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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Área de vida e uso de habitat por fêmeas de veado-campeiro (Ozotoceros bezoarticus) nos diferentes períodos reprodutivos, no Pantanal Sul-Matogrossence / Home-range and habitat use by females of Pampas Deer (Ozotoceros bezoarticus) in different reproductive periods, in Pantanal Sul-Matogrossense

Versiani, Natalia Fraguas 20 May 2011 (has links)
As populações de veado-campeiro vêm sofrendo constantes ameaças, principalmente pela caça excessiva e destruição de seu habitat. A escassez de conhecimento sobre a biologia da espécie dificulta a elaboração de diferentes formas de manejo. Assim, há necessidade de estudos básicos para a instituição de programas para a conservação do veado-campeiro, principalmente no Brasil. O presente estudo teve como objetivos estimar o tamanho da área de vida de fêmeas de veado-campeiro, além de quantificar e comparar o uso de habitat pelas mesmas nos períodos reprodutivos e não-reprodutivos no Pantanal Sul-Matogrossense. Foram utilizadas quatro fêmeas de veado-campeiro em vida livre marcadas com colares de GPS modelo ATS® G2110, as quais tiveram suas localizações registradas a cada 13 horas por um período de aproximadamente 12 meses. Os cálculos para área de vida foram feitos através do programa ArcView® GIS versão 3 Extensão Animal Movement, usando os métodos do Mínimo Polígono Convexo (MPC) com 100% das localizações, e Kernel fixo com 95%, 70% e 50% de probabilidade de uso, sendo os dois últimos para estimativas dos centros de atividade. As fêmeas tiveram uma área de vida anual média de 549,88ha ± 124,76 quando estimado pelo MPC e 258,69ha ± 34,54 quando estimado por Kernel com 95% de probabilidade de uso. Quanto às áreas de uso mensais por status reprodutivo, não houve diferença significativa entre os meses (p > 0,05), evidenciando apenas uma pequena diminuição no tamanho das áreas de vida durante o período de aleitamento e um aumento nas épocas de acasalamento. Os habitats foram estabelecidos pelo tipo de vegetação predominante na área e foram caracterizados por imagem de satélite Landsat-5 e verificação in loco da região de estudo. Para verificar se houve uso desproporcional entre as categorias de habitats em relação à disponibilidade em suas respectivas áreas de vida foi usado o teste qui-quadrado de qualidade de ajustamento (chi-square goodness-of-fit test) e posterior estimativa do intervalo simultâneo de confiança de Bonferroni. Na análise anual, os habitats campo e baía foram selecionados, apesar deste último ser o menos abundante, enquanto floresta e caronal foram evitados pelas fêmeas de veado-campeiro. No entanto, ao analisarmos a seleção de habitat mensalmente para comparar o uso entre os diferentes status reprodutivos, o habitat campo tendeu a ser preferido, mas seu uso foi igual ao disponível em todos os períodos. Sendo assim, este estudo elucidou algumas informações sobre a ecologia do veado-campeiro, a fim de facilitar o desenvolvimento de programas de conservação para a espécie. / The pampas deer populations have been under constant threats, mainly by excessive hunting and habitat destruction. The lack of knowledge about the biology of the species hampers the development of different forms of management. Thus, there is a need for basic studies of establishment of conservation programs, mainly in Brazil. This study aimed to estimate the size of home-range, to quantify and compare the habitat use by females in reproductive and non-reproductive periods rights in Pantanal Sul-Matogrossense. Four females of pampas deer were marked with GPS collars, model ATS® G2110, which had recorded their locations every 13 hours for approximately 12 months. The calculations for home-range were made using the Arcview® GIS version 3 Extension Animal Movement, using the methods of the minimum convex polygon (MPC) with 100% of the locations, and fixed Kernel 95%, 70% and 50% of probability, being the last two for estimating the activity centers. The females had an annual home-range average of 549.88 ± 124.76 ha when estimated by MPC and 258.69 ± 34.54 ha when estimated by Kernel with 95% of probability. For the monthly home-ranges for reproductive status, no significant difference among months (p > 0.05), showing only a slight decrease in the size of home-range during the suckling period, increasing in the mating seasons. The habitats were established by the type of dominant vegetation and characterized by landsat-5 imaging satellite and in loco verification of the study area. To determine if there was disproportionate use of habitats between the categories regarding availability in their respective home-range, was used the chi-square goodness-of-fit test and subsequent estimation of Bonferroni simultaneous confidence intervals. In annual analysis, field and bay habitats were selected, despite the last being the less abundant, while forest and caronal were avoided by females of pampas deer. However, when analyzing the monthly habitat selection to compare the use between the different reproductive status, the habitat field tended to be preferred, but its use was equal to that available in all periods. Thus, this study clarified some informations about the ecology of pampas-deer, facilitating conservation programs development for the species.

