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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

High-involvement work systems : their effect on employee turnover and organisational performance in New Zealand organisations

Doody, Sarah-jane P. January 2007 (has links)
Organisations can create a competitive advantage through the way they design their human resource systems. High involvement work systems are considered to be a way to increase organisational performance and decrease employee turnover. However, the components involved are difficult and complex to define, and the synergy amongst the different components hard to evaluate. The literature suggests that the research is not uniform in its approach, and most research does not clearly define the variables involved or agree on the expected results of such systems. This research looks at high involvement work systems in the New Zealand organisational context, and relating these systems to employee turnover and organisational performance. The results of the study suggest that there does not appear to be a relationship between high involvement work systems, and employee turnover and organisational performance; but high involvement systems may contribute to increased labour productivity in New Zealand organisations.

The influence of and interaction between socialization agents in the child-consumers purchasing process.

Rubil, Dijana, Schöld, Caroline January 2010 (has links)
In several years researchers have focused on identifying different socialization agents that influence the child consumer in the purchasing process. These studies have identified parents, friends and peers, television, role models, and different virtual communities as socialization agents. However, there is still no understanding of how the socialization agents are integrated in the decision-making process. The purpose is therefore to identify how the child-consumers are influenced by different sources in their decision-making process, and recognise the socialization agents’ interaction as influencers. The authors have found that there is a continuous interaction between the socialization agents in the decision-making process. The socialization agents, such as parents, siblings, friends and peers, television, role models and virtual communities, separately influence the adolescents in the purchasing process, however, the adolescents do not only take into consideration the opinion of one socialization agent but rather they use all of them. The authors have also found that the socialization agents act as support systems to other socialization agents, this in both influence and credibility.

Green Race! A Conjoint Analysis in High Involvement Purchase Decision Process ­­­- In Context of Green Cars in Sweden

Chowdhury, Mahzabin, Salam, Khan January 2011 (has links)
Environment and its conservation is one of the key issues across the globe these days. It is even more important in the Scandinavian region.Swedenis one of the leading pro-environment nations in the world when it comes to environment-friendly or green automobiles. Introducing emissions tax, green car rebate, and congestion tax exemption for green cars on large cities have resulted in a surge of green car sales inSwedenover the past few years. The preferences of the Swedish green car consumers are examined in this study.   Consumer decision process and preferences related theories have been used for the theoretical understanding of this study and based on these understandings, the Adaptive Choice Based Conjoint Analysis has been selected to measure and understand the consumer preferences towards green cars. The Swedish green car market has been explained and understood as a prerequisite to conduct this study. Examinations of previous related studies, a small scale pre-screening survey, and expert interviews were carried out prior to formulating the conjoint experiment to ensure the inclusion of significant components into the study. The collected data were analyzed using advanced analysis software such as, SSI Web, SMRT, and SPSS, to understand and measure consumer preferences. The findings provide answers to the importance of different attributes in the purchase decision-making for green cars, the effect of each attribute to the decision-making process, the effect of prior purchase experience on the formation of preference, and the relationship between consumer’s green consciousness level and green decision-making process.   This study contributes to the theoretical field of green consumer behavior and to the practical field of marketing of green cars. The study also identifies and recommends key areas of interest that warrant further research.   Key Words: High Involvement Purchase, Green Consumer Behavior, Conjoint Analysis, Adaptive Choice Based Conjoint Analysis (ACBC), Green Preference, Green Car.

The influence of and interaction between socialization agents in the child-consumers purchasing process.

Rubil, Dijana, Schöld, Caroline January 2010 (has links)
<p>In several years researchers have focused on identifying different socialization agents that influence the child consumer in the purchasing process. These studies have identified parents, friends and peers, television, role models, and different virtual communities as socialization agents. However, there is still no understanding of how the socialization agents are integrated in the decision-making process.</p><p>The purpose is therefore to identify how the child-consumers are influenced by different sources in their decision-making process, and recognise the socialization agents’ interaction as influencers.</p><p>The authors have found that there is a continuous interaction between the socialization agents in the decision-making process. The socialization agents, such as parents, siblings, friends and peers, television, role models and virtual communities, separately influence the adolescents in the purchasing process, however, the adolescents do not only take into consideration the opinion of one socialization agent but rather they use all of them. The authors have also found that the socialization agents act as support systems to other socialization agents, this in both influence and credibility.</p><p> </p>

