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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A participação de Rui Barbosa na reforma eleitoral que excluiu os analfabetos do direito de voto no Brasil

Leão, Michele de January 2013 (has links)
O presente estudo tem como objetivo verificar a participação e a influência de Rui Barbosa na reforma eleitoral para introdução do voto direto no Brasil que, resultando na Lei Saraiva (1881), acabou por excluir os analfabetos do direito de voto. Esta pesquisa também busca: investigar qual era o liberalismo que Rui Barbosa representava e qual a posição assumida por ele no contexto da reforma eleitoral; examinar por que, para o governo e as elites, até mesmo para a grande maioria dos parlamentares liberais, especialmente no que se refere a Rui Barbosa, que se posicionou fortemente pela “exclusão” dos analfabetos do direito de voto, o voto dos analfabetos passou a ser um problema, o que não era até então; e, constatar qual o entendimento de classe social que norteava o pensamento de Rui Barbosa no momento em que ele afirmou que a reforma eleitoral, ao excluir o analfabeto do direito de voto, não estaria constituindo uma exclusão de classe. O presente estudo realiza uma interface entre a História Social e a História Política. Pois, essa pesquisa procura relacionar questões políticas com as suas correlativas questões sociais. Assim, apesar de minha atenção estar voltada continuamente para uma figura de destaque da política nacional, o então deputado Rui Barbosa, essa dissertação busca não se limitar somente às suas ações isoladas, mas sim, verificar como que posições e decisões dos políticos nacionais se refletiram e afetaram a vida das grandes massas. Mais especificamente, como que as ações tomadas por políticos brasileiros, em um dado momento da nossa história, decidiram quem poderia e quem não poderia, daí em diante, ter o direito de participar da vida política do país. / The present study aims to verify the participation and influence of Rui Barbosa in the electoral reform to introduce direct voting in Brazil that, resulting in the Saraiva Law (1881), turned out excluding the illiterate of the right to vote. This research also seeks to investigate what was the liberalism that Rui Barbosa represented and what position had been taken by him in the electoral reform; to examine why, to the Government and the elites, even for the vast majority of liberal parliamentarians, particularly in relation to Rui Barbosa, who strongly had positioned himself in favor of "excluding" the illiterate of the right to vote, the vote of the illiterate became a problem, which was not until then; and to see what had been the understanding of social class that had been Rui Barbosa’s guidance at the time when he said that the electoral reform’s disenfranchising the illiterates of voting rights, would not be an exclusion of class. The present study provides an interface between the Social History and Political History. Therefore, this research seeks to link political issues with its correlative social issues. So, despite my attention be continuously focused on a prominent figure of the national politics, the Congressman Rui Barbosa, this dissertation will not be limited only to their actions, but rather, verify how national politicians' decisions and positions reflected and affected the lives of the lower class. More specifically, how the actions taken by Brazilian politicians, at any given moment in our history, decided who could and who could not, thereafter, be entitled to participate in the political life of the country.

O caráter educativo do Museu Histórico Nacional : o curso de museus e a construção de uma matriz intelectual para os museus brasileiros (Rio de Janeiro, 1922-1958)

