Spelling suggestions: "subject:"helix"" "subject:"felix""
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Collaborations effect on undergraduate education : a study of two policyprograms.Ljunggren, Maria January 2010 (has links)
A shift has occurred in the traditional type of centralised government control to a more multilevel type of governing referred to as governance. The change from government to governance can be illustrated with an emphasis on networks and social capital enhancement. In higher education this is enveloped through a larger emphasis on institutionalisation of collaboration between the higher education institutions (HEI) and the surrounding environment. In lieu of large block grants come financial incentives through semi-governmental agencies embracing collaboration projects between industry and HEI as well as municipalities.` This licentiate thesis objective is to study the collaboration task’s practical implication on undergraduate education in terms of social capital enhancement and research and teaching links. This is reported in two articles that elaborate on social capital establishment through a policy program and whether policy programs focusing on research collaborations also have an effect on undergraduate education by improving research and teaching links. In general, the findings of this thesis indicate that semi-governmental policy programs have a positive effect on establishing new social capital between regional HEI, industry and municipalities, and that semi-governmentally financed research profiles also have a positive effect on undergraduate education by introducing a link to research outside and within the HEI. / QC 20110117
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Distortion-free 3D imaging using wavefront shapingTeich, M., Sturm, J., Büttner, L., Czarske, J. 13 August 2019 (has links)
3-dimensional imaging often requires substantial effort since information along the optical axis is not straight forward gatherable. In many applications it is aimed for depth information along the direction of view. For example fluidic mixing processes and the environmental interaction on a microscopic scale are of particular importance for e.g. pharmaceutical applications and often demand for 3D information. This problem is often solved by stereoscopic approaches, where two cameras are used in order to gather depth information by triangulation technique. Another approach is to scan the object through the focal plane in order to get sharp images of each layer. Since the before mentioned approaches require a lot of video data to be evaluated it would be more convenient to get depth mapping within a single camera recording and without scanning. Here we present a tunable 3D depth-mapping camera technique in combination with dynamic aberration control. By using an incoherent light source, only one camera and a spatial light modulator (LCoS-SLM), it is a simply applicable and highly scalable technique. A double-helix point spread function (DH-PSF) is generated for light emerging from the bserved focal plane. Each object appears as a double-image on the camera. Within the orientation of the double-image, depth information along the optical axis is encoded. By using an additional adaptive element (deformable mirror) the technique is combined with wide-field aberration correction. Here we combine a tunable 3D depth camera with dynamic aberration control in one imaging system.
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Multimodální databáze / Multimodal DatabasesKuncl, Jiří January 2009 (has links)
This masters thesis is dedicated to theme of multimodal databases, especially multimedia databases. The first part contains overview of today's most used data models. Next part summarizes information about content-based search in multimedia content and indexing this type of data. Final part is dedicated to implementation system for storing and managing of multimedia content based on Helix streaming system a PostgreSQL database system.
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Nyttiggörande av forskningsresultat från akademi till näringsliv : En studie om kopplingen och samverkan mellan de två aktörerna akademi och näringsliv för ökad kunskapsöverföring samt nyttiggörande av forskningsresultat, för att göra Sverige mer konkurrenskraftigt i världen.Abrahamsson, Linnea January 2022 (has links)
I världen idag krävs det en samverkan mellan näringsliv, akademi och det offentliga rummet för att driva innovation framåt, öka ekonomiska tillväxten samt vidareutveckla samhället. Det finns även en lagstiftning som menar att forskningsresultat vid svenska akademier skall komma till nytta i samhället, men detta uppfylls inte enligt ett flertal källor. Denna rapport syftar därför till att undersöka hur akademi och näringsliv ska samverka, för att öka värdeskapande och nyttiggörande av forskningsresultat i Sveriges näringsliv. Till grund för rapportens analys och slutsats så finns dels teori kring begreppen värdeskapande och samverkan, men även ett empiriskt underlag baserat på intervjuer med personer från respektive aktör. Svårigheterna som lyfts från det empiriska underlaget är kopplade till att samverkan sker för sent i processen att gå från forskningsresultat till färdig implementerad produkt, vilket lett till olika förväntningar på vad värde är samt inte gett aktörerna de förutsättningar som behövs för att lyckas med nyttiggörandet av forskningsresultaten. Vidare menar båda aktörerna att de kulturella skillnader som finns sinsemellan inte är lätta att överbrygga, vilket är varför en plattform där båda aktörerna verkar presenteras som en lösning. Detta skulle enligt båda parterna underlätta kontakten sinsemellan samt agera som väg mellan den akademiska världen och näringslivet. Vidare önskar båda aktörerna att det skulle vara mer meriterande att ha erfarenhet från båda aktörerna, och att detta skulle värdesättas mer än det gör idag, för att uppmuntra personer att få erfarenhet från aktörerna för att sedan underlätta samverkan. Båda parterna efterlyser också en större kontinuitet i kontakten mellan akademi och näringsliv, vilket dock problematiseras genom att det kan hota den fria forskningen som är viktigt för några av de personer som intervjuats för denna rapport. Sammanfattningsvis är aktörerna överens om att detta är ett viktigt ämne för Sveriges konkurrenskraft i världen och att en ökad transparens och kommunikation skulle vara värdefullt för samverkan, och därmed förhoppningsvis kunna öka nyttiggörandet av forskningsresultat i Sveriges näringsliv.
