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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Giftfri miljö på förskolor – Nulägesanalys och förslag till förbättringsarbete (åtgärder) i Båstads kommun

Sami, Inas, Dakhil, Inas January 2016 (has links)
Products that children get in contact with every day, such as toys, paints, electronics and detergents have recently been discovered that they contain harmful chemicals. Children are more susceptible than adults because of their thin skin and yet not fully developed bodies. The purpose of this work is to identify the risks from chemicals that children in the indoor nursery get in contact with, and how these products affect the health of children, and to describe how these chemicals affect children's health and the environment. The aim is also to find out how great the level of the staff's knowledge is about the harmful chemicals, as well as the preventive measures taken.  This is done through a survey among the staff at nurseries in Båstad municipality. The report consists of three parts, two practical parts in the form of an on-site investigation at nine kindergartens in Båstad municipality and a survey among the staff who worked there. The third theoretical part was in the form of literature.  The results of this study show that the indoor environment in nurseries has important significance for children's health. The inventory of nursery in Båstad municipality showed that today there are goods and products with harmful chemicals among kids at nurseries. The products that have been found in nurseries in Båstad municipality where most contain harmful chemicals such as phthalates, flame retardants, perfluorinated substances and bisphenol A. It was above all the electronic toys such as cell phones, keyboards, computers, and even in the older toys or soft and semi-soft toys.  To reduce the amounts of chemicals found in nurseries one should start to throw away old toys, old electronic toys, avoid toys with batteries or electronics that do not have their batteries covered, stop using cleaning products containing chemicals and also increase the number of times that the nurseries are cleaned thoroughly. The questionnaire study showed that most nurseries were not sufficiently aware of the dangerous chemicals in toys and detergents used. There was a certain part of the staff that was aware of what "green flag" means.  To achieve this is the best way, the municipality, and politicians should help the nurseries. Improvements by the municipality, and politicians should provide important training for both nurseries staff and for the various pictures within the community that directly or indirectly impact. In order to improve knowledge in this area it is needed to train nurseries staff, cleaning staff, parents and others in the business. To get a non-toxic nursery, it is important that the municipality, the nurseries staff, cleaning staff and parents all gain knowledge about chemicals in materials and products.

Rizika práce ve zdravotnictví / The risk of working in health care

PROKŮPKOVÁ, Šárka January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the risks of working in the health sector. Workers in the health sector are divided into two groups. The first group are the health care professionals and other workers are in health care.Risks, which acts on the medical staff, are also divided into two groups. Specific risks form the first group, which includes primarily the risk of physical, chemical and biological. The second group-non-specific risks, which consists mainly of the shift work, psychological or physical stress, the hard working position, visual stress, allergies, etc. In the theoretical part are in detail described all the risks of acting on the medical staff.For the practical part was used quantitative research using public opinion survey. The questionnaire is made up of 35 questions, which prevailed by closed questions, but questions were used as semi-open and open. The research sample consisted of medical staff (doctors, nurses, laboratory technicians, female assistants, medical assistants and orderlies) from selected departments of the hospital Zatec and Most, without taking into account the representation of gender or type of department and city, and this without taking into account the representation of both sexes or the type department and cities. The questions were answered by a total of 100 respondents. In addition 3 hypotheses were established: H1. Statistically significant percentage of health professionals do not know what category of work are included - was confirmed. H2. On selected departments medics always reports injury that is caused by sharp instrument, to their manager - was refuted. H3. Treatment of biological material is selected on both healthcare facilities in accordance with the law no. 258/2000 Coll. , Section 62 (4 ) (c) and with the Decree No 306/2012 Coll. , § 5 - was confirmed.

Problémy bezpečnosti a ochrany zdraví při práci / Problems of Occupational Safety and Health Protection at work

Hlobilová, Lucie January 2010 (has links)
As a theme for my Master's Thesis I chose the theme of problems which are connected with application of Occupational Safety and Health Protection principles in practice. The aim of the Master's Thesis is to outline possible problems which we could come across while implementing the Occupational Safety and Health Protection policy and to map a major part of important legal enactments covering sphere of Occupational Safety and Health Protection. The Master's Thesis is divided into two parts, theoretical and practical one. In the theoretical part I at first briefly outline historical development of legal regulation in the Czech Republic then I proceed to a summary and characteristics of the most important contemporary legal enactments whereas I don' t omit an European legal regulation and legal regulation within the framework of International Labour Organisation. Another important part of the theoretical part is devoted to national policy of occupational safety and health protection at work. In the practical part I present the Occupational Safety and Health Protection problematic in practice and I focus on training, analysis and risk classification and formation of risk register in company Hella Autotechnik, s.r.o.

