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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Incorporating Adaptive Management and Translational Ecology into the North Dakota Total Maximum Daily Load Program: A Case Study of the Fordville Dam Nutrient TMDL

Hargiss, Michael John January 2012 (has links)
Translational ecology and adaptive management strategies were incorporated into the Fordville Dam Nutrient Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) case study to determine if these two techniques were compatible to the North Dakota TMDL Program. A case study summary of the Fordville Dam Nutrient TMDL was discussed to provide contrast and comparison of the current TMDL program strategy and systematic improvements that could be made with the incorporation of translational ecology and adaptive management. Translational ecology is an effective way to bridge the information barrier through open communication between the stakeholders and scientists while creating a mutual learning experience. Adaptive management is beneficial to a TMDL implementation plan because it allows stakeholders and resource managers to become involved in management decisions and develop a better understanding of the ecosystem. Therefore, combining translational ecology and adaptive management would make the TMDL process more effective, through better communication and a flexible management plan.

Moderata Fonte’s Tredici canti del Floridoro: Epic Means, Political Ends

Colleluori, Tylar Ann January 2023 (has links)
This dissertation explores Moderata Fonte’s Tredici canti del Floridoro from a new critical perspective, by taking into consideration Fonte’s authorial positionality, situating the text within its literary and historical contexts, and devoting sustained attention to its extradiegetic and structural components. Through this framing, this study highlights Fonte’s innovation as an author of chivalric epic and reveals the Floridoro to be a text with political motivations. The first chapter examines Fonte’s authorial persona and her metapoetics, both as they are written about by her contemporaries and as they are made manifest within the Floridoro. The remaining two chapters are devoted to an analysis of the two ekphrastic sub-narratives found within the Floridoro, and how they mirror Fonte’s dual dedication of the poem to Francesco I de’ Medici and Bianca Cappello: chapter 2 considers Fonte’s Medici genealogy as a response to a specific political moment and to the unique anxieties of her first dedicatee, while chapter 3 explores how Fonte’s history of Venice functions as a civic genealogy for her second.

Construire en terres d'excavation, un enjeu pour la ville durable / Building with excavated earth, an issue for the sustainable city

