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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kvalita služeb rychlého občerstvení / Quality of fastfood services

Karlová, Lucie January 2011 (has links)
This thesis is concerned with quality of fast food services. The theoretical part deals with the services and service quality issues. The theoretical part includes the Czech and European legislative regulation of food. Orders discuss about minimum requirements for safety of food, a good manufacturing and hygienic practices and Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point. Also there is presented the selected provider of fast food and its definition of critical points. The aim was to determine customer satisfaction with the services of selected foodservice. Certain hypotheses which were determined will be confirmed or refuted by the research. The practical part deals with analysis of customer satisfaction and will include an evaluation of this analysis.

A motivação dos funcionários como fator de sucesso para a implantação do Sistema APPCC: um estudo exploratório aplicado a uma indústria de alimentos para animais de companhia / The motivation of staff as a factor of success for the implementation of the HACCP System: an exploratory study applied to a food industry for pets

Godoy, Thaís Helena Zero de Oliveira Pereira de 23 October 2017 (has links)
O crescimento do mercado de alimentos para animais de companhia devido à cultura de animais de estimação vem, consequentemente, aumentando a competitividade das empresas inseridas nesse nicho. Buscando atender às necessidades do consumidor que exigem produtos com qualidade e manter-se competitiva, as empresas fazem uso de ferramentas como o Sistema de Análise de Perigos e Ponto Crítico de Controle (Sistema APPCC). Assim, o presente estudo buscou investigar a motivação dos funcionários como fator de sucesso no processo de implantação de referido Sistema. A investigação deu-se mediante um estudo de caso em uma indústria de alimentos para animais domésticos, situada no interior de São Paulo, pela pesquisa exploratória com coleta de dados através da observação direta da pesquisadora combinada com a técnica de entrevista dirigida a funcionários direta ou indiretamente ligados à implantação do Sistema. A análise descritiva dos dados permitiu caracterizar os participantes, verificar possíveis correlações com o Modelo de Comportamento Humano de Robbins (2005) e os fatores de satisfação no trabalho, impactando ou não o absenteísmo, a rotatividade e a produtividade desses funcionários, com evidenciação da Teoria da Hierarquia das Necessidades de Maslow. Foi possível concluir que o comportamento humano em situações de trabalho está intimamente ligado com o atingimento de metas individuais que somadas colaboram com o alcance dos objetivos organizacionais. / The growth of the market of pet food due to culture of pets is increasing the competitiveness of the companies included in that niche. Seeking to meet the needs of consumers who demand quality products and to remain competitive, companies make use of tools such as the System of Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP System). Thus, the present study sought to investigate the motivation of staff as a factor of success in the process of implementation of this system. The investigation came about through a case study in a food industry for domestic animals, located in the inner of São Paulo, using the exploratory research with data collection through direct observation of the researcher combined with the employee-driven interview technique directly or indirectly linked to the implementation of the system. The descriptive analysis of the data has allowed to characterize the participants, check possible correlations with the Model of Human Behavior of Robbins (2005) and the factors of job satisfaction, impacting or not the absenteeism, the turn over and the productivity of these employees, with presentation of the theory of Maslow\'s Needs Hierarchy. It was possible to conclude that human behavior in work situations is closely linked with the achievement of individual targets that together collaborate with the achievement of organizational objectives.

Egenkontroll i caféverksamheter : En kvalitativ studie / Own-checking in coffehouse businesses : A qualitativ study

Edlund, Marie, Gustavsson, Patrik, Sandberg Larsson, Johanna January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Egenkontroll i caféverksamheter : En kvalitativ studie / Own-checking in coffehouse businesses : A qualitativ study

Edlund, Marie, Gustavsson, Patrik, Sandberg Larsson, Johanna January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Untersuchungen zur Hygiene in einem fischverarbeitenden Unternehmen mit besonderer Berücksichtigung des HAZARD ANALYSIS AND CRITICAL CONTROL POINT (HACCP) - Konzeptes