Ecologia do movimento da rã-manteiga (Leptodactylus latrans) e da rã-touro (Lithobates catesbeianus) / Movement ecology of the Butter Frog (Leptodactylus latrans) and the Bullfrog (Lithobates catesbeianus)

Henrique, Rafael dos Santos 10 March 2017 (has links)
O movimento dos animais desempenha papel importante na aptidão dos indivíduos, no fluxo gênico, na dinâmica de metapopulações e na persistência, a longo prazo, de espécies em um ambiente. Dessa forma, o objetivo deste estudo foi compreender aspectos relacionados à ecologia do movimento da rã-manteiga (Leptodactylus latrans) e da rã-touro (Lithobates catesbeianus). Para isso, indivíduos de ambas as espécies foram marcados com radiotransmissores e rastreados com o objetivo de coletar informações sobre seus movimentos. Ressaltamos os seguintes resultados deste trabalho: (1) a área de vida média de L. latrans é de 2034,2 m2; (2) com o aumento do tamanho corpóreo de anuros há o aumento do tamanho da área de vida; (3) indivíduos de L. latrans se locomovem mais em noites escuras, chuvosas e quentes; e (4) o aumento da pressão de propágulos não reflete uma maior probabilidade no aumento da distribuição geográfica de uma dada população de L. catesbeianus. Entender os padrões de locomoção dos anfíbios e como utilizam o espaço na natureza é fundamental para o entendimento de processos ecológicos e evolutivos relacionados às histórias de vida das espécies desse grupo. Além disso, esse conhecimento serve como uma ferramenta importante no estabelecimento de limites de áreas de conservação com significado biológico para espécies ameaçadas. Ainda, saber como espécies invasoras se locomovem é um dos primeiros passos para que se tomem medidas de controle populacional e para o bloqueio do avanço da distribuição de espécies exóticas / The ability of animals to move plays an important role in individual fitness, gene flow, population regulation, metapopulation dynamics and long-term persistence of species. The aim of this study was to understand aspects related to the movement ecology of the Butter Frog (Leptadactylus latrans) and the Bullfrog (Lithobates catesbeianus). We collected movement data by radio tracking individuals of both species. Some of the most important results obtained were: (1) the mean home range of L. latrans is 2034.2 m2; (2) increasing body size increases home range size in anurans; (3) individuals of L. latrans are more likely to move larger distances in dark, rainy and warm nights; (4) the increase in propagule pressure does not reflect an increase in the probability of geographical spread of a given population of L. catesbeianus. Understanding how amphibians move and use the space in nature is fundamental for the understanding of basic ecological and evolutionary processes related to life history of the species. Moreover, this knowledge is a useful tool to establish biologically meaningful conservation boundary areas to threatened species. Yet, understanding how invasive species move in nature is one of the first steps to population control and to block the spread of geographical distribution of exotic species

Manejo populacional de gatos (Felis silvestris catus): uma abordagem comportamental / Population management of cats (Felis silvestris catus): a behavioral approach.