Gasnier, Hugo 10 May 2019 (has links)
La thèse explore les potentiels d’utilisation des terres de déblais comme matériau de construction et examine la pertinence d’une valorisation de cette ressource pour une construction soutenable dans le contexte français actuel avec un focus plus particulier sur la région parisienne. Elle s'articule autour d'une double question qui s’inscrit dans le cadre de la transition écologique des milieux habités : est-t-il pertinent de transformer les terres d’excavation générées par les chantiers des grands centres urbains en ressource pour l’architecture et quels potentiels offrent-elles pour la construction de la ville durable? La croissance des grandes villes entraine chaque année la production de millions de tonnes de terres de déblais qui sont issues des terrassements nécessaires à la construction de nouveaux immeubles ou extraites lors de la création d’infrastructures de transport (tunnels, gares, routes, …). À lui seul, le chantier du Grand Paris Express « devrait peser de 30 à 40 millions de tonnes » de terres d’excavation qui seront principalement acheminées par péniches en dehors de Paris pour être stockées ou enfouies dans des sites adaptés. Ce processus représente un coût financier, énergétique et écologique phénoménal et l’enfouissement d’une ressource pourtant potentiellement utilisable, d’où l’intérêt de s’interroger sur les possibilités d’utilisation de ces terres comme matériau de construction. Au commencement de cette thèse en 2015, peu de recherches et encore moins de pratiques portaient sur ce sujet. Or, dès les premières rencontres, les acteurs ont exprimés leur intérêt pour cette possible valorisation des terres de déblais comme ressource. Il était donc temps, d’une part, de faire le point sur les connaissances scientifiques concernant la matière terre, les pratiques actuelles en architecture de terre et les professionnels spécialistes de la construction en terre. D’autre part, il s’agissait de décrypter le contexte et le système des acteurs des terres d’excavation sur le territoire du Grand Paris. Enfin, la présence d’acteurs motivés sur le Grand Paris a facilité la réflexion prospective sur le potentiel d’utilisation de ces terres en architecture, y compris en ayant la possibilité d’en observer les premiers résultats concrets. / This thesis explores the potentials of using excavated earth as a building material and examines the relevance of a valorization of this resource for sustainable buildings in the actual French context with a more particular focus on the Parisian region. It is structured around a double question within the framework of the ecological transition of the inhabited environment: is it relevant to transform the excavated earth of the construction sites of major urban centers into a resource for architecture and which are the potentials for the construction of a sustainable city ?The growth of big cities is generating millions of tons of excavated earth yearly, issued from the necessary earthworks for the construction of new buildings or excavated during the creation of transport infrastructures (tunnels, railway stations, roads,…). On is own, the Grand Paris Express construction site « should generate 30 to 40 millions of tons »[1] of excavated earth that will be principally shipped by barges out of Paris to be stocked or buried in adapted sites. This process has a huge financial, energetical and ecological cost, and a potential usable resource is buried, hence the importance of the question on the possibilities of using this earth as a building material.At the beginning of this thesis in 2015, few researches and even less practices had been done on the subject. But, ever since the first meetings, the actors expressed their interest for the possible valorization of the excavated earth as a resource.On one hand, it was time to make an inventory of the scientific knowledges of the material earth, the current practices in earthen architecture and the professional earthen building specialists. On the other hand, it was necessary to decrypt the context and the system of actors around the excavated earth in the Grand Paris territory. Finally, the presence of motivated actors in the Grand Paris has facilitated the prospective reflection on the potential use of these earths in architecture including having the opportunity to observe the first concrete results.

Praha jako evropská operní křižovatka poloviny 19. století se zvláštním ohledem na osobnost J. F. Kittla / Prague as a crossroad of European opera in the mid 19th century with special regard to J. F. Kittl

Šochman, Martin January 2019 (has links)
One of the most fundamental changes of the European opera production of the so-called long 19th century - apart from the change of the music structure itself, opera dramaturgy (or poetics) and forming of stable repertoire among other things - was its internalization: it was no more Italian opera as the only international operatic idiom but various traditions were influencing each other, the most important being the French, German and Italian operatic traditions (apart from the Russian one). The core thesis of this work, as it is seen in its title, could be formulated as follows: Prague in the mid-19th century could be regarded as a crossroad of European opera, in other words a place where these operatic traditions were in play. It means two things: First, Prague opera repertoire became international (many French, German and Italian operas were performed here). Second, dramaturgy of poetics of these various genres was projected into works of home composers. Dramaturgical analysis of four chosen operas - three of them by Johann Friedrich Kittl (Bianca und Giuseppe oder Die Franzosen vor Nizza, Die Waldblume and Die Bilderstürmer) and one by Josef Dessauer (Lidwinna) - aims to document this second statement. To which extent a composer is led and determined by a given libretto could be seen at the case of...

Les "derniers tranquilles" : représentations du vieillissement et du rôle de transmission de grands-parents nés avant 1935

Bourdouxhe, Alexandrine 05 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Ce mémoire a pour but d'explorer la dynamique des relations entre les grands-parents et leurs petits-enfants afin de saisir la place et le rôle des aînés dans la famille. Dix grands-parents âgés de 75 ans et plus se prononcent sur leur rôle de légataires de valeurs et de savoir-être, répondant plus spécifiquement à la question suivante : qu'est-ce qu'ils et elles désirent avoir transmis à leurs petits-enfants? Les représentations de soi et de la vieillesse y sont aussi explorées, et une attention particulière a été portée aux différences de sexe. Nous analysons donc le point de vue de grands-parents que nous baptisons « les derniers traditionnels » puisque ce sont les derniers héritiers de la société traditionnelle. Sur le plan méthodologique, nous avons opté pour une approche qualitative, en effectuant des entrevues en profondeur. Les résultats de notre enquête exploratoire montrent que les principales valeurs et savoir-être composant le legs que les grands-parents aimeraient voir se perpétuer concernent la solidarité familiale et les valeurs universelles inspirées du christianisme. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Grands-parents, Génération, Vieillissement, Transmission intergénérationnelle