Miethig, Rainer 28 November 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Miethig, Rainer Untersuchungen zur Hygiene in einem fischverarbeitenden Unternehmen mit besonderer Berücksichtigung des HAZARD ANALYSIS AND CRITICAL CONTROL POINT (HACCP) - Konzeptes Universität Leipzig, Diss., 98 S., 28 Abb., 37 Tab., 229 Lit., Anlagen: 54 Abb., 9 Tab. November 1999 Zusammenfassung Mit der vorliegenden Arbeit sollte an Beispielen der Fischpastenherstellung und der Herstellung von Fischpräserven in Öl in einem Unternehmen der Aufbau eines HACCP-Konzeptes dargestellt, Empfehlungen zu Mindesthaltbarkeitsdaten, zu chemisch-physikalischen sowie mikrobiologischen Grenz- und Richtwerten verschiedener Erzeugnisse, der Gestaltung von Raumtemperaturen und damit eine Optimierung des Herstellungsprozesses erarbeitet, praktisch umgesetzt sowie Erweiterungen zu Begriffsbestimmungen einiger Erzeugnisse in den Leitsätzen des Deutschen Lebensmittelbuches erbracht werden. Im Literaturteil der Arbeit wird ein Überblick über die Grundsätze des HACCP-Konzeptes, zu begrifflichen Abgrenzungen, zu rechtlichen Grundlagen und Anwendungen in der Lebensmittelindustrie gegeben. Im Gegensatz zu zahlreichen Veröffentlichungen zum HACCP-Konzept und dessen Anwendungen sind Angaben zur Technologie der Herstellung sowie Angaben über chemisch-physikalische und mikrobiologische Richtwerte zu Anchosen, Fischpasten und Präserven in Öl nur in geringer Zahl vorhanden. Weiterhin werden das Vorkommen und die Bedeutung von Mikroorganismen, biogenen Aminen in Fisch und Fischerzeugnissen dargestellt. Ein Teil der durch Lebensmittel bedingten Erkrankungen des Menschen werden durch Fisch und Fischerzeugnisse verursacht. In einem auf die Herstellung von Fischpasten, Kräuterfisch- und Sardellenerzeugnissen seit Jahrzehnten spezialisierten Unternehmen konnte anhand von Temperaturregistrierungen vom August 1995 bis September 1996 mit einem elektronischen Temperaturerfassungssystem und einem Thermohygrographen in verschiedenen Produktions-, Lager- bzw. Kühlräumen der Nachweis erbracht werden, daß erhebliche Temperaturschwankungen auftreten. Während der Herstellung von Fischpasten und Präserven in Öl am Beispiel der Erzeugnisse „Anchovisbutter" und „Kräuterheringsgabelbissen in Öl" wurden Temperaturen, pH-Werte, aw-Werte, Verweilzeiten von Zwischenprodukten an bestimmten Produktionsabschnitten erfaßt und beurteilt. Mit der Anfertigung von Diapositiven sollten konkrete Beispiele zu Mängeln in der Produktionshygiene erarbeitet und der Produktionsablauf optimiert werden. Aufgrund der Untersuchungen erfolgte abschließend eine zusammenfassende Beschreibung des Produktionsablaufes, verbunden mit der Aufstellung eines produktbezogenen HACCP-Konzeptes und dessen praktischer Umsetzung. Die Prüfung der Lagerfähigkeit und damit verbundene mikrobiologische, chemisch-physikalische sowie sensorische Untersuchungen von Anchovisbutter, Sardellenpaste, Kräuterheringspaste, Kräuterheringsgabelbissen in Öl, Kräuterheringsfiletröllchen mit Paprika in Pflanzenöl, Kräuterheringsfiletröllchen mit Kapern in Pflanzenöl führten drei Institute durch. Insbesondere wurden die aeroben Gesamtkeimzahlen, Enterobacteriaceae (Escherichia coli, Coliforme, Salmonellen), Hefen, Schimmelpilze und sulfitreduzierende Clostridien (Clostridium perfringens) in Anlehnung an amtliche Untersuchungsverfahren nach § 35 LMBG bestimmt. Die Anzahl der Gesamtuntersuchungen erlaubte keine statistische Absicherung. Produktionsräume, die zur Herstellung von Fischerzeugnissen dienen, sollten klimatisiert und die Raumtemperatur auf höchstens 18 °C begrenzt werden. Dazu sollte Anlage 1 Kapitel 4 der Fischhygiene-VO geändert werden. Während der Herstellung von Fischpasten konnten vier kritische Kontrollpunkte identifiziert werden (Lagerung von Anchosen, Wolfen / Kolloidieren, Kuttern und Tubenverschluß). In Übereinstimmung mit den Leitsätzen des Deutschen Lebensmittelbuches wird vorgeschlagen, Anchovisbutter in „Anchovispaste mit (z. B. 30 %) Butter" umzubenennen. Anchovisbutter und Sardellenpaste sind bei Einhaltung der Kühlkette mikrobiologisch stabil und sechs Monate lang bei 2 °C bis 7 °C lagerfähig. Kräuterheringspaste sollte in den Leitsätzen des Deutschen Lebensmittelbuches entsprechend des Vorschlages definiert werden. Während der Herstellung von Präserven in Öl konnten am Beispiel von Kräuterheringsgabelbissen in Öl drei kritische Kontrollpunkte ermittelt werden (Zwischenlagerung, Verschließen und Reinigen der Gläser). Kräuterheringsgabelbissen in Öl sind mikrobiologisch über einen Zeitraum von sechs Monaten bei 2 °C bis 7 °C Lagertemperatur stabil, zeigen aber nach drei Monaten Konsistenzveränderungen. Dem Hersteller wird eine Reduzierung des Mindesthaltbarkeitsdatums von sechs auf drei Monate empfohlen. Die Überprüfungen der Fettgehalte von Kräuterheringsgabelbissen und Kräuterheringsfiletröllchen ergaben eine Schwankungsbreite von 8,32 % bis 13,65 %. Diesbezügliche Wareneingangskontrollen des Unternehmens sind zu intensivieren. Histamingehalte aller geprüften Erzeugnisse ergaben Werte < 162 mg/kg und entsprachen den Anforderungen des § 16 Absatz 1 Nr. 2 der Fischhygiene - VO. Alle während der Fischpastenherstellung ermittelten kritischen Kontrollpunkte sowie der Herstellung von Fischpräserven in Öl verringern chemische, physikalische oder mikrobiologische Kontaminationsmöglichkeiten. Bei Abweichungen werden spezifische Maßnahmen eingeleitet. Auf der Grundlage der Richtlinie 91/493/EWG und dem § 10 der Fischhygiene-VO müssen fischverarbeitende Unternehmen betriebseigene Kontrollen und Maßnahmen durchführen. Eine Zusammenarbeit von Wirtschaft und Lebensmittelüberwachungsbehörde beim Implementieren von HACCP-Konzepten ist erforderlich, da insbesondere kleine und