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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Production and Characterization of Wheat Gluten Films

Cousineau, Jamie January 2012 (has links)
Biodegradable, edible wheat gluten films offer a renewable alternative to plastic food packaging or can be incorporated directly in the food product. Wheat gluten is a good option because it forms a fibrous network, lending strength and elasticity to films. The goal of this research project was to produce, with a water-based film formulation and methodology, smooth, homogeneous wheat gluten films with low water vapour permeability (WVP). The water-based film formulation also served to compare the FT Wonder wheat cultivar, grown in Ontario, to commercially produced wheat gluten and determine the effect of wheat source on the film properties, surface morphology, surface hydrophobicity, WVP, and film swelling in water for different pH, temperature and casting surface conditions. Fluorescence, SPR, and casting formulation viscosity provided preliminary information on the mechanism of film formation and on gluten protein structure induced by modifying the film formulation. This research provides an alternate use for some Ontario wheat cultivars based on their properties in films compared to commercial sources of gluten. As a result, using Ontario cultivars to prepare gluten film packaging material has potential as an alternate source of income for Ontario farmers. This research also defines the film properties for gluten films produced from aqueous solutions, helping to identify processing parameters that could bring gluten films on par with plastic packaging and make gluten films a viable alternative food packaging material. Finally, it was determined that the water vapour permeability of wheat gluten films was not correlated to film surface contact angle.

Empfehlungen von Winterweizensorten im Organischen Landbau über die Kleberproteinfraktionen und deren Einfluß auf die Backqualität

Kühlsen, Nils. January 2001 (has links) (PDF)
Disputats. Rheinische Friedrick-Wilhelms-Universität, 2001. / Haves kun i elektronisk udg.

Erhebung von Blutrichtwerten und deren Beeinflussung durch Haltung und Fütterung beim Weißbüschelaffen (Callithrix jacchus)

