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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Život a dílo historika a pedagoga Františka Bosáka / The life and work of the historian and educator František Bosák

ŠIMONOVÁ, Tereza January 2016 (has links)
The thesis willbeabout Mr. František Bosák, whowas a pedagogue, historian and camefromtheSouth Bohemian Region. A personality analysisdealswith his character, attitudes to life and familylife. Characterizationofthescientificwork show us not only a coherent list ofBosák'swork, but a viewintothetimewhen he was live, worked and engaged in historicworks as well. František Bosák worked on the University ofSouth Bohemia in České Budějovice for a long time, but he could not get a docent habilitation and publish his scientificworkbefore 1990 becauseofunfavorableofpoliticalscene. This thesis isthefirstessayaboutimportantpedagoguefromtheSouth Bohemia and his life.

Sairaanhoitajien koulutuksen suunnittelu ja toteutus Suomessa vuosina 1945–1957:terveyssisarkoulut – portti uusille ideoille

Huhtela, P. (Päivi) 01 December 2009 (has links)
Abstract The purpose of this research is to describe and comprehend the planning and realization of the Finnish Nurse Education from 1945 to 1957. The historical perspective of Nurse Education is examined from the Health Administration perspective, which utilizes the Intellectual and Administrative history research tradition. The phenomenon of education is studied holistically at macro and micro levels. At macro level the organizing of State Administration and the work of the leading nurses in development analysis is based on various documentation. At micro level the analysis concentrates on research knowledge based on memories of the contemporaries, i.e. experiences and conceptions of teachers and students of Nurse Education. The source materials are interpreted qualitatively. This approach structures the change in foundation and contents of education as well as the general nation-wide educational principles and the sympathies and frailties of human nature of the leading nurses that influenced the education. The research results present the changes in Nurse Education structure and content from 1945 to 1957, and the occurred change. The projecting of Nurse Education was effected by administrative and educational instructions. It was greatly influenced by the so-called Nurse Elite, which adopted an international perspective to nurse education supported by the Rockefeller foundation. The goal-oriented realization of education resulted in increase in theoretical education, concentration on social evaluation and holistic approach in teaching. Practical realizations intensified student guidance and systematic teaching, and also student independence and vocational education were intensified. The results structure research knowledge of Nurse Education, and present the identity of the current Nurse Education and the foundation for further development. / Tiivistelmä Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on kuvailla ja ymmärtää sairaanhoitajien koulutuksen suunnittelua ja toteutusta Suomessa vuosina 1945 - 1957. Sairaanhoitajien koulutuksen historiankuvaa tarkastellaan terveyshallintotieteen näkökulmasta, jossa hyödynnetään aate- ja tapahtumahistoriallista tutkimusperinnettä. Koulutusta kokonaisuutena tutkitaan makro- ja mikrotasoilla. Makrotasolla analysoidaan erilaisten dokumenttien avulla valtionhallinnon organisointia sekä kehittämistoimintaa johtaneiden sairaanhoitajien työtä. Mikrotasolla analysoidaan aikalaisten muistitiedon avulla tuotettua tietoa eli opettajien ja sairaanhoitajaopiskelijoiden kokemuksia ja käsityksiä koulutuksesta. Lähdeaineiston tulkinnan perustana on aineistojen kvalitatiivinen lukutapa. Lukutapa auttaa ymmärtämään koulutuksen rakenteen ja sisällön muutoksen lisäksi myös koulukseen vaikuttaneiden kasvatusaatteiden ja sairaanhoitajien inhimillisen toiminnan merkitystä. Tutkimustuloksissa kuvaillaan sairaanhoitajien koulutuksen suunnittelua ja toteutusta vuosina 1945 - 1957 sekä siinä tapahtunutta muutosta. Suunnitteluun vaikuttivat sekä valtiohallinnolliset että kasvatusaatteelliset ohjeet. Sairaanhoitajien koulutuksen suunnittelua ohjasi erityisesti niin kutsuttu sairaanhoitajaeliitti, joka omaksui suunnitteluun Rockefeller-säätiön tukemana kansainvälisen ajattelun. Koulutuksen tavoitteellinen toteutus edisti sairaanhoidon opetusta siten, että teoriaopetus lisääntyi, yhteiskunnallinen painotus korostui ja opetuskokonaisuudet kehittyivät. Käytännöllisessä toteutuksessa tehostettiin opiskelijoiden ohjausta ja käytännön järjestelyjä sekä vahvistettiin opiskelijoiden itsenäisyyttä ja syvennettiin ammattikasvatusaatetta. Tutkimustulokset auttavat jäsentämään sairaanhoitajien koulutuksen tietoperustaa. Ne auttavat myös ymmärtämään nykyisen sairaanhoitajakoulutuksen identiteettiä ja ovat perusta sen edelleen kehittämiselle.

