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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Komerční objekt / Commercial building

Krejčová, Dita January 2013 (has links)
An intention of this thesis is to create a project documentation of commercial building. This house is situated at the edge of Brno. Ground plan of this three-floored partly basement house is designed as broken shape. Roof of this building is designed as flat. This building is used as a company headquarters and a stock.

Vývoj jakosti povrchových vod v pramenných povodích Berounky / The development of water quality in the headwaters of Berounka River catchments area

Wild, Aleš January 2021 (has links)
The paper describes the development of water quality based on selected pollution indicators in the source catchments of the Berounka River (Mže catchment, Radbuza catchment, Úhlava catchment and Úslava catchment of selected sub-catchments) on profiles located above the water quality monitoring profile Bukovec on the Berounka River from 1981 to 2019. Furthermore, the flow dependence during the monitored period and from it the predominant type of pollution in the given catchment is determined on the basis of the course of regression curves and the value of the coefficient of determination R2 . Based on the average annual concentrations, the evolution of the given pollution indicators on selected profiles is described for the longest possible monitoring period for which water quality data are available. Their evolution within a calendar year can be determined when the flow rate is exceeded. By means of mass transport, the actual amount of pollutants can be determined on the basis of the concentration and the flow rate. The specific mass transport then express the intensity of removal from an area of 1 km2 for a given time interval, which has been chosen here as well as the pollutant loads for one year. The observed results are then converted into graphical output. Based on the data, it is possible to...

Grand Prix České Republiky / Grand Prix Czech Republic

Pleva, Dominik January 2011 (has links)
Major case of this project is design of new headquarters of Czech Grand prix in Brno. As an design I worked with car aerodynamic design and technology. With ideas of speed, hi technology etc. was designed whole project.


