Spelling suggestions: "subject:"heirs"" "subject:"weirs""
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ProUni: revolução simbólica na vida dos beneficiários / ProUni: symbolic revolution in beneficiaries livesAlves, Tamyres Gaby [UNESP] 29 March 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Tamyres Gaby Martins Alves null (tamyres.gabyalves@gmail.com) on 2016-04-26T21:04:39Z
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dissertação versão final formatada.pdf: 980418 bytes, checksum: 1ce41cfed9c093e0045e557c28a25718 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Felipe Augusto Arakaki (arakaki@reitoria.unesp.br) on 2016-04-28T20:13:09Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
alvez_tgm_me_arafcl.pdf: 980418 bytes, checksum: 1ce41cfed9c093e0045e557c28a25718 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T20:13:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2016-03-29 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Essa dissertação de mestrado teve como objetivo discutir o ProUni (Programa Universidade para Todos), criado durante o governo Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. Em primeiro lugar, abordamos a discussão sobre quem são os herdeiros legítimos da educação no Brasil e quem são os jovens, até então excluídos, que passam a ser inseridos no ensino superior via Prouni. Para ampliar a discussão, contamos com entrevistas realizadas com bolsistas e ex-bolsistas do ProUni, visando averiguar o argumento de que esses estudantes estão transformando as suas vidas por meio do programa, o que chamamos de revolução simbólica. / This master's thesis aimed to discuss ProUni (“University for All Program”), created during the government of Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva. First, we provoke a discussion about who are the legitimate heirs of education in Brazil and who are young, hitherto excluded, which become embedded in higher education. To broaden the discussion, we have interviews with scholars and alumni ProUni, aiming to determine the hypothesis that these students are transforming their lives through the program, what we call a symbolic revolution.
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The assignment of the right to participate in the heritage / La llamada cesión de derecho a participar en patrimonio hereditarioLohmann Villena, Guillermo 25 September 2017 (has links)
Article 1209 of the Peruvian Civil Code regulates the situation in which the sole heiror any of them decides to transfer all or partof its estate to a third party, including rights and obligations. This is commonly known asan assignment of inheritance.In this article, the author presents a complete analysis on how the assignment of inheritance operates in certain situations, emphasizing in issues related to the liability of the assignee against creditors and the role of the transferor, as well as the necessary formalities for the transference. / El artículo 1209 del Código Civil regula el supuesto en que el heredero único o algunode los herederos de un patrimonio decidentransferir todo o parte de su patrimonio a untercero, incluyendo derechos y obligaciones. Esto, comúnmente, se conoce como cesión deherencia.En el presente artículo, el autor nos presenta un completo análisis respecto a cómo opera la cesión de herencia en determinados supues- tos, haciendo hincapié en los temas referentes a la responsabilidad del cesionarios frente a los acreedores y el rol del cedente, así como las formalidades que se debe seguir para llevar a cabo dicha cesión.
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Heirs' property disputes on forestlands, partition actions, and the determinants of court verdictsTiwari, Mahesh Prasad 08 December 2023 (has links) (PDF)
Heirs' property is generated through the intergenerational transfer of a property to several co-owners when the original owner dies without a will. Such co-owners hold undivided fractional interest in the entire land but lack a clear title. Co-owners face several legal, financial, and technical constraints to manage the forestlands and often seek partition of the land. However, the legal environment and empirical assessment of partition actions on forestlands owned as heirs' property has not been examined. This thesis evaluates statutory laws relevant to forestland partition and the factors instrumental in adjudicating partition lawsuits. The findings reveal that partition lawsuits are primarily adjudicated using common law rather than statutory law. The magnitude of co-owners' fractional interest, the income withheld from forestlands, and the presence of absentee co-owners favor partition claimants. The study results have implications for heirs' property owners, legal entities and personnel, and policymakers.