Die Bibliothek als Labor des Musikhistoriker: Eröffnungsvortrag

Heinemann, Michael 19 December 2009 (has links)
Manchmal habe ich Zweifel, ob ich als Wissenschaftler öffentliche Bibliotheken noch benötige. Denn die Bücher, die ich für meine Arbeiten brauche, habe ich daheim. Online-Lexika bieten Informationen kostenlos, bequem und schnell. Die Digitalisierung besorgt den Rest. Zeitschriften, von denen Bibliotheken häufig ohnehin nur einzelne Jahrgänge besitzen, sind im Internet komplett verfügbar, und selbst von gerade erst erschienenen Bücher liefern Google und Amazon inzwischen mehr als nur Inhaltsangaben. Kurz: Internet und Digitalisierung machen den „realen“ Besuch von Bibliotheken mehr und mehr überflüssig.

Analyzing Primary Sources: Reading and Thinking like a Historian in the Elementary Classroom

Meier, Lori T. 01 June 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Lite historia rensar magen

Bondesson, Ida, Rovin, Ida January 2014 (has links)
Vi har valt att göra vårt examensarbete i form av ett utvecklingsarbete där ett ämnesövergripande projekt har planerats och genomförts. Utgångspunkten för projektet har varit SVT:s “Historieätarna”. Syftet har varit att undervisa utifrån “den lilla historien” för att fördjupa elevers historiemedvetande och historiska intresse samt att levandegöra historien genom att låta eleverna laga och äta mat från 1800-talets Sverige. De ämnen vi har valt att förena är det teoretiska ämnet historia och det mer praktiskt orienterade ämnet hem- och konsumentkunskap. Genom intervjuer med lärare, observation av lektioner och elevenkäter har vi undersökt vilken nytta man kan dra av ett projekt som vårt. Projektet genomsyras av begreppen “den lilla historien”, historiemedvetande och intresse. Resultatet visar att både lärare och elever gagnas av ämnesövergripande arbete i skolan förutsatt att man är villig och har möjlighet att lägga tid på det. Att anlägga ett underifrånperspektiv på historieundervisningen och att utgå ifrån ”den lilla historien” och elevens vardag då man undervisar i historia visar sig vara ett bra upplägg för elever då det är lättare att förstå stora sammanhang om man börjar i någonting man redan känner till.

Douglas Pike (1908-1974) : South Australian and Australian historian.

Calvert, John David January 2008 (has links)
Douglas Henry Pike was born in China in 1908, the second of five children, whose Australian parents were missionaries with a Protestant interdenominational faith mission, the China Inland Mission. Following graduation from an English style mission boarding school at Chefoo in northern China, Pike came to Melbourne in 1924; and from 1926 spent twelve years jackerooing on various New South Wales country properties. He returned to Melbourne in 1938, trained for the ministry in a Churches of Christ College, graduated in November 1941, married Olive Hagger and was sent to Adelaide. During pastorates at Colonel Light Gardens and Glenelg he studied at the University of Adelaide for his BA. He achieved History Honours, resigned from the ministry, taught briefly in Adelaide and at the University of Western Australia then returned to Adelaide as Reader from 1950 to 1960. Pike obtained his MA, then the D. Litt. for Paradise of Dissent, a history of South Australia. During the 1950s he wrote a series of newspaper articles, ‘Early Adelaide with the lid off’. Douglas Pike (1908-1974) South Australian and Australian Historian. In 1960 he was appointed to the Chair of History at the University of Tasmania and published his second book, Australia: The Quiet Continent. In 1964 he moved to the Australian National University and commenced his pioneering task as founding editor of the Australian Dictionary of Biography. Therefore the most significant period of his working life in history and historiography covers the years from 1948 until his sudden illness in November 1973, and death in May 1974. The Second World War at first slowed but then stimulated the teaching and writing of history in Australia. Pike commenced his university studies during the war; his research and writing followed in the post-war period. His years in academia witnessed the establishment between 1946 and 1958 of four more universities in Australia, including the ANU, where he spent the last ten years of his life. However, apart from book reviews, obituaries in newspapers and journals, biographical paragraphs and the ADB, Pike’s contribution and significance to Australian historiography has been largely neglected. My thesis is based on personal interviews and correspondence with people who knew Douglas Pike, including family members, together with archival material from the Australian National Library and the universities where Pike worked. Printed sources include newspapers, journals, and Pike’s own published writings. / http://proxy.library.adelaide.edu.au/login?url= http://library.adelaide.edu.au/cgi-bin/Pwebrecon.cgi?BBID=1347424 / Thesis (M.A.) - University of Adelaide, School of History and Politics, 2008