Faria, Ana Carolina Gelmini de January 2013 (has links)
Este trabalho se propôs a refletir sobre a história do Museu Histórico Nacional através da dimensão educativa que se fez presente nas práticas institucionais, bem como verificar, sob a perspectiva da História da Educação, a importância do Curso de Museus na construção de representações relacionadas ao caráter educativo da instituição. Compreendeu os anos de 1922 a 1958, período que abrange desde a fundação do museu e as primeiras investidas para a concretização de um curso direcionado para as suas necessidades, até a realização do Seminário Regional da UNESCO Função Educativa dos Museus, bem como as publicações de diplomados do Curso de Museus que tiveram como temática central a educação em museus. A investigação foi realizada utilizando-se a metodologia da análise de textos, percorrendo a trajetória do Museu Histórico Nacional por meio de documentos oficiais produzidos pelo museu; matérias de jornais; livros, artigos, relatórios e entrevista de antigos funcionários da instituição; e publicações de formados pelo Curso de Museus. Para o embasamento teórico do trabalho três áreas do conhecimento tiveram destaque: História da Educação, História Cultural e História dos Museus, dialogando com diversos autores, tais como Antonio Viñao Frago, Moysés Kuhlmann Júnior, Paulo Knauss, Roger Chartier, Pierre Nora, Ulpiano Bezerra de Meneses, Mário Chagas, Aline Montenegro Magalhães. O trabalho ressaltou que desde sua fundação o Museu Histórico Nacional teve definida sua dimensão educativa, condição subsidiada por projetos desenvolvidos pelo corpo funcional da instituição, tendo em destaque o idealizador e primeiro diretor Gustavo Barroso, personagem que fortaleceu a relevância desse museu por meio de evocações como o mote “O Culto da Saudade”. Finalizou ao afirmar que um desses projetos, o do Curso de Museus, em seu processo de consolidação foi capaz de desenvolver uma matriz intelectual no cenário museológico brasileiro tornando-se, por meio dos multiplicadores, um difusor das representações do Museu Histórico Nacional para o País. / This study aimed to reflect about the history of the National Historical Museum through educational dimension that is made present in its institutional practices, as well as verify, under the perspective of the History of Education, the importance of Course of Museums in building representations related to the educational character of the institution. It encompassed the years 1922 through 1958, a period that covers from the foundation of the Museum and the first attempts at achieving a course directed to its needs, to the UNESCO’s Regional Seminar on the Educational Role of Museums, as well as publications of Course of Museums graduates that had as its central theme the museum education. The research was conducted using the analysis of texts methodology, covering the history of the National Historical Museum through official documents produced by the Museum; newspaper articles, books, articles, reports and interviews of former employees of the Institution, and publications by graduates of the Course of Museums. For the theoretical foundation of the work, three areas of knowledge were highlighted: History of Education, Cultural History and Museum’s History, dialoguing with many authors such as Antonio Viñao Frago, Moyses Kuhlmann Jr., Paul Knauss, Roger Chartier, Pierre Nora, Ulpian Bezerra Meneses, Mário Chagas, Aline Montenegro Magalhães. The study emphasized that since its inception the National History Museum had its educational dimension defined, condition subsidized by projects developed by the institution’s functional body, featuring the founder and first director Gustavo Barroso, a character that strengthened the relevance of this Museum through evocations as the motto "O Culto da Saudade." Concluded by stating that one of these projects, the Course of Museums, in its consolidation process was able to develop an intellectual matrix in the Brazilian museum’s scenery becoming, due to multipliers, a diffuser of the representations of the National History Museum for the Country.

Jan Hus: as cartas de um educador e seu legado imortal / Jan Hus: the letters of an educator and his immortal legacy

Aguiar, Thiago Borges de 06 December 2010 (has links)
Esta tese é um estudo da figura de Jan Hus, tradicionalmente conhecido como reformador religioso da Boêmia do século XV, olhando-o sob a perspectiva da História da Educação. Inspirados nas propostas metodológicas de Carlo Ginzburg para a construção da narrativa histórica a partir do estranhamento das fontes, o paradigma indiciário, analisamos as cartas escritas por Hus. Iniciamos com um estudo de como essas cartas, escritas há quase seiscentos anos, podem ser lidas levando em conta sua historicidade, estrutura retórica, edição e tradução. Identificamos a rede de relações que essa correspondência engendrou e observamos uma intenção educativa da parte do autor das cartas ao escrevê-las. Selecionamos um conjunto de vinte e três cartas que denominamos de pastorais e nelas encontramos um padrão de escrita voltado a dar continuidade à tarefa pastoral que Hus realizava na Capela de Belém, constituindo sua ação educativa por meio de cartas. Também analisamos a relação educador-educando que Hus estabeleceu com seu discípulo Martin de Volyne. Por fim, partimos do relato de Petr de Mladonovice e das edições traduzidas das cartas de Hus para observar a construção, rememoração e recriação do legado educativo deixado por Hus de mártir e mestre defensor da verdade. Concluímos com um questionamento para a História da Educação do lugar que esse personagem ocupa atualmente e como esse lugar é, e pode ser, construído pelo historiador. / This thesis is a study of the figure of Jan Hus, traditionally known as the Bohemian religious reformer of the fifteenth century, looking at it from the perspective of the History of Education. Inspired by Carlo Ginzburg\'s methodological proposals for the construction of historical narrative from the strangeness of the sources, the evidential paradigm, we analyze the letters written by Hus. We begin with a study of how these letters, written nearly six hundred years ago, can be read taking into account its historicity, rhetorical structure, editing and translation. We identify the network of relationships that engendered this correspondence and watch an educational intention of the author of the letters on writing them. We selected a set of twenty-three letters that we called \"pastoral\" and in them we find a pattern of writing intended to continue Hus pastoral task that was performed at the Bethlehem Chapel, constituting its educational activities through letters. We also analyzed the relationship between educator-learner that Hus established with his disciple Martin of Volyne. Eventually, based on the report of Petr of Mladonovice and the translated editions of the letters of Hus we look into construction, remembering and rebuilding the educational legacy left by Hus of martyr and master defender of the true. We conclude with a question for the History of Education concerning the place that currently occupies this character and how this place is and can be constructed by the historian.