(Contre)pouvoirs urbains ? : une critique des dispositifs non-institutionnels de l’aménagement urbain dans les transformations du Nord-Est de la métropole parisienne / Urban (counter)powers? : a critique of the urban planning non-institutional apparatus influencing the transformations of the Parisian northeast

Gatta, Federica 09 December 2014 (has links)
De quelle manière l’urbanisme opérationnel se confronte-t-il aux les évolutions contemporaines des mouvements urbains de contestation et des rhétoriques politiques sur le développement durable et participatif ? Cette thèse part du constat d’un processus d’institutionnalisation en cours depuis les années 1970 de plusieurs mouvements sociaux et critiques de l’urbanisme promouvant la place des citadins dans la construction de la ville. Ce processus est analysé et situé à travers une ethnographie menée dans le contexte emblématique des transformations récentes du Nord-Est de la métropole parisienne. Le pari de ce travail est de mettre en place une observation de situations d’interaction entre groupes d’acteurs qui sont généralement regardés séparément : les associations impliquées dans des processus de concertation, les groupes engagés dans l’occupation d’espaces en friche, les décideurs et techniciens des grands projets d’aménagement urbain, les collectifs d’artistes et architectes promouvant l’art urbain et la participation. À travers l’analyse des justifications et des (més)ententes que ces acteurs mobilisent dans la négociation autour des projets en cours, ce qui se profile est la naissance de formes de contre-pouvoirs instituées. Ces dernières sont encadrées dans des dispositifs qui agissent sur la valorisation de l’incertitude dans les imaginaires urbains, sur l’affirmation ambiguë de la catégorie de l’« habitant » comme sujet-objet de la transformation et sur la construction de temporalités intercalaires et événementielles comme nouveaux paradigmes de la planification. Ce qui résulte de notre analyse est un questionnement autour des convergences entre autogestion libertaire et néolibéralisme urbain, et autour du rapport entre urbanisme technique et critique urbaine. / In which way is urbanism confronting both the evolution taking place in contemporary urban movements and the simultaneous growth of political rhetoric concerning sustainable, participatory development? The present thesis stems from the observation of an ongoing process of institutionalization, begun in the seventies, of social movements and critical theories that emphasize the role and importance of city residents in the construction of their city. This process is analyzed through an ethnography conducted in the Parisian northeastern metropolitan area, thus situating it in an illustrative context of significant recent transformation. The challenge of this work is in studying a number of situations in which actors who are generally considered separately, interact: organizations involved in the development of communal urban participation, groups actively occupying abandoned urban spaces, the technicians and decision-makers of large-scale renovation projects, collectives of artists and architects advocating urban art and participation. Through an analysis of the explanations and (mis)understandings these actors use and reach while discussing projects in progress, what appears is a specific form of control of social counter-powers. This process is framed by apparatus attributing value to the idea of uncertainty in the urban imagination, asserting the “inhabitant” as an ambiguous subject-object of urban transformation, conceiving the intermittent progression of events and temporalities as a new paradigm of urban planning. What follows from this analysis is a questioning into where libertarian self-governance and urban neoliberalism converge, and into the evolving relationship between technical and critical urbanism.

