Spelling suggestions: "subject:"kravel"" "subject:"fravel""
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Avaliação da filtração direta ascendente em pedregulho como pré-tratamento em sistemas de dupla filtração / Evaluation of direct upflow filtration in gravel as pretreatment in double filtration systemsEmília Kiyomi Kuroda 26 April 2002 (has links)
Este trabalho consiste na avaliação do desempenho do sistema composto por filtração direta ascendente em pedregulho seguida de filtração rápida descendente. A investigação experimental foi realizada em instalação piloto, variando-se a taxa de filtração nos filtros ascendente (60 a 240 m3/m2.d) e descendente (100 a 240 m3/m2.d) com e sem execução de descargas de fundo intermediárias no ascendente. A água bruta foi proveniente de um manancial superficial com pH entre 6,5 a 7,5, valores de turbidez compreendidos entre 8,5 e 21 uT, cor verdadeira entre 19 e 50 unidades Hanzen e alcalinidade entre 6,7 e 10 mg CaCO3/L. Adicionalmente, verificou-se o comportamento da instalação, para uma condição simulada de ocorrência de pico de turbidez de 380 uT, com curta duração. Em função dos resultados obtidos foi possível realizar considerações com relação à ocorrência de desprendimento/carreamento contínuo de flocos no filtro ascendente e constatar as influências da execução de descargas de fundo intermediárias, com produção de efluentes de melhor qualidade e carreiras de filtração mais prolongadas. O filtro ascendente com taxa de filtração de 120 m3/m2.d, foi capaz de absorver o pico de turbidez de 380 uT, produzindo efluente pré-filtrado com valores de turbidez entre 0,3 e 5,7 uT, e o filtro descendente, com taxa de filtração de 180 m3/m2.d, produziu efluente final com valores consistentemente menores que 1 uT, e na maior parte do tempo menores que 0,1 uT. / This work consists of a performance evaluation of the system composed by direct upflow filtration in gravel followed by rapid downflow filtration in sand. The experimental investigation was accomplished in pilot installation, being varied the filtration rate in the upflow (60 to 240 m3/m2.d.) and downflow (100 to 240 m3/m2.d.) filters with and without execution of intermediate downflushes in the first one. The raw water was provided from a superficial source with pH between 6,5 to 7,5, turbidity values between 8,5 and 21 UT, visible colour between 19 and 50 uH and alkalinity between 6,7 and 10 mg CaC03/L. ln addition, the behavior of the installation was verified, for a simulate condition of turbidity peak occurrence of 380 uT, with short duration. From the obtained results it was possible to accomplish considerations concerning the detachment occurrence/continuous flowing of flakes in the upflow filter and to verify the influences of the execution of intermediate downflushes, with production of better quality effluents and longer filter runs. The upflow filter with filtration rate of 120 m3/m2.d. was able to attenuate the turbidity peak of 380 uT, producing prefiltered effluent with turbidity values between 0,3 and 5,7 uT, and the downflow filter, with filtration rate of 180 m3/m2.d. produced final effluent with consistently values lower than 1 uT and in most of time lower than 0,1 uT.
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Treatment of Volatile Organic Compounds by a Regenerative Catalytic OxidizerLin, Chien-hung 24 July 2009 (has links)
Isopropyl alcohol¡]IPA¡^and toluene are extensively used in industry as solvents. They are all highly toxic to animals and humans. Accordingly, IPA and toluene are strongly associated with problems of VOCs. In first step catalytic incineration was adopted to decompose IPA and toluene in laboratory, and the second step for a pilot-scale regenerative catalytic oxidizer ¡]RCO¡^were adopted to decompose mixture VOCs in real soil herein.
