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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Resiliency: A Systematic Review of Adult Characterological Measures of Resilience and Reliability and Validity Generalization Studies of the Brief Resilience Scale

Allan, Teresa A. 19 November 2021 (has links)
This dissertation consists of two projects. Project 1 is comprised of two systematic review studies in which self-report measures of adult characterological resilience were identified and summarized. In Study 1, 51 personality-based instruments across five personality-based resilience constructs (ego-strength, grit, hardiness, mental toughness, and resilience) were identified. Information for each measure inclusive of measure title, construct, item count, factors, response scale and items, scoring method, and score range was summarized. In Study 2, 1,322 articles were identified that described 1,193 studies and 1,351 participant samples who completed between one and four of these resilience measures. Measure use frequency and contextual use information related to study and sample attributes are summarized. Project 2 is a series of meta-analyses that were conducted to investigate the psychometric properties of scores on the Brief Resilience Scale (BRS) reported in 149 studies of adult participants. Reliability generalization methods are used to summarize 86 observations of internal consistency (mean Cronbach’s α = .86) and validity generalization methods are used to summarize eight observations of convergent validity (Mr = .61). Concurrent validity is also investigated via validity generalization methods for the most frequently observed mental health correlates of BRS scores. For each set of mental health measures, an estimated summary effect was calculated (anxiety, Mr = -.47; depression, Mr = -.49; optimism, Mr = .44; social support, Mr = .24; and stress, Mr = -.53). Of the significant moderators conducted for concurrent validity estimates, the largest was sample category (accounting for 100% of the variance in the observed correlations between the BRS and measures of social support). Geographic location and participant age, accounted for 55%, and 24%, of the variation in the observed correlations between the BRS and significantly moderated the relation between the BRS and perceived stress. Discussion for both projects include how the obtained relate to resilience theory, and the potential broader implications of these findings. Also based upon these reviews and meta-analyses, the challenges of resilience measure use are discussed and observations/recommendations are provided.

Hardiness, Coping Style, and Burnout: Relationships in Female Hospital Nurses

Fusco, Phylann S. 05 1900 (has links)
This study investigated relationships among and between psychological hardiness, coping style, and burnout in 101 female hospital nurses. The third generation (50-item) hardiness scale, scored by the revised scoring procedure, was used to measure hardiness and its components. The Maslach Burnout Inventory was used as the measurement for burnout. Coping style was assessed by the COPE Inventory. The components of hardiness, commitment, control, and challenge, were hypothesized to be negative predictors of emotional exhaustion and depersonalization and positive predictors of personal accomplishment. In addition, hardiness and its components were postulated to be positively related to adaptive coping styles and negatively related to maladaptive coping styles. Emotional exhaustion and depersonalization were thought to be related positively to maladaptive coping styles and negatively related to adaptive coping styles. Personal accomplishment was thought to be positively related to adaptive coping style and negatively related to maladaptive coping style. Simple and multiple regressions were used.

Psychological Hardiness and Biochemical Markers of Acute Stress

McCoy, Paula K. 08 1900 (has links)
The establishment of physiological norms for psychologically hardy vs. non-hardy individuals was attempted by examination of levels of salivary cortisol and urinary norepinephrine before and after a mid-term examination stressor. Normative data was collected on the reported frequency of stressors and their severity one week prior to the examination, and self-reported ratings of stress immediately prior to the examination. Performance on the examination as a function of hardiness was explored. Associations between demographic variables and psychological hardiness were also studied. Results from this study were inconclusive in establishing physiological norms for psychologically hardy individuals. Associations were found between: 1) hardiness and frequency of stressors; 2) hardiness and age; and 3) self-reported ratings of stress and anxiety as measured by the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI).

Hatchling Painted Turtles (Chrysemys Picta) Survive Only Brief Freezing of Their Bodily Fluids

Attaway, M. B., Packard, G. C., Packard, M. J. 01 July 1998 (has links)
Neonatal painted turtles (Chrysemys picta) spend their first winter inside the shallow, subterranean nest cavity where they completed embryogenesis. Consequently, hatchlings at high latitudes may be exposed to ice and cold during the winter. This study was undertaken to determine how long hatchlings withstand freezing at temperatures slightly below 0°C because tolerance for freezing has been proposed to be the key to survival by overwintering animals. A thermocouple was glued to the carapace of each hatchling. The animal was dipped in water to provide a site of nucleation of ice and was then placed into a glass jar that was partially immersed in a circulating bath at -2°C. Carapace temperature was monitored throughout the procedure. When a freezing exotherm was detected, timing of the freezing event began. Animals were maintained in a frozen state for 12-48 h prior to being warmed to room temperature. Of the 39 hatchlings, 22 did not survive, and mortality increased as the duration of freezing increased. Logistic regression indicates that no turtle would have survived in a frozen state for more than 54 h. These results indicate that hatchlings can survive only brief exposure to freezing of the body fluids. Thus, hatchlings cannot tolerate freezing during prolonged periods of cold.

