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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Análise do processo de adaptação ventricular após bandagem do tronco pulmonar em animais adultos / Study of right ventricles adaptation process following pulmonary artery banding in adult animals

Leonardo Augusto Miana 06 November 2009 (has links)
Pacientes portadores de transposição das grandes artérias submetidos previamente. Correção cirúrgica no plano atrial ou transposição corrigida das grandes artérias freqüentemente evoluem com disfunção do ventrículo direito morfológico. Para estes casos, tem sido proposta a correção anatômica, chamada cirurgia de Double Switch ou dupla inversão, invariavelmente realizada na adolescência ou na idade adulta. Com isso, grande parte destes pacientes necessita preparar o ventrículo esquerdo, através da bandagem do tronco pulmonar. Várias são as dificuldades no preparo do miocárdio adulto e resultados desapontadores são relatados nestes indivíduos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi promover e analisar o processo de adaptação do ventrículo direito em modelo animal adulto, comparando o método de bandagem fixa, utilizado tradicionalmente na prática clínica, com um novo método de bandagem intermitente, por um período de quatro semanas. Foram utilizadas 18 cabras adultas, divididas Em três grupos: Chama (n = 6, peso = 26,42. 2,63 Kg, bandagem frouxa, sem sobrecarga sistólica), Fixo (n = 6, peso = 26,33 . 2,32 kg, bandagem convencional com sobrecarga sistólica contínua do ventrículo direito), Intermitente (n = 6, peso = 25,17. 2,48 kg, bandagem com dispositivo ajustável e 12 horas diárias de sobrecarga sistólica do ventrículo direito). No grupo fixo, os animais foram submetidos bandagem do tronco pulmonar com fita umbilical, tentando alcançar uma relação pressórica entre ventrículo direito e aorta de 0,7 no momento da cirurgia. Nos animais do grupo Intermitente, a sobrecarga sistólica foi promovida por um dispositivo ajustável calibrado percutaneamente. A mesma relação pressórica foi almejada diariamente através da insuflação do dispositivo por 12 horas, alternada com 12 horas de desinsuflação do dispositivo. Aferições hemodinâmicas foram feitas três vezes por semana no grupo Intermitente e duas vezes por semana nos grupos Fixo e Sham. Exames ecocardiográficos foram realizados semanalmente em todos os animais. Após quatro semanas, os animais foram submetidos à eutanásia para avaliação das massas musculares, do conteúdo de água do miocárdio e estudo histológico. A área de sobrecarga pressórica, medida através do gradiente entre o ventrículo direito e o tronco pulmonar ao longo do estudo, foi maior no grupo Fixo (p<0,001). O estudo ecocardiográfico demonstrou aumento de até 37,2% na espessura da parede livre do ventrículo direito ao longo do protocolo no grupo Intermitente, o que foi significativamente maior que a variação na espessura dos grupos Sham e Fixo (p<0,05). Em relação ao peso do ventrículo direito normalizado para o peso do animal, os grupos Intermitente (1,24 g/Kg ± 0,16 g/Kg) e Fixo (1,08 g/Kg ± 0,17 g/Kg) apresentaram aumento da massa de 55,7% e 36,7% (p<0,05), respectivamente, em comparação ao grupo Sham (0,79 g/Kg ± 0,15 g/Kg). O conteúdo de água não variou entre os grupos estudados. As medidas dos diâmetros dos cardiomiócitos do ventrículo direito do grupo Intermitente apresentaram um incremento de 19,2% (p=0,036), em relação às medidas do grupo Sham. Paralelamente, houve aumento de 22,8% no diâmetro dos núcleos dos cardiomiócitos no ventrículo direito do grupo Intermitente, em comparação com o grupo Sham (p=0,049). Os animais do grupo Fixo exibiram um incremento de 98,0% na porcentagem de área de colágeno no VD, quando comparado ao grupo Sham (p<0,01), e de 69,2% em relação ao grupo Intermitente (p<0,05). A análise de proliferação celular não evidenciou diferença entre os grupos. Este estudo ratifica a necessidade de se buscar uma melhor forma de preparo dos miocárdios maduros, uma vez que o método tradicional de bandagem do tronco pulmonar promoveu maior área de sobrecarga pressórica, sem, no entanto, gerar hipertrofia significativa, além de apresentar maior teor de colágeno no miocárdio. Por outro lado, o método alternativo de preparo intermitente foi capaz de promover hipertrofia miocárdica com menor sobrecarga sistólica do ventrículo direito. Com isso, supõe-se que, com vistas à cirurgia de Double Switch, a bandagem intermitente parece ser uma