mittlere Unternehmen damit überfordert sind. / Miethig, Rainer Studies on hygiene in a fish-processing company under special consideration of the HAZARD ANALYSIS AND CRITICAL CONTROL POINT System (In the following summary it is called HACCP.) Univ. of Leipzig, Vet. Med. Fac., Diss. 98 pp., 229 ref., 28 fig., 37 tab., lay-out: 54 fig., 9 tab. November 1999 Summary On the basis of this dissertation the structure of a HACCP system should be shown on examples of producing fish-paste and fish-preserves in oil in a company, further recommendations should be given on sell-by dates, on chemical, physical and micro-biological limits and recommended standards of different products, as well as recommendations on the arrangement of room temperatures, and with it an optimizing of the production process should be worked out, it should be put into practice and there should be enlargements for term-determing of some products in the guiding principles of the German Food Book. In the literature part of this dissertation a survey is given about the principles of the HACCP system for term delimitation, for legal bases and the use in the food industry. In contrast to numerous pulications about the HACCP system and ist applications, information about technology of the production and information about chemical, physical and micro-biological recommended standards for anchovies, paste of fish and preserves in oil are available only in a small number. Further the existence and importance of micro-organisms, biogeneous amins in fish and fish-products are described. Part of human diseases by means of food are caused by fish and fish-products. In a company spezialized for decades on the production of fish-paste, products of herbal fish and anchovy, the proof could be brought that considerable fluctuations of temperature appear with the help of temperature registrations from August 1995 to September 1996 by an electronic system of temperature registration and a thermohygrograph in several rooms for production, store and chill rooms. During the production of fish-pastes and preserves in oil on the example of the products "anchovy butter" and "forkbites of herbal herring in oil", temperatures, ph values, aw values (water activity), the length of stay of intermediate products in fixed phases of production were registered and assessed. By means of slides concrete examples for lacks in production hygiene should be worked out and the production process should be optimized. On the basis of the surveys a summary of the production process was made finally, connected with a list of a HACCP system in relation to a product and ist practical realization. Three institutes performed a check of storageability and associated with it micro-biological, chemical, physical as well as senorical investigations of anchovy-butter, anchovy-paste, paste of herbal herring, fork-bites of herbal herring in oil, small fillet rolls of herbal herring with paprika in plant oil and small fillet rolls of herbal herring with capers in plant oil. Especially the aerobic total germ numbers, enterobacteriaceae (Escherichia coli, coliforme, salmonellae), yeasts, moulds and sulphite-reducing clostridia (clostridium perfringens) were determined according to official methods of survey § 35 of the "LMBG" (law about food and objects of requirement). The number of the total surveys didn’t permit a statistical protection. Production rooms serving for manufactoring fish products, should be air-conditioned and the temperature of these rooms should be limited to + 18 °C as a maximum. That’s why the enclosure 1, chapter 4 of the decree of fish hygiene should be changed. During the production of fish-pastes four critical control points could be identified (storage of herbal salt fish products, mincing/colloiding, cutting and tube cap). According to the guiding principles of the German Food Book is suggested to rename anchovy-butter into "anchovy-paste with (e.g. 30 %) butter". Anchovy-butter and anchovy-paste are microbiologically stable if keeping them to the cooling chain, and they are storable for six months at a temperature of + 2 °C up to + 7 °C. Paste of herbal herring should be defined in the guiding principles of the German Food Book according to the suggestion. During the production of preserves in oil three critical control points could be determined on the example of fork-bites of herbal herring in oil (intermdiate storage, closing and cleaning of glasses). Fork-bites of herbal herring in oil are microbiologically stable for six months at a temperature of + 2 °C up to + 7 °C, but after three months they show a change of consistency. It is recommended for the producer to reduce the sell-by date to three months. The checking of the fat contents of herbal herring fork-bites and small fillet-rolls of herbal herring came to a breadth of variation from 8,32 % to 13,65 %. These controls at the arrival of goods have to be carried out more intensively by the company. The histamine content of all products, that were checked, came to results of < 162 mg/kg and met the requirements of § 16 part 1 No 2 of the decree of fish hygiene. All during the production of fish-paste and fish-preserves in oil determined critical control points reduse chemical, physical or micro-biological possibilities of contamiation. In case of differences specific measures are taken. On the basis of the guideline 91/493/EEC (European Economic Community) and § 10 of the decree of fish hygiene fish-processing companies have to carry out controls and measures by themselves. A cooperation between economy and the Authority of Food Control in case of implementation of HACCP system is necessary because in particular small and medium companies are overstretched with that.

