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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Food safety attitudes, beliefs, knowledge and self-reported practices of college students before and after educational intervention

Yarrow, Linda K. January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Department of Human Nutrition / Valentina M. Remig / Preventing foodborne illness and promoting safe food practices among all age groups is a high priority, particularly for college students because little about their food safety awareness and food handling practices has been reported. The research aim was to evaluate food safety attitudes, beliefs, knowledge, and self-reported practices of current upper-division college students, and to determine whether a three-module interactive educational intervention, developed for this study, positively influenced these variables. Comparisons between health and non-health majors were made. Two methods of data collection were used with volunteer health and non-health majors: focused food safety discussion groups during academic year 2004-05, and a pre-experimental design. Prior to engaging in either method, students completed an on-line food safety questionnaire (FSQ), adapted from a telephone survey used at K-State with older adults. The FSQ was administered again to those in the pre-experimental design group one week after exposure to the food safety educational intervention. Five weeks later, the FSQ was administered to determine whether changes in attitudes, beliefs, knowledge, and self-reported practices persisted over time. Focused food safety discussion group responses were qualitatively evaluated. Pre-experimental statistical analyses included Wilcoxin Signed Rank, Friedman, Mann-Whitney U, Chi Square tests, and Spearman rho. Focused discussion group findings indicated that students perceived themselves at low risk for foodborne illness; few used food thermometers; students without health backgrounds mimicked undesirable home practices; and students stated being open to changing non-recommended behaviors. Pre-experimental findings showed the effects of intervention were improved food safety attitudes, beliefs, and knowledge, with the strongest effects seen in health majors. Students' FSQ attitude scores increased from 114 to 122 (P<0.001), FSQ belief scores increased from 86 to 98 (P<0.001), and FSQ knowledge scores increased from 11 to 13 (P<0.001). Intervention resulted in some improved food safety self-reported practices for health majors but not non-health majors. Intervention module post-test scores improved significantly for all students; health majors had greater increases. Conclusions. Focused food safety discussion groups were useful for obtaining food safety information from college students; educational intervention improved college students’ food safety attitudes, beliefs, and knowledge and for health majors, some self-reported practices improved.

Les coulisses du partenariat patient : c omment le partenariat avec les patients change l’identité des professionnels de la santé ?

Codsi, Marie-Pierre 08 1900 (has links)
Objectif : Comprendre les tensions identitaires vécus par les professionnels de la santé, lorsque ceux-ci travaillent en partenariat avec des patients sur un comité d’amélioration continue. Devis : Étude qualitative ethnographique participative. Terrain de recherche : Une clinique de médecine de famille qui a décidé de former un nouveau comité d’amélioration de la qualité (CAQ) interdisciplinaire et d’y inclure des patients partenaires. Participants : Le CAQ était composé de deux patients partenaires, deux médecins de famille, deux résidents de médecine de famille, une pharmacienne, une infirmière clinicienne, un infirmier praticien spécialisé, une secrétaire, une réceptionniste, une agente de communication et une gestionnaire. Tous les participants ont été invités à participer à l’étude. Collecte des données : La collecte des données a commencé à l’automne 2017 et s’est terminé à l’été 2018. Elle comprenait des observations participatives, la tenue d’un journal de bord et des entrevues semi-dirigées. Résultats: À partir du cadre conceptuel développé par Ghadiri sur les menaces identitaires, notre étude met en lumière que le passage de la relation “soignant-soigné” à une relation “collègue-collègue” génère différentes tensions identitaires chez les professionnels, tant au plan de l’idéal du “bon” professionnel, de l’étanchéité des catégories patient-professionnel, du métissage des symboles associés à l’une ou l’autre de ces identités, et de l’équilibre intérieur entre les rôles de soignant et de collègue. Conclusion : Nos résultats offrent une grille de lecture originale et différente par rapport à la littérature scientifique existante, permettant de comprendre certains enjeux fréquemment rencontrés sur le terrain. Travailler en partenariat avec des patients n’implique pas, pour le professionnel, une relation de simple « collègue de travail », mais plutôt la construction d’un nouveau cadre relationnel, flexible et dynamique, prenant en compte une coexistence identitaire de plusieurs identités. / Objectives: To understand the identity tensions experienced by health professionals during a partnership relationship with patients on a quality improvement committee. Design: Qualitative ethnographic study based on participatory observation. Setting: Family medicine clinic in Montreal who decided to create a new interdisciplinary quality improvement committee (QIC) and to include PP for the first time. Participants: The QIC consisted of two patient partners, two family physicians, two family medicine residents, one pharmacist, one nurse clinician, one specialized nurse practitioner, one secretary, one receptionist, and one manager. All members of the QIC were invited to participate in the study. Data collection: Data collection began in the winter of 2017, when the committee was created, and ended in summer 2018. It consisted of participatory observations, logbook notes, and semistructured interviews. Results: Through Ghadiri's theoretical framework on identity threats, health professionals experienced significant identity tensions. Transforming the “caregiver–patient” relationship into a “colleague-colleague” relationship generated identity upheavals among the professionals, relating to the “good professional” ideal, the impermeability of the patient and professional categories, the interweaving of the symbols associated with one or the other of these identities, and the inner balance between the roles of carer and colleague. Conclusion: our results provide an interpretive reading that is original and different from the current literature, shedding light on certain issues frequently encountered in the field. Working with patients does not, for the professional, imply a purely “collegial” relationship, but rather the construction of a new relational framework, flexible and dynamic, that takes into account the coexistence of multiple identities.