alternativa promissora para promover o preparo ventricular de forma mais eficiente e menos lesiva que o método de bandagem fixa, nos pacientes adolescentes e adultos portadores de transposiço das grandes artérias ou de transposição corrigida das grandes artérias com falência ventricular direita / One of the late complications of patients with simple or congenitally corrected transposition of the great arteries includes right (systemic) ventricular failure. The policy of anatomic repair (double switch operation) has often been proposed for adolescents and adults. However, a period of reconditioning the left ventricle through pulmonary artery banding is often required. Although it appears to be capable of providing adequate left ventricular training when done at an early age, it is not always suitable for mature myocardium, with disappointing results in older patients. This study sought to assess two different methods of promoting right ventricles hypertrophy in adult animals for a four-week period, by means of fixed and intermittent adjustable pulmonary artery banding system. Eighteen healthy adult goats were distributed into three groups: Sham (n = 6, weight = 26.42 kg Ž 2.63 kg, loose pulmonary artery banding, no systolic pressure overload), Fixed (n = 6, weight = 26.33 kg Ž 2.32 kg, continuous systolic overload with fixed pulmonary artery band) and Intermittent (n = 6, weight = 25.17 kg Ž 2.48 kg, daily 12-hour systolic overload with adjustable pulmonary artery band). Sham group animals received a loose pulmonary band, while in the Fixed group, an umbilical tape was used to band the pulmonary trunk, adjusted during the implantation to achieve a 0.7 right ventricle / aorta pressure ratio. In the Intermittent group, an adjustable pulmonary artery banding device was implanted on the pulmonary trunk and adjusted according to the volume injected percutaneously. The banding system was inflated daily until the 0.7 pressure ratio was achieved. Systolic overload was maintained for 12 hours, alternated with a 12-hour resting period. All animals were submitted to echocardiographic studies on a weekly basis, while hemodynamic evaluations were performed three times a week in the Intermittent group and twice a week in the Fixed and Sham groups. After four weeks, all animals were humanely killed for ventricular masses and water content assessment and histological evaluation. Intermittent group was submitted to a significant smaller systolic overload area, measured by right ventricle / pulmonary artery pressure gradient over time, as compared to Fixed group (p<0.001), and both of them showed a greater systolic overload area when compared to the Sham group (p<0.001). Echocardiographic findings revealed an increase in the right ventricle wall thickness, up to 37.2%, in the Intermittent group during the protocol, and this increase was significantly greater than in Sham and Fixed groups (p<0.05). Regarding the right ventricular mass, both Intermittent (1.24 g/kg ± 0.16 g/kg) and Fixed (1.08 g/Kg ± 0.17 g/kg) groups showed a 55.7% and 36.7% increase respectively (p<0.05) compared to Sham group (0.79 g/Kg ± 0.15 g/kg). No differences in left ventricular and interventricular septum masses were observed among the three groups. Likewise, water content was not significantly different between groups. Intermittent group showed a 19.2% increase in right ventricle myocardial fiber diameter and a 22.8% increase in myocardial fiber nuclei diameter, compared to Sham group (p<0.05). Fixed group showed a 98% increase in right ventricle´s collagen percentage area, when compared to Sham group (p<0.01), and a 69.2% increase compared to Intermittent group (p<0.05). There was no significant cellular proliferation in any groups. This study shows the urgency in seeking for an alternative method of promoting hypertrophy in mature myocardium, since traditional pulmonary artery banding caused increase in collagen area without significant hypertrophy and experimental adjustable intermittent pulmonary artery banding promoted hypertrophy with less systolic overload without increasing collagen area. In conclusion, it suggests that a more effective and less harmful hypertrophy can be achieved with intermittent pulmonary artery banding, as compared to the fixed method, to prepare the left ventricle for the double switch operation in adolescent and adult patients with simple and congenitally corrected transposition of great arteries with failed systemic right ventricle

