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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Investigação da toxicidade, tratabilidade e formação de subprodutos tóxicos em efluentes clorados de lagoas de estabilização com e sem pós-tratamento. / Investigation of toxicity, treatability and toxic disinfection by-products formation in chlorinated stabilization ponds effluents with and without post-treatment.

Luís Fernando Rossi Léo 16 April 2008 (has links)
Entre as principais dificuldades que os sistemas de tratamento de esgotos domésticos compostos por lagoas de estabilização enfrentam para atender as exigências impostas pela Resolução CONAMA 357/2005 podem se destacar as concentrações elevadas de nitrogênio amoniacal, fósforo e coliformes fecais e totais. Estes últimos, quando os sistemas utilizam corpos receptores classe 2 ou 3 geram a necessidade de desinfecção. Dentre as diversas tecnologias disponíveis para a desinfecção dos esgotos, a cloração é bastante atrativa pelo custo reduzido, em relação às outras tecnologias, bem como pela elevada experiência que as companhias e municipalidades possuem neste tipo de sistema, advinda dos sistemas de tratamento de água. Dentre os sistemas de cloração, o uso de hipoclorito de sódio torna-se interessante pela segurança, simplicidade das instalações e de operação. A desvantagem do uso deste tipo de sistema se dá na possibilidade da formação de subprodutos tóxicos, dentro os quais pode-se destacar os trihalometanos (THMs) e os ácidos haloacéticos (AHAs), porém esta formação pode ser teoricamente reduzida pela presença de elevadas concentrações de nitrogênio amoniacal nos efluentes destes sistemas, por sua reação preferencial com o cloro, na formação de cloraminas. Outras possibilidades de redução na formação é reduzir a concentração de precursores, reduzir a dosagem de cloro e utilizar método de descloração dos efluentes após a desinfecção. Este trabalho, ambientado no desenvolvimento das pesquisas do Edital 4 do PROSAB/FINEP (Programa Nacional de Pesquisa em Saneamento Básico), desenvolveu testes de desinfecção em efluentes de lagoas anaeróbias e facultativas utilizando como desinfetante hipoclorito de sódio, em dosagens de 8,0 mgCl/L e 12,0 mgCl/L. Desenvolveu também testes de desinfecção com efluentes anaeróbios e facultativos pós-tratados por meio de coagulação/floculação/sedimentação e coagulação/floculação/flotação com ar dissolvido, com dosagens de 2,0 mgCl/L e 4,0 mgCl/L. Para todos os testes de desinfecção foram realizados também testes de descloração das amostras. Desta forma foi possível estudar, dentro de uma faixa limitada, as possibilidades de reduzir a formação de subprodutos tóxicos na desinfecção de efluentes de lagoas de estabilização com hipoclorito de sódio. Nas amostras foram determinados por meio de cromatografia gasosa as concentrações dos THMs e AHAs. Por meio das metodologias do Standard Methods 20th Edition foram realizadas as análises físico-químicas dos parâmetros pH, temperatura, DQO, DBO, Ntotal, N-NH3, NTK, cloro livre, cloraminas, coliformes e outros microrganismos indicadores. A formação de THMs se mostrou bastante pequena, em média abaixo dos 20,0 µg/L em todos os testes, aparentemente devido às elevadas concentrações de N-NH3, da ordem de 30,0 mg/L. O mesmo não ocorreu com os AHAs. Em muitos testes a concentração encontrada de AHAs totais superou o padrão de 80,0 µg/L preconizados pela USEPA para água potável, e aqui adotado como padrão comparativo. A descloração reduziu em média 52% a concentração de AHAs nos testes, colocando quase todas as amostras dentro do padrão de 80,0 µg/L. Os bioensaios mostraram que a presença de cloro livre nas amostras eleva a toxicidade aguda em Daphnia similis provocada pelos efluentes e que a cloração seguida de descloração produz efluentes com toxicidade inferior à toxicidade dos efluentes apenas clorados e toxicidade também inferior àquela dos efluentes sem cloração. / The main difficulties that the stabilization ponds for sewage treatment systems face to meet the requirements imposed by CONAMA Resolution 357/2005 can highlight the high concentrations of ammonia nitrogen, phosphorus and fecal and total coliform. When the systems use receivers water bodies Class 2 or 3 generate the need for disinfection. Among the different technologies available for the disinfection of sewage, the chlorination is very attractive at reduced cost compared to other technologies, as well as the high experience that companies and municipalities have in this type of system, because the water treatment systems. About the chlorination technologies, the use of sodium hypochlorite becomes interesting for security, simplicity of installation and operation. The disadvantage of using this type of system is given the possibility of formation of toxic by-products, within which you can highlight the trihalomethanes (THMs) and haloacetic acids (AHAs), but this formation can theoretically be reduced by the presence of high concentrations of ammoniacal nitrogen in effluents of these systems, for its preferential reaction with the chlorine in the formation of cloraminas. Other possibilities for reducing the training is to reduce the concentration of precursors (organic matter), reduce the dosage of chlorine and use dechlorination method after disinfection. This work, developed in PROSAB / FINEP (National Program for Research on Sanitation) research announcement number 4, developed tests for disinfection of anaerobic and facultative ponds effluents using sodium hypochlorite as a disinfectant, in concentrations of 8.0 mgCl/L and 12.0 mgCl/L. Were also developed tests for disinfection with anaerobic and facultative ponds effluents post-treated by coagulation / flocculation / sedimentation and coagulation / flocculation / flotation with dissolved air, with concentrations of 2.0 mgCl/L and 4.0 mgCl/L. For all of disinfection tests were also conducted dechlorination tests. This made it possible to study the possibilities of reducing the formation of toxic byproducts of the stabilization ponds effluents disinfection with sodium hypochlorite. The THMs and AHAS concentrations were determined by gas chromatography. Through the methods of Standard Methods 20th Edition analyses were carried out physical-chemical parameters of pH, temperature, COD, BOD, total nitrogen, ammoniacal nitrogen, total Kjeldhal nitrogen, free chlorine, chloramines, coliforms and other indicator microorganisms. The formation of THMs was very low, on average below the 20.0 µg/L in all tests, apparently due to high concentrations of NH3-N, the order of 30.0 mg/L. The same did not occur with AHAs. In many tests found concentrations of AHAs exceeded the standard of 80.0 µg/L recommended by the USEPA for drinking water. Dechlorination reduced 52% of AHAs concentrations, in average. Bioassays showed that the presence of free chlorine in the samples increase the acute toxicity in Daphnia similes. Chlorination followed by dechlorination produces effluents with less toxicity than the toxicity of chlorinated and effluent without chlorination.