The screening test of catalytic activity and the influences of the operational parameters on IPA and toluene removal efficiencies were widely discussed through catalytic incinerations of IPA and toluene in laboratory. The more effective and cheaper catalysts through above discussions of catalytic incineration were selected. And they were utilized in an pilot scale RCO as follows to investigate their performance in VOCs oxidation and RCO operations in THC removal of contamination soils. The achievements of this study are summarized as follows:
¡]1¡^Cu/Mn and Cu/Co gravel catalytic incinerations of isopropyl alcohol
The results demonstrated that 10 wt% Cu0.6Co0.4 catalyst was the most effective because the CO2 yield reached 95 % under the following operating conditions; a temperature of 425oC, an inlet IPA concentration of 2500 ppm, an oxygen concentration of 21%, and a space velocity of 13500 hr-1. Additionally, the stability test results indicated that the 10 wt% Cu0.6Co0.4 catalyst exhibited excellent stability at both low and high conversion of IPA.
¡]2¡^20% Cu/Mn aluminum oxide catalytic incinerations of toluene
The conversion for toluene reached 95% when the Cu/Mn catalyst was used with a metal ratio of 1:1 and 20% loading at 350¢XC, an influent toluene concentration of 1000 ppm, oxygen concentration of 21%, a space velocity of 12000 hr-1, and relative humidity of 26%. The long-term test was proceeded for seven days at a constant influent toluene concentration of 1000 ppm, constant oxygen concentration of 21%, constant space velocity of 12000 hr-1 and constant relative humidity of 26%. The SEM results indicated the Cu/Mn catalyst was quite stable at 350¢J.
¡]3¡^RCO testing for a copper/manganese catalyst of gaseous toluene
The Cu/Mn (20wt%) catalyst was selected as the best one, because it converted 95% of the toluene at 400¢J. The results also indicating that the Cu/Mn catalyst was quite stable at 400¢J.
(4) RTO treatment of VOCs with SVE system
The conversion for VOCs reached 80% at 900¢XC, an influent VOCs concentration of 450-2000 ppm and a gas flow rate of 0.5 m3/min.The Thermal Recovery Efficiency¡]TRE¡^was approximately 86-90% in a RTO operated at 800-900¢J.
(5)RCO treatment of VOCs with SVE system¡]10 wt% Cu0.6Co0.4 gravel catalyst¡^
The 10 wt% Cu0.6Co0.4 gravel catalyst was the poverty active, because it converted 65% of the VOCs by SVE system operated at 650¢J.
(6)RCO treatment of VOCs with SVE system¡]20% Cu/Mn aluminum oxide catalytst¡^
The 20% Cu/Mn aluminum oxide catalytic was the best choice, because it converted 95% of the VOCs at 650¢J, an influent VOCs concentration of 450-10000 ppm and a gas flow rate of 0.5-1.5 m3/min. The SEM results indicated that the conversion of VOCs decay did not clearly vary at 650¢J, also indicating that the Cu/Mn catalyst selected was quite stable. The TRE was approximately 90% in a RCO¡]20% Cu/Mn aluminum oxide catalytic¡^operated at 650¢J.
(7)RCO treatment of VOCs with SVE system¡]20% Cu/Mn gravel catalytst¡^
The 20% Cu/Mn gravel catalytst was the best selection , because it converted 95% of the VOCs at 600¢J, an influent VOCs concentration of 450-10000 ppm and a gas flow rate of 0.5-1.5 m3/min. The SEM results indicated that the conversion of VOCs decay did not clearly vary at 600¢J, also indicating that the Cu/Mn catalyst selected was quite stable. The TRE was approximately 90% in a RCO¡]20% Cu/Mn gravel catalytic¡^operated at 600¢J.