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Microarray Analysis of Differential Expression of Genes in Shoot Apex and Young Leaf of English Ivy (<i>Hedera helix</i> L. cv. Goldheart)Shin, Seung-Geuk 15 July 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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Defining the Biochemical Factors Regulating IFITM3-Mediated Antiviral ActivityChesarino, Nicholas M. January 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Cross-Sectoral Collaboration in Implementing the Sustainable Development Goals in SwedenAshraf, Aysha January 2024 (has links)
In the Sustainable Development Goal’s (SDG) decade of action, research from various disciplines focuses on the proper pattern of SDG implementation and the role of partnership to ensure balance between economic, social, and environmental dimensions. Yet, there is a lack of clarity in the empirical understanding of it. This thesis aims to unravel the potential of Triple Helix Model cooperation and the EU's Principle of Partnership in the multilevel governance system in Sweden for the proper realization of such goals. Relying on the perspectives of the Triple Helix Model and the EU's Principle of Partnership, the thesis examines potential synergies across SDGs, the pressing need for cooperation in multilevel governance systems, and meta-governance instrumental strategies for SDGs’ proper implementation. Moreover, it identifies partnership as innovative governance in SDG implementation. The study complements the existing body of knowledge and literature with relevant findings that reveal the proper functioning of implementing the SDGs. Firstly, the findings indicate interlinkages between the goals using triple helix model cooperation in the Vaxjo case. Triple Helix Model cooperation has proved to be soft governance for the SDGs' implementation. Secondly, the EU's Principle of Partnership in the multilevel governance system indicates potential challenges in harnessing synergies in implementing the SDGs. That the thesis finds these results in the case of Sweden, which is among the leading countries for SDG interaction, highlights the importance of effective cooperation at different levels of government to localize SDGs and ensure synergies. Lastly, this thesis highlights how important sub-national units are to the localization and realization of the SDGs. These findings suggest that the Triple Helix Model is a main driver of the achievement of SDGs in Sweden that may also be applicable in all countries with current triple helix model potential. However, the findings provide a new understanding of the importance of cooperation across different sectors and tiers of governance systems. The present study offers the first comprehensive assessment of cooperation in a multilevel governance system to implement SDG properly.
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La Economía Circular en las organizaciones: estrategias e indicadores. Análisis de casosPalanca Roig, Ana 17 July 2023 (has links)
[ES] Los retos sociales y medioambientales a los que nos enfrentamos en el siglo XXI han sido el motor de la investigación en economía circular (EC). La EC se define como un sistema económico que minimiza la entrada y el desperdicio de recursos, las emisiones y las fugas de energía del sistema mitigando los impactos negativos sin poner en peligro el crecimiento y la prosperidad (Geissdoerfer et al., 2018).
Esta tesis persigue proporcionar un marco conceptual con el fin de analizar el esfuerzo requerido para implementar estrategias de EC en las organizaciones, así como el impacto que genera y la forma en que se mide su grado de avance.
Para ello se han realizado los siguientes estudios: (1) análisis bibliográfico del concepto de la EC, estrategias e indicadores; (2) análisis bibliométrico; (3) estudio del caso y análisis comparativo.
Esta investigación profundiza en la forma en que la aplicación de la EC está impactando en las organizaciones de la triple hélice: sector académico, empresarial y administración (Ranga et al., 2015), enfatizando los desafíos y lecciones aprendidas. De modo que se puedan identificar las oportunidades, fortalezas, debilidades y barreras que está teniendo la aplicación real de la EC en las organizaciones.
Con dicho fin, se han seleccionado once organizaciones que han sido entrevistadas y analizadas siguiendo los criterios de diversidad (representación internacional pero también una fuerte presencia de la Comunidad Valenciana en el modelo de innovación de triple hélice), autenticidad y relevancia (grado de conocimiento del concepto de EC en para analizar un entorno heterogéneo con diferentes niveles de experiencias, oportunidades, fortalezas, debilidades en el campo de la EC e indicadores.)