The adsorptive properties of oligomeric, non-ionic surfactants from aqueous solution

Holland, Kirsten Jane January 1998 (has links)
Surfactants from the 'Triton' range, manufactured by Rohm and Haas, Germany, were used to study the adsorptive behaviour of non-ionic surfactants (of the alkyl polyoxyethylene type) from aqueous solution onto mineral oxide surfaces. The oligomeric distributions of the surfactants were characterised using the HPLC technique. Two gradients were used: a normal phase gradient was used to study the surfactants from non-aqueous solution; an unusual gradient, which could not be definitively categorised as either normal or reversed phase and which was developed at Brunel, was used to analyse surfactants directly from aqueous solution. Quartz was used as a model mineral oxide surface. The quartz surface was characterised using a range of techniques: scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, X-ray fluorescence -analysis, Fourier transform-infra red spectroscopy and BET analysis. It was found that washing the quartz with concentrated HCI removed any calcium ions present on the surface and also removed 02- ions. Calcining the sample removed carbonaceous materials from the surface and also caused a decrease in the surface area. The quartz was shown to be non-porous by SEM and BET analysis. The adsorption experiments for this study were carried out using a simple tumbling method for which known ratios of surfactant in aqueous solution and quartz silica were mixed together for a known length of time. The amounts of surfactant present were measured using ultra-violet analysis and the HPLC techniques mentioned above. It was found that the smallest oligomers were adsorbed the most. An addition of salt to the system caused an overall increase in adsorption of the bulk surfactant, and increase in temperature caused an initial decrease in adsorbed amounts before the plateau of the isotherm and a final increase in bulk adsorption at the plateau of the isotherm. The oligomeric adsorption generally appeared to mirror the behaviour of the bulk surfactant. Atomic force microscopy (AFM), dynamic light and neutron scattering studies were used to analyse the character of the adsorbed surfactant layer. It was shown that the layer reached a finite thickness that corresponded to a bilayer of adsorbed surfactant. According to AFM data, this value of thickness was not consistent over the whole of the quartz surface.