Kühnel, Friederike 27 November 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Weißbüschelaffen (WBA) sind wissenschaftlich häufig genutzte Modelltiere für diverse Humanerkrankungen. Zur Gesunderhaltung dieser Primaten sind grundlegende diagnostische Blutparameter unverzichtbar. Bisher erhobene Daten zeichneten sich jedoch durch große Divergenz aus. Ob Veränderungen in Haltungsbedingungen einen Einfluss auf diese Blutparameter nehmen, ist bis heute unklar. Somit war ein Ziel dieser Arbeit die Erhebung aktueller hämatologischer und klinisch-chemischer Blutparameter von WBA. Zudem wurde der Einfluss der routinemäßigen Umsetzung in eine neue Behausung auf die erhobenen Parameter sowie den Kortisolspiegel im Kot untersucht. Des Weiteren leiden WBA in menschlicher Obhut rezidivierend an gastrointestinalen Erkrankungen, die mittels klinischer Standardparameter allein nicht diagnostizierbar sind. Dabei spielt vor allem die Sensitivität gegenüber Futtermittelinhaltsstoffen (z. B. Gluten) eine Rolle, welche ursächlich im Zusammenhang mit dem Wasting Marmoset Syndrome (WMS) diskutiert wird. Im zweiten Teil der vorliegenden Arbeit sollten deshalb die gastrointestinalen Erkrankungen von in menschlicher Obhut lebenden WBA ätiologisch beleuchtet werden, vor allem hinsichtlich einer möglichen Sensitivität gegenüber Gluten. Im ersten Teil dieser Studie wurden von 54 WBA hämatologische und klinischchemische Richtwerte erhoben. Die ermittelten hämatologischen Blutrichtwerte ähneln denen aus den achtziger Jahren, die Daten der klinischen Chemie nur bedingt: Die Richtwertbereiche von Laktatdehydrogenase, Alaninaminotransferase, Lipase sowie Alkalische Phosphatase und Gesamtbilirubin weichen von den ehemals erhobenen Daten ab. Zudem wurden in der vorliegenden Arbeit geschlechtsabhängige Unterschiede ermittelt: Weibliche Tiere wiesen signifikant höheres mittleres Erythrozytenvolumen und mittleren Hämoglobingehalt des Einzelerythrozyten auf als männliche Tiere, wohingegen bei diesen ein signifikant höheres Gesamt- und Low density lipoprotein- Cholesterol im Vergleich zu weiblichen Affen messbar war. Des Weiteren wurden 16 Tiere über einen vierwöchigen Zeitraum in eine neue Umgebung verbracht, bevor sie in ihre Heimatbehausung zurückkehrten. Durch diese Umsetzung war bei den untersuchten Tieren die Leuko- und Lymphozytenzahl auch vier Wochen nach der Umsetzung erniedrigt. Zeitgleich lag ein erhöhter Kortisolspiegel vor, der im Kot bestimmt wurde. Im zweiten Teil der Studie wurden anhand humandiagnostischer Standards IgAAntikörper (AK) gegen Gliadin (AGA), Gewebstransglutaminase (tTG), deamidiertes Gliadin (ADGA) sowie Glykoprotein 2 (AGP2A) im Plasma von 24 WBA mittels eines ELISAs während glutenhaltiger (Diät 1) und glutenfreier Ernährung (Diät 2) bestimmt. Dabei wurden die klinische Symptomatik von WMS und das Körpergewicht der Tiere ebenfalls untersucht. Zudem erfolgte die Analyse von Kotproben antikörperpositiver Tiere hinsichtlich Qualität und Trockenmassegehalt während Diät 2 und einer darauf folgenden glutenhaltigen Provokationsdiät. Die serologische Diagnostik ergab einen signifikanten Rückgang von AGA, AK gegen tTG und AGP2A während Diät 2 bei Tieren, die nach Diät 1 erhöhte Werte aufwiesen. Diät 2 führte zu einem Rückgang der klinischen Symptome und einer signifikanten Gewichtszunahme bei antikörperpositiven WBA. Die glutenhaltige Provokationsdiät ergab eine verminderte Kotqualität mit einem niedrigeren Trockenmassegehalt. Es wurden im Rahmen dieser Arbeit aktuelle, hämatologische und klinisch-chemische Blutrichtwerte des WBA erhoben. Der durch Umsetzung in eine neue Behausung bedingte Stress ist bei WBA bis vier Wochen lang nachweisbar. Es ist sinnvoll, dies in der zeitlichen Planung wissenschaftlicher Studien zu berücksichtigen, um das Wohlbefinden der Tiere vor Versuchsbeginn sicherzustellen und den Einfluss von Stress auf experimentelle Ergebnisse zu minimieren. Der Nachweis grundlegender, an der Pathogenese der Zöliakie beteiligter Antikörper, in Kombination mit den klinischen Symptomen, deutet auf Glutensensitivität mit ätiologischer Beteiligung an WMS bei WBA hin. Die glutenfreie Ernährung von WBA in menschlicher Obhut ist daher sinnvoll und empfehlenswert. / Common marmosets are often used as animal models for human diseases. For their health maintenance, diagnostic blood values are absolutely essential. Previously obtained reference values are characterized by great value-specific differences. Moreover, the influence of routine measures on these blood parameters, e. g. changes in housing conditions, has not been examined yet. Therefore, the first aim of the present study was to update haematological and clinical chemical blood parameters of common marmosets. Further, the influence of stress, caused by relocation to a new housing, on these parameters and the cortisol level in feces was examined. In addition to that, common marmosets under human management are often affected by gastrointestinal diseases, which are difficult to diagnose with basic standard blood values. In this context, sensitivity to nutritional elements, e. g. gluten, plays an important role and is discussed as a potential cause of wasting marmoset syndrome (WMS). In the second part of this study, the recurrent gastrointestinal diseases of common marmosets under human management were aetiologically investigated, with special regard to possible gluten sensitivity. In the first part of this study, blood samples were obtained from 54 female and male common marmosets to evaluate standard values of haematology and clinical chemistry. The determined haematological parameters are similar to the already obtained data, the clinical chemistry values differ somewhat: The enzyme activities of lactate dehydrogenase, alanine aminotransferase and lipase in addition to the ranges of alkaline phosphatase and total bilirubin diverge from the data ascertained in this study. Moreover, female animals presented significantly higher mean corpuscular volume and mean corpuscular haemoglobin than males, whereas male common marmosets showed significantly higher total- and low density lipoprotein-cholesterol, compared to females. Further, 16 animals were relocated to a new environment for a time period of four weeks, before they returned to their home cages. The change of housing caused a decreased leuko- and lymphocyte count in all examined animals that was still measurable four weeks after the relocation. At the same time, an increased fecal cortisol level was determined. The aim of the second study was to investigate the modification of plasma antibodies to gliadin (AGA), tissue transglutaminase (tTG), deamidated gliadin (ADGA) and glycoprotein 2 (AGP2A) during two successive diets in 24 animals: A gluten-containing diet (diet 1) and a gluten-free diet (diet 2). Further, clinical symptoms of WMS and the animals’ body weight were also examined. An analysis of the feces of antibody-positive animals regarding changes in quality and dry matter content was carried out with samples collected during diet 2 and a successive gluten challenge diet of two months duration. The serological diagnostics resulted in a significant decline of AGA, antibodies to tTG and AGP2A during diet 2 in animals that had shown increased antibody concentrations during diet 1. Diet 2 also caused an amelioration of clinical symptoms and an increased body weight in antibody-positive animals. The gluten challenge resulted in a decreased feces quality and a lower fecal dry matter, compared to fecal samples of diet 2. In the context of this dissertation, parameters of haematology and clinical chemistry of the common marmoset were updated. Stress caused by relocation to a new housing was still measurable for a period of four weeks. It is therefore essential to consider this time span in the design of scientific studies to secure animal welfare prior to the study and to reduce the influence of stress on experimental results. In combination with the clinical symptoms, the detection of antibodies that are part of the pathogenesis of coeliac disease in humans strongly suggests gluten sensitivity with an aetiological connection to WMS in common marmosets. Therefore, gluten-free nutrition of common marmosets under human management is highly recommendable.

