Spelling suggestions: "subject:"goodfaith"" "subject:"words:faith""
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A tutela da confiança nos contratos empresariais / The protection of trustworthiness in the comercial agreementsAnna Paula Berhnes Romero 05 June 2013 (has links)
O Código Civil, tal como disciplinado atualmente, confere os dispositivos necessários à proteção da confiança, à proibição do comportamento contraditório e demais institutos relacionados à confiança. Para tanto, o direito brasileiro adotou a técnica legislativa da cláusula geral para introduzir em sua normatividade a ética como regra de conduta exigida das partes, cabendo ao Juiz a função integrativa para determinar qual é a conduta adequada em cada caso concreto. Os deveres anexos ou laterais, consagrados pela função criadora de deveres jurídicos da boa-fé objetiva, impõem aos contratantes o cumprimento de obrigações acessórias para que a obrigação principal seja adimplida. A vedação do comportamento contraditório, seu conteúdo, forma de caracterização e aplicação consiste na proteção à confiança e os princípios da dignidade da pessoa humana, da solidariedade e boa-fé objetiva, que norteiam o ordenamento jurídico pátrio. Ao negociar, sabedora das limitações de informações das partes contratos incompletos uma empresa certamente colocará na formação de preços uma parcela que corresponda aos custos da incerteza (riscos) gerados durante as negociações. Ao repensar a situação, e percebendo a oportunidade de eventualmente encontrar o equilíbrio no futuro, poderá a empresa optar por reduzir a parcela de preço decorrente do risco inerente à assimetria de informações, sendo, portanto, mais competitiva ao identificar que eventuais falhas, ainda que inconscientes, podem vir a ser sanadas por meio do provimento judicial. A lealdade que deve presidir as relações entre as partes faz com que os contratos empresariais, dentre outros, residam em ambiente probo, permitindo, assim, o equilíbrio da relação por ocasião das negociações preliminares (culpa in contrahendo), durante a execução do contrato (teoria dos atos próprios - venire contra factum proprium e tu quoque), e após a execução contratual, como ocorre na hipótese da responsabilidade post pactum finitum. / The Civil Code, as enacted, provides the necessary tools to protect the trustworthiness, the prohibition of contradictory behavior and other institutes related. Therefore, Brazilian law adopted a legislative technique which introduces the general clause as a normative rule of conduct required from the parties, providing the Judge with an integrative function aiming at determining which rule would fit each case. The lateral duties, considered legal duties by the good faith, require contractors to meet certain accessory obligations. Forbidding the contradictory behavior, its content and characterization consists in a protection of the trust and the principles of human dignity, solidarity and good faith. During any negotiation, being aware of the limitations of information - incomplete contracts - a company certainly increases the price to cover the costs of uncertainty (risk) generated during the negotiations. By finding the opportunity to reach the balance the risk, the company may reduce the share price due to the risk inherent in asymmetric information, and therefore become more competitive by identifying any faults that, although unconscious, could be remedied through judicial appointment. The loyalty that should govern relations between the parties put business contracts, among others, in a honest environment, thus allowing the balance of the relationship during the preliminary negotiations (culpa in contrahendo) during performance of the contract (through the theory of the acts, venire factum proprium and tu quoque), and after contract execution, through the theory of post pactum finitum liability.