Porcelánová tvorba a její odraz v zahradním umění

Nováková, Milena January 2014 (has links)
The work deals with the history of the distinguished Haas family and points at a connection between porcelain and garden art elements. This work based on artistic summary knowledge of garden artifacts and porcelain art production, it characterises development and changes in gardens parallel to those in porcelain motifs and decor. The study interprets motifs of garden art through the originality analysis of porcelain in its form, function, shape and colour. It provides new knowledge and historical basis for their mutual continuity in the context of stable development that have not been published before. The study brings evidence of presumed influence of garden art on decoration and innovation in the porcelain production and vice versa. Summary of porcelain elements in gardens. Garden art reflection and plant motifs in porcelain art. Retrospect and perspective of a garden with porcelain.

Untersuchung der Fermiflächen topologischer Semimetalle

Schwarze, Beat Valentin 10 July 2024 (has links)
In dieser Arbeit berichte ich von meinen Untersuchungen der Fermiflächen der topologischer Semimetalle PtGa, CoSi, CaAuAs und CaCdGe. Dazu habe ich die Quantenoszillationen der einkristallinen Proben mittels Drehmomentmagnetometrie gemessen und vergleiche die Resultate mit denen von Dichtefunktionaltheorie-Rechnungen. Aus diesem Vergleich lassen sich die Bandstruktur und Fermiflächen verlässlich bestimmen und damit deren Topologie verifizieren. PtGa und CoSi kristallisieren in der Raumgruppe P213 (198) und sind damit chiral und nicht zentrosymmetrisch. Sie besitzen eine außergewöhnliche Bandstruktur-Topologie mit hochgradig entarteten Bandberührungspunkten und Bandberührungsflächen, welche empfindlich von der Spin-Bahn-Kopplung abhängt. PtGa unterliegt einer sehr starken Spin-Bahn-Kopplung, welche den experimentellen Nachweis der topologischen Ladung der Bandberührungspunkte ermöglichte. In CoSi ist die Spin-Bahn-Kopplung schwach, sodass ihre experimentelle Signifikanz bisher umstritten ist. In meinen Messungen zeigen beide Materialien eine deutliche Spinaufspaltung der Quantenoszillationsfrequenzen, welche die Auswirkung Spin-Bahn-Kopplung auch für CoSi nachweist. Die Übereinstimmungen der Resultate der Messungen mit denen der Bandstruktur-Rechnungen bestätigen zudem Bandstrukturen und ihre Topologie. CaAuAs und CaCdGe weisen gemäß Bandstruktur-Rechnungen ohne Berücksichtigung der Spin-Bahn-Kopplung Bandberührungslinien auf, welche durch die Spin-Bahn-Kopplung aufgespalten werden. Bei CaAuAs stimmen die Quantenoszillationsfrequenzen sehr gut mit den berechneten Frequenzen unter Beachtung der Spin-Bahn-Kopplung überein. Dies spricht gegen die Existenz von Bandberührungslinien und für ihre Aufspaltung zu Dirac-Punkten. CaCdGe weichen die berechneten und die gemessenen Ergebnisse zum Teil stark von einander ab, sodass Bandstruktur nicht klar bestimmt ist und weitere Untersuchungen notwendig sind.

"Propriedades magnéticas e de spin em semicondutores do grupo III-V" / "Spin and magnetic properties of the III-V group semiconductors"