Universo letrado, educação e população negra na Parayba do Norte (século XIX) / Literacy, education and black population in Parahyba do Norte (nineteenth century)

Barros, Surya Aaronovich Pombo de 09 March 2017 (has links)
Trata-se de uma pesquisa histórica sobre a educação da população negra na Parahyba do Norte. A partir dos aportes teóricos da história social e da micro-história, e da contribuição de pesquisas em história da escravidão e da população negra, e de investigações sobre a história da educação, foram consultadas fontes primárias como imprensa, relatórios e documentos da instrução pública, literatura memorialística e arquivos eclesiásticos, a fim de acompanhar a relação entre negros e educação ao longo do século XIX. Partiu-se do expressivo percentual de população negra que compunha a província e da ausência de pesquisas sobre a temática para acompanhar as experiências e iniciativas voltadas para a população negra e as oriundas dessa camada da população no contato com a escola e o conhecimento da leitura e escrita numa sociedade que transitava do domínio da oralidade para o da escrita. Analisaram-se leis e regulamentos da instrução com interdições a não brancos a fim de perceber como a administração provincial lidou com a presença negra e comparou-se esse conjunto com os de outras províncias, inserindo-se a Parahyba do Norte no Brasil Império. Discutiram-se sentidos e significados de ser negro na província, observando-se cores, qualidades e condições jurídicas dos sujeitos da tese, denominados em conjunto como negros e destacou-se a instabilidade entre escravidão e liberdade para esses. Foram enfatizadas, também, outras experiências possíveis para homens negros no período a partir de um conjunto de personagens que se sobressaíram por seu pertencimento à elite educacional da região. Para isso, o fio condutor da análise foi a vida e trajetória de um desses sujeitos, o professor, político e coronel Graciliano Fontino Lordão. Entende-se que para que estes tenham logrado esse destaque na sociedade local, inúmeros outros sujeitos de origem negra se relacionavam com o universo letrado. Acompanhou-se o contato com a leitura e escrita na escola e em outros espaços de aprendizado de pessoas escravas, filhos de homens e de mulheres de cor livres, filhos de escravas, pretos, pardos e mestiços, alunos de instituições para pobres e desvalidos desde o início do período imperial até a abolição da escravidão e proclamação da República. A análise dos rastros que sobreviveram nas fontes primárias permitiu observar a heterogeneidade das experiências negras na Parahyba do Norte e as possibilidades de inserção desse grupo no universo letrado. / This is a historical research on education of black population in Parahyba do Norte. Based on theoretical contributions of social history and microhistory, of research on the history of slavery and the black population, as well as investigations into the history of education, primary sources were consulted, such as the press, reports and documents related to the public instruction, memorial literature and ecclesiastical archives, in order to follow the relation between blacks and education throughout the nineteenth century. Considering the expressive percentage of the black population that constituted the province and the lack of research on this topic, we followed the experiences and initiatives towards the black population and those coming from this layer of the population in contact with the school and the knowledge of reading and writing in a society that moved from the domain of orality to writing. We analyzed laws and regulations of the public instruction with prohibitions to non-whites in order to understand how the provincial administration dealt with the black presence. We also compared this legislation with those of other provinces, circumscribing Parahyba do Norte within the Brazil Empire. We discussed the senses and meanings of being black in the province, observing the colors, qualities and legal conditions of the subjects analyzed in this thesis, jointly denominated as blacks, emphasizing the instability among slavery and freedom. We also highlighted other possible experiences for black men in the period from a group of characters who stood out for their membership in the region\'s educational elite. To do this, the guiding thread of the analysis was the life and trajectory of one of these subjects, teacher, politician and colonel Graciliano Fontino Lordão. It is understood that these subjects achieved this prominence in local society since numerous other subjects of black origin had contact with the literacy. We took into account the contact with reading and writing in school and in other learning spaces of slave people, children of free colored men and women, children born to slave women, blacks, mulattos and mestizos, students of institutions for the poor and helpless since the beginning of the imperial period until the abolition of slavery and proclamation of the Republic. The analysis of the traces that remained in the primary sources allowed us to observe the heterogeneity of the black experiences in Parahyba do Norte and the possibilities of insertion of this group in the literacy.

