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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Caractérisation et modélisation de la fiabilité des transistors et circuits millimétriques conçus en technologies BiCMOS et CMOS / Reliability characterization and modeling of transistors and millimetric waves circuits designed in BiCMOS and CMOS technologies

Ighilahriz, Salim 31 March 2014 (has links)
De nos jours, l'industrie de la microélectronique développe des nouvelles technologies qui permettent l'obtention d'applications du quotidien alliant rapidité, basse consommation et hautes performances. Pour cela, le transistor, composant actif élémentaire et indispensable de l'électronique, voit ses dimensions miniaturisées à un rythme effréné suivant la loi de Moore de 1965. Cette réduction de dimensions permet l'implémentation de plusieurs milliards de transistors sur des surfaces de quelques millimètres carrés augmentant ainsi la densité d'intégration. Ceci conduit à une production à des coûts de fabrication constants et offre des possibilités d'achats de produits performants à un grand nombre de consommateurs. Le MOSFET (Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor), transistor à effet de champ, aussi appelé MOS, représente le transistor le plus utilisé dans les différents circuits issus des industries de la microélectronique. Ce transistor possède des longueurs électriques de 14 nm pour les technologies industrialisables les plus avancées et permet une densité intégration maximale spécialement pour les circuits numériques tels que les microprocesseurs. Le transistor bipolaire, dédié aux applications analogiques, fut inventé avant le transistor MOS. Cependant, son développement correspond à des noeuds technologiques de génération inférieure par rapport à celle des transistors MOS. En effet, les dimensions caractéristiques des noeuds technologiques les plus avancés pour les technologies BiCMOS sont de 55 nm. Ce type de transistor permet la mise en oeuvre de circuits nécessitant de très hautes fréquences d'opération, principalement dans le secteur des télécommunications, tels que les radars anticollisions automobiles fonctionnant à 77 GHz. Chacun de ces types de transistors possède ses propres avantages et inconvénients. Les avantages du transistor MOS reposent principalement en deux points qui sont sa capacité d'intégration et sa faible consommation lorsqu'il est utilisé pour réaliser des circuits logiques. Sachant que ces deux types de transistors sont, de nos jours, comparables du point de vue miniaturisation, les avantages offerts par le transistor bipolaire diffèrent de ceux du transistor MOS. En effet, le transistor bipolaire supporte des niveaux de courants plus élevés que celui d'un transistor MOS ce qui lui confère une meilleure capacité d'amplification de puissance. De plus, le transistor bipolaire possède une meilleure tenue en tension et surtout possède des niveaux de bruit électronique beaucoup plus faibles que ceux des transistors MOS. Ces différences notables entre les deux types de transistors guideront le choix des concepteurs suivant les spécifications des clients. L'étude qui suit concerne la fiabilité de ces deux types de transistors ainsi que celle de circuits pour les applications radio fréquences (RF) et aux longueurs d'ondes millimétriques (mmW) pour lesquels ils sont destinés. Il existe dans la littérature de nombreuses études de la fiabilité des transistors MOS. Concernant les transistors bipolaires peu d'études ont été réalisées. De plus peu d'études ont été menées sur l'impact de la fiabilité des transistors sur les circuits. L'objectif de ce travail est d'étudier le comportement de ces deux types de transistors mais aussi de les replacer dans le contexte de l'utilisateur en étudiant la fiabilité de quelques circuits parmi les plus usités dans les domaines hyperfréquence et millimétrique. Nous avons aussi essayé de montrer qu'il était possible de faire évoluer les règles de conception actuellement utilisées par les concepteurs tout en maintenant la fiabilité attendue par les clients. / Nowadays, the microelectronics industry develops new technologies that allow the production of applications combining high speed, low power consumption and high performance. For this, the transistor, active elementary and essential component of electronics, sees its miniaturized dimensions at a breakneck pace following Moore's Law in 1965. This size reduction allows the implementation of several billion transistors on surfaces of a few square millimeters and increasing the integration density. This leads to a production at constant costs and offers opportunities for shopping performing products at a large number of consumers. The MOSFET (Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor), field effect transistor, also called MOS transistor is the most used in different circuits coming from the microelectronics industries. This transistor has electrical lengths of 14 nm for the industrially most advanced technology and allows a maximum integration density specifically for digital circuits such as microprocessors. Bipolar transistor, dedicated to analog applications, was invented before the MOS transistor. However, the characteristic dimensions of the most advanced technologies for BiCMOS technology nodes is 55 nm. This type of transistor enables the implementation of systems requiring very high frequency operation, mainly in the telecommunications industry , such as automotive collision avoidance radar operating at 77 GHz. Each of these transistors has its own advantages and disadvantages. The advantages of MOS transistor are mainly based on two points that are its integration capacity and its low power consumption when used to implement logic circuits. Knowing that these two types of transistors are, nowadays, comparable on the miniaturization aspect, benefits of bipolar transistor differ from those of the MOS transistor. Indeed, the bipolar transistor supports higher current levels than a MOS transistor which gives it a greater ability of power amplification. Moreover , the bipolar transistor has an improved breakdown voltage and especially features electronic noise levels much lower than those of the MOS transistors. These significant differences between the two transistors types will guide the designers choice according to the customer specifications. The following study relates the reliability of these two transistors types as well as circuits for radio frequency (RF) applications and millimeter wavelengths (mmW) for which they are intended. There are in the literature many studies of the reliability of MOS transistors. Regarding bipolar transistors few studies have been conducted. In addition few studies have been conducted on the impact of the reliability of transistors on circuits. The objective of this work is to study the behavior of these two types of transistors but also to place them in the user context by studying the reliability of some of most used circuits in the microwave and millimeter fields. We also tried to show that it was possible to change the design rules currently used by designers while maintaining the expected reliability by the counsumers.