Ramos, Inajara Fiusa de Barros 16 October 2015 (has links)
O crescimento exponencial das populações de gatos (Felis silvestris catus) é favorecido pela plasticidade comportamental da espécie e pela sua capacidade de organização social em colônias. Animais pertencentes a colônias não geridas têm a saúde e o bem-estar comprometidos, são possíveis veiculadores de patógenos e parasitas (incluindo as zoonoses), e representam uma potencial ameaça para a fauna silvestre da região em que se encontram. Embora essas questões sejam de conhecimento público e científico, grande parte dos estudos a respeito do controle populacional das colônias de gatos estão preocupados, sobretudo, em reduzir o número de indivíduos das colônias. Visando proporcionar melhores condições de saúde aos felinos, assegurar o bem-estar dos mesmos, e contribuir para a saúde pública da população humana do entorno, são necessários novos estudos capazes de investigar o impacto da castração sobre a dinâmica populacional, sobre a distribuição geoespacial e sobre o uso do espaço por esses animais. Diante disso, o presente estudo visou: 1. estimar a área de uso de uma população de gatos submetida a metodologia TNVRM; 2. verificar se há diferença de tamanho das áreas de uso para os grupos estudados; e 3. verificar a percepção da população humana do entorno da área de estudo sobre temas relacionados aos animais. Os nossos resultados sugerem que a disposição espacial dos indivíduos variou principalmente em decorrência dos pontos onde a alimentação foi oferecida. Foram encontradas altas incidências de gatos descansando, defecando e se alimentando em áreas próximas às de intensa movimentação de seres humanos, o que representa um fato preocupante se forem consideradas as taxas de propagação de zoonoses relacionadas a esses animais. Além disso, notamos que embora os animais do presente estudo sejam gatos errantes em um câmpus universitário, o conhecimento dos humanos que frequentam essa área foi considerado escasso no que diz respeito às questões investigadas nesse estudo. Assim, visando aumentar a eficácia dos programas de controle populacional, concluímos que seria importante um maior planejamento em relação à forma e aos locais onde o alimento é oferecido, bem como à necessidade concomitante de campanhas educativas sobre abandono, castração, zoonoses, bem-estar e direitos animais para a população humana do entorno das áreas estudadas. / The exponential growth of cats population (Felis silvestris catus) is favored by behavioral plasticity of the species and its capacity for social organization in colonies. Animals belonging to unmanaged colonies have the health and welfare committed, are possible backers of pathogens and parasites (including zoonoses), and represent a potential threat to wildlife in the area where they are located. Although these issues are of public and scientific knowledge, most studied cases regarding the control of the population of cat colonies are concerned, above all, to reduce the number of individuals of the colonies. In order to provide better health conditions to cats, ensure their welfare, and contribute to public health of the surrounding human population, further studies are needed to investigate the impact of castration on the population dynamics on the geospatial distribution and on the use of space for the animals. Therefore, this study aimed to: 1. estimate the area of use of a population of cats submitted to TNVRM methodology; 2. check for size difference of the use of areas for groups; and 3. verify the perception of the surrounding human population of the study area on topics related to animals. Our results suggest that the spatial arrangement of subjects varied primarily as a result of the points where the feed area was offered. Found high incidences of cats resting, defecating and feeding up in areas close to the intense movement of people, which is a worrying fact considering the spread of zoonoses fees related to these animals. In addition, we notice that although the animals of this study are stray cats in an University campus, the knowledge of humans who attend this area was considered scarce regarding the issues investigated in this study. Thus, to increase the effectiveness of population control programs, we concluded that more planning on the form and the places where the food is offered would be important, and the concomitant need for educational campaigns about abandonment, castration, zoonoses, wellness and animal rights into the human population surrounding areas studied.