Production and Characterization of Wheat Gluten Films

Cousineau, Jamie January 2012 (has links)
Biodegradable, edible wheat gluten films offer a renewable alternative to plastic food packaging or can be incorporated directly in the food product. Wheat gluten is a good option because it forms a fibrous network, lending strength and elasticity to films. The goal of this research project was to produce, with a water-based film formulation and methodology, smooth, homogeneous wheat gluten films with low water vapour permeability (WVP). The water-based film formulation also served to compare the FT Wonder wheat cultivar, grown in Ontario, to commercially produced wheat gluten and determine the effect of wheat source on the film properties, surface morphology, surface hydrophobicity, WVP, and film swelling in water for different pH, temperature and casting surface conditions. Fluorescence, SPR, and casting formulation viscosity provided preliminary information on the mechanism of film formation and on gluten protein structure induced by modifying the film formulation. This research provides an alternate use for some Ontario wheat cultivars based on their properties in films compared to commercial sources of gluten. As a result, using Ontario cultivars to prepare gluten film packaging material has potential as an alternate source of income for Ontario farmers. This research also defines the film properties for gluten films produced from aqueous solutions, helping to identify processing parameters that could bring gluten films on par with plastic packaging and make gluten films a viable alternative food packaging material. Finally, it was determined that the water vapour permeability of wheat gluten films was not correlated to film surface contact angle.

Primární, sekundární a terciální prevence u dětí s celiakií / Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Prevention in Children with Coeliac Disease.

PAPOUŠKOVÁ, Helena January 2015 (has links)
Celiac disease is a lifelong disorder characterised by permanent intolerance to gluten and typical inflammatory changes in the small intestine. These changes lead to malabsorption of all nutrients, minerals, vitamins and water. The first attack of this disorder mostly occurs in childhood because the small intestine is greatly stressed by other nutrition supply. The only effective treatment is a lifelong gluten-free diet. This thesis, called Primary, secondary and tertiary prevention in children with celiac disease, consists of two parts; a theory part for which both professional publications and internet have been used and an empirical part, that comprises research itself with its results. The research target of this thesis was the sector of celiac disease occurring in children. Within the research, there were determined four objectives. The first objective was about to find out how primary, secondary and tertiary prevention is provided to children with celiac disease in GP ambulances for children and teenagers. Another task was to trace what profits the regime education brings to parents of children having celiac disease. We also dealt with the impact of the disease on the life of the child, his/her family and surrounding society. Then we investigated whether respondents take the help from outside, state support, institutions and in-kind assistance. In the empirical part of the thesis we used a method of qualitative research. For this research we chose a method of questionings through individual semi-structured interviews with two groups of respondents. The first group was made of nine nurses working in GP ambulances for children and teenagers having celiac disease. The second group was formed by nine children with celiac disease and their parents. The outcome of the research indicates that for quality health care supply it is important to obtain family anamnesis, carry out regular physicals in stated intervals within growth measurement monitoring and breastfeeding education and add other nutrition to diet. Monitoring suspicious symptoms, such as failure to thrive, inexplicable weight loss, growth retardation, abdominal pain, recurrent diarrhoea, digestive discomfort, dermatitis, stomatitis, anaemia, can soon detect celiac disorder. The secondary prevention is expressed by the work of nurses, such as biological material analysis, education, advice, help and support. Great urgency is given to risk factor monitoring, such as diabetes mellitus, Down syndrome, thyroid disorder, or genetic predispositions. The tertiary prevention is focused on the adaptation support of the child and his/her family to this chronic disorder, normal growth, and whole constitution examining and complication prevention. The outcomes indicate that the biggest problem of celiac people is financial burden of gluten-free food and also frequent limits in out-of- home eating. The financial burden of the diet influences, for example, vacation planning. It is necessary for the society to respect their disease, for example, canteens and teachers should have knowledge of the diet restrictions and provide suitable feeding. Furthermore, our findings show that only few families use financial support, because they are afraid of negative allowance examination because of their comfortable income. They mainly use allowance from Health Insurance Companies. On the grounds of the acquired information has been created an informative handout for the parents of the children with the celiac disease. The results of our research will be provided to the nurses who work in general practitioner ambulances.