Microbial risk assessment and its implications for risk management in urban water systems /

Westrell, Therese, January 2004 (has links)
Diss. Linköping : Univ., 2004. / Härtill 6 uppsatser.

Systémy sledování hygieny v praxi - realizace systému HACCP ve vybraném zpracovatelském podniku / Systems for monitoring hygiene in practice - implementation of the HACCP system in the selected processing plant

HADÁČKOVÁ, Gabriela January 2017 (has links)
System of HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points) is the main and unbroken system in the field of food safety. There is a duty for food producers in the Czech Republic to implement a system of critical control points into their business. It means to identify points (critical) in the process of production where can be the highest hazard for food safety, to monitor these points, to control and register data regularly. Production of safety food, protection of consumers, and also protection of a producer is the principle and result of proper and functional system of HACCP. Documents, an indivisible part of system of HACCP, were drafted for a selected company. Analysis of hazards was also done with the result of setting control points (CP) and two of critical control points (CCP) in a production step of cooling and packing.

Diagnóstico das condições ambientais e avaliação dos riscos microbiológicos no processamento de queijo de coalho. / Diagnosis of environmental conditions and evaluation of microbiological risks on the manufacture of coalho cheese.

CORREIA, Liz Jully Hiluey. 25 September 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Maria Medeiros (maria.dilva1@ufcg.edu.br) on 2018-09-25T13:26:57Z No. of bitstreams: 1 LIZ JULLY HILUEY CORREIA - TESE (PPGEP) 2011.pdf: 2928583 bytes, checksum: a3ed4fb2929161133b993b87881e3fdb (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-09-25T13:26:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 LIZ JULLY HILUEY CORREIA - TESE (PPGEP) 2011.pdf: 2928583 bytes, checksum: a3ed4fb2929161133b993b87881e3fdb (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-12-16 / O queijo de coalho é considerado como um dos mais importantes tipos de queijo produzidos na Região Nordeste do Brasil, sobretudo, no sertão do Estado da Paraíba, tendo em vista que, sua produção apresenta grande importância sócio-econômica e cultural. As cidades de Sousa e Aparecida, contempladas neste estudo, integram a bacia leiteira do Estado, e apresentam juntamente com as outras 7 microrregiões produtoras de queijo de coalho, destacada relevância. Diante de tal importância, a identificação dos potenciais riscos microbiológicos, que podem acometer a população, quando do consumo de queijo de coalho, tornou-se objeto deste estudo. Assim, o trabalho teve como objetivo, realizar um levantamento das condições físicas e estimar os riscos microbiológicos em unidades de processamento, industrial e artesanal, de queijo de coalho, estabelecendo medidas de controle para os processos que garantam um produto final com condições higiênico-sanitárias seguras, do ponto de vista da comercialização e consumo. Para tornar possível a identificação dos pontos críticos de controle e o estabelecimento das medidas preventivas, foi necessário delinear o perfil higiênico-sanitário e fabril, e levantar os riscos físicos e biológicos presentes nos ambientes de produção, bem como realizar pesquisas bibliográficas em literaturas científicas, especializadas, para a partir dos dados obtidos, aplicar as ferramentas do Sistema APPCC e da Avaliação de Risco, e assim, ser possível estimar os riscos microbiológicos e estabelecer as medidas preventivas necessárias ao controle desses riscos. Foi verificado durante o estudo que a fabricação de queijo de coalho artesanal ainda pode ser caracterizada como uma atividade bastante rudimentar, pois não dispõe de nenhuma sofisticação tecnológica quando comparada com o processo industrial, e que as condições físico-químicas tanto dos processos quanto do produto, favorecem a uma multiplicação microbiana patogênica possivelmente presente. Evidenciou-se que os produtos encontram-se dentro dos padrões físico-químicos estabelecidos no Regulamento Técnico de Identidade e Qualidade para o Queijo de Coalho, IN nº 30/01 do MAPA, mas, no entanto, faz-se necessário promover adequações nas instalações produtivas e nos processos, de forma a atender as legislações sanitárias, preconizadas nacionalmente. Muito embora a produção industrial disponha de programas de qualidade