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Dulkių ir triukšmo taršos tyrimai kaimo kelių aplinkoje / Research of Dust and Noise Pollution in the Environment of Rural RoadsAdomaitis, Gedas 28 May 2012 (has links)
Šio darbo tikslas – kompleksiškai ištirti dulkėtumą ir triukšmą kaimo gyvenviečių žvyruotų kelių aplinkoje ir natūralių želdinių įtaką taršos lygiui. Atliktais tyrimais nustatyta, kad dulkių koncentracija kelyje su žvyro danga ir jo aplinkoje kelis kartus didesnė nei kelyje su asfalto danga ir iki 10 m atstumu nuo kelio viršijama leistinoji 0,5 mg m-³ koncentracijos vertė. Didžiausias dulkių sklaidos sulaikymas nustatytas pakelėje su liepų augmenija. Ištyrus dulkių dalelių kiekį pagal jų dydį (15 m atstumu nuo kelio krašto kur gyventojai dažniausiai būna lauke) nustatyta, kad pravažiavus pavienei transporto priemonei daugiausiai užfiksuota smulkiųjų (0,3-0,49 μm) dalelių - apie 45000 vnt. m-³. Ištyrus pavienės transporto priemonės sukeltą triukšmą nustatyta, kad asfalto ir žvyro dangų keliuose atviroje vietovėje 15 m atstumu nuo kelio garso lygis 6 dBA didesnis žvyruoto kelio atveju. Žvyro kelyje kai nėra kelkraštėje jokios natūralios atitvaros garso lygis 15 dBA didesnis nei kelyje su užtvara. Esant skirtingoms kelio kelkraštėje augmenijos užtvaroms, už jų triukšmo slopinimas skyrėsi apie 10 dBA, o efektyviausiai triukšmą slopina įvairių želdinių augmenija. / The main idea of this work - a comprehensive investigate dust and noise, gravel roads of rural settlements in the environment and natural greenery influence to the level of pollution. After finishing this research showed that concentrations of dust on the road with partition with a gravel surface and its atmosphere are several times higher than on the road with partition with asphalt and up to 10 m from the road exceeded the permissible 0.5 mg m-³ concentration value. The maximum delay dispersion of dust at the roadside with the lime trees. After research the amount of dust particles by size (15 m from the edge of the road where people is usually outdoor) found that the passing of single vehicle mostly recorded small (0.3 to 0.49 µm) particles - about 45,000 units. m-³. After research individual vehicle noise found that the asphalt and gravel roads in an open area of 15 m from the road sound level 6 dB above the gravel road. On gravel on the road with partition where there is no natural roadside partitions sound level 15 dB higher than the on the road with partition. At roadside vegetation in different road barricades for the noise attenuation of 10 dB difference, and the most effective noise levels of various plantation vegetation.
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Action des crues sur la dynamique sédimentaire et végétale dans un lit de rivière à galets : l'Isère en Combe de Savoie / Impact of floods on sediment and vegetation dynamics in a gravel bed river : Isère River, Savoie, FranceJourdain, Camille 14 March 2017 (has links)
Au cours du XXe siècle, les lits de nombreuses rivières ont été sujets à l'installation de végétation alluviale. Dans le cas des rivières aménagées, cette tendance est souvent associée à des altérations géomorphologiques directes (extractions de granulats, endiguements, etc.) ainsi qu'à des modifications anthropiques de leur régime hydrologique et sédimentaire conduisant à une stabilisation du lit qui permet l'installation de la végétation. Cette végétation augmente le risque d'inondation en diminuant les vitesses d'écoulement et en augmentant les niveaux d'eau en crue. Par ailleurs la biodiversité est dégradée par la diminution des habitats pionniers caractéristiques de ces environnements. Manipuler artificiellement le régime hydrologique d'une manière qui pourrait limiter l'installation de végétation sur les bancs est une option considérée par les gestionnaires. Dans ce contexte, ce projet de thèse a pour objectif de comprendre les impacts des crues d'amplitude variable sur la destruction de végétation, et d'identifier les mécanismes associés. Le site d'étude sur lequel cette thèse se focalise est l'Isère en Combe de Savoie, une rivière à galets très aménagée des Alpes françaises.Dans le cadre de cette étude, la destruction de végétation a été étudiée à l'échelle du tronçon à partir d'une analyse des données hydrologiques, des photos aériennes, et des données topographiques disponibles pour la période 1996-2015. À l'échelle du banc, un suivi de terrain avant et après les événements hydrologiques marquants entre avril 2014 et septembre 2015 nous a permis d'étudier l'action des crues sur la mobilité sédimentaire et sur la végétation. Ces observations ont été complétées par une modélisation numérique bidimensionnelle de l'écoulement en crue.