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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sobre taipas e textos: um estudo sobre as narrativas a respeito da cidade de São Paulo (1772 e 1953) / About taipas and text: a study about the narratives about São Paulo city (1772 a 1953)

Silva, Rodrigo da 17 August 2009 (has links)
Esta dissertação propõe-se a estudar a formação no decorrer de aproximadamente duzentos anos de algumas das idéias centrais da bibliografia tradicional que trata da história da cidade de São Paulo tais como a decadência e extrema pobreza ao longo do século XVIII e começo do XIX, a importância da implantação do Curso de Ciências Sociais na cidade em 1828 (no Convento de São Francisco), a rusticidade da cultura paulistana no mesmo período, a responsabilidade das descobertas das minas e das políticas coloniais para a miséria paulista. Em uma intrincada rede de interpretações, representações e apropriações estas idéias foram tecidas de modo errático, ainda que em alguma medida também acumulativo. Ao longo desse período autores chave deram contributos significativos para a construção de uma interpretação que já no século XX havia se tornado tão influente que não era vista senão fato. Pedro Taques (cujo trabalho concluiu em 1772), Frei Gaspar da Madre de Deus, Varnhagen, Capistrano de Abreu, Azevedo Marques, Afonso Taunay e Ernani da Silva Bruno (que encerra o período do presente estudo, ao lançar em 1953 História e tradições da cidade de São Paulo) foram alguns dos escritores que participaram dessa longa tessitura da história paulista, a qual nos permite também vislumbrar os complexos e longos processos que envolvem a escrita da história / This research is about the formation of some core ideas in the city of São Paulo`s traditional bibliography, in a period of about two hundred years. The aim of this work is to allow us better discern the complex and long processes that involve the writing of history. Topics as the city`s decadence and extreme poverty along the XVIII and beginning of the XIX centuries, the importance of the Social Science course`s implantation in the São Francisco convent in 1828, the rusticity of the Paulista culture in the same period, the colonial politics and the discovery of the mines as causes of the Paulista indigence are central to this research. The core ideas discussed herein were constructed in an erratic and, to an extent, cumulative way, in an intricate network of interpretations, representations and appropriations. Along the studied period, key authors contributed significantly in building an interpretation of what they saw; such interpretations being so influent that in the beginning of the XX they became facts. Pedro Taques (whose work was concluded in 1772), Frei Gaspar da Madre de Deus, Varnhaguen, Capistrano de Abreu, Azevedo Marques, Afonso Taunay and Ernani da Silva Bruno (who closes the period of this research with the release of History and Traditions in the City of São Paulo, in 1953) were some of the writers who took part in the long making of São Paulo`s history

Cartografia das relações: as condições da produção intelectual e os percursos da escrita histórica de Jaime Cortesão no Brasil (1940-1957) / Cartography of relationships: the conditions of intellectual production and paths of Jaime Cortesãos historical writing in Brazil (1940-1957)