Hodnocení bezlepkových potravin se zaměřením na pečivo

BRABENCOVÁ, Aneta January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to suggest a gluten-free mixture that will satisfy the sensory and technological properties of gluten-free pastry. To improve the structure and at the same time to substitute the gluten chia seed and chia flour were added to the dough. These two components should increase both pastry structure and nutritional value. The other ingredients that made up the mixture were one-kind flour: buckwheat, rice and corn one. The aim of the thesis was to find suitable combination of quantities of these kinds of flour, to create a draft of the recipe and to realize sensory evaluation. The thesis also includes the issues of celiac disease, problematics of labelling of gluten-free products and sensory evaluation. Sample preferences, textures, smell and flavour have been assessed here using selected methods. At the end of the thesis the results of the questionnaire survey are presented.

Příprava receptury bezlepkového chleba obohaceného o vybrané antioxidanty a posouzení jeho senzorické hodnoty

PECHOVÁ, Klára January 2018 (has links)
Bread has been one of the basic foodstuffs for more than 30,000 years. It´s prepared mainly by baking, where gluten plays an important role. Gluten is important for holding the gas in the dough to achieve the desired structure, texture and volume. At a time when agriculture began to develop, a disease of gluten began to emerge. One of the best known is the intolerance of gluten, the so-called celiac disease, which affect sapproximately 1 % of the world's population. The cause is gluten-rich proteins (prolamins and glutelins), found in wheat, rye, barley and oats. The second known diseaseis gluten allergy, which is often confused with celiac disease. The difference consist in a different autoimmune reaction to the presence of glucose, when the immunization on glucose produces IgE immunoglobulin and does not damage the small intestine mucosa The only possible treatment for patiens with a dinase is a strict gluten-free diet. Gluten-free breads and pastries are one of the main foods for celiac and allergy sufferers. Preparing a dough without gluten is difficult. Proper selection of raw materials plays an important role in meeting sensory properties. The aim of the diploma thesis was to prepare suitable recipe senriched with selected sources of antioxidants. In total, six different recipes were prepared, both from cereal gluten-free flour and legumes flour. Curcuma and red onion skin were selected sources of antioxidants. In the practical part a sensory evaluation of all samples of bread is performed. There was a positive evaluation of the questionnaire itself. When to Cheb the suitability of raw materials and procedures for dough preparation and baking. Based on the DPPH and FRAP tests, antioxidant aktivity was evaluated for all gluten-free bread. Bread senriched with red onion skin have the highest antioxidant activity in both basic bread and basic bread with legume flour. Thus, it can be said that onion skin effectively increase antioxidant activity. In the final part, a financial evaluation of all six types of gluten-free bread was made on the basis of raw materials used as compared to those already purchased in the shop. Based on this finding, it can be said that home preparation is a cheaper option.