"Jag kände igen mig på platser och det gav mig en starkare upplevelse" : En studie om verklighetsbaserade spels påverkan på turism

Engskär, Camilla, Vacari, Marina January 2016 (has links)
Game industry is increasing and developing its possibilities by creating new trends, making it more attractive for users and offering way more than just a spending-time activity.  This bachelor thesis presents a brief study about games which are designed and based on real geographical places. This study argues the question about playing games created after real cities and if this can attract gamers to the real destination which a particular game is based on. The aim of this paper is to see if there is a link between tourism and game industry. The methods used for this study are qualitative, in form of interviews, as well as quantitative. The quantitative study is performed with a survey answered by players, and what effect that has on the user experience, both in the game, but also in visiting real destinations. To find out this particular issue, questions about user experience were asked in aim to find out what provokes the desire to visit the physical location. By analyzing collected data, it has come to a conclusion that players are positively affected by the fact that the game they are playing is based on real geographical places.  This conclusion is based on players answers which are reflected by the fact that game felt more real, but also that players took different decision for visiting places during their stay at the destination, which they probably would not do if they did not play those particular games. / Spelbranschen expanderar allt mer från år till år och skapar nya trender. Speciellt nu när spel erbjuder så mycket mer än bara tidsfördriv blir spelandet allt mer attraktivt.  Denna kandidatuppsats presenterar en undersökning av spel som är utformade efter en verklig plats, och om de på så sätt lockar spelaren att besöka den riktiga platsen. Syftet är att se om det finns en koppling mellan turismnäringen och spelbranschen. De metoder som används är både kvalitativa, i form av intervjuer, samt kvantitativa. Den kvantitativa studien genomförs med en enkätundersökning riktad till spelare, och vilka effekter det får på användarens upple-velse, både i spelet men även vid ett eventuellt besök på den verkliga platsen. För att ta reda på detta ställs frågor som rör användarens upplevelse av platsen som spelet är utformat i, och i vilken mån det framkallar en vilja att besöka den fysiska platsen.  Genom analys av den insamlade datan har man kommit till en slutsats som visar att spelaren påverkas i positiv mening av att spelvärlden existerar i verkligheten. Detta visar sig både ge-nom att spelet upplevs mer verkligt, men också att spelaren tar andra beslut på destinationen, än den hade gjort om hen inte spelat.

Essai sur l'intégration des interactions dans l'évaluation des politiques publiques : l'apport des méthodes de l'économétrie spatiale / Essay on the integration of interactions in the treatment effect evaluation : the contribution of spatial econometrics methods

Ba, Sileymane 08 December 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur la prise en compte des interactions dans l’estimation de l’effet d’une politique publique. En effet, les méthodes standards d’estimation s’appuient généralement sur des hypothèses fortes excluant partiellement ou totalement les effets d’interactions aussi bien dans le processus de sélection des bénéficiaires que dans la performance de la politique. Cependant, la validité de ces hypothèses est discutable surtout dans le cadre d’une politique non-expérimentale, car un individu selon qu’il est bénéficiaire ou non de la politique ne vit pas en autarcie, il est en interaction avec son milieu. Ainsi, l’effet estimé de la politique par les méthodes traditionnelles est susceptible d’être biaisé (surestimation ou sous-estimation), avec pour conséquences des prises de décisions basées sur des résultats non fiables.Dans cette thèse, nous supposons que le traitement reçu par un individu peut affecter les autres individus de son voisinage à travers différents mécanismes de diffusion. Nous proposons un cadre méthodologique d’évaluation basé sur les méthodes de l’économétrie spatiale. Nous développons quatre extensions spatialisées de méthodes d’évaluation prenant en compte les interactions dans les processus de sélection et au niveau de la performance de la politique, avec une application empirique pour chaque méthode. / This thesis focuses on the integration of interactions in the estimation of the public policy’s effect. Indeed, the estimation standard methods usually rely on strong assumptions that exclude partially or completely the interaction effect both in the selection process of beneficiaries and in the performance of the policy. However, the validity of these assumptions is questionable, particularly in the context of a non-experimental policy because an individual according as it is the beneficiary or not the policy, is not isolated: he interacts with his neighborhood. Thus, the estimated effect of the policy by traditional methods is likely to be biased (underestimation or overestimation) therefore induce decision-making based on erroneous conclusions. Therefore, in this thesis, we assume that the treatment received by an individual can affect other individuals in his neighborhood through different diffusion mechanisms. Using spatial econometric methods, we propose a methodological framework to take into account both in selection process and in the outcomes the interactions in the estimation of the policy effect. Four extensions of the evaluation methods are developed with an empirical study for each method.