Ribeiro, David William Aparecido 23 October 2015 (has links)
Jaime Cortesão (1884-1960) viveu no Brasil entre 1940 e 1957 e durante esse período constituiu grande parte de sua obra historiográfica. Emigrado de Portugal por pressão do salazarismo, desfrutou de condições bastante privilegiadas à sua produção intelectual, favorecidas tanto pelas instituições governamentais nas quais trabalhou quanto pelas relações que cultivou. A análise das condições de sua produção intelectual no Brasil permite iluminar questões da política cultural e da produção do conhecimento no contexto da Era Vargas. Considerando que identidade nacional, modernidade, interiorização do país eram alguns dos temas que mobilizavam a intelligentsia nacional, busco neste trabalho identificar as conexões entre os trabalhos de Cortesão e o intenso debate promovido dentro e fora do aparelho do Estado brasileiro. Neste aspecto, a sua atuação na Biblioteca Nacional e no Ministério das Relações Exteriores, ampliada por uma intensa colaboração na imprensa paulistana e carioca, suscita reflexões acerca dos percursos de sua escrita da história da colonização portuguesa. Do ponto de vista do autor, a ação colonizadora é protagonizada pelos bandeirantes e é criadora de uma família luso-tupi, de relações simbióticas entre colonos e nativos a partir do planalto paulista. Essas concepções, que se encontraram também na exposição histórica em comemoração ao quarto centenário da fundação da cidade de São Paulo (1954), organizada por Cortesão no conjunto de um amplo evento, local e nacionalmente significativo, permitiam a Portugal manter-se presente na identidade brasileira, bem como participar com relevo da celebração do ingresso do Brasil na modernidade. / Jaime Cortesão (1884-1960) lived in Brazil between 1940 and 1957 and during this period constituted most part of his historiographical work. Emigrated from Portugal by Salazar pressure, he has enjoyed quite privileged conditions to his intellectual production; both government institutions in which he worked as well as the relationships he has cultivated favored those conditions. The analysis of the conditions of his intellectual production in Brazil allows illuminate issues of cultural policy and production of knowledge in the context of Vargas government. Taking into consideration that national identity, modernity, the country internalization were some of the issues which mobilized the national intelligence, I aim in this paper identify the connections between Cortesão works and the intense debate promoted within and outside the Brazilian state apparatus. In this respect, his performance at the National Library and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, magnified by intense collaboration in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro press, raises reflections on the paths of his writing about the history of Portuguese colonization. From the author\'s point of view, the colonizing action is led by pioneers and is the creator of a Portuguese-Tupi family of symbiotic relationships between settlers and natives from the Sao Paulo plateau These concepts, which are also found in the historical exhibition commemorating the fourth centenary of the founding of the city of São Paulo (1954), organized by Cortesão in the set of a large event, locally and nationally significant, allowed Portugal to keep present inside the Brazilian identity and participate considerably of the celebration of Brazil\'s entry into modernity.

Moderatio tuendae libertatis: moderação, exempla e poder na história de Tito Lívio (livro III) / Moderatio tuendae libertatis: moderação, exempla e poder na história de Tito Lívio (livro III)

Antiqueira, Moisés 28 April 2008 (has links)
Este trabalho almeja identificar a maneira pela qual o historiador romano Tito Lívio estruturou a narrativa do terceiro de seus Ab urbe condita libri, tendo em mente a dicotomia entre a moderação e a imoderação enquanto fio condutor das ações individuais e dos eventos abarcados nesta parte da obra liviana. Analisar-se-ão, portanto, os episódios basilares do livro III considerando-se a intersecção estabelecida pelo autor entre virtudes, personalidade e poder em seu relato, articulando-a às concepções historiográficas e à tradição histórica observada por Tito Lívio no exercício de seu ofício, assim como ao contexto em que floresceu a própria composição. / This work aims to identify by which way the Roman historian Livy has structured the narrative of the third of his Ab urbe condita libri, bearing in mind the dichotomy between moderation and the lack of it as a guiding link of the individual actions and events comprised in this portion of the livian work. It will be analized, then, the basic episodes of book III considering the intersection established by the author amongst virtues, personality and power into his report, articulating it to historiographical conceptions and to historical tradition observed by Livy in the practice of his task, as well as to the context in which the composition itself flowered.

Representing the dynasty in Flavian Rome : the case of Josephus' "Jewish War"

