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The Contribution of Body Morphology to Individual Variability in the Thermoregulatory Responses to Exercise, and the Effect of Altered Skin Blood Flow on Heat Loss PotentialCramer, Matthew Nathaniel January 2015 (has links)
Three studies were performed to examine biophysical sources of individual variability in the thermoregulatory responses to exercise, and the influence of skin blood flow on heat loss potential during severe heat stress. Study 1 investigated whether unbiased comparisons of changes in rectal temperature (ΔTre) should be compared at a fixed absolute rate of heat production (Hprod; W) or a fixed Hprod per unit mass (W/kg), and whether local sweat rates (LSR) should be compared at a fixed evaporative requirement for heat balance (Ereq; W) or a fixed Ereq per unit of surface area (W/m2), between independent groups of unequal body mass and body surface area (BSA). Study 2 examined whether individual variation in ΔTre, whole-body sweat loss (WBSL), and steady-state LSR is best explained by biophysical factors related to Hprod, Ereq, and body size, and if factors related to aerobic fitness (VO2max) and body fatness correlate with the residual variance in these responses. Study 3 tested whether alterations in skin blood flow shift the critical vapour pressure (Pcrit) above which core temperature could no longer be regulated in hot/humid conditions, indicating altered heat loss potential from the skin. In study 1, exercise at fixed absolute Hprod and Ereq resulted in greater ΔTre and LSR in smaller individuals (smaller mass and BSA), but exercise at set Hprod in W/kg and Ereq in W/m2 resulted in no differences in ΔTre and LSR, respectively, regardless of body size and %VO2max. In study 2, 50-71% of the individual variation in ΔTre, whole-body sweat loss (WBSL), and steady-state LSR was explained by Hprod (W/kg), absolute Ereq (W) and Ereq (W/m2) respectively, while body fat percentage and %VO2max contributed merely 1-4% to the total variability. In study 3, despite a ~20% lower skin blood flow, Pcrit was unaffected by a large reduction in skin blood flow following iso-smotic dehydration, with no differences in core and skin temperatures and sweating observed. Collectively, these findings suggest that between-group comparisons and modelling of thermoregulatory responses must first consider biophysical factors related to metabolic heat production and body size, rather than factors related to VO2max and body fatness. Furthermore, lower levels of skin blood flow may not impair maximum heat dissipation from the skin to the external environment during severe passive heat stress as previously thought.
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Kombinovaná výroba elektřiny a tepla / The combined energy and heat productionŽižka, Josef January 2017 (has links)
The intention of my thesis lies in the design of optimal cogeneration unit for the selected object. Economically evaluate the proposed options and the variant processed into a building permit.
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Application of an open circuit indirect calorimetry system for gaseous exchange measurements in small ruminant nutritionCriscioni Ferreira, Patricia Fabiola 16 May 2016 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [EN] The main objective of this Thesis was to study the energy metabolism in small ruminants under different nutrition sceneries. As methodology we utilized indirect calorimetry instead of direct calorimetry or feeding trials. Within indirect calorimetry we worked with a portable open circuit gas exchange system with a head hood. This open circuit respiration system permitted completed the whole energy balance and evaluate the efficiency of utilization of the energy of the diet for different physiological circumstances as milk production in dairy goats or maintenance in sheep. Besides, we could quantify in each trial some of the wastes related to environmental pollution as CH4 emissions and excretion of nitrogen in feces and urine.
In this thesis three experiments were designed, two in dairy goats and other in sheep as we described below.
In the first experiment, digestibility, energy balance, carbon and nitrogen balance, milk performance, rumen parameters and milk fatty acids and metabolites were obtained. Metabolic cages and open circuit indirect calorimetry system were the methods applied. Treatments consist in two mixed diets with alfalfa as forage. Within the concentrate, oat grain was replaced with rice bran. No significant differences were found for metabolizable energy intake (MEI), 1254kJ/kg of BW0.75 on average, and heat production (HP); 640 kJ/kg of BW0.75 on average. No differences were obtained for milk production (2.2 kg/d on average) and milk fat was greater in the rice bran diet (6.9% vs. 5.3% for rice bran and oat diets, respectively). Energy balance was positive and milk metabolites correlated these found. Regards to CH4 emissions, determined in vivo by gas exchange indirect calorimetry, goats fed the rice bran significantly reduced methane production (23.2 g/d vs 30.1 g/d).
