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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Traitement thermomécanique de l’alliage Ti17 : Forgeage en alpha + bêta et maintien post-forgeage en bêta / Thermomechanical treatment of Ti17 alloy : Alpha / beta forging and heat treatment in the beta field

Semblanet, Mélanie 17 July 2014 (has links)
La présente thèse s’inscrit dans un contexte d’optimisation des procédés de forgeage et de traitements thermiques des alliages de titane pour les pièces de moteurs Snecma.Les sociétés TIMET, élaborateur, et SNECMA, motoriste, ont identifié des enjeux très analogues concernant le forgeage des billettes en alliage de titane destinées à la fabrication de disques moteurs. Il est nécessaire d'acquérir une maîtrise complète de la gamme de transformation, de la coulée au produit final. Ce traitement thermomécanique comporte une alternance d’étapes de forgeage dans les domaines bêta, à haute température, et alpha + bêta, à basse température.L’objectif est de déterminer expérimentalement et de modéliser le comportement mécanique ainsi que les évolutions de microstructure de l’alliage Ti17 au cours d'une déformation dans le domaine alpha + bêta suivie d’un maintien en bêta.En amont, ces travaux mènent à une meilleure compréhension des facteurs qui influencent la taille de grain dans le domaine bêta : la taille de grain bêta initiale, les orientations des aiguilles alpha dans le grain, la déformation et la désorientation subies lors du forgeage en alpha + bêta, etc.En ce qui concerne les applications, ils s’intègrent à un post-processeur métallurgique dédié au forgeage des alliages de titane, qui utilise les histoires thermomécaniques issues d’un calcul par éléments finis. / The thesis is part of a broader optimization program related to the forging and the heat treatments of SNECMA-engine components in titanium alloys.TIMET (producer) and SNECMA (engine manufacturer) companies have identified very similar issues concerning the forging of billets in titanium alloy for manufacturing engine discs. They need thus to gain complete control over the transformation range, from the casting to the final product. This thermomechanical treatment involves alternating forging steps in the beta domain, at high temperature, and in the alpha + beta field, at lower temperatures.The aim is to simulate the forging step in the two-phase, alpha + beta, range followed by recrystallization in the beta field during which microstructure evolves. This simulation involves the following phenomena: grain deformation, recrystallization and grain growth of the beta matrix and disorientation/fragmentation of the alpha-Widmanstätten platelets. More specifically, the effects of deformation in the alpha + beta field on the subsequent beta-grain growth during the heat treatment at higher temperatures have been analyzed in the case of Ti17 titanium alloy.Upstream, the work leads to a better understanding of the factors that influence grain size in the beta domain: the initial beta-grain size, the orientation of alpha needles in the grains, the distortion and disorientation experienced during the alpha + beta forging, etc. With regard to the applications, the above results will be implemented into a metallurgical post-processor dedicated to the forging process of titanium alloys, using the thermomechanical history resulting from a finite-element calculation.

Effect of carbon activity on microstructure evolution in WC-Ni cemented carbides

Danielsson, Olivia January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this work was to systematically study how the microstructure evolution is affected by the carbon activity in WC-Ni cemented carbides. Seven WC-9.59at%Ni alloys with different carbon activity were sintered at 1500 °C. From investigating these alloys, the carbon window has been experimentally evaluated using light optical microscopy and compared to theoretical carbon window calculated using Thermo-Calc. The overall microstructure of cross sections and raw surfaces have been investigated using scanning electron microscopy. Finally, the WC grain size and distribution have been evaluated using electron backscatter diffraction. It was found that the experimental carbon window was slightly wider than the theoretical carbon window. The WC grain size increased and the grain size distribution got wider with increasing carbon activity. In addition, the largest WC grains showed the largest grain growth by increasing carbon activity. By comparing the present results of grain size and distribution of WC-Ni to previous results of WC-Co, it was found that the WC grain growth was more pronounced and more influenced by the carbon activity.

