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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

韓文硏究. / Han wen yan jiu.

January 1970 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--香港中文大學. / Manuscript. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 24-34). / Thesis (M.A.)--Xianggang Zhong wen da xue. / Chapter 第一章 --- 韓文繫年 --- p.1-54 / Chapter 第二章 --- 韓文先導 --- p.55-116 / Chapter 第一節 --- 緒論 --- p.55-62 / Chapter 第二節 --- 蕭穎士 --- p.62-65 / Chapter 第三節 --- 李華 --- p.65-69 / Chapter 第四節 --- 元結 --- p.69-74 / Chapter 第五節 --- 獨孤及 --- p.75-80 / Chapter 第六節 --- 梁肅 --- p.80-87 / Chapter 第七節 --- 栁冕 --- p.87-93 / Chapter 第八節 --- 權德輿 --- p.93-98 / Chapter 第九節 --- 韓會 --- p.98-103 / Chapter 第十節 --- 結論 --- p.103-116 / Chapter 第三章 --- 韓文明道 --- p.117-226 / Chapter 第一節 --- 緒論 --- p.117-125 / Chapter 第二節 --- 崇儒道 --- p.125-144 / Chapter 第三節 --- 闢佛老 --- p.144-180 / Chapter 第四節 --- 表忠孝 --- p.180-193 / Chapter 第五節 --- 紀政事 --- p.193-202 / Chapter 第六節 --- 達民隱 --- p.203-213 / Chapter 第七節 --- 道人喜 --- p.213-223 / Chapter 第八節 --- 結論 --- p.223-226 / Chapter 第四章 --- 韓文法古 --- p.227-283 / Chapter 第一節 --- 緒論 --- p.227-232 / Chapter 第二節 --- 法六經 --- p.232-243 / Chapter 第三節 --- 法諸子 --- p.244-250 / Chapter 第四節 --- 法國策 --- p.250-256 / Chapter 第五節 --- 法楚騷 --- p.257-260 / Chapter 第六節 --- 法史遷 --- p.260-269 / Chapter 第七節 --- 法相如子雲 --- p.270-273 / Chapter 第八節 --- 法漢魏六朝 --- p.274-279 / Chapter 第九節 --- 結論 --- p.280-283 / Chapter 第五章 --- 韓文作法 --- p.284-367 / Chapter 第一節 --- 命意 --- p.284-297 / Chapter 第二節 --- 謀論 --- p.298-312 / Chapter 第三節 --- 造句 --- p.313-328 / Chapter 第四節 --- 鍊字 --- p.329-339 / Chapter 第五節 --- 行氣 --- p.339-354 / Chapter 第六節 --- 本色 --- p.354-367 / Chapter 第六章 --- 韓文舉隅 --- p.368-462 / Chapter (一) --- 原道 --- p.368-371 / Chapter (二) --- 原毀 --- p.371-374 / Chapter (三) --- 獲麟解 --- p.374-376 / Chapter (四) --- 爭臣論 --- p.376-379 / Chapter (五) --- 讀荀 --- p.379-382 / Chapter (六) --- 張中丞傳後敘 --- p.382-385 / Chapter (七) --- 論佛骨表 --- p.385-387 / Chapter (八) --- 答崔立之書 --- p.388-390 / Chapter (九) --- 答李翊書 --- p.391-394 / Chapter (十) --- 與李翱書 --- p.394-396 / Chapter (十一) --- 與孟尚書書 --- p.397-400 / Chapter (十二) --- 答呂毉山人書 --- p.400-403 / Chapter (十三) --- 送孟東野序 --- p.403-406 / Chapter (十四) --- 送李愿歸盤谷序 --- p.407-410 / Chapter (十五) --- 送董邵南序 --- p.410-412 / Chapter (十六) --- 送浮屠文暢師序 --- p.412-416 / Chapter (十七) --- 送廖道士序 --- p.416-418 / Chapter (十八) --- 送楊少尹序 --- p.419-421 / Chapter (十九) --- 送鄭尚書序 --- p.421-424 / Chapter (二十) --- 毛穎傳 --- p.424-428 / Chapter (二十一) --- 平淮西碑 --- p.428-432 / Chapter (二十二) --- 南海神廟碑 --- p.433-435 / Chapter (二十三) --- 試大理評事壬君墓誌銘 --- p.435-438 / Chapter (二十四) --- 贈太尉許國公神道碑銘 --- p.438-441 / Chapter (二十五) --- 柳子厚墓誌銘 --- p.442-445 / Chapter (二十六) --- 殿中少監馬君墓誌 --- p.445-448 / Chapter (二十七) --- 畫記 --- p.448-451 / Chapter (二十八) --- 進學解 --- p.451-455 / Chapter (二十九) --- 祭河南張員外文 --- p.455-457 / Chapter (三十) --- 祭十二郎文 --- p.457-463 / Chapter 第七章 --- 韓文褒貶 --- p.463-562 / Chapter 第一節 --- 褒韓之論 --- p.463-488 / Chapter 第二節 --- 貶韓之論 --- p.488-562 / Chapter (一) --- 諛墓辨誣 --- p.490-510 / Chapter (二) --- 論昌黎諸上書 --- p.510-543 / Chapter (三) --- 論潮州謝上表 --- p.543-550 / Chapter 第八章 --- 韓文影響 --- p.563-603 / Chapter 第一節 --- 道統之建立 --- p.563-581 / Chapter 第二節 --- 古文之宗師 --- p.581-603 / 附錄 / Chapter (一) --- 韓愈傳略 --- p.604-616 / Chapter (二) --- 郡籍考實 --- p.617-624 / Chapter (三) --- 陽山貶因 --- p.625-638 / Chapter (四) --- 服丹藥辨 --- p.639-653 / Chapter (五) --- 大顛書考 --- p.654-672

