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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Age of Arrakis: State Apparatuses and Foucauldian Biopolitics in Frank Herbert's Dune

Viberg, Pontus January 2019 (has links)
Frank Herbert’s Dune is generally recognized as the best-selling science fiction novel of all time. While it is commonly referred to as a novel of environmental characteristics, this essay investigates the depiction of society and how the power dynamics in this far future setting are presented. I argue that Dune’s portrayal of power within the state apparatuses of the ideological and repressive kind are to be related to issues and concerns that were observable within the state powers of America and the west during the decades of 1950 and 60. By using the concepts and theories of Louis Althusser and Michel Foucault, I claim that the centralized ideology found within the whole state apparatus of Dune endangers the freedoms of the individual in ways that can be related to its contemporary real-world setting. The first part of the essay is an exploratory investigation in how power is being expressed within the two institutions of the military and the church, as well as how the protagonist deals with the burden of authority. This is analyzed in terms of Althusser’s arguments on the reproduction of ideology and the Foucauldian concepts of biopolitics and disciplinary expressions. The second part revolves around a historicist approach, namely how these expressions within the novel are related to the contemporary setting of the United States and its western neighbours. This latter analysis addresses the foreign and domestic policy of the western powers and how, I argue, these are exemplified to an extent within the pages of the novel. This discussion shows how centralized power is presented as an issue due to the influence of ideology, how the different institutions that we perceive as secular and independent become tools for social injustice. Such instances revolve around the subtle insertion of religious values in state affairs and how imperialist intervention is legitimized by the defense of economic and cultural interests, but also how societies are prone to react in the presence of charismatic leaders. Apart from this I also emphasize how the status and subsequent influential significance of Dune have come to play an important part in the development of its genre and how its capabilities of social commentary have been vital to the emergence of “soft” science fiction.

Sustaining the One-Dimensional : An Ideology Critique of Agenda 2030 and the SDGs

Matikainen, Oliver Albert January 2019 (has links)
The project of sustainable development, as reflected in the Agenda 2030 and the UN 17 Sustainable Development Goals, plays a central role in the story of crisis and transformation today. Yet, this project has rarely been the object of ideology critique. This paper formulates an ideology critique as a form of immanent critique of the project of sustainable development with a basis in Herbert Marcuse’s one-dimensionality thesis. The analysis of the ideology of sustainable development is structured around the three-pillar conception of sustainability which is applied in the Agenda 2030. The transformative potential of the project of sustainable development is assessed on the background of the analysis. The transformative potential in each of the three pillars is found to be inhibited by the project of sustainable development and the paper identifies and explains the ideological mechanisms through which this inhibition takes place. The research suggests that the project of sustainable development cannot be seen as a transformative project.

Pious designs: theological aesthetics in the writings of George Herbert and the Ferrars of Little Gidding

Walton, Regina Laba 12 March 2016 (has links)
This study examines both the theological aesthetics of George Herbert (1593-1633), English priest and poet, and those of his friends, the Ferrar family of Little Gidding, who founded a quasi-monastic religious community near Cambridge from 1624-1646. In their writings, Herbert and the Ferrars negotiated two traditional but usually competing aesthetic stances: the "beauty of holiness"; on the one hand, and austere plainness, on the other. They skillfully navigated between conflicting theological positions during the years leading up to the English Civil War. Chapter 1 reviews the historical connection between Herbert and Nicholas Ferrar (1592/3-1637) in light of recent revisionist biographies. It describes and contextualizes the anomalous and controversial devotional life at Little Gidding within the complex religio-political landscape of the 1620s and 1630s; it also argues for a shared theological aesthetic between Herbert and the Ferrars as evident in their collaboration on various projects. (Herbert also designated the Ferrars his literary executors.) Chapter 2 revisits the question of Herbert's paradoxical "plain style," a topic that has engaged scholars for decades, by exploring his poetic use of clothing images in conjunction with the Renaissance commonplace of the "garment of style." Chapter 3 examines in detail liturgical practice at Little Gidding, both the family's public and private worship life, as well as their extensive renovation of two churches. Here I argue that the community did not fit easily within any single category in the "worship wars" of the early seventeenth century, but instead drew upon influences across the liturgical spectrum, from Laudianism to puritanism. Chapters 4 and 5 explore how Herbert (in his poetry) and the Ferrars (in their religious dialogues called the Story Books) use narrative of various kinds, but especially parable and exempla, for catechetical ends, and emphasize the centrality of "true stories" to Christian belief. The conclusion argues that these texts present a theological aesthetic that is deeply connected to a lived, practiced ethics. This project fills in a major gap in Herbert studies while recovering important primary sources for the understanding of religion, literature and culture in early modern England. / 2018-04-30T00:00:00Z

法律與道德的關係: 論哈特與狄奧堅的爭辯. / Fa lü yu dao de de guan xi: lun Hate yu Di'aojian de zheng bian.