Envolvimento da alta direção e inteligência competitiva : uma análise sobre suas relações em organizações de médio e de grande porte da serra gaúcha - Brasil

Panizzon, Mateus 30 September 2010 (has links)
Inteligência Competitiva (IC) é um tópico emergente e estratégico para nações e organizações, e na medida em que desenvolve-se no plano teórico, surge a necessidade de estabelecer interfaces com outras áreas do conhecimento. Neste caso, observou-se uma lacuna de estudos empíricos que buscassem relacionar a IC com o Envolvimento da Alta Direção, fator essencial para o desenvolvimento de atividades deste nível dentro de uma organização. Mais que o suporte inicial de recursos e legitimidade, o Envolvimento da Alta Direção pressupõe o comprometimento e a participação continua da Alta Direção da empresa em programas desta ordem, postura que pode ser de significativa diferença para o seu sucesso ou fracasso. Portanto, esta pesquisa objetivou analisar a relação entre o Envolvimento da Alta direção e as dimensões de Contexto e de Processo de Inteligência Competitiva em empresas de médio e de grande porte da Serra Gaúcha. Também se propôs a desenhar um panorama do nível de desenvolvimento de IC na região, limitado às organizações destes portes, e a explorar a existência de relações entre Envolvimento da Alta Direção, Inteligência Competitiva e Desempenho destas organizações. Neste sentido, foi desenvolvida uma pesquisa de caráter quantitativo descritivo, com base em survey aplicada em amostra de 168 organizações representativas do recorte deste estudo, utilizando-se escalas já operacionalizadas em estudos de IC internacionais, as quais têm como base o modelo composto das dimensões de processo e de contexto em IC. Os resultados indicaram que há relação positiva entre Envolvimento da Alta Direção e o nível de desenvolvimento em inteligência competitiva nas empresas de médio e de grande porte da Serra Gaúcha sendo identificadas as organizações numa matriz proposta nestas dimensões , e também foi observada uma associação positiva entre IC, Desempenho, Envolvimento da Alta Direção e a Integração das atividades de IC com o processo decisório destas empresas. Em termos de panorama do setor, observou-se que a maioria destas empresas desenvolve algum tipo de monitoramento (coleta de informação) de temas ainda que não denomine esta atividade de inteligência , sendo os focos principais em Vendas, Concorrentes e Produtos, indicando um caráter mais concorrencial, o que sinalizaria um princípio de desenvolvimento desta área nestas empresas da região. / Competitive Intelligence (CI) is an emergent topic with strategic importance for nations and enterprises, and with your continuum theoretical development, arise the necessity to establish links with another knowledge fields. It has been identified a gap of empirical studies that seek to relate CI with Top Management Involvement, an essential factor for the development of this activity within the organization. More than initial support of resources and legitimacy, Top Management Involvement presupposes the commitment and continuous participation of the Top Management in programs of this nature, a behavior that can be of significant influence for its success or failure. So, this research aimed to analyze the relationship between Top Management Involvement and the Context and Process dimensions of Competitive Intelligence Model in medium and large companies of Serra Gaúcha Brazil. Also, it has been proposed to learn about the level of CI development level in the region, limited to organizations of this size, and to explore the relations between Top Management Involvement, Competitive Intelligence and Performance at this organizations. Thus, a descriptive and quantitative research was carried out, based on a survey sample of 160 organizations, measured by scales proposed by another international studies and based on the theoretical model of context and process of IC. Results indicated that there is positive relationship between Top Management Involvement and the IC Development Level at the medium and large companies at Serra Gaúcha, and three out of four scenarios proposed can be perceived. Also there is a positive association between IC, Organizational Performance, Top Management Involvement and IC integration with the decision making process of these organizations. In general, it was observed that most of these companies developed some kind of monitoring (information collecting), even though they do not nominate this activity as "Intelligence". The main focus of monitoring are Sales, Competitors and Innovation in Products, which indicates a beginning of this field development in the companies of this region.d

Princípios de grandes desvios para a condutividade microscópica de férmions em cristais / Large Deviation Principles for the Microscopic Conductivity of Fermions in Crystals