韓詩綜論. v.1 / Study of the poetical works of Han Yu (768-824 A.D.) / Han shi zong lun. v.1

January 1968 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--香港中文大學. / Manuscript. / Parallel English title found on sheets adhered to cover: A study of the poetical works of Han Yu (768-824 A.D.) / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 656-675). / Thesis (M.A.)--Xianggang Zhong wen da xue. / Chapter 第一章 --- 引言及綱要 / Chapter 第二章 --- 韓愈以文為詩辯 / Chapter 第三章 --- 韓愈生平及韓愈簡譜 / Chapter 第四章 --- 韓愈之思想 / Chapter 一 --- 儒家傳統思想 / Chapter 甲 --- 道統及仁義 / Chapter 乙 --- 好古與法古 / Chapter 二 --- 排斥佛老 / Chapter 三 --- 達觀之思想與哲理 / Chapter 第五章 --- 韓愈之人格 / Chapter 一 --- 忠君 / Chapter 二 --- 疾惡 / Chapter 三 --- 愛才 / Chapter 第六章 --- 韓詩風格與特色 / Chapter 一 --- 奇橫 / Chapter 二 --- 平淡 / Chapter 三 --- 妥帖排奡 / Chapter 四 --- 綺麗 / Chapter 五 --- 鋪陳夸飾 / Chapter 第七章 --- 韓愈之去陳創新精神 / Chapter 一 --- 新意 / Chapter 二 --- 新句法及新詞句 / Chapter 三 --- 新體感 / Chapter 四 --- 運化典故,生出新意 / Chapter 第八章 --- 韓詩句法 / Chapter 一 --- 長短句 / Chapter 甲 --- 三字句 / Chapter 乙 --- 四字句 / Chapter 丙 --- 六字句 / Chapter 丁 --- 九字句 / Chapter 戊 --- 十字句 / Chapter 己 --- 十一字句 / Chapter 庚 --- 十三字句 / Chapter 二 --- 句脈特殊之詩句 / Chapter 甲 --- 上一下四 / Chapter 乙 --- 上三下四 / Chapter 三 --- 用語助之詩句 / Chapter 四 --- 特別結構之詩句 / Chapter 甲 --- 歇後語 / Chapter 乙 --- 倒裝句 / Chapter 丙 --- 疊用名詞造句 / Chapter 丁 --- 用虛字結句之詩句 / Chapter 五 --- 用口語入詩 / Chapter 六 --- 對句與避對 / Chapter 甲 --- 流水對 / Chapter 乙 --- 扇對 / Chapter 丙 --- 巧對成借對 / Chapter 丁 --- 避對 / Chapter 七 --- 鍊字 / Chapter 第九章 --- 韓詩之聲調與葉韻 / Chapter 第一節 --- 聲調 / Chapter 甲 --- 古體 / Chapter 乙 --- 近體 / Chapter 第二節 --- 葉韻 / Chapter 甲 --- 古韻 / Chapter 一 --- 某一字讀古音以葉韻者 / Chapter 二 --- 通首泛葉古韻者 / Chapter 乙 --- 重韻 / Chapter 丙 --- 同紐字連葉 / Chapter 丁 --- 顛倒連縣字葉韻、 / Chapter 戊 --- 獨葉本韻與旁通他韻 / Chapter 一 --- 獨葉本韻,不旁通他韻(所葉者多為狹韻) / Chapter 二 --- 豪通數韻 / Chapter 己 --- 韓詩葉韻之妙法 / Chapter 一 --- 以形容詞(尤其是連緜詞)帶實物 / Chapter 二 --- 以一典故代一名詞 / Chapter 三 --- 顛倒造句,以虛字或動詞置於句末 / Chapter 四 --- 用歇下語 / Chapter 五 --- 自鑄瑋詞 / Chapter 六 --- 運用譬喻 / Chapter 七 --- 趁韻 / Chapter 八 --- 用生僻之字葉險韻 / Chapter 第十章 --- 韓愈條學本源 / Chapter 一 --- 六經(以詩經為主) / Chapter 二 --- 楚辭 / Chapter 三 --- 漢魏六朝及選詩 / Chapter 四 --- 盛唐 / Chapter 甲 --- 李杜 / Chapter 乙 --- 其他 / Chapter 第十一章 --- 韓詩之影響 / Chapter 第十二章 --- 韓詩之病 / Chapter 一 --- 鄙陋俚俗者 / Chapter 二 --- ℗¡ 句語凡拙者 / Chapter 三 --- ℗¡ 激刺刻露者 / Chapter 四 --- ℗¡ 晦昧費解者 / Chapter 五 --- ℗¡ 謬誤悖理者 / Chapter 六 --- ℗¡ 語意先後矛盾者 / Chapter 七 --- ℗¡ 夸大過情者 / Chapter 八 --- 其他 / Chapter 第十三章 --- 韓愈之生活情趣 / Chapter 一 --- ℗¡ 釣魚 / Chapter 二 --- ℗¡ 賞花 / Chapter 三 --- ℗¡ 飲酒 / Chapter 四 --- 游覽 / Chapter 五 --- 晝睡 / Chapter 六 --- ℗¡ 歌舞 / Chapter 七 --- 賭博 / Chapter 第十四章 --- 韓詩之心理描寫 / Chapter 第十五章 --- 韓愈之寫作理論 / Chapter 第十六章 --- 結論──韓詩總評