Die Simfonie-orkes in die Psalmbundel. Psalm 150 as grand finalé in die Psalmbundel (Afrikaans)

Manders, Cobus 08 March 2004 (has links)
In the Old Testament there are many references to musical instruments and each one performs its own specific function. Especially in the Psalms we come across quite a few musical instruments. What is very obvious is the vast amount of references to musical instruments in Psalm 150. In the entire Psalms the most references are made to musical instruments in Psalm 150. The question of this study is: What role did the musical instruments play in the composition of the Psalms? The many references to musical instruments in the Psalms are compared to the other references made to them in the rest of the Old Testament. The psalms in which the musical instruments are mentioned, are discussed and sheds light on how the musical instruments are dispersed in the Psalms’ composition. Recent studies on the composition of the Psalms are also discussed. Every musical instrument that occurs in the Psalms is discussed and with the help of iconographic illustrations it is shown how the musical instruments might have looked. A literary analysis of Psalm 150 helps to argue that this psalm is the final doxology and grand finalé of the Psalms. The studies about the musical instruments’ role in the Psalms shows that the musical instruments build up to a crescendo in the Psalms. The Psalms end with a tremendous grand finalé in Psalm 150. The Psalms is regarded in this study as a great musical composition (a symphony) and the entire symphony orchestra is spread throughout the whole of Psalms. At the end of Psalms the whole symphony orchestra plays together and every one and everything that is created by God is called upon to praise and worship the Lord. / Dissertation (MA (Ancient Languages))--University of Pretoria, 2005. / Ancient Languages / unrestricted

Le Grand Insulaire et Pilotage d’André Thevet, cosmographe du roi : édition critique partielle / Le Grand Insulaire et Pilotage d’André Thevet, cosmographer of the king : partial critical edition

Valle de Loro, Daniela 29 June 2011 (has links)
Durant les dernières années d’une vie consacrée aux voyages et à la géographie, André Thevet (1516-1592) entreprit la réalisation d’un ouvrage de grande ampleur, le Grand Insulaire et Pilotage, véritable tableau cartographique et descriptif du monde, notamment du Nouveau Monde, riche d’indications pour la navigation, qui resta incomplet. Les troubles politiques et religieux qui avaient lieu alors en France et leurs conséquences dans le domaine éditorial ont souvent été avancés pour expliquer l’échec de ce projet. Mais l’inachèvement du Grand Insulaire est également tributaire de la méthode même de travail de Thevet, comme des procédés de composition retenus. L’étude critique des témoins manuscrits conservés du point de vue codicologique et linguistique, ainsi que l’analyse de ses sources permet de vérifier cette hypothèse et de saisir toute la singularité d’une œuvre si importante pour la connaissance des Indiens Tupi du Brésil au xvie siècle. / During the last years of his life dedicated to traveling and Geography, André Thevet (1516-1592) engaged himself into the making of an extensive work named Le Grand Insulaire et Pilotage, which is a genuine cartographic description of the world, specially the New World. This document, which is considerably rich in useful indications for the navigation, would remain unfinished. The reason for this is often laid upon the political and religious disturbances which then took place in France and their consequences on the publishing field. However, the fact that Thevet has not finished Grand Insulaire is also due to his work method, as we can verify in his composition procedures; The critical study of the preserved manuscripts as well as the analysis of his sources, based on a codicological and linguistic point of view, allow us to verifiy this hypothesis and to understand all the singularity of such an important work for the knowledge of the Tupi Indians of Brazil in the sixteenth century.

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