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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modelo de planejamento de manutenção para caminhões de cargas frigorificadas

Pelegrini, Graciela Aparecida January 2013 (has links)
Atualmente a comercialização de produtos refrigerados, principalmente no Brasil, se dá graças ao transporte rodoviário frigorificado. Uma falha nesses veículos pode ser crucial para a perda de toneladas de alimentos. Entretanto, como este é o elo da cadeia de frios com menor índice de contaminação, muito pouco se fala sobre ele. Porém, trata-se de um item complexo, pois além de atingir o produto final, com alto valor agregado no processamento, o próximo elo é o cliente, que, muitas vezes, sem saber, pode acabar consumindo um produto degradado, em função de um transporte inadequado. Este trabalho foi elaborado visando contribuir com o setor de transporte de produtos perecíveis, melhorando a qualidade da manutenção dos veículos transportadores. Para garantir essa contribuição, este trabalho propôs desenvolver um modelo de gestão de manutenção para conjunto caminhão trator, carreta baú frigorificado e equipamento de refrigeração, baseado em técnicas atuais de manutenção, conciliadas à prática de manutenção existente em empresas de transportes e em normativas para transporte de produtos alimentícios frigorificados, aplicável a empresas transportadoras de cargas frigorificadas do Brasil e do mundo, sujeito a ajustes. Para isso foram realizadas pesquisas bibliográficas acerca das técnicas de manutenção MTP – Manutenção Produtiva Total, MCC – Manutenção Centrada em Confiabilidade e FMEA – Análise de Modo e Efeito de Falha, bem como normas nacionais e internacionais referentes à segurança alimentar e princípios do APPCC – Sistema de Análise de Perigos e Pontos Críticos de Controle. Após a revisão bibliográfica, extraíram-se as características de interesse de cada método e exigências das normas conciliadas à prática das empresas e desenvolvou-se um modelo de planejamento de manutenção. Posteriormente, o modelo foi aplicado em uma empresa frotista da região Oeste de Santa Catarina. A avaliação do método se deu por meio do comparativo entre o número de intervenções do planejamento antigo de manutenção da empresa e o planejamento proposto após a aplicação do modelo. Acredita-se que o modelo proposto é um modelo ideal para a empresa sob estudo, pois coletou estratégias para cumprir normativas de segurança alimentar e está ao alcance das empresas de transportes frigorificados. Por fim, como sugestão de trabalhos futuros do ponto de vista teórico, acredita-se que o trabalho possa servir de revisão bibliográfica acerca do assunto. Cabe ainda uma análise, a longo prazo, para avaliar a viabilidade econômica do modelo e realizar um comparativo de falhas. Do ponto de vista prático, acredita-se que o modelo de planejamento de manutenção possa ser informatizado e tornar-se uma exigência das normativas de transporte de alimentos. / Currently, the trade of refrigerated products mainly in Brazil, happens due to the refrigerated road transport. A flaw in these vehicles can be critical to the loss of tons of food. However, as this is the link of the of cold chain with the lowest contamination, very little is said about it. It is a complex point because besides, reaching the end product with high added to the value processing, the next link is the customer, who may often unknowingly end up consuming an indelible product due to an inadequate transportation. This study aimed at contributing to the transportation sector of perishable products, improving the quality of maintenance of transport vehicles. To ensure this contribution, this paper proposed to develop a model of maintenance management to the set tractor truck, cart bag and refrigerated cooling equipment, based on current maintenance techniques, reconciled to the practice of maintenance existent transportation companies and norms of transport in accordance of refrigerated food products, applicable to any enterprise refrigerated cargo carrier in Brazil and the world. Review of the current literature was carried out on maintenance techniques such as TPM, FMEA and MCC, as well as national and international norms related to food safety and HACCP principles. The qualities of each method and requirements of the standards norms were linked to industry practice and a model of maintenance planning. Was developed then, the model was applied in a transportation company in the west of Santa Catarina. The analytical method was through the comparison between the number of the old planning enterprise interventions and the planning proposed. The results that the proposed model is a complete model, since the strategies collected meet food safety norms and is feasible or refrigerated transport companies. Finally, as a suggestion for future research the in a theoretical perspective the present study can serve as a literature review on the subject. From a practical perspective the maintenance planning proposed can be computerized and become a referred norm for food transportation.