Stress Modulated Grain Boundary Mobility

Lontine, Derek Michael 01 April 2018 (has links)
This thesis consists of a thermodynamically based kinetic model that more accurately predicts grain boundary mobility (GBM) over a large range of thermodynamic states including changes in temperature, pressure and shear stress. The form of the model was validated against calculated GBM values for Al bicrystals via molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. A total of 98,786 simulations were performed (164 different GBs, each with a minimum of 250 different thermodynamic states, and 2 different driving forces). Methodology for the computation of the GBM via MD simulations is provided. The model parameters are directly linked to extensive thermodynamic quantities and suggest potential mechanisms for GBM under combined thermal and triaxial loads. This thesis also discusses the influence of GB character on the thermodynamic mobility parameters. The resulting insights about GB character and thermodynamic state on GBM suggest an opportunity to achieve designed microstructures by controlling thermodynamic state during microstructure evolution.

Effects of Very High Power Ultrasonic Additive Manufacturing Process Parameters on Hardness, Microstructure, and Texture of Aluminum 3003-H18 Alloy

Sojiphan, Kittichai 15 May 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Characterization and Modeling of Grain Coarsening in Powder Metallurgical Nickel-Based Superalloys

Payton, Eric John 24 September 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Optimalizace mikrostruktury pokročilých keramických materiálů využitím konvenčních a nekonvenčních slinovacích metod / Tailoring of microstructure of advanced ceramic materials by conventional and non-conventional sintering approaches

Prajzler, Vladimír January 2021 (has links)
Tato doktorská práce se zabývala mikrostrukturálním vývojem vybraných oxidových keramických materiálů během konvenčního slinování (CS), rychlého slinování (RRS), flash slinování (FS) a slinování pomocí plazmatu (SPS). S ohledem na keramiku pro strukturální aplikace byly pomocí RRS připraveny relativně velké (1 cm3), bez defektní a téměř hutné pelety oxidu hlinitého a yttriem stabilizovaného oxidu zirkoničitého (YSZ) s homogenní mikrostrukturou. RRS bylo také shledáno jako optimální metoda pro přípravu vysoce hutné bezolovnaté piezoelektrické keramiky s podobnými vlastnostmi, jako byly získány po časově a energeticky náročnějším CS. Metoda SPS dále zlepšila vlastnosti bezolovnaté piezoelektrické keramiky a produkovala plně hutné vzorky, což je dobrým předpokladem pro translucenci a z níž vyplývajícím optoelektrickým vlastnostem. Nejoptimálnějších výsledků – plné hustoty a vysokých piezoelektrických vlastností – bylo dosaženo kombinací SPS a RRS. Analýzy provedené v této studii také poukázaly na důležitost eliminace těkavých nečistot před rychlým ohřevem. Jinak totiž dochází k zachycení těchto látek ve slinuté keramice, což ve výsledku limituje její konečnou hustotu. Ukázalo se, že nízké konečné hustoty RRS YSZ jsou spojeny se zachycením zbytkového chloru pocházejícího ze syntézy prášku. Pokud byl zbytkový chlor odstraněn vysokoteplotním žíháním keramických kompaktů před zahájením RRS, byly touto metodou získány téměř plně hutné YZS vzorky. Negativní vliv zbytkového chloru na zhutnění byl viditelný také u flash slinovaných YSZ vzorků. Navíc FS YSZ často vede ke zrychlení růstu zrn v jádře vzorku, v důsledku vyšší teploty a elektrochemické redukce. Ve spektru procesních parametrů použitých v rámci této práce dokonce došlo k abnormálnímu růstu zrna (AGG). Silně bimodální distribuce velikosti zrn ukázaná v této práci nebyla dříve nalezena u flash slinutého YSZ. AGG byl vysvětlen dvěma přispívajícími faktory – relativně velkou velikostí vzorku, která vedla k lokalizaci elektrického proudu a vzniku horkých míst (z angl. hot-spots), a celkově akcelerovanou kinetikou růstu zrn v jádře vzorku způsobenou elektrochemickou redukcí.