The Effect of Changing Temperatures on Hardiness, Respiration, and Intensity of Rest of Dormant Peach and Apricot Buds

Hatch, Anthony H. 01 May 1967 (has links)
studies were conducted to better understand the influence of temperature on the rest period of dormant peach and apricot buds. Gleason Elberta peach and Chinese apricot trees in the field at Howell Experiment Station in Ogden were used to evaluate rest intensity, respiration, and cold hardiness in relation to temperature. A rest intensity curve was obtained for both species using various concentrations of gibberellic acid. It was found that temperature had no direct effect on the depth of rest and that the depth of rest had no measurable influence on respiration and cold hardiness. Respiration of flower and leaf buds was not affected by temperature until after the rest period was over and the temperature rose above 40 F. However, cold hardiness was directly affected by temperature during the rest period. As the temperatures dropped the cold hardiness increased in both species. Lovell peach seedlings were placed in 5 gallon containers and placed in controlled temperature chambers. At 3 different periods, 3 trees were removed from 9 different temperature treatments. It was found that 40 F was generally more effective in breaking rest than was 32 F. Light did not seem to affect the rest period significantly.

Influence of Environment and Cultural Practices on Rest, Cold Hardiness, and Abscisic Acid Concentration of Gleason Elberta Peach Buds

Walser, Ronald H. 01 May 1975 (has links)
The effects of temperature, defoliation, light, and certain fall cultural practices on rest and hardiness of Gleason Elberta peach buds were studied. The influence of these factors on abscisic acid concentration in peach buds and a possible role of ABA in rest and hardiness of peach buds were also investigated. Peach leaf buds enter rest in early fall, reach a rest intensity peak in early winter, then break rest as a chilling requirement is met. Complete defoliation before rest has begun will cause some leaf and flower buds to grow, while defoliation after rest has begun will not cause visible bud growth. Effective chill-unit accumulation in the fall apparently did not begin until after a certain amount of leaf abscission had occurred. A GA3 application on August 15, 1974, delayed leaf abscission, and also caused an extension of the rest period. Early fall defoliation was correlated with a reduction in rest intensity and a reduction in the rest period of leaf buds. A result of this study indicates the possibility of the existence of a rest promoting substance that was apparently translocated from a side of a tree exposed to ambient temperatures to a warm greenhouse covered side. Decreasing temperatures caused an increase in flower bud hardiness, however, other factors also had effects on hardiness. An extended day-length treatment caused flower buds to acclimate more slowly than those on untreated trees during the early fall period. The light affect was not evident as colder temperatures prevailed. Buds on trees that were kept warm, acclimated to the same level as buds on trees kept at cooler but non freezing temperatures. However, it took the warm buds approximately four months longer to acclimate. Buds on trees that were exposed to below freezing temperatures acclimated to a much lower level than those on trees not exposed to freezing temperatures. Fall pruning and heavy fertilization with ammonium nitrate did not reduce cold hardiness enough to be measured. However, buds on vigorous, large diameter twigs were more hardy during the early winter period than buds on twigs of smaller diameter. The August 15 and September 19 GA3 treated trees and the early defoliated trees had a delay in acclimation during the fall period, although they did eventually acclimate to the same level as the untreated buds. Abscisic acid concentration in peach leaf and flower buds was low before rest began, increased sharply during the rest inception period, and decreased in concentration before the end of rest. ABA may be a controlling factor in the inception of rest in peach. There was no apparent relationship between ABA concentration and cold hardiness of Gleason Elberta peach flower buds.

Cold Hardiness, 13c Discrimination and Water Use Efficiency of Perennial Ryegrass Genotypes in Response to Wilt-Based Irrigation