Relação custo-benefício da implantação do sistema de análise de perigos e pontos críticos de controle (APPCC) em laticínio do Estado de São Paulo / Cost-benefits relationship for implementation of the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) system in a dairy plant in the State of São Paulo

Sueli Cusato 06 December 2007 (has links)
Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a relação custo/benefício do sistema APPCC implantado na linha de produção de iogurte em uma indústria de laticínio em São Carlos, São Paulo de Agosto de 2006 a Agosto de 2007. Foi realizada a mensuração dos custos totais para elaboração e implantação do APPCC bem como a avaliação da qualidade microbiológica do produto acabado e do nível de perdas de embalagens durante o processamento, antes e após a implantação do sistema. Inicialmente foi realizada adequação aos programas pré-requisitos e treinamento dos funcionários para as boas práticas de fabricação e APPCC. A seguir foram aplicados os princípios do plano, sendo identificados 12 pontos críticos de controle (PCCs), desde a recepção do leite cru, até a expedição do produto acabado. O APPCC mostrou-se eficiente no controle da qualidade microbiológica do iogurte, com redução nas contagens de bolores e leveduras após a implantação do sistema, não sendo verificadas alterações para as contagens de coliformes totais e fecais. Quanto às perdas de embalagens na linha de produção, a implementação do APPCC não afetou os percentuais de perdas de tampas e garrafas, sendo que os rótulos apresentaram aumento de perdas após a implantação do sistema. Com relação aos custos para implantação do APPCC, os maiores investimentos foram referentes à consultoria externa (48%) e mudanças estruturais e aquisição de equipamentos (30%). Os custos específicos aos programas pré-requisitos representaram 22% dos investimentos totais. Para a manutenção do APPCC os maiores custos foram relativos à mão de obra para monitoramento dos PCCs e verificação do plano (46%) e material de laboratório (28%). O custo para a manutenção do sistema representou um impacto de R$ 0,01/kg no valor final do iogurte embalado, e os gastos com investimentos na fábrica contribuíram com um adicional de R$ 0,02/Kg. O impacto total da implementação do APPCC foi R$ 0,03/Kg, o que representa 1,5% do valor do produto final. Conclui-se que a aplicação do APPCC em linha de produção de iogurte conforme descrito neste estudo apresenta relação custo-benefício satisfatória. / The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between cost and benefits of Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP) system implemented in the yogurt production line in a dairy processing plant in São Carlos, São Paulo State from August 2006 to August 2007. The total costs for the elaboration and implementation of HACCP, along with the microbiological parameters of the final product and the losses of packaging units during processing were measured before and after the implementation of the system. Initially, procedures were done for the compliance to the pre-requisites programs and the training of the staff on good manufacturing practices (GMP) and HACCP. Next, the principles of the plan were applied and 12 critical control points (CCP) were identified from the raw milk reception until the dispatch of the final product. The HACCP showed to be efficient for the microbiological quality control of the yogurt, by reducing the incidence of molds and yeasts, although no changes on total and fecal coliforms counts were observed before and after the HACCP implementation. As for the packaging losses on the production line, the implementation of the HACCP did not affect the percentage of bottles or bottle covers loss. However, the label losses increased after the HACCP implementation. Regarding the HACCP implementation costs, the major investments were related to external consultants (48%) and structural changes and equipment purchasing (30%). The specific costs related to the pre-requisite programs represented 22% of the total investments. The major costs for the HACCP operating were associated to the labor required for monitoring the CCP, the verification of the plan (46%) and the material required for laboratorial analysis (28%). The HACCP operating costs represented an impact of R$ 0.01/kg of the packed yogurt, and the investments done in the factory contributed for an additional of R$ 0.02/kg. The overall impact of the HACCP implementation was R$ 0.03/kg (1.5% of the value of the final product). In conclusion, the HACCP applied in the yogurt line as described in this study presented a satisfactory cost-benefits relationship.