In the second experiment, we also used two types of diets, but in this case we substituted the forage and maintained the same concentrate; in one of the diets a grass (Maralfafa [Pennisetum sp.]- M diet) was used as forage and in the other an extensively used leguminous (Alfalfa [Medicago sativa]- A diet). Methods and analysis were the same that in Experiment 1, and here we include metabolites in urine and blood plasma. The dry matter intake was higher for diet A (1.8 vs 1.6 kg/d, respectively) and digestibility coefficients were higher for diet M. However, no significant differences were shown in MEI (1089 kJ/kg of BW0.75, on average) and HP (639 kJ/kg of BW0.75on average). Higher milk yield was observed in A diet than M diet (1.8 vs. 1.7 kg/d, respectively) and metabolites in urine, plasma and milk indicated better use of diet A than M, while no differences in milk composition were found (5% of fat and 4.3% of protein). Methane production was higher for A diet (28.5 g/d) than M diet (25.9 g/d), although these differences were not statistically significant.
In the third experiment, energy partition was compared in two sheep breeds (Manchega vs. Guirra) fed above maintenance. We fed again with mixed diets and metabolic cages, indirect calorimetry, nitrogen balance and integral calculus were the tools used for these energy partitioning approach. An approximation of division of heat production was done. ME for maintenence was estimated at 354 kJ/kg of BW0.75and day, on average for the two breeds. Basal metabolic rate was different between breeds; 270 vs. 247 kJ/kg of BW0.75for Guirra and Manchega, respectively. / [ES] El objetivo principal de esta tesis fue estudiar el metabolismo energético en pequeños rumiantes bajo diferentes escenarios de nutrición. Como metodología se utilizó la calorimetría indirecta en vez de calorimetría directa o pruebas de alimentación. Dentro de la calorimetría indirecta trabajamos con un sistema portátil de circuito abierto de intercambio de gases con una "urna" (Heat hood). Este sistema de circuito abierto de respiración nos permitió completar todo el balance energético y evaluar la eficiencia de la utilización de la energía de la dieta para diferentes estados fisiológicos como producción de leche en cabras u oveja en mantenimiento. Además fue posible cuantificar en cada ensayo algunas perdidas relacionadas con la contaminación ambiental como emisiones de CH4 y la excreción de nitrógeno en heces y orina.
En esta tesis se diseñaron tres experimentos, dos en cabras en lactación y otro en ovejas como describimos a continuación.
En el primer experimento se han determinado, digestibilidad, balance energético, balance carbono nitrógeno, producción de leche, parámetros ruminales, ácidos grasos y metabolitos en leche. Jaulas metabólicas y un sistema de circuito abierto de calorimetría indirecta fue el método aplicado. Los tratamientos consistieron en dos dietas mixtas con alfalfa como forraje y dentro del concentrado el grano de avena fue reemplazado por cilindro de arroz.
No se encontraron diferencias significativas en la energía metabolizable ingerida (MEI) de 1254 kJ/kg PV0.75 en promedio y una producción de calor (HP) de 640 kJ/kg PV0.75 en promedio. La producción de leche no presentó diferencias significativas entre las dos dietas, (2,2 kg/den promedio), la grasa de la leche fue mayor en la dieta de cilindro de arroz (6,9% vs. 5,3% para cilindro de arroz y avena respectivamente). El balance energético fue positivo y correlacionado a los metabolitos en leche determinados. En cuanto a las emisiones de CH4, determinadas en vivo mediante el intercambio de gases por calorimetría indirecta, las cabras alimentadas con el subproducto redujeron significativamente la producción de metano (23,2 g / d vs 30,1 g / d.).