Unraveling the grain size evolution in the Earth’s upper mantle : experimental observations and theoretical modeling / Observations expérimentales et modélisation de la croissance de grains d’olivine dans le manteau supérieur

Hashim, Leïla 17 May 2016 (has links)
La taille de grains dans le manteau terrestre a des implications cruciales sur les processus à grande échelle, telles que la propagation des ondes sismiques, la perméabilité et la rhéologie des roches. Cependant, la taille de grains évolue constamment avec le temps, car la croissance de grains statique induit une augmentation de la taille moyenne tandis que la recristallisation dynamique contribue à sa décroissance. La croissance d’olivine au sein d’agrégats mantelliques dans un milieu inter-granulaire sec, en présence de liquide magmatique ou dans des conditions sursaturées en eau a été modélisée dans le cadre de cette thèse. En s’appuyant sur la théorie de croissance cristalline ainsi que sur des expériences à 1-atmosphère et hautes températures précédemment publiées, la loi de croissance d’olivine sèche a été déterminée. Le facteur limitant est, dans ce cas, la diffusion du silicium aux joints de grains à travers une épaisseur effective de 30 nm. La croissance d’agrégats en présence de liquide magmatique et fluide aqueux a été contrainte par de nouvelles expériences haute pression/haute température. Ces données indiquent que les taux de croissance sont significativement plus importants que dans des conditions sèches et sont limités par des réactions aux interfaces cristal/liquide. Nous proposons une loi de croissance générale régulée par une combinaison de joints de grains secs et mouillés, grâce aux paramètres de contiguité et de mouillabilité. Cette loi de croissance unifiée est fondamentale pour extrapoler les tailles de grains expérimentales à des échelles de temps, des profondeurs et des quantités de liquides relatives au manteau supérieur. / Grain size in the Earth’s mantle is a fundamental parameter that has crucial implications on large-scale processes, such as seismic wave propagation, the permeability and the rheology of rocks. However, grain size is constantly evolving with time, where static grain growth implies an increase of the average grain size whereas dynamic recrystallization contributes to its decrease. Static grain growth of olivine-rich mantle aggregates in an intergranular medium being dry, melt-bearing and water-oversaturated has been here modeled. By using the appropriate theoretical background, the dry olivine grain growth law has been established from previously published experimental grain growth data at 1-atmosphere and high-temperature conditions. Grain growth rates for these samples are limited by silicon diffusion at grain boundaries through an effective width of 30 nm. Grain growth for melt- and water-bearing aggregates was, however, constrained by new high-pressure and high-temperature experiments. This data indicates that grain growth rates for liquid-bearing samples are significantly faster than for dry samples and are limited by precipitation reactions at the crystal/liquid interface rather by diffusion through the liquid phase. We propose a general grain growth law, which takes into account dry grain boundaries as well as wetted grain-grain interfaces, through the contiguity and wetness parameters. This unified law is fundamental to extrapolate experimental grain sizes to time scales, depths and liquid contents that are relevant of the upper mantle.

Processamento e análise digital de imagens em estudos da cinética de recristalização de ligas Al-Mg-X / Processing and analysis of digital images in studies of recrystallization kinectics of Al-Mg-X alloys