Caractérisation et modélisation des sources de bruit BF dans les transistors bipolaires développés en technologie BiCMOS (sub 0,13µm) pour applications RF et THz / Characterization and modeling of bipolar transistor noise sources developed in BiCMOS technology (sub 0.13µm) for RF to THz applications.

Seif, Marcelino 10 April 2015 (has links)
Les travaux de thèse, présentés dans ce manuscrit, portent sur la caractérisation et la modélisation des sources de bruit basse fréquence dans les transistors bipolaires à hétérojonction Si/SiGe:C issus des filières BiCMOS 130 et 55 nm utilisées pour la réalisation de circuits intégrés dédiés aux futures applications dans le domaine du THz. A partir des mesures réalisées en fonction de la polarisation, de paramètres géométriques (surface et périmètre d'émetteur principalement) et de la température, la composante de bruit en 1/f, associée aux fluctuations du courant de base, a été entièrement caractérisée et les sources de bruit associées localisées. Les paramètres du modèle compact SPICE ont été extraits et comparés avec ceux de la littérature. Pour la technologie BiCMOS 130 nm, la valeur obtenue pour la figure de mérite KB égale 6,8 10-11 µm² ce qui représente le meilleur résultat publié à ce jour, toutes filières de transistors bipolaires confondues. Réalisée sur une plaque entière, l'étude statistique de la dispersion du niveau de bruit en 1/f a permis d'étendre la modélisation compacte de type SPICE. Mesuré sur une large gamme de température, le niveau de bruit en 1/f n'a pas présenté de variation significative. Pour la première fois, une étude complète de la composante de bruit en 1/f associée aux fluctuations du courant de collecteur est présentée et les paramètres du modèle SPICE extraits. Concernant la caractérisation des composantes de génération-recombinaison (présence non systématique), une étude statistique a montré que les transistors de plus petites dimensions étaient les plus impactés. La comparaison entre les différentes technologies montre que ces composantes sont beaucoup plus présentes dans les technologies les moins matures. Quand ces composantes ont été associées à du bruit RTS, une méthode de caractérisation temporelle et fréquentielle a été mise en œuvre. Enfin, dans certains cas, une étude en basses températures a permis d'extraire les énergies d'activation des pièges responsables de ces composantes de génération-recombinaison. / The presented thesis work, in this manuscript, focuses on the characterization and modeling of the low frequency noise sources in heterojunction bipolar transistors Si/SiGe :C derived from 130 to 55 nm BiCMOS technology used in the production of integrated circuits dedicated for THz domain applications. From measurements versus bias, geometrical parameters (emitter area and perimeter) and temperature, the 1/f noise component, associated to the base current fluctuations, has been fully characterized and the associated sources have been localized. The SPICE compact model parameters have been extracted and compared with those of the literature. For the BiCMOS 130 nm technology, the obtained figure of merit value of 6,8 10-11 µm2 represents the best published result so far in all bipolar transistors. The dispersion study of the 1/f noise component, performed over a complete wafer, allowed us to extend the SPICE type compact modeling. Measured over a large temperature range, the 1/f noise did not show any variations. For the first time, a complete characterization of the 1/f component at the output of the transistors is presented as well as the extraction of SPICE parameters. Regarding the characterization of generation-recombination components (unsystematic presence), a statistical study has showed that transistors with small emitter areas (Ae < 1 µm2) are affected more than the transistors with large emitter areas by the presence of g-r components. Comparison between different technologies shows that these components are much more present in the less mature technologies. When these components have been associated to RTS, time and frequency domain method is implemented. Finally, in some cases, a study at low temperatures was used to extract the activation energy of the traps responsible for the generation-recombination components.