implantados, como as Boas Práticas de Fabricação (BPF), e toda infra-estrutura física necessária a uma produção segura de alimentos, os resultados das analises microbiológicas do produto reforçam a necessidade constante da re-implantação das BPF’s, sobretudo, na capacitação e conscientização dos manipuladores, da importância do seu papel no cenário de produção. Os aspectos estruturais da área de produção, especificamente as condições térmicas e luminicas, possuem implicação direta no grau de contaminação das instalações e dos produtos; o mesmo não foi evidenciado com as condições acústicas. Destarte, pode-se concluir que, o delineamento do processo e do ambiente fabril, associado à aplicação das ferramentas do Sistema APPCC e da Avaliação de Risco, permitiram estimar os potenciais riscos microbiológicos que acometem o produto, queijo de coalho, em suas diversas formas de produção. Tornou-se evidente a necessidade de intervenções técnicas e tecnológicas, neste elo da cadeia produtiva, que promovam a concretização das medidas de controle estabelecidas neste estudo, de forma a torná-la mais segura e competitiva. / Coalho cheese is considered one of the most important types of cheese produced in the Brazilian Northeast, especially in the interior of the State of Paraíba, considering that its production is so important for the socio-economic and cultural aspects. Aparecida and Sousa cities, places of this study, are part of the dairy industry of the State, and present along with the other seven micro-regions which produce coalho cheese, a prominent relevance. Toward this importance, the identification of potential microbiological risks that may affect the population, by the consumption of coalho cheese, became the object of this study. Thus, the study aimed to conduct a survey of environmental conditions and estimate the microbiological risks in industrial and artisanal processing units of coalho cheese, establishing control measures for the processes to ensure a final product with safe hygienic and sanitary conditions for commercialization as well as for consumption. To make possible the identification of critical control points and establishment of preventive measures, it was necessary to delineate the hygienic-sanitary and industrial profile, and raise the environmental and biological risks present in the production places besides to conduct bibliographic searches in specialized scientific literature, for based on the obtained data, apply the tools of the HACCP and Risk Assessment, and thus be possible to estimate the microbiological risks and establish the necessary preventive measures to control those risks. It was observed during the study that the manufacture of artisanal coalho cheese can still be characterized as a very rudimentary activity, therefore has no sophisticated technology compared to the industrial process, and that the physicochemical conditions of the processes so as of the product cooperate for the multiplication of pathogenic microbial possibly present. It was evident that the products are within the physicochemical standards established in the Technical Regulation of Identity and Quality for Coalho Cheese, IN nº 30/01of ‘MAPA’, but nevertheless, it is necessary to promote adaptations in production plants and processes, in order to attend the sanitary laws, nationally recommended. Although the industrial production has quality programs implanted, as the Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP), and all physical infrastructure necessary for a safe food production, the results of microbiological analyses of the product, reaffirm the need of constant re-deployment of GMP's, especially in training and awareness of food handlers about the importance of their role in the production. Structural aspects of the production area, specifically the thermal and luminous conditions, have direct implications on the degree of plants and products contamination, the same was not observed with the acoustic conditions. Thus, it can be concluded that the design of process and manufacturing environment, associated to the implementation of the tools of HACCP and Risk Assessment, allowed estimate the potential microbiological risks that affect the product, coalho cheese, in its many ways of production. It became evident the need for technical and technological interventions, on this link of production chain, to promote the real implementation of control measures determinate in this study in order to make it safer and more competitive.