Nelson Javier Buitrago Aza 08 November 2017 (has links)
Esta tese trata a existência de Princpios de Grandes Desvios (PGD), no âmbito de sistemas fermiônicos em equilbrio. A motivação fsica detrás de nossos estudos são medidas experimentais de resistência elétrica de nanofios de silcio dopados com átomos de fósforo. Estas medidas mostram que efeitos quânticos no transporte de carga elétrica quase desaparecem para nanofios de comprimentos maiores que alguns nanômetros, mesmo para temperaturas muito baixas (4.2°K). A fim de provar matematicamente tal efeito, dividimos nosso trabalho em diversos passos: 1. No primeiro passo, para férmions não interagentes numa rede com desordem, mostramos que a incerteza quântica da densidade da corrente elétrica microscópica, em torno de seus valores macroscópicos(clássicos), é suprimida exponencialmente rápido em relação ao volume da região da rede onde um campo elétrico externo é aplicado. A desordem é modelada como um potencial elétrico aleatório juntamente com amplitudes aleatórias de saltos com valores complexos. O célebre modelo de Anderson de tight-binding é um exemplo particular do caso geral considerado aqui. Nossa análise matemática é baseada em estimativas de Combes-Thomas, o Teorema Ergódico de Akcoglu-Krengel e no formalismo de Grandes Desvios, em particular o Teorema de Gärtner-Ellis. 2. Em segundo lugar, provamos que, para férmions interagindo fracamente na rede, as funções geradoras J(s), s R de cumulantes de distribuições de probabilidades associadas com estados KMS pode ser escrito como o limite de logartmos de integrais gaussianas de Berezin. Mostramos que os determinantes das covariáncias associadas às integrais gaussianas são majorados uniformemente (via desigualdades de Hölder para normas Schatten). Tais covariâncias são também somáveis, em casos gerais de interesse, incluindo assim, sistemas que não são invariantes por translação. 3. No terceiro passo, analisamos expansões de logartmos de integrais gaussianas de Berezin, e assim combinando com métodos construtivos de teoria quântica de campos, mostramos a analiticidade de J(s) para s nas vizinhanças de 0. Finalmente, discutimos como combinar os passos 2-3, a fim de provar (matematicamente falando) os resultados experimentais mencionados acima para férmions interagindo em equilbrio. De fato, os resultados encontrados nesta tese, generalizam trabalhos prévios no âmbito do PGD usado para o estudo de sistemas quânticos. / This Thesis deals with the existence of Large Deviation Principles (LDP) in the scope of fermionic systems at equilibrium. The physical motivation beyond our studies are experimental measures of electric resistance of nanowires in silicon doped with phosphorus atoms. The latter demonstrate that quantum effects on charge transport almost disappear for nanowires of lengths larger than a few nanometers, even at very low temperature (4.2°K). In order to mathematically prove the latter, we divide our work in several steps: 1. In the first step, for noninteracting lattice fermions with disorder, we show that quantum uncertainty of microscopic electric current density around their (classical) macroscopic values is suppressed, exponentially fast with respect to the volume of the region of the lattice where an external electric field is applied. Disorder is modeled by a random external potential along with random, complex-valued, hopping amplitudes. The celebrated tight-binding Anderson model is one particular example of the general case considered here. Our mathematical analysis is based on Combes-Thomas estimates, the Akcoglu-Krengel ergodic theorem, and the large deviation formalism, in particular the Gärtner-Ellis theorem. 2. Secondly, we prove that for weakly interacting fermions on the lattice, the logarithm moment generating function J(s), s R of probability distributions associated with KMS states can be written as the limit of logarithms of Gaussian Berezin integrals. The covariances of the Gaussian integrals are shown to have a uniform determinant bound (via Hölder inequalities for Schatten norms) and to be summable in general cases of interest, including systems that are not translation invariant. 3. In the third step we analyze expansions of logarithms of Gaussian Berezin integrals, which combined with constructive methods of quantum field theory is useful to show the analyticity of J(s) for s in a neighborhood of 0. We finally discuss how to combine steps 2-3 in order to prove (mathematically speaking) for interacting fermions in equilibrium the experimental results above mentioned. In fact, the found results in this Thesis generalize previous works in the scope of LDP used to study quantum systems.

Estudo comparativo entre os modelos LES e DES para simulação de escoamento compressível turbulento. / A comparative study using les and des models for turbulent compressible flow simulation.