李貴惠 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文基於在區域整合的趨勢下,國內學界及業界對於台灣市場可能被邊緣化感到憂慮,以及在國際企業理論的領域裏,與區域策略搭配的區域組織設計之探討仍不足的動機下,探討當多國公司的母公司為因應環境的改變而採取區域策略時,會如何進行區域內的組織結構設計。研究著重在區域總部、次區域總部與子公司角色的定位與演變。本論文採用質性研究,研究十家母國在美國或歐洲的多國公司的區域組織設計,這十家多國公司均為全球五百大公司之列,且在產業內有極高的市場佔有率排名。本論文以台灣做為地主國,上述各多國公司的台灣子公司均為擁有良好能力與知識的子公司,且過去均有足可證明的事件佐證該子公司在多國公司內部具有重要的策略地位。 本論文共分為四個研究。在第一個研究,本論文探討台灣子公司成長過程中的重要網絡,以了解內外部網絡對於多國公司在台子公司角色演化的影響。本論文發現影響貢獻型子公司成為卓越中心或託管中心的內外部網絡因素主要有四大方面:(1)多國公司內部資源流;(2)地主國市場策略重要性;(3)子公司打破規則;(4)母公司政策。而貢獻型子公司成為卓越中心或託管中心後,可以進一步地影響地主國的共生與競食系統共同發展,並使母公司賦予其更多的任務,因此是一種正向循環的效果-有能力與負責重要責任的子公司,因網絡的影響,將愈有能力與負責更多任務。 第二個研究著重探討多國公司的經營策略與子公司角色改變的關係。本論文發現當多國公司擬從全球策略或複國內化策略改變成區域策略時,就會產生授權程度的改變,亦有可能增加或減少組織層級,使台灣子公司的自主權受到影響,台灣子公司角色重要性可能會提高或減低。若台灣子公司的角色上升,代表多國公司會運用台灣子公司的能力知識到整個區域市場,這種情形可能有三個原因:(一)當產業的關鍵成功因素之一是與外部網絡的鑲嵌程度有關,且貢獻型子公司與外部網絡的鑲嵌程度高時。這是因為台灣子公司具有中國子公司較欠缺的管理外部網絡的知識,而這種知識對於建立產業遊戲規則是很重要的。(二)當台灣的消費者在區域內具有領先指標意義時。具有領先指標的台灣子公司的知識被中國子公司「借用」的部分愈大,則台灣子公司的角色愈重要。(三)當母公司愈不了解中國市場,而台灣市場跟中國市場的性質很相近時。一旦母公司認為台灣子公司是一個中介者的角色時,就會依賴這種溝通的機制,而不會輕易抽離這個導管。 第三個研究探討多國公司為執行區域策略所做的組織層級的調整。本論文發現多國公司會在原本的組織結構裏增加一個新的組織層級。如:原本為母公司、亞太區域總部、子公司等三個層級的多國公司,現在可能變成母公司、亞太區域總部、大中華次區域總部、子公司等四個層級。本論文發現次區域總部的設立是一種普遍的現象,且次區域總部會取代區域總部去管理其所屬區域內的各子公司。本論文發現次區域總部的設立可以使得多國公司更有效地平衡全球整合效率與地主國回應壓力等二股力量。本論文亦發現多國公司的許多功能別政策,在次區域總部成立後,已改由次區域總部做決策,取代了過去由子公司或是由區域總部作決策的現象,且次區域總部取代子公司或區域總部作決策的替代程度,受到二個因素的影響而有程度不等的現象:一為該產業的整合與回應壓力,一為該多國公司在亞太地區的銷售表現。 第四個研究探討區域策略動機、區域組織結構與子公司角色的關係。本論文發現多國公司為了追求區域的規模經濟而採用區域策略,則市場銷售量較小的邊緣地主國的子公司成為被整合者,(次)區域總部成為強力整合者。多國公司若為了掌握地區的機會而採用區域策略,則擁有挑剔的消費者的子公司成為機會提案者,(次)區域總部成為機會執行者。多國公司若為了掌握地主國的大客戶而採用區域策略,則擁有挑剔的大客戶的子公司成為客戶服務者,(次)區域總部成為服務子公司者。多國公司若為了促進子公司之間的能力知識流通而採用區域策略,則擁有特殊能力與知識的子公司成為一個整合性玩家,(次)區域總部成為能力發掘者與知識交換促進者。當多國公司的區域整合動機主要是為了追求效率與回應的平衡時,則區域總部扮演一個整合平台的角色,宜較為集權;當多國公司區域整合的動機是為了將各項要素更有效地流通到子公司時,區域總部較為分權。區域總部的設立位置是取決於與它互動最密切的內外部網絡的地點,因此當多國公司的價值活動佈局與利益關係人的地理位置愈分散,區域總部就愈有可能呈現出虛擬式的型態。次區域總部是個次層級的整合平台,多國公司是否須設次層級的整合平台,取決於該平台欲整合的標的物(如產品、知識)在該次區域內的互動程度是否遠大於與其他次區域內的子公司的互動程度。 總結來說,本論文對於多國公司的組織設計提出具體的理論與實務上的建議。在不同的環境前提與能力條件前提的考量下,多國公司可考慮在母公司或子公司進行目標、環境認知、決策、流程、能力、資源等的整合,也可以設立一個新的平台-即區域總部或次區域總部-來進行目標、環境認知、決策、流程、能力、資源等的整合。多國公司的母公司可以透過設立區域總部、劃分次區域、以及設計以下三個組織層級─區域總部、次區域總部和子公司─的分權程度及所扮演的角色,將區域的競爭優勢達到最大。 / The thesis explores the roles and responsibilities change of regional headquarters, sub-regional headquarters and subsidiaries when MNCs change to adopt regional strategy in accordance to the environmental changes by a qualitative research method. Ten MNCs among the top 500 enterprises with good performance and operation in Taiwan are investigated in order to understand how they design their regional organizations in the host region and what the roles Taiwan subsidiaries play along with the change to regional strategy. The thesis consists of four studies. The first study explores how network resources influence MNCs subsidiary to gain, maintain or lose the roles of center of excellence or mandates in Taiwan by grounded theory. The study finds that policies of headquarters, flows of resources within a MNC, the importance of a host country, the cooperative and competitive local players and initiative-taking by subsidiaries are important factors for the evolution of subsidiaries roles. When a subsidiary becomes a center of excellence or has a mandate, it may improve its ability and then in turn further enables it to gain more responsibilities – a subsidiary will become stronger and stronger and get more and more charters. Using a case study approach, the second study explores how regional strategy adopted