Zprávy České školní inspekce jako zdroj informací o porušování právních předpisů v oblasti bezpečnosti a ochrany zdraví žáků ve školách a školských zařízeních / Czech School Inspection's reports as a source of information on breaking the legal requirements of safety and welfare of students in schools and educational facilities

Bukovská, Zuzana January 2013 (has links)
The diploma work is focused on the field of security and health protection in the school facilities. It is based on the analysis of the legal regulations and it compares them to the information published in the inspectional, annual and thematic reports of the Czech School Inspection. The research part deals with the analysis of the public and closed documents of the Czech School Inspection. It refers to the most common abuse of the legal rules in the comparison to the facts published in the mentioned reports of the Czech School Inspection. The diploma work contains the total view of the legal regulations targeted on the field of security and health protection and determines the duties which are obligatory for the headmasters. Focused on the documents the work finds out the most frequent mistakes and examples of breaking the rules, it searches for the cause of the cases and sugests the ways how to prevent from the mistakes.

La protection sanitaire et sociale au Liban (1860-1963) / Health and social protection in Lebanon (1860-1963)

Yehya, Houssam 26 May 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse cherche à proposer une lecture historicisée, pour le Liban, de la mise en place et l’évolution de la protection sanitaire et sociale en se concentrant sur le rôle et les relations de fait et de droit entre les deux secteurs : public et privé, et l'influence étrangère notamment celle de l’OIT sur la production de la norme libanaise, pendant les trois périodes majeures de l’histoire au Liban : Ottomane, Française et Le Liban indépendant. / This thesis seeks to provide a historicized approach for the Lebanese establishment and development of health and social care by focusing on the role and relationships factual and legal between the two sectors: public and private and the foreign influences including that of the ILO on the production of the Lebanese standard, during the three major periods of history in Lebanon: Ottoman, French and independent Lebanon.

Managing Risk at Times of Pandemic: Whose Responsibility?

Connell, Katherine 25 April 2012 (has links)
The Canadian healthcare system has become increasingly decentralised as a result of neoliberal policy leanings. Many responsibilities have shifted from federal to provincial to regional health authorities. As a result of their heavy workloads and strained budgets, these regional health authorities have begun striking up new community partnerships. This thesis examines the role that lay institutions play within the Canadian healthcare system via a case study of Dalhousie University’s handling of the 2009/2010 H1N1 pandemic. Document analysis and participant interviews reveal how the institution worked to protect the health of its population, why it was inclined to take on this responsibility, and how doing so impacted the everyday work of Dalhousie University employees. Based on this case study, the thesis argues that the capacity of lay institutions and their employees to respond to health crises is likely to depend on a number of factors, which has important public health implications.

Vybrané aspekty bezpečnosti a ochrany zdraví při práci / Selected aspects of occupational safety and health protection

Houthoofdtová, Emilie January 2019 (has links)
Selected aspects of occupational safety and health protection Abstract This thesis focuses on legal regulation of selected aspects of occupational safety and health (OSH) protection in the context of Czech law. This is a classical area of labour law whose importance grows together with the growing complexity of working practices. The aim of the thesis is to provide a description of the current regulation and subsequently to analyse selected aspects related to the educational sector. The thesis is, apart from introduction and conclusion, divided into six chapters. In the first chapter, the historical development of OSH is outlined in order to give context to the consecutive chapters. The following chapter provides an overview of the sources of law, since the area of OSH is heavily influenced by the European as well as the international law and the regulation on the national level is considerably fragmented. In the third chapter attention is paid to the rights and obligations of the employer, which are analogous to the fourth chapter, concerning the rights and obligations of the employees (in the field of occupational safety and health). OSH is closely linked to the risk assessment, which is key to successful implementation of OSH standards and greatly helps to reduce occupational injuries and illnesses....

