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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O acolhimento ao familiar acompanhante do idoso em situação de urgência/emergência / The host family to escort the elderly in emergency situations

Leite, Hellen Taciane Paschoalotto 26 October 2010 (has links)
Ao processo de envelhecimento pode estar associado o surgimento das doenças crônicas não transmissíveis (DCNT) que, por sua vez, podem contribuir para a ocorrência dos agravos clínicos e levar os idosos ao atendimento de urgência/emergência, expondo tanto o paciente quanto seus familiares a uma situação de sofrimento e angústia pelo agravamento da sua condição de saúde e interrupção inesperada de seu cotidiano. Dessa forma, torna-se relevante conhecer como os profissionais e instituições de saúde estão recebendo e se preparando para acolher, tanto o idoso quanto o familiar que o acompanha. Os objetivos deste estudo são: descrever as características sociais e demográficas dos idosos internados na Unidade Funcional de Atendimento às urgências/emergências da Unidade de Emergência do HCFMRP/USP, bem como do seu familiar acompanhante; identificar os núcleos temáticos extraídos da experiência do familiar que acompanha o idoso nesta situação; analisar o acolhimento prestado a partir da experiência do familiar acompanhante do idoso. Trata-se de um estudo qualitativo, em que a história oral foi utilizada como método de investigação na modalidade história oral temática. Para a análise dos dados, seguiram-se os passos da técnica de Análise Indutiva de Conteúdo. A coleta de dados foi realizada no período de abril e maio de 2010. As entrevistas foram realizadas com 11 familiares acompanhantes do idoso que forneceram subsídios para a construção de três núcleos de sentidos: \"Entre a vida e a morte: a busca pelo atendimento de urgência/emergência\", \"Os desafios enfrentados pelo familiar acompanhante do idoso na situação de urgência/emergência\" e \"Alternativas para o atendimento humanizado e acolhedor em unidades de urgência/emergência sob a ótica do familiar acompanhante do idoso\". A partir da análise e discussão destas categorias, fica evidente a necessidade de que os profissionais da saúde precisam conhecer a realidade e as necessidades das pessoas atendidas. Verificou-se que a clientela está atenta aos aspectos da humanização, e a comunicação se revelou uma ferramenta de extrema importância no manejo das relações entre os profissionais e os usuários do serviço. Os conceitos e especificações sobre a humanização e o acolhimento são, na atualidade, bem fundamentados, formulados e amplamente discutidos, no entanto, é necessário que se tornem ações efetivas no âmbito das instituições de saúde. / The aging process may be associated with the emergence of chronic noncommunicable diseases (CNCD), which in turn can contribute to the occurrence of clinical diseases and the elderly to take care at emergency, exposing both the patient and their families to a situation of suffering and distress by the deterioration of his health condition and unexpected interruption of their daily lives. Therefore, it becomes relevant to know how the professionals and health institutions are receiving and preparing to welcome both the old as the family accompanying him. The objectives of this study are to describe the social and demographic characteristics of elderly inpatients in the Unit Functional assistance to emergency care of the Emergency Unit of HCFMRP/USP, as well as your family companion, to identify the core themes drawn from the experience of relatives in accompanies the elderly in this situation, analyze the reception provided from the experience of family companion for the elderly. This is a qualitative study; \"Oral History\" was used as a method of research in oral story mode. For the data analysis followed the steps of the technique of \"Inductive Analysis of Content\". Data collection was performed during April and May 2010. The interviews were conducted with 11 family companions for the elderly, which provided subsidies for the construction of three groups of meaning: \"Between life and death: the search for care at emergency\", \"The challenges faced by the elderly in family companion urgency/emergency\" and \"alternatives for humanized and friendly units at emergency from the viewpoint of the elderly family companion\". From the analysis and discussion of these categories is an evident necessity for health care professionals needs to know the reality and needs of people served. It was found that the customer is looking to aspects of humanization and communication has proved an extremely important tool in the management of relationships between professionals and service users. The concepts and details on humanization and the reception are nowadays well-founded, formulated and widely discussed; however it is necessary to become effective actions within the health institutions.