Generation Z as Influencers of Today andCustomers of the Future : A quantitative study based on the Theory of Planned Behavior Model with the context of High Involvement Products and the New-Car Market

Wendt, Henrik Alexander, Farhadi, Hiva January 2022 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of the paper is to find solutions to increase the purchase intention of HIP’s and encourage Generation Z to influence todays’ customers to buy online as well as to purchase in future online when they become relevant customers in the new-car market, and to enable car manufacturers to use the potential of increased margins and sales, of online shopping in the car industry. Design/Methodology/Approach: The structure was followed by a deductive approach. Moreover, a quantitative approach was applied in the form of a questionnaire based on 5 hypotheses with 200 valid responses. The programs for the analysis are AMOS-SEM. Findings: Evidence has shown a positive relationship between variables in the hypotheses.The attitude and subjective norms, affected by behavioral beliefs and normative beliefs, of Generation Z affected the purchase intention of Generation Z, towards online purchase of HIP’s, positively and enabled them to act as influencers. Research Contributions/Limitations: The contribution highlights that, Generation Z as influencers of today and the future customer, could change consumer behavior towards online purchase of HIP’s, which help car manufacturers improve their online sales and grow their business. The research is limited to 200 people that are representative for Generation Z. Practical Implications: The results contribute important insights of selling HIP's online to Generation Z. Furthermore, the implications are developed to decrease the perceived risk of buying cars online. Value: The study about Generation Z, as influencers of today and future customers for online purchase of HIP's and specifically cars, indicated that there is a lack of scientific studies on this specific field. Therefore, the value of the study is based on new findings to help car manufacturers create a better experience for customers and increase their online sales on the new-car market. Keywords: E-commerce, Customer Experience In Online Shopping, Generation Z, Consumer Behavior Toward Online Shopping, High Involvement Products, New-Car Market

Especificación del modelo de habilidades, motivación y oportunidades (AMO) como multiplicativo o aditivo y comprobación de su validez en su aplicación a las prácticas de alta implicación de recursos humanos enfocadas a la mejora continua