A divulgação da história nos livros de Eduardo Bueno e Laurentino Gomes / The Historical divulgation in the works of Eduardo Bueno e Laurentino Gomes

Rodrigues, Leonardo Paiva do Monte 26 August 2016 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como proposta analisar algumas obras de divulgação da história. Centraliza-se a pesquisa nos trabalhos dos mais bem-sucedidos jornalistas-historiadores brasileiros: Eduardo Bueno, autor da Coleção Terra Brasilis e Laurentino Gomes, autor de 1808, 1822 e 1889. Uma das hipóteses centrais da dissertação é que dentro do campo da história, essas obras participam de uma luta pelo monopólio das representações do passado. Por isso, investigam-se os distanciamentos e as aproximações entre a escrita histórica e a escrita jornalística, estabelecendo uma relação entre textos e paratextos para entender sua produção e as condições socioculturais que permitiram sua emergência. Além disso, analisam-se os papéis que são interpretados pela mídia, pela crítica especializada, pelas editoras e pelos próprios autores na composição e repercussão daqueles livros. / The purpose of this dissertation is to analyze some historical divulgation books. The research has focused on the most successful brazilian journalists-historians: Eduardo Bueno, author of the Coleção Terra Brasilis and Laurentino Gomes, author of 1808, 1822 and 1889. One of the most important hypothesis of this dissertation is that inside the fields of history, divulgation works have participated in a contest for monopoly of representations of the past. This study has been exploring the approach and the gaps between historical writing and journalistic writing. It establishes a relation between texts and paratexts to understand the production of those publications and the sociocultural conditions for their emergence. The roles interpreted by media, by experienced book reviews, by publishing companies and by the authors are analyzed in the composition and repercution of those books.

A divulgação da história nos livros de Eduardo Bueno e Laurentino Gomes / The Historical divulgation in the works of Eduardo Bueno e Laurentino Gomes

Leonardo Paiva do Monte Rodrigues 26 August 2016 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como proposta analisar algumas obras de divulgação da história. Centraliza-se a pesquisa nos trabalhos dos mais bem-sucedidos jornalistas-historiadores brasileiros: Eduardo Bueno, autor da Coleção Terra Brasilis e Laurentino Gomes, autor de 1808, 1822 e 1889. Uma das hipóteses centrais da dissertação é que dentro do campo da história, essas obras participam de uma luta pelo monopólio das representações do passado. Por isso, investigam-se os distanciamentos e as aproximações entre a escrita histórica e a escrita jornalística, estabelecendo uma relação entre textos e paratextos para entender sua produção e as condições socioculturais que permitiram sua emergência. Além disso, analisam-se os papéis que são interpretados pela mídia, pela crítica especializada, pelas editoras e pelos próprios autores na composição e repercussão daqueles livros. / The purpose of this dissertation is to analyze some historical divulgation books. The research has focused on the most successful brazilian journalists-historians: Eduardo Bueno, author of the Coleção Terra Brasilis and Laurentino Gomes, author of 1808, 1822 and 1889. One of the most important hypothesis of this dissertation is that inside the fields of history, divulgation works have participated in a contest for monopoly of representations of the past. This study has been exploring the approach and the gaps between historical writing and journalistic writing. It establishes a relation between texts and paratexts to understand the production of those publications and the sociocultural conditions for their emergence. The roles interpreted by media, by experienced book reviews, by publishing companies and by the authors are analyzed in the composition and repercution of those books.