Davies, Jonathan January 2017 (has links)
This thesis investigates the problem of contemporary historiography and regime representation in Flavian Rome through a close study of a text not usually read for such purposes but which has obvious promise for a study of this theme, the Jewish War of Flavius Josephus. Having surveyed the evolution of our conception of Josephus' relationship to Flavian power, taken a broad account of issues of political expression and regime representation in Flavian Rome outside Josephus and examined questions relating to the structure and date of the work, I will provide a series of thematically-focused readings of the three senior members of the Flavian family, Vespasian, Titus and Domitian, as represented by their contemporary and client Josephus. Key topics to be explored include the level of independence of Josephus' vision, his work's relationship to how the regime is depicted in other contemporary sources, how Josephus makes the Flavians serve his own agenda (which is distinct from the heavy focus of most previous scholarship on how Josephus served their agenda), and the viability and usefulness of certain types of reading practices relating to figured critique which have recently become influential in Josephan scholarship. The thesis offers a new approach to Josephus' relationship to the Flavian Dynasty and sheds new light on contemporary historiography and political expression in the Early Principate.

A romanização da língua japonesa na obra de Johann Joseph Hoffmann (1805-1878) / The romanization of the Japanese language in the work of Johann Joseph Hoffmann (1805-1878)

Kaetano Ricardo Andrade Trinchão 18 December 2018 (has links)
Com esta pesquisa, de cunho documental e bibliográfico, fundamentada em princípios da Historiografia da Linguística, retomamos o problema da influência (Koerner, 2014) com o objetivo de investigarmos o processo através do qual o filólogo alemão Johann Joseph Hoffmann (1805-1878), primeiro catedrático de Língua Japonesa do mundo ocidental, na Universidade de Leiden, romanizou o idioma japonês. Ao examinarmos a obra de Hoffmann, percebemos que o mesmo, ao indicar ao leitor a maneira pela qual romaniza o japonês, faz referência ao sistema criado pelo linguista e egiptólogo prusso Carl Richard Lepsius (1810- 1884), divulgado em Das Allgemeine Linguistische Alphabet. Grundsätze der Übertragung fremder Schriftsysteme und bisher noch ungeschriebener Sprachen in Europäische Buchstaben (O alfabeto linguístico geral. Princípios para a transliteração de sistemas estrangeiros de escrita e de línguas ágrafas para o alfabeto latino), obra publicada em alemão (1854 e 1855), em inglês (sob o título Standard Alphabet for Reducing Unwritten Languages and Foreign Graphic Systems to a Uniform Orthography in European Letters, em 1855), e novamente em inglês, em segunda edição (1863). Ao cruzarmos referências nas obras de Hoffmann (Winkelgesprekken in het Hollandsch, Engelsch em Japansch / Shopping-dialogues in Dutch, English and Japanese, de 1861 e A Japanese Grammar, Second Edition, de 1876) e de Lepsius (Standard Alphabet, 1863), percebemos que um autor alude à obra do outro. Nossa hipótese é que Hoffmann teria adotado e melhorado o sistema descrito na primeira edição (1855) de Standard Alphabet, ao ponto de influenciar o próprio Lepsius, que teria aceito as modificações propostas por Hoffmann, o que teria culminado com a publicação da segunda edição inglesa (1863) de seu Standard Alphabet. Após a comparação entre as obras dos autores citados, confirmamos a hipótese levantada. / This research, grounded on Historiography of Linguistics principles, and taking into consideration the problem of influence (Koerner, 2014), aims at analyzing the process through which the German philologist Johann Joseph Hoffmann (1805-1878), first professor of Japanese Language in the Western Hemisphere, at Leiden University, romanized that language. By taking a closer look at Hoffmanns work we found out that, when informing the reader the way by which he romanizes the Japanese language, he makes reference to the system created by the Prussian linguist and egyptologist Richard Carl Lepsius (1810-1884), made public in Das Allgemeine Linguistische Alphabet. Grundsätze der Übertragung fremder Schriftsysteme und bisher noch ungeschriebener Sprachen in Europäische Buchstaben (The general linguistic alphabet. Principles for the transliteration of foreign writing systems and non-written languages into the Latin alphabet), a book published in German (1854 and 1855), in English (under the tittle Standard Alphabet for Reducing Unwritten Languages and Foreign Graphic Systems to a Uniform Orthography in European Letters, in 1855), and again in English, in second edition (1863). When conducting a cross-reference research in the works by Hoffmann (Winkelgesprekken in het Hollandsch, Engelsch em Japansch / Shoppingdialogues in Dutch, English and Japanese, from 1861; A Japanese Grammar, Second Ed., from 1876) and by Lepsius (Standard Alphabet, from 1863), we noticed that the authors refer to the work of each other. Our hypothesis is that Hoffmann would have adopted and improved the system described in the first edition (1855) of Standard Alphabet, to the point of influencing Lepsius himself, who would have accepted the modifications made and proposed by Hoffmann, culminating in the publication of the second edition (1863) of his Standard Alphabet. After contrasting the works of the above-mentioned authors, we confirm the hypothesis raised.