Nelson Pedrão 25 May 2010 (has links)
Neste trabalho foi realizado um estudo utilizando os modelos de turbulência Simulação das Grandes Escalas, Large Eddy Simulation (LES), e Simulação dos Vórtices Desprendidos, Detached Eddy Simulation (DES), para simular o escoamento compressível interno em um duto contendo válvulas controladoras na saída dos gases de combustão de um reator de craqueamento catalítico fluido, com o objetivo de comparar o desempenho numérico e computacional de ambas as técnicas. Para isso foi utilizado um programa comercial de dinâmica dos fluidos computacional, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), que possui em seu código os dois modelos de turbulência. / In the present work a study was conducted using Large Eddy Simulation (LES) and Detached Eddy Simulation (DES) turbulence models in order to simulate the internal compressible flow in a duct containing the flue gas discharge control valves of a fluid catalytic cracking reactor so as to compare the numerical and computational behavior of both techniques. A commercial Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) software, which includes these turbulence models in its code, was used.

"Estudo da função ventricular esquerda e da circulação coronária em pacientes com transposição das grandes artérias corrigida pela técnica de Jatene: resultados tardios" / Left ventricular function and coronary artery evaluation in the late follow-up after Jatene´s operation for transposition of the great arteries

Simone Rolim Fernandes Fontes Pedra 28 June 2004 (has links)
Vinte e cinco pacientes com tempo de evolução pós-operatório médio de 10,6 ± 5,4 anos após a Operação de Jatene foram submetidos à avaliação da função ventricular esquerda pela ecocardiografia em repouso e durante o estresse farmacológico e à avaliação da circulação coronária pela cinecoronariografia e ultra-som intracoronário. O grupo apresentou função sistólica normal, alteração da função diastólica e reserva miocárdica reduzida. O estudo angiográfico, realizado em vinte e dois casos não revelou obstruções das artérias coronárias. Ao estudo ultra-sonográfico observou-se em todos, espessamento da camada íntima sugerindo processo de aterosclerose coronária precoce / Twenty-five patients underwent echocardiographic left ventricular function assessment at rest and during pharmacological stress and coronary circulation evaluation with coronary angiography and intracoronary ultrasound 10 ± 5,4 years after the arterial switch operation for transposition of the great arteries. Echocardiography revealed a normal left ventricular systolic function, impaired diastolic function and reduced myocardial reserve. No coronary obstruction was observed at angiography however intracoronary ultrasound showed intimal thickening in all, suggesting premature arterioscleroses

Polimorfismos de enzimas de fase 1 e 2 do metabolismo de drogas em pacientes portadores de linfoma difuso de grandes células B / Polymorphisms of phase 1 and 2 enzymes of drugs metabolism in patients with diffuse large B cell lymphoma