Une mémoire à l'oeuvre : résurgences artistiques de la "petite histoire" en Colombie / Memory at work : artistic resurgences of "little histories" in Colombia

Ariza González, Carolina 06 July 2018 (has links)
Cette recherche explore les significations multiples des catastrophes qui ont bouleversé la Colombie dans les années 1980 et 1990, et le rôle des «artistes-historiens» dans la réparation des blessures qu'elles ont entraînées. Nous retracerons ces événements à partir des éléments autobiographiques afin de construire des liens entre la mémoire individuelle et l'Histoire de la Colombie. Nous prendrons appui sur ma pratique artistique ainsi que sur celle d'artistes colombiens nés pour la plupart dans les années 1960, qui ont produit des œuvres fondamentales pour élaborer ce processus de remémoration. Le mot « disparition » dans ce contexte spécifique chemine dans les différents chapitres de !'Histoire récente et réapparaît de façon cyclique à travers le phénomène des «disparitions forcées», qui traverse les différentes périodes de violence en Colombie depuis «l'époque de La Violence» dans les années 1950. Le mot «disparition» va se dessiner en parcourant des événements tels que le destin brisé des «enfants volés» lors de la catastrophe d' Armera ; à travers la disparition mystérieuse de onze personnes lors de la reprise militaire du Palais de Justice à Bogota (les deux événements survinrent en novembre 1985) ; et au travers des milliers de «disparus» anonymes, dont beaucoup ont été emportés par les rivières, laissant la société colombienne dans l'impossibilité d'enterrer ses morts afin d'entamer un processus de deuil et d'amnistie. Enfin, le mot «disparition» fera écho à la «disparition des preuves» et à la «fuite des archives», pratiquées impunément par les institutions colombiennes pour empêcher tout processus de reconstruction de la mémoire collective. / This research explores the multiple possible significations of catastrophes that shook Colombia in the l 980's and the l 990's, and the role of the "artist historians" in the process of healing the wounds it left behind. Traces of these tragedies will be followed up by means of autobiographical elements in order to bridge the gap between individual memories and Colombia's History. The starting point for this enquiry is my persona! artistic work and the work of other Colombian artists, most of them born in the 1960's and having produced fundamental artworks elaborating on the process of remembering. The word "disappearances" in the specific Colombian context steers its way amongst the chapters of recent History and reappears in cyclical fashion as the phenomenon of "forced disappearances", which can be followed up though the periods of violence in Colombia since La Violencia "the period of Violence" in the l 950's. The word "disappearance" will reappear when contemplating events like the fate of the "stolen children'' during the Armero catastrophe, caused by the eruption of a volcano, or the mysterious disappearance of eleven persons during the military takeover of the Palace of Justice in Bogota (both happened in November 1985), or the thousands of anonymous "disappeared", many of which were carried off by the rivers, leaving the Colombian society in the impossibility to bury it's dead in order to start a process of grieving and armistice. Finally the word "disappearance" will echo the "disappearance of evidences" and the "leaking archives" perpetrated with impunity by Colombian officials, thereby intentionally inhibiting the reconstruction of collective memory.

Jindřich Skopec - kněz a historik / Jindřich Skopec - the priest and historian

PRAŽÁKOVÁ, Lenka January 2014 (has links)
This submitted diploma thesis deals with the life of Jindřich Skopec (1873-1942), who worked as a priest, an archivist, a teacher of theology at a secondary school and a historian. His interests were multilateral, but he indelibly imprinted his name in the past thanks to his unflagging diligence and his honest work. He built his eternal memorial with his careful word processing of the work called "The memories of František Jan Vavák, neighbour and mayor in Milčice". These "Memories" were published in five books and the publisher was "Dědictví svatojánské". Thus, he became an honorary membership of history research group. Publishing of these "Memories" was Skopec´s life work and unforgettable legacy for the future generation. He also deeply stuck in mind of his contemporaries, because he dedicated his life to education of youth. He taught them to religious belief, moral and deeply humility. The diploma thesis is ever the first that tries to contain the life of this outstanding priest and historian from his early childhood over his clerical activity to his research activity.

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