Isolamento do cairomônio de Anagasta kuehniella Zeller (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) responsável pela atração do parasitoide Habrobracon hebetor Say (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) / Kairomone isolation of Anagasta kuehniella Zeller (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) responsible for its parasitoid attraction Habrobracon hebetor Say (Hymenoptera: Braconidae)

Favaris, Arodí Prado 15 December 2016 (has links)
Cairomônios são semioquímicos envolvidos nas interações interespecíficas dos insetos, que beneficiam o receptor em detrimento do emissor. Uma destas interações envolve a busca hospedeira por parasitoides, que detectam estes compostos como estratégia para localizar seus hospedeiros. No caso do ectoparasitoide larval, Habrobracon hebetor Say (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), o \'frass\' de Anagasta kuehniella Zeller (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) libera um cairomônio que atrai as fêmeas do parasitoide. Considerando que A. kuehniella é muito utilizada para produção de ovos, visando à criação de inimigos naturais, este cairomônio é indesejável, pois acaba favorecendo altas infestações por H. hebetor, podendo causar prejuízos expressivos ao longo do processo. Uma das soluções para o controle de tais infestações poderia ser o emprego de armadilhas com o semioquímico sintético. Entretanto, como o cairomônio ainda não foi identificado, este trabalho teve como objetivo o seu isolamento - a etapa inicial para sua identificação. O cairomônio foi extraído por meio da lavagem com solvente e aeração do \'frass\' de A. kuehniella. Os extratos foram, então, testados em olfatometria de quatro vias com fêmeas do parasitoide, registrando-se o tempo de permanência em cada tratamento. O extrato de lavagem ativo foi fracionado em coluna de sílica em cinco frações, cuja atratividade também foi averiguada para proceder com o isolamento do cairomônio. Os extratos e frações foram então analisados por cromatografia gasosa por ionização em chama (GC-FID) e espectrometria de massas (GC-MS), a fim de localizar compostos exclusivos nas amostras ativas. Além disso, as frações provenientes do extrato de lavagem foram aeradas para a extração de seus compostos voláteis e também analisadas por GC-MS. O cairomônio foi isolado na fração 75% éter, indicando ser um composto polar. Por comparação dos cromatogramas, apenas um pico na coluna HP-5ms foi selecionado como pertencente ao cairomônio. Em coluna Rtx-1ms, o pico bifurcou-se, indicando que, pelo menos, um dos compostos faz parte do cairomônio. As combinações metodológicas deste trabalho conduziram ao isolamento do cairomônio presente no \'frass\' de A. kuehniella e à seleção de pelo menos um composto que compõe o semioquímico responsável pela atração do parasitoide H. hebetor, resultando nas primeiras informações de sua estrutura química para sua futura identificação. / Kairomones are semiochemicals involved in interspecific interactions of insects that benefit the receiver to the detriment of the emitter. One of these interactions is host searching by parasitoids which detect these compounds as a strategy to locate their hosts. In the case of the larval ectoparasitoid, Habrobracon hebetor Say (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), the \'frass\' of Anagasta kuehniella Zeller (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) releases a kairomone that attracts females parasitoids. Considering that A. kuehniella has been used for egg production in order to keep natural enemy rearing, this kairomone is undesirable, because it may lead to high H. hebetor infestation and causes important losses during the rearing process. One of the attempts to control these infestations could be the use semiochemical-baited traps. However, as the kairomone is still unidentified, the aim of this work was to isolate it - the first step for its identification. The kairomone was extracted by solvent washing and aeration of A. kuehniella \'frass\'. Then the extracts were tested in a four-way olfactometer with female parasitoids, registering the time taken in each treatment. The active washing extract was fractionated in five fractions in a silica column, and its attractivity was evaluated to proceed to isolation. The extracts and fractions were then analysed by gas chromatography with flame ionization detector (GC-FID) and gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (GC-MS), in order to locate exclusive compounds in active samples. Furthermore, the fractions from the washed extract were aerated to extract their volatile compounds that were also analysed by GC-MS. The kairomone was isolated in the 75% ether fraction, indicating that it is a polar compound. Comparing the chromatograms, only one peak on the HP-5ms column was selected as belonging to the kairomone. On the Rtx-1ms column, the peak bifurcated, indicating that at least one of the compounds is part of the kairomone. The methodological combinations of this work provided the isolation of the kairomone present in A. kuehniella \'frass\' and the selection of at least one compound that comprises the semiochemical that attracts H. hebetor parasitoid, resulting in the first source of information about its chemical structure for its future identification.