Los desafíos comunes identificados para todas las organizaciones analizadas son la monitorización de la EC, la heterogeneidad en la aplicación y monitorización de las estrategias EC, la dimensión social, el involucramiento de todos los acto-res de la sociedad y la pandemia COVID-19. Por otro lado, las lecciones aprendidas comunes a todos los casos de estudio son la cooperación en proyectos de I+D+i financiados, el impacto económico positivo en las cadenas de valor circulares y la formación permanente. Finalmente, los indicadores que son empleados por todas las organizaciones analizadas se centran en el carácter medioambiental (huella de carbono, LCA) o el carácter general (KPI) de los indica-dores. / [CA] Els reptes socials i mediambientals als quals ens enfrontem en el segle XXI han sigut el motor de la investigació en economia circular (EC). La EC es defineix com un sistema econòmic que minimitza l'entrada i el desaprofitament de re-cursos, les emissions i les fugides d'energia del sistema mitigant els impactes negatius sense posar en perill el creixement i la prosperitat (Geissdoerfer et al., 2018).
Aquesta tesi persegueix proporcionar un marc conceptual per a poder analitzar l'esforç requerit per a implementar estratègies de EC en les organitzacions, així com l'impacte que genera i la forma en què es mesura el seu grau d'avanç.
Per a això s'han realitzat els següents estudis: (1) anàlisi bibliogràfica del concepte de la EC, estratègies i indicadors; (2) anàlisi bibliomètrica; (3) estudi del cas i anàlisi comparativa.
Aquesta investigació aprofundeix en la forma en què l'aplicació de EC està im-pactant en les organitzacions de triple hèlice: sector acadèmic, empresarial i administració (Ranga et al., 2015), emfatitzant els desafiaments i lliçons apreses. De manera que es s'identifiquen les oportunitats, fortaleses, febleses i barreres que està tenint l'aplicació real de la EC en les organitzacions.
Amb aquesta fi, s'han seleccionat onze organitzacions que han sigut entrevista-des i analitzades seguint els criteris de diversitat (representació internacional però també una forta presència de la Comunitat Valenciana en el model d'innovació de triple hèlice), autenticitat i rellevància (grau de coneixement del con-cepte de EC en per a analitzar un entorn heterogeni amb diferents nivells d'ex-periències, oportunitats, fortaleses, febleses en el camp de la EC i indicadors).
Els desafiaments comuns identificats per a totes les organitzacions analitzades són el monitoratge de la EC, l'heterogeneïtat en l'aplicació i monitoratge de les estratègies EC, la dimensió social, l'involucrament de tots els actors de la socie-tat i la pandèmia COVID-19. D'altra banda, les lliçons apreses comunes a tots els casos d'estudi són la cooperació en projectes d'I+D finançats, l'impacte eco-nòmic positiu en les cadenes de valor circulars i la formació permanent. Finalment, els indicadors que són emprats per totes les organitzacions analitzades se centren en el caràcter mediambiental (empremta de carboni, LCA) o el caràcter general (KPI) dels indicadors. / [EN] The social and environmental challenges that we face in the 21st century have been the engine of the circular economy (CE) research. The CE is understood as an economic system that minimizes the resource input and waste, emissions and energy leakage from the system mitigating negative impacts without jeopardizing growth and prosperity (Geissdoerfer et al., 2018).
This thesis aims to provide a conceptual framework to be able to analyse the effort required to implement CE strategies in organizations, as well as the impact generated and the way in which its degree of progress is measured.
With the described purpose, the following studies have been carried out: (1) bibliographical analysis of the CE concept, strategies, and indicators; (2) bibliometric analysis; (3) case study and comparative analysis.
This research delves into the way in which the application of CE is impacting on the triple helix organization: scientific, industrial and administration sector (Ranga et al., 2015), emphasizing points for improvement and lessons learned. So that we can understand the opportunities, strengths, weaknesses, and challenges that the real application of CE is having in the organizations.
For this purpose, there have been selected eleven organizations that have been interviewed and analysed following the diversity criteria (international represen-tation but also a strong presence of the Valencian Community in the triple helix innovation model), authenticity and relevance (degree of knowledge of the concept of CE to analyse a heterogeneous environment with different levels of experiences, opportunities, strengths, weaknesses in the field of CE and indicators).