L'Union Européenne et la santé / The European Union and health protection

Inglese, Marco 13 June 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse analyse la protection de la santé dans l’ordre juridique de l’Union européenne. Elle sera divisée en trois parties. Dans la première on aborde la compétence de l’Union en matière de santé en soulignant le rôle des articles 168 et 114 TFUE et des principes de subsidiarité et solidarité. Dans la deuxième, consacré au marché intérieur, on explore la libre circulation des médecines, le droit d’établissement des personnes physiques et morales engagé dans les activités économiques liées à la santé et finalement la mobilité des patients comme forme spécifique de la libre prestation de services. Dans la troisième, on s’interroge si la santé est un droit fondamental selon l’art. 35 de la Charte des droits fondamentaux de l’Union Européenne en utilisant les trois obligations classiques –tirées du droit international- de protéger, respecter et accomplir ; enfin, on examine le principe de non-discrimination en relation à l’accès aux soins médicaux et le consentement éclairé. / The thesis aims at analysing the right to health and its protection in the legal order of the European Union. The first chapter assesses EU's health competences, introduced for the first time by the Maastricht Treaty and now codified into art. 168 TFEU. It identifies some specific sectors in which the EU can act and others, as the organisation of national health systems, that remain on the scope of domestic legislation. The second chapter examines health related derogations and mandatory requirements concerning the free moment of goods, the right of establishment and the freedom to provide services. For this reason it is divided into three sections. The first is devoted to pharmaceutical products. The second analyses the mutual recognition of medical qualifications and the domestic hindrance to the establishment of health operators. The third concerns patients' mobility and how the case law of the Court of Justice has been transposed in a piece of secondary legislation. Taking into consideration the binding value of the Charter of fundamental rights, the third chapter focuses on the role of the right to health in EU law. The structure is thus consistently threefold. The first section, in the light of the few cases so far appeared, questions the existence of the right to health. In the second one, it is analysed using some international conventions in order to assess the impact of the obligations to protect, to respect and to fulfil and, eventually, the link between the principle of non-discrimination vis-á-vis the access to healthcare. The last section examines the right to informed consent in clinical trials and the donation of biological materials.

Mødre som strever med amming / Mothers and their babies striving to get their breastfeeding right

Alquist, Ragnhild January 2006 (has links)
HENSIKTEN: Studien beskriver mødre/barn som strevde med amming/diing. Hensikten var å se om tett oppfølging og veiledning økte varighet av amming, og å få kunnskap om mødres opplevelse av ammeproblemer, og ammeveiledning i praksisfeltet. METODE: Studien var en deskriptiv, retrospektiv undersøkelse. Instrumentet var et strukturert spørreskjema med 37 spørsmål. Informantene var alle norsktalende mødre som hadde fått ekstra ammeveiledning og oppfølging ved en helsestasjon i Oslo. Data ble samlet inn via post. RESULTATER: De fleste barna var under en uke gamle ved hjemreise. Der var ingen forskjeller mellom kjønnene. Hyppigst rapporterte dievansker hos barna var sugevansker og dårlig vektøking. I løpet av de første to ukene hadde 75 prosent av ammeproblemene hos mødrene oppstått. Over halvparten av mødrene rapporterte at de hadde behov for ammeveiledning på grunn av sår, sprekker eller infeksjoner på brystknoppene. Langt de fleste mødre mestret ammingen og ammet lenge på tross av store ammeproblemer. Den viktigste motivasjonen mødre oppga for å mestre ammeproblemer var kunnskap om at morsmelk var det beste for barnet. Mødre opplevde at å lykkes med amming hadde en sammenheng med å være en god mor. Støtte fra barnets far var betydningsfull i forhold til beslutningen om å fortsette eller å avslutte ammingen. Mødre beskrev at å få kunnskap, veiledning og oppfølging av helsepersonell med kompetanse, økte selvfølelsen og motiverte dem til å fortsette å amme. KONKLUSJON: Tidspunktet for barnets første måltid viste seg å være en indikator for behov for ammeveiledning både på barselavdelingen og etter hjemkomst. Bruk av morsmelkerstatning tidlig i ammeforløpet var en markør for kortere varighet av amming. Det er av sentral betydning å sikre at mødre får ammeveiledning før hjemreise, og at veiledningen blir gitt etter individuelle behov basert på kunnskap. Mødres behov for ammeveiledning ved hjemkomst med barnet, er en sentral del av det forebyggende arbeidet ved helsestasjonen både i forhold til barnets ernæring og mors mestring / AIM: The study describes mothers and children who strived with the breastfeeding dyad. The aim was to see if information, help and close support increase duration of breastfeeding and to gather information of mothers’ experience of breastfeeding problems and breastfeeding support in practise. METHOD: The study had a descriptive, retrospective design. Data were gathered through a postal questionnaire with 37 questions. The informants were Norwegian speaking mothers who had received extra breastfeeding help and support at a well-baby clinic in Oslo. RESULTS: The majority of children were under a week old when discharged from hospital. There were no differences in gender. The children’s most reported problems were suckling problems, and failure to thrive. 75 % of the breastfeeding problems among mothers occurred during the first two weeks. More than half of the mothers reported the reason for breastfeeding problems to be sore, cracked and/or infected nipples. The majority of the mothers coped with breastfeeding in spite of huge breastfeeding problems, and breastfed for a long period. Knowledge of how mothers milk protects the baby was the most important motivation for coping with breastfeeding problems. To succeed with breastfeeding was related to the feeling of being a good mother. Support from the child’s father was important for the mother’s decision to continue or to stop breastfeeding. The mothers described that to be given knowledge, counselling and support from competent health workers increased their self confidence and motivation to continue breastfeeding. CONCLUSION: The time of breastfeeding initiation was an indicator for mothers who needed breastfeeding support both in maternity ward and in the well-baby clinic. The use of supplements in addition to breastfeeding at an early stage was a marker for shorter duration of breastfeeding. It is important to ensure that mothers get breastfeeding support before discharge from hospital and that the support is individual and based on knowledge. Mothers’ need of breastfeeding support after discharge from hospital is a central part of health promotion at the well-baby clinic as it concerns the baby’s nutrition and the mothers mastering. / <p>ISBN 91-7997-138-5</p>

