longo da profundidade dos elementos, foram desenvolvidos e os resultados obtidos foram comparados com os dados obtidos por meio das análises experimentais. Métodos de cálculo propostos por diferentes autores e regulamentações internacionais foram aplicados para verificação das propostas de dimensionamento em situação de incêndio. A comparação dos resultados mostrou que a utilização dos métodos de dimensionamento (simplificado ou avançado) representa risco à segurança contra incêndio caso utilize valores para a taxa de carbonização das espécies nacionais determinados a partir dos métodos de cálculo ou normas internacionais. / Structural elements of Glued Laminated Timber (glulam) have long been used in North America and Europe, but their use is still restricted in Brazil for safety reasons, especially related to potential risks in face of fire. The present work investigated the thermal and mechanical behavior of structural elements of glulam exposed to fire standard ISO 834. The glued laminated timber was produced from two wood species (Eucalyptus and Pinus) without any treatments. However, elements treated with wood treatments like Copper Chrome Boron (MOQ® OX 50 -CCB-O) or fire retardant treatment (OSMOGUARD® FR100) were also used to investigate their influence on charring. The main objective of this study was to assess the fire resistance of the glulam elements, evaluating the influence of wood species and, consequently, the influence of density, as well as the effects of preservative treatment. The experimental program was carried out in a gas oven, with internal dimensions of 3m x 4m x 1.5m, and the numerical analyses were performed by ABAQUS. The numerical analyses aimed to monitor the deflection in the middle of the span as well as the temperature distribution along the depth of the elements. The results obtained from both the experimental and numerical analyses were compared. Calculation methods proposed by different authors and international regulations have been applied for verification of the proposed design in fire. A comparison of the results show that the use of calculation methods (simplified and advanced) represents a risk to fire safety in case of using the values of char rate for Brazilian wood species determined from the calculation methods.

Análise numérica e experimental de vigas de madeira laminada colada em situação de incêndio / Numerical and experimental analysis of glued laminated timber in fire situation

Gisele Cristina Antunes Martins 29 July 2016 (has links)
Elementos estruturais de Madeira Laminada Colada (MLC) têm sido muito utilizados na América do Norte e na Europa. Entretanto no Brasil há restrições quanto ao uso, principalmente, em razão da insegurança diante de potenciais riscos relacionados a incêndios. Este trabalho investigou o comportamento térmico e mecânico de elementos estruturais de MLC expostos à curva de incêndio-padrão ISO 834, preparados com duas espécies de madeira (Eucalyptus e Pinus) sem adição de tratamentos preservantes. Adicionalmente, elementos tratados com preservante ignífugo a base Borato de Cobre Cromatado (MOQ® OX 50CCBO) ou tratamento retardantes ao fogo (OSMOGUARD® FR100) também foram utilizados para analisar a influência na carbonização. O objetivo principal da pesquisa foi analisar a resistência ao fogo de elementos de MLC, avaliando a influência da espécie de madeira, a influência da densidade, bem como os efeitos dos tratamentos preservantes. O programa experimental foi realizado no forno horizontal a gás instalado no Departamento de Engenhara das Estruturas - EESC/USP, com dimensões internas de 3m x 4m x 1,5m, e as análises numéricas foram implementadas no pacote computacional ABAQUS. O modelo numérico, com vistas ao monitoramento a deflexão no meio do vão e a avaliação da distribuição da temperatura ao longo da profundidade dos elementos, foram desenvolvidos e os resultados obtidos foram comparados com os dados obtidos por meio das análises experimentais. Métodos de cálculo propostos por diferentes autores e regulamentações internacionais foram aplicados para verificação das propostas de dimensionamento em situação de incêndio. A comparação dos resultados mostrou que a utilização dos métodos de dimensionamento (simplificado ou avançado) representa risco à segurança contra incêndio caso utilize valores para a taxa de carbonização das espécies nacionais determinados a partir dos métodos de cálculo ou normas internacionais. / Structural elements of Glued Laminated Timber (glulam) have long been used in North America and Europe, but their use is still restricted in Brazil for safety reasons, especially related to potential risks in face of fire. The present work investigated the thermal and mechanical behavior of structural elements of glulam exposed to fire standard ISO 834. The glued laminated timber was produced from two wood species (Eucalyptus and Pinus) without any treatments. However, elements treated with wood treatments like Copper Chrome Boron (MOQ® OX 50 -CCB-O) or fire retardant treatment (OSMOGUARD® FR100) were also used to investigate their influence on charring. The main objective of this study was to assess the fire resistance of the glulam elements, evaluating the influence of wood species and, consequently, the influence of density, as well as the effects of preservative treatment. The experimental program was carried out in a gas oven, with internal dimensions of 3m x 4m x 1.5m, and the numerical analyses were performed by ABAQUS. The numerical analyses aimed to monitor the deflection in the middle of the span as well as the temperature distribution along the depth of the elements. The results obtained from both the experimental and numerical analyses were compared. Calculation methods proposed by different authors and international regulations have been applied for verification of the proposed design in fire. A comparison of the results show that the use of calculation methods (simplified and advanced) represents a risk to fire safety in case of using the values of char rate for Brazilian wood species determined from the calculation methods.