Lanier, Jason D 01 January 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) is a cool-season turfgrass susceptible to low temperature injury. Wilt-based (WB) irrigation is a common practice in scheduling turf irrigation as an alternative to well-watered (WW). Moisture stress has been shown to promote cold hardiness but this has not been investigated in response to WB irrigation. Measurements of 13C isotope discrimination (DELTA) are useful predictors of water use efficiency (WUE), drought resistance, evapotranspiration (ET) and salinity tolerance but the relevance to turfgrass cold hardiness has not been determined. DELTA analyses may enable more efficient screening protocols in breeding for improved cold hardiness. Objectives of this study were to examine perennial ryegrass genotypes in relation to cold hardiness, DELTA and WUE in response to WW and WB irrigation schedules, to compare genetic diversity between top-performing (TP) and bottom-performing (BP) perennial ryegrass genotypes, and to assess the predictive value of DELTA of for cold hardiness. Six genotypes were selected based on turf quality from the most northern NTEP location (Orono, ME) and included three TP (‘All Star 2’, ‘Mach I’ and ‘Sunkissed’) and three BP (‘APR-1234’, ‘Buccaneer’ and ‘WVPB-R-82’) genotypes. ET, yield, WUE, shoot water content, rooting potential, wilting tendency, DELTA and median lethal temperatures (LT50) using whole-plant survival were measured from greenhouse samples grown in weighing lysimeters in 2007 and 2008. Plant measurements in both years were based on sampling conducted at the last cycle after 68-d of irrigation with 100% of ET applied at leaf-roll (WB) versus ET replacement every 4-d (WW). Lower LT50 values were generally associated with low yield, low WUE and low shoot water content, whether the result of irrigation treatment or genotypic variation. TP genotypes demonstrated significantly lower LT50 temperatures (greater cold hardiness) in comparison to BP genotypes in both years. Modest cold hardiness enhancement with WB irrigation was highest for TP genotypes. Wilting tendency and DELTA were not reliable predictors of cold hardiness, although individual TP genotypes exhibited responses distinctly different than some BP genotypes. Further research is needed to investigate the physiological mechanisms of enhanced turfgrass cold hardiness in response to moisture stress.

An Assessment of the Factors that Increase the Likeliness of Hispanic Students to Attend Higher Education in Northeast Tennessee

Chavez Reyes, Denise 01 August 2018 (has links) (PDF)
From 2000 to 2014 the number of Hispanics grew 230%, representing an 8.6% of the national's youth (Tennessee Higher Education Commission, 2016). Although the population is growing, the educational attainment does not reflect this growth. This research tries to identify what factors influence individuals' decision to pursue higher education in rural Tennessee. Intrinsic (grit, hardiness, and motivation to lead) and extrinsic factors (Status in the U.S., caregivers’ education, involvement in high school and others) were explored. Sixty-six complete responses were submitted to our online survey. Hypothesis testing with Pearson chi-square, difference of means (ANOVA and two sample t-test), and correlational analysis were conducted. It was concluded that regardless of the level of education, caregivers will motivate their students to pursue higher education. In addition, first generation students tend to showcase more grit than their counter parts and that the more education the individual has, the more they exemplify grit, hardiness, and motivation to lead.

Исследование взаимосвязи жизнестойкости с успеваемостью у старшеклассников : магистерская диссертация / Investigation of the relationship between resilience and academic achievement in high school students

Денисова, Д. С., Denisova, D. S. January 2018 (has links)
The aim of the paper is to investigate the relationship between the viability and academic achievement of high school students. Object of study: viability. The subject of the study: the connection of viability with the progress of pupils in the upper grades. For the empirical study, the following techniques were used: "Test of vitality" by S. Muddy (in the adaptation of DA Leontiev, EI Rasskazova); a technique for diagnosing the motivation of learning and the emotional attitude to the teaching in the middle and senior classes of the school Ch.D. Spielberger adapted by A.D. Andreeva in the modification of AM. Parishioners; method of studying general self-esteem G.N. Kazantseva, also used the method of analyzing the documentation, namely the academic progress reports. As a result of the study, the interrelations between the components of resilience, and the success of training (the level of motivation of the teaching and academic achievement) in high school students, including it has been proven that there is a direct link between the indicators, with emphasis on the fact that the higher the indices of the components of resilience, the higher the level of learning achievement. . The revealed interrelations between the investigated indicators give grounds for further research and practical-oriented programs aimed at providing professional psychological assistance to high-school students with low academic achievement. / Целью работы является исследование взаимосвязи между жизнестойкостью и успеваемостью старшеклассников. Объект исследования: жизнестойкость. Предмет исследования: связь жизнестойкости с успеваемостью учеников старших классов. Для эмпирического исследования использовались методики: «Тест жизнестойкости» С. Мадди (в адаптации Д. А. Леонтьева, Е. И. Рассказовой); методика диагностики мотивации учения и эмоционального отношения к учению в средних и старших классах школы Ч.Д. Спилбергера адаптированная А.Д. Андреевой в модификации А.М. Прихожан; методика изучения общей самооценки Г.Н. Казанцевой, также применялся метод анализа документации, а именно журналов успеваемости. В результате проведенного исследования были выявлены взаимосвязи между компонентами жизнестойкости, и успешностью обучения (уровень мотивации учения и академическая успеваемость) у старшеклассников, в т.ч. доказано наличие прямой связи между показателями, при этом внимание акцентировано на том факте, что чем выше показатели компонентов жизнестойкости, тем выше уровень успеваемости обучения. . Выявленные взаимосвязи между исследуемыми показателями дают основания для проведения дальнейших научных исследований и практико-ориентированных программ, направленных на оказание профессиональной психологической помощи старшеклассникам с низкой успеваемостью.

An Examination of the Direct and Indirect Effects of Minority Stress on Mental and Physical Health in Sexual Minorities

Figueroa, Wilson S. 10 June 2014 (has links)
No description available.

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