Le droit dans un environnement équilibré et respectueux de la santé / The right to live in a balanced and environment wich is conducive to health

Gréco, Marjorie 29 January 2016 (has links)
La première partie de ces recherches s’attache à étudier les causes de l’apparition de la Charte de l’environnement et plus particulièrement du droit pour chacun de vivre dans un environnement équilibré et respectueux de la santé (article 1er de la Charte). Elle développe ensuite les définitions de ce droit, à la lumière notamment du droit international et national antérieur à la Charte, pour enfin analyser son effectivité. Le manque d’effectivité du droit pour chacun de vivre dans un environnement équilibré et respectueux de la santé contraint, dans une deuxième partie, à rapprocher le préjudice environnemental, en tant que préjudice subjectif, d’un dommage écologique objectif. Ce qui permet d’analyser la responsabilité induite par les atteintes environnementales et sanitaires. Il est enfin constaté qu’à travers l’ensembledes règles environnementales, un équilibre environnemental entre l’homme et la nature et une préservation de la santé sont à la fois systématiquement recherchés. Cette protection sanitaire passe par l’encadrement d’une nature sauvage et, suite à des transformations environnementales, par des aménagements permettant de réparer les dommages écologiques nuisibles à l’être humain. Si toutes ces règles convergeaient vers un seul et même objectif, celui de vivre dans un environnement équilibré et respectueux de la santé, il serait possible de dire que ce droit est le signe de l’apparition d’un nouveau concept. Cependant il demeure à ce jour un droit purement politique, hypothétique, dont l’effectivité n’existe que ponctuellement à travers une multitude de règles environnementales et urbanistiques dont l’ampleur reste un frein. / The first part of these researches aims at studying the causes of the apparition of the Charter of the environment and in particular the right for everyone to live in a balanced and environment, which is conducive to health (Article 1 of the Charter). It then develops the definitions of this right, particularly in the light of international and national laws prior to the Charter,to finally analyze its effectiveness. The lack of effectiveness of the right for everyone to live in a balanced environment that is conducive to health constrains, in a second part, to assimilate the environmental prejudice, as a subjective prejudice, to an objective ecological damage. This allows to analyze the responsibility induced by environmental and health damages. Finally, it is noted that, through all the environmental regulations, an environmental balance between man and nature, and health preservation have systematically been sought. This health protection requires the supervision of wild nature and,subsequently to environmental transformations, the development of solutions to remediate to environmental damage harmful to humans. If all these rules were converging towards a single objective, which would be to live in a balanced environment conducive to health, it could be possible to say that this right is the sign of the emergence of a new concept. However, this body of law remains, to this day, purely political and hypothetical. Its effectiveness exists only occasionally, through a multitude of environmental and urban planning rules, whose large scope also remains an obstacle.

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