À l'échelle du tronçon (20 km), nous avons trouvé une corrélation très forte entre les volumes d'eau ayant transité dans le chenal sur une période donnée, et la destruction de végétation associée au cours de la période 1996-2015. Les débits associés à des temps de retour infra-annuels semblent permettre la destruction de végétation. Le mécanisme de destruction le plus efficace que l'on observe à cette échelle est l'érosion latérale ; les mécanismes prenant place à la surface des bancs sont très minoritaires. Cependant, les surfaces détruites sont modestes ; 3,4 % de la surface végétalisée est détruite annuellement en moyenne. À l'échelle du banc, la période de suivi de terrain a couvert une série de crues fréquentes (temps de retour < 1 an) et une crue de temps de retour 10 ans. Seule cette crue a partiellement détruit la végétation pionnière sur les bancs suivis. La destruction de végétation ligneuse jeune a eu lieu par le biais de quatre mécanismes : 1) déracinement par érosion de surface supérieure à 20 cm, 2) enfouissement sous une couche de sédiment grossiers supérieure à 30 cm, 3) déracinement par une combinaison d'érosion et de dépôt, et 4) érosion latérale en marge des bancs. La destruction de végétation est toujours associée à une mobilité sédimentaire importante.Ces résultats montrent qu'une crue très importante est nécessaire pour détruire la végétation par la mobilisation de la surface des bancs sur ce site. Par contraste, les débits forts mais non exceptionnels (temps de retour infra-annuel) sont en mesure de détruire la végétation par érosion latérale. Dans le cas de l'Isère en Combe de Savoie, il semble que l'utilisation de crues artificielles ne peut pas seule permettre de maintenir la largeur inter-digues libre de végétation. Pour la suite, on propose de s'intéresser à la destruction de végétation dans le contexte de la dynamique des bancs alternés plus ou moins végétalisés, en prenant en compte les apports et le transport des sédiments en plus de l'hydrologie. / Many rivers worldwide have seen vegetation establish within their beds throughout the 20th century. In the case of managed rivers, this trend is usually linked to direct geomorphological alterations (sediment mining, diking, etc.) as well as anthropic alterations of flow regime and sediment supply. These pressures have stabilized river beds, allowing vegetation to establish permanently. This vegetation increases the risk of flooding by decreasing flow velocities and increasing water levels. In addition, the associated reduction in availability of pioneer habitats characteristic of these stabilized environments typically degrades biodiversity. Managing hydrology in a way that would limit vegetation establishment on bars presents an interesting management option. In this context, our study was aimed at understanding the impacts of floods of varying magnitude on vegetation removal, as well as identifying and quantifying the underlying mechanisms. This work focused on the Isère River, a heavily managed gravel bed river located in the western French Alps.Vegetation removal was studied at the reach scale using hydrological data, aerial photographs, and topographic data available between 1996 and 2015. At the bar scale, field monitoring before and after floods from april 2014 to september 2015 allowed us to document the impact of floods on sediment mobility and vegetation. A 2D numerical model was used to document fine scale hydraulics.At the reach scale, we found a strong correlation between water volume flowing through the river channel and the amount of vegetation removal. Discharges with return intervals of less than one year seem to have an impact on vegetation removal. The main mechanism observed from aerial photographs was lateral erosion; surface processes were negligible in comparison. However, global vegetation removal was modest: since 1996, on average 3,4 % of vegetated area was removed annually. At the bar scale, our study period permitted monitoring of a series of high frequency floods (return interval < 1 year) and a 10-year food event. Only the largest flood partially removed pioneer vegetation from bars. Young vegetation removal occurred through four different mechanisms: 1) uprooting by surface scour > 20 cm, 2) burial under a thick layer of coarse sediments > 30 cm, 3) uprooting by a combination of surface scour and sediment deposition resulting in no net topographic change, and 4) lateral erosion of bars. Vegetation removal was always associated with significant sediment mobility.We conclude that on the Isere River a very important flood is required to remove vegetation by mobilizing bar surfaces. In contrast, high but not exceptional flows (return interval < 1 an) are capable of removing vegetation through lateral erosion. However, artificial floods alone are unlikely to maintain the full width of the channelized bed of the Isere River free of vegetation. In the future, vegetation removal needs to be studied in the context of alternate bar dynamics with or without vegetation. It seems necessary to consider sediment transport as well as hydrology to understand the overall dynamics of the bed.