Ignacio, Juliano da Silva 11 November 2013 (has links)
O Processamento e Análise Digital de Imagens é utilizado cada vez mais para agilizar processos, aumentar a precisão, segurança e confiabilidade de dados extraídos de imagens nas mais diversas áreas de pesquisa. No entanto, muitas vezes é necessário que o pesquisador faça, ele próprio, o pré-processamento das imagens, mesmo não sendo um especialista nesta área. Isto coloca em risco o próprio objetivo do uso do Processamento e Análise Digital de Imagens. Este trabalho analisa a relação dos dados extraídos de uma imagem (micrografia) através do software livre ImageJ com relação ao seu processamento final desejado, avaliando assim, a necessidade ou não, de uma ou mais sequencias de pré-processamento para adequar a imagem para o processamento final, indicando ainda quais fatores de influência apresentam informações irrelevantes ou incompletas para o processamento final utilizando ferramentas da Lógica Paraconsistente Anotada. Os resultados obtidos mostram que esta abordagem carece de informações diversificadas sobre a imagem original capturada que possam subsidiar a tomada de decisão quanto aos procedimentos necessários e, para o pré-processamento adequado ao objetivo desejado. / Processing and Analysis of Digital Images is increasingly used to streamline processes, improve accuracy, safety and reliability of data extracted from images in various research areas. However, it is often necessary for the researcher to make himself, the preprocessing of images, although not an expert in this area. This puts at risk the very purpose of using the Processing and Analysis of Digital Images. This paper analyzes the relationship of the data extracted from an image (micrograph) through the free software ImageJ, with respect to its desired final processing. Thus, evaluating the necessity or not, of one or more sequences of preprocessing to adjust the image to the final processing, further indicating which factors influence presents incomplete or irrelevant information for final processing using tools of Annotaded Paraconsistent Logic. The results show that this approach lacks diversified information about the original image captured that can support decision making about procedures for appropriate preprocessing to the desired goal.

Impact of Milling and Sintering on Growth of WC Grains in Liquid Co - and an evaluation of existing growth theories / Teoretisk och Experimentell Studie av Korntillväxt i Volframkarbid

Ekström, Emanuel January 2007 (has links)
<p>Cemented carbides (WC-Co) are powder metallurgical products produced by liquid phase sintering. WC-Co is widely used for making a large variety of cutting tools, such as drills and inserts turning applications, due to its great mechanical properties, where the hardness of the WC grains is combined with the toughness of the of the Co binder. WC grain size and grain size distribution are the two most important factors to control the mechanical properties of the products.</p><p>This study examined the grain growth dependence of different milling and sintering times. The resulting grain size and grain size distribution were measured using image analysis on scanning electron microscopy images (SEM) and by using electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD). In addition, the correlation between hardness and coercivity, the most common indirect measures of grain size, and different methods of calculating average grain radius were investigated. An attempt was also made to study the contribution of defects to grain growth. This work also includes an overview of various grain growth equations and a numerical implementation of these.</p><p>Experimental results show that for shorter sintering times, powders milled for short times (15 min and 1 h) have larger average grain radii. There is a crossover after 6 to 8 h of sintering, where the powders milled for a long time (40 h and 200 h), have larger average radii. The measured hardness values correlate well with the average grain radius calculated from the grain surface area and the coercivity correlates with the established equations. EBSD measurements detected boundaries that could not be detected by image analysis, and that were not Sigma 2 boundaries. It is likely that these boundaries are either low energy boundaries or boundaries between grains that are very closely oriented. Comparing heat-treated powder with the untreated resulted in a lower average grain size after sintering for the heat-treated powder. None of the growth equations investigated in this work could fully describe the experimental grain growth.</p><p>Through increased understanding of the grain growth, the growth can be controlled and the end product can have the desired tool properties. The occurrence of abnormal grains in cutting tool applications can cause breakage, which is especially important to avoid in applications such as PCB drills. A correlation between hardness and grain size provides further means for cheap and fast indirect measures of the grain size in production.</p> / <p>Hårdmetall är ett pulvermetallurgiskt material som tillverkas genom smältfassintring och som kännetecknas av hårdhet, styvhet och god slitstyrka. Volframkarbidens (WC) kornstorlek och kornstorleksfördelning är två viktiga faktorer för att kontrollera de mekaniska egenskaperna i hårdmetall.</p><p>I den här studien har korntillväxtens beroende på malning och sintring undersökts. WC-Co maldes och sintrades fyra olika tider och kornstorleksfördelningen mättes med bildanalys på svepelektronmikroskopbilder samt med ``electron backscatter diffraction'' (EBSD). I arbetet har även korrelationen mellan hårdhet, koercivitet och olika sätt att beräkna medelkornstorleken undersökts. Ett försök har också genomförts för att studera hur defekterna i det malda pulvret påverkar korntillväxten. I arbetet har även ett flertal olika tillväxtekvationer modellerats numeriskt och för och nackdelar med de olika tillväxtekvationerna har vägts mot varandra.</p><p>En lång maltid (40 h och 200 h) visade sig ge liten kornstorlek för sintring kortare än 6 h, men för sintringar längre än 8 h gav istället kort malning (15 min och 1 h) den mindre kornstorleken. Det visade sig att uppmätt hårdhet korrelerar bäst med den medelkornstorleksradie som räknats fram från kornytan. I EBSD mätningarna kunde man observera ett flertal korngränser, utöver Sigma 2 korngränser, som inte hade detekterats med bildanalys. Värmebehandlingen av det malda pulvret minskade korntillväxten under efterföljande sintring. Ingen av de undersökta tillväxtekvationerna kunde beskriva de experimentella resultaten fullt ut.</p><p>Genom ökad förståelse för korntillväxt kan man kontrollera tillväxten och slutprodukten kan få önskade egenskaper. Förekomsten av abnorm korntillväxt i skärverktyg i hårdmetall är en av de vanligaste kritiska defekterna och det är speciellt viktigt är undvika korntillväxt i tillverkning av små verktyg, som till exempel kretskortsborrar. Hårdhet och koercivitet är de vanligaste indirekta mätmetoderna för att mäta kornstorlek i produktion. En bra korrelation mellan kornstorlek och indirekta mätmetoder ger utökade verktyg för snabba och billiga mätningar.</p>