Produtos extrusados sem glúten obtidos de misturas de fécula de mandioca e farinha de arroz / Extruded mixtures of cassava starch and rice flour

Brunatti, Anna Claudia Sahade [UNESP] 17 June 2016 (has links)
Submitted by ANNA CLAUDIA SAHADE BRUNATTI null (annasahade@hotmail.com) on 2016-06-29T21:34:28Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Doutorado entrega final CORRETO.pdf: 1455755 bytes, checksum: 62efb22e89f7208acd5109209091ba34 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ana Paula Grisoto (grisotoana@reitoria.unesp.br) on 2016-06-30T20:25:32Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 brunatti_acs_dr_bot.pdf: 1455755 bytes, checksum: 62efb22e89f7208acd5109209091ba34 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-30T20:25:32Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 brunatti_acs_dr_bot.pdf: 1455755 bytes, checksum: 62efb22e89f7208acd5109209091ba34 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-06-17 / Diante do crescente mercado para produtos sem glúten e de rápido preparo, da possibilidade de valorização da fécula de mandioca e farinha de arroz como ingredientes para estes produtos, e da importância da tecnologia de extrusão para o desenvolvimento destes; este trabalho objetivou desenvolver produtos extrusados sem glúten de arroz e mandioca através de processamento por extrusão. A fécula, a farinha de arroz e as misturas destas foram analisadas quanto à composição centesimal, cor, índices de solubilidade e absorção deáguae propriedades de pasta. Após estas análises realizou-se o processamento por extrusão em extrusor mono rosca seguindo delineamento central composto rotacional para quatro fatores: porcentagem de fécula de mandioca em mistura com a farinha de arroz, umidade das misturas, temperatura na 3ª zona do canhão de extrusão e rotação da rosca. Os produtos expandidos extrusados obtidos foram analisados para índice de expansão, volume específico e dureza. Realizou-se a moagem dos produtos expandidos para a obtenção das farinhas pré-cozidas e estas foram analisadas para cor, índices de solubilidade e absorção de água. Os resultados obtidos foram analisados estatísticamente e evidenciaram elevado teor de amido na fécula de mandioca (81,79 %) e proteína (7,32 %) na farinha de arroz. A fécula de mandioca mostrou maior índice de absorção de água em relação á farinha de arroz, e propriedades de pasta com baixa viscosidade a frio, elevado pico, baixa resistência ao calor e agitação e elevada tendência a 2 retrogradação ao contrário da farinha de arroz. Sendo assim, a mistura das duas farinhas nas diferentes porcentagens levou a alterações nas características físicas das misturas. Dentre os parâmetros variáveis de extrusão a porcentagem de fécula de mandioca na mistura foi o de maior efeito, seguida pela umidade. Em produtos expandidos são desejáveis elevados índices de expansão e volume específico e maior crocância, características obtidas nas condições de baixa porcentagem de fécula de mandioca na mistura, baixa umidade e menor rotação da rosca, com temperatura intermediária. Já para a produção de farinhas pré-cozidas são desejados: cor clara, elevado índice de absorção de água e baixa solubilidade, o que foi observado nas condições de baixa porcentagem de fécula de mandioca e umidade, com temperatura e rotação intermediárias. / Faced with the growing market for gluten-free products, the possibility of enhancement of cassava starch and rice flour asan ingredient for these products, and the importance of extrusion technology for the development of these; this study aimed to develop gluten-free products of rice and cassava through processing by extrusion. The cassava starch, rice flour and mixtures of these were analyzed for chemical composition, color, water solubility index, water absorption and pasting properties. After this analysis processing was performed by extrusion in single screw extruder. The extrusion process followed the central rotational design for four factors: percentage of cassava starch mixed with rice flour, moisture of mixtures, temperature in 3rd zone of the extrusion barrel and screw speed. The extruded expanded products obtained were analyzed for the expansion index, specific volume and hardness. It was performed grinding of the expanded product to obtain the pre-cooked flour and these were analyzed for color, water solubility index and water absorption index. The results were statistically analyzed and showed high starch content in cassava starch (81.79%) and protein (7.32%) in rice flour. The cassava starch showed higher water absorption index that rice flour, paste properties with low cold viscosity, high peak, high breakdown and high retrogradation tendency. The rice flour showed higher water solubility index and pasting properties with values below those observed for cassava starch. Thus, the mixture of two flours in different percentages led to changes in the physical characteristics of the mixtures. About the effects of extruding variable parameters on the physical properties of the extruded products it was observed that the percentage of cassava starch in the mixture had the greatest effect, followed by moisture. In expanded products are desirable high rates of expansion and specific volume and greater crispness, characteristics obtained under the conditions of low percentage of cassava starch in the mix, low moisture and lower screw speed, with intermediate extrusion temperature. However, for the production of pre-cooked flour are desired: clear color, high water absorption index and low water solubility index, which was observed under conditions of low percentage of cassava starch and moisture, with temperature and screw speed intermediates.

Influência da suplementação energético-proteica em novilhas Nelore manejadas em pastagem sobre parâmetros sanguineos e qualidade oocitária

Miguel, Maria Carolina Villani [UNESP] 10 February 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:29:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2010-02-10Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T18:39:05Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 miguel_mcv_me_jabo.pdf: 1104174 bytes, checksum: b2be0e2d9f0acd211260bc64835b4e10 (MD5) / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) / O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar, em novilhas da raça Nelore (n=84) mantidas em duas alturas de pasto (15 e 35 cm) e com suplementação isoproteica (26%PB) ou com dois níveis de proteína (24,7%PB e 13,1%PB) associada à gordura insaturada protegida, as concentrações plasmáticas de progesterona, do colesterol, da glicose, do peso e da qualidade do complexo cumulus oophorus. Os suplementos do experimento 1 foram isoproteicos e divididos em: SL1: Grupo controle suplementado com sal mineral; FA1: Grupo suplementado com alta relação PDR/NDT composto por polpa cítrica, farelo de algodão, Megalac-E®, minerais e uréia (26% PB e 81% NDT) e GT1: Grupo suplementado com baixa relação PDR/NDT composto por polpa cítrica, glutenose, Megalac-E®, minerais e uréia (26% PB e 81% NDT). Os suplementos do experimento 2 diferiram na porcentagem de PB divididos em: SL2: Grupo controle suplementado com sal mineral; FA2: Grupo suplementado com alta relação PDR/NDT composto por polpa cítrica, farelo de algodão, Megalac-E®, minerais e uréia (24,7% PB e 89,4% NDT) e GT2: Grupo suplementado com baixa relação PDR/NDT composto por polpa cítrica, glutenose, Megalac-E®, minerais e uréia (13,1% PB e 95% NDT). Para mensuração das concentrações de progesterona, glicose e colesterol foram realizadas coletas de sangue por venopunção da veia jugular no início do experimento e, posteriormente, a cada período de 28 dias juntamente com as pesagens (Dezembro a Maio). As análises plasmáticas de glicose foram determinadas pelo método God-Trinder, as análises séricas de colesterol pelo método Enzimático-Trinder e a concentração de progesterona plasmática foi determinada por RIA. As três mensurações foram realizadas utilizando kits comerciais. No momento do abate, os ovários das novilhas foram coletados, separados nos três... / This study aimed to evaluate in Nelore heifers (n=84) under two different grass heights (15 and 35cm) and supplemntes with isinitrogenous (26 % CP) or two protein leves (24,7 % CP and 13,1% CP) associated with unsaturated fat protected to assess plasma concentrations of progesterone, cholesterol, glucose, weight and quality of the cumulus oophorus complex. Supplements isonitrogenous of Experiment 1 were divided into SL1: control group supplemented with mineral salt; FA1: group supplemented with high for RDP / TDN composed of citrus pulp, cottonseed meal, Megalac-E®, minerals and urea (26 % CP and 81% TDN) and GT1: group supplemented with low ratio RDP / TDN composed of citrus pulp, corn gluten meal, Megalac-E®, minerals and urea (26% CP and 81% TDN). Supplements of Experiments 2 differed in the percentage of CP were divided into SL2: control group supplementes with mineral salt; FA2: group supplementes with high ratio for RDP/TDN composed of citrus pulp, cottonseed meal, Megalac -E® , minerals and urea (24,7% CP e 89,4% TND) and GT2: Group supplemented with low ratio RDP/TDN composed of citrus pulp, corn gluten meal, Megalac-E®, minerals and urea (13,1% CP e 95% TND). To measure the concentrations of progesterone, glucose and cholesterol blood was collected from the jugular vein at baseline each 28 days together the weights (December to May).The analysis of serum glucose were determined by God-Trinder method and analysis of cholesterol by the enzyme-Trinder method using the commercial kits. Plasma progesterone concentration was determined using a commercial kit for RIA. At the time of slaughter, the ovaries of heifers were collected, separated into three groups of supplementation, and transported to the laboratory in saline solution at 32-36ºC. The antral follicles with diameters between 3 and 8 mm were... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)