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Sucessão necessária / Necessary successionAntonini, Mauro 10 June 2013 (has links)
O objetivo desta dissertação é promover estudo abrangente de fenômeno do direito das sucessões que denominamos de sucessão necessária. Trata-se da tutela sucessória imperativa concedida a familiares mais próximos do autor da herança, irredutível por testamento ou doações, excluída nas restritas hipóteses de indignidade e deserdação. Pretende-se demonstrar que, na classificação da sucessão quanto à fonte da vocação hereditária, a sucessão necessária é subespécie autônoma de sucessão legítima, com elementos e fundamentos próprios, regida por normas de natureza distinta da sucessão legítima intestada e da sucessão testamentária. E que, apesar dessas peculiaridades, o Código Civil brasileiro não a reconhece expressamente como mais uma modalidade sucessória, tratando dos temas a ela relacionados de forma dispersa, dificultando visão de conjunto e adequada compreensão do instituto em seu todo. Essa sistematização legal que nos parece inapropriada ainda obscurece a importante evolução da sucessão necessária verificada durante a vigência do Código Civil de 1916, consolidada e ampliada pelo Código Civil de 2002, com incorporação de novas figuras, como legados legais necessários e sucessão imperativa concorrente do cônjuge e companheiro com descendentes e ascendentes. Com o intuito de restabelecer a visão de conjunto e recapitular essa evolução da sucessão necessária, serão examinados os principais aspectos dessa modalidade sucessória, inclusive em sua inter-relação com a sucessão intestada e a sucessão testamentária, apontando seus aspectos singulares. Em seguida, será apresentada a evolução da proteção sucessória imperativa, desde seu passado mais remoto no direito romano, passando pelos antecedentes no direito brasileiro, até seu perfil atual, consolidado pelo Código Civil de 2002, examinando-se os principais temas a ela relacionados. Por fim, serão analisadas as perspectivas da sucessão necessária, em termos de projeções futuras, apontando a tendência, no direito contemporâneo, em direção a sistemas de proteção sucessória imperativa mais abertos, flexíveis e proporcionais. / The objective of this dissertation is to carry out a wide study of the phenomenon of the inheritance law that we call imperative inheritance. It concerns the imperative inheritance guardianship given to the closest relatives of the deceased, which is irreducible by will or donations, except for some particular hypothesis of indignity and disinheritance. The intention is to demonstrate that, in the classification of the succession, according to the source of the hereditary calling, the imperative inheritance is an autonomous subspecies of the legal succession, with its own elements and grounds, guided by rules of a different nature than the legal succession without a will and than the testate succession. Moreover, in spite of these peculiarities, the Brazilian Civil Code doesn´t recognize it as another form of succession and deals with the subjects related to it in a scattered way, reason by which it is difficult to see the entire scene and to have a proper understanding of the institute in its whole. This legal system, that seems to be inappropriate, still obscures the important development of the imperative succession seen during the validity of the 1916 Civil Code, consolidated and enlarged by the 2002 Civil Code, with the incorporation of new figures, as necessary legal legacy and competitive imperative inheritance of the spouse or non-ceremonial wife or husband with ascendants or descendants. With the purpose of reestablishing a view of the whole and reviewing the development of the imperative inheritance, the main aspects of this form of succession, including its inter relation with the succession without a will and the testate succession, will be examined pointing out its specific aspects. Furthermore, the development of the protection of the imperative inheritance, since its most remote past in the Roman Law, through the antecedents of the Brazilian Law, until its present profile, consolidated by the 2002 Civil Code will be presented, examining the main issues related to it. Finally, the perspectives of the imperative inheritance will be analyzed, in terms of future projection, showing the trends in the contemporary law, leading to more open, flexible and proportional systems of protection of the imperative inheritance.
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L'intrasferibilità delle quote nella s.r.l. / The non-transferability of the shares in limited liability companyGHIONNI CRIVELLI VISCONTI, PAOLO 13 April 2010 (has links)
Lo studio ha ad oggetto l’intrasferibilità delle quote nella s.r.l. L’indagine prende le mosse da un’analisi empirica delle varie clausole di incedibilità esistenti nella prassi. L’eterogeneità delle convenzioni riscontrate pone il problema di verificare quali di esse siano riconducibili alla fattispecie di intrasferibilità legalmente rilevante ex art. 2469, comma 2°, c.c.
La tesi reputa che l’intrasferibilità legalmente rilevante sia soltanto quella assoluta, distinguendo il divieto di trasferimento per atto tra vivi da quello mortis causa. In questo secondo caso, infatti, non ricorre alcuna esigenza di tutela dei soci; bensì dei soli eredi del defunto, ai quali è impedito di far ingresso nella s.r.l., alla stregua di quanto accade nelle società personali. Infine, vengono analizzate l’intrasferibilità ad applicazione differenziata e quella relativa, in quanto non rientranti direttamente nell’ambito di applicazione dell’art. 2469, comma 2°, c.c. / The study concerns the non-transferability of the shares in limited liability company. The research analyses at first, from the empirical point of view, the different existing clauses of non-transferability in reality. The heterogeneity of the found conventions places the problem to verify which of them are referable to the legal case of non-transferability ex art. 2469, comma 2°, c.c.