Almanack da Parnahyba: leituras da educação em suas páginas (1924 -1982)

Carvalho, Jeferson Luís Marinho de 07 June 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Silvana Teresinha Dornelles Studzinski (sstudzinski) on 2016-08-16T13:19:55Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Jeferson Luís Marinho de Carvalho_.pdf: 3681022 bytes, checksum: 8b59e99f82c09ddfa2228ac6da00fbfa (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-16T13:19:55Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Jeferson Luís Marinho de Carvalho_.pdf: 3681022 bytes, checksum: 8b59e99f82c09ddfa2228ac6da00fbfa (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-06-07 / PROEX - Programa de Excelência Acadêmica / Os estudos relacionados à cultura escrita e aos impressos cotidianos vêm, sistematicamente, assumindo um espaço significativo na produção historiográfica. Esta pesquisa tem como foco o Almanack da Parnahyba e a leitura que se pode fazer da educação em suas páginas com o objetivo de identificar e compreender os discursos e/ou representações produzidas acerca da educação em um período de edição ininterrupta entre 1924 e 1982, num total de 58 edições. O tema educação foi analisado sob duas perspectivas: educação como processo civilizador e educação formal e escolarizada. A pesquisa fundamenta-se nos pressupostos da História Cultural, embasada, sobretudo, nos conceitos de Chartier, Brotel, Le Goff. O Almanack foi localizado em arquivos públicos e particulares, a imersão em suas páginas possibilitou construir determinados aspectos da educação no Piauí e em Parnaíba, singulares ou comuns ao restante do País. Pode-se perceber, a partir da análise do periódico, as características de sua materialidade e circulação, que permitiram identificar sua constituição e os espaços em que circulou. Observou-se que, durante o período estudado, esse Almanaque atuou, direta ou indiretamente, como um manual civilizador ancorado em um processo de modernização urbanista e higienista. Também, foram identificadas representações, por parte de seus colaboradores, no que diz respeito à educação formal e institucionalizada o que proporcionou uma análise do imbricamento de diversos autores com o sistema político e educacional vigente. Enfim, acredita-se que se cumpriu o objetivo desta pesquisa ao entranhar-se nos discursos dos colaboradores do Almanack, senão em todo, pelo menos às representações referentes à construção de um processo de civilidade e/ou a sistematização sobre a educação institucionalizada em Parnaíba e no Piauí. / The studies related to the written culture and everyday printed matter have been assuming, systematically, a significant space historiographical production. This research focuses on the Almanack da Parnahyba and the interpretation one can do in its pages in order to identify and understand the speeches and/or representations produced about education in a continuous period of editing from 1924 to 1982, in a total of 58 issues. The theme education was analyzed from two perspectives: education as a civilizing process, and formal and schooling education. The research is based on assumptions of Cultural History, based mainly on the concepts of Chartier, Brotel, Le Goff. Almanack was localized in public and private archives; the immersion in its pages made it possible to build certain aspects of education in Piauí and Parnaíba, unique or common to the rest of the country. One can notice, from the analysis of the periodical, the characteristics of its materiality and circulation, which have enabled to identify its constitution and the spaces in which circulated. It was noted that, during the period studied, this Almanac served, directly or indirectly, as a civilizing manual anchored in a process of urbanist and hygienist modernization. Also, representations were identified, on the part of its collaborators, with regard to formal and instructional education, which provided an analysis of the interrelation of various authors with the current political and educational system. Finally, it is believed that it have been reached the objective of this research when ingraining in the speeches of the collaborators of the Almanack, if not completely, at least to the representations concerning the construction of a civility process and/or systematization on instructional education in Parnaíba and Piauí.