En el segundo experimento, también utilizamos dos tipos de dietas, pero en este caso sustituimos los forrajes y mantuvimos el mismo pienso; en una de las dietas se utilizó como forraje una gramínea (Maralfafa [Pennisetum sp.] - dieta M) y en el otro una leguminosa de uso extendido (Alfalfa [Medicago sativa] - dieta A). Los métodos de análisis y análisis fueron los mismos que los utilizados en el Experimento 1, y se incluyeron además análisis de metabolitos en orina y plasma. La materia seca ingerida fue mayor para dieta A (1,8 vs 1,6 kg/d, respectivamente), los coeficientes de digestibilidad fueron mayores para la dieta M. Sin embargo, no se encontraron diferencias significativas en MEI (1089 kJ/kg PV0.75, en promedio) y HP 639 kJ/kg PV0.75, en promedio). La producción de leche fue mayor en la dieta A que la dieta M, (1,8 vs. 1,7 kg/d, respectively) y los metabolitos en orina, plasma y leche indican un mejor aprovechamiento de la dieta A. No se presentaron diferencias en la composición de la leche (5% de grasa and 4.3% de proteína). La producción de metano fue mayor para la dieta A (28,5 g/d) que para la dieta M (25,9 g/d), aunque estas diferencias no fueron estadísticamente significativas.
En el tercer experimento se compararon la partición energética en dos razas de ovejas (Manchega vs. Guirra) en mantenimiento. Fueron alimentadas con dietas mixtas en jaulas metabólicas, calorimetría indirecta, balance carbono nitrógeno y cálculos integrales fueron las herramientas utilizadas para un aproximación de la partición energética. Se realizó una aproximación de división de producción de calor. El ME para mantenimiento se estimó en 354 kJ/kg PV0.75/ día, en promedio para las dos razas. Las diferencias en la tasa metabólica basal entre las razas fu / [CA] El principal objectiu d'aquesta tesi va ser estudiar el metabolism energètic en xicotets ruminants baix diferents escenaris de nutrició. Com a metodologia es va utilitzar la calorimetria indirecta en compte de calorimetria directa o proves d'alimentació. Dins de la calorimetria indirecta treballarem amb un sistema portatil de circuit obert d'intercanvi de gasos amb "urna" (Heat hood). Aquest sistema de respiració de circuit obert ens va permetre completar tot el balanç energètic i avaluar l'eficiència de la utilització de l'energia de la dieta per a diferents circumstàncies fisiològiques com produccion de llet en cabres o manteniment en ovelles. A més va ser possible quantificar en cada assaig algunes perdues relacionades amb la contaminacion ambiental com a emissions de CH4 i l'excreció de nitrogen en femta i orina. En aquesta tesi es van dissenyar tres experiments, dos en cabres en lactación i un altre en ovelles com vam descriure a continuació. En el primer experiment s'han determinat,digestibilidad, balanç energètic, balanç carboni nitrogen, producció de llet, paràmetres ruminales, àcids grassos i metabòlits en llet. Gàbies metabòliques i un sistema de circuit obert de calorimetria indirecta va ser el mètode aplicat. Els tractaments van consistir en dues dietes mixtes amb alfals com a farratge i dins del concentrat el gra de civada va ser reemplaçat per cilindre d'arròs. No es van trobar diferències significatives en l'energia metabolizable ingerida (MEI) de 1254 kJ/kg PV0.75 en mitjana i una producció de calor (HP) de 640 kJ/kg PV0.75 en mitjana. La producció de llet no va presentar diferències significatives entre les dues dietes, (2.2 kg/donen mitjana), el greix de la llet va ser major en la dieta de cilindre d'arròs (6.9% vs. 5.3% per a cilindre d'arròs i civada respectivament). El balanç energètic va ser positiu i correlacionat als metabòlits en llet determinats. Quant a les emissions de CH4, determinades en viu mitjançant l'intercanvi de gasos per calorimetria indirecta, les cabres alimentades amb el subproducte van reduir significativament la producció de metà (23.2 g / d vs 30.1 g / d.).En el segon experiment, també utilitzem dos tipus de dietes, però en aquest cas substituïm els farratges i vam mantenir el mateix pinso; en una de les dietes es va utilitzar com a farratge una gramínea (Maralfafa [Pennisetum sp.] - dieta M) i en l'altre una **leguminosa d'ús