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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A critical analysis of the law on sexual harassment in the workplace in South Africa in a comparative perspective

Ndema, Yondela January 2007 (has links)
A central feature of sexual harassment in the workplace is that it essentially involves two sides of a coin an impairment of dignity, self-esteem, self-worth, respect, ubuntu, individual autonomy, and equality from a positive aspect and freedom from insult, degrading treatment, disrespect, abuse of trust and unfair discrimination from a negative aspect. The overlap between equality and dignity as founding values of the Constitution, constitutionally entrenched rights, and values underpinning the limitation clause in the Constitution is explored with a view to illustrating why sexual harassment is unacceptable in an open and democratic South Africa. The central theme of the thesis is that the future of the law on sexual harassment lies in the adoption of a multi-dimensional approach which focuses on dignity/ ubuntu because there can never be equality without respect for dignity/ ubuntu which is an essential pillar in the celebration of self-autonomy and humanity in a democratic society. A central focus of the research is that the harm of sexual harassment gives rise to various remedies, which are not mutually exclusive. The plaintiff can use one or more of the available remedies because sexual harassment is potentially a labour issue; a constitutional rights matter; a delict; unfair discrimination and can even manifest itself as a specific offence in criminal law. A wide range of data collection methods were used including reference to South African judicial precedent; legislation; selected foreign case law; the Constitution; textbooks; journal articles; feminist theories; and international conventions. The aim is to underscore the impairment suffered by women through sexual harassment, which includes economic harm, psychological harm, unfair discrimination, work sabotage, unequal access to employment opportunities and abuse of organizational power by supervisors. The multiple facets of the harm of sexual harassment such as treating women as sub-human, un-equal and as sub-citizens in total disregard of their constitutional rights, self-autonomy and ubuntu is highlighted in an effort to identify the essence of sexual harassment. The judicial tests, which determine whose perception of the nature of sexual harassment is decisive, are described. The focal point of the thesis advocates a judicial test for identifying sexual harassment, which is gender neutral, objective, and promotes the objects, purport, and spirit of the Bill of Rights by offering equal protection before the law. A critique of the current law on sexual harassment in South Africa is conducted in the light of the common-law principles of vicarious liability. An evaluation is made of how and to what extent the South African case law is compatible with Canadian and English authorities. This was done by broadening the scope of employment test to include approaches compatible with an abuse of power and trust; frolic of one's own; enterprise risk; mismanagement of duties; and abuse of supervisory authority and the sufficiently close nexus between the wrongful conduct and the employment. The United States supervisory harassment approach, which focuses on sexual harassment as an abuse of power or trust in employment relations, is critically regarded as having truly captured the essence of the risk of abuse inherent in the supervisor's delegated power. Statutory vicarious liability in terms of labour law is underscored because it is distinct from the common-law principles of vicarious liability in creating an element of deemed personal liability on the part of the employer for failure to take steps and ensure the eradication of gender discrimination. It is observed that women cannot be liberated as a class (gender equality) if they are not liberated as autonomous individuals (dignity). It is concluded that South African law is in harmony with the Canadian and English authorities on sexual harassment in the workplace and has the potential to deal adequately with sexual harassment cases in the workplace but only if attention is paid to the proposed emphasis and suggestions made in the thesis.

Arbete och hantering av sexuella trakasserier utifrån ett lednings- och medarbetarperspektiv : En fallstudie utifrån en mansdominerad arbetsplats / Work and handling of sexual harassment from a management and employee perspective : A case study of a male dominated workplace