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Incidência dos princípios da boa-fé e da função social conforme os planos do negócio jurídico / The incidence of the principles of good faith and social function according to the legal act theoryCarlos Eduardo D'Elia Salvatori 11 April 2014 (has links)
A presente dissertação tem como objetivo central analisar a incidência dos princípios da boa-fé e da função social em cada plano do negócio jurídico (existência, validade e eficácia), proporcionando uma ampla e detalhada visão do fenômeno contratual, que possui a característica de se reinventar e se particularizar conforme o contexto econômico-social que o permeia. Para tanto, o caminho metodologicamente escolhido perpassa pela funcionalidade da teoria do fato jurídico, que serve de apoio à compreensão da natureza jurídica dos mecanismos da proposta e aceitação, formulando categorias de grupos contratuais alicerçados, em regra, na hipossuficiência de uma das partes. Tais grupos (contratos clássicos ou paritários, contratos civis por adesão, contratos de consumo e contratos existenciais) revelam palpável importância, pois estabelecem, com alguma frequência, níveis diversos de condicionamento nas ponderações do princípio da autonomia privada com os princípios da boa-fé e da função social. Assim, a partir desses subsídios, almeja-se atingir uma sistematização, melhor possibilitando a alocação de temas contratuais, como a compreensão da reserva mental, o adimplemento substancial, a supressio/surrectio, a realização de negócios por incapazes, as cláusulas abusivas, a expansão dos efeitos perante terceiros, dentre vários outros. Nesse pesar, como suporte, trabalha-se sempre com os planos do negócio jurídico. Por mais que a matéria seja bastante difundida, revisitar o direito contratual nunca é despropositado pela riqueza que lhe é inerente, seja em função da possibilidade de enfrentar antigos problemas através de novas formas, seja simplesmente pelo surgimento de novos problemas que demandam prontas soluções. / The present work is focused on analyzing the incidence of the principles of good faith and the social function on each sphere of the legal act theory (the existence, the validity and the effectiveness), providing a wide and detailed overview of the contractual phenomenon, which is able of reinventing and particularizing itself according to the socialeconomic context permeating it. For such, the methodology chosen pervades the functionality of the legal fact theory, which supports the comprehension of the legal nature of the mechanisms of the offer and acceptance, formulating categories of contractual groups grounded, as a rule, in the hiposufficiency of one of the parties. Such groups (classic or joint contracts, civil contracts by adhesion, consumer contracts and existential contracts) reveal tangible importance, because they establish, quite often, different levels of conditioning in the deliberations on the principle of private autonomy with the principles of good faith and social function. Therefore, the goal is to reach a systematization, better enabling the allocations of contractual issues, such as the understanding of mental reservation, substantial performance, the suprecio/surrectio, the exercise of business by the incapable, abusive terms, the expansion of effects before third parties, among several others. In this regard, as support, one always works within the legal act theory. As much as the matter is widespread, revisiting the contractual right is never unreasonable given the affluence inherent to it, either due to the possibility of facing old problems under new perspectives or simply due to the rise of new problems that demand prompt solutions.
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Zásada materiální publicity v pozemkovém právu / The principal of material publicity in land lawVondrášek, Igor January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the principle of material publicity in the context of land law. This principle was reintroduced into the domestic legal system as a part of the recodification of private law. The principle of material publicity (the protection of public good faith) has restored a faith in records in public registers, thereby providing protection to an acquirer in good faith who may acquire a property from a non-entitled person under certain legal conditions. With the adoption of the Civil Code, a case-law dispute between the Constitutional Court and the Supreme Court was settled and the principle nemo plus iuris ad ali transferre potest quam ipse habet, which the previous regulation consisted in, was broken. However, the legal effects of material publicity do not work indefinitely, but under certain conditions. A significant part of the thesis is devoted to the explanatory problems associated with them. The crucial condition may be to designate a good faith on the part of the acquirer, which must be assessed in the light of all the circumstances of the case, i.e. objectively. The thesis also includes an analysis of the relevant judicial decisions of the Supreme Court of the Czechoslovak Republic concerning cases in which the good faith of the acquirer was excluded. Due to the absence...
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When West meets East: Thinking big in Singapore over good faith in commercial contract lawHan, Yong Qiang 05 May 2020 (has links)
no / Singapore commercial contract law has taken an Asian perspective in respect of express terms of good faith in the negotiation of contract. In general, however, it adheres to the English contract law orthodoxy regarding good faith. More specifically, Singapore, like England, does not recognize a general duty or principle of good faith and it is reluctant to imply a duty of good faith into a contract. However, as a hub of international trade and a rising forum for commercial dispute resolution, Singapore will have a stronger need to reconcile the differences in good faith in contract law between the English/Commonwealth and the European-Asian legal traditions. Conventional wisdom and international commercial law instruments in this respect are not as helpful as one would expect for such a need. Instead, to an enlightening but limited extent, the “organizing principle” approach in Bhasin v Hrynew could be useful for setting up a framework for reconciling the differences. This framework could consist of an organising principle of (honouring) reasonable expectations, a duty of honesty, and a duty of fair dealing. The framework realistically concretises good faith into the three components, all of which are essentially objective and ascertainable in specific factual matrix and are well-recognised in both common law and civil law.