The common challenges identified for all the organizations analysed are the monitoring of CE, the heterogeneity in the application and monitoring of CE strategies, the social dimension, the involvement of all actors of society and the COVID-19 pandemic. On the other hand, the common lessons learned are cooperation in funded R&D projects, the positive economic impact on circular value chains, and continuous training. Finally, the indicators that are used by all the organizations analysed focus on the environmental character (carbon footprint, LCA) or the general character (KPI) of the indicators. / Palanca Roig, A. (2023). La Economía Circular en las organizaciones: estrategias e indicadores. Análisis de casos [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/195108
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Processing of NiTi Shape Memory Alloys through Low Pressure and Low Temperature Hydrogen ChargingBriseno Murguia, Silvia 05 1900 (has links)
Many industries including the medical, aerospace, and automobile industries have increasingly adopted the use of shape memory alloys (SMAs) for a plethora of applications due to their unique thermomechanical properties. From the commercially available SMAs in the market, binary NiTi SMAs have shown the most desirable properties. However, SMA properties can be significantly affected by the fabrication process. One of the most familiar applications of NiTi SMAs is in the design of actuating devices where the shape memory effect properties are highly advantageous. Spring NiTi SMA actuators are among the most commonly used and are generally made by torsion loading a straight wire. Consequently, stress concentrations are formed causing a reduction in recovery force. Other methods for producing springs and other NiTi SMA components is the fast emerging manufacturing method of additive manufacturing (AM). AM often uses metal powders to produce the near-net shape components. A major challenge for SMAs, in particular, is their well-known composition sensitivity. Therefore, it is critical to control composition in NiTi SMAs. In this thesis, a novel method for processing NiTi SMAs for pre-alloyed NiTi SMA powders and springs is presented. A low pressure and low temperature hydriding-pulverization-dehydriding method is used for preparing the pre-alloyed NiTi SMA powders with well-controlled compositions, size, and size distributions from wires. By hydrogen charging as-drawn martensitic NiTi SMA wires in a heated H3PO4 solution, pulverizing, and dehydriding, pre-alloyed NiTi powders of various well-controlled sizes are produced. In addition, a low pressure and low temperature hydriding-dehydriding method is used for producing NiTi SMA helixes from wires. The helix pattern in the pre-alloyed NiTi SMA wires was obtained by hydrogen charging NiTi SMA 500 μm diameter wires at different time intervals, followed by dehydriding to remove the hydrogen. The wires, powders, and resulting helixes were characterized using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), and x-ray diffraction (XRD). The relationship between the wire diameter, powder particle size, and helix geometry as a function of hydrogen charging time is investigated. Lastly, the recovery behavior due to the shape memory effect is also investigated after dehydriding.
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Cellular biomarkers of exposure to the fungicide copper oxychloride, in the common garden snail Helix aspersa, in Western Cape vineyardsSnyman, Reinette Georgenie 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD(Agric)(Botany and Zoology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2001. / Copper oxychloride (Cu2CI(OH)3) is a broad-spectrum fungicide, intensively sprayed in many South
African vineyards and orchards. It is necessary to find accurate and effective methods of monitoring the
effects of this fungicide on the biota of the agricultural environment. The use of biomarkers may be a
possible method to employ for this purpose.
This study investigated the effects of copper, as a result of copper oxychloride exposure, on the biology
of the common garden snail Helix aspersa, as welI as a number of cellular responses to exposure to the
fungicide. The possible use ofthese responses as biomarkers was also investigated.
Two groups of snails were exposed to 80 and 240 tJg g-! copper oxychloride respectively, for six
weeks. A third group served as control. On a weekly basis, body mass, number of eggs produced,
neutral red retention (NNR) times of haemocytic lysosomes, and body copper concentrations were
determined for each individual. At the end of the experiment, the digestive glands, ovotestes and
hermaphrodite ducts of a number of snails were prepared for histological analysis. The following
parameters were investigated: tubule area, epithelium height and area in the digestive gland,
spermatozoan area in the vesicula seminalis and ovotestis, as wen as oocyte numbers in the ovotestis.
To test the validity of the laboratory results, a field survey was conducted. Snails were colIected from
an uncontaminated vineyard and on two occasions from a contaminated vineyard in the Western Cape.
The same cellular responses were investigated as in the laboratory study.
The results showed that growth, egg production and hatching success in Helix aspersa were affected by
experimental exposure to copper oxychloride. In both the laboratory study and field survey, copper in
the body of H. aspersa was shown to be compartmentalized and the digestive gland was the most
important site of copper accumulation. NNR times of haemocytic Iysosomes were shown to be affected
by copper oxychloride exposure, already during the first week of exposure. A time evolution of copper
accumulation and lysosomal damage existed. Epithelium height and area of digestive gland tubules,
and spermatozoan and oocyte densities in the ovotestis, were also affected by copper oxychloride
exposure and the concomitant copper burdens in the respective organs. Through the field survey it was
ascertained that these histopathological changes were largely dependent on exposure time. It was concluded that lysosomal response of H. aspersa haemocytes, as measured by the NNR time
assay, could be considered a useful biomarker of copper oxychloride exposure, since it provides an
early warning of stress induced by this fungicide. Changes in digestive gland epithelium cells, and
gametes in the ovotestis, can also possibly serve as biomarkers of copper oxychloride exposure.
However, these can not serve as an early warning. All of the cellular responses identified in the present
study can be used in combination with other cellular and physiological parameters and toxicological
endpoints in order to improve the reliability and accuracy of interpretations regarding cause and effect.
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