Prerrequisitos para la implementación del sistema HACCP en industria de aditivos para su aplicación en la elaboración de alimentos

Salazar Ley, Karen Elizabeth January 2005 (has links)
Memoria para optar al título de Ingeniero en Alimentos / No autorizada por el autor para ser publicada a texto completo en el Portal de Tesis Electrónicas / El presente trabajo evalúa y desarrolla los prerrequisitos de un plan HACCP (Análisis de Peligros y Puntos Críticos de Control), para poder realizar con posterioridad la implementación de ellos, en este caso, en una industria de aditivos aplicados en la elaboración de alimentos. Para llevar a cabo el trabajo fue necesario evaluar cada uno de los prerrequisitos, analizar la situación actual de la empresa y establecer las falencias en conjunto con los profesionales con experiencia en cada área. Posterior a la evaluación, en las situaciones en que la empresa no cumplía con los prerrequisitos, fue necesario tomar acciones, que en la mayoría de los casos se concretaron en la elaboración de programas, los cuales servirán de guía para el personal de la empresa en determinados procedimientos. Para desarrollar los programas fue necesario la elaboración de instructivos y formularios, los primeros corresponderán a metodologías específicas para facilitar las labores del personal, los segundos servirán para medición y control del funcionamiento del sistema. Finalmente se elaboraron 18 programas, 14 instructivos, y 29 formularios, los cuales, si son llevados con responsabilidad y conciencia por todo el personal de la empresa, permitirán tener las bases para la implementación de un plan HACCP exitoso

Systém kritických bodů v cukrárenské výrobě / The critical points in the confectionery manufacturing

Feriová, Lucie January 2004 (has links)
The aim of thesis is a system of critical points in food production, especially in the production of confectionery products. The system is based on the ability of manufacturers to establish the critical aspects of the production of safe food, allows to systematically identify hazards and assess the probability of its occurrence during production. Danger primarily as a substance in food, which could result in adverse health effects for consumers. And subsequently helps to improve the effectiveness of controls. This concept of control techniques is apparented from the national and European legislative requirements, which are listed in the first theoretical part of this thesis. They are designed to better acquaint themselves with the general requirements that are placed on food manufacturers. With the entry into the European Union is integrated European legislation, national legislation incorporated in European policy and legal requirements are taken into national legislation the second part introduces the principles and procedures of the system of critical points. Many manufacturing processes involve multi-process from producing raw materials for the finished product. Correct, complete, and introduced the study of critical points identified by the system and regulate the factors that directly affect the safety of products. Identification and monitoring of critical points is more cost effective than the method of quality assurance inspection and testing of finished product. Records and documentation are the perfect evidence that all measures have been taken and were given the duty of care to prevent problems. In the final section is a common procedure for a system of critical points compared with an established system for a particular product. The specific products will be demonstrated readiness and capacity of the undertaking to establish a system for all products or product groups, which will subsequently be evaluated. The purpose of thesis is carefully and thoroughly analyze the system by the critical points in the manufacture of confectionery, but prove that we are able to prepare for the strict legal conditions and the hard and fierce competition. This development does not stop or avoid it, have no other than to respond promptly to these developments and to adapt in order to produce the desired changes brought about by the success and to our food industry was at a level as we wish, but also as your own work and creativity deserve. Not in vain proverb holds that "Happiness wishes prepared.

Analýza rizik v systému managementu kvality / Risk analysis in management system of quality - produce of wine

Hejduková, Dagmar January 2008 (has links)
Verification of system of Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points in two choice vinecultures and draw a conclusion system improvement.

Vyhodnotenie systému HACCP vo vybranom reštauračnom zariadení / Evaluation of the HACCP system in a specific restaurant

Svitek, Andrej January 2013 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to thoroughly evaluate the usage of the HACCP system in a specific restaurant. Firstly, the basics of food hygiene, wholesomeness of foodstuffs, HACCP, good manufacturing practice and good hygienic practice are explained in the theoretical part. Subsequently, a comprehensive overview of legislative requirements is created. In the empirical part, an analysis of a specific restaurant is conducted. The defects that are identified in the analysis are then eliminated by employing corrective actions in order for the restaurant to be in full compliance with the directives currently in force.