LC-ladder and capacitive shunt-shunt feedback LNA modelling for wideband HBT receivers

Weststrate, Marnus 24 July 2011 (has links)
Although the majority of wireless receiver subsystems have moved to digital signal processing over the last decade, the low noise amplifier (LNA) remains a crucial analogue subsystem in any design being the dominant subsystem in determining the noise figure (NF) and dynamic range of the receiver as a whole. In this research a novel LNA configuration, namely the LC-ladder and capacitive shunt-shunt feedback topology, was proposed for use in the implementation of very wideband LNAs. This was done after a thorough theoretical investigation of LNA configurations available in the body of knowledge from which it became apparent that for the most part narrowband LNA configurations are applied to wideband applications with suboptimal results, and also that the wideband configurations that exist have certain shortcomings. A mathematical model was derived to describe the new configuration and consists of equations for the input impedance, input return loss, gain and NF, as well as an approximation of the worst case IIP3. Compact design equations were also derived from this model and a design strategy was given which allows for electronic design automation of a LNA using this configuration. A process for simultaneously optimizing the circuit for minimum NF and maximum gain was deduced from this model and different means of improving the linearity of the LNA were given. This proposed design process was used successfully throughout this research. The accuracy of the mathematical model has been verified using simulations. Two versions of the LNA were also fabricated and the measured results compared well with these simulations. The good correlation found between the calculated, simulated and measured results prove the accuracy of the model, and some comments on how the accuracy of the model could be improved even further are provided as well. The simulated results of a LNA designed for the 1 GHz to 18 GHz band in the IBM 8HP process show a gain of 21.4 dB and a minimum NF of only 1.7 dB, increasing to 3.3 dB at the upper corner frequency while maintaining an input return loss below -10 dB. After steps were taken to improve the linearity, the IIP3 of the LNA is -14.5 dBm with only a small degradation in NF now 2.15 dB at the minimum. The power consumption of the respective LNAs are 12.75 mW and 23.25 mW and each LNA occupies a chip area of only 0.43 mm2. Measured results of the LNA fabricated in the IBM 7WL process had a gain of 10 dB compared to an expected simulated gain of 20 dB, however significant path loss was introduced by the IC package and PCB parasitics. The S11 tracked the simulated response very well and remained below -10 dB over the feasible frequency range. Reliable noise figure measurements could not be obtained. The measured P1dB compression point is -22 dBm. A 60 GHz LNA was also designed using this topology in a SiGe process with ƒT of 200 GHz. A simulated NF of 5.2 dB was achieved for a gain of 14.2 dB and an input return loss below -15 dB using three amplifier stages. The IIP3 of the LNA is -8.4 dBm and the power consumption 25.5 mW. Although these are acceptable results in the mm-wave range it was however found that the wideband nature of this configuration is redundant in the unlicensed 60 GHz band and results are often inconsistent with the design theory due to second order effects. The wideband results however prove that the LC-ladder and capacitive shunt-shunt feedback topology is a viable means for especially implementing LNAs that require a very wide operating frequency range and also very low NF over that range. / Thesis (PhD(Eng))--University of Pretoria, 2011. / Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering / unrestricted

