Spelling suggestions: "subject:"some automatization"" "subject:"some automatisation""
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Systém domovního vytápění s hybridní komunikací / Home Heating Control with Hybrid CommunicationAmbrož, Milan January 2020 (has links)
In this thesis, heating system with hybrid control of the heating intended for houses is proposed. The system is primarily prepared for storage tank and multiple heat sources.
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Application for Controlling iNELS Intelligent Electrical-Installation for the Windows Phone Platform / Application for Controlling iNELS Intelligent Electrical-Installation for the Windows Phone PlatformBednář, David January 2013 (has links)
Tato práce se zabývá inteligentní elektroinstalací iNELS od společnosti ELKO EP a jejím ovládáním pomocí zařízení využívajících platformu Windows Phone. V textu je popsána komunikace, kterou využívá systém iNELS a multimediální systém iMM, především pak protokoly EPSNET a XML-RPC. Dále je popsána platforma Windows Phone a implementace samotné aplikace. V závěrečné části se práce zabývá zajímavými rozšířeními dané aplikace.
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Smart metering / Smart meteringLahodný, Libor January 2016 (has links)
Semester paper describes the design of smart sockets and their management. Sockets are wirelessly controlled by a central unit. The socket has an integrated sensor, designed to measure current consumption of the device. If necessary, it can remotely disconnect the unit plugged in socket from AC network. Work includes analysis of individual system elements, design of electrical schematics and PCB. In the construction is included ethernet module, which is used to display data using a computer.. The device has been constructed and tested.
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Privacy Issues in IoT : Privacy concerns in smart homeMao, Congcong January 2019 (has links)
In a world of the Internet of Things, smart home has shown a great potency and trend. A smart home is a convenient home setup where appliances and devices can be automatically controlled remotely from any internet-connected place in the world using a mobile or other networked device. Smart home has changed the way the residents interacted with their home and realised more convenience. Although this technology also has positive impact on saving energy and resources, privacy issues in it have shown to one of the biggest obstacles to the adaption of this technology. The purpose of this thesis is to study smart home users’ perceptions of smart homes and their privacy awareness and concerns. The research was conducted through interviews and followed an interpretive research paradigm and a qualitative research approach. In this study, 5 smart home owners were interviewed to investigate their reasons for purchasing IoT devices, their perceptions of smart home privacy risks, and actions to protect their privacy, as well as managing IoT devices and/or its data. The research results show that there are privacy risks existing in smart homes. Consumers’ privacy data is collected secretly, which needs to be controlled, and privacy issues have to be addressed in the near future for the smart home to be fully adopted by the society.
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Solar powered motorized blinds: A case study on using energy harvesting to power internet of things applicationsDrake, David January 2016 (has links)
Smart devices capable of harvesting their own energy have advantages over their wired or battery-powered alternatives including improved portability, simplified installation, and reduced maintenance and operating costs. This thesis studies energy harvesting technology through a case study of a solar-powered motorized window shade. An analytical and experimental evaluation of window attenuation found that windows reduced the ability of solar cells to produce photocurrent by 30%-70%. This still allows significant potential to power small electronics so a prototype motorized window blind was designed and assembled. The solar array was mounted to the roller blind's bottom rail and power is conveyed to the control electronics and motor in the unit’s top cylinder through wires embedded in the shade’s fabric. A simple battery system was implemented to ensure the prototype could remain powered in the absence of light.