The thesis deems that the legal relevant non-transferability is only that absolute, distinguishing the prohibition of transfer inter vivos from that mortis causa. In this second case, in fact, it does not subsist some requirement of associates protection; it needs, instead, to see the heirs reasons, who are prevented to became member of the company, as happens in partnerships. At last, is analyzed the non-transferability to differentiated application and that relative one, as not re-entering directly within application of the art. 2469, comma 2°, c.c.
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Bröstarvingars arvsrätt i relation till svensk IP-rätt om ordre public : Ur ett nationellt och internationellt perspektivVidovic, Nikolina, Brännmark, Carolina January 2014 (has links)
Det faktum att Sverige blir allt mer internationaliserat och samhället mer mångkulturellt väckte ett intresse av att skriva om bröstarvingars arvsrätt ur ett såväl nationellt som internationellt perspektiv, där resultatet avsågs ställas i relation till svensk IP-rätt om ordre public. Idag tar alla barn lika lott enligt 2 kap. 1 § ÄB. Principen om istadarätt inträder om arvlåtarens barn avlider innan honom eller henne, då arvlåtarens barnbarn ärver istället. Bröstarvingar har alltid en rätt till hälften av sin arvslott enligt laglottsskyddet i 7 kap. 1 § ÄB. Det har diskuterats om laglotten bör bevaras i svensk arvsrätt eller om den bör avskaffas. Alla de nordiska länderna har någon form av laglottsskydd liksom de flesta europeiska länder med undantag från England och Wales, där det råder fullständig testationsfrihet. Även muslimska länder saknar motsvarighet till laglottsskydd. Det här kan väcka frågan huruvida ett land som saknar en skyddsregel som kan likställas med det svenska laglottsskyddet kan utgöra en grund som aktualiserar ordre public. I svensk rätt finns genom ordre public en möjlighet att åsidosätta en utländsk lag med hänvisning till att denna är uppenbart oförenlig med grunderna för det svenska rättssystemet. Den islamiska arvsrätten skiljer sig avsevärt mer från den svenska arvsrätten, än vad arvsrätten gör i exempelvis något västeuropeiskt land. Det kan diskuteras om någon grund i den islamiska arvsrätten för bröstarvingar kan strida mot grunderna för den svenska rättsordningen och på så vis aktualisera ordre public. Den svenska arvsrätten för bröstarvingar är till en stor del av dispositiv karaktär, varför ordre public endast kan bli aktuell i en internationell arvstvist där utländsk lag ska tillämpas. Domstolarna tenderar att tolka ordre public restriktivt, förmodligen av rädsla för att det lands lag som åsidosätts skulle kunna göra motstånd. Framtida tillämpning av ordre public kan begränsas ytterligare när EU:s arvsförordning träder i kraft. Det är fortfarande svensk domstol som har att avgöra vad som i det enskilda fallet kan bedömas vara uppenbart stridande mot grunderna för det svenska rättsystemet och vilken inverkan det kan ha på tvister som berör bröstarvingars arvsrätt. / The fact that Sweden is increasingly becoming more internationalized and developing a more multicultural society, stimulated an interest in writing about direct heirs inheritance rights from a national and international perspective, in which the outcome was intended to be set in relation to the Swedish Private International Law on public policy. Nowadays all children take equal shares according to chapter 2 paragraph 1 “Ärvdabalk”. If the deceased’s child passes away before him- or herself, the deceased’s grandchildren are entitled to inheritance through the Swedish istadarätt. The Swedish legal portion is enacted in chapter 7 paragraph 1 “Ärvdabalk” and entitles direct heirs half of his or her inheritance share. There has been discussion about whether the legal portion should be preserved or abolished in the law of Swedish inheritance. All the Nordic countries have a form of legal portion, as well as most of the European countries, apart from England and Wales, where there is a complete testamentary freedom. Even Muslim countries have no correspondence to the protection of legal portion. This may raise the question whether a country, which is lacking a protective rule that can be compared with the Swedish legal portion, may constitute a basis for public policy. According to the Swedish law there is an opportunity, through public policy, for Sweden to override a foreign law on the grounds that it is clearly incompatible with the foundations of the Swedish legal system. The Islamic inheritance law differs considerably from the Swedish inheritance law, in comparison to the right of inheritance in for example any Western European country. It is debatable whether any basis in the Islamic inheritance law of direct heirs may conflict with the fundamentals of the Swedish legal system and therefore actualize public policy. The Swedish right of inheritance for direct heirs is to a large extent of dispositive nature, which is why public policy can only become relevant in an international succession dispute, where a foreign law is applicable. The courts tend to strictly interpret public policy, probably because of the fear that the country's law, which gets overridden, could oppose. Future application of public policy may be further limited when the EU Succession Regulation enters into force. It is still up to the Swedish court to determine what in each case is deemed to be manifestly incompatible with public policy in Sweden, and what impact this may have on the succession of direct heirs.