Analyse expérimentale et modélisation du bruit haute fréquence des transistors bipolaires à hétérojonctions SiGe et InGaAs/InP pour les applications très hautes fréquences / Experimental analysis and modelling of high frequency noise in SiGe and InGaAs/InP heterojunction bipolar transistors for high frequency applications

Ramirez-garcia, Eloy 20 June 2011 (has links)
Le développement des technologies de communication et de l’information nécessite des composants semi-conducteurs ultrarapides et à faible niveau de bruit. Les transistors bipolaires à hétérojonction (TBH) sont des dispositifs qui visent des applications à hautes fréquences et qui peuvent satisfaire ces conditions. L’objet de cette thèse est l’étude expérimentale et la modélisation du bruit haute fréquence des TBH Si/SiGe:C (technologie STMicroelectronics) et InP/InGaAs (III-V Lab Alcatel-Thales).Accompagné d’un état de l’art des performances dynamiques des différentes technologies de TBH, le chapitre I rappelle brièvement le fonctionnement et la caractérisation des TBH en régime statique et dynamique. La première partie du chapitre II donne la description des deux types de TBH, avec l’analyse des performances dynamiques et statiques en fonction des variations technologiques de ceux-ci (composition de la base du TBH SiGe:C, réduction des dimensions latérales du TBH InGaAs). Avec l’aide d’une modélisation hydrodynamique, la seconde partie montre l’avantage d’une composition en germanium de 15-25% dans la base du TBH SiGe pour atteindre les meilleurs performances dynamiques. Le chapitre III synthétise des analyses statiques et dynamiques réalisées à basse température permettant de déterminer le poids relatif des temps de transit et des temps de charge dans la limitation des performances des TBH. L’analyse expérimentale et la modélisation analytique du bruit haute fréquence des deux types de TBH sont présentées en chapitre IV. La modélisation permet de mettre en évidence l’influence de la défocalisation du courant, de l’auto-échauffement, de la nature de l’hétérojonction base-émetteur sur le bruit haute fréquence. Une estimation des performances en bruit à basse température des deux types de TBH est obtenues avec les modèles électriques. / In order to fulfil the roadmap for the development of telecommunication and information technologies (TIC), low noise level and very fast semiconductor devices are required. Heterojunction bipolar transistor has demonstrated excellent high frequency performances and becomes a candidate to address TIC roadmap. This work deals with experimental analysis and high frequency noise modelling of Si/SiGe:C HBT (STMicroelectronics tech.) and InP/InGaAs HBT (III-V Lab Alcatel-Thales).Chapter I introduces the basic concepts of HBTs operation and the characterization at high-frequency. This chapter summarizes the high frequency performances of many state-of-the-art HBT technologies. The first part of chapter II describes the two HBT sets, with paying attention on the impact of the base composition (SiGe:C) or the lateral reduction of the device (InGaAs) on static and dynamic performances. Based on TCAD modelling, the second part shows that a 15-25% germanium composition profile in the base is able to reach highest dynamic performances. Chapter III summarizes the static and dynamic results at low temperature, giving a separation of the intrinsic transit times and charging times involved into the performance limitation. Chapter IV presents noise measurements and the derivation of high frequency noise analytical models. These models highlight the impact of the current crowding and the self-heating effects, and the influence of the base-emitter heterojunction on the high frequency noise. According to these models the high frequency noise performances are estimated at low temperature for both HBT technologies.