Lundgren, Mathilda, Eriksson, Linn January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Sexuella trakasserier är ett brett samhällsproblem där kvinnor är mer drabbade än män. Tidigare undersökningar som gjorts visar att 36,3 procent av kvinnorna och 7,1 procent av männen uppger att de blivit sexuellt trakasserade någon gång i sitt yrkesliv. Flera av dem som blivit utsatta för sexuella trakasserier vågar inte anmäla då de känner en otrygghet, är rädda att förlora sitt arbete eller bli utfrysta. För att skapa trakasserifria arbetsplatser finns det en viss förväntan på ledningen och det är av stor betydelse att även medarbetarna inom organisationen har kunskap om vilka policys som finns och hur arbetet kring förebyggandet av kränkande särbehandlingar ser ut. Syfte: Från tidigare studier framgår att sexuella trakasserier är vanligt förekommande i samhället och på arbetsplatser. Sexuella trakasserier bör därför betraktas som ett fortsatt problem och därmed relevant att studera. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur en mansdominerad organisation, i det här fallet Volvo Pentas ledning i Vara arbetar med och hanterar sexuella trakasserier samt medarbetarnas upplevelser kring arbetet och hanteringen av sexuella trakasserier. Metod: För att besvara syftet ansåg vi att en kvalitativ forskningsmetod i form av en fallstudie var mest relevant. Tillsammans med fyra informantintervjuer och fem respondentintervjuer kompletteras studien med dokument från Volvo Penta. Slutsats: Studiens resultat visar ledningens aktiva arbete mot att förhindra sexuella trakasserier. De utgår från policyn om nolltolerans mot kränkande särbehandling och arbetar bland annat med enkäter och en aktuell workshop för alla anställda. Medarbetarna är väl medvetna om nolltoleransen som gäller inom Volvo Penta men saknar information om vad sexuella trakasserier innebär och hur företaget arbetar med det. Gällande hanteringen av sexuella trakasserier arbetar företaget utefter en utredningsmall och uppmanar till allas ansvar. Hanteringsprocessen är ingenting som medarbetarna tagit del av då de själva inte varit med i en utredningsprocess, två av de anställda vi intervjuat har blivit utsatta för sexuella trakasserier men valt att inte rapportera om detta av olika anledningar. / Background: Sexual harassment is a broad societal problem with more women affected than men. Previous studies show that 36.3 percent of Swedish women and 7.1 percent of Swedish men say that they have been sexually harassed at some point in their professional lives. Many of those who claim to have been sexual abused did not dare to report the harassment since they felt insecure, were afraid of losing their jobs or being excluded. To create a harassment-free workplace, there are certain expectations on management and it is important that the employees are aware of the policies for prevention of abusive persecution. Purpose: Previous studies show that sexual harassment is common in society at large as well as in workplaces. It should therefore be seen as a continuous problem and is thus relevant to study. The purpose of the study is to analyse how Volvo Penta´s plant in Vara, Sweden, handles sexual harassment, and the employees´ experience of abuse and the work to prevent it. Method: Empirically the study draws on a qualitative case study, consisting of four informant interviews and five respondent interviews, and supplemented by documents from Volvo Penta.Conclusion: The results show that management works actively towards preventing sexual harassment. It has a so-called zero tolerance policy against abusive discrimination and works with surveys and a current workshop for all employees. The employees are aware of the zero tolerance policy at Volvo Penta, still lack information from the company about what sexual harassment means and how it works with it. Regarding the handling of sexual harassment, the company works according to a pattern and request everyone to take their responsibility. The handling process is not something the employees have taken part of because they have not been involved in an investigation process. Moreover, two of the employees have been subjected to sexual harassment but chosen to not report for different reasons.

Sexuální obtěžování ve vysokoškolském prostředí v ČR / Sexual Harassment in Higher Education.

Vohlídalová, Marta January 2014 (has links)
The dissertation focuses on the exploration of the phenomenon of sexual harassment in Czech higher education environment, particularly on harassment of students by teachers. The sexual harassment is defined as unwelcome, inappropriate and offensive behavior that constitutes an abuse of power based on gender and formal structure. It comprises both less explicit forms of gender harassment (known as the "hostile environment") and more explicit forms of sexual (referred in the legislation as "quid pro quo"). The dissertation is based on a study of selected faculty of Prague university conducted in the turn of 2008 and 2009. It took a mixed research design combining quantitative questionnaire survey and in-depth interviews with students. The dissertation focuses on three main realms: i) students experience of sexual harassment, ii) the definition and perception of sexual harassment, and iii) coping strategies and solutions of sexual harassment. Quantitative survey showed that 67 % of respondents on the selected faculty have encountered some form of harassment during their studies. Students have mostly experienced the less explicit forms, i.e. gender harassment, however the more explicit forms of harassment, e.g. unwelcome sexual attention or unwanted physical contact, were no exception. Despite the high...

Predicting Patriarchy: Using Individual and Contextual Factors to Examine Patriarchal Endorsement in Communities

Crittenden, Courtney A., Wright, Emily M. 01 April 2013 (has links)
In much feminist literature, patriarchy has often been studied as a predictive variable for attitudes toward or acts of violence against women. However, rarely has patriarchy been examined as an outcome across studies. The current study works toward filling this gap by examining several individual-and neighborhood-level factors that might influence patriarchy. Specifically, this research seeks to determine if neighborhood-level attributes related to socioeconomic status, family composition, and demographic information affect patriarchal views after individual-level correlates of patriarchy were controlled. Findings suggest that factors at both the individual- and neighborhood levels, particularly familial characteristics and dynamics, do influence the endorsement of patriarchal views.

Predicting Patriarchy: Using Individual and Contextual Factors to Examine Patriarchal Endorsement in Communities

Crittenden, Courtney A., Wright, Emily M. 01 April 2013 (has links)
In much feminist literature, patriarchy has often been studied as a predictive variable for attitudes toward or acts of violence against women. However, rarely has patriarchy been examined as an outcome across studies. The current study works toward filling this gap by examining several individual-and neighborhood-level factors that might influence patriarchy. Specifically, this research seeks to determine if neighborhood-level attributes related to socioeconomic status, family composition, and demographic information affect patriarchal views after individual-level correlates of patriarchy were controlled. Findings suggest that factors at both the individual- and neighborhood levels, particularly familial characteristics and dynamics, do influence the endorsement of patriarchal views.