The journey to academy principalship

Mackenzie-Batterbury, Rona January 2012 (has links)
This study explored the life and career journeys of twenty Principals leading sponsored academies in disadvantaged areas, which opened in England during 2010. The research focused on: the emergence of the academy programme; the significant influences on the life and career journey; the reasons behind the Principals’ application for academy leadership. The career pathway model identified by Gronn (1999) acted as the reference framework, focusing on the phases of formation and accession. This qualitative study adopted interview survey methodology, utilising the semi-structured interview method. Interviews were undertaken between September 2010 and January 2011 and explored the significant influences on three phases of leader development: the formative years; the journey to academy principalship; academy principalship. The findings showed that the process of leader formation for these respondents was influenced throughout their lives by contextual factors. In the formative years, family and schooling experiences were significant. During the career pathway, four categories of significant influence were identified: influential people; significant experiences; opportunities and rewards; impediments and challenges. These nurturing experiences influenced the development of the leaders’ values, personal qualities and leadership ambitions. An emerging theoretical framework is proposed to demonstrate the key influences. The emergence of the sponsored academy programme is detailed within the Review of Literature chapter. The fundamental factors underpinning the motivation to lead an academy were found to be driven by core values, promulgated from formative experiences and enhanced during the career pathway. The academy model was seen to provide a fresh start and aid the realisation of their ambition to work in a challenging, disadvantaged educational environment, making a positive difference to raise aspiration and improve the outcomes for students and their families.

Schooling for success : the US federal government, the American education system and the Cold War, 1947-1957

Isaacs, Rebecca Frances January 2015 (has links)
This thesis seeks to demonstrate that, during the post war and early Cold War years, the US Federal government, and in particular the Executive branch, was inspired to increase the role which it played in the US Education system. It also seeks to chart the methods it utilised in order to do so. One inspiration was the desire to direct the US education system towards a curriculum which better benefitted the nation’s Cold War effort, including placing a greater emphasis upon scientific education and training, more tightly regulating the discussion over democratic vs. communist ideologies in the classroom and the pursuit of a greater equalisation in opportunity for African American students. Further inspiration was provided by both the widespread expansion of centralised government programs and the increased importance of education to social progress witnessed across the world after the Second World War, and both President Truman’s own personal commitment to the equalisation of education opportunity, and the Democratic Party’s pursuit of black votes during the Truman Administration. This thesis charts the Executive and Judicial branches’ innovative and unorthodox usage of the powers available to them in order to garner greater influence over the education system, and assesses the varying rates of success of these programmes in order to demonstrate the significant and irrevocable shift in the relationship between the US Federal government and the US education system which occurred during the early Cold War.

Rescuing the rising generation : industrial schools in New South Wales, 1850-1910