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Remote measurement of gravel-bed river depths and analysis of the geomorphic response of rivers to canals and small damsWalther, Suzanne Corinna 12 1900 (has links)
xviii, 128 p. : ill. (some col.) / This dissertation investigates the potential impacts of canals and small dams on gravel-bed rivers and methods for documenting those impacts. First, I evaluate the potential for mapping channel depths along the McKenzie River, OR, using 10 cm resolution optical aerial imagery with a hydraulically-assisted bathymetry (HAB-2) model. Results demonstrate that channel depths can be accurately mapped in many areas, with some imagery limitations. The HAB-2 model works well in the majority of the river (R 2 =0.89) when comparing modeled to observed depths, but not in areas of shadow, surface turbulence, or depths >1.5 m. Next, I analyze the relative effects of a small dam and two diversion canals on sediment distribution along bars of the lower McKenzie River. The typical pattern of downstream fining is disrupted at each feature and several tributaries, particularly in the "reduced water reaches" below canal outtakes. Most modeled discharge values necessary to mobilize bar sediments fall at or below the 2-year flood return interval, with the remaining at or below the 5-year flood return interval, generally reflecting the D 50 values at each bar (20-115 mm). The third analysis investigates the potential to document geomorphic impacts of small dams in Oregon at ecoregion extents using air photos and publically available data sets. This analysis highlights data disparity with respect to the collecting agency's mission and the difficulty of using remote sensing for small dams. Though the imagery was not useful in evaluating small dam impacts due to resolution and feature size, the data were useful in mapping the small dam distribution across Oregon and each ecoregion. Sixty-one percent of Oregon land is located in the catchment of at least one small dam and the greatest number of dams per area is in the Willamette Valley ecoregion. Overall, this research suggests that, while the application of these techniques must be improved, our ability to observe, study, and understand rivers is enhanced by remote sensing advancements and the combined use of these methods in river restoration and management.
This dissertation includes previously published and co-authored material. / Committee in charge: W. Andrew Marcus, Chairperson;
Patricia F. McDowell, Member;
Dan G. Gavin, Member;
David W. Hulse, Outside Member
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Mesure acoustique passive du transport par charriage dans les rivières / Passive hydrophone monitoring of bedload transport in gravel bed riversGeay, Thomas 04 December 2013 (has links)
L'analyse des variations spatio-temporelles du charriage est un élément important pour la compréhension de la dynamique fluviale. Ce manuscrit présente les recherches réalisées sur le développement d'une méthode de mesure du transport solide par acoustique passive. Un capteur de pression acoustique est utilisé pour mesurer le bruit généré par le transport par charriage au fond du lit de la rivière. Cette méthode originale a fait l'objet de quelques explorations durant les dernières décennies, qui ont montré que la puissance et le contenu fréquentiel du son généré dépendaient de la granulométrie des matériaux et du flux solide. Mais les applications au milieu naturel sont restées très limitées ; elles sont donc au centre de cette recherche.La première difficulté de la mesure est liée à l'existence de bruit environnant qui se superpose au bruit du charriage. Des mesures acoustiques ont été réalisées dans différentes typologie de rivières, du torrent à la grande rivière navigable. A l'aide de ces différentes expériences et de la bibliographie, les éléments du paysage acoustique d'une rivière sont identifiés. Le paysage acoustique d'une rivière est composé par les processus hydrodynamiques que sont la turbulence, l'agitation de surface et le transport de sédiment par charriage. Le charriage produit des bruits larges bandes, dans la partie haute du spectre et peut être masqué par les bruits de surface dans la région du kilohertz. Des outils de traitement du signal sont proposés afin de repérer les différentes dynamiques contenues dans le signal acoustique mesuré.L'interprétation du signal ne peut être faite sans une bonne compréhension des phénomènes de propagation des ondes acoustiques dans la rivière. On montre que la rivière se comporte comme un guide d'onde et une résolution de l'équation d'onde par une approche modale est proposée. On comprend alors que la propagation des ondes acoustiques est limitée par une fréquence de coupure inversement proportionnelle à la hauteur d'eau. Les observations de terrain faites sur la variation du champ de pression acoustique dans la verticale sont bien reproduites par le modèle d'un guide d'onde de Pekeris. Le modèle est alors utilisé pour montrer l'importance de la profondeur, de la constitution du fond de la rivière ou encore de la géométrie du canal sur la constitution du signal.Finalement, trois chroniques de signaux acoustiques enregistrés dans des rivières différentes sont analysées. Un descripteur est proposé pour chaque chronique de signaux, en fonction des bruits ambiants présents dans l'environnement lors de la mesure. Ce descripteur acoustique est confronté à des mesures comparatives du charriage et de bonnes corrélations sont observée. Elles montrent que la mesure hydrophone permet d'identifier la phase de l'initiation du transport par charriage et qu'elle est intégrative du transport sur une surface importante de la rivière. Ces expériences confirment la simplicité de mise en œuvre de la méthode et précisent les limites d'utilisation de l'acoustique passive, particulièrement pour les rivières à fortes pentes. Elles confirment également la validité des méthodes d'analyse du signal qui ont été utilisées et le besoin de mesures comparatives du milieu pour interpréter le signal. / Analysing the spatio-temporal variability of solid transport processes is key to the study of fluvial morphodynamics. Our research focusses on the development of passive acoustics to monitor bedload transport. A hydrophone is used to sense the acoustic pressure in the river in order to record the sound generated by inter-particle collisions. This original method has been mostly developed in laboratories during the past decades. It has been shown that the acoustic power and the frequencies of the monitored signals are linked to bedload fluxes and granulometry. The use of passive acoustics in natural streams has encountered limited success. It is the core of our research.First we address the existence of multiple sound sources in the environment. Acoustic measurements have been realised in several types of rivers: steep channels and large gravel bed rivers. These multiple experiences along with the bibliography have allowed us to describe river soundscapes. Hydrodynamics govern the soundscape, namely turbulence, agitating surfaces, and bedload transport. Inter-particle collisions generate sound in a wide range of frequencies, which depend on their sizes. It can be masked by the occurrence of agitating surface noise in the kilohertz region. Signal processing tools are proposed to study the dynamics of the different processes composing the signal.Signal interpretation could only be achieved by understanding the propagation properties of the acoustic waves in the river. It is shown that the river acts as an acoustic wave guide. A modal approach is suggested to solve the wave equation. The model points to the existence of a cutoff frequency inversely proportional to the water depth. Observations made on the vertical variation of the field pressure are correctly simulated. The signal dependence on water depth, the structure of the bed, and the geometry of the channel are studied using this model.Finally, we analyze three chronicles of acoustic signals recorded in the field. A signal descriptor is constructed for each data set, depending on the ambient noise conditions. This descriptor is compared to other measurements of bedload transport and good correlations are found. Initiation of motion is monitored and the integrative aspect of the acoustic measure is shown. These experiences highlight the simplicity of the method and show some of its limits. It is also shown that measurements of other environmental parameters are needed to interpret the results.