Various forms of powerflow in the prototype were evaluated. Experimental evaluation of joule heating within the conductive textile indicates that a temperature gradient that is less than 10 °C develops, meaning it is safe for use. The prototype was designed with artificial friction to prevent the blinds from slipping when not in use. An experimentally validated motor model was developed and used to determine that the system could use up to 46% less energy if the artificial friction was removed. A pseudo-empirical system model was developed to simulate the interaction between system electronics. Simulation results indicate that the system would remain consistently powered if placed behind a south-facing window that receives a consistent supply of direct sunlight and attenuates that light by less than 75%. These results also indicate that the unit would remain powered in the absence of light for 13 days. Similar methods could be used to evaluate future energy harvesting systems. / Thesis / Master of Applied Science (MASc)
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Un système multi-agents à base de composants pour l’adaptation autonomique au contexte – Application à la domotique / Component based multi-agent system for autonomic adaptation to the context - Application to home automationHamoui, Mohamad Fady 13 December 2010 (has links)
Les environnements domotiques sont des environnements ubiquitaires dans lesquels des équipements domestiques, disséminés dans une habitation, fournissent des services utilisables à distance au travers d'un réseau. Des systèmes domotiques sont proposés pour permettre aux utilisateurs de contrôler les équipements en fonction de leurs besoins.Idéalement, ces systèmes orchestrent l'exécution des services fournis par les équipements pour réaliser des services complexes. Mieux encore, ces systèmes doivent s'adapter à la variété des environnements en termes d'équipements et des besoins des utilisateurs. Ils doivent également pouvoir s'adapter dynamiquement, si possible de manière autonome, au changement de leur contexte d'exécution (apparition ou disparition d'un équipement, évolution des besoins).Dans cette thèse, nous apportons une réponse à cette problématique avec SAASHA, un système domotique multi-agents à base de composants. La combinaison de ses deux paradigmes permet de gérer l'adaptation à trois niveaux : présentation (interfaces utilisateur),organisation (architecture du système) et comportement (architecture interne des agents).Les agents perçoivent le contexte et ses changements. Les utilisateurs se voient proposer une vue dynamique du contexte leur permettant de définir des scénarios personnalisés sous forme de règles. Les agents se répartissent les rôles pour réaliser les scénarios. Ils modifient dynamiquement leur architecture interne grâce à la génération, au déploiement et à l'assemblage de composants pour se doter de nouveaux comportements de contrôle des équipements et des scénarios. Les agents collaborent ainsi pour exécuter les scénarios. En cas de changement, ces trois niveaux d'adaptation sont mis en oeuvre de manière dynamique et autonome pour maintenir la continuité de service. Un prototype de SAASHA, basé sur les standards industriels UPnP et OSGi, a été développé pour évaluer la faisabilité de notre proposition. / Home automation environments are ubiquitous environments where domestic devices, scattered throughout a home, provide services that can be used remotely over a network. Home automation systems are proposed to enable the users of controlling the devices according to their needs. Ideally, these systems orchestrate the execution of the services provided by the devices to achieve complex services. Even more, these systems must adapt to the variety of environments in terms of devices and users needs. They must also be able to adapt dynamically, if possible in an autonomous manner, to the changes of their execution context (appearance or disappearance of a device, changing needs).In this thesis, we provide an answer to this problematic with SAASHA, a multi-agent home automation system based on components. The combination of these two paradigms enables managing the adaptation on three levels: presentation (user interface), organization (system architecture) and behavior (internal architecture of agents). The agents perceive their context and its changes. The Users are offered a dynamic view of the context allowing them to define custom scenarios as rules. The agents divide the roles among them to realize the scenarios. They modify dynamically their internal architecture throughout the generation, deployment and assembly of components to adopt new device control behaviors and scenarios. The agents collaborate to execute the scenarios. In case of a change, these three levels of adaptation are updated dynamically and autonomously to maintain the service continuity. A SAASHA prototype, based on UPnP and OSGi industry standards, has been developed to assess the feasibility of our proposal.
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Metode realizacije kontekstualnih platformi i kontekstualnih korisničkih sprega za primene u uređajima potrošačke elektonike / Methods of implementation of context-aware platforms and context-aware user interfaces for applications in consumer electronicsBjelica Milan 11 February 2013 (has links)
<p>U okviru disertacije predstavljene su metode realizacije kontekstualnih platformi i kontekstualnih korisničkih sprega za uređaje potrošačke elektronike. Predloženi su algoritmi semantizacije konteksta i procene zauzetosti korisnika, arhitektura rešenja i rezultati evaluacije.</p><p> </p> / <p>In this dissertation methods of implementation of context-aware platforms and context-aware user interfaces for applications in consumer electronics are presented. The work includes the proposition of algorithms for context semantization and user availability estimation, architecture of the solution as well as the results of evaluation experiments.</p>
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Soluções de tomadas de decisões inteligentes para infraestruturas residenciais / Intelligent decision-making solutions for residential infrastructuresRocha Filho, Geraldo Pereira 18 May 2018 (has links)