estès (Alfals [Medicago sativa] - dieta A). Els mètodes d'anàlisis i anàlisis van ser els mateixos que els utilitzats en l'Experiment 1, i es van incloure a més anàlisi de metabòlits en orina i plasma. La matèria seca ingerida va ser major per a dieta A (1,8 vs 1,6 kg/d, respectivament), els coeficients de digestibilidad van ser majors per a la dieta M. No obstant açò no es van trobar diferències significatives en MEI (1089 kJ/kg PV0.75, en mitjana) i HP 639 kJ/kg PV0.75, en mitjana). La producció de llet va ser major en la dieta Al fet que la dieta M, (1,8 vs. 1,7 kg/d, respectively) i els metabòlits en orina, plasma i llet indiquen un millor aprofitament de la dieta A. No es van presentar diferències en la composició de la llet (5% de greix i 4.3% de proteïna). La producció de metà va ser major per a la dieta A (28,5 g/d) que per a la dieta M (25,9 g/d), encara que aquestes diferències no van anar estadísticament significatives. En el tercer experiment es van comparar la partició energètica en dues races d'ovelles (Manxega vs. Guirra) en manteniment. Van ser alimentades amb dietes mixtes en gàbies metabòliques, calorimetria indirecta, balanç carboni nitrogen i càlculs integrals van ser les eines utilitzades per a un aproximació de la partició energètica. Es va realitzar una aproximació de divisió de producció de calor. L'EM para manteniment es va estimar en 354 kJ/kg PV0.75 / dia, en mitjana per a les dues races. Les diferències en la taxa metabòlica basal entre les races va ser de 2 / Criscioni Ferreira, PF. (2016). Application of an open circuit indirect calorimetry system for gaseous exchange measurements in small ruminant nutrition [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/64069 / Compendio
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Relações entre eficiência alimentar e características de carcaça, qualidade de carne, batimentos cardíacos e consumo de oxigênio em bovinos / Relationships between feed efficiency and carcass characteristics, meat quality, heart rate and oxygen consumption in beef cattleChaves, Amália Saturnino 04 October 2013 (has links)
O interesse quanto ao uso de índices de eficiência alimentar na seleção de bovinos é crescente, pela sua associação com o custo de produção e impacto ambiental. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar dois índices de eficiência, o consumo alimentar residual (CAR) e consumo e ganho residual (CGR) e suas relações com desempenho, características de carcaça, qualidade de carne, batimentos cardíacos e consumo de oxigênio em bovinos Nelore. Foram avaliados 84 animais para desempenho, peso de carcaça, rendimento, área de olho de lombo, espessura de gordura subcutânea, peso de vísceras e gordura interna. Foi avaliada a qualidade da carne de amostras não maturadas e maturadas (pH, força de cisalhamento, cor, perdas por cocção, capacidade de retenção de água, índice de fragmentação miofibrilar e gordura intramuscular). Para estimar a produção de calor (PC) pela metodologia do Pulso de O2 (O2P), 39 animais foram monitorados para frequência cardíaca, que foi calibrada para consumo de O2 em 18 deles. A PC foi estimada multiplicando-se o total de batimentos cardíacos diários pelo volume de O2/batimento e pela constante 4,89 kcal/LO2. Foram estudados os coeficientes de inclinação das retas entre CAR e CGR e as variáveis estudadas. O CAR não foi associado com o peso vivo e ganho de peso (P>0,05), porém animais eficientes consumiram 16,1% menos alimento (P<0,0001). Animais eficientes para CGR apresentaram consumo 11,7% menor e ganharam mais peso (P<0,01). O CGR não foi associado ao peso vivo metabólico médio (P>0,05), contudo foi associado ao peso vivo final (P=0,06). A PC estimada pela diferença entre energia retida e consumo de energia metabolizável foi maior nos animais ineficientes (P<0,0001), porém não foi diferente quando estimada pela metodologia do O2P (P>0,05). A frequência cardíaca (FC) e consumo de O2 não foram associados ao CAR e CGR (P>0,05), contudo a FC foi menor nos animais eficientes durante a calibração do O2 (P<0,05). Ambos os índices foram associados com mudanças na composição corporal; animais eficientes para CAR apresentaram