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Pedagogové ve službách trůnu. Privátní učitelé následníků trůnu Rakousko-Uherska / Educators in the Service of the Throne. Private Teachers of the Austrian-Hungarian Imperial HeirsMádrová, Kamila January 2015 (has links)
- Educators in the Service of the Throne. Private Teachers of the Austrian- Hungarian Imperial Heirs Several potential successors were growing up during the lengthy reign of Emperor Franz Joseph I. But two of them, the Emperor's own son Crown Prince Rudolph and his nephew Franz Ferdinand, could never ascend to the throne due to their premature deaths. His grandnephew, Archduke Charles Franz Joseph, claimed the throne in the tense times of the First World War. For a would-be successor, not only military education was essential, but also language skills and such subjects as history, law and economy that the future ruler of a vast and ethnically diverse state was expected to have a good command of. This paper focuses on the lives of teachers who attended both the Emperor's and the Archduke's courts.
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A PASSAGEM DO BASTÃO PARA HERDEIRAS: O CASO DE UMA EMPRESA DO ABC PAULISTA EM FASE DE PREPARAÇÃO PARA A SUCESSÃO FAMILIAR / Passing the baton to heiressees: The case of a company ABC Paulo in phase preparation for succession familyEloi, Cristiany Bim Gurati 18 February 2014 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2014-02-18 / First objective of this study is to contribute to the specialized debate and its effort to point out ways to help family business ensuring continuityfrom the secondgeneration of leaders. Although inaccurate andoutdated, statistics show 70 por cento of family business succumbing before reachingthe second generationand, on average, only 15% survive tothe third generation. Successionis the most focused subjectforexperts. However, there are indications, although studiesmultiplyevery year, there is a relativestagnation in thetheoreticalfield. During the last yearsthere has been aslight increase inparticipation ofwomenin positions of family businesses CEO which, historically,influenced bypatriarchal culture, elect theirheirsas successors. This study, therefore, was guided by the general objective of identifying elements of the succession process that will allow a deeper understand of the apparent shift that is occurring in family businesses, evidenced by theslight increase in thecontroltransfer to women, which, in principle, contraries thepatriarchal tradition. Specifically, this study was guidedby the following objectives: i)examinethe practicesof a businessfamily that having openedthe succession processin their own company, is in preparationfora daughterto take overthe business in place of the father/founder; ii) under the light of the accumulated theoretical knowledge and practices of this business family, gather knowledge that will enable the formulation of hypothesis(s) that may contribute to the probation of the problems treated in this study. This isanexploratory researchthat employsthe followingmethods: qualitativemonographic/case study anddialectical. The unit of analysisisafamily ownedcompany basedin the ABCPaulistaregionfor 30 yearswhichis in processof preparing theheiress to take commandin placeof the father/founder. Evidences show that the succession decision was strategically made in order to ensure that the family estate remains controlled by the founder, as professed by the patriarchal patrimonialism model deep-rooted in Brazilian society. / Este estudo tem como finalidade primeira contribuir com o debate especializado que enfrenta o desafio de apontar caminhos que auxiliem as empresas familiares a garantirem a própria continuidade a partir da segunda geração de dirigentes. Embora imprecisas e desatualizadas, as estatísticas mostram que 70% dos negócios familiares sucumbem ao alcançarem a segunda geração e, em média, apenas 15% conseguem sobreviver até a terceira geração. A sucessão constitui o tema de maior atenção dos especialistas. Entretanto, há indicações de que, embora as pesquisas se multipliquem a cada ano, existe uma relativa estagnação teórica do campo. Nos últimos anos observa-se um discreto aumento de participação de mulheres em cargos de presidência das empresas familiares que, historicamente,influenciadas pela cultura patriarcal,elegem seus filhos herdeiros como sucessores. Este estudo, portanto, foi orientado pelo objetivo geral de identificar elementos do processo sucessório que permitam o aprofundamento da aparente mudança que está ocorrendo nas empresas familiares, evidenciada pelo discreto aumento do repasse do comando às mulheres, o que, a princípio, contraria a tradição patriarcal. De modo específico, este estudo foi orientado pelos seguintes objetivos: i) analisar a práxis de determinada família empresária que, tendo inaugurado o processo sucessório em sua empresa, encontra-se em fase de preparação de uma filha para assumir o comando do negócio no lugar do pai/fundador; ii) à luz do conhecimento teórico acumulado e da práxis da família empresária investigada reunir um conhecimento que permita a formulação de hipóteses que contribuam com o aprofundamento da problemática tratada neste estudo. Trata-se de uma pesquisa de caráter exploratório que emprega os seguintes métodos: qualitativo, monográfico/estudo de caso e dialético. A unidade de análise é a família proprietária de uma empresa sediada na região do ABC Paulista há 30 anosque se encontra em fase de preparação de uma filha (herdeira) para assumir o comando no lugar do pai/fundador. Existem evidências de que a decisão sucessória foi tomada estrategicamente com afinalidade de garantir que o patrimônio familiar continue sendo controlado pelo fundador, conforme preconiza o modelo de patrimonialismo patriarcal que se faz presente na sociedade brasileira.