Historiographie et dynamiques de transculturation : missionnaires protestants et populations de la côte de l'Ouest du Cameroun à travers le fonds Jean-René Brutsch, 1884-1960 / Non communiqué

Ngo Nlend, Nadeige Laure 09 December 2013 (has links)
Le fonds d’archives Jean-René Brutsch, logé au Défap à Paris, a inspiré la présente étude portant sur la transculturation en contexte missionnaire au Cameroun. L’analyse de ce concept conduit à croiser et à renouveler les regards sur les diverses modalités et formes de religiosité générées par la rencontre entre les cultures autochtones et la proposition occidentale chrétienne, ainsi que la créativité multiforme qui en découle.L’hypothèse soutenue est que toute entreprise mettant en contact des peuples ou des manières de penser différentes mobilise nécessairement des transactions culturelles à l’issue desquelles les deux parties se trouvent transformées. Le choix de traiter de ce thème à travers l'expérience de Jean-René Brutsch, le missionnaire qui l’a constitué durant ses différents séjours au Cameroun de 1946 en 1960, est justifié par la richesse et la pertinence du contenu de ces archives. Deux centres d’intérêt majeurs se dégagent de l’exploitation du fonds Brutsch à savoir, l’historiographie et la missiologie. (etc.] / The fond Jean-René Brutsch’s archives, based in Defap at Paris, inspired this study carried out on transculturation in Cameroonian missionary context. The analysis of this concept leads to cross and to renew views on diverse modalities and forms of religiosity, which generated from the meeting between local cultures and western proposal, thus the multiform creativity emanating from it. The foregoing hypothesis upholds that any undertaking bringing together different peoples and different modes of thought inevitably galvanizes cultural transactions where the different parties end up being inevitably transformed. The choice of studying this theme through the experience of Jean-René Brutsch, the missionary who constituted them during his various sojourn in Cameroon from 1946 to 1960, is made feasible by the richness and relevance of the content of these archives. Two main centers of interest emerge from the exploitation of Brutsch’s collections, namely, historiography and missiology. [etc.]

Vetera Novis Augere : nationalism, neo-Thomism and historiography in Quebec and Flanders, 1900-1945