Duarte, Celso de Araujo 19 June 2006 (has links)
Neste trabalho, apresentamos o resultado de nossas investigações em amostras de poços quânticos parabólicos (PQW) de AlGaAs crescidas em substratos de GaAs por MBE (Molecular Beam Epitaxy). Nossos estudos se concentram nas implicações da variação do fator g de Landé ao longo da estrutura dos PQW, a qual ocorre em virtude da dependência dessa grandeza com respeito ao conteúdo de Al na liga AlGaAs. Essas implicações são analisadas através de medidas de transporte eletrônico (medidas de Hall e do efeito Shubnikov-de Haas). As medidas de Subnikov-de Haas a temperaturas da ordem de dezenas a centenas de milikelvin com variação do ângulo de inclinação se mostram um eficiente método para a determinação do fator g. Distinguimos não só o fator g determinado pelas propriedades da liga, como também uma contribuição oriunda de efeitos de muitos corpos (contribuição de troca). Por outro lado, as medidas de Hall nos revelam um comportamento anômalo, que mostramos não ter origem no conhecido "efeito Hall anômalo" presente em materiais ferromagnéticos, nem em efeitos de ocupação de múltiplas sub-bandas. Atribuímos o fenômeno a um efeito "válvula de spin", conseqüente da variação espacial do fator g. Nossas observações nos permitem a idealização de um transistor "válvula de spin", prescindindo do emprego de materiais magnéticos. / We present the results of our investigations concerning MBE grown AlGaAs/GaAs parabolic quantum well (PQW) samples. We focused on the variation of the Landé g factor along the structure of the PQWs, which occur as a consquence of its dependence on the Al content on the alloy AlGaAs. The implications are studied by Hall and Shubnikov-de Haas measurements. Shubnikov-de Haas measurements at temperatures of the order of tenths to hundreds of milikelvin with variation of the tilt angle are shown to be an efficient method for the determination of the g factor. We could distinguish not only the alloy g factor, but its many body contribution (exchange contribution). On the other hand, Hall measurements exhibit an unusual behavior, which we prooved it has no relation neither to the well known "anomalous Hall effect", a characteristic of ferromagnetic materials, nor to a multi subband occupation effect. We atribute such behavior to a "spin valve effect", caused by the spatial variation of the g factor. Our observations allow us to idealize a "spin valve" transistor, without any ferromagnetic material in its structure.

Quantenphasenübergänge in den Schwere-Fermionen-Systemen Yb(Rh_{1-x}M_x)_2Si_2 und CePd_{1-x}Rh_x / Quantum Phase Transitions in the Heavy-fermion Systems Yb(Rh_{1-x}M_x)_2Si_2 and CePd_{1-x}Rh_x

Westerkamp, Tanja 05 June 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Die Betrachtung von Schwere-Fermionen-Systemen stellt ein wichtiges Themengebiet im Bereich der Festkörperphysik dar. Das Verhalten von Schwere-Fermionen-Systemen wird durch die starken Korrelationen der magnetischen Momente der ungepaarten Spins der f-Elektronen bestimmt. Experimentell zugängliche Messgrößen sind dadurch bei tiefen Temperaturen stark erhöht, so dass sich diese Systeme besonders gut zur Untersuchung von Grundzustandseigenschaften eignen. Zentrales Thema dieser Arbeit ist die Untersuchung zweier intermetallischer Seltenerd-Verbindungen in Bezug auf Quantenphasenübergänge. Diese treten am absoluten Nullpunkt der Temperatur als Funktion eines anderen Parameters wie Magnetfeld, Druck oder chemischer Substitution auf und sind bei endlicher Temperatur durch Abweichungen physikalischer Messgrößen von der durch L. D. Landau aufgestellten Theorie der Fermi-Flüssigkeiten nachzuweisen. Zu diesem Zweck wurden Tieftemperaturexperimente bis hinab zu 20mK und in Magnetfeldern bis zu 18T durchgeführt. Es wurden elektrischer Widerstand, magnetische Wechselfeldsuszeptibilität, Magnetostriktion und thermische Ausdehnung gemessen. / The investigation of heavy-fermion systems marks an important subject in the research field of solid state physics. The behaviour of heavy-fermion systems is dominated by the strong correlations of the magnetic moments of the unpaired f-electron spins. At low temperatures, experimentally accessible variables are strongly enhanced so that these systems are especially suited to analyse ground state properties. The central topic of this thesis is the investigation of two intermetallic rare-earth compounds with regard to quantum phase transitions. The latter occur at zero temperature as a function of parameters such as magnetic field, pressure or chemical substitution. They are traceable at finite temperature due to deviations of physical variables from the theory of Fermi liquids established by L. D. Landau. For this purpose, low-temperature experiments were performed down to 20mK and in magnetic fields up to 18T. Electrical resistivity, magnetic ac susceptibility, magnetostriction and thermal expansion were measured.