menor teor de gordura subcutânea avaliada por ultrassom (P=0,08), e os eficientes para CGR apresentaram maior AOL (P<0,05). As características de qualidade da carne não foram associadas ao CAR, mas animais eficientes para CGR apresentaram intensidade da cor vermelha na carne menor e na gordura maior (P<0,05). Animais eficientes quanto ao CAR apresentaram menor peso de fígado e de gordura interna (P<0,05) sendo este efeito não observado para CGR. Os animais eficientes em ambos, CAR e CGR, apresentaram menor custo de produção resultando em aumento no lucro (P<0,01). O lucro foi fortemente associado à conversão alimentar, CGR e ganho de peso (r=-0,812; 0,72 e 0,61; P<0,0001) enquanto sua associação com CAR foi menor (r=-0,46; P<0,0001). As correlações fenotípicas sugerem que seleção de animais eficientes para CAR ou CGR pode reduzir custos na produção de bovinos de corte, com alteração na coloração da carne. O lucro tem maior correlação com o CGR que com CAR. Porém o CGR tem a possível desvantagem de ser fenotipicamente associado ao maior peso final o que pode indicar uma correlação genética para peso adulto. / There is growing interest in the use of feed efficiency in beef cattle, due to its relationship to production costs and environmental impact. Identification of variation in energy losses can explain differences in efficiency. The objective of this study was to evaluate measures of feed efficiency (residual feed intake - RFI and residual intake and gain _ RIG) and their relationships with performance, carcass characteristics, meat quality, heart rate and oxygen use in Nellore bulls. A group of 84 animals were evaluated for performance, carcass characteristics (weight, yield, loin eye area, fat thickness, weight of visceral and internal fat) and meat quality in fresh and aged meat samples (pH, shear force, cooking loss, water retention capacity, myofibrilar fragmentation index and intramuscular fat). To estimate heat production (HP) by O2 pulse methodology (O2P), 39 animals were monitored for heart rate (HR). A subgroup of 18 animals which was calibrated for O2 consumption determined over in 18 of them. HP was estimated multiplying daily heart beats by O2 volume per beat, assuming 4.89 kcal/LO2 as constant. The slope coefficient for each variable against RFI and RIG was studied. There was no association of RFI with weight (P>0.05) and weight gain (P>0.05), but efficient animals consumed 16.1% less feed (P<0.0001). Efficient animals for RIG consumed 11.7% less food (P<0.0001), but gained more weight than inefficient animals (P<0.01). There was no association between RIG and average metabolic weight (P>0.05), however RIG was related to final weight (P=0.06). HP estimated by the difference between retained energy and metabolic energy intake was higher for inefficient animals (P<0.001), for both RFI and RIG. However there was no effect on HP estimated by the O2P methodology (P>0.05). Heart rate (HR) and O2 consumption were not associated with RFI and RIG (P>0.05), but HR was lower in efficient animals during O2 calibration (P<0.05). There was a positive association of efficiency with a leaner gain composition, where efficient animals for RFI had of lower ultrasound subcutaneous fat (P=0.08), while efficient animals for RIG had higher loin eye area (P<0.05). There was no effect on meat quality parameters for RFI but in efficient animals for RIG, there was an effect on meat and fat color (P<0.05) compared to inefficient animals. Internal fat and liver weights were decreased in efficient animals according to RFI (P<0.05), but unchanged according to RIG (P>0.05). Efficient animals for RFI and RIG had lower cost of production resulting in increased profit (P<0.01). Profit was strongly associated with feed intake, RIG and weight gain (r =-0.81, 0.72 and 0.61, P<0.0001), whereas its association with RFI was lower (r =-0.46, P<0.0001). Efficient animals for RFI and RIG are more profitable with small decreases in fat and small increases in muscle content. Profit is better related to RIG than RFI. However, RIG had the disadvantage of increasing final test weight which could be genetically associated with mature weight.