by MNCs influences the role of contribution subsidiaries. A contribution subsidiary will be more important to a MNC in the following situations: when a key successful factor of the industry is network embeddedness; when sophisticated consumers in the host market are opinion leaders within the region; and when a parent does not have enough knowledge about the host country of a black hole while the nature of the market served by the contribution subsidiary is similar to that host market. A MNC can adopt three kinds of organizational design to explore the ability of contribution subsidiaries, namely, virtual, charismatic and focused centers of excellences. The more important a contribution subsidiary is, the more knowledge it integrates, and the more functional activities it is in charge. Subsidiary autonomy increases with the increase of subsidiary importance, too. The third study explores the organizational adjustments within MNCs following the trend of regional integration. The result shows that MNCs set up sub-regional headquarters (e.g., Greater China sub-regional headquarters) under a regional headquarters (e.g., Asia-Pacific regional headquarters). A sub-regional headquarters replaces a regional headquarters in order to directly manage subsidiaries within the sub-region. The emergence of sub-regional headquarters is in response to the need for a balance between integration and local responsiveness. An increasing number of decisions are made by sub-regional headquarters, instead of by subsidiaries, parent companies, or regional headquarters. Although the emergence of sub-regional headquarters is a trend, industry characteristics and the degree of the transfer of a firm’s specific advantages (FSAs) from home to a host region both affect the delegation of authority to a sub-regional headquarters. The fourth study explores the motivation of MNCs in adopting regional strategies and the reaction of MNCs to design regional organization and assign subsidiary roles. When a MNC adopts a regional strategy for the purpose of economies of scale, a contribution subsidiary becomes a periphery and the regional headquarters becomes a strong integrator. When a MNC adopts a regional strategy for the purpose of regional opportunity, a contribution subsidiary becomes an opportunity provider and the regional headquarters becomes an opportunity executor. The two motivations mentioned above make a regional headquarters more centralized. When a MNC adopts a regional strategy for the purpose of following the customer, a contribution subsidiary becomes a service provider and the regional headquarters becomes a supporter. When a MNC adopts a regional strategy for the purpose of facilitating the knowledge transfer, a contribution subsidiary becomes an integrated player and the regional headquarters becomes a knowledge facilitator. The two motivations mentioned above make a regional headquarters more decentralized. The location of a regional headquarters is decided according to the location of the most important stakeholders. The decision whether to set up sub-regional headquarters is made according to the frequency of the interaction with the cross subsidiaries in that sub-region. MNCs can design a regional organization to make sure the regional strategy can be executed in the most efficient way. MNCs can gain competitive advantage through the assignments of the roles of regional headquarters, sub-regional headquarters and subsidiaries under the regional strategy.