Pamela Oliveira de Souza 27 June 2011 (has links)
Para avaliar a influência dos polimorfismos de nucleotídeo único (SNPs) do CYP2B6, CYP3A5, GSTM1, GSTP1, GSTT1, PON1, NQO1 e MDR1 na resposta ao tratamento com R-CHOP e CHOP, 82 pacientes com Linfoma Difuso de Grandes Células B, sem evidências de infecção por HIV, foram selecionados nesse estudo. Amostras de sangue periférico foram coletadas para extração de DNA. Os SNPs foram analisados por PCR-RFLP. Em relação aos pacientes que apresentaram resposta completa (RC) ao tratamento (70%), 51% foram tratados com R-CHOP. Sobre o tratamento, 50% dos pacientes com RC apresentaram classificação de ECOG 0-1 (p=0,0193) e a maioria desses pacientes (41%) não apresentaram envolvimento extranodal (p=0,0377). Não houve associação entre os SNPs do CYP2B6, CYP3A5, GSTT1, NQO1 e MDR1 (C3435T) e as variáveis estudadas. Apenas CYP3A5 (sexo p=0,0519), GSTM1 (idade p=0,016; tratamento p=0,0372), GSTP1 (envolvimento extranodal p=0,0307), PON1 (sintomas B p=0,0201; Bulky p=0,0148) e MDR1 C1236T (sexo p=0,0316) mostraram associação. Em relação à sobrevida global, apenas tratamento (p=0,0129), IPI (p=0,000342), idade (p=0,0155), estadiamento (p=0,00281) e ECOG (p=0,00869) apresentaram resultados significantes. Quanto à sobrevida livre de doença (SLD), apenas idade (p=0,0292), estadiamento (p=0,0402) e ECOG (p=0,0142) apresentaram resultados significantes / To evaluated the influence of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of CYP2B6, CYP3A5, GSTM1, GSTP1, GSTT1, PON1, NQO1 and MDR1 in the treatment response with R-CHOP and CHOP, 82 patients with Diffuse Large B-cell Lymphoma, without evidence of HIV infection, were enrolled in this study. Peripheral blood samples were collected for DNA extraction. The SNPs were analyzed by PCR-RFLP. In relation the patients that showed complete response (CR) to the treatment (70%), 51% were treated with R-CHOP. About the treatment, 50% of the patients with CR showed ECOG classification of 0-1 and the most of these patients (41%) did not showed extranodal involvement (p=0,0377). There was no association between CYP2B6, CYP3A5, GSTT1, NQO1 and MDR1 (C3435T) SNPs and the variables studied. Only CYP3A5 (gender p=0,0519), GSTM1 (age p=0,016; treatment p=0,0372), GSTP1 (extranodal involvement p=0,0307), PON1 (B symptoms p=0,0201; Bulky p=0,0148) e MDR1 C1236T (gender p=0,0316) showed association. In relation to overall survival, only treatment (p=0,0129), IPI (p=0,000342), age (p=0,0155), stadiament (p=0,00281) and ECOG (p=0,00869) showed significant results. To disease-free survival, only age (p=0,0292), stadiament (p=0,0402) e ECOG (p=0,0142) showed significant results

Modélisation du vieillissement thermique et mécanique d’une protection externe en EPDM de jonctions rétractables à froid / Modelling of thermal and mechanical ageings of an external protection of a cold shrinkable junction made of EPDM rubber

Ben Hassine, Mouna 29 October 2013 (has links)
L'objectif de cette thèse est l'étude des conséquences de la thermo-oxydation sur la structure chimique et le comportement mécanique d'un Ethylène Propylène Diène Monomère (EPDM). Afin de déterminer les modifications à différentes échelles structurales, quatre formulations modèles sont étudiées : la gomme pure, les matrices vulcanisées stabilisée et non stabilisée et l'élastomère industriel. L'ensemble des échantillons est vieilli entre 70 et 170°C dans l'air ou sous vide puis caractérisé par divers outils analytiques. La thermogravimétrie donne accès aux variations de masse résultant de l'incorporation d'oxygène et l'émission de composés volatils. L'analyse infrarouge permet de suivre les évolutions des espèces chimiques. Les essais de gonflement, de chromatographie et de spectrométrie mécanique permettent de calculer les nombres de coupures de chaînes et d'actes de réticulation à chaque instant. Sur la base de ces résultats, un modèle cinétique général de thermo-oxydation de la matrice EPDM est proposé et en partie validé. Les conséquences du vieillissement thermique sur le comportement mécanique de l'élastomère industriel sont mises en évidence par des essais de traction uniaxiale et de multi-relaxation à température ambiante et vitesse de déformation initiale de 10-3 s-1. L'impact du vieillissement thermique sur les propriétés ultimes et les réponses à l'équilibre et hors équilibre est examiné. Un critère prédictif de rupture basé sur la mécanique de la rupture est proposé. Enfin, le couplage vieillissement thermique - contrainte mécanique est étudié par des essais relaxation de contraintes continues entre 130 et 170°C dans l'air. Les modifications de la microstructure pendant le vieillissement thermique sont intégrées dans les équations constitutives du modèle mécanique macroscopique afin de proposer un outil de prédiction du comportement à long terme de l'élastomère industriel. La simulation numérique montre une bonne adéquation avec les résultats expérimentaux. / The aim of this work is to study the consequences of the thermal oxidation on the chemical structure and mechanical behavior of an Ethylene-Propylene-Diene Monomer (EPDM). In order to determine the structural changes at different scales, four model formulations have been considered: free additive gum, stabilized and unstabilized vulcanized matrix and industrial rubber. All samples were aged between 70 and 170°C in air or vacuum and characterized by several analytical tools. Thermogravimetry gives access to weight variations due to oxygen grafting and volatile compounds release. Infrared analysis is used to follow chemical species evolutions. Swelling tests, chromatographic and mechanical spectrometry tests allow calculating the number of chain scission and cross-linking events at any time. Based on these results, a general kinetic model is proposed and partially validated for EPDM matrix thermal oxidation. The consequences of thermal ageing on the mechanical behavior of the industrial rubber are pointed out by monotonic tensile and stress relaxation tests at room temperature and a 10-3 s-1- initial strain rate. The impact of thermal ageing on ultimate properties and equilibrium and non-equilibrium response are examined. Finally, the coupling between thermal ageing and mechanical stress is studied by continuous stress relaxation tests between 130 et 170°C in air. The microstructural modifications during thermal ageing are introduced into the constitutive equations of the macroscopic mechanical model in order to propose a predictif tool of the long time behavior of the industrial rubber. The numerical simulation is in good agreement with experimental results.