January 1988 (has links)
劉傑雄. / 手稿本及手稿本複印本. / Thesis (M.A.)--香港中文大學, 1988. / Shou gao ben ji shou gao ben fu yin ben. / Includes bibliographical references: leaves [13]-[16] / Liu Jiexiong. / Thesis (M.A.)--Xianggang Zhong wen da xue, 1988. / 引言 --- p.1 / Chapter 第一部份 --- 哈特對法律道德關係的看法 --- p.14 / Chapter (甲) --- 社會律則的一般分析 --- p.14 / Chapter (一) --- 社會律則的意義 --- p.14 / Chapter (二) --- 社會律則兩方面的陳述 --- p.16 / Chapter (三) --- 義務 --- p.18 / Chapter (乙) --- 道德 --- p.21 / Chapter (一) --- 道德的意義 --- p.21 / Chapter (二) --- 道德的基本成份 --- p.22 / Chapter (三) --- 道德的特質  --- p.30 / Chapter (丙) --- 法律 --- p.36 / Chapter (一) --- 基始律則──義務律 --- p.36 / Chapter (二) --- 從屬律則──轉變律、審裁律和認可律 --- p.37 / Chapter (三) --- 法律的成份 --- p.47 / Chapter (丁) --- 法律與道德的關係 --- p.48 / Chapter 第二部份 --- 狄奧堅對哈特的批評 --- p.61 / Chapter (甲) --- 一個基本的概念──原則 --- p.62 / Chapter (一) --- 原則的意思 --- p.62 / Chapter (二) --- 原則和律則 --- p.67 / Chapter (三) --- 原則的來源 --- p.70 / Chapter (乙) --- 對哈特法律理論的批評 --- p.72 / Chapter (一) --- 哈特的兩個選擇 --- p.73 / Chapter (二) --- 第一個選擇──至少有些原則具有法律的約束力 --- p.76 / Chapter (三) --- 第三個選擇──任何原則不具有法律的約束力 --- p.76 / Chapter (四) --- 哈特法律理論的兩難 --- p.88 / Chapter (五) --- 認可律的漏洞 --- p.90 / Chapter (丙) --- 法律與道德的關係 --- p.100 / Chapter 第三部份 --- 哈特與狄奧堅爭辯之評估 --- p.103 / Chapter (一) --- 哈特與狄奧堅爭辯之論題 --- p.103 / Chapter (二) --- 爭辯的爭論點 --- p.103 / Chapter (三) --- 第一個爭論點 --- p.106 / Chapter (四) --- 第二個爭論點  --- p.116 / Chapter (五) --- 狄奧堅理論的毛病 --- p.124 / 結語 --- p.131

The sociology of knowledge as process meaning in socio-cultural phenomena

Pretzer, Garrett J January 2010 (has links)
Digitized by Kansas Correctional Industries

Dataspel, en naturlig del av folkbibliotek? : En fallstudie på Helsingborgs stadsbibliotek / Computer games, a natural part of public libraries? : A case study at Helsingborg’s library

Bengtsson, Helena January 2014 (has links)
This paper aims to investigate how Helsingborg’s city library’s visi-tors feel about computer games being available for lending and in which way computer gamers see Helsingborg’s city library as a resource. This was examined first with a study of 100 of the library’s visitors and then with five interviews with computer gamers and an interview with the librarian responsible for purchasing games.The study showed that most visitors were neutral to having games at the library and of the ones that were not neutral many more were positive than negative. Of the five gamers who were inter-viewed, there were several who had borrowed games in the past. Although all the gamers appre-ciated the opportunity of games at the library, they did not see the library as an obvious resource.The conclusion of the study is that computer games are an appreciated opportunity that can tempt new visitors to the library and that games can renew the library’s offerings and profile. / Program: Bibliotekarie

Idéer om folkbiblioteket : en idéanalys av ett urval kommunala biblioteksplaner / Ideas about the public library : an idea analysis of a selection of municipal library plans

Nybergh, Elina, Odin, Rebecca January 2007 (has links)
The aim of this master’s thesis is to examine which ideas about the public library that appear in a selection of municipal library plans and to examine if these ideas are unanimous. The comprehensive questions are: Which ideas about the public library appear in each municipal library plan? How do the ideas agree in the different municipal library plans? The sub questions are: Which judgements of reality appear in the different library plans concerning each municipality and its library needs? How do the municipalities define the concept of development and future demands in the municipality on the basis of the judgements of reality? Which recommendations do the judgements of reality give and how is the plan of action that is established in each library plan justified? Which fundamental views of reality, i. e. which values of the library and its role (function, task and responsibility in the municipality), do the library plans contain? The theoretical basis of the study is a model, designed by Dorte Skot-Hansen, consisting of three rationalities – humanistic, sociological and instrumental - that constitute the cultural policy. Idea analysis is the textual analytic method used in this study to classify the material and make visible the ideas in the library plans. The concept of the idea consists of the three elements: judgement of reality, recommendation of action and a fundamental view of reality. A modified version of Skot-Hansen’s model is used as a means to analyze the empirical material, which consists of six library plans. The findings of the study show that each library plan manifests all of the rationalities and that the ideas about the library that appear in the selection of library plans are practically unanimous. / Uppsatsnivå: D

Velká hospodářská krize v USA ve 20. letech dvacátého století a pokusy o obnovu bankovního systému

Dubíková, Lucia January 2007 (has links)
Má diplomová práce by měla mít ve větší míře analytický charakter. Rozdělila jsem ji na dvě hlavní kapitoly: hospodářský vývoj USA ve 20. letech 20. století a pokusy o obnovu bankovního systému. V první kapitole se věnuji analýze situace, v jaké se Spojené státy nacházely ve dvacátých letech, kdy můžeme pozorovat známky nastupující recese. Spojené státy změnily své postavení a staly se světovou mocností a hlavním vítězem první světové války. Hospodářskou politiku výrazně ovlivňovala válečná zkušenost tohoto konfliktu. S tím však přicházely i nové hospodářské, sociální a politické důsledky. Ze světového dlužníka se staly světovým věřitelem. Narůstala investiční aktivita, lidé si zvykli žít svůj ,,život na půjčku? a stále více se zadlužovali. Měnila se také politická situace, kde vládu demokratů vyměnila na dlouhé období vláda republikánů. V hospodářské politice to znamenalo zejména nižší daně, vyšší cla, omezení přímé regulace a decentralizace rozhodování. Rozpočtová politika se přizpůsobila zejména splácení válečných půjček, což znamenalo po celé období dvacátých let přebytkové rozpočty.

Freedom and authority of conscience : religion and politics in the thought of Lord Herbert of Cherbury (1582-1648)

Hsu, Chao-Chi January 2018 (has links)
This thesis focuses on a long-misunderstood person - Edward, Lord Herbert of Cherbury (1582-1648), a diplomat, philosopher, and historian. He has been labelled 'the father of English deism', a title invented by John Leland (1691-1766) more than a hundred years after his death. Although this label has recently been challenged, modern scholarship continues to pay disproportionate attention to Herbert's religious ideas, while research on political and historical aspects of his thought remains quite underdeveloped. This thesis places Herbert in the context of contemporary issues of religion and politics, including the controversy over the royal supremacy, the relationship between King and Parliament, and debates over the lawfulness of resistance to tyrants in the Early English Civil War. It argues that his viewpoints on these issues reflected his deep concern for the freedom and authority of individual conscience. Herbert held that laws enacted in the name of the royal supremacy should not force individuals to accept anything contrary to the judgement of their consciences. He also suggested that the safety and liberty of the people took priority over the prerogatives of the King, and that Parliament, as the highest court in the kingdom, had the authority to protect the people's consciences from the oppression of the King's unlawful commands. Finally, Herbert held that resistance to tyrants was indeed lawful and that conscience granted that a tyrant's misdeeds could lawfully be bridled. The thesis is based on a close analysis of Herbert's religious treatises, his manuscript collections deposited in the National Library of Wales, and his historical works, including 'On the King's Supremacy in the Church' and The Life and Raigne of King Henry the Eighth. His manuscript collections and historical treatises in particular have never been properly examined. The main contributions of the thesis are to restore Herbert's thought to its seventeenth-century context, broaden the research on Herbert to include his political thought, and reveal that the common purpose of his works of philosophy, religion, and history was to save the people from unjust religious coercion. This approach provides a more comprehensive understanding and a more complete picture of Herbert's thought, and challenges several commonly held views of Herbert: that Herbert's thought was a precursor to eighteenth-century deism, that his theory of common notions represented the whole picture of his thought, and that his historical works were of little value and aimed only at gaining royal recognition.

God in the Darkness: Mysticism and Paradox in the Poetry of George Herbert and Henry Vaughan.

Acker, Elizabeth Anne 01 August 2001 (has links)
While aspects of mysticism appear in the poetry of both George Herbert and Henry Vaughan, the general consensus among critics has acknowledged the mysticism of Vaughan while ignoring its roots in Herbert's writings. Among the leading authorities on the poetry of Herbert, there has been a general tendency to dismiss, ignore, or explain away mystical elements. A study of representative works by prominent critics to ascertain their positions on this issue reveals not only what can be known for certain about Herbert's theology, but also the interpretations that have been offered for his most famous poems. While these interpretations are useful, the discerning reader must look beyond them, both to the tradition of mysticism and to the Bible, to understand the intensely personal nature of Herbert's spiritual journey. Only then can the full extent of his influence on Vaughan be understood.

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