Nos últimos anos, um dos principais desafios globais está relacionado com a eficiência energética, sendo o desperdício de energia um dos fatores a ser destacado. Tal desperdício pode ser superado com o uso do Sistema de Automação Residencial (SAR). Vale frisar que os SARs são fortemente dependentes da sua infraestrutura interna, visto que esta é a base de uma casa inteligente. A Rede de Sensores e Atuadores sem Fio (RSASF) é uma solução promissora e de fácil implantação para ser utilizada como infraestrutura em um SAR. Entretanto, o uso das RSASFs como infraestrutura para monitorar e atuar (isto é, processo de tomada de decisão) no contexto de um SAR traz um novo problema. Tal problema remete não apenas a falta de um método para realizar a decisão dentro do próprio nó da RSASF, mas também a ausência em investigar um trade-off entre a precisão nas tomadas de decisões e o consumo de energia dos nós da rede. Além disso, a falta de uma infraestrutura distribuída, com baixo overhead e que reduza a latência do serviço são algumas das novas problemáticas para serem exploradas. Com isso, tem-se como desafio embarcar uma maior inteligência em dispositivos com recursos escassos, característica presente em uma RSASF. Para superar tais limitações, esta tese apresenta duas soluções de decisões inteligentes para uma infraestrutura residencial, nomeadas como ResiDI e ImPeRIum. O ResiDI é baseado em uma rede neural para atuar no processo de tomada de decisão dentro da RSASF, bem como em um mecanismo de correlação temporal para maximizar a eficiência energética da infraestrutura de comunicação. Já o ImPeRIum é baseado em um conjunto heterogêneo de dispositivos inteligentes para formar um ambiente computacional de fog, o qual gerencia as aplicações da residência por meio de uma rede neural. As soluções foram avaliadas extensivamente em diferentes cenários e comparadas com um trabalho da literatura. Os resultados reais e simulados, avaliados mediante uma análise estatística paramétrica e não-paramétrica, mostrou atingir o objetivo desta tese, sendo quatro deles notáveis: (i) aumento da precisão nas tomadas de decisões; (ii) redução no consumo de energia dos nós da rede; (iii) redução no tempo de resposta da atuação com baixa sobrecarrega; e (iv) eficiência na disseminação das informações. / In recent years, energy efficiency has become a major global challenge, and energy waste is a factor that needs to be highlighted. Such waste can be overcome with the use of Home Automation System (HAS). It should be stressed that the HASs are strongly dependent on its internal network, since this is the basis of a smart home. Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks (WSANs) provide a modern and ubiquitous infrastructure for a smart home. However, the use of WSANs to monitor and act (i.e. decision-making process) as a control infrastructure within the context of HAS poses a new problem. Such problem refers not only to the lack of a method to execute the decision-making process within the WSAN, but also to the lack of investigating a trade-off between the decision-making accuracy and the extension of the WSAN nodes life-time. In addition, the lack of a distributed infrastructure, with low overhead in processing and that reduces service latency are some of the new problems to be addressed in the literature. With this, one has as a challenge to embark on greater intelligence in devices with scarce resources, a feature present in a WSAN. To overcome such limitations, this thesis presents two intelligent decision-making solutions for residential infrastructures, named ResiDI and ImPeRIum. ResiDI was developed based on a neural network to act in the decision-making process within the network, as well as a temporal correlation mechanism to maximize the energy consumption in the networks nodes. ImPeRIum was based on a heterogeneous set of smart objects to form a fog computational environment, which manages the applications of the residence through a neural network. The solutions were evaluated extensively in different scenarios and compared with an approach in the literature. The real and simulated results, evaluated through parametric and non-parametric tests, show that solutions make four key contributions: (i) increased decisionmaking; (ii) reduction in node energy consumption; (iii) reduction in action response time with low overload; and (iv) efficiency in the transmission of information.
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An IR and RF Based System for Functional Gait Analysis in a Multi-Resident Smart-HomeSchafermeyer, Erich Reinhardt 04 April 2017 (has links)
Changes in the gait characteristics, such as walking speed and stride length, of a person living at home can be used to presage cognitive decline, predict fall potential, monitor long-term changes in cognitive impairment, test drug regimens, and more. This thesis presents a novel approach to gait analysis in a smart-home environment by leveraging new advances in inexpensive sensors and embedded systems to create novel solutions for in-home gait analysis. Using a simple, non-invasive hardware system consisting entirely of wall-mounted infrared and radio frequency sensor arrays, data is collected on the gait of subjects as they pass by. This data is then analyzed and sent to a clinician for further study. The system is non-invasive in that it does not use cameras and could be built into the molding of a home so that it would be nearly invisible. In a finished prototype version, the system presented in this thesis could be used to analyze the gait characteristics of one or more subjects living in a home environment while ignoring the data of visitors and other non-subject cohabitants. The ability to constantly collect data from a home environment could provide thousands of observations per year for clinical analysis. Providing such a robust data set may allow people with gait impairment to live at home longer and more safely before transitioning to a care facility, have a reduced fall risk due to better prediction, and live a healthier life in old age.
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Smart housing technology to aid aging in place: new opportunities and challenges /Satpathy, Lalatendu, January 2006 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.) -- Mississippi State University. College of Architecture, Art and Design. / Title from title screen. Includes bibliographical references.
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