兩岸經貿更加緊密對僑外來台投資子公司運籌中心地位之影響因素 / The Determinants of the Role of Subsidiary Logistics Center in Taiwan as Cross-strait Ties Becomes Closer

張英姬 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究係利用經濟部投資審議委員會2007年「華僑及外國人投資事業營運狀況調查表(非服務業)」問卷資料,以1,013家僑外資在台非服務業廠商為分析對象,運用Probit Model進行實證分析,由廠商規模、行業分類、廠商成立年數、國際化程度、技術來源、在台設立區域營運總部、業務種類多樣化、兩岸經貿政策進一步鬆綁及降低關稅,儘速與他國簽署FTA等各個面向,探討兩岸經貿關係更加緊密後,影響僑外商在台子公司運籌中心地位之決定因素為何。經實證結果發現,國際化程度、技術來源、在台設立區域營運總部、業務種類多樣化及兩岸經貿政策進一步鬆綁等變數為影響僑外商在台子公司運籌中心地位之決定因素,除技術來源為在台自行研發之變數呈負向關係,傾向於採行降低及不變之營運策略外,其他變數皆與僑外商在台子公司運籌中心地位呈正向關係,傾向採提升之營運策略。 / This research made use of the 2007 Ministry of Economic Affairs Investment Commission survey entitled "Chinese and Foreign Investment Enterprises Operating Conditions Survey (non-service)" and targeted 1,013 non-service industry overseas foreign manufacturers in Taiwan as research subjects. The Probit model was used to carry out an empirical analysis based on the firm size, industry classification, the year the manufacturer was established, the degree of internationalization, technology source, established regional operational headquarters in Taiwan, business type diversity, steps taken to relax and lower tariffs and promptness in signing FTA and other oriented documents, with other countries. This study discusses why there were influencing factors in the decisions of overseas foreign investment subsidiaries in Taiwan logistics center positions after cross-strait economic and trade relations became closer. The empirical results show that the degree of internationalization, sources of technology, the establishment of the regional operational headquarters in Taiwan, business type diversity and further relaxation of cross-strait trade policy variables are the impacts of overseas subsidiary of foreign logistics center’s factors in determining status. In addition to the fact that the variables of technology sources developing on their own in Taiwan showed a negative relationship and tend to adopt reduced and unchanged operation strategies, other variables are compatible with overseas business subsidiaries in Taiwan logistics center position and showed a positive relationship and tend to enhance the operational strategies adopted.