Études du couplage entre turbulence et gradient de température pour l'intensification des transferts de chaleur dans les récepteurs solaires à haute température / Study of the coupling between turbulence and temperature gradient for the heat transfers intensification in high temperature solar receivers

Bellec, Morgane 04 January 2017 (has links)
Une voie prometteuse pour améliorer le rendement des centrales solaires à tour consiste à chauffer de l'air pressurisé à haute température afin d'alimenter un cycle thermodynamique de Brayton. Pour cela, il est indispensable de concevoir des récepteurs solaires performants,permettant de forts transferts de chaleur vers le fluide. Le développement de tels récepteurs passe par une compréhension fine de leurs écoulements internes. Il s'agit d'écoulements complexes, combinant de hauts niveaux de turbulence et un fort gradient de température entre la paroi irradiée par le flux solaire concentré et la paroi arrière isolée. On se propose dans ce travail de réaliser une étude amont numérique et expérimentale de ce type d'écoulements.D'une part, des mesures de vitesse par SPIV (vélocimétrie par images de particules stéréoscopique) sont effectuées dans une soufflerie de canal plan turbulent lisse dont la cellule de mesure est représentative d'un récepteur solaire surfacique. On observe en particulier l'influence d'un chauffage asymétrique sur les statistiques de la turbulence. Ces mesures sont d'autre part complétées par des simulations fines LES (simulation des grandes échelles)menées dans les conditions de la soufflerie. Pour finir, une simulation LES d'un canal plan texturé sur une paroi par une géométrie innovante est conduite. Cette architecture interne du récepteur combine des générateurs de tourbillon et des riblets afin d'intensifier les échanges de chaleur vers le fluide. / A promising line of research to increase the efficiency of solar tower power plants consists in heating pressurized air to high temperatures in order to fuel a Brayton thermodynamic cycle. This requires to design effective solar receivers that allow for intense heat transfers toward the fluid. To develop such receivers, an in-depth understanding of their internal flows is needed. These are complex flows, combining strong turbulence and strong temperature gradient between the concentrated sun irradiated wall and the back insulated wall.The aim of this work is to investigate numerically and experimentally such flows.On one hand, velocities are measured by SPIV (Stereoscopic Particle Image Velocimetry) in a turbulent channel flow wind tunnel whom measurement cell is similar to a surface solar receiver. The influence of an asymmetric heating on the turbulence statistics are especially investigated. These measurements are supplemented by Large Eddy Simulations run under the same conditions as the wind tunnel. Finally, a Large Eddy Simulation is run in a channel flow textured on one wall by an innovative geometry. This internal receiver design combines vortex generators and riblets in order to enhance the heat transfers.

Analyse semi-classique des opérateurs périodiques perturbés / Semi classical analysis for perturbation of periodic operators