A stylistic study of Tang guwen : the rhetoric of Han Yu and Liu Zongyuan /

Spring, Madeline Kay, January 1983 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Washington, 1983. / Vita. Bibliography: leaves [325]-352.

Li yong shi xiang gong ju jin xing xie zuo qian gou si xun lian dui zuo wen cheng ji de ying xiang : kong zhi zu qian hou ce zhun shi yan she ji = The influence of prewriting training by using visual tools on achievement in Chinese composition : control group pre-test and post-test quasi experimental design /

He, Jiahua. January 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (M.Phil.)--Hong Kong Baptist University, 2005. / Thesis submitted to the Dept. of Education Studies. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 109-120).


MANLEY, VICTOR EUGENE. January 1986 (has links)
Han Yu is famous in Chinese history both for his literature and for his defense of Confucianism at a time when it was being seriously challenged by Buddhism and religious Taoism. Although his influ- ence was limited during his own lifetime, in later times Han Yu came to symbolize the conservative Confucian values that are often identi- fied with the traditional Chinese state. This study examines Han Yu's life and thought in an attempt to determine to what extent his later image as an ideal Confucian was or was not justified. A chapter on the historical background provides the context for Han Yu's biography, which is divided into five chap- ters. This is followed by a chapter discussing the intellectual back- ground of Han Yu's thought. Two further chapters discuss, first, the basis of Han Yu's conservative image, and, second, a number of his writings which illustrate the limits of his conservatism. Han Yu's ideas are related to the political and social circumstan- ces of his times, and it is found that while he is indeed a conservative and a Confucian, the extent of both his conservatism and his Confucian orthodoxy have been exaggerated.