集團內子公司地主國知識產生與移轉之研究 / Host-Country-Specific Knowledge: Generating and Transferring Among Member Firms in Business Groups

范慧宜, Fan,hui yi Unknown Date (has links)
本研究透過三個台灣大型MNCs(集團企業)的深度訪談,期望了解集團成員入如何產生與移轉特定地主國知識的議題。台灣MNCs(集團企業)在國際化時,地主國環境不同於母國,使得台灣MNCs(集團企業)海外成員不足以利用其擁有的經驗與知識去因應環境差異所產生的挑戰與問題,而需要產生新的解決辦法。台灣MNCs(集團企業)海外成員所在地之經營環境與母國環境有差異時,其處理方式有二:規劃性(定期會議處理各階段所面臨之問題)及隨機性(臨時會議對於臨時狀況進行處理);另外,在地主國發生的突發事件亦會產生地主國知識。當集團海外成員所面臨之經營環境與母國環境差異越大者,所產生特定地主國知識的量會越多。 透過每次在該地主國設廠及執行每一次新產品發展流程的經驗過程中各階段中因為與地主國環境介面互動而產生特定地主國知識,所以台灣MNCs(集團企業)是以漸進方式累積集團成員在特定地主國面對問題解決問題的方法。當遇到問題越多時,台灣MNCs(集團企業)海外子公司特定地主國知識累積速度越快;但每種特定地主國問題的解決方法是需要各階段多方人員不斷地溝通才能產生的,所以當內外部溝通成本越高時,會減緩海外成員累積特定地主國知識累積速度;為了加快累積特定地主國知識,台灣MNCs(集團企業)大量借助資訊科技及人員面對面溝通,期望加速溝通效率以因應快速變動的環境。 在同一地主國,透過三個台灣大型MNCs(集團企業)的深度訪談發現,台灣MNCs(集團企業)在特定地主國知識移轉機制路徑有三,且在探究過程中發現海外總部(OHQs)的存在,所以進一步探討,在特定地主國中,集團成員間移轉地主國知識時,海外總部(OHQs)所扮演的角色及其存在的價值;在取得這個知識的過程中,有哪些因素會影響移轉機制中正式化機制與非正式化機制使用比例?知識移轉時,正式化機制與非正式化機制之間是一個連續帶的概念,而影響集團成員間知識移轉機制選用時,正式化與非正式化機制搭配比例的影響因素包含:知識特性、子公司自主性、知識情境鑲嵌性、經營模式(產品相似性、技術差距性)以及地理距離。 台灣MNCs(集團企業)在知識移轉制度建立初期,較仰賴非正式化機制,隨著制度建立完備程度增加,正式化機制使用的比重提高,但是非正式化機制對於知識移轉機制的效力仍然存在於中高階主管層級,對於基層主管及員工而言,則會完全仰賴正式化機制,以確保自身工作上的權責釐清。台灣MNCs(集團企業)進行國際擴張時,海外成員初期國際化知識是從MNCs總部遺傳而來。台灣MNCs(集團企業)海外成員間特定地主國知識移轉路徑有三:1)透過集團總部(HQs)移轉、2)子公司間移轉及3)透過集團海外總部(OHQs)。本研究認為當台灣MNCs(集團企業)總部在特定地主國設立集團海外總部(OHQs)後,集團海外總部(OHQs)在特定地主國知識移轉上會取代集團企業總部的角色(意即地主國知識移轉時,路徑三會取代路徑一)。 台灣MNCs(集團企業)國際策略在大陸拓展的廣度(各個集團成員(產品不同)赴大陸投資)及深度(負責新產品發展流程階段越多)增加,使總部須處理的專業知識涵蓋範圍廣且處理資料量大,對於位於台灣的MNCs(集團企業)總部而言,處理資訊成本是很高的;再者,集團在大陸據點越多,對於總部監督成本上亦是很大的負擔,所以在大陸設立海外總部(OHQs),以與集團總部進行某種程度的分工;同時,當世界各地子公司均需將地主國知識回傳至台灣MNCs(集團企業)總部時,台灣MNCs(集團企業)總部即將面臨很複雜的處理及整合成本,所以海外總部(OHQs)有存在的必要。台灣MNCs(集團企業)設置的海外總部(OHQs)所進行的交流、整理及儲存的資訊較複雜和多元化,其設立目的包含:降低監督成本、降低整合成本、降低協調成本、降低知識移轉過程中由於資訊不對稱所產生的無效率情形。集團海外總部(OHQs)亦促進地主國集團成員間知識快速流通,且將知識從母國或其它地主國之集團成員處引入,也就是大量的知識流入與流出的主要樞紐。當集團型態是屬於聯邦分權式時,集團海外總部(OHQs)的設立是有困難的。集團海外總部(OHQs)可能設立在主要市場地理居中位置、交通便捷之處或離知識最接近的地方,以降低「集團」海外成員開會時的交通成本。 集團海外總部(OHQs)是在集團總部(HQs)監控下創造出其在特定地主國知識移轉扮演的角色獨特性及存在必要性,為避免集團海外總部(OHQs)憑藉結構洞角色壟斷所有特定地主國知識,進而取代集團總部(HQs),集團總部(HQs)透過其與集團海外成員間稽核性連結及其對集團海外總部(OHQs)的正式控制(包含所有權控制及組織層級控制)來防堵集團海外總部(OHQs)坐大,以有效管理集團海外總部(OHQs)。 正式機制與非正式機制間是一個連續帶的概念。然而,在移轉過程中,哪些因素會影響到正式與非正式機制搭配的比例呢? 當海外成員自主性高時,採用正式化機制強迫集團海外成員間進行知識分享,亦搭配非正式化機制的社會互動,來緩和彼此間因競爭所產生不願意分享的情形;當知識的情境鑲嵌性程度越高,越需要使用非正式機制來縮小正式機制中知識再利用的可能性;當產品相似性很高,知識來源者與接收者若能搭配少部分(短時間、次數少)的人員互動,便能加快知識再利用的速度;當技術越接近時,知識需求方較可準確地預估需求單上的要項,雙方技術差距越大,越需要仰賴非正式關係使知識來源者願意「多」花時間來教導知識接收者;當集團成員地理距離愈遠時,透過正式化機制,如海外總部(OHQs)進行地主國資料蒐集以避免資訊不對稱造成的知識移轉障礙,以克服因為地理距離所產生的知識移轉障礙。 / Knowledge about host countries and international environment is needed when firms enter international markets. A firm encounters more challenges when it enters a new market with no knowledge. After entry, it then can gain valuable experiential knowledge about the host country (i.e., host-country-specific knowledge) and this knowledge is helpful for further operation in the country and internationalization (Yu, 1990). A firm can gain hands-on knowledge by operating in a host market and then it can filter the information gained into forms it needs for internationalization later on. The purpose of the study addresses host-country-specific-knowledge generating and accumulating by overseas member firms in business groups by identifying factors that affect how business groups from an emerging economy transfer host-country-specific knowledge among their group members. We have found that formal and informal mechanisms were helpful in facilitating the transferring of host-country-specific knowledge. In the literature, it is often assumed that knowledge can be easily and automatically transferred within business groups. Our study confirms that business groups do transfer knowledge among subsidiaries purposely and has