The host-guest relationship and 'emotion management' : perspectives and experiences of owners of small hotels in a major UK resort

Benmore, Anne V. January 2010 (has links)
This thesis explores how the owners of 21 small hotels in a major UK resort perceived and experienced emotionalities surrounding the host-guest relationship, with a particular focus on employment of emotion management. The experiences of the owners of 5 large family hotels and the manager of a large corporate hotel were also captured in this study to provide an additional complementary ‘layer’ of data. I employed narrative inquiry using semi-structured interviews to gain insights into how participants constructed and negotiated the host-guest relationship through emotion management. I was also interested in uncovering the wider emotionalities of contextual influences that might impact on that relationship, such as hoteliers’ motivations and values. Adopting an inductive approach, my research was primarily informed by my interpretation of the concepts of ‘emotion management’ and the ‘host-guest relationship’. Further, and consistent with this cross-disciplinary approach, the lenses of ‘power’ and ‘identity’ enhanced my understanding of research participants’ experiences, particularly since these phenomena themselves play a role in the manifestation of both ‘emotion’ and ‘hospitality’. Whilst emotion management in its pecuniary form, as emotional labour, has been well documented in the corporate hotel sector, its manifestation in the smaller setting has been less clear. What I discovered in this study was that owners of small hotels employ an intriguing mix of emotion management strategies within a range of host roles adopted to establish and manage the boundaries of the host-guest relationship. An over-arching theme that emerged from the study was owners’ concerns about guest suitability, particularly with regard to the ‘dirty work’ and/or ‘risky work’ they could present. A key influencing factor here was that the hotel also constituted the owner’s ‘home.’ For the ‘suitable ‘guest, hoteliers could demonstrate considerable scope for hospitableness through philanthropic and personalized emotion management. Hence what seemed to emerge was an image of the small hotel owner as an autonomous flexible emotion manager, relatively free to engage in human connectedness with the guest and capable of eschewing the strictures of customer sovereignty that can envelop corporate counterparts. Host-guest relationships that emerged generally appeared to satisfy both parties and were often long lasting, even taking on the status of ‘friendships,’ where host and guest engaged in reciprocal appreciation that seemed ‘natural’ and spontaneous.

Subsidiary transformation, network relations and dynamic capability development : case studies of Taiwanese MNE subsidiaries in China

Lin, Chun-Pu January 2013 (has links)
This study investigates how the subsidiaries of multinational enterprises (MNEs) reconfigure their resource bases to respond to an altered strategic positioning. In particular, the focus is on the subsidiaries of multinational enterprises from emerging economies (EMNEs), which undertake transformation from export-orientation to host market-orientation in an emerging economy being host country. Two Taiwanese MNEs with subsidiaries in China extensively operated the host market are selected as case studies. This research is grounded in a preliminary conceptualisation covering three main areas: subsidiary organisations, external actors in the host country and headquarters’ functions. It provides insights into (1) how the subsidiaries align their historical resources with newly-developed capabilities; (2) how the subsidiaries govern inter-firm relations with external actors in the host environment; and (3) whether and how complementary resources are to a limited extent transferred from headquarters to subsidiaries so as to support the operations in the host market. With regards to the organisational initiatives undertaken by the case subsidiaries, it is found that the historical resources are leveraged to support the host market business, whilst at the same time developing required marketing capabilities. In addition, the concept of organisational ambidexterity is adopted to refer to way in which existing (export-oriented) and new (host market-oriented) businesses that are operating simultaneously. As to the inter-firm relations, the case subsidiaries have been mainly governing their relations with distributors by performance-based mechanisms aiming to secure stable profits. By contrast, the relation-based trust was not commonly observed among the cooperation ties. With growing brand strengths and increased direct contact with consumers, they held higher authority over the interfirm relations with distributors than during the initial stages of operating in the Chinese market. In addition, with regards to the cross-border resource transfers, two distinct modes of headquarters-subsidiary relationships emerged: a traditional one, in which headquarters allocate resources within MNEs and a novel one in which headquarters’ functions were gradually replaced by the powerful subsidiary, termed in this thesis as “migrating headquarters”. On the basis of these findings, we put forward a set of propositions that present the interrelations between the resource circumstances of case subsidiaries, the institutional environments and the organisational initiatives undertaken by the case subsidiaries. Theoretically, the contributions of this study are threefold. Firstly, it advances the research on subsidiary development by holistically exploring the: resource reconfiguration of subsidiaries, inter-firm relations with external actors and headquarters-subsidiary relationships. In particular, the resource deficiency which the EMNEs’ subsidiaries encountered and the characteristics of the required capabilities for the host market-oriented transformation, i.e. local marketing competences, were investigated. Secondly, through probing the governance mechanisms adopted regarding interfirm relations between the case subsidiaries and local distributors, this study not only addresses the question of how MNEs acquire this location-bound resource, but also advances the extant research by the aspect of network positions. That is, this study indicates that the first-tier distributors hold more relations-based interactions with the case subsidiaries than the lower-tier ones did. Moreover, unlike the reliance on informal relations suggested by extant literature on doing business in emerging economies, it is found that the economic governance mechanisms based on distributor performance have been predominantly adopted by the case subsidiaries. Thirdly, by investigating how the complementary resources are transferred to the subsidiaries, this work discovers EMNEs’ weakness at responding to the host market-oriented subsidiary transformation in terms of resource deployment within MNEs, in particular those resources that have been mostly controlled by headquarters. In addition, the term “migrating headquarters”, which represents an extreme outcome of subsidiary development, provides novel knowledge to the extant literature on the relocation of MNE headquarters by the perspective of resource circumstances. Moreover, the five components comprising dynamic capabilities in the context of subsidiary transformation are identified through the two case studies as being: capability upgrading, capability leverage, capability building, coordination capability and cooperative capability.