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Improving triplet lamb survival in New Zealand : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Animal Science at Massey University, Palmerston North, New ZealandKerslake, Joanne Isabel January 2010 (has links)
This thesis sets out to identify physical and physiological differences between lambs of different birth ranks at birth, and to use this information to identify practical on-farm management strategies which could improve triplet-born lamb survival. Triplet-born lambs, especially the lightest-triplet-born lambs, not only had a greater capacity to lose heat but also had a reduced capacity to produce heat when compared to twin-born lambs. Due to their lighter birth weights, triplet-born lambs had lower plasma thyroxine (T4) concentrations within the first 24 hours of life than twin-born lambs, and within twin- and triplet-born litters, the lightest- and medium-triplet-born lambs had greater plasma lactate concentrations than all twin-born lambs and the heaviest-triplet-born lambs. Independent of lamb birth weight, triplet-born lambs had lower plasma tri-iodothyronine (T3) concentrations within five minutes of birth, and within twin- and triplet-born litters, the lightest- and medium-triplet-born lambs had lower plasma T4 and T3 concentrations within five minutes of birth than all twin-born lambs and the heaviest-triplet-born lambs. It was hypothesised that because triplet-born lambs had a lighter birth weight and lower plasma thyroid hormone concentrations, they would have inadequate thermoregulatory capabilities when compared to twin-born lambs. The lower rectal temperatures of triplet-born lambs within the first hour of life and the lower heat production on a per lamb basis at 24 to 36 hours of age, and the lack of difference in maximum heat production on a per kg of birth weight basis at 24 to 36 hours of age support this hypothesis. Two practical on-farm management strategies trialled in this thesis to improve triplet-born lamb thermoregulation were offering concentrate supplement during late pregnancy to improve lamb birth weights, and maternal iodine supplementation to improve lamb plasma thyroid hormone concentrations. While offering concentrate showed positive effects such as increasing lamb birth weights, colostrum uptake and triplet-born lamb heat production on a per kg of birth weight basis, the results were either inconsistent across experiments or between birth ranks suggesting additional work is required to determine the repeatability and cost effectiveness of these findings. Maternal iodine supplementation offered no iv | P a g e benefits in terms of lamb birth weights, plasma thyroid hormone concentrations or lamb heat production. Further investigations identified that lamb birth weights, thyroid hormone concentrations, glucose and NEFA concentrations are positively associated with maximum heat production at 24 to 36 hours of age. Practical on-farm management strategies which could target these physical and physiological factors may improve triplet-born lamb heat production, and therefore the survival rates of triplet-born lambs.
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Relações entre eficiência alimentar e características de carcaça, qualidade de carne, batimentos cardíacos e consumo de oxigênio em bovinos / Relationships between feed efficiency and carcass characteristics, meat quality, heart rate and oxygen consumption in beef cattleAmália Saturnino Chaves 04 October 2013 (has links)
O interesse quanto ao uso de índices de eficiência alimentar na seleção de bovinos é crescente, pela sua associação com o custo de produção e impacto ambiental. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar dois índices de eficiência, o consumo alimentar residual (CAR) e consumo e ganho residual (CGR) e suas relações com desempenho, características de carcaça, qualidade de carne, batimentos cardíacos e consumo de oxigênio em bovinos Nelore. Foram avaliados 84 animais para desempenho, peso de carcaça, rendimento, área de olho de lombo, espessura de gordura subcutânea, peso de vísceras e gordura interna. Foi avaliada a qualidade da carne de amostras não maturadas e maturadas (pH, força de cisalhamento, cor, perdas por cocção, capacidade de retenção de água, índice de fragmentação miofibrilar e gordura intramuscular). Para estimar a produção de calor (PC) pela metodologia do Pulso de O2 (O2P), 39 animais foram monitorados para frequência cardíaca, que foi calibrada para consumo de O2 em 18 deles. A PC foi estimada multiplicando-se o total de batimentos cardíacos diários pelo volume de O2/batimento e pela constante 4,89 kcal/LO2. Foram estudados os coeficientes de inclinação das retas entre CAR e CGR e as variáveis estudadas. O CAR não foi associado com o peso vivo e ganho de peso (P>0,05), porém animais eficientes consumiram 16,1% menos alimento (P<0,0001). Animais eficientes para CGR apresentaram consumo 11,7% menor e ganharam mais peso (P<0,01). O CGR não foi associado ao peso vivo metabólico médio (P>0,05), contudo foi associado ao peso vivo final (P=0,06). A PC estimada pela diferença entre energia retida e consumo de energia metabolizável foi maior nos animais ineficientes (P<0,0001), porém não foi diferente quando estimada pela metodologia