Swerts, Kasper Jan Jo January 2018 (has links)
This thesis compares and contrasts the historiography of Quebec and Flanders during the first half of the twentieth century. The main argument is that the philosophy of neo-Thomism was influential to the conceptualization and writing of history by prominent nationalist historians in both Quebec and Flanders during the period leading up to the Second World War. By extensively comparing the life and works of prominent nationalist historians that played an active role in the nationalist movements of Quebec and Flanders, it has been found that the Catholic University of Leuven was influential in the development of nationalist historiography in Quebec and Flanders during the first decades of the twentieth century. In this sense, this thesis argues that the nationalist historians of Quebec and Flanders be considered as part of a shared historiographical tradition that was influenced by the neo- Thomist philosophy which played an essential role at the Catholic University of Leuven during this period, and which can be traced back in the writings and practices of nationalist historians in both Quebec and Flanders. Out of this shared influence of the neo-Thomist philosophy then, this thesis argues for a reevaluation of the traditional portrayal of nationalist historiography in the first half of the twentieth century, and a reconsideration of the influence neo-Thomism has had on the conceptualization of nationalist history in Quebec and Flanders. It is argued that the nationalist historians of both Quebec and Flanders have traditionally been characterized as unscientific due to their convergence of science and politics, and portrayed the nation as deterministic, meaning that the nation's essence and development was unaffected by the historical circumstances. By analysing the historical works of nationalist historians that either attended the Catholic University of Leuven, or were part of a network that was influenced by the writings of the neo-Thomists that taught at Leuven, this thesis will make three general arguments that will nuance this traditional portrayal of nationalist historiography during the first half of the twentieth century. First, it will be argued that the neo-Thomist emphasis on the interdependence of essential and existential characteristics nuances the essentialist portrayal of the nation. Using the case of neo- Thomist chemistry as a counterexample, it will be shown how nationalist historians in Quebec and Flanders ascribed an important role to the existentiality and historicity of the nation, and as such, compels us to reconsider the essentialist paradigm of nationalist historiography. Secondly, the neo- Thomist notion of science which legitimated the convergence of subjectivity and objectivity sheds new light on the practice and theory of what constituted scientific history in the first half of the twentieth century. Moreover, it will be argued that Quebec and Flanders shared a similar theoretical concept of what constituted scientific history, but represented their historical works differently due to the differentiating political and academic context. Finally, the thesis will highlight how the notions of ambiguity and human freedom, which figured prominently in neo-Thomism, influenced the notion of teleology in Quebec and Flemish nationalist historiography, as is illustrated by the notion of coincidence in Flemish, and providence in Quebec historiography. In addition, using the cases of nationalist historians Lionel Groulx and Hendrik Elias, it will be argued that the different political contexts influenced the political actions of the two nationalist historians, which helps to shed new light on the motives of Flemish nationalist historians to collaborate during the Second World War. By comparing and contrasting the two cases then, this thesis is able to show how the neo- Thomist framework and crucial concepts were not only instrumental to the nationalist historiographies in Quebec and Flanders, but were also malleable to differing historical contexts, and, as such, provides new insight in the intricate relationship between religion, nationalism and historiography that underpinned nationalist historiography in Quebec and Flanders during the first half of the twentieth century.

Historical distance and difference in the twelfth-century Middle High German Kaiserchronik

Pretzer, Christoph Joseph January 2018 (has links)
The episode framework of the Kaiserchronik is as much a semanticising structure as the chronicle’s content. If treated analogous to Hayden White’s analysis of annals the conceptual continuity of the Roman Empire as the object of narration becomes all the more clearer. The episodes are used as pegs for a wide selection of historical narratives, which are decontextualised and presented unmoored from its traditional semantic environment. Only its place in the continuous succession of emperor episodes imbues them with historical meaning. The mobility of these episodes, however, is limited as two dimensions emerge within which the chronicle does have to negotiate qualitative change which translates into historical difference and not only distance as the episode framework produces it. Next to its axial episode paradigm the Kaiserchronik also employs rhetorics as a tool to create distance. This however happens mainly to distance itself from an unspecified group of other texts. The Kaiserchronik aims to polemicise against those text which don’t share its ideas about poetic artefactuality and composition. The transformation of the Roman Empire from a pagan into a Christian one is one of the essential threads of the Kaiserchronik. The gradual substitution of the polytheistic worship of demons disguised as gods with Christian monotheism is the driving motivator behind the selection of much of the narrative material up until Constantine and Theodosius. The aim here is not to device a teleological salvation historical trajectory but to negotiate the qualitative change of religious identity in the conceptually unchanged Roman Empire. This means that Christianity even after its assertion always remains vulnerable. While the Roman Empire always remains Roman, the perspective on it and its rulers changes significantly. Even when the Roman Empire is ruled by Roman emperors the chronicle opportunistically latches on to several opportunities to emphasis the historical closeness of the Germans or of discrete German peoples to the body and history of the Roman Empire. This is especially poignant during the Caesar episode, which sees the inauguration of the Empire as an imperial genealogy and in the Charlemagne episode, which marks the switch of perspective from an internally and essentially Roman one to a transalpine on, which, however, never fully asserts a fully conceptualised Germanness.