also demonstrated that some mechanisms are needed to realize this intent. While the business group’s network provides a platform for facilitating flows of host-country-specific knowledge, the mere existence of such a network does not automatically result in knowledge transfer. From managerial viewpoint, both formal and informal mechanisms should be in place to promote and encourage host-country-specific knowledge transfer. Gaining a good understanding of the mechanisms contributing to knowledge transfer is strategically important for knowledge management. Regarding the use of mechanisms, our results indicate that the buildup of internationalization knowledge can go along with a firm’s development in foreign markets and also can allow for accumulation of various types of knowledge. The more significant the difference between the contexts encountered by foreign subsidiaries and headquarters is, the more the quantity of knowledge the former will create regarding the host country. When foreign subsidiaries encounter similar problems within a tight time frame in a host country, the accumulation of knowledge about the host country will be faster. In the early stages, setting up knowledge transferring system relies more on informal mechanisms. The more mature the system is, the higher the proportion of formal mechanisms is used. However, although informal mechanisms are effective for chief executive officers and senior vice presidents, primary executives and operators rely solely on formal mechanisms in order to clarify responsibilities. With more important strategic position of the host country, the headquarters will establish overseas headquarters in order to quickly respond to the market requirements. In a specific host country, overseas headquarters, established by the HQs, may substitute for the headquarters in transferring host country-specific knowledge among member firms via formal mechanisms. When a business group belongs to federal decentralization, external market mechanisms will be adopted to transfer knowledge among its member firms. The overseas headquarters hardly governs transferring knowledge among overseas member firms and the headquarters. When the overseas headquarters is established, the headquarters adopts auditing connection to prevent the host country from monopolizing host-country-specific knowledge. A headquarters can successfully implement multiple formal and informal mechanisms for knowledge transfer. With respect to knowledge transfer, the higher the level of subsidiary autonomy, the greater the necessity the headquarters rely on formal mechanisms to transfer host-country-specific knowledge among member firms. Encouraging sharing within a business group through some managerial mechanisms can wear down the negative influence caused by opportunism and information asymmetry on the part of the subsidiary and the inter-member competition for the transfer of host-country-specific knowledge. Overseas headquarters accumulates a vast experience and are capable of absorbing, transferring and applying knowledge adequately. They can transcend the geographical limitations and establish good cooperation relations between knowledge originator (the subsidiaries in the host country) and knowledge receiver (other sister firms and the headquarters), warranting the success of the knowledge transfer. Provided that knowledge is tacit, information technology is necessity in transferring knowledge initially documented while social interaction is needed in transferring the rest knowledge embedded in persons. Finally, product and technology similarity are factors affecting how headquarters rely on formal mechanisms in transferring knowledge among member firms.