de Haas-van Alphen Untersuchungen nichtmagnetischer Borkarbidsupraleiter

Bergk, Beate 04 March 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Im Rahmen dieser Doktorarbeit werden de Haas-van Alphen-Untersuchungen an den nichtmagnetischen Borkarbidsupraleitern LuNi2B2C und YNi2B2C präsentiert. Aus den Quantenoszillationen in der normalleitenden Phase in Kombination mit Bandstrukturrechnungen konnten Informationen über die verzweigte Fermiflächenarchitektur und über die Elektron-Phonon-Kopplung der Borkarbide gewonnen werden. Die Kopplung ist stark anisotrop und fermiflächenabhängig. Dies spricht für einen Mehrbandmechanismus der Supraleitung in der Materialklasse. Zusätzlich konnten de Haas-van-Alphen-Oszillationen mehrerer Fermiflächen unterhalb von Bc2 tief in der Shubnikov-Phase beobachtet werden. Das Verhalten dieser Oszillationen lässt sich nicht mit bisher bekannten Theorien beschreiben. Allerdings weist das Bestehen der Oszillationen weit unterhalb von Bc2 auf ein Bestehen von elektronischen Zuständen in der Shubnikov-Phase hin.

Oscillations quantiques magnétiques dans les systèmes de basse dimensionnalité.<br />Etude de la symétrie de l'état supraconducteur dans le composé UPt3.

Champel, T. 29 October 2003 (has links) (PDF)
Dans une première partie, nous développons la théorie analytique des effets de Haas-van Alphen (oscillations d'aimantation) et Shubnikov-de Haas (oscillations de magnétorésistance) dans les systèmes électroniques quasi-bidimensionnels, qui sont constitués de couches très bonnes conductrices avec une faible dispersion des quasi-particules entre les plans. Nous montrons que l'application d'un champ magnétique perpendiculairement aux couches a pour effet de réduire la dimensionnalité apparente du système. A fort champ magnétique, le comportement des oscillations d'aimantation est proche de celui d'un gaz d'électrons bidimensionnel. Nous étudions en détail l'influence des oscillations du potentiel chimique sur la forme des oscillations de Haas-van Alphen en présence d'une ou de plusieurs bandes d'états au niveau de Fermi. Nous dérivons également une expression pour les oscillations d'aimantation dans l'état mixte supraconducteur. Nous calculons enfin les oscillations de la magnétorésistance longitudinale dans le cadre de la théorie du transport quantique pour un modèle d'impuretés ponctuelles. A fort champ magnétique nous trouvons des oscillations géantes avec un comportement thermiquement activé des maxima de résistance.<br /><br />Dans une deuxième partie, nous étudions les propriétés de l'état mixte dans le supraconducteur non-conventionnel UPt3 pour un champ magnétique parallèle à l'axe hexagonal du cristal principalement dans le cadre des modèles théoriques d'un état supraconducteur à deux composantes couplé avec un champ briseur de symétrie. Nous examinons la structure du réseau de vortex dans la phase A de UPt3 à partir de considérations de symétrie et de l'approximation locale de London, et montrons que seul l'état supraconducteur de symétrie E2u peut rendre compte des observations expérimentales. Nous mettons également en évidence que la transition entre les phases mixtes A et B est plutôt un crossover qu'une transition de phase du second ordre à cause de la présence de termes de gradients de mélange dans l'expression de l'énergie libre de Ginzburg-Landau. Enfin, nous démontrons que la dépendance de la pente du second champ critique au niveau de la température critique en fonction du taux d'impuretés n'est pas sensible à la symétrie de l'état supraconducteur.

High magnetic field studies of 2DEG in graphene on SiC and at the LaAlO³/SrTiO³ interface / Étude des gaz d’électrons bidimensionnels sous champ magnétique intense dans du graphène sur SiC et à l’interface entre les oxydes complexes LaAlO³ et SrTiO³