Developing Methods Based on Light Sheet Fluorescence Microscopy for Biophysical Investigations of Larval Zebrafish

Taormina, Michael 29 September 2014 (has links)
Adapting the tools of optical microscopy to the large-scale dynamic systems encountered in the development of multicellular organisms provides a path toward understanding the physical processes necessary for complex life to form and function. Obtaining quantitatively meaningful results from such systems has been challenging due to difficulty spanning the spatial and temporal scales representative of the whole, while also observing the many individual members from which complex and collective behavior emerges. A three-dimensional imaging technique known as light sheet fluorescence microscopy provides a number of significant benefits for surmounting these challenges and studying developmental systems. A thin plane of fluorescence excitation light is produced such that it coincides with the focal plane of an imaging system, providing rapid acquisition of optically sectioned images that can be used to construct a three-dimensional rendition of a sample. I discuss the implementation of this technique for use in larva of the model vertebrate Danio rerio (zebrafish). The nature of light sheet imaging makes it especially well suited to the study of large systems while maintaining good spatial resolution and minimizing damage to the specimen from excessive exposure to excitation light. I show the results from a comparative study that demonstrates the ability to image certain developmental processes non-destructively, while in contrast confocal microscopy results in abnormal growth due to phototoxicity. I develop the application of light sheet microscopy to the study of a previously inaccessible system: the bacterial colonization of a host organism. Using the technique, we are able to obtain a survey of the intestinal tract of a larval zebrafish and observe the location of microbes as they grow and establish a stable population in an initially germ free fish. Finally, I describe a new technique to measure the fluid viscosity of this intestinal environment in vivo using magnetically driven particles. By imaging such particles as they are oscillated in a frequency chirped field, it is possible to calculate properties such as the viscosity of the material in which they are embedded. Here I provide the first known measurement of intestinal mucus rheology in vivo. This dissertation includes previously published co-authored material.

Caracterização morfológica, molecular e compatibilidade reprodutiva de Panonychus ulmi (Acari: Tetranychidae) proveniente de macieiras e videiras