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Legitimate, ¿Pars hereditatis o pars bonorum? / Legítima, ¿Pars hereditatis o pars bonorum?Aguilar Llanos, Benjamín 12 April 2018 (has links)
This paper is about the legitimate as an institution of the Inheritance Law and it focus in the discussion over if it would be considered as a pars hereditatis or as a pars bonorum. Following that, the author links the legitimate with the family institution along with how it could be a correspondence between who can receive this inheritance anticipated and who could receive the inheritance. Likewise, backed on national legislation the author takes a stand saying that the legitimate is pars hereditatis because of includes the heirs only. Finally, the author give us more scopes regarding the legitimate while explains how it be related with the institution of collation. / El presente trabajo versa sobre la legítima como institución del Derecho Sucesorio y se centra básicamente en la discusión sobre si debe ser considerada como pars hereditatis o pars bonorum. En esa línea, vincula la legítima con la institución de la familia y cómo se puede ver una correspondencia entre a quiénes se les puede dar la herencia anticipada y quiénes pueden recibir la herencia. Asimismo, apoyándose en las normas nacionales el autor toma una postura al señalar que la legítima es pars hereditatis debido a que incluye solo a los herederos del causante.Finalmente, da más alcances sobre la legítima al explicar cómo se relaciona con la institución de la colación.
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Informe para la sustentación de expedientes: N° 24087-2008 / N° 537-2014Vargas Díaz, Dayana Geraldine 07 May 2021 (has links)
El Expediente N° 24087-2008 versa sobre la materia de Petición de Herencia, esta se configura cuando en un primer momento se acredita la muerte de la Sra. Hilda Mascaro Nagaro fallecida, con fecha 23 de octubre de 2005, generándose así derechos hereditarios, es decir, los herederos del causante pasan a pertenecer a la masa hereditaria.
En ese sentido, la finalidad de la petición de herencia es proteger al heredero que no posee los bienes que considera que le pertenecen, y se dirige contra quien los posea en todo o parte a título sucesorio, para excluirlo o para concurrir con él.
Que, máxime se tiene en cuenta que las herederas solicitan que se excluya a la Sociedad de Beneficencia de Lima Metropolitana de la posesión del inmueble que pertenece a la masa hereditaria y que se les declaren herederas.
Mediante Resolución N° 14 de fecha 11 de setiembre de 2009, el Vigésimo Cuarto Juzgado Especializado en lo Civil De Lima FALLÓ: Declarando INFUNDADA la demanda interpuesta por Maritza Faustina Mascaro Sánchez de Angulo y María Elena Mascaro Salazar en contra de la Sociedad de Beneficencia de Lima Metropolitana, representado por el Ministerio de la Mujer y Desarrollo Social, sobre Petición de Herencia
Siendo así que, Maritza Faustina Mascaro Sánchez de Angulo y María Elena Mascaro Salazar interponen el recurso de apelación contra la sentencia de primera, pues dicha resolución les causa agravio. Concedido el recurso interpuesto los autos fueron elevados al Superior Jerárquico con la debida nota de atención.
Por lo que, la Tercera Sala Civil de la Corte Superior de Justicia de Lima REVOCA la sentencia que declaró infundada la demanda interpuesta, REFORMANDOLA declararon: FUNDADA la demanda de Petición de Herencia, en consecuencia, declararon a doña Maritza Faustina Mascaro Sánchez de Angulo y a María Elena Mascaro Salazar como herederas de doña Hilda Mascaro Nagaro, respecto del bien inmueble ubicado en la Av. Petit Thouars N° 4375, 4377 y 4381 – Distrito de Miraflores. / Trabajo de suficiencia profesional
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