do O2P (P>0,05). A frequência cardíaca (FC) e consumo de O2 não foram associados ao CAR e CGR (P>0,05), contudo a FC foi menor nos animais eficientes durante a calibração do O2 (P<0,05). Ambos os índices foram associados com mudanças na composição corporal; animais eficientes para CAR apresentaram menor teor de gordura subcutânea avaliada por ultrassom (P=0,08), e os eficientes para CGR apresentaram maior AOL (P<0,05). As características de qualidade da carne não foram associadas ao CAR, mas animais eficientes para CGR apresentaram intensidade da cor vermelha na carne menor e na gordura maior (P<0,05). Animais eficientes quanto ao CAR apresentaram menor peso de fígado e de gordura interna (P<0,05) sendo este efeito não observado para CGR. Os animais eficientes em ambos, CAR e CGR, apresentaram menor custo de produção resultando em aumento no lucro (P<0,01). O lucro foi fortemente associado à conversão alimentar, CGR e ganho de peso (r=-0,812; 0,72 e 0,61; P<0,0001) enquanto sua associação com CAR foi menor (r=-0,46; P<0,0001). As correlações fenotípicas sugerem que seleção de animais eficientes para CAR ou CGR pode reduzir custos na produção de bovinos de corte, com alteração na coloração da carne. O lucro tem maior correlação com o CGR que com CAR. Porém o CGR tem a possível desvantagem de ser fenotipicamente associado ao maior peso final o que pode indicar uma correlação genética para peso adulto. / There is growing interest in the use of feed efficiency in beef cattle, due to its relationship to production costs and environmental impact. Identification of variation in energy losses can explain differences in efficiency. The objective of this study was to evaluate measures of feed efficiency (residual feed intake - RFI and residual intake and gain _ RIG) and their relationships with performance, carcass characteristics, meat quality, heart rate and oxygen use in Nellore bulls. A group of 84 animals were evaluated for performance, carcass characteristics (weight, yield, loin eye area, fat thickness, weight of visceral and internal fat) and meat quality in fresh and aged meat samples (pH, shear force, cooking loss, water retention capacity, myofibrilar fragmentation index and intramuscular fat). To estimate heat production (HP) by O2 pulse methodology (O2P), 39 animals were monitored for heart rate (HR). A subgroup of 18 animals which was calibrated for O2 consumption determined over in 18 of them. HP was estimated multiplying daily heart beats by O2 volume per beat, assuming 4.89 kcal/LO2 as constant. The slope coefficient for each variable against RFI and RIG was studied. There was no association of RFI with weight (P>0.05) and weight gain (P>0.05), but efficient animals consumed 16.1% less feed (P<0.0001). Efficient animals for RIG consumed 11.7% less food (P<0.0001), but gained more weight than inefficient animals (P<0.01). There was no association between RIG and average metabolic weight (P>0.05), however RIG was related to final weight (P=0.06). HP estimated by the difference between retained energy and metabolic energy intake was higher for inefficient animals (P<0.001), for both RFI and RIG. However there was no effect on HP estimated by the O2P methodology (P>0.05). Heart rate (HR) and O2 consumption were not associated with RFI and RIG (P>0.05), but HR was lower in efficient animals during O2 calibration (P<0.05). There was a positive association of efficiency with a leaner gain composition, where efficient animals for RFI had of lower ultrasound subcutaneous fat (P=0.08), while efficient animals for RIG had higher loin eye area (P<0.05). There was no effect on meat quality parameters for RFI but in efficient animals for RIG, there was an effect on meat and fat color (P<0.05) compared to inefficient animals. Internal fat and liver weights were decreased in efficient animals according to RFI (P<0.05), but unchanged according to RIG (P>0.05). Efficient animals for RFI and RIG had lower cost of production resulting in increased profit (P<0.01). Profit was strongly associated with feed intake, RIG and weight gain (r =-0.81, 0.72 and 0.61, P<0.0001), whereas its association with RFI was lower (r =-0.46, P<0.0001). Efficient animals for RFI and RIG are more profitable with small decreases in fat and small increases in muscle content. Profit is better related to RIG than RFI. However, RIG had the disadvantage of increasing final test weight which could be genetically associated with mature weight.
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Využití odpadní biomasy pro výrobu elektrické energie / Utilization of waste biomass for power generationSmarž, Patrik January 2015 (has links)
Diploma thesis, in its introduction, describes the expression biomass and the ways of its production from various sources, focused particularly on waste biomass In the following part it deals with the description of its origin and the advantages of its usage. It describes the usage of biomass in the world as well as in the Slovak Republic. It also looks into the possibilities of processing of biomass and the following use at heat and electricity production. In its last part this work describes, on particular examples, the usage of biomass in electricity and heat production, from businesses with high power to its usage in houses.