Martínez Tomás, Juan 23 January 2023 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] El objetivo principal de la presente tesis es dilucidar los aspectos del modelo de habilidades, motivación y oportunidades (modelo AMO) que permitan determinar la relación que existe entre las prácticas de RRHH y la mejora de los resultados a nivel organizacional o individual. El objetivo se vehicula a través de preguntas de investigación específicas. Además, a través de métodos estadísticos evaluamos el alcance y difusión de los sistemas de alta implicación en el contexto laboral español, que posee unas particularidades específicas. Finalmente, investigamos qué modelo de interacción predice mejor la satisfacción laboral a nivel individual, el sumativo o el multiplicativo, lo cual constituye una de las grandes cuestiones no resueltas hasta la fecha. De nuestra investigación se desprende que el modelo AMO proporciona una estructura apropiada para explorar la relación entre la gestión de RRHH y los resultados a distintos niveles. Muchas investigaciones articulan sus análisis en base a las agrupaciones de prácticas planteadas por el modelo, y numerosos estudios confirman los efectos positivos de los sistemas de alta implicación. Sin embargo, no existe un consenso claro que permita generalizar los resultados y establecer una metodología única. De acuerdo con nuestra investigación, existen dos razones. En primer lugar, hay una gran variedad de enfoques metodológicos, que conducen a resultados muy diversos. Por otro lado, el modelo AMO se integra en un sistema de relaciones complejo, donde además de los mecanismos que moderan las relaciones internas de los sistemas de RRHH y los resultados, operan otros factores organizacionales, personales y externos. Puesto que existen múltiples realidades, definir políticas que garanticen un modelo de gestión único que se adapte a cualquier situación es complejo. Sin embargo, las evidencias demostradas en la literatura juegan sin duda un papel relevante a la hora de tomar decisiones. Con respecto a la difusión y grado de uso de los sistemas de RRHH en el contexto español, nuestros resultados indican que existe poca influencia de incentivos económicos basados en el rendimiento, quizás debido a la rigidez de la legislación laboral. Los modelos planteados, relacionados con la aplicación formal de sistemas de alta implicación tampoco predicen en gran medida los resultados individuales, aunque sí apuntan a que la categoría de habilidades, y en menor medida la de oportunidades tienen un efecto mayor sobre la satisfacción laboral. Sin embargo, observamos que muchos empleados tienen percepciones positivas en relación con la capacidad de participación, el trabajo en equipo, el intercambio de información, o la formación en el puesto de trabajo, que podrían no estar vinculadas con el diseño y la implantación formal de sistemas de RRHH. En este sentido, algunos estudios evidencian las diferencias entre España y otros países de referencia en relación con la utilización de prácticas de alta implicación. Esta tesis ofrece diversas contribuciones. En primer lugar, realizamos una síntesis exhaustiva de las características del modelo AMO y sus implicaciones teóricas y prácticas, y señalamos los aspectos que dificultan la generalización de resultados. En segundo lugar, analizamos el grado de uso de los sistemas de alta implicación en el contexto español, señalando las posibles carencias. Nuestras conclusiones pueden fomentar el desarrollo de medidas para incrementar la participación de los empleados, así como para romper las barreras que ralentizan la implantación de los sistemas de alta implicación. Por último, evaluamos la validez de los enfoques sumativo y multiplicativo del modelo para predecir la satisfacción laboral. Contribuimos de este modo al creciente interés por las percepciones de los empleados y los resultados a nivel individual, así como a la conveniencia de explorar enfoques distintos al aditivo para confirmar las supuestas sinergias de los sistemas de alta implicación. / [CA] L'objectiu principal de la present tesi és dilucidar els aspectes del model d'habilitats, motivació i oportunitats (model AMO) que permeten determinar la relació que existeix entre les pràctiques de RRHH i la millora dels resultats a nivell organitzacional o individual. L'objectiu es vehicula a través de preguntes d'investigació específiques. A més, a través de mètodes estadístics avaluem l'abast i difusió dels sistemes d'alta implicació en el context laboral espanyol, que posseeix unes particularitats específiques. Finalment, investiguem quin model d'interacció prediu millor la satisfacció laboral a nivell individual, el sumatiu o el multiplicador, la qual cosa constitueix una de les grans qüestions no resoltes fins hui. De la nostra investigació es desprén que el model AMO proporciona una estructura apropiada per a explorar la relació entre la gestió de RRHH i els resultats a diferents nivells. Moltes investigacions articulen les seues anàlisis sobre la base de les agrupacions de pràctiques plantejades pel model, i nombrosos estudis confirmen els efectes positius dels sistemes d'alta implicació. No obstant això, no existeix un consens clar que permeta generalitzar els resultats i establir una metodologia única. D'acord amb la nostra investigació, existeixen dues raons. En primer lloc, hi ha una gran varietat d'enfocaments metodològics, que condueixen a resultats molt diversos. D'altra banda, el model AMO s'integra en un sistema de relacions complex, on a més dels mecanismes que moderen les relacions internes dels sistemes de RRHH i els resultats, operen altres factors organitzacionals, personals i externs. Com que existeixen múltiples realitats, definir polítiques que garantisquen un model de gestió únic que s'adapte a qualsevol situació és complex. No obstant això, les evidències demostrades