La septoplastie vidéo-assistée (SVA) avec le spéculum de Rosemont, le futur de l’enseignement de la chirurgie septale : résultats de l’évaluation pédagogique sur le processus d’apprentissage au bloc opératoire

Maillé, Hélène 08 1900 (has links)
L’enseignement de la chirurgie nasale est difficile, car l’opération est pratiquée dans le nez en regardant par les narines. Cela signifie que le résident (étudiant en chirurgie) et le patron (chirurgien-enseignant) ne voient pas ce que l’autre fait dans le nez (Ahmidi et al., 2015). Une solution semble être la septoplastie vidéo-assistée (SVA) où une caméra est ajoutée à un instrument chirurgical et projette le champ opératoire sur un écran (Rahal & Charron, 2017). Le but de cette étude est de mesurer l’impact de la SVA sur le processus d’apprentissage des résidents en comparaison à la chirurgie conventionnelle. Projet en 2 étapes : 1. Création d’un outil de mesure a. Création du modèle du processus d’apprentissage au bloc opératoire selon les écrits de Piaget (Piaget, 1975) et Collins (Collins, Brown, & Newman, 1987) b. Création et Validation d’un questionnaire (Quivy & Van Campenhoudt, 2011) 2. Comparaison a. Recrutement de 5 patrons et 4 résidents pour effectuer 38 septoplasties b. Assignation aléatoire du spéculum vidéo vs conventionnel c. Réponse au questionnaire après chaque chirurgie Résultats : Pour chaque élément du modèle d’apprentissage mesuré à l’aide du questionnaire, la SVA s’est avérée supérieure de manière statistiquement et cliniquement significative. Discussion et Conclusion : La SVA améliore la vue du champ opératoire, la communication et le raisonnement clinique tout en permettant d’enseigner la chirurgie nasale à plusieurs étudiants à la fois. En conclusion, la SVA a un impact positif significatif sur le processus d’apprentissage des résidents en comparaison à la chirurgie conventionnelle. / Teaching nasal surgery is challenging since the operative field is within the nose and the surgeon perform the surgery by looking through the nostrils. This means the resident and the attending surgeon cannot see what each other are doing in the nose. A solution could be the Video-Assisted Speculum of Rosemont where a high definition flexible endoscope is mounted on a modified nasal speculum. While the surgery is performed in the usual fashion by looking in the nose, the surgery is displayed in the operative room. Methodology The aim of this study was to measure the impact of adding a camera to the nasal speculum on the learning process of residents compared to the conventional speculum. A questionnaire was developed and validated with the help of three experts in education. Then five surgeons and four residents were recruited to perform 32 consecutive septoplasties. Either the Rosemont or the conventional speculum was randomly assigned, and the questionnaire was filled by the participants after each surgery. The scores for the specula were compared with Mann-Whitney U Test. Results For all the 7 elements underlying the learning process of residents in the operative room, the video-assisted Rosemont speculum performed significantly better than the conventional speculum. Discussion and conclusion The Rosemont speculum contribute to offer a better view of the operative field to bystanders, it also helps with verbal communication and clinical reasoning while giving the opportunity to teach several residents at the same time. In conclusion, the Rosemont speculum has a positive impact on the learning process of nasal surgery.

Processus de validation d’une base de données haute résolution dans une unité de soins intensifs pédiatriques