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Obnovitelné zdroje v České republice / Renewable source in CRŠkvařil, Jan January 2008 (has links)
Master’s thesis focuses on renewable and alternative energy sources and their operation in the Czech Republic. First part of this work deals with legislative support of the renewable energy sources and with other related documents. Next chapters describe each kind of renewable energy sources and their contemporary energy market share. In this work there are also economic analyses of electricity and eventually heat productions which are produced on concrete plants by sources using renewable energy. There is a comparison between regular and renewable energy sources in the next chapter. Final evaluation of different energy sources and their possibilities of using are described in the final part of the thesis.
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Simulering av off-grid-lösning till flytande småhus : En undersökning av möjlig självförsörjningQvicker, Erik January 2020 (has links)
Det här arbetet gjordes i samarbete med organisationen Stockholm Tiny House Expo. Syftet med arbetet var att försöka ta fram en fungerande off-grid-lösning för uppvärmning och elproduktion, för en specifik typ av småhus med två våningar. Femton småhus kommer placeras på en flytande plattform i vattnet utanför Kastellholmen i Stockholm till en utställning år 2022. Simuleringarna utfördes på ett sådant hus under premissen att en eventuell lösning skulle vara applicerbar på samtliga småhus. Det var på förhand inte givet att en fullständig lösning skulle påträffas, eller vilken metod som skulle vara mest lyckad. Off-grid-lösningen undersöktes genom simuleringar i programvaran IDA Indoor Climate and Energy. Arbetet innefattade dimensionering av husets klimatskal, värmesystem samt system för elproduktion och energilagring. Först konstruerades en enkel modell av huset. Två olika värmesystem undersöktes. Den ena modellen använde en pelletspanna för värmeproduktion och den andra modellen använde en värmepump med sjövärme som värmekälla. I båda modellerna arbetade värmeproducenterna mot en ackumulatortank, vars vatten värmdes och sedan försåg husets tre radiatorer med varmvatten. Båda modellerna använde ett kompletterande FTX-system för uppvärmning. Målet med uppvärmningen var att på årlig basis förse huset med värme motsvarande dess effektbehov, för att hålla en jämn inomhustemperatur. Båda modellerna lyckades upprätthålla en medelinnetemperatur nära förvald temperatur på 21℃ _under höst och vinter. Ingen hänsyn togs till kylning av huset vilket resulterade i att innetemperaturen steg under sommaren. För elproduktion dimensionerades en solcellsanläggning som kompletterades med energilagringskapacitet från ett solcellsbatteri. Målet var att förse huset med en elenergi motsvarande en normal årsförbrukning för hus av den storleken samt elenergi för att driva ventilationssystemets fläktar. I värmepumpmodellen behövde även värmepumpen förses med elenergi vid drift. När hänsyn togs till energibalansen under ett år kunde ingen av modellerna förses med elenergi under hela vinterhalvåret. Detta berodde på att elförbrukningen var större än vad solcellsanläggningen tillsammans med batterilager tillförde systemet under samma period. Pelletsmodellen klarade av att vara off-grid under cirka åtta månader av året, med undantag för årets två första och sista månader. Värmepumpmodellen klarade endast av att vara off-grid under vår och sommar.
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Experimentální ověření stability kapalinových soustav / Experimental validation of stability of hydraulic systemsPetrůjová, Hana January 2015 (has links)
Dissertation thesis falls within the area of indoor climate and deals with a hydraulics of heating systems, mainly with the hydraulic separator. This earlier widely used element of the heating system, which hydraulically separates heat source and heat appliance, is nowadays in the heating systems based on condensation technologies inappropriate, as the results obtained from experimental measurements show. This findings also well correlate with own theoretical solution based on the calorimetric equation. Conclusion of the dissertation thesis shows fact that in case of imbalance flow rate between heat source and heat appliance adverse warming of return pipe water in the heating system with hydraulics separátor is caused. This effect in practice reduces the efficiency of heat production and expected condensation process of flue gas is discontinued.
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