Spelling suggestions: "subject:"hedonia"" "subject:"cedonia""
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Upplevelsen av att må bra : Nittio personers berättelser ur fenomenologiskt perspektivRingkvist, Lotta January 2018 (has links)
Forskning om välmående utifrån hedoniskt och eudaimoniskt perspektiv har bidragit med teorier om välmående. Dock har få fenomenologiska studier gjorts i ämnet. Positiv psykologi vill stärka den psykiska hälsan hos individer, så också denna studie som undersökt de gemensamma komponenterna i människors upplevelse av att må bra. Sextio kvinnor, 30 män, 18 år och äldre från fem delar av världen skrev berättelser, svarade på kvalitativ online enkät eller intervjuades. Berättelserna analyserades inspirerat av strukturell fenomenologisk metod med kvantitativa inslag som resulterade i fyra teman (a) interaktion, (b) rörelse, (c) återhämtning, (d) yttre och inre balans. Dessa gav en holistisk bild av att må bra med återhämtning och delar ur yttre och inre balans som nya inslag från existerande välmåendemodeller. Resultatet kan ge insikter om välmående, användbart inom arbeten med människor. Vidare kan resultatet prövas och bidra till ett självrapporteringsformulär om en individs välmående ur ett helhetsperspektiv.
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The Ripple Effects of Prioritizing Personal Excellence or Pleasure: Impacts on the Surrounding WorldPearce, Keith January 2017 (has links)
Previous research has looked at how two dominant approaches to pursuing the good life – eudaimonia (pursuit of growth, excellence, authenticity) and hedonia (pursuit of pleasure, comfort) relate to benefits for the self. This thesis looked beyond personal well-being and investigated how eudaimonic and hedonic orientations relate to benefits beyond the self and broader scope of concern. Manuscript 1 assessed the link between eudaimonic and hedonic orientations and self-reported and observational prosocial behaviour, self-focused and other focused values, as well as time perspectives and abstract thinking. Manuscript 2 explored the association between eudaimonic and hedonic orientations and hindering social behaviours, and
helping under various circumstances. Next, Manuscript 3 examined reasons for engaging in prosocial behaviours, including self-focused and other-focused motives. Lastly, Manuscript 4 went beyond self-report measures by studying the distinction between eudaimonic and hedonic orientations on reactions to pictures depicting human/animal/nature happiness/health and suffering/degradation based on self-report affect and empathy, facial expressions, and psychophysiological measures (skin conductance and heart rate). Manuscript 1 showed that eudaimonic orientation related to a broader focus, including scope of concern (i.e., a wider variety of prosocial behaviours, prosocial values), a balanced time perspective (present and future focus) and abstract mindset (i.e., high-level construal), while hedonic orientation tended to be more narrowly focused on the self and present moment. Manuscript 2 revealed that eudaimonic orientation related positively to helping under abstract and costly situations, and negatively with hindering social behaviours; hedonic orientation was related to negative impacts beyond the self. Manuscript 3 showed that eudaimonic orientation was a balance of helping to benefit both the self and others, while hedonic orientation was primarily related to helping for personal benefits. Manuscript 4 showed that eudaimonic orientation related to greater self-report joy and suffering beyond the self (relative to hedonia), while findings for facial expressions and psychophysiological responses were inconclusive. This research provides a unique contribution to the well-being literature by investigating the impacts that eudaimonic and hedonic orientations have on society using a comprehensive array of self-report questionnaires and a novel picture paradigm. Limitations of the present research include that most studies were based on self-report which can produce social desirability bias, and that the studies were correlational which limits casual inferences about the findings. Future research would benefit from experimental studies assessing the link between eudaimonia and hedonia and broad scope of concern.