Os fatores que impactam no desenvolvimento da mentalidade comercial no modelo empresarial de serviços compartilhados

Aquino, Fabricio Cervantes de 19 December 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Fabricio Cervantes de Aquino (fabricio2031@gmail.com) on 2014-02-11T04:08:11Z No. of bitstreams: 1 A DISSERTAÇÃO_FABRICIO AQUINO FINAL_PÓS DEFESA.pdf: 18367048 bytes, checksum: c7d75f64cd0f531c04bb510895779b95 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Janete de Oliveira Feitosa (janete.feitosa@fgv.br) on 2014-02-11T17:20:03Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 A DISSERTAÇÃO_FABRICIO AQUINO FINAL_PÓS DEFESA.pdf: 18367048 bytes, checksum: c7d75f64cd0f531c04bb510895779b95 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Marcia Bacha (marcia.bacha@fgv.br) on 2014-02-12T16:41:14Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 A DISSERTAÇÃO_FABRICIO AQUINO FINAL_PÓS DEFESA.pdf: 18367048 bytes, checksum: c7d75f64cd0f531c04bb510895779b95 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-02-12T16:42:30Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 A DISSERTAÇÃO_FABRICIO AQUINO FINAL_PÓS DEFESA.pdf: 18367048 bytes, checksum: c7d75f64cd0f531c04bb510895779b95 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-12-19 / A implantação e expansão do modelo operacional de 'serviços compartilhados' ocupam um lugar de destaque na atual estratégia de muitas empresas multinacionais, o que demonstra seu valor e sucesso como mecanismo de redução de desperdícios e de aumento da eficiência e da eficácia na execução das atividades organizacionais. Esta dissertação tem o objetivo de investigar problemas que podem comprometer o sucesso deste modelo partindo de alguma hipóteses levantadas pelo autor com base em sua observações e vivência profissional. Para atender ao objetivo deste trabalho, foi realizada uma revisão da literatura sobre os temas estratégia e relação matriz-subsidiária, a fim de compreender os diferentes fatores que influenciam os papéis desempenhados pelas subsidiárias com relação às matrizes. Estes temas foram selecionados em virtude das revelações do campo. Com base neste referencial teórico, foram selecionadas algumas tipologias como critério de análise para a investigação empírica das práticas na empresa selecionada. A metodologia utilizada engloba um estudo de caso único. É feita uma análise dos resultados encontrados na pesquisa baseando-se no referencial teórico selecionado na tipologia. Com base no caso estudado, é possível afirmar que a relação matriz-subsidiária impacta diretamente no sucesso deste modelo em empresas multinacionais. / The implementation and expansion of the operational model of 'shared services' occupies a prominent place in the current strategy of many multinational companies, which demonstrates the value and success of this model which is presented as a mechanism for reducing waste and increasing efficiency and effectiveness in the execution of organizational activities. This dissertation aims to investigate problems that could jeopardize the success of this model starting from some hypothesis raised by the author based on his observations and professional experience. To meet the objective of this study, a literature review on and strategy and subsidiary-headquarter relationship was performed in order to understand the different factors that influence the roles played by subsidiaries with respect to the central office. These topics were selected because of the revelations of the field research. From this theoretical framework, some typologies have been selected as criteria for analysis to the empirical investigation of the practices in the selected company. The methodology covers a single case study. Finally, an analysis of the results found in front of the theoretical framework on selected typologies. Based on the analysis, it can be confirmed that the headquarters - subsidiary relationship directly impacts the success of this model in multinational companies.

Zázemí závodního týmu / Headquarters of racing team

Jakeš, Miroslav January 2015 (has links)
The subject of this thesis is Headquarters of racing team. The building is designed wall system porotherm, ceilings are monolithic concrete and roofing of the building is a combination of green flat roofs and single-flat roof with steel trusses. The building is designed as a single-storey, only part of the plan of the hall is a two-storey building. The building consists of two functionally separate parts.

Židovské spolky v ČSR 1919-1939 se zaměřením na Slovensko / Jews Society in Czechoslowakia Between 1919 - 1939 with focus in Bratislava

Heriban, Branislav January 2011 (has links)
Author of the thesis focuses on the Jewish associations and organizations in Slovakia, particularly Bratislava, in the period 1919 to 1939. Jewish associations existed already in Austria-Hungary. In 1867, resulting from the approval of the Austrian constitution in February 1861, a federal law was adopted that developed and clarified some of the general constitutional principles. In Hungary, after the Austria - Hungarian Settlement, Law of 2 May 1875 No 1508/1875 was in force - with minor adjustments - until the end of 1951. Activities of Jewish societies further developed during the first Czechoslovak Republic. The majority of societies existed in Prague, Brno and Bratislava. Being university cities, their activities attracted number of students, particularly lawyers and medics. The volume of voluntary activities multiplied during 1920's. Bratislava had registered 676 organization and societies in 1931, which was nearly tenfold compared to 1900. In years 1919 - 1939 there were about 30 to 40 Jewish associations in the city. With regard to their activities the Jewish organizations were divided as follows: religious organizations, charitable societies, mutual help and burial assistance societies, student and community based organizations, gymnastics and sporting clubs, professional associations and...

Společnost nad Sázavou / Society over the Sázava

Kopečková, Petra January 2017 (has links)
The subject of this diploma thesis is based on the specific intention of the town Žďár nad Sázavou to rebuild the original nursery school at Okružní street to the community center. The building of former crches is located on the border of Stalingrad and new locations with family houses Klafar. The design of the building modification of the existing building is based on the perception of the continuity of the development, especially of the building structure. The aim of the project is to create a multifunctional community center with operational and administrative facilities. With regard to the capacity of the current building, it was necessary to extend the extension to meet the spatial requirements of each site. The construction program was specified by the developer and extended by two new facilities - the community center and the headquarters. It also includes the solution of outdoor areas, sufficient parking capacity and, in particular, the creation of a clear identity of the community site.

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