Space Use, Resource Selection, and Survival of Reintroduced Bighorn Sheep

Robinson, Rusty Wade 01 August 2017 (has links)
Successful management of bighorn sheep depends on understanding the mechanisms responsible for population growth or decline, habitat selection, and utilization distribution after translocations. We studied a declining population of desert bighorn sheep in the North San Rafael Swell, Utah to determine birthdates of neonates, demographics, limiting factors, population size, probable cause of death, production, and survival. We documented 19 mortalities attributed to a variety of causes including cougar predation (n = 10, 53%), bluetongue virus (n = 2, 11%), reproductive complications (n = 2, 11%), hunter harvest (n = 1, 5%), and unknown (n = 4, 21%). Annual survival of females was 73% (95% CI = 0.55—0.86) in 2012 and 73% (95% CI = 0.55—0.86) in 2013. Adult male survival was 75% in 2012 (95% CI = 0.38—0.94) and 88% (95% CI = 0.50—0.98) in 2013. Disease testing revealed the presence of pneumonia-related pathogens. The population increased from an estimated 127 in 2012 to 139 in 2013 (λ = 1.09). Lamb:ewe ratios were 47:100 in 2012 and 31:100 in 2013. Mean birthing dates were 21 May in 2012 and 20 May in 2013. Spatial separation from domestic sheep and goats, and aggressive harvest of cougars, may have aided in the recovery of this population after disease events. Second, we investigated the timing of parturition and nursery habitat of desert bighorn sheep in the North San Rafael Swell to determine the influence of vegetation, topography, and anthropogenic features on resource selection. We monitored 38 radio-tagged ewes to establish birthing dates. We documented birthdates of 45 lambs. We used collar-generated GPS locations to perform logistic regression within a model-selection framework to differentiate between nursery and random locations (n = 750 for each) based on a suite of covariates. The top model included elevation, slope, ruggedness, aspect, vegetation type, distance to trails, and distance to roads. We used these variables to create a GIS model of nursery habitat for the North San Rafael (desert bighorns) and the Green River Corridor (Rocky Mountain bighorns). Ewes showed preference for steep, north-facing slopes, rugged terrain, lower elevation, and avoidance of roads. Our model provides managers with a map of high probability nursery areas of desert and Rocky Mountain bighorns to aid in conservation planning and mitigate potential conflicts with industry and domestic livestock. Finally, we monitored 127 reintroduced female bighorn sheep in three adjacent restored populations to investigate if the size and overlap of habitat use by augmented bighorns differed from resident bighorns. The size of seasonal ranges for residents was generally larger than augmented females. However, there was a shift in utilization distribution in all three populations after augmentation. Overlap indices between resident and augmented sheep varied by source herd. These data will help managers understand the dynamics of home range expansion and the overlap between provenance groups following augmentations.

The Influence of the Projected Coordinate System on Animal Home Range Estimation Area

Barr, Michael 04 November 2014 (has links)
Animal home range estimations are important for conservation planning and protecting the habitat of threatened species. The accuracy of home range calculations is influenced by the map projection chosen in a geographic information system (GIS) for data analysis. Different methods of projection will distort spatial data in different ways, so it is important to choose a projection that meets the needs of the research. The large number of projections in use today and the lack of distortion comparison between the various types make selecting the most appropriate projection a difficult decision. The purpose of this study is to quantify and compare the amount of area distortion in animal home range estimations when projected into a number of projected coordinate systems in order to understand how the chosen projection influences analysis. The objectives of this research are accomplished by analyzing the tracking data of four species from different regions in North and South America. The home range of each individual from the four species datasets is calculated using the Characteristic Hull Polygon method for home range estimation and then projected into eight projected coordinate systems of various scales and projection type, including equal area, conformal, equidistant, and compromise projections. A continental Albers Equal Area projection is then used as a baseline area for the calculation of a distortion measurement ratio and magnitude of distortion statistic. The distortion measurement ratio and magnitude calculations provide a measurement of the quantity of area distortion caused by a projection. Results show the amount distortion associated with each type of projection method and how the amount of distortion changes for a projection based on geographic location. These findings show how the choice of map projection can have a large influence on data analysis and illustrate the importance of using an appropriate PCS for the needs of a given study. Distorted perceptions can influence decision-making, so it is important to recognize how a map projection can influence the analysis and interpretation of spatial data.