Influência da suplementação energético-proteica em novilhas Nelore manejadas em pastagem sobre parâmetros sanguineos e qualidade oocitária /

Miguel, Maria Carolina Villani. January 2010 (has links)
Resumo: O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar, em novilhas da raça Nelore (n=84) mantidas em duas alturas de pasto (15 e 35 cm) e com suplementação isoproteica (26%PB) ou com dois níveis de proteína (24,7%PB e 13,1%PB) associada à gordura insaturada protegida, as concentrações plasmáticas de progesterona, do colesterol, da glicose, do peso e da qualidade do complexo cumulus oophorus. Os suplementos do experimento 1 foram isoproteicos e divididos em: SL1: Grupo controle suplementado com sal mineral; FA1: Grupo suplementado com alta relação PDR/NDT composto por polpa cítrica, farelo de algodão, Megalac-E®, minerais e uréia (26% PB e 81% NDT) e GT1: Grupo suplementado com baixa relação PDR/NDT composto por polpa cítrica, glutenose, Megalac-E®, minerais e uréia (26% PB e 81% NDT). Os suplementos do experimento 2 diferiram na porcentagem de PB divididos em: SL2: Grupo controle suplementado com sal mineral; FA2: Grupo suplementado com alta relação PDR/NDT composto por polpa cítrica, farelo de algodão, Megalac-E®, minerais e uréia (24,7% PB e 89,4% NDT) e GT2: Grupo suplementado com baixa relação PDR/NDT composto por polpa cítrica, glutenose, Megalac-E®, minerais e uréia (13,1% PB e 95% NDT). Para mensuração das concentrações de progesterona, glicose e colesterol foram realizadas coletas de sangue por venopunção da veia jugular no início do experimento e, posteriormente, a cada período de 28 dias juntamente com as pesagens (Dezembro a Maio). As análises plasmáticas de glicose foram determinadas pelo método God-Trinder, as análises séricas de colesterol pelo método Enzimático-Trinder e a concentração de progesterona plasmática foi determinada por RIA. As três mensurações foram realizadas utilizando kits comerciais. No momento do abate, os ovários das novilhas foram coletados, separados nos três... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: This study aimed to evaluate in Nelore heifers (n=84) under two different grass heights (15 and 35cm) and supplemntes with isinitrogenous (26 % CP) or two protein leves (24,7 % CP and 13,1% CP) associated with unsaturated fat protected to assess plasma concentrations of progesterone, cholesterol, glucose, weight and quality of the cumulus oophorus complex. Supplements isonitrogenous of Experiment 1 were divided into SL1: control group supplemented with mineral salt; FA1: group supplemented with high for RDP / TDN composed of citrus pulp, cottonseed meal, Megalac-E®, minerals and urea (26 % CP and 81% TDN) and GT1: group supplemented with low ratio RDP / TDN composed of citrus pulp, corn gluten meal, Megalac-E®, minerals and urea (26% CP and 81% TDN). Supplements of Experiments 2 differed in the percentage of CP were divided into SL2: control group supplementes with mineral salt; FA2: group supplementes with high ratio for RDP/TDN composed of citrus pulp, cottonseed meal, Megalac -E® , minerals and urea (24,7% CP e 89,4% TND) and GT2: Group supplemented with low ratio RDP/TDN composed of citrus pulp, corn gluten meal, Megalac-E®, minerals and urea (13,1% CP e 95% TND). To measure the concentrations of progesterone, glucose and cholesterol blood was collected from the jugular vein at baseline each 28 days together the weights (December to May).The analysis of serum glucose were determined by God-Trinder method and analysis of cholesterol by the enzyme-Trinder method using the commercial kits. Plasma progesterone concentration was determined using a commercial kit for RIA. At the time of slaughter, the ovaries of heifers were collected, separated into three groups of supplementation, and transported to the laboratory in saline solution at 32-36ºC. The antral follicles with diameters between 3 and 8 mm were... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Orientadora: Vera Fernanda Martins Hossepian de Lima / Coorientador: Guilherme de Paula Nogueira / Coorientador: Ricardo Andrade Reis / Banca: Roberto Sartori Filho / Banca: Wilter Ricardo Russiano Vicente / Mestre

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