Mathieu, Audrey 06 1900 (has links)
Objectif : Notre objectif était d’évaluer la qualité des données de la base de données haute résolution (BDHR) implantée dans l’unité de soins intensifs pédiatriques (USIP) de l’Hôpital Sainte-Justine (HSJ). Type d’étude : Un rapport descriptif et une analyse d’une étude prospective de validation d’une BDHR. Environnement : Une USIP de 32 lits, adaptée aux soins médicaux, chirurgicaux et cardiaques dans un centre tertiaire mère-enfant du Canada. Population : Tous les patients admis à l’USIP et ayant un monitorage d’au moins 1 signe vital par un moniteur cardio-respiratoire. Mesures et résultats principaux : Entre juin 2017 et août 2018, les données de 295 jours de patients ont été enregistrées à partir des appareils médicaux et 4465 données ont été filmées et comparées aux données correspondantes dans la BDHR de l’USIP de l’HSJ. Les analyses statistiques ont démontré en général une bonne corrélation, une excellente fiabilité et un bon agrément. Les graphiques de Bland-Altman ont aussi démontré l’exactitude et la précision entre les données récoltées et les données filmées selon les limites d’agrément cliniquement significatives préalablement définies. Conclusions : Cette étude de validation exécutée sur un échantillon représentatif a démontré que la qualité des données était globalement excellente. / Objective: Our objective was to evaluate the data quality of our high-resolution electronic database (HRDB) implemented in the pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) of HSJ. Design: A descriptive report and analysis of a prospective validation of a HRDB. Setting: A 32 beds pediatric medical, surgical and cardiac PICU in a tertiary care free-standing maternal-child health center in Canada. Population: All patients admitted to the PICU with at least one vital sign recorded using a cardiorespiratory monitor connected to the central monitoring station. Measurements and Main Results: Between June 2017 and August 2018, data from 295 patient days were recorded from medical devices and 4,645 data points were video recorded and compared to the corresponding data collected in the HSJ-PICU HRDB. Statistical analysis showed excellent overall correlation, agreement and reliability. Bland-Altman analysis showed excellent accuracy and precision between recorded and collected data within clinically significant pre-defined limits of agreement. Conclusions: This prospective validation study performed on a representative sample showed excellent overall data quality.

Apprendre ensemble : attitudes des étudiants en médecine envers la pratique collaborative suite à un cours d’éducation interprofessionnelle impliquant un patient-formateur

Chiniara, Lyne 04 1900 (has links)
Les cours d’éducation interprofessionnelle (IPE) permettent de cultiver la pratique collaborative, composante intégrante et contemporaine de la prestation optimale des soins aux patients. Ce projet de recherche a pour but d’explorer si un cours d’IPE utilisant, entre autre, un atelier interprogramme et la rétroaction d’un tandem composé d’un patient partenaire à profil formateur et d’un professeur, influence les attitudes des étudiants en médecine envers l’IPE, ainsi que le développement des habiletés de communication et de collaboration. Quarante-six de 250 étudiants en troisième année de médecine ayant participé au cours ont rempli le questionnaire Readiness of Health Care Students for InterProfessional Learning Scale. Près de 90% de ces étudiants démontrent une attitude positive envers l’IPE. L’analyse qualitative de plus de 1500 commentaires écrits de 223 étudiants en médecine à partir d’un questionnaire d’évaluation du cours a démontré que ceux-ci perçoivent une amélioration de leurs habiletés de communication et de collaboration, une confiance accrue en leurs compétences et globalement une meilleure compréhension des rôles et responsabilités des professionnels. Des facteurs influençant leurs attitudes et croyances, ainsi que les barrières à l’IPE émergent de l’analyse, tels que l’importance d’un respect mutuel et de l’abolition des préjugés envers les autres professions pour la réussite de l’IPE. En participant à ce cours d’IPE, les étudiants de l’Université de Montréal ont une opportunité exceptionnelle de s’initier à la pratique collaborative en partenariat de soins avec le patient. Les barrières à la participation des étudiants de médecine à la recherche pédagogique sont discutées et des pistes de solution pour rehausser leur intérêt dans le futur sont présentées. / Interprofessional education (IPE) courses help cultivate collaborative practice, an essential aspect of contemporary health care delivery that improves patient care. The goal of this study is to explore if an IPE course, using an interprogram workshop and retroaction by a tandem comprised of a patient-partner with an instructor profile and of a teacher, an innovative approach initiated by the Université de Montréal, influences medical students’ attitudes towards IPE and allows developing communication and collaborative skills. Forty-six of the two hundred and fifty medical students participating in the course filled out the Readiness of Health Care Students for InterProfessional Learning Scale. A positive attitude towards IPE is found in the vast majority of students («teamwork and collaboration» section: 88.9±5.8% of student answers = agree/completely agree). Qualitative analysis of more than 1500 written comments made by students showed that students perceived an improvement in their communication and collaboration skills, as well as their confidence in those skills. Overall, they had better understanding of professional roles and responsibilities. Factors influencing their attitudes and beliefs, as well as barriers to IPE, emerged from the analysis; the importance of respect and abolishing prejudices in order to succeed at IPE were raised. By participating to this IPE course, medical students of Université de Montréal have an exceptional opportunity to familiarize themselves with health care involving partnership with patients and collaborative practice. A discussion of barriers for the participation of medical students in pedagogical research and possible solutions to enhance their interest in the future are provided.

A Panel Analysis of Institutional Finances of Medical Residencies at Non-University-Based Independent M.D. Granting Medical Schools in the United States

Cho, Ah Ra 05 1900 (has links)
Traditionally, medical residency positions have been primarily funded by the federal government. However, due to declining governmental funding support over time, medical schools have resorted to fund these programs through other means such as clinical fees and payments for services. This change has affected the number and types of residencies available to medical school graduates. The purpose of this study was to measure how the availability of fiscal resources shape mission-related outputs, particularly medical residency positions at medical schools. Using academic capitalism as the theoretical framework provided a lens through which to examine how federal policies have shaped the availability and funding of medical residencies today at the institutional level. This concept has been studied in traditional colleges and universities and how they balance mission and money, but less so in the context of medical schools. This study used a fixed effect panel analysis to study the impact of selected variables over a 10-year period on financing of medical residencies. Findings included that tuition revenues, paid for by undergraduate medical students, are increasingly funding medical residency positions. There was little to no effect from hospital revenues and federal research monies on increasing the number of medical residency positions. The funding of university based medical education is particularly timely and of national importance to understand the consequences of federal policies for medical schools and how medical residency funding caps and limits have affected one of the missions of medical schools which is to train physicians.

L’identification et la remédiation des difficultés de raisonnement clinique en médecine (État des pratiques, recherche d’outils et processus pour soutenir les cliniciens enseignants)

Audétat, Marie-Claude 09 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Individual Moral Philosophies and Ethical Decision–Making of Undergraduate Athletic Training Education Students and Instructors

Caswell, Shane Vincent 19 August 2003 (has links)
No description available.

The Correspondence between Receptive and Expressive Task Performances: A Further Analysis of Necessary Conditions

Nachawati, Noor 12 1900 (has links)
This study was a replication and an extension of the 2021 research performed by Spurgin and Borquez on the correspondence between receptive and expressive behavior. Spurgin examined the role of the echoic in a hear-say procedure with adult learners, while Borquez examined the role of the echoic in both hear-say and see-say procedures. Both studies found that receptive and expressive correspondence did not occur consistently across participants. The present study asked if the fading steps used during training contributed to the results of the previous researchers. In the present study, the fading steps were changed to minimize the chance that the participant developed a position bias. The conditions were also counterbalanced to analyze the effects of hear-say vs. see-say, easy vs. difficult words, and the order in which the words were trained on the acquisition of receptive labels and the emergence of expressive labels. The study consisted of five phases: pre-training, hear-say teaching, see-say teaching, receptive testing, and expressive testing. Results indicated that although that acquisition of receptive labels improved, the change in fading steps did not make a significant difference in the correspondence of receptive and expressive language. Results showed similar correspondence in the hear-say and see-say procedures. Easy words and words taught more recently were correlated with increased receptive-expressive correspondence.

L’annonce d’un décès au service des urgences : une étude qualitative

Lachance, Paul-André 09 1900 (has links)
Nous cherchions à explorer les compétences que les intervenants du service des urgences (SU), des médecins et des infirmières travaillant en équipe dans des rôles complémentaires, ont développées dans la divulgation d‘un décès, pour éclairer l‘apprentissage de cette compétence de « Communicateur ». Nous avons utilisé des entrevues semi-dirigées et un échantillonnage non probabiliste de 8 intervenants. Nous avons analysé les entrevues à l‘aide de méthodes qualitatives reconnues. Le nombre total de présences de nos intervenants à une divulgation est estimé supérieur à 2000. Notre analyse a démontré qu‘ils utilisent une structure de divulgation uniforme. Néanmoins, ils repoussaient l‘utilisation d‘un protocole, parce que jugé trop rigide. La flexibilité et l‘empathie se sont révélées des qualités essentielles pour les intervenants. Nous représentons la visite de la famille comme un épisode de désorganisation/dysfonction qui se résorbe partiellement durant le séjour au SU. Nous proposons un modèle pédagogique qui est basé sur nos résultats. / We explored the competencies that Emergency Department (ED) healthcare providers (HPs), physicians and nurses working as team members with complementary roles, have developed through notifications of death, to inform the teaching of this ‘Communicator‘ competency. We used semi-structured interviews on a non-probabilistic sample of 8 HPs. We analyzed the interviews using recognized qualitative methods. The total self-estimated number of death notifications attended by our HPs is superior to 2000. Analysis showed that experienced HPs use a uniform structure to death notification in ED. In spite of this, the use of a protocol for notification was considered inappropriate because it was deemed too rigid. Flexibility and empathy emerged as essential qualities for HPs. We submit that the family‘s ED visit is an episode of disorganization/dysfunction that gets partially resolved during their stay. Based on our results, we propose an educational model for teaching delivery of news of death in the ED.

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