The Impacts of Three Common Mesopredators on the Reintroduced Population of Eastern Wild Turkeys in Texas

Melville, Haemish 1972- 14 March 2013 (has links)
Early in the 20th century wild turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo) in North America were on the brink of extinction. Conservation and reintroduction efforts ensured that this species recovered throughout most of its historic range. Efforts to reintroduce eastern wild turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo sylvestris) to the Pineywoods of east Texas have achieved limited success. Previous research suggested that predation may have confounded this reintroduction. My aim was to quantify the influence of mesopredators on the wild turkey population in the Pineywoods. Raccoons (Procyon lotor), bobcats (Lynx rufus) and coyotes (Canis latrans) occur sympatrically in east Texas and are thought to prey on wild turkeys, their nests and poults. I fitted bobcats, coyotes and raccoons with both GPS and VHF collars and used location data and GIS applications to estimate home ranges, home range overlap and habitat selection for these mesopredators. I used scat analysis to determine diet of mesopredators and to establish whether they preyed on wild turkeys. I used capture mark recapture (CMR) techniques to investigate small mammal population dynamics at annual and seasonal bases. I used spotlight counts and track plates to assess seasonal relative abundance of eastern cottontail rabbits (Sylvilagus floridana). I used artificial nests to identify likely nest predators of wild turkey nests. I found that mesopredators in the Pineywoods had larger home ranges than elsewhere in the Southeast. Bobcat and coyote home ranges varied seasonally, being largest in fall. Raccoon home ranges did not vary seasonally. Bobcats and coyotes shared space more than did raccoons with bobcats or coyotes. There was differential habitat selection between species, but mature pine and young pine were important to the mesopredators and as nesting habitat for eastern wild turkeys. I found no evidence of wild turkey remains in scat samples. White tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus), lagomorphs and small mammals occurred in the diets of all three mesopredators. Small mammal numbers varied seasonally, declining from spring to summer, in synchrony with mesopredator diet diversification, and wild turkey nesting and brood rearing. Lagomorph abundance did not vary seasonally. Bobcats were predominantly carnivorous while coyotes and raccoons were omnivorous, consuming seasonal fruit and insects. American crows (Corvus brachyrhynchos) and raccoons were the primary artificial nest predators. Crows depredated most artificial nests, except in summer, when raccoons depredated the most nests. I concluded that the impact of mesopredators on wild turkeys was not as severe as suggested by previous research. I suggest a combination of video monitoring live wild turkey nests to identify nest predators, improvement of nesting habitat to reduce mesopredator / wild turkey nest encounters, and a program of conditioned taste aversion to reduce any nest predation by mesopredators and crows.

The Effects of Habitat Parameters on the Behavior, Ecology, and Conservation of the Udzungwa Red Colobus Monkey (Procolobus gordonorum)

Steel, Ruth January 2012 (has links)
<p>A central theme in animal ecology is the study of the relationship between ecology and behavior. This dissertation demonstrates how ecological parameters, particularly food and weather variables, correlate with ranging, activity budget, and diet in Udzungwa red colobus monkeys (URC, <italic>Procolobus gordonorum</italic>), endemic to the Udzungwa Mountains, Tanzania. </p><p> From April 2009 - March 2010, four URC groups were habituated and studied in Mwanihana and Magombera Forests. During all-day follows, ranging, activity budget, and diet data were collected using GPS units and ten-minute scan samples of sustained activities. Food characteristics were assessed using transect and phenology surveys. Preliminary nutritional analyses were conducted on species-specific parts fed upon during October. I designed and employed novel methods for estimating ranging statistics which were compared with conventional methods.</p><p> Home range sizes were relatively small (8.8 - 20.8 ha). Home range size may relate to food species diversity and feeding selectivity for species-specific food parts. Variability in dietary composition was partly explained by plant phenology, forest composition, and selectivity differences among groups. URC primarily fed upon young leaves with higher fat content. Some non-nutritive items eaten may function as detoxifying agents. Data suggest that the URC dietary strategy involves nutrient balancing (i.e. maximizing energetic intake and nutrient acquisition while avoiding high concentrations of particular plant secondary compounds).</p><p> Mean daily travel distance (DTD) was 970 m, longer than in other red colobus taxa. DTD was shorter in October and November when temperatures were warmer and a high abundance of young growth became available. Young growth comprised the majority of all groups' diets in each sample period. When young growth abundances were highest, Magombera groups traveled shorter distances. One group's DTD did not differ seasonally and was significantly longer compared to other groups. This group may have traveled longer distances and spent less time resting in order to consume young growth in a habitat with lower young growth abundances. A correlation between time spent resting and temperature suggests behavioral prevention of hyperthermia. URC energetic strategies may involve balancing thermoregulation with maximizing energy intake. Conservation recommendations are discussed and include stricter forest protection.</p> / Dissertation