Konstrukce horského hotelu v Beskydech / The structure of mountain hotel in Beskydy

Danelová, Veronika January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis presents design and assessment of a loadbearing timber structure of mountain hotel in the Trojmezi u Hrčavy area. The object is a two-storey building without cellar and with attic rooms. The object has a floor plan of an incomplete octagon with a roofless central courtyard. The structure spans 36 meters at its widest dimension and the maximum height reaches almost 12 meters. The individual segments are covered by mono-pitched roof with 27° slope. The main loadbearing elements are constructed of glued laminated timber and solid timber with steel joints and gypsum fibreboard cladding. The loadbearing structure is designed and assessed in accordance with relevant standards, taking ultimate and serviceability limit state into consideration. The thesis includes an engineering report including bill of quantities, structural design report and drawings of loadbearing structure, anchorage and selected details.

Ocelová konstrukce vícepodlažní budovy / Steel structure of multi-storey building

Podešť, Jakub January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the design of a steel structure of a multi-storey building in the locality of Opava. The proposal is developed in two variant solutions. Variant 1 has ground plan dimensions of 37,5 m x 37,5 m and a height of 47 m. The variant 2 has ground plan dimensions of 45 m x 45 m and a height of 49,5 m. The modular size of the fields is 7,5 m x 7,5 m. The main supporting structure is made steel columns and beams, ceiling construction with composite steel and concrete joinst and roofing of arched laminated timber. The stability of the structure is ensured by vertical and roof bracings.

Horský rekreační komplex, Wellness & Spa / Montane Recreation complex, Wellness & Spa

Najman, Jakub January 2019 (has links)
The topic of this thesis is project and documentation for montane recreative komplex, which is situated in Loučná nad Desnou. The object is located in land-registered area Kouty nad Desnou. In this region is famous ski slope and from the hotel is nice view on this ski slope. The montane hotel respects criteria of protected landscape area Jeseníky. Architectonic plan is designed with respect to mountain scenery. In the hotel are 18 rooms with possibility 9 extra beds for 51 guests. There is a option to visit restaurant all-day. This restaurant is part of the hotel. Recreative zone is situated in north part of the hotel and this zone is devided into two parts. First part, is public and serves for all guests. This zone includes pool with whirpool bath, sauna and steam bath. Second zone is private. This zone provides privacy in massage rooms or in rooms for aromatic bath. The object is devided into four floors. Three floors are overground and one floor is underground. In the second and thirds floors are hotels rooms and rooms for clean-up and employees. First overground floor containes restauration with kitchen, coffee-bar, main hall with reception and all recreation zone, which passes to the second floor. Basement is consists of air handling units, technical rooms and housed mass garages with 21 places. Main entrance to the hotel is from south-eastern side and it is open space which passes to gallery. Type of constructional system is reinforcement framework. It is made of monolithic pillars placed on reinforcement column base with beam PEIKKO DELTABEAM. On this beam are located reinforcement ceilings elements SPIROLL. Fulfil brickwork is SILKA covered by combination of heating EPS with MW, ISOVER TWINNER with 200 millimetre thikness. Roof is combination of double cover flatbed roofs and single cover flatbed roofs. In the second floor is roof with posibility to walk to a terrace. Project was process in program ArchiCAD like BIM. In process of making was important to

Kraví hora - rodinné stříbro VUT / Kraví hora - BUT Family silver

Prosseková, Jarmila Unknown Date (has links)
The focus of this thesis is an architectural study of the Kraví Hora area in Brno in a 1:200 scale. The area is significant in both size and location, but has been underutilized up to this point. The objective of the thesis is to discover a solution acceptable for the city of Brno as well as BUT, whose intentions with the area differ significantly. The area has been designed to have recreational spaces of greenery. Traffic has been either largely reduced, or eliminated entirely. A wide variety of sports, eductational programs and recreational activities has been made available for visitors of all ages. The objective of the planned area is to inspire and positively motivate the study of technology and interest in science via its functional design. Exhibition areas, lecture halls, rentable workspaces for graduates, a recruitment center and general storage spaces has been designed in the area. The design of the buildings is based around the incline of the plot – they have a maximum of one extra floor over the level of the surrounding terrain. The green roof and the vertical outer layer of laminated timber is designed to provide a natural character to the structures. The predominantly horizontal area is granted an element of verticality in the form of a lookout tower.

Nosná konstrukce sportovní haly / Load-bearing structure of sport hall

Králíček, Jiří January 2020 (has links)
The aim of the master thesis is design and check the timber construction of the sports hall in two variants. The first variant is a frame, which is formed by three steel columns. The roof structure is made from timber trusses, which is pin-supported beam above both fields. The second variant is a frame, which is formed by three steel-concrete columns. The roof structure is made from timber glulam beam of saddle shape, which is continuous over both fields. Spatial rigidity of the structure is ensured by steel bars. The second variant is calculated in detail by hand and the structure drawings are attached. Input static models and auxiliary static models were created in SCIA Engineer 18.1.

Víceúčelová hala v Hodoníně / Multipurpose hall in Hodonín

Grufíková, Markéta January 2012 (has links)
Master´s thesis describes the design and the check of the construction of the art gallery. This hall has the elliptical ground plan, the main dimensions are 25 x 40 m and the height is 12 m. The structure consists of 24 supporting curved ribs, which are supported on elliptical ring of steel at the top of the construction. Between the ribs are inserted purlins, which support the perimeter cladding. The structure is designed alternatively like the system of the timber solid beams from the glued laminated timber and the system of the steel truss girders.

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