Device design and process integration for SiGeC and Si/SOI bipolar transistors

Haralson, Erik January 2004 (has links)
SiGe is a significant enabling technology for therealization of integrated circuits used in high performanceoptical networks and radio frequency applications. In order tocontinue to fulfill the demands for these applications, newmaterials and device structures are needed. This thesis focuseson new materials and their integration into heterojunctionbipolar transistor (HBT) structures as well as using devicesimulations to optimize and better understand the deviceoperation. Specifically, a SiGeC HBT platform was designed,fabricated, and electrically characterized. The platformfeatures a non-selectively grown epitaxial SiGeC base,in situdoped polysilicon emitter, nickel silicide,LOCOS isolation, and a minimum emitter width of 0.4 μm.Alternately, a selective epitaxy growth in an oxide window wasused to form the collector and isolation regions. Thetransistors exhibited cutoff frequency (fT) and maximum frequency of oscillation (fMAX) of 40-80 GHz and 15-45 GHz, respectively.Lateral design rules allowed the investigation of behavior suchas transient enhanced diffusion, leakage current, and theinfluence of parasitics such as base resistance and CBC. The formation of nickel silicide on polysiliconSiGe and SiGeC films was also investigated. The formation ofthe low resistivity monosilicide phase was shown to occur athigher temperatures on SiGeC than on SiGe. The stability of themonosilicide was also shown to improve for SiGeC. Nickelsilicide was then integrated into a SiGeC HBT featuring aselectively grown collector. A novel, fully silicided extrinsicbase contact was demonstrated along with the simultaneousformation of NiSi on thein situdoped polysilicon emitter. High-resolution x-ray diffraction (HRXRD) was used toinvestigate the growth and stability of SiGeC base layers forHBT integration. HRXRD proved to be an effective, fast,non-destructive tool for monitoring carbon out-diffusion due tothe dopant activation anneal for different temperatures as wellas for inline process monitoring of epitaxial growth of SiGeClayers. The stability of the SiGe layer with 0.2-0.4 at% carbonwhen subjected to dopant activation anneals ranging from1020-1100&amp;#176C was analyzed by reciprocal lattice mapping.It was found that as the substitutional carbon increases theformation of boron clusters due to diffusion is suppressed, buta higher density of carbon clusters is formed. Device simulations were performed to optimize the DC and HFperformance of an advanced SiGeC HBT structure with low baseresistance and small dimension emitter widths. The selectivelyimplanted collector (SIC) was studied using a design ofexperiments (DOE) method. For small dimensions the lateralimplantation straggle has a significant influence on the SICprofile (width). A significant influence of the SIC width onthe DC gain was observed. The optimized structure showedbalanced fT/fMAXvalues of 200+ GHz. Finally, SOI BJT transistorswith deep trench isolation were fabricated in a 0.25μmBiCMOS process and self-heating effects were characterized andcompared to transistors on bulk silicon featuring deep trenchand shallow trench isolation. Device simulations based on SEMcross-sections and SIMS data were performed and the resultscompared to the fabricated transistors. Key words:Silicon-Germanium(SiGe), SiGeC,heterojunction bipolar transistor(HBT), nickel silicide,selectively implanted collector(SIC), device simulation, SiGeClayer stability, high resolution x-ray diffraction(HRXRD),silicon-on-insulator(SOI), self-heating.

High Frequency Characterization and Modeling of SiGe Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors

Malm, B. Gunnar January 2002 (has links)
No description available.

An assessment of silicon-germanium BiCMOS technologies for extreme environment applications

Lourenco, Nelson Estacio 13 November 2012 (has links)
This thesis evaluates the suitability of silicon-germanium technology for electronic systems intended for extreme environments, such as ambient temperatures outside of military specification (-55 degC to 125 degC) range and intense exposures to ionizing radiation. Silicon-germanium devices and circuits were characterized at cryogenic and high-temperatures (up to 300 degC) and exposed to ionizing radiation, providing empirical evidence that silicon-germanium is an excellent platform for terrestrial and space-based electronic applications.

High Frequency Characterization and Modeling of SiGe Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors

Malm, B. Gunnar January 2002 (has links)
No description available.