Nascimento, Joseane Moreira do 29 February 2016 (has links)
Submitted by FERNANDA DA SILVA VON PORSTER (fdsvporster@univates.br) on 2016-07-28T18:33:59Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) 2016JoseaneMoreiradoNascimento.pdf: 2710431 bytes, checksum: 64379202b43d5747f6ca19c9e2a53558 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ana Paula Lisboa Monteiro (monteiro@univates.br) on 2016-08-30T11:51:21Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) 2016JoseaneMoreiradoNascimento.pdf: 2710431 bytes, checksum: 64379202b43d5747f6ca19c9e2a53558 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-30T11:51:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) 2016JoseaneMoreiradoNascimento.pdf: 2710431 bytes, checksum: 64379202b43d5747f6ca19c9e2a53558 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-07 / CAPES / FAPERGS / Panonychus ulmi (Koch) (Acari: Tetranychidae) é um ácaro fitófago que causa danos ao cultivo de macieiras e recentemente foi encontrado em videiras no estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. A presente dissertação de mestrado teve como objetivo verificar a ocorrência de biótipos associados a estes dois hospedeiros, realizada pela caracterização morfológica, molecular e verificação da compatibilidade reprodutiva. A caracterização morfológica ocorreu através de medições de fêmeas de 17 áreas de amostragem, sendo dez de videiras e sete de macieiras, sendo que se obteve sobreposição das populações de macieiras e videiras na análise dos componentes principais. Para caracterização molecular, foram analisados três fragmentos: a região intergênica ITS do DNA ribossômico e dois fragmentos do gene citocromo c oxidase I (COI) do DNA mitocondrial. Os resultados para COI demonstraram a ocorrência de linhagens distintas em macieiras e videiras. A divergência intraespecífica foi baixa, 1,1%, indicando tratar-se de uma mesma espécie. Para verificação da compatibilidade reprodutiva, foram realizados cruzamentos entre uma população de macieiras proveniente de Vacaria (RS) e uma população de videiras proveniente de Bento Gonçalves (RS). Foram realizados cruzamentos e retrocruzamentos, nos quais se observou diferença significativa no potencial reprodutivo da população proveniente de macieiras, embora tenha havido compatibilidade reprodutiva entre as populações analisadas. Os resultados indicaram que as populações de Panonychus ulmi proveniente de macieiras e videiras consistem em uma mesma espécie, e sugeriram a ocorrência de biótipos ou host race ligada ao hospedeiro, com melhor desempenho em macieiras. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram a importância da caracterização de biótipos, pois estas informações são essenciais para o planejamento e aplicação em programas de controle biológico nas culturas avaliadas, ao nível de campo. / Panonychus ulmi (Koch) (Acari: Tetranychidae) is a phytophagous mite that causes damage to apple orchards and was recently found on vines in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. This dissertation aimed to verify the occurrence of biotypes associated with these two hosts, conducted by morphological, molecular and verification of reproductive compatibility. The morphological characterization was carried out through measurements of females from 17 sampling areas, ten on vines and seven on apple trees, and obtained complete overlap of populations of apple trees and vines in principal components analysis. For molecular characterization, we analyzed three fragments: the intergenic region (ITS) of the ribosomal DNA and two fragments of the gene cytochrome c oxidase I (COI) of the mitochondrial DNA. The results for COI demonstrated the occurrence of different strains on apples and vines. The intraspecific divergence was low, 1.1%, indicating the presence of the same species. To verify the reproductive compatibility were performed crosses between a population of apple trees from Vacaria (RS) and a population of vines from Bento Gonçalves (RS). Crosses and backcrosses were performed, in which significant difference was observed in the reproductive potential of population from apple trees, although there were reproductive compatibility between populations analyzed. The results indicated that the populations of Panonychus ulmi from apple trees and vines consist in the same species, and suggested the occurrence of biotypes or host race connected to the host, with better performance in apple trees population. The results showed the importance of characterization of biotypes, as this information is essential for planning and application in biological control programs to crops evaluated at the field level.

Hierarchical supramolecular assemblies based on host-guest chemistry between cucurbit[n]uril and azobenzene derivatives