en la literatura juguen sens dubte un paper rellevant a l'hora de prendre decisions. Respecte a la difusió i grau d'ús dels sistemes de RRHH en el context espanyol, observem diversos aspectes. Els nostres resultats indiquen que existeix poca influència d'incentius econòmics basats en el rendiment, potser a causa de la rigidesa de la legislació laboral. Els models plantejats, relacionats amb l'aplicació formal de sistemes d'alta implicació tampoc prediuen en gran manera els resultats individuals, encara que sí que apunten al fet que la categoria d'habilitats, i en menor mesura la d'oportunitats tenen un efecte major sobre la satisfacció laboral. No obstant això, observem que molts empleats tenen percepcions positives en relació amb la capacitat de participació, el treball en equip, l'intercanvi d'informació, o la formació en el lloc de treball, que podrien no estar vinculades amb el disseny i la implantació formal de sistemes de RRHH. En aquest sentit, alguns estudis evidencien les diferències entre Espanya i altres països de referència en relació amb la utilització de pràctiques d'alta implicació. Aquesta tesi ofereix diverses contribucions. En primer lloc, realitzem una síntesi exhaustiva de les característiques del model AMO i les seues implicacions teòriques i pràctiques, i assenyalem els aspectes que dificulten la generalització de resultats. En segon lloc, analitzem el grau d'ús dels sistemes d'alta implicació en el context espanyol, assenyalant les possibles mancances. Les nostres conclusions poden fomentar el desenvolupament de mesures per a incrementar la participació dels empleats, així com per a trencar les barreres que alenteixen la implantació dels sistemes d'alta implicació. Finalment, avaluem la validesa dels enfocaments sumatiu i multiplicador del model per a predir la satisfacció laboral. Contribuïm d'aquesta manera al creixent interés per les percepcions dels empleats i els resultats a nivell individual, així com a la conveniència d'explorar enfocaments diferents a l'additiu per a confirmar les suposades sinergies dels sistemes d'alta implicació. / [EN] The main objective of this thesis is to elucidate the aspects of the abilities, motivation, and opportunities model (AMO model) that allow determining the relationship between HR practices and organizational or individual results improvement. The objective is conveyed through specific research questions. In addition, we assess the scope of high-involvement work systems (HIWS) in the Spanish labour context, which has specific particularities. Finally, we compare the predictive capacity of the summative and multiplicative approaches at the individual level, which is one of the unresolved questions to date. Our research shows that the AMO model provides an appropriate structure for exploring the relationship between HR management and outcomes at different levels. Many studies articulate their analyses based on the groupings of practices proposed by the model, and numerous studies confirm the positive effects of HIWS. However, there is no clear consensus to generalize the results and establish a single methodology. According to our research, there are two main reasons. First, there is a wide range of methodological approaches, which lead to very mixed results. On the other hand, the AMO model is integrated into a complex system of relationships, where in addition to the mechanisms that moderate the internal relationships of HR systems and the results, other organizational, personal, and external factors that shape these relationships operate. Since there are multiple realities, defining policies guaranteeing a single management model that adapts to any situation is complex. However, the evidence demonstrated in the HR literature undoubtedly plays an important role when making decisions. We observe several facets regarding the use of HR systems in the Spanish context. Our results indicate little influence of performance-based incentives, perhaps due to the rigidity of labour legislation. Concerning the formal implementation of HIWS, our proposed models do not predict, to a large extent, variations in job satisfaction, although abilities and opportunities categories have greater effects than motivation. Nevertheless, many employees have positive perceptions regarding engagement, teamwork, information sharing, or on-the-job training, which may not be linked to the formal implementation of HR systems. In this sense, some studies show differences between Spain and other reference countries concerning the use of HIWP. This thesis offers several contributions. First, we offer an exhaustive synthesis of the AMO model features and its theoretical and practical implications, and we point out the aspects that hinder the generalization of results. In-depth knowledge of the model acts as a guide for future research. Secondly, we analyse the degree of use of HIWS in the Spanish context, pointing out the possible shortcomings. Our conclusions may promote the development of policies to increase employee autonomy and participation, job satisfaction, and competitiveness, as well as to break down the institutional and cultural barriers that slow the implementation of HIWS. Finally, we assess the validity of the model's summative and multiplicative approaches to predicting job satisfaction. We thus contribute to the growing interest in employee perceptions and outcomes at the individual level and the desirability of exploring approaches other than additive to confirm the supposed synergies of HIWS. / Martínez Tomás, J. (2022). Especificación del modelo de habilidades, motivación y oportunidades (AMO) como multiplicativo o aditivo y comprobación de su validez en su aplicación a las prácticas de alta implicación de recursos humanos enfocadas a la mejora continua [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/191463 / Compendio

Avaliação do processo de compra de alto envolvimento : aplicação da escala Consumer Styles Inventory ao mercado brasileiro de veículos comerciais leves / Evaluation of the process of purchase of high involvement: application of the scale Consumer Styles Inventory to the Brazilian market of light commercial vehicles

Baldini, Ana Paula Teixeira 22 March 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Adriana Alves Rodrigues (aalves@espm.br) on 2017-11-22T12:41:30Z No. of bitstreams: 1 ANA PAULA TEIXEIRA BALDINI.pdf: 3710864 bytes, checksum: 138420c4029a61f1d93cdc63b5865011 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Alves Rodrigues (aalves@espm.br) on 2017-11-22T12:42:00Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 ANA PAULA TEIXEIRA BALDINI.pdf: 3710864 bytes, checksum: 138420c4029a61f1d93cdc63b5865011 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ana Cristina Ropero (ana@espm.br) on 2017-11-22T13:00:44Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 ANA PAULA TEIXEIRA BALDINI.pdf: 3710864 bytes, checksum: 138420c4029a61f1d93cdc63b5865011 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-11-22T13:00:53Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ANA PAULA TEIXEIRA BALDINI.pdf: 3710864 bytes, checksum: 138420c4029a61f1d93cdc63b5865011 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-03-22 / Evaluate buying process from consumer behavior perspective is key to develop effective marketing strategies. Its importance grows as the involvement increases and decision process is perceived as riskier and more complex, especially in the search for information. In this scenario, this dissertation presents an involvement measurement for a specific category purchase: light commercial vehicles. The target is to present also the decision style that the consumer adopts in the buying process, through a scale that captures cognitive and emotional factors, known as Consumer Styles Inventory or CSI. It is also evaluated the importance of recommendations sources as they play an important role in this context, impacting not only the style adopted, but also the final choice. Therefore, it is presented four consumer clusters, according to the styles adopted. It was highlighted involvement and importance of recommendations source in the buying process for the four groups. These goals were achieved through a survey collected from 311 Brazilian buyers of light commercial vehicles. The results confirm the relationship between the constructs decision styles and involvement, as well identifies the most important recommendation sources on the buying process, according to the four clusters. Management implications are also presented based not only on the analysis and results from the survey but also in the experience of field interviews. Based on analysis and results, it is recommended improvements on the scale due low internal consistency of four CSI factors. Besides that, opportunities related to further exploratory studies and transversal analysis are presented as relevant for the light commercial vehicle buying process. / Avaliar o processo de compra sob a perspectiva do comportamento do consumidor é fundamental para traçar estratégias de marketing efetivas. A importância dessa compreensão cresce na medida em que aumenta o envolvimento na compra, ou seja, a decisão é percebida como mais arriscada e o processo, mais complexo, principalmente no tocante à busca de informações. Nesse sentido, essa dissertação apresenta o mensuramento do envolvimento em uma compra de categoria específica: veículos comerciais leves. Busca-se explicitar o estilo que o mesmo adota nesse processo de decisão, por meio de uma escala que captura fatores cognitivos e emocionais, conhecida como Consumer Styles Inventory, ou CSI. Sabe-se que as fontes de recomendações têm papel importante nesse processo, impactando não somente o estilo adotado, mas também a escolha final. Assim, adicionalmente associou-se os estilos do consumidor, ao envolvimento e às fontes de recomendações importantes no processo de compra. Esses objetivos foram atingidos por meio de pesquisa quantitativa com uma amostra de 311 respondentes brasileiros consumidores de veículos comerciais leves, que gerou quatro grupos distintos de consumidores. Os resultados confirmaram o relacionamento entre os construtos estilos decisórios e envolvimento, bem como identificaram as fontes de informação mais importantes no processo de compra, apresentando-os de maneira segmentada. A aplicabilidade gerencial da dissertação é discorrida, a partir da pesquisa quantitativa, bem como a partir da experiência de entrevistas presenciais. Baseando-se nas análises e resultados, sugerem-se melhorias da escala para a categoria de produto, devido a baixa consistência interna de quatro fatores do CSI. Além disso, oportunidades relacionadas a estudos exploratórios e transversais são apresentados como relevantes para o contexto de compra de veículos comerciais leves.


林志宏, LIN,ZHI-HONG Unknown Date (has links)
台灣屬於島國經濟,對外貿易為主要命脈,近年來由於比較利益逐漸改變,國內資金 充裕,對外投資活動日漸增加;然而不論是國際貿易或是國際投資,勢必與當地國有 某種程度的接觸資源的涉入 (Involvement),在本研究中將依股權涉入程度分為: (一)高涉入(High Involvement)策略: 如:獨資經營(Wholly Owned)及合資經營 (Joint Venture)。 (二)低涉入(Low Involvement) 策略; 如:授權(Licensing) 契約生產(Contract Manufacturing)及出口。 此兩類國際市場進入策略,將視企業能力、企業之國際事務專業性、企業與當地熟悉 度、國外總體經濟環境、國外非經濟環境、國外產業環境、及產品特性等七個構面, 而有不同的策略選擇。 此外,將依不同之企業目的,歸類出不同策略群,以供企業進入國際市場時決策之參 考,並且依不同之企業內部狀況及外部環境所形成之優劣勢和機會威脅,產生進入國 際市場之策略矩陣。

Förstagångsköpare av högengagemangsprodukter : Hur de söker information och utvärderar alternativ / First-time buyers of high involvement products : How they search for information and evaluate alternatives

Rutgerson, Isabelle, Alm, Jessica, Liljhagen, Hampus January 2020 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to generate an understanding of first-time buyers of high involvement products, by examine how they search for information and evaluate alternatives. Three research questions were formulated to achieve the purpose of the study. Two of them concern first-time buyers’ behavior and the third one aims to answer if any possible explanations to their behavior could be identified. The study is based on theories within the research field of consumer behavior regarding purchase behavior, the consumer decision process, decision making style, involvement and knowledge along with uncertainty. In order to answer the purpose and the associated research questions, data was collected with a qualitative approach through semi structured interviews. The empirical data was analyzed by a thematic analysis, derived from a model based on the theoretical framework. The results of the study indicate that first-time buyers do not consider their internal information search adequate, and therefore search for further information externally. Their external information search tends to involve several sources. The sources credibility seems to be based on previous experiences from other situations. How they evaluate alternatives also seems to be influenced by previous use of cut-offs and decision rules, to simplify their decision making. Further the results argue that the stages search for information and evaluation of alternatives is rather integrated and iterative than detached. However, it appears that the decision-making style of first-time buyers of high involvement products differ in their degree of involvement, levels of knowledge and experienced uncertainty. Both the complex and the dissonance reducing buying behavior is occurring in first-time buyers of high involvement products. Additionally, the results indicate that tendencies of both a complex and dissonance reducing buying behavior could be identified in one individual.This study is written in Swedish. / Syftet med den här studien är att skapa en förståelse för förstagångsköpare av högengagemangsprodukter genom att undersöka hur de söker information och utvärderar alternativ. Tre forskningsfrågor formulerades utifrån studiens syfte, varav två rör förstagångsköpares beteende och den tredje ämnar ge svar på eventuella förklaringar till deras agerande. Studien utgår från teorier inom forskningsfältet för konsumentbeteende som berör köpbeteende, köpbeslutsprocessen, beslutsfattarstil, engagemang samt kunskap och osäkerhet. Med ett kvalitativt angreppssätt samlades data in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer för att ge svar på syftet med tillhörande forskningsfrågor. En modell togs fram baserat på den teoretiska referensramen som sedan låg till grund för en tematisk analys av empirin. Studiens resultat visar att förstagångsköpares interna informationssökning inte är tillräcklig vid högengagemangsköp, vilket resulterar i att ytterligare information söks externt. I den externa sökningen tenderar de att söka information från flera källor. Källornas trovärdighet verkar bedömas utifrån deras tidigare erfarenheter från andra sammanhang. Även utvärderingen influeras av tidigare tillämpning av brytpunkter och beslutsregler som underlättar beslutsfattandet. Det framgår också att stadierna informationssökning och utvärdering av alternativ snarare sker integrerat, i en iterativ process, än var för sig. Studiens resultat bekräftar att beslutsfattarstil, engagemang samt kunskaps- och osäkerhetsnivå influerar informationssöknings- och utvärderingsprocessen hos förstagångsköpare av högengagemangsprodukter. Däremot framgår det att förstagångsköpare av högengagemangsprodukter har olika beslutsfattarstil, grad av engagemang samt besitter olika nivåer av kunskap och upplever varierad grad av osäkerhet. Både ett komplext och dissonansreducerande köpbeteende förekommer hos förstagångsköpare av högengagemangsprodukter. Dessutom visar resultatet att det kan identifieras tendenser som tyder på både ett komplext och dissonansreducerande köpbeteende hos en och samma individ. Studien är skriven på svenska.

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