Sbai, Youssef 10 December 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse traite de certaines propriétés spectrales de deux classes spécifiques des opérateurs périodiques. Nous nous intéressons tout d’abord à un modèle périodique perturbée par un opérateur dépendant d’un petit paramètre semi-classique. Nous obtenons alors le comportement asymptotique de la fonction du comptage des valeurs propres dans les gaps spectrales avec une estimation optimale du reste. Le second modèle étudié dans cette thèse est un modèle elliptique périodique d’ordre deux perturbée par un opérateur dépendant d’une grande constante de couplage. Nous donnons également la description de la fonction de compactage des valeurs propres lorsque la constante de couplage tend vers l’infini. La dernière partie de cette thèse discute l’étude du spectre discret de l’opérateur de Schrödinger avec un potentiel très oscillent dépendant d’un petit paramètre semi-classique. / This Ph.D thesis deals with some spectral properties of two specific classes of two periodic operators. We are firstly interested in the model periodic perturbed by operator depending on a small semi-classical constant. We obtain an asymptotic behavior of the eigenvalue counting function in the spectral gaps with scharp remainder estimate. The second model studied in this thesis is a two-dimensional periodic elliptic second order opera-tor perturbed by operator depending on a large coupling constant. We also give the description of the counting function of eigenvalues when the coupling constant tends to infinity. The last part of this thesis highlights the study the spectrum of a Schrödinger operator perturbed by a fast oscillatingdecaying potential depending on a small parameter.

Simulation numérique directe et modélisation stochastique de sous-maille de l'accélération dans un écoulement de canal à grand nombre de Reynolds / Acceleration in high Reynolds number turbulent channel flow : numerical simulation and stochastic subgrid model

Zamansky, Rémi 15 April 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur la caractérisation numérique et la modélisation stochastique de l’accélération du fluide pour l’écoulement en canal à grand nombre de Reynolds. La motivation concerne l’observation et l’analyse des effets de l’intermittence liés aux interactions à longue portée à travers le canal. Dans la première partie, l’accélération est étudiée par simulation numérique directe pour trois différents nombres de Reynolds (180, 590 et 1000). La lognormalité de la norme de l’accélération est observée quelle que soit la distance à la paroi. Un profil universel de la norme de l’accélération est également recherché par analyse dimensionnelle. La seconde partie présente une modélisation stochastique de l’accélération basée sur la décomposition norme/orientation. Le modèle stochastique pour la norme s’appuie sur un processus de fragmentation afin de représenter les interactions à longue portée à travers le canal. Pour l’orientation, l’évolution vers l’isotropie lorsque la distance à la paroi augmente (observée par la DNS) est reproduite grâce à un modèle de marche aléatoire sur une sphère. Ces modèles ont été appliqués à l’approche LES-SSAM (Stochastic Subgrid Acceleration Model) introduite par Sabel’nikov, Chtab et Gorokhovski. Nos calculs montrent que les estimations de la vitesse moyenne, du spectre d’énergie, des contraintes de l’écoulement et de la non-gaussianité des statistiques de l’accélération peuvent être améliorées de façon significative par rapport à la LES classique. L’intérêt de l’approche LES-SSAM, donnant un accès vers la structure intermittente de sous-maille, est illustré dans la dernière partie, par l’étude du transport de particules inertielles ponctuelles par l’écoulement de canal. Cette étude commence par l’analyse par DNS de l’influence des structures de paroi sur la dynamique des particules / The main objective of this thesis is to observe numerically and to analyze the effects of intermittency in a high Reynolds number turbulent channel flow. To this end, the thesis is focused on characterization and stochastic modelling of the fluid acceleration in such a flow, with emphasis on long-range interactions across the channel. In the first part, the acceleration is studied using DNS for three Reynolds numbers (180, 590 et1000). It is observed that the norm of acceleration is log-normal whatever the wall distance is. The universal form of scaling law for the acceleration is proposed by dimensional analysis. In the second part, the acceleration is simulated stochastically, assuming the norm/orientation decomposition. The stochastic model for the norm is based on the fragmentation process in order to represent the long-range interactions across the channel. The orientation is simulated by random walk on a sphere in order to reproduce the relaxation towards isotropy with increasing the wall distance. This was observed preliminary in our DNS. These models were applied in the framework of LES-SSAM approach (Stochastic Subgrid AccelerationModel), which was introduced by Sabel’nikov, Chtab and Gorokhovski and assessed in the case of the box turbulence. Our computations showed that the mean velocity, the energy spectra, the viscous and turbulent stresses, as well as the non-gaussianity of acceleration statistics can be considerably improved in comparison with standard LES. The advantage of the LES-SSAM approach, which accounts for intermittency on subgrid scales, is demonstrated in the last part of this thesis. Here the transport of inertial point wise particles was studied by DNS and by LES-SSAM. The influence of wall structures on the particle’s dynamics is analyzed.

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