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Le principe d’interprétation autonome dans la Convention de Vienne sur les contrats de vente internationale de marchandises / The principle of autonomous interpretation in the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of GoodsBoussofara, Anissa 13 September 2019 (has links)
L’étude de l’interprétation de la Convention des Nations Unies sur les contrats de vente internationale de marchandises du 11 avril 1980 (CVIM) révèle la nécessité de la mise en œuvre d’un principe d’interprétation autonome, également affirmé dans d’autres instruments juridiques (conventions onusiennes, Principes UNIDROIT). Le principe d’interprétation autonome, inhérent au droit transnational, impose la prise en compte du caractère international des normes à interpréter ainsi que la promotion de leur uniformité d’application. Il s’agit ainsi d’assurer l’autonomie des termes du texte juridique à interpréter. Le comblement des lacunes du texte, qui constitue le second versant de l’interprétation juridique, est opéré par le recours aux principes généraux sous-tendant le texte. Le recours aux règles de droit interne n’aura lieu qu’en dernier ressort. L’étude se propose d’évaluer la mise en œuvre du principe d’interprétation autonome lors de l’application de la CVIM. A cette fin, il convient d’observer l’attitude du juge français lors de l’application du texte, non sans examiner la jurisprudence internationale ainsi que les sentences arbitrales l’appliquant également. Certaines dispositions et expressions conventionnelles ont été privilégiées afin d’examiner leur interprétation (par exemple : le contrat de fourniture, la contravention essentielle, le raisonnable, l’article 78 imposant l’application d’intérêts à toute somme due sans en fixer le taux). Le principe de bonne foi, guidant l’interprétation de la CVIM est également décortiqué dans sa relation avec l’interprétation de la CVIM. Il ressort de l’étude que la jurisprudence française méconnait le principe d’interprétation autonome lors de l’application de la CVIM. La comparaison avec d’autres juridictions montre que certaines d’entre elles font état d’une meilleure considération des règles d’interprétation édictées dans la Convention (Allemagne, Italie). La jurisprudence arbitrale révèle des sentences particulièrement enclines à la mise en œuvre du principe d’interprétation autonome sans que cette pratique ne soit uniforme. Les arbitres du commerce international sont souvent dotés d’une culture internationaliste et surtout, ils ne relèvent d’aucun ordre juridique national. Ils sont par conséquent beaucoup moins susceptibles d’être influencés par des références de droit interne et ainsi plus à même d’opérer une interprétation autonome des textes internationaux qu’ils mettent en œuvre. Ceci étant, l’affirmation explicite de l’application d’un principe d’interprétation autonome est quasiment inexistante dans la jurisprudence arbitrale comme dans celle des tribunaux étatiques.La présente étude a pour ambition d’élargir la connaissance du principe d’interprétation autonome par les interprètes du droit matériel uniforme en utilisant la CVIM comme support de démonstration. Le rôle du principe d’interprétation autonome sera fondamental dans l’expansion et la bonne application du droit uniforme. En effet, cette méthode d’interprétation est à même de respecter l’objectif du droit uniforme. / When analyzing the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods adopted the 11 April 1980 (CISG), a principle of autonomous interpretation appears. This principle is stated in other legal texts (as United Nations conventions and UNIDROIT Principles). The principle of autonomous interpretation belongs to the transnational law and leads to take into account the international character of the legal provisions to be interpreted and to promote the uniformity of their application as “expressed” in the article 7 of the CISG. General principles underlying the CISG are used for gap-fillings which is the second side of legal interpretation. Using national laws is the ultimate resort.The principle of autonomous interpretation in the application of the CISG will be studied. For this purpose, judicial decisions and arbitral awards will be examined. Dispositions from the Convention have been chosen for their interpretation to be examined. The principle of good faith is also examined in its relation with the CISG interpretation. It will be observed that French case-law doesn’t acknowledge the principle of autonomous interpretation. Arbitral awards show a more important tendency to apply the principle of autonomous interpretation but there is no uniformity. The arbitrators in international trade have multicultural traditions and do not depend on a forum. Therefore they are less likely to be “influenced” by national “references” and so much more capable to interpret autonomously international dispositions. Nevertheless the “express” affirmation of a principle of autonomous interpretation is missing from arbitral awards and judicial decisions. This thesis aims to enlarge the acknowledgement of the principle of autonomous interpretation by the interpreters of uniform law using the CISG as a model. The function of the principle of autonomous interpretation will be fundamental to the expansion and to the correct application of uniform law. This method of interpretation is respectful of the objective of uniform law.