Scrivener, Gladys, University of Western Sydney, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences January 1996 (has links)
The Industrial Schools Act introduced State coercion into the ‘childcare’ of the colony, and industrial schools became legal enforcers for other welfare institutions. This thesis provides an account of two industrial schools in nineteenth and early twentieth century New South Wales, focusing on the children and the lives they lived within the institutions and relying heavily upon primary sources. NSS Vernon enrolled destitute, neglected and delinquent boys. The curriculum, combined with an elaborate system of rewards, proved effective as reformative agents and after 1911 the ship’s coercive function was taken over by other reformatory schools and by a system of probation. About one third of girls admitted to ISG Newcastle were older, sexually delinquent girls. Inappropriate site, inadequate preparation, insufficient and untrained staff, lack of suitable curriculum and denial of support from the Colonial Secretary led to total failure of the school. Physical and verbal abuse was in evidence at Newcastle and resurfaced after the change of enrollments to mostly older girls about the time of the school’s transfer to Parramatta in 1887. After 1905 committals were aimed at maintaining street order and parental authority, to house the ‘uncontrollables’ and ‘incompetents’ and to provide a lock hospital for the control of venereal disease. The expressed purpose of the school to provide ‘good useful women’ dovetailed neatly with the introduction of probation, mostly for boys, which was enforced ‘through the mother’ / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Internationell Kunskapsbedömning som inslag i nationell styrning av skolan / International knowledge assessments: an element of national educational steering

Pettersson, Daniel January 2008 (has links)
The object of study is the international knowledge assessments and attention is given to the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA) and the Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD). As a way to explain the content in the international knowledge assessments an historical exposition about the IEA and OECD is written. International knowledge assessment is studied in relation to the national and international perspective, but also in relation to educational governing. By doing this concepts of globalisation and internationalisation are discussed as communication patterns. It is then possible to understand organisations like the IEA and OECD as institutionalised communication channels. If this is done it is possible to discuss globalisation and internationalisation as something else than an inevitable endpoint. Through institutionalised communication channels international knowledge assessments appear in national contexts and some observations can be made. The first one is that international knowledge assessments reformulate relationships. In this the educational actors on national levels are observed. These actors are involved in a struggle for power over definition in what should be seen as educational problems and solutions. In this the actors and the educational system they represent tries to strive and communicate modernity, strong international competitiveness and development. Secondly the actors when reformulating the international ideologies into national contexts transform extern priorities to internal priorities. Thirdly an international ideology might be understood as isomorphic ideology. When the isomorphic ideology impacts national contexts it has to be mediated. The mediation is driven by the fact that it is constituted by the national context, but also by the different roles the actors take or are given. The notion about isomorphic ideology is investigated more properly in Appendix I, in relation to UNESCO, and it is declared that international cooperations are part of nations urge to make their educational institutions more effective. In relation to the conclusion from Appendix I international knowledge assessments are interpreted as a technological/instrumental method for making the production process more effective. When the international knowledge assessments come down in national contexts some empirical reactions can be discussed. This is analysed from examples taken from the Swedish context, but these results are also in relation to the contexts in Denmark, Norway and the Netherlands. In the study examples are given on how international knowledge assessments are given meaning by political, administrative and media actors. It is primarily three results that can be uplifted. International knowledge assessments are used as an arena for communication in which arguments can be fetched and discussions can be made. International knowledge assessments are also used as present point descriptions, and point of departure for descriptions of educational vision of the future. And finally they are used for legitimising or repudiating politics of education.

History And Education In The Inonu Era: Changes And Continuities On Perceptions Of History And Its Reflections On Educational Practices

Erdal, Erinc Ayca 01 October 2012 (has links) (PDF)
This research aimed to put forth changes and continuities in the formation of the official history and its dissemination through education, with particular emphasis to history courses in high schools during the Early Republican Era with reference to the ministerial decisions, parliamentary discussions, history textbooks and also history and educational congresses held during Atat&uuml / rk and In&ouml / n&uuml / eras. 1930s for the Turkish Republic was a time span when the core principles of the regime were formulized to ensure that they were publicly comprehended and posesed. Correspondingly, formal and informal educational institutions were established for the dissemination of these principles, i. e. official ideology. Among them, Turkish History Association played an important role in formulation of official history which was one of the major means to install Turkish identity and a collective memory to the nation. In this respect, history courses and especially textbooks served instilling Republican understanding of history. The presidency of Ismet In&ouml / n&uuml / were the years when the regime was consolidated and intoleration to the opposing views was decreased. This also affected the official perception of history, by dissolving the clear break from the recent past and reconciling it with the modernization process of Ottoman-Turkish history while paying attention to the ccontinuities.

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