Yang, Ming 16 April 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse est dédiée à l'étude des propriétés de magnéto-transport des gaz d'électrons bidimensionnel, et plus spécifiquement du graphène sur carbure de silicium (G/SiC) ainsi qu’à l'interface entre les oxydes complexes LaAlO3 (LAO) et SrTiO3 (STO). Nous exploitons la génération d’un champ magnétique intense (jusqu'à 80 T) et les très basses températures (jusqu'à 40 mK) pour étudier les propriétés de transport quantique, qui sont évocatrices de la structure de bandes électroniques sous-jacente. Dans G/SiC, à la limite du régime d’effet Hall quantique, nous mesurons un plateau de Hall ultra-large quantifié à R=h/2e² couvrant un champ magnétique de plus de 70 T (de 7 T à 80 T). La résistance longitudinale est proche de zéro mais présente, de manière inattendue, de faibles oscillations périodiques avec l’inverse du champ magnétique. Sur la base d’observations microscopiques, ce gaz d’électrons 2D est modélisé par une matrice de graphène ayant une densité de porteurs de charge faible, parsemée d’ilots de taille micrométrique ayant un dopage plus important. Les simulations numériques des propriétés de transport reproduisent bien le plateau de Hall et la présence des oscillations. Au-delà du substrat de SiC qui agit comme un réservoir de charge et stabilise le facteur de remplissage à ν=2, un transfert de charge dépendant du champ magnétique entre les ilots chargés est responsable de la présence des oscillations de la magnétorésistance. Cette étude originale fournit de nouvelles perspectives pour des applications en métrologie. Les propriétés remarquables des gaz d’électrons 2D à l'interface entre les oxydes complexes LAO et STO sont aujourd'hui envisagées pour le développement de futurs dispositifs multifonctionnels. Toutefois, leurs propriétés électroniques sont encore mal connues et nécessitent des recherches plus approfondies. Dans ces systèmes, la magnétorésistance montre des oscillations de Shubnikov-de Haas (SdH) quasi-périodiques et un effet Hall linéaire jusqu'à 55 T à basse température. Nous observons une différence d’un ordre de grandeur entre la densité de porteurs extraite de la période des oscillations SdH et la pente de la résistance de Hall, impliquant la présence de nombreuses sous-bandes à l'énergie de Fermi. Les oscillations quasi-périodiques de la magnétorésistance sont bien reproduites par des simulations numériques prenant en compte l'effet Rashba à l'interface. De plus, à partir de l'évolution des oscillations SdH avec la tension de grille à très basse température (40mK), nous identifions les sous-bandes électroniques contribuant au transport, les orbitales atomiques dont elles dérivent, ainsi que leur localisation spatiale dans la profondeur de l'interface. / This thesis is devoted to the study of the magneto-transport properties of two dimensional electron gas (2DEG), and more specifically graphene on silicon carbide (G/SiC) as well as the interface between two complex oxides LaAlO3 / SrTiO3 (LAO/STO). We take advantage of very high magnetic field (up to 80 T) and very low temperature (down to 40 mK) to investigate the quantum transport properties, which are evocative of the underlying electronic band-structure. In G/SiC, close to the quantum Hall breakdown regime, we measure an ultra-broad quantum Hall plateau at R=h/2e² covering a magnetic field range of more than 70 T (from 7 T to 80 T). Accordingly, the longitudinal resistance is close to zero, but displays unexpected weak 1/B-periodic oscillations. Based on microscopic observations, this 2DEG is modeled as a low charge carrier density graphene matrix decorated by micrometers-size puddles with larger doping. Numerical simulations of the transport properties reproduce well both the broad Quantum Hall plateau and the presence of the oscillations. Besides the SiC substrate which acts as a charge reservoir and stabilizes the quantum Hall state at filling factor ν=2, a magnetic field dependent transfer of charges involving the puddles is responsible for the presence of the oscillating features. This original study provides new insights for resistance metrology purposes. The 2DEG arising at the interface between the complex oxides LAO and STO is nowadays envisioned for future multi-functional devices. Their electronic properties are still a matter of debate and require further investigations. The high field magneto-resistance of this 2DEG displays quasi-periodic Shubnikov-de Haas Oscillations (SdHO) and a linear Hall effect up to 55 T at low temperature. We observe a large discrepancy between the carrier density extracted from the period of the SdHO and the slope of the Hall resistance, which constitutes a strong evidence for the presence of many sub-bands crossing the Fermi energy. The quasi-periodic oscillations of the magneto-resistance are well reproduced by numerical simulations taking into account the strong Rashba effect at the interface. In addition, from the back-gate voltage evolution of the SdHO at sub-kelvin temperature, we identify the electronic sub-bands contributing to transport, the orbital symmetry from which they derive, as well as their spatial localization along the interface.