Device design and process integration for SiGeC and Si/SOI bipolar transistors

Haralson, Erik January 2004 (has links)
<p>SiGe is a significant enabling technology for therealization of integrated circuits used in high performanceoptical networks and radio frequency applications. In order tocontinue to fulfill the demands for these applications, newmaterials and device structures are needed. This thesis focuseson new materials and their integration into heterojunctionbipolar transistor (HBT) structures as well as using devicesimulations to optimize and better understand the deviceoperation. Specifically, a SiGeC HBT platform was designed,fabricated, and electrically characterized. The platformfeatures a non-selectively grown epitaxial SiGeC base,<i>in situ</i>doped polysilicon emitter, nickel silicide,LOCOS isolation, and a minimum emitter width of 0.4 μm.Alternately, a selective epitaxy growth in an oxide window wasused to form the collector and isolation regions. Thetransistors exhibited cutoff frequency (f<sub>T</sub>) and maximum frequency of oscillation (f<sub>MAX</sub>) of 40-80 GHz and 15-45 GHz, respectively.Lateral design rules allowed the investigation of behavior suchas transient enhanced diffusion, leakage current, and theinfluence of parasitics such as base resistance and C<sub>BC</sub>. The formation of nickel silicide on polysiliconSiGe and SiGeC films was also investigated. The formation ofthe low resistivity monosilicide phase was shown to occur athigher temperatures on SiGeC than on SiGe. The stability of themonosilicide was also shown to improve for SiGeC. Nickelsilicide was then integrated into a SiGeC HBT featuring aselectively grown collector. A novel, fully silicided extrinsicbase contact was demonstrated along with the simultaneousformation of NiSi on the<i>in situ</i>doped polysilicon emitter.</p><p>High-resolution x-ray diffraction (HRXRD) was used toinvestigate the growth and stability of SiGeC base layers forHBT integration. HRXRD proved to be an effective, fast,non-destructive tool for monitoring carbon out-diffusion due tothe dopant activation anneal for different temperatures as wellas for inline process monitoring of epitaxial growth of SiGeClayers. The stability of the SiGe layer with 0.2-0.4 at% carbonwhen subjected to dopant activation anneals ranging from1020-1100&#176C was analyzed by reciprocal lattice mapping.It was found that as the substitutional carbon increases theformation of boron clusters due to diffusion is suppressed, buta higher density of carbon clusters is formed.</p><p>Device simulations were performed to optimize the DC and HFperformance of an advanced SiGeC HBT structure with low baseresistance and small dimension emitter widths. The selectivelyimplanted collector (SIC) was studied using a design ofexperiments (DOE) method. For small dimensions the lateralimplantation straggle has a significant influence on the SICprofile (width). A significant influence of the SIC width onthe DC gain was observed. The optimized structure showedbalanced f<sub>T</sub>/f<sub>MAX</sub>values of 200+ GHz. Finally, SOI BJT transistorswith deep trench isolation were fabricated in a 0.25μmBiCMOS process and self-heating effects were characterized andcompared to transistors on bulk silicon featuring deep trenchand shallow trench isolation. Device simulations based on SEMcross-sections and SIMS data were performed and the resultscompared to the fabricated transistors.</p><p><b>Key words:</b>Silicon-Germanium(SiGe), SiGeC,heterojunction bipolar transistor(HBT), nickel silicide,selectively implanted collector(SIC), device simulation, SiGeClayer stability, high resolution x-ray diffraction(HRXRD),silicon-on-insulator(SOI), self-heating.</p>

Operating voltage constraints and dynamic range in advanced silicon-germanium HBTs for high-frequency transceivers

Grens, Curtis Morrow 04 May 2009 (has links)
This work investigates the fundamental device limits related to operational voltage constraints and linearity in state-of-the-art silicon-germanium (SiGe) heterojunction bipolar transistors (HBTs) in order to support the design of robust next-generation high-frequency transceivers. This objective requires a broad understanding of how much "usable" voltage exists compared to conventionally defined breakdown voltage specifications, so the role of avalanche-induced current-crowding (or "pinch-in") effects on transistor performance and reliability are carefully studied. Also, the effects of intermodulation distortion are examined at the transistor-level for new and better understanding of the limits and trade-offs associated with achieving enhanced dynamic range and linearity performance on existing and future SiGe HBT technology platforms. Based on these investigations, circuits designed for superior dynamic range performance are presented.

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