大台ケ原におけるメスのニホンジカ(Cervus nippon) 行動圏の季節的変化

谷島, 薫子, YAJIMA, Kaoruko, 山本, 裕子, YAMAMOTO, Yuko, 前地, 育代, MAEJI, Ikuyo, 黒崎, 敏文, KUROSAKI, Toshifumi, 横田, 岳人, YOKOTA, Taketo, 佐藤, 宏明, SATO, Hiroaki, 柴田, 叡弌, SHIBATA, Ei'ichi 12 1900 (has links) (PDF)

An examination of the diet and movement patterns of the atlantic cownose ray rhinoptera bonasuswithin a southwest florida estuary

Collins, Angela Barker 01 June 2005 (has links)
Cownose rays are benthic, suction feeders whose foraging activities have been implicated in severe damage to commercial shellfish industries and seagrass habitat. With jaws highly modified for durophagy, it has been assumed that they are crushing specialists, feeding primarily upon hard molluscan prey. In addition, R. bonasus are believed to be highly migratory, transient residents of coastal inshore waters. However, minimal quantitative data exist regarding R. bonasus feeding or movement patterns in the Gulf of Mexico. Stomach contents from 50 cownose rays caught within the Charlotte Harbor estuary between July 2003 and July 2004 were analyzed using the index of relative importance (IRI). Crustaceans, polychaetes, and bivalves were the dominant groups present, with bivalves representing the smallest proportion of the three dominant groups. High dietary overlap was observed between sexes, size groups and seasons. Shoalmates exhibited significantly more similar diets to each other than to members of other shoals. Although currently believed to be a hard prey specialist, these results suggest the cownose ray may behave as an opportunistic generalist, consuming any readily available prey. Between July 2003 and November 2004, 21 cownose rays were tagged and tracked within Charlotte Harbor using passive acoustic telemetry. Residence time ranged between 1-102 days. No significant relationship was detected between activity patterns and tidal stage or time of day. Minimum convex polygons (MCP) and kernel utilization distributions (KUD) were calculated to demonstrate the extent of an animals home range and core areas of use. Daily MCPs ranged between 0.01 and 25.8 km2, and total MCPs ranged between 0.81 and 71.78 km2. Total 95% KUDs ranged between 0.18 and 62.44 km2, while total 50% KUDs were significantly smaller, ranging from 0.09 to 9.68 km2.

Wolf responses to spatial variation in moose density in northern Ontario

Anderson, Morgan 02 May 2012 (has links)
Forty-four wolves in 3 boreal forest sites in Ontario were monitored via GPS radiotelemetry during 2010 and 2011 to examine spatial responses to variation in prey density. Home ranges were defined using a Brownian bridge utilization distribution, and a resource utilization function was calculated for each pack in winter and summer, based on habitat, topography, and prey density. Wolf territories were smaller where moose density was higher. Third order selection (within home range) varied by pack and season. Wolves generally selected for sloping areas, areas near water, and stands with deciduous or regenerating forest, but selected against areas with dense conifer cover. Roads were most important in summer, especially in those territories with large road networks. Habitat use in a mild winter was similar to habitat use in summer. Variable resource selection among packs emphasizes the adaptable, generalist nature of wolves even in the relatively homogenous the boreal shield. / National Science and Engineering Research Council, Ontario Graduate Scholarships, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources - Wildlife Research and Development Section, Center for Northern Forest Ecosystem Research, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, Canadian Forest Service, Forest Ecosystem Science Cooperative

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