Magneto-transporte no limite quântico em grafite e bismuto / Magnet transport in the quantum limit in graphite and bismuth

Medina Pantoja, Juan Carlos 11 August 2018 (has links)
Orientadores: Iakov Veniaminovitch Kopelevitch, George Gershon Kleiman / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Fisica Gleb Wataghin / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-11T13:15:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MedinaPantoja_JuanCarlos_D.pdf: 3933664 bytes, checksum: 33f9dc730779c11f8c3d83b7ee0e56b4 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007 / Resumo: Esta tese é o resultado da investigação das propriedades elétricas e magnéticas de dois semimetais: bismuto (Bi) policristalino romboédrico e grafite pirolítica altamente orientada (HOPG). Inicialmente nós discutimos o efeito Hall no limite quântico, que acontece em amostras de grafite HOPG com certo grau de desordem e onde a desordem é reduzida. Em particular, a resistência Hall R xy (B) exibe platôs em amostras HOPG menos desordenadas que possuem uma característica quase-bidimensional e uma forte anisotropia. Em amostras com maior desordem é observada a ocorrência de picos em lugar de platôs, evidenciando, experimentalmente, a predição de T. Ando. A condutância Hall reduzida Rxy (v) G0xy . fornece uma evidencia experimental para a coexistência de ambos os tipos de férmions de Dirac, normais e sem massa. Este resultado revela que o efeito Hall quântico inteiro e semi-inteiro tomam lugar simultaneamente na amostra HOPG. Nós encontramos as transições metal¿isolante (MIT) e isolante¿metal (IMT) induzidas por campo magnético em amostras de bismuto (Bi), quando o campo é aplicado paralelo ao eixo-c cristalográfico e observamos que estas transições têm enormes semelhanças com o MIT e IMT achados em HOPG e amostras monocristalinas Kish. As análises destes resultados experimentais sugerem que estas transições devem estar associadas à transição entre o estado metal de Bose (líquido não superfluido de pares de Cooper) e isolante excitônico. O aumento do momento diamagnético em bismuto e sua supressão próxima do campo crítico do MIT evidenciam a existência de correlações supercondutoras (metal de Bose) e excitônicas. Nós reportamos a observação experimental do efeito Hall anômalo Hall (AHE) em amostras de bismuto e de grafite HOPG. Os resultados indicam que este AHE pode ser compreendido, autoconsistentemente, através de modelos de pareamento excitônico induzido pelo campo magnético, possivelmente, devido ao surgimento de ferromagnetismo / Abstract: This thesis is the result of the investigation of the electric and magnetic properties of two semimetals: highly oriented pyrolitic graphite (HOPG) and polycrystalline bismuth (Bi), rhomboedral. Initially we discuss the Hall effect in the quantum limit that occurs in HOPG samples with a certain degree of disorder and with reduced disorder. In particular, the Hall resistance R xy (B) exhibits plateaus in less disordered HOPG samples, which present characteristic quasi-bidimensional and strongly anisotropic. In more disordered samples there occur peaks instead of plateaus, experimentally evidencing the T. Ando's prediction. The reduced Hall conductance G xy (v)/ G 0xy gives evidence experimental for the coexistence of both massless and massive Dirac fermions. This result reveals that the integer- and semi-integer QHE take place simultaneously in HOPG samples. We observed magnetic field induced metal-insulator (MIT) and insulator-metal (IMT) transitions, when this field is in the crystallographic c-axis direction, and observed that these transitions are very similar to the MIT and IMT observed in HOPG and monocrystalline samples (Kish). The analysis of the experimental results suggests that these transitions must be associated with the transition from the Bose metal state (a non superfluid liquid of Cooper pairs) to the excitonic insulator. The increase of the diamagnetic momentum in bismuth and its suppression in the vicinity of the critical field of the MIT evidences the existence of superconducting (Bose metal) and excitonic correlations. We report the experimental observation of the anomalous Hall effect (AHE) in HOPG samples. This AHE may be autoconsistently understood by means of magnetic field induced excitonic pairing models, possibly, due to the onset of ferromagnetism / Doutorado / Física da Matéria Condensada / Doutor em Ciências

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