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The role of good faith in the South African law of contractVan der Sijde, Elsabe 21 August 2013 (has links)
In South Africa, courts and academia frequently refer to contracts as bonae fidei agreements. Often this term is invoked without further explanation or reflection on what the meaning of this term is. Upon closer inspection it seems that the phrase “bonae fidei has largely become devoid of any meaning. This study embarks upon a critical analysis of case law leading up to the remarks of the Constitutional Court in Everfresh Market Virginia (Pty) Ltd v Shoprite Checkers Ltd 2012 (1) SA 256 (CC); 2012 (3) BCLR 219 (CC), with the aim of determining what the role of good faith in the South African law of contract is and how this concept is approached by South African courts. A brief overview of the historical origins of the concept is given and the English law is considered as a foreign jurisdiction in order to gain understanding of how the concept is dealt with elsewhere. This study does not propose to undertake an in-depth study of consumer protection legislation. The justification for this decision lies in the fact that moving beyond this scope will prove to be too wide a field of study; hindering the in-depth discussion and evaluation of the common law and moving beyond the research aims of this dissertation. A critical analysis of South African case law indicates that it is unlikely that the courts in South Africa will adopt a general defence based on good faith that would empower courts to set aside otherwise enforceable agreements. The principle of good faith now forms part of the umbrella defence of public policy: it is finally accepted that public policy is invested in equitable contractual relationships and not only in upholding the principle of pacta servanda sunt. This study shows that good faith has a more active role to play in the law of contract as there is a duty upon courts to develop the common law so as to bring it in line with constitutional norms and values. This study illustrates the importance of open-ended concepts such as good faith and ubuntu to achieve a greater degree of equity and justice between contracting parties. The conclusion is reached that public policy is informed by the reigning ideology of the day: the contract law of South Africa must reflect its adherence to upholding and promoting the values and norms underlying the Constitution. If courts step up and uphold the constitutional mandate to develop the common law to bring it in line with constitutional values and norms, there will be very little need for legislative interference. / Dissertation (LLM)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Private Law / unrestricted
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Nabytí od neoprávněného / Acquisition of property from an unauthorised personKratochvílová, Kateřina January 2019 (has links)
130 English Abstract This diploma thesis deals with the issue of acquisition of property from an unauthorised person. Such a possibility deprives the owner of legal protection of his/her ownership rights in favour of protection of good faith of the acquirer, who thus can acquire ownership even though the transferor is a neither an owner nor authorised for any other reason to dispose with the property. The new Civil Code which entered into force on 1 January 2014 introduces new rules governing such situations, while differing significantly from the previous legislation. Legislation which was in effect until 1 January 2014 was inadequate, in particular due to dichotomy between Civil Code and Commercial Code. Another significant deficiency represented the lack of possibility of acquisition of immovable property registered in the cadastral register from an unauthorised person. Material publicity applied only to a limited extent and did not provide sufficient protection to persons who trusted that the rights recorded in the cadastral register also objectively existed. The diploma thesis is divided into six chapters and analyses the institute of acquisition of property from an unauthorised person in its broader context. The first chapter describes ownership right and manners of its acquisition as well as the...
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Liberté, responsabilité et utilité : la bonne foi comme instrument de justice contractuelleGrégoire, Marie Annik, 1971- January 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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Kommersiell lojalitet : Undersökning av NJA 2021 s. 943 ”Omsättningsmålet” och vad målet säger om allmän lojalitetsplikt / Good Faith in Commercial Contracts, with Focus on a Case Regarding an Earn-out Clause Based on Future Revenue, NJA 2021 s. 943Forsmark, Emil January 2023 (has links)
Lojalitet inom civilrätten är ett begrepp som har djupa historiska rötter och lojalitetshänsyn kan spåras tillbaka till romersk rätt under institutet bona fides. I över hundra år har lojalitet som allmän avtalsrättslig princip haft stor betydelse i fransk men särskilt tysk rätt under betäckningen bonne foi respektive Treu und Glauben. Men i den svenska juridiska litteraturen har det funnits en viss återhållsamhet mot en allmän princip om lojalitet, ett synsätt som har förändrats under senare tid. Svensk rättspraxis kan sägas ha följt en liknande trend; uttrycklig användning av ordet lojalitet i domskäl har blivit allt vanligare under 2000-talet. Rättsfallet NJA 2021 s. 943 ”Omsättningsmålet” är det senaste målet som berör en avtalsrättslig lojalitetsplikt och rättsfallets explicita användning av lojalitetsplikten gör målet till ett särskilt intressant studieobjekt för den avtalsrättsliga lojalitetsplikten; däri väcktes mitt intresse för ämnet. Syftet med examensarbetet är att undersöka ”Omsättningsmålet” avseende vad målet säger om lojalitetsplikten samt dess betydelse för skadeståndsansvarsgrunden och avtalstolkning. För detta ändamål kommer det prejudikat som kommer till uttryck i ”Omsättningsmålet” att analyseras, både lojalitetsplikten i förhållande till avtalsförpliktelsen såväl som i förhållande till den skadeståndsrättsliga ansvarsgrunden. Kan lojalitetsplikt vara en ansvarsgrund för skadestånd? En del av arbetet ägnar jag åt att diskutera vad en allmän lojalitetsplikt kan ha för betydelse för avtalstolkning på ett mer allmänt plan, med avstamp i ”Omsättningsmålet”.
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The Duty to Bargain in Good Faith: The Canadian PerspectiveSaran, E. Ajit 05 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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