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Underlying Mechanisms of Thriving in Youth SportKinoshita, Keita 24 September 2020 (has links)
Participation in sport has well-documented physical, psychological and social benefits that can lead to positive youth development (c.f., Eime, Young, Harvey, Charity, & Payne, 2013; Hebert, Møller, Andersen, & Wedderkopp, 2015; Vandell, Larson, Mahoney, & Watts, 2015) as well as youths’ thriving (Zarrett & Lerner, 2008). However, evidence continues to demonstrate that the number of sport participants in Canada and Japan continues to decline (Canadian Heritage, 2013, Statistics Canada, 2019; Nippon Junior High School Physical Culture Association, 2017). Such trends indicate the importance of understanding the psychological factors and the mechanisms of the relationships which may be important in determining how to keep young people in sport and optimally functioning. As thriving has been a popular topic in psychology research for two decades (Seligman & Csikszentmihalyi, 2000), recent evidence suggests that the concept of thriving is a positive predictor of desired outcomes such as retention, well-being, and performance (e.g., Porath, Spreitzer, Gibson, & Garnett, 2012; Ren, Yunlu, Shaffer, & Fodchuk, 2015). Self-Determination Theory (Ryan & Deci, 2000, 2017), a well-cited tenet explaining human motivation and function, has concomitantly been utilized to explain the relationship between motivational factors and thriving (Ryan & Deci, 2017; Spreitzer & Porath, 2014). Since motivation is a key element for sport continuation and positive functioning (Roberts, 2012), the current dissertation focused on the investigation of the psychological mechanism underlying youth athletes’ thriving by examining self-determination theory.
The overall purpose of this dissertation was to examine the psychological mechanism underlying thriving within a youth sport context. To do so, the current dissertation involved three different studies. Study 1 investigated the mechanism underlying youth athletes’ thriving with specific consideration regarding personal predictable factors and the consequences. Study 2 tested the buffering effect of mental toughness on the negative indirect relationships between basic psychological need thwarting and important outcomes for youth athletes’ positive functioning (intention to continue, subjective well-being in sport, and goal progress) through thriving. Study 3 examined how personal and social factors are related to thriving, in turn associating with important outcome variables of interest.
In Study 1, the results revealed that basic psychological need satisfaction are positively associated with intention to continue in sport, subjective well-being in sport, and goal progress through thriving. Furthermore, both hedonic and eudaimonic motives were indirectly related to thriving through basic psychological need satisfaction. Lastly, hedonic and eudaimonic motives were positively related to intention to continue in sport, subjective well-being in sport, and goal progress through basic psychological need satisfaction and thriving. The findings from study 1 contribute to nurturing the body of literature in the self-determination theory by presenting a comprehensive model to enhance the understanding of the underlying mechanisms of thriving within the youth sport context. In addition, hedonic and eudaimonic motives have been rarely applied to the sport context and the youth participants in particular. As motives are more broadly defined than the reasons for behaviors (Cambridge University, 2001), the present study indicated that youth athletes’ motivational orientations (e.g., hedonic seeking or eudaimonic seeking for their sport participation) would have important meanings in their sport participation to increase the experience and thriving and positive functioning.
In Study 2, the results demonstrated significant moderating effects of mental toughness on the indirect associations between basic psychological need thwarting and the outcomes through thriving. In other words, the negative impacts of basic psychological need thwarting on important outcomes were weakest for those participants who showed high mental toughness and strongest for the individuals with low mental toughness. The results demonstrated novel findings in that the mediating role of thriving between a motivational factor and outcome variables were moderated by the degree of mental toughness.
Lastly, in Study 3, the results demonstrated that the social factors (i.e., autonomy supportiveness of both coaches and parents) were positively related to thriving and intrinsic regulation three months later through increased basic psychological need satisfaction. Additionally, hedonic motives did not predict thriving while eudaimonic motives indirectly predicted thriving and intrinsic regulation through basic psychological need satisfaction. Eudaimonic motives, but not hedonic motives, positively predicted intrinsic motivation three months later through basic psychological need satisfaction. Although previous research demonstrated significant relationships with high degrees of self-determined motivation regulation (e.g., intrinsic regulation) and both hedonic and eudaimonic experience (i.e., Waterman et al., 2008), our research demonstrated only eudaimonic motives were positively related to intrinsic regulation. Furthermore, the study found that hedonic motives did not indirectly predict thriving through basic psychological need satisfaction while eudaimonic motives predicted thriving through basic psychological need satisfaction. Since both social factors were significantly associated with intrinsic regulation and thriving through basic psychological need satisfaction, hedonic motives were not an important predictor of the enhancement in youth athletes’ intrinsic regulation and thriving when comparing with another personal factor (eudaimonic motives) and the social factors (i.e., autonomy supportiveness of coaches and parents).
Overall, this thesis provides a greater theoretical understanding of the comprehensive mechanism underlying thriving within a youth sport context by using a theory of motivation. As the dissertation examined both personal and social factors affecting youth thriving, the results provide insight into the ways in which youth can thrive and thus, implications are also drawn for important stakeholders in sport.
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Well-Being in its Natural Habitat: Orientations to Happiness and the Experience of Everyday ActivitiesGrimm, Carsten January 2013 (has links)
Peterson, Park, and Seligman (2005) have proposed that individuals seek to increase their well-being through three behavioural orientations; via pleasure, meaning, and engagement. The current study investigated how orientations to happiness influenced the pursuit and experience of daily activities using an experience sampling methodology (ESM). Daily activities were experienced as a blend of both hedonic and eudaimonic characteristics. Dominant orientation to happiness did not predict engaging in different daily activities. Trait orientations to happiness had some influence on the momentary experience of behaviour. Those scoring highest on all three orientations to happiness also rated their daily activities highest on momentary pleasure, meaning, engagement, and happiness. The results suggest that increasing all three orientations is a pathway to the full life and a balanced well-being portfolio.
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The Experience of Well-being Following Job Loss: A Case StudySynard, Jacqueline January 2016 (has links)
Positive psychology has significantly advanced our understanding of well-being, yet there remains a need to better understand the how, what, and why of both positive and negative well-being. This study combined positive psychology and job loss perspectives to investigate the subjective experience of well-being following job loss. Using a qualitative-focused case study methodology, this three article dissertation explored the experiences of 20 workers who were displaced from the Ottawa, Canada technology sector from 2000-2006.
The first article explored the experience of well-being from a bottom-up, naturalistic point of view and compared these inductive notions with existing a priori theories. Findings support integrated conceptualizations of hedonia and eudaimonia, while also potentially identifying new notions of well-being. Identified themes include (a) life evaluation, (b) transitory experiencing, (c) growth and grounding, (d) environmental mastery/stability, (e) mental ill-being/ill-health, and (f) motivational mindsets/conditions. This study showed well-being to be a rich, pluralistic construct. It included the non-dualistic notions of both subjectivity and objectivity, as well as encompassing notions related to the what and how of well-being.
The second and third articles present inductively derived themes which helped to explain the relationship between job loss and well-being (i.e., the how and why). Three externally focused themes were reported in the second article: (a) systemic factors (e.g., broader business environment), (b) interpersonal factors (e.g., social support), and (c) chance (e.g., luck and serendipity). The third article identified two internally focused major themes: (a) differential coping responses and processes and (b) protective and sensitizing processes. Coping specifically consisted of problem-focused coping, meaning-making, attitudes and expectancies, behavioural processes, and emotional processes. Protective and sensitizing processes included identity and self-esteem, the impact of past adversity, and personal resources and characteristics. Implications for theory, research, and practice for both positive psychology and job loss are discussed.
Keywords: positive psychology, job loss, unemployment, qualitative research, case study, hedonia, eudaimonia, coping, meaning, meaning-making, resilience, post-traumatic growth, social support, relationships, theory, processes
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Antecedents and outcomes of happiness of managers in the agricultural sector in South Africa /|cJohannes Petrus SwartSwart, Johannes Petrus January 2011 (has links)
The happiness of managers is an important research theme for several reasons. Managers spend most of their working day with people, are constantly interacting with various social systems and are role models for happiness in organisations. Furthermore, happiness (in terms of feeling and functioning well) is associated with mental health and positive organisational outcomes. The prevalence of positive mental health is relatively low, with less than a third of the population experiencing high mental health. Research about happiness is necessary given that gains in mental health predict declines in mental illness. Two conceptualisations of happiness, namely authentic happiness (Seligman, 2002), and flourishing (Keyes, 2005) include dimensions of feeling and functioning well. No studies have been conducted regarding the happiness of managers in South Africa. Therefore, research is necessary to investigate the factors associated with happiness, as well as the pathways to managers’ happiness. Psychological need satisfaction is an important pathway through which social-contextual variables impact happiness of people. The aim of this research was to investigate the state of, antecedents and outcomes of happiness of managers in the agricultural sector in South Africa. A cross-sectional design with managers in the South African agricultural sector (N = 507) was used. The Orientations to Happiness Questionnaire, Satisfaction with Life Scale, Job Satisfaction Scale, Organisational Citizenship Behaviour Scale, Organisational Commitment Scale, Antecedents Scale, Work-related Basic Need Satisfaction Scale, Work Engagement Scale, Mental Health Continuum Short Form, Questionnaire for Eudaimonic Well-being, Work-role Fit Scale, Work-Life Questionnaire and Turnover Intention Scale were utilised. Cronbach alpha coefficients, exploratory factor analysis, Pearson correlations, multiple regression analysis, descriptive statistics and mediational analysis (Omnibus procedure) were applied. Structural equation modelling was used to test a structural model of orientations to happiness and its relation to various organisational outcomes. The results of study 1 showed that orientations to happiness (i.e. pleasure, meaning and engagement) had strong direct effects on subjective well-being, job satisfaction and organisational citizenship behaviour. Orientations to happiness impacted job satisfaction indirectly through subjective well-being. Subjective well-being had a strong direct and positive effect on job satisfaction. Orientations to happiness and subjective well-being affected organisational commitment indirectly through their effects on job satisfaction. Concerning happiness as flourishing at work, the results of study 2 showed that 3% of the managers were languishing, 48.5% were moderately flourishing, while 48.5% were flourishing. Task characteristics, supervisor relations, availability of resources impacted job satisfaction, emotional and psychological well-being of managers. Remuneration was associated with job satisfaction, emotional and social well-being. Task characteristics, supervisor relations, personal resources and remuneration satisfied the psychological needs for autonomy, competence and relatedness, which impacted job satisfaction, work engagement and flourishing of managers positively. The results of study 3 showed that factors contributing to meaningful work (work role fit, good co-worker relations, meaningful tasks and work beliefs) had direct effects on psychological need satisfaction, purpose and meaning in life, organisational citizenship behaviour and turnover intention. Work role fit, co-worker relations, task characteristics and career orientation (as a work belief) impacted meaning and purpose in life indirectly through competence satisfaction. Purpose in life impacted turnover intention negatively via psychological need satisfaction, while meaning in life impacted organisational citizenship behaviour and turnover intention via competence and relatedness satisfaction. Recommendations for future research were made. / PhD, Industrial Psychology, North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2012
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Antecedents and outcomes of happiness of managers in the agricultural sector in South Africa /|cJohannes Petrus SwartSwart, Johannes Petrus January 2011 (has links)
The happiness of managers is an important research theme for several reasons. Managers spend most of their working day with people, are constantly interacting with various social systems and are role models for happiness in organisations. Furthermore, happiness (in terms of feeling and functioning well) is associated with mental health and positive organisational outcomes. The prevalence of positive mental health is relatively low, with less than a third of the population experiencing high mental health. Research about happiness is necessary given that gains in mental health predict declines in mental illness. Two conceptualisations of happiness, namely authentic happiness (Seligman, 2002), and flourishing (Keyes, 2005) include dimensions of feeling and functioning well. No studies have been conducted regarding the happiness of managers in South Africa. Therefore, research is necessary to investigate the factors associated with happiness, as well as the pathways to managers’ happiness. Psychological need satisfaction is an important pathway through which social-contextual variables impact happiness of people. The aim of this research was to investigate the state of, antecedents and outcomes of happiness of managers in the agricultural sector in South Africa. A cross-sectional design with managers in the South African agricultural sector (N = 507) was used. The Orientations to Happiness Questionnaire, Satisfaction with Life Scale, Job Satisfaction Scale, Organisational Citizenship Behaviour Scale, Organisational Commitment Scale, Antecedents Scale, Work-related Basic Need Satisfaction Scale, Work Engagement Scale, Mental Health Continuum Short Form, Questionnaire for Eudaimonic Well-being, Work-role Fit Scale, Work-Life Questionnaire and Turnover Intention Scale were utilised. Cronbach alpha coefficients, exploratory factor analysis, Pearson correlations, multiple regression analysis, descriptive statistics and mediational analysis (Omnibus procedure) were applied. Structural equation modelling was used to test a structural model of orientations to happiness and its relation to various organisational outcomes. The results of study 1 showed that orientations to happiness (i.e. pleasure, meaning and engagement) had strong direct effects on subjective well-being, job satisfaction and organisational citizenship behaviour. Orientations to happiness impacted job satisfaction indirectly through subjective well-being. Subjective well-being had a strong direct and positive effect on job satisfaction. Orientations to happiness and subjective well-being affected organisational commitment indirectly through their effects on job satisfaction. Concerning happiness as flourishing at work, the results of study 2 showed that 3% of the managers were languishing, 48.5% were moderately flourishing, while 48.5% were flourishing. Task characteristics, supervisor relations, availability of resources impacted job satisfaction, emotional and psychological well-being of managers. Remuneration was associated with job satisfaction, emotional and social well-being. Task characteristics, supervisor relations, personal resources and remuneration satisfied the psychological needs for autonomy, competence and relatedness, which impacted job satisfaction, work engagement and flourishing of managers positively. The results of study 3 showed that factors contributing to meaningful work (work role fit, good co-worker relations, meaningful tasks and work beliefs) had direct effects on psychological need satisfaction, purpose and meaning in life, organisational citizenship behaviour and turnover intention. Work role fit, co-worker relations, task characteristics and career orientation (as a work belief) impacted meaning and purpose in life indirectly through competence satisfaction. Purpose in life impacted turnover intention negatively via psychological need satisfaction, while meaning in life impacted organisational citizenship behaviour and turnover intention via competence and relatedness satisfaction. Recommendations for future research were made. / PhD, Industrial Psychology, North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2012
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A conceptual model of volunteer well-being: a hermeneutic phenomenological studyFurtak, Aleksandra Maria 11 1900 (has links)
Bibliography: leaves 241-295 / Text in English with summaries in English, Afrikaans and Setswana / This study, to enhance understanding of volunteer well-being and to develop a
conceptual model of volunteer well-being through an in-depth exploration of
volunteers’ work–life experiences, was guided by an interest in volunteering as well
as curiosity about well-being as a concept. My perception of the importance of
volunteering for our society was based on first-hand knowledge of a volunteering
context operating in the Gauteng health sector, as well as the volunteering literature,
which confirmed its importance and encouraged me to conduct research on this
resource. The literature on well-being highlights its importance for employees in
particular and organisations in general and thus justifies the study. The literature also
supported my preference for conducting this research on volunteer well-being from a
qualitative perspective. Further motivation for the research was provided by my
awareness of the challenging nature of the volunteering context as well as the adverse
personal circumstances of the volunteers. Accordingly, recognising the importance of
well-being in volunteers, I was prompted to dedicate attention to this dynamic work
To achieve its aim, in this research I applied a qualitative research approach and a
hermeneutic (interpretive) phenomenological research methodology. In-depth
interviews were used to explore the work–life experiences of eight volunteers and a
phenomenological hermeneutical analytic process was used to analyse the data. The
data were further contextualised and the findings supported by the relevant well-being
literature. Based on the findings, a conceptual model of volunteer well-being was
constructed. This model enhances our understanding of volunteer well-being,
ultimately contributing to knowledge and practice in the field of volunteering. / Die hoofdoel van hierdie studie was om die begrip van vrywilligerswelstand te
bevorder en om ’n konseptuele model van vrywilligerswelstand te ontwikkel
deur ’n omvattende ondersoek van vrywilligers se werklewe-ervarings. Die
studie was gelei deur ’n belangstelling in vrywilligerswerk en ‘n nuuskierigheid oor
welstand as ’n konsep. My waarneming van die belangrikheid van vrywilligerswerk vir
ons samelewing is gebaseer op eerstehandse kennis van ’n vrywilligerskonteks in die
Gautengse gesondheidsektor en die literatuur oor vrywilligersdienslewering, wat die
belangrikheid daarvan bevestig het en my aangemoedig het om navorsing oor hierdie
hulpbron te doen. Die literatuur oor welstand beklemtoon veral die belangrikheid
daarvan vir werknemers en organisasies oor die algemeen, en regverdig dus die
studie. Die literatuur het ook my voorkeur om hierdie navorsing oor vrywilligers se
welstand vanuit ’n kwalitatiewe perspektief te benader, ondersteun. My bewustheid
van die uitdagende aard van die vrywilligerskonteks asook die ongunstige persoonlike
omstandighede van die vrywilligers het my verder gemotiveer om die navorsing te
doen. Dienooreenkomstig, as erkenning van die belangrikheid daarvan om vrywilligers
se welstand te fasiliteer, is ek geïnspireer om aandag te skenk aan hierdie dinamiese
Om hierdie doel te bereik het ek ’n kwalitatiewe navorsingsbenadering en ’n
hermeneutiese (verklarende) fenomenologiese navorsingsmetodologie in hierdie
navorsingsprojek gebruik. Indiepte onderhoude is gebruik om die werklewe-ervarings
van agt vrywilligers te ondersoek, en ’n fenomenologiese, hermeneutiese, analitiese
proses is gebruik om die data te ontleed. Die data is verder gekontekstualiseer en die
bevindings is deur die tersaaklike literatuur ondersteun. ’n Konseptuele model van
vrywilligerwelstand is op grond van hierdie bevindinge opgestel. Hierdie model
bevorder ons begrip van vrywilligerswelstand, en lewer sodoende ’n bydrae tot die
kennis en ervaring op die terrein van vrywilligerswerk. / Thutopatlisiso eno ya go tlhama sekao sa kgopolo sa boithaopi go tswa mo
mogopolong wa seemo se se amogelesegang sa botshelo ka go sekaseka go ya
kwa botennye, maitemogelo a tiro a baithaopi, e kaetswe ke kgatlhego mo
boithaoping, keletso ya go itse ka ga mogopolo wa seemo se se amogelesegang sa
botshelo le dikwalo tse di ka ga boithaopi. Kitso e e tseneletseng ya bokao jwa
boithaopi jo bo dirang mo lephateng la boitekanelo la Gauteng, gammogo le dikwalo
tsa boithaopi, di tlhomamisitse botlhokwa jwa boithaopi mo setšhabeng sa gaetsho
mme tsa nthotloetsa go dira patlisiso ka ntlha eno. Go tlaleletsa, thutopatlisiso eno e
tlhomamisitswe ke dikwalo tse di ka ga seemo se se amogelesegang le botlhokwa jwa
seemo se se amogelesegang sa botshelo se se totileng badiri ka bo bona le ditheo
ka kakaretso. Dikwalo gape di tshegeditse tlhopho ya me ya go dira patlisiso ka ga
seemo se se amogelesegang sa botshelo jwa baithaopi ka mogopolo wa go batla go
batlisisa mabaka a a bakang seemo se se rileng. Thotloetso e nngwe ya patlisiso e
tlisitswe ke temogo ya me ya dikgwetlho tsa boithaopi gammogo le maemo a a sa
amogelesegeng a baithaopi. Fela jalo, ka go lemoga botlhokwa jwa go gokaganya
seemo se se amogelesegang sa botshelo mo baithaoping, ke ne ke patelesega go
tota mofuta ono wa tiro.
Go fitlhelela maikaelelo ano, patlisiso eno e dirisitse mokgwa wa patlisiso o o
lebelelang mabaka a a rotloetsang ntlha e e rileng (qualititative research) le mokgwa
wa patlisiso o o ranolang (hermeneutic phenomological research methodology). Go
dirisitswe dipotsolotso tse di tseneletseng go sekaseka maitemogelo a tiro a baithaopi
mme ga dirisiwa thulaganyo ya tshekatsheko ya phenomenological hermeneutial go
sekaseka tshedimosetso. Tshedimosetso e ne ya bewa ka bokao mme diphitlhelelo
tsa tshegediwa ka dikwalo tse di maleba. Go ikaegilwe mo diphitlhelelong tseno, go
ne ga thalwa sekao sa kgopolo sa seemo se se amogelesegang sa botshelo jwa
baithaopi. Go tshitshinngwa gore go dirisiwe sekao seno go dirisa ka botlalo le go
netefatsa go nnela leruri ga tiro ya baithaopi, gore kwa bokhutlong go tshwaelwe mo
kitsong le mo tirong mo lephateng la boithaopi. / Psychology / D. Phil. (Psychology)
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