The Ottomans in Europe : uneven and combined development and Eurocentrism

Nisancioglu, Kerem January 2014 (has links)
This thesis challenges the Eurocentric division of international history into distinct 'Western' and 'Eastern' strands by demonstrating the intensive historical interactivity between the Ottoman Empire and Europe. Addressing Weberian, Marxian and postcolonial inspired historiography, it seeks to overcome a series of interconnected binaries- East versus West, tradition versus modernity and inside versus outside- that characterise the one-sidedness of these approaches. This thesis argues that Uneven and Combined Development (U&CD) is a theoretical framework primed to overcoming precisely such partialities, and can therefore make an original contribution to Ottoman historiography. More specifically the thesis tackles problems in Ottoman historiography across three key junctures. Through a treatment of the origins of the Empire, I demonstrate that the Ottoman tributary state was a product of international determinations- a form of combined development. Analysing the Ottoman apogee of the sixteenth century, I argue that Ottoman geopolitical pressure on Europe created sociological conditions for that emergence of capitalism. Finally, I show that Ottoman decline was inextricable from the uneven and combined development of capitalism over the course of the long nineteenth century. These historical analyses offer distinct contributions to historical sociological debates around the 'tributary mode of production', the 'Rise of the West' and 'modernisation' respectively. Theoretically, I show that any historical study from a singular spatial vantage point will always tend to be partial. Instead, multiple vantage points derived from multiple spatio-temporal origins better capture the complexity of concrete historical processes. In presenting this argument, this thesis offers a theoretical reconstruction of U&CD as the articulation of spatio-temporal multiplicity in mode of production analysis, which overcomes the fissure between international relations and historical sociology. It thus extends the theory of U&CD onto the terrain of 'big questions' surrounding pre-capitalist social relations and capitalist modernity.

A "dialogue" between a plebeian and a patrician: William Manning and Thomas Jefferson.

January 2001 (has links)
Chow Kwong Yuen. / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2001. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 161-163). / Abstracts in English and Chinese. / Chapter I. --- Prologue ´ؤ The Elitist Consensus --- p.1 / Chapter II. --- """The Cast""- William Manning and Thomas Jefferson" --- p.7 / William Manning (1747-1814) --- p.7 / Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826) --- p.15 / Chapter III. --- """The Stage"" - Two Different Worlds: Massachusetts and Virginia in the Eighteenth Century" --- p.27 / The Social Settings --- p.28 / The Religious Settings --- p.38 / The Educational Settings --- p.49 / The Economic Settings --- p.60 / The Political Settings --- p.71 / Chapter IV. --- """The Plot"" 一 Hamilton's Policies and Jay's Treaty" --- p.76 / "“Some Proposals for Making Restitution to the Original Creditors of Government""" --- p.76 / Jefferson on Hamilton's Policies --- p.84 / """The Key of Liberty""" --- p.90 / Jefferson on Jay's Treaty --- p.99 / Chapter V. --- """The Dialogue""" --- p.104 / A Bisected Society versus Society as a Whole --- p.104 / On Human Nature --- p.109 / Government as Unnecessary versus the Absolute Necessity of Civil Government --- p.111 / On the Constitution --- p.120 / "On the People, Property, and Labour" --- p.123 / A Rational Citizen versus a Romantic Revolutionary --- p.129 / Public Space for the Masses to Participate in the Republic --- p.135 / Education and the Circulation of Information --- p.140 / The Uniqueness of America and Americans - American Identity --- p.144 / Chapter VI. --- Epilogue - Conflict and Consensus in the Founding Period --- p.147 / Bibliography --- p.161

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