Modelo de planejamento de manutenção para caminhões de cargas frigorificadas

Pelegrini, Graciela Aparecida January 2013 (has links)
Atualmente a comercialização de produtos refrigerados, principalmente no Brasil, se dá graças ao transporte rodoviário frigorificado. Uma falha nesses veículos pode ser crucial para a perda de toneladas de alimentos. Entretanto, como este é o elo da cadeia de frios com menor índice de contaminação, muito pouco se fala sobre ele. Porém, trata-se de um item complexo, pois além de atingir o produto final, com alto valor agregado no processamento, o próximo elo é o cliente, que, muitas vezes, sem saber, pode acabar consumindo um produto degradado, em função de um transporte inadequado. Este trabalho foi elaborado visando contribuir com o setor de transporte de produtos perecíveis, melhorando a qualidade da manutenção dos veículos transportadores. Para garantir essa contribuição, este trabalho propôs desenvolver um modelo de gestão de manutenção para conjunto caminhão trator, carreta baú frigorificado e equipamento de refrigeração, baseado em técnicas atuais de manutenção, conciliadas à prática de manutenção existente em empresas de transportes e em normativas para transporte de produtos alimentícios frigorificados, aplicável a empresas transportadoras de cargas frigorificadas do Brasil e do mundo, sujeito a ajustes. Para isso foram realizadas pesquisas bibliográficas acerca das técnicas de manutenção MTP – Manutenção Produtiva Total, MCC – Manutenção Centrada em Confiabilidade e FMEA – Análise de Modo e Efeito de Falha, bem como normas nacionais e internacionais referentes à segurança alimentar e princípios do APPCC – Sistema de Análise de Perigos e Pontos Críticos de Controle. Após a revisão bibliográfica, extraíram-se as características de interesse de cada método e exigências das normas conciliadas à prática das empresas e desenvolvou-se um modelo de planejamento de manutenção. Posteriormente, o modelo foi aplicado em uma empresa frotista da região Oeste de Santa Catarina. A avaliação do método se deu por meio do comparativo entre o número de intervenções do planejamento antigo de manutenção da empresa e o planejamento proposto após a aplicação do modelo. Acredita-se que o modelo proposto é um modelo ideal para a empresa sob estudo, pois coletou estratégias para cumprir normativas de segurança alimentar e está ao alcance das empresas de transportes frigorificados. Por fim, como sugestão de trabalhos futuros do ponto de vista teórico, acredita-se que o trabalho possa servir de revisão bibliográfica acerca do assunto. Cabe ainda uma análise, a longo prazo, para avaliar a viabilidade econômica do modelo e realizar um comparativo de falhas. Do ponto de vista prático, acredita-se que o modelo de planejamento de manutenção possa ser informatizado e tornar-se uma exigência das normativas de transporte de alimentos. / Currently, the trade of refrigerated products mainly in Brazil, happens due to the refrigerated road transport. A flaw in these vehicles can be critical to the loss of tons of food. However, as this is the link of the of cold chain with the lowest contamination, very little is said about it. It is a complex point because besides, reaching the end product with high added to the value processing, the next link is the customer, who may often unknowingly end up consuming an indelible product due to an inadequate transportation. This study aimed at contributing to the transportation sector of perishable products, improving the quality of maintenance of transport vehicles. To ensure this contribution, this paper proposed to develop a model of maintenance management to the set tractor truck, cart bag and refrigerated cooling equipment, based on current maintenance techniques, reconciled to the practice of maintenance existent transportation companies and norms of transport in accordance of refrigerated food products, applicable to any enterprise refrigerated cargo carrier in Brazil and the world. Review of the current literature was carried out on maintenance techniques such as TPM, FMEA and MCC, as well as national and international norms related to food safety and HACCP principles. The qualities of each method and requirements of the standards norms were linked to industry practice and a model of maintenance planning. Was developed then, the model was applied in a transportation company in the west of Santa Catarina. The analytical method was through the comparison between the number of the old planning enterprise interventions and the planning proposed. The results that the proposed model is a complete model, since the strategies collected meet food safety norms and is feasible or refrigerated transport companies. Finally, as a suggestion for future research the in a theoretical perspective the present study can serve as a literature review on the subject. From a practical perspective the maintenance planning proposed can be computerized and become a referred norm for food transportation.

Návrh řízení procesů při implementaci norem HACCP / The Proposal for Process Management in HACCP Standards Implementation

Staněk, Michal January 2010 (has links)
The diploma thesis focuses on the application of HACCP standards for agricultural. Based on the theoretical knowledge on modern standards and guidelines. Proposal contains a methodology to manage and control production processes.