Sistema análise de perigos e pontos críticos de controle - APPCC, em uma indústria de embutidos de frango e suas implicações para a competitividade

Fortes, Martinha Borghetti January 2002 (has links)
As barreiras impostas pelos mercados externos, relacionadas à sanidade dos produtos e o aumento dos surtos de toxicoinfecções em consumidores, devido à ingestão de alimentos industrializados, são os principais fatores que fazem com que empresas e as cadeias agroalimentares como um todo, preocupem-se com a produção de alimentos seguros (security foods). Diante desta necessidade, foi realizado este estudo, que analisou as vantagens e desvantagens da implantação de um sistema de Análise de Perigos e Pontos Críticos de Controle o APPCC em uma indústria de alimentos. O estudo foi desenvolvido em uma unidade industrial, que já faz uso do sistema há cinco anos, para a produção de embutidos e pratos prontos. A empresa já possui o sistema APPCC estruturado em toda a cadeia de produção, sendo uma das poucas empresas brasileiras a preocupar-se profundamente com esta questão. Os resultados confirmaram a eficiência do sistema para a garantia de segurança em produtos e processos, o que contribui para a melhoria da saúde pública e a diminuição das devoluções. Também podem ser citadas, as vantagens relacionadas ao comprometimento de grupo, valorização e aumento da eficiência operacional, agregação de valor aos produtos ao longo da cadeia e a confiança dos consumidores no que se relaciona a segurança alimentar. Não identificou-se desvantagens aparentes, apenas considerações referentes aos recursos humanos envolvidos, os quais necessitam de treinamento constante, para que desenvolvam suas atividades de acordo com o estabelecido pelo plano. / The barriers imposed by the external markets related to product sanitation and the increase of out breaks among consumers due to the intake of industrialized food are the main factors which make the companies and the agrofeeding chains as a whole to worry about security foods. This study was carried out as a result of this need and it analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of using a control system in food, Hazard Critical Control Points, the HACCP. The system for five years in the production of sausages and ready dishes. The company already ocons the HACCP system structured all over the production chain, being one of the fun Brazilian compances to concern delply about this matter. The results confirm the system efficienty to guarantee the product and process safety, what contributes to the improvement of public health and reduction of returns, as well as the retreat. Also, the advantages related to the group commitment, valuction and operational efficiency increase, value gathering to the products along the chain, as well as the increase in the consumers’ confidence concerning food sefaty. There are not apparent disadvantages, only considerations related to the human resources involved, which need constant supervision in order to develop their activities according to the what was stablished by the plan.

Optimalizace systému kontroly hygieny ve vybraném provozu - porážka a bourárna / Optimization of control system for hygiene in the selected service slaughter, cutting plant

VLČKOVÁ, Irena January 2015 (has links)
HACCP ( Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points ) is a science-based system of food safety. This system identifies hazards and risks in food production and it proposes an effective control and monitoring procedures at points that are critical for food safety . In cases where e.g. measured values ( temperature, time) deviates from the set limits are performed specific corrective measures. Within this system of protection of food safety Two critical control points(CCP)were established in selected company and they have been set correctly . Two checkpoints (CP )in HACCP weren´t determined completely so newly designed and in five cases recommended modifications , including one designed to change the compliance time and once in imminent danger .

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