Processamento e análise digital de imagens em estudos da cinética de recristalização de ligas Al-Mg-X / Processing and analysis of digital images in studies of recrystallization kinectics of Al-Mg-X alloys

Juliano da Silva Ignacio 11 November 2013 (has links)
O Processamento e Análise Digital de Imagens é utilizado cada vez mais para agilizar processos, aumentar a precisão, segurança e confiabilidade de dados extraídos de imagens nas mais diversas áreas de pesquisa. No entanto, muitas vezes é necessário que o pesquisador faça, ele próprio, o pré-processamento das imagens, mesmo não sendo um especialista nesta área. Isto coloca em risco o próprio objetivo do uso do Processamento e Análise Digital de Imagens. Este trabalho analisa a relação dos dados extraídos de uma imagem (micrografia) através do software livre ImageJ com relação ao seu processamento final desejado, avaliando assim, a necessidade ou não, de uma ou mais sequencias de pré-processamento para adequar a imagem para o processamento final, indicando ainda quais fatores de influência apresentam informações irrelevantes ou incompletas para o processamento final utilizando ferramentas da Lógica Paraconsistente Anotada. Os resultados obtidos mostram que esta abordagem carece de informações diversificadas sobre a imagem original capturada que possam subsidiar a tomada de decisão quanto aos procedimentos necessários e, para o pré-processamento adequado ao objetivo desejado. / Processing and Analysis of Digital Images is increasingly used to streamline processes, improve accuracy, safety and reliability of data extracted from images in various research areas. However, it is often necessary for the researcher to make himself, the preprocessing of images, although not an expert in this area. This puts at risk the very purpose of using the Processing and Analysis of Digital Images. This paper analyzes the relationship of the data extracted from an image (micrograph) through the free software ImageJ, with respect to its desired final processing. Thus, evaluating the necessity or not, of one or more sequences of preprocessing to adjust the image to the final processing, further indicating which factors influence presents incomplete or irrelevant information for final processing using tools of Annotaded Paraconsistent Logic. The results show that this approach lacks diversified information about the original image captured that can support decision making about procedures for appropriate preprocessing to the desired goal.

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