Preventing water pollution by dairy by-products : risk assessment and comparison of legislation in Benin and South Africa

Abul Goutondji, Leopoldine Elvire Sylviane 30 October 2008 (has links)
The purpose of this paper is to study the application of HACCP principles in dairy production systems for mitigation of potential water related hazards by control measures and legislation applicable at farm level. HACCP logical sequence approach including some principles of environmental risk assessment was the method used for the present study (FAO/IDF, 2004;Horchner et al., 2006). Literature review, farms visits, interviews, informal questionnaires and confirmation on site of the gathered information were the prerequisites of the study. Four flow diagrams in SA and three in Benin were drawn to describe the 11 steps relating the activities of the seven types of dairy farming systems recorded altogether in these countries (FAO/IDF, 2004,McCrindle, 2007). From the flow diagrams, almost three groups of 30 potential hazards were identified. Biological, chemical and physical hazards were characterized and their effects described according to the source, pathways, mechanisms, of water pollution. It was noticed that water use during farming activities is linked to the number of animals and is an important factor to qualify the magnitude of the risk of water pollution. Critical Control Points (CCPs) were identified. In SA, national legislation includes legal prerequisites for commercial dairy farming systems (SA GOVERNMENT 2005, 2006, 2007). Although water resources policies, strategies, legislation and management are strongly established, their implementation does not clearly include dairy by-products. In Benin dairy production strategy and development started in 2000. Basic legislation relating water resources is being updated. In commercial farming systems (F1 and F2 in SA), F7 in Benin, biological and chemical potential hazards are the main threat to water quality. Direct or indirect source of contamination due to manure, feces, urine, chemicals and stock remedies, waste water, occurs through husbandry practices (milking), pasture and housing. In SA, farmers are aware of International dairy standards, norms and practices such as GAP, GMP and GHP even if the practices are not completely respected. HACCP is not well yet well implemented at producer level althougth some commercial dairy processors have started the implementation of the system (FEDICS, 2004, CEBENOR, 2007). Environmental care (CCP11 and CCP12) are the main critical control points recorded which are not mitigated by the national legislation in both countries. In regard to traditional farming systems (F3, F4) and in SA, (F5, F6) in Benin, national legislation does not include prerequisites for biological and physical hazards; these are the main threat of water pollution and are due to direct or indirect contamination through drinking and grazing. Chemical hazards are not important because inputs of stock remedies are low in these systems. Farmers are not aware of International dairy standards, norms and practices such as GAP, GMP and GHP which are fairly respected. HACCP is unknown at producer level. CCPs relating animal treatment and care are partly mitigated by the national legislation. Stock remedies, drugs residues and Pharmaceuticals are controlled in both countries although Benin faces the introduction of uncontrolled veterinary drugs through illegal frontiers. The majority of the CCPs are not completely mitigated by national legislation for traditional dairy farms in both countries. / Dissertation (MSc)--University of Pretoria, 2007. / Paraclinical Sciences / unrestricted

Mikrobiologická kvalita masa v průběhu zrání

Hoferková, Adéla January 2017 (has links)
This thesis is introducing a theme of meat maturing and beef microbiology focused on important bacteria species. Microbiollogical quality of beef (depending on anatomical parts of cattle - striploin and round) had been monitored during eight weeks. Differences in the microbiological quality of the surface and in the interior of the individual samples, regardless of the maturing period, are compared in this thesis. On the inside and outside of striploin and round, a final number of microorganisms, bacteria from Enterobacteriaceae family and a number of molds and yeasts had been also monitored. There had been monitored a number of lactic acid bacteria and a number of psychrotrophic microorganisms in the interior part of the samples as well. The numbers of investigated groups on the outside and inside of striploin and round were not statistically significantly (p > 0.05) different. During eight week of maturing an increase (p < 0.05) of CPM was showed on the inside and outside of both analyzed samples. First, enterobacteria initial contamination was slight (2 log KTJ.g-1/cm-2), the increase occurred during the eight weeks of storing. A significant microbiom participation of vacuum-packed beef had a lactic acid bacterium.

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