Digital activism in the networked age : the case of #MeToo movement in China

Li, Mengyu 28 August 2020 (has links)
Digital activism is an increasingly popular field in academia. However, scarce attention has been paid to the process of cultural and political mediation that have shaped different examples of the contents of digital activism as well as the character of actors who collectively utilize this instrument and also personally respond to the specific context in which digital activism emerges and evolves. This study investigates the #MeToo movement in the context of China as a concrete example of digital activism in a manner that ascribes attention to both digital technologies and activist practices. With regard to the practices of social movement, this study aims to capture the discursive processes that enable different actors to be recognized and make sense of themselves in public in the #MeToo movement in China. From the digital perspective, this study attempts to identify the characteristics of activists who participated in China's #MeToo movement. This study combined content analysis and discourse analysis with social network analysis to analyze the process and discourses on the #Metoo movement in China and examined the characteristics of actors who contributed to the promotion of the #MeToo movement on a networked public space. Following the three-stage model of social drama, five themes were identified in the narrative form of China's version of the #MeToo movement. This study also found that advocates and opponents of the #MeToo movement achieved their narrative agencies through the intersection of gender, sexuality, class, and culture in the Chinese sociocultural context. Finally, this study revealed that the expressive repertoires manifested in the reposting network of China's #MeToo and testified that homophily could exist between pairs of Weibo users along with similar attributes including gender, location, and engagement

The Framing of Sexual Harassment in German Online Newspapers: A Critical Discourse Analysis of the Online News Coverage of the Two Biggest German Newspapers on Sexual Harassment in the Light of #MeToo in Late 2017

Leifermann, Renée January 2018 (has links)
This thesis looks into the online news representation of the #MeToo movement, started by actress Alyssa Milano in October 2017, in the two biggest German newspapers, Süddeutsche Zeitung and Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung between October 2017 and January 2017. The purpose of this study is to examine how the online editorial departments of the two biggest German newspapers frame and represent sexual harassment in the light of #MeToo. Additionally, I want to determine how the news coverage developed from when Harvey Weinstein first was accused of sexual misconduct in October 2017, touching upon the occurrence of the now famous hashtag roughly two weeks later and another three months later when German TV director Dieter Wedel faced similar allegations. To do so, I conducted a Critical Discourse Analysis of 19 online newspaper articles. The analysis is divided into three parts: Text level, discursive practice and social practice. Resulting from the analysis, one can see that sexual harassment in Germany still is not recognised as an issue of gender inequality but rather a matter of individual responsibility and systemic structures in certain industries, especially when German stakeholders are involved.

Management of gender conflict among high school learners

Magagula, Constance Samukelisiwe January 2000 (has links)
Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree Master of Education in the Department of Educational Planning and Administration at the University of Zululand, 2000. / This study investigated the management of gender conflict among high school learners. The researcher has identified the types of gender conflict that are perceived to be more serious and the frequencies of different types of gender conflict. The researcher has also determined the ways of managing gender conflict in the high school and established alternative approaches of managing it. Finally, the research recommends possible initiatives on the part of the management staff, educators, learners, governing body and parents, as well as the community at large to promote gender equity * and peaceful coexistence in schools.

Könsbaserade värderingsskillnader i eventuellt sexuellt trakasserande situationer : En enkätbaserad experimentiell variansanalys / Gender-based evaluation differences in eventual sexually harassing situations

Bauer, Oscar, Ahmadi, Soma January 2020 (has links)
This study aimed to investigate gender-based evaluation differences in situations that occasionally can be perceptualized as sexual harassing situations. Hypothesis stated that when women are presented as victims in an eventual sexual harassing situation, participants would rate the event as more serious in comparisons when the victims are men. The study used survey-based between-group experimental design with story-based gender manipulation of the victim’s character in fictitious stories that may or may not be attributed with low-, moderate- or high grade of seriousness into a ratio scale (0-10). Four groups (N = 120) were included and separated depending on the victims as well as the participants gender. The assumption homogeneity of variance for one-way analysis of variance was violated when Levene's test was performed. Non-parametric equivalent Kruskal Wallis-test indicated a significant difference between the groups. Further findings were presented from multiple Mann Whitney U-tests for six possible comparisons (α = .008). Five significant differences between the groups were found confirming the first hypothesis despite the strict alpha level. Concluding the results as a potential confirmation of the prototype theory.

Abusive and Hate Speech Tweets Detection with Text Generation

Nalamothu, Abhishek 06 September 2019 (has links)
No description available.

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