The Arts of Linking: A Comparative Study on Lian Ju by Han Yu's circle and Haikai by Basho's School

Xie, Kai 01 January 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Linked verse is a communicative and dynamic poetic form in which a series of verses are usually composed by several poets. It existed in both China and Japan and was fully explored by Han Yu’s circle and Bashō’s school, respectively. This thesis is a comparative study of the lian ju (Chinese linked verse) by Han Yu’s circle and the haikai (Japanese popular linked verse) by Bashō’s school, with focus on the arts of linking, the most important and interesting aspect of this unique poetic form. This study begins with a broad introduction and comparison of the two literary groups and their linked verse compositions. Representing the highest level of linked verse compositions in China and Japan, Han’s lian ju and Bashō’s haikai share some similarities. Yet whereas the former never outshone individual poetry in terms of influence and popularity, the latter dominated the entire poetic field, at least in Bashō’s day. In the second chapter, I investigate how the verses are linked. In terms of linking techniques, Han Yu’s circle basically used “close link,” including “word link” and “content link,” which does not exceed the range of the Chinese poetic tradition. In contrast, Bashō’s school valued the “distant link,” which is usually beyond expectation and needs analysis and imagination. In both cases, the linking is usually a combination of “complementary linking” and “competitive linking.” However, the competitive atmosphere prevails in the former while the complementary characteristic is represented more often in the latter. The third chapter continues the topic of linking, but it focuses on how the verses in a sequence are integrated as a whole. The verses in a lian ju sequence share a topic and are organized as in traditional individual poetry. In a haikai sequence, however, verses with different topics and images are disciplined by detailed rules. Finally, I compare the styles of the two schools. Both of them created a “new” poetic style by searching for the “old.” Nevertheless, the content of their poetry and their ways of composing poetry are very different.

韓愈 鱷魚文 研究 : 中國古代散文寓言性的探索 = Make a study of HanYu and E'YuWen : on fables nature in Chinese classical prose / 中國古代散文寓言性的探索;"Make a study of HanYu and E'YuWen : on fables nature in Chinese classical prose";"韓愈鱷魚文研究"

李河慧 January 2005 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities / Department of Chinese


熊琬, XIONG, WAN Unknown Date (has links)
第一章: 理學之先驅:第一節 韓愈與佛學:一、韓愈與理學,二、韓愈與佛;第二 節 李翱與佛學;第三節 柳宗元與佛學。 第二章 朱子理學之淵源:第一節:周敦頤與佛學(西元1017∼1073):一、太極圖 二、通書;第二節 張載與佛學(西元1021∼1078):一、西銘,二、正蒙 ; 第三節 程顥與佛學(西元1023∼1085):一、識仁篇,二、定性書,三性一元論; 第四節 程頤與佛學(西元1033∼1107):一、理氣說,三、主敬、窮理說,四、主 敬、理氣說與佛學;第五節 楊時與佛學(西元1053∼1135);第六節 羅 從彥豫章、李侗(延平)與佛學:一、羅從彥西元1072∼1135),二、李侗 (西元1093∼1163),三、劉勉之(白水)、胡憲(藉溪)、劉子 (屏山 )。第三章 朱子理學與佛學之關係:一、朱子西元1130∼1200)生平與學術,二、朱子 理學與佛學之淵源。壹、論心性理氣部份:第一節 太極說與佛學;第二節 理氣說與佛學;第三節 氣質說與佛學;第四節 心理、性 理說與佛學;第五節 性情說與佛學;二、論修養部份;第一節 涵養、省察說佛學 第二節 主靜、主敬說與佛學;第三節 天理、人欲說與佛學;第四節 知、行說與 佛學。 第四章 朱子闢佛之研討:壹、學理部份;第一節 從宇宙觀探討朱子之闢佛:一 、朱子之宇宙觀,二、從朱子之宇宙觀論其闢佛,三、佛氏之宇宙觀;第二節 從本 體論探討朱子之闢佛:一、朱子之本體論 ,二從朱子之本體論論其闢佛 ,三、佛氏 之本體論;第三節從教育學探討朱子之闢佛:一、從心性論看,二從教育之宗旨與階 次看,從教育之目的與步驟看,四、從教育之內容看,五、從修養論看,六從施教之 深淺次第看;第四節 從倫理學探討朱子之闢佛:一、佛氏有關孝道之倫理,二、佛 氏有關君臣之倫理,三、佛氏有關夫婦之倫理,四佛氏有關兄弟、朋友之倫理,五、 佛氏有關師弟之倫理。 貳、存養部份:第一節 辨釋氏以知覺運動言性之非,第二節 辨釋氏以心求心之非 ,第三節 辨釋氏有上達無下學之非,第四節 辨釋氏有敬以直內無義以方外之非, 第五節 辨釋氏有克己工夫而無復禮之非,第六節辨釋氏頓悟求速之非,第七節 辨 釋氏一覺之外不復事事非非,第八節 辨釋氏參話頭終日味無義語之非。 結論。

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