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Incorpora??o de res?duo de perfura??o em matriz cer?mica: estabiliza??o por solidifica??o / Residue incorporation drilling ceramic matrix: stabilization by solidilicationC?mara, Ana Paula Costa 29 July 2013 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2013-07-29 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico / One of the waste generated during the drilling of oil wells are gravel which are impregnated
of drilling fluid. This residue consists of highly toxic chemicals, including toxic metals. This
study suggests an alternative process to the treatment of this waste, by incorporating it the
form of raw material in the ceramic matrix , and by solidification and stabilize the metals present,
Aluminum (Al), Iron (Fe), Manganese (Mn) and Zinc (Zn). The raw materials were
characterized by the techniques of X ray fluorescence (FRX), X ray diffraction (DRX), laser
granulometry (GL), thermogravimetry (TG) and differential thermal analysis (ADT). To evaluate
the percentage of gravel effect the environmental and technological properties were obtained
from formulations containing 0, 10 and 20 % by weight of gravel in the ceramic matrix.
After sintering at temperatures 1080, 1120 and 1160 ?C, the samples were tested for water
absorption, the linear shrinkage firing, voltage of rupture and solubility. The results obtained
showed that the stabilization by solidification, is a viable alternative to safe disposal of
waste drilling. Ceramics products can be used in the manufacture of solid bricks / Um dos res?duos gerados durante a perfura??o de po?os de petr?leo s?o os cascalhos
que ficam impregnados por fluido de perfura??o. Este res?duo ? composto por produtos
qu?micos de alta toxidade, entre eles os metais t?xicos. Este estudo prop?e um processo alternativo
ao tratamento deste res?duo, incorporando-o na forma de mat?ria-prima em matriz cer?mica,
e atrav?s da solidifica??o estabilizar os metais t?xicos presentes, Alum?nio (Al), Ferro
(Fe), Mangan?s (Mn) e Zinco (Zn). As mat?rias-primas foram caracterizadas por fluoresc?ncia
de raios X (FRX), difratometria de raios X (DRX), granulometria a laser (GL), termogravimetria
(TG) e an?lise t?rmica diferencial (ADT). Para avaliar o efeito do percentual de cascalho
nas propriedades tecnol?gicas e ambiental, foram obtidas formula??es contendo 0, 10 e
20 % em massa do cascalho na matriz cer?mica. Ap?s sinteriza??o ?s temperaturas de 1080,
1120 e 1160 ?C, as amostras foram submetidas a ensaios de absor??o de ?gua, retra??o linear
de queima, tens?o de ruptura ? flex?o e solubilidade. Os resultados alcan?ados mostraram que
a t?cnica de estabiliza??o por solidifica??o, ? uma alternativa vi?vel a destina??o segura do
res?duo de perfura??o. Os produtos cer?micos obtidos podem ser utilizados na fabrica??o de
tijolos maci?os e blocos cer?micos de alvenaria, em determinados percentuais e temperaturas
de queima descritas neste trabalho / 2020-01-01
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Vliv druhu a dávky rozptýlené výztuže na vybrané vlastnosti betonu. / Effect of type and dose of scattered reinforcement on selected properties of concrete.Láníková, Lucie January 2013 (has links)
The Master’s thesis is focused on the research influence the dose and type of scattered reinforcement in a reference concrete on physical and mechanical properties of the resulting composite. The investigated properties of composite belongs compressive strength, tensile strength in the flexural and tensile strength in the transverse, static modulus of elasticity in compressive strength, dynamic modulus of elasticity determined using NDT tests. The reference concrete mixture is certified as structural concrete of the class, which is commonly used on construction sites.
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Konstrukce semimobilního třídícího zařízení na štěrkopísek / Design of semimobile screening device for gravel sandKala, Pavel January 2010 (has links)
Diploma thesis deals with design of semimobile device for sorting sand and describes design of machine parts. This thesis includes checking calculations of selected structural elements and final verification of calculations and measurements.
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Integrating Field and Modeling Studies to Assess the Response of a Lake-Groundwater System to Mining ActivitiesTauscher, Tyler Lee 25 May 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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