Liu, Chenyan January 2019 (has links)
Cucurbit[8]uril (CB[8]) has attracted great interest in the cucurbit[n]uril (CB[\textit{n}]) family on account of its capability to simultaneously accommodate two guests inside its cavity, to form strong yet dynamic ternary complexes. Owing to the photo-induced \textit{trans} to \textit{cis} isomerisation property, azobenzene (Azo) derivatives have been widely employed in several host-guest systems, leading to various light-responsive materials. This thesis focuses on CB[8]-based ternary complexes, especially those involving Azo derivatives. These systems can be exploited as a platform to hierarchically fabricate supramolecular constructs, including crystalline structures and composite materials. Specifically, novel morphology-controlled (1D needle-like, 2D sheet-like) crystals have been prepared by adjusting the assembly of Azo-CB[8] complexes, which can be further developed to oriented macroscopic free-standing crystalline pillars grown from a glass surface. Next, a composite micelle-nanoparticle complex has been prepared utilising Azo-CB[8] assemblies, which demonstrates $\sim$90$\%$ efficiency in surfactant recycling. Finally, an organic CB[8]-mediated hydrogel reinforced by inorganic nanowires has been prepared. This hybrid structure shows increased stiffness due to various supramolecular interactions. Chapter 1 gives a brief introduction to CB[\textit{n}] host-guest chemistry with emphasis on CB[\textit{n}]-based crystalline structures and CB[8] ternary complexes. Recent progress of Azo-based host-guest chemistry is then reviewed. In addition, shape-controlled crystals formed \textit{via} supramolecular interactions are discussed at the end of the chapter. Chapter 2 focuses on the crystalline structure of the 1:2 homoternary complex formed between CB[8] and a methyl orange (MO) guest, which is the fastest CB[8]-based crystallisation to date. As a commonly used pH indicator, MO possesses an azobenzene moiety with both an electronically positive amino group and an anionic sulfonate group. At low pH values, formation of the homoternary complex 2MO@CB[8] occurs, serving as a 'tectonic' building block, which rapidly stacks into a herringbone arrangement. The intermolecular and intercomplex interactions inside 2MO@CB[8] crystals are discussed, whereby the CB[8] macrocycle orients the electrostatic charges on MO guests resulting in the repulsive interactions being shielded; this in turn leads to fast electrostatically-driven crystal growth. The 2MO@CB[8] system provides a promising approach for designing ultrarapid crystallisation systems derived from CB[\textit{n}] host-guest complexes. Moreover, the host-guest chemistry between CB[8] and a variety of Azo derivatives with different functional groups is discussed, demonstrating the influence of guest structures on their crystalline behaviours. Chapter 3 further explores the mechanism of 2MO@CB[8] crystallisation through a series of experimental and computational methods. Control over the crystal shape, length and growth rate can be achieved in a facile manner whilst maintaining the same (internal) unit cell. Therefore, the properties of the macro-scale crystals can be tuned at the molecular level through adjusting the assembly of 2MO@CB[8] building blocks. For example, tuning the ionic strength of the solution enables a second growth dimension, yielding 2D crystals with sheet-like and more complex morphologies. Furthermore, our understanding of oriented electrostatics provided by the homoternary tecton can then be exploited to prepare oriented macroscopic free-standing crystalline pillars grown from a glass surface at room temperature. Next, CB[8] ternary complexes have been employed as 'bridges' to link (organic) soft and (inorganic) hard materials together, resulting in composite materials. In chapter 4, a micelle-nanoparticle complex (\textbf{MNC}) structure has been assembled \textit{via} host-guest interactions between Azo-functionalised, cargo-loaded micelles and magnetic SiO$_2$ nanoparticles (NPs) functionalised with CB[8] catenanes. Owing to the photo-responsive and magnetic properties, \textbf{MNCs} can be exploited to recycle detergents (micelles) from aqueous solution. This is followed by the controlled release of the encapsulated hydrophobic molecules inside the micelle cavity. In this process, both the micelles and NPs can be recycled efficiently. The novel \textbf{MNC} structure provides a promising approach to recycle versatile drug carriers through host-guest chemistry. Chapter 5 introduces a CB[8]-based hydrogel in which inorganic nanowires (NWs) are employed to enhance the gel stiffness. The supramolecular hydrogel is comprised of methylviologen-functionalised poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA-MV), hydroxyethyl cellulose with naphthyl moieties (HEC-Np) and CB[8]. The gel structure is effectively enhanced by the framework supporting effects of CePO$_4$ NWs and additional hydrogen bonding interactions between NWs and PVA-MV/HEC-Np polymers. The high aspect ratio NWs serve as a 'skeleton' for the network, providing extra physical crosslinks. This results in a single continuous phase hybrid supramolecular network with improved strength, showcasing a general approach to reinforce soft materials. Finally, this thesis closes with a summary and perspective chapter, concluding the present work and highlighting an insight towards future work. Utilising CB[8] ternary complexes, various supramolecular constructs can be prepared through hierarchical self-assemblies, leading to a wide variety of composite systems and functional materials in the future.

Porphyromonas gingivalis innate immune evasion contributes to site-specific chronic inflammation

Slocum, Connie 08 April 2016 (has links)
Several successful pathogens evade host defenