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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

De obesuttna torparna : En landskapsanalys av torplämningar i Harbo socknen / The unpropertied crofters

Hammarin, Vincent January 2023 (has links)
De svenska torparna var en delmängd av det obesuttna folket, en samhällsklass som var särskilt utbredd under 1700 och 1800-talen. Torparna ägde ingen egen mark utan fick i stället bo i små och enkla torp på någon annans mark i utbyte mot betalning, antingen i pengar eller dagsverke. Torparna, särskilt de i Harbo, var oftast tvungna att ägna sig åt många olika sysslor för att få ekonomin att gå ihop. Det arkeologiska intresset för torp har traditionellt sett inte mötts med särskilt mycket entusiasm, till stor del på grund av de är relativt moderna och därför inte ansetts lämpliga att undersöka arkeologiskt. Över de senaste decennierna har denna uppfattning långsamt börjat skifta, med flera forskare som ägnar sig åt fälten historisk och samtidsarkeologi. Denna uppsats fokuserar på två torp i Harbo socknen och ämnar att belysa torparnas sociala position utifrån kyrkoböcker och historiska kartor. Utöver detta kommer torplämningarna att undersökas i person för att avgöra bevaringen av dessa, samt för att notera eventuella ytterligare fynd på platsen. Slutligen kommer jag diskutera resultaten av undersökningen såväl som värdet av att studera torp arkeologiskt. / The Swedish crofters were a subset of the unpropertied people, a social class especially prevalent during the 18th and 19th centuries. The crofters owned no ground of their own but were instead allowed to live in small and simple crofts on someone else’s land in exchange for payments, either in form of money or labour. The crofters, especially true for the ones in Harbo, usually had to delve into many different occupations to try to make ends meet. The archaeological interest for crofts has traditionally not been met with much enthusiasm, in large because of them being relatively modern and therefore not seen as fit for archaeological evaluations. Over the past decades this sentiment has slowly begun to change, with many scientists devoting themselves to the subfield of historical and present-day archaeology which places a particular focus on these remains. This essay focuses on two crofts in Harbo socknen and aims to shed light on the crofters’ social position and existence using written church records and historical maps. Moreover, the remains of the crofts will be examined in person as to study the preservation of these, as well as to note eventual additional findings. Finally, I will discuss the findings of my study as well as discuss the importance of the archaeological study of crofts.

I de obesuttnas spår : En arkeologisk analys av de obesuttna i Vena & Målilla socken / In the tracks of the unpropertied : an archaeological analysis of theunpropertied in Vena and Målilla parish.

Kajsa, Rosén-Wiksten January 2021 (has links)
The unpropertied, also known as subaltern people, were a social class that lived during the 18th, 19th, and 20th century in Sweden. They were a social class that hade very few rights and had torely on the closest farmer and his lands to get by. But also, other jobs, for example as a farm maiden or as a shoemaker. In archaeology, remains after the unpropertied are still visible in the cultural landscape they once created. Despite this, the interest and effort in keeping the memory of the unpropertied alive is very little. This is what this essay aims to discuss. This essay will, through a case-study, show how remains after the unpropertied are still visible in the cultural landscape. The casestudy will examine how and where the unpropertied is found in the landscape. The limitation will be at the border between Vena and Målilla parish. It also aims to examine the status of the remains and if the area where the remains are located have been preserved with the intention to focus on the history it holds. The essay also includes multiple historical maps and church archives with the purpose to put a relative date on the objects that has been examined. Later, the author will discuss why the history of the unpropertied is important to preserve and enlighten to the public. This will be discussed with the case-study and other archeological reports from excavations as a foundation, but also other articles regarding the subject in matter.

Mathematics for history's sake : a new approach to Ptolemy's Geography

Mintz, Daniel V. January 2011 (has links)
Almost two thousand years ago, Claudius Ptolemy created a guide to drawing maps of the world, identifying the names and coordinates of over 8,000 settlements and geographical features. Using the coordinates of those cities and landmarks which have been identified with modern locations, a series of best-fit transformations has been applied to several of Ptolemy’s regional maps, those of Britain, Spain, and Italy. The transformations relate Ptolemy’s coordinates to their modern equivalents by rotation and skewed scaling. These reflect the types of error that appear in Ptolemy’s data, namely those of distance and orientation. The mathematical techniques involved in this process are all modern. However, these techniques have been altered in order to deal with the historical difficulties of Ptolemy’s maps. To think of Ptolemy’s data as similar to that collected from a modern random sampling of a population and to apply unbiased statistical methods to it would be erroneous. Ptolemy’s data is biased, and the nature of that bias is going to be informed by the history of the data. Using such methods as cluster analysis, Procrustes analysis, and multidimensional scaling, we aimed to assess numerically the accuracy of Ptolemy’s maps. We also investigated the nature of the errors in the data and whether or not these could be linked to historical developments in the areas mapped.

O papel dos trilhos na estruturação territorial da cidade de São Paulo de 1867 a 1930 / The role of rail in the territorial structure of the city of São Paulo from 1867 to 1930

Kako, Iara Sakitani 03 July 2013 (has links)
Os mapas da cidade de São Paulo, produzidos no período compreendido entre o final do século XIX e meados do século XX, revelam uma cidade em plena transformação e desenvolvimento, com aumento dos seus limites através das obras de infraestrutura, como linha férrea e de bondes, implantação dos sistemas de distribuição de água e principalmente, energia elétrica, além da construção de novas pontes, loteamentos e arruamentos de chácaras, abertura de ruas, avenidas e praças. A influência dos trilhos (trens e bondes) na estruturação territorial da cidade de São Paulo foi avaliada através da análise de mapas históricos e auxiliada pela cartografia digital. Atualmente, com os recursos técnicos disponíveis, os mapas históricos podem ser estudados de forma sistematizada buscando-se obter uma visão de conjunto a respeito das transformações no espaço geográfico ao longo do tempo. A cartografia digital, apoiada nos softwares de Sistemas de Informação Geográfica (SIG), representa essa possibilidade oferecendo recursos para armazenamento, manipulação, e visualização dos dados geográficos. / The maps of the city of São Paulo produced within period from the late nineteenth and mid-twentieth century, reveal a city undergoing transformation and development, increasing the limits of the urban through infrastructure works such as railway and trams, implementation of water distribution systems and especially electricity, in addition to building new bridges, roads and subdivisions of small farms, open streets, avenues and squares. The influence of the rails (trains and trams) in the territorial structure of the city of São Paulo was evaluated through analysis of historical maps and assisted by digital mapping. Currently, with the available technical resources, historical maps can be studied in a systematic way seeking to get an overview about the changes in geographical space over time. The digital cartography supported by Geographic Information Systems (GIS) software provides resources for storage, manipulation, and visualization of geographic data.

Ontology as Conceptual Schema when Modelling Historical Maps for Database Storage

Svedjemo, Gustaf January 2007 (has links)
<p>Sweden has an enormous treasure in its vast number of large-scale historical maps from a period of 400 years made for different purposes, that we call map series. The maps are also very time and regional dependent with respect to their concepts. A large scanning project by Lantmäteriverket will make most of these maps available as raster images. In many disciplines in the humanities and social sciences, like history, human geography and archaeology, historical maps are of great importance as a source of information. They are used frequently in different studies for a variety of problems. A full and systematic analyse of this material from a database perspective has so far not been conducted. During the last decade or two, it has been more and more common to use data from historical maps in GIS-analysis. In this thesis a novel approach to model these maps is tested. The method is based on the modelling of each map series as its own ontology, thus focusing on the unique concepts of each map series. The scope of this work is a map series covering the province of Gotland produced during the period 1693-1705. These maps have extensive text descriptions concerned with different aspects of the mapped features. Via a code marking system they are attached to the maps. In this thesis a semantic analysis and an ontology over all the concepts found in the maps and text descriptions are presented. In our project we model the maps as close to the original structure as possible with a very data oriented view. Furthermore; we demonstrate how this ontology can be used as a conceptual schema for a logical E/R database schema. The Ontology is described in terms of the Protégé meta-model and the E/R schema in UML. The mapping between the two is a set of elementary rules, which are easy for a human to comprehend, but hard to automate. The E/R schema is implemented in a demonstration system. Examples of some different applications which are feasibly to perform by the system are presented. These examples go beyond the traditional use of historical maps in GIS today</p>

Från våta marker till våtmarker : en studie i våtmarkernas förändringar mellan tidigt 1800-tal och 2017 vid Ivösjön i nordöstra Skåne

Max, Pilbäck, Terese, Berglund January 2018 (has links)
Våta marker utgjorde tillsammans med andra miljöer en variation i det historiska landskapet. När människor behövde den våta marken för odling betraktades den som ogynnsam och marken avvattnades. Endast 10 % av den ursprungliga våtmarksarealen finns idag kvar i Skåne. Våta marker blev begreppet våtmarker när människan förstod dess värden. I uppsatsen studeras våtmarksförändringar och markanvändningsutveckling mellan tidigt 1800-tal och 2017 vid Ivösjön i nordöstra Skåne. Uppsatsen kartlägger också hur dikningsföretag har påverkat våtmarkernas förändring.  Utifrån historiskt kartmaterial och Lantmäteriets höjddata har GIS-analyser utförts och jämförts med relevant litteratur. Våtmarkernas kvarvarande areal är mellan 9 % och 14 % och samstämmer med de generella siffrorna över Skåne, dock finns avvikelser vid ett område (43 %). Markanvändningens utveckling följer de allmänna trenderna. Hur dikningsföretagen påverkat markanvändningen kräver vidare undersökningar.

Využití a zpracování historických mapových podkladů pro projektování komplexních pozemkových úprav. / Use and application of historical maps for land consolidation projekt.

KOUBOVÁ, Veronika January 2009 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with usage and processing historical maps. The main attention was given to the maps of Stable Cadaster and Land Cadaster, which are mostly used for this purpose. The part of the cadastral unit Dříteň {--} Velice was chosen as given locality, where was realized the land adjustment.

O papel dos trilhos na estruturação territorial da cidade de São Paulo de 1867 a 1930 / The role of rail in the territorial structure of the city of São Paulo from 1867 to 1930

Iara Sakitani Kako 03 July 2013 (has links)
Os mapas da cidade de São Paulo, produzidos no período compreendido entre o final do século XIX e meados do século XX, revelam uma cidade em plena transformação e desenvolvimento, com aumento dos seus limites através das obras de infraestrutura, como linha férrea e de bondes, implantação dos sistemas de distribuição de água e principalmente, energia elétrica, além da construção de novas pontes, loteamentos e arruamentos de chácaras, abertura de ruas, avenidas e praças. A influência dos trilhos (trens e bondes) na estruturação territorial da cidade de São Paulo foi avaliada através da análise de mapas históricos e auxiliada pela cartografia digital. Atualmente, com os recursos técnicos disponíveis, os mapas históricos podem ser estudados de forma sistematizada buscando-se obter uma visão de conjunto a respeito das transformações no espaço geográfico ao longo do tempo. A cartografia digital, apoiada nos softwares de Sistemas de Informação Geográfica (SIG), representa essa possibilidade oferecendo recursos para armazenamento, manipulação, e visualização dos dados geográficos. / The maps of the city of São Paulo produced within period from the late nineteenth and mid-twentieth century, reveal a city undergoing transformation and development, increasing the limits of the urban through infrastructure works such as railway and trams, implementation of water distribution systems and especially electricity, in addition to building new bridges, roads and subdivisions of small farms, open streets, avenues and squares. The influence of the rails (trains and trams) in the territorial structure of the city of São Paulo was evaluated through analysis of historical maps and assisted by digital mapping. Currently, with the available technical resources, historical maps can be studied in a systematic way seeking to get an overview about the changes in geographical space over time. The digital cartography supported by Geographic Information Systems (GIS) software provides resources for storage, manipulation, and visualization of geographic data.

Ontology as Conceptual Schema when Modelling Historical Maps for Database Storage

Svedjemo, Gustaf January 2007 (has links)
Sweden has an enormous treasure in its vast number of large-scale historical maps from a period of 400 years made for different purposes, that we call map series. The maps are also very time and regional dependent with respect to their concepts. A large scanning project by Lantmäteriverket will make most of these maps available as raster images. In many disciplines in the humanities and social sciences, like history, human geography and archaeology, historical maps are of great importance as a source of information. They are used frequently in different studies for a variety of problems. A full and systematic analyse of this material from a database perspective has so far not been conducted. During the last decade or two, it has been more and more common to use data from historical maps in GIS-analysis. In this thesis a novel approach to model these maps is tested. The method is based on the modelling of each map series as its own ontology, thus focusing on the unique concepts of each map series. The scope of this work is a map series covering the province of Gotland produced during the period 1693-1705. These maps have extensive text descriptions concerned with different aspects of the mapped features. Via a code marking system they are attached to the maps. In this thesis a semantic analysis and an ontology over all the concepts found in the maps and text descriptions are presented. In our project we model the maps as close to the original structure as possible with a very data oriented view. Furthermore; we demonstrate how this ontology can be used as a conceptual schema for a logical E/R database schema. The Ontology is described in terms of the Protégé meta-model and the E/R schema in UML. The mapping between the two is a set of elementary rules, which are easy for a human to comprehend, but hard to automate. The E/R schema is implemented in a demonstration system. Examples of some different applications which are feasibly to perform by the system are presented. These examples go beyond the traditional use of historical maps in GIS today

Die Grenzen aufgezeigt: Technische Innovation und räumliche Abstraktion am Beispiel früher Landkarten der Grenzregion zwischen dem Herzogtum Luxemburg und dem Kurfürstentum Trier

Solchenbach, Karl 28 April 2023 (has links)
In the 14th century the formation and consolidation of the territorial sovereignties of the archbishop-electors of Trier and the dukes of Luxemburg was largely completed. The transformation towards territorial states resulted in the formation of an increasingly clear border between the two territories. However, the simplified representation of complex, partly overlapping border zones in the form of abstracting lines had yet to be developed. The earliest regional maps in the humanistic period of the first half of the 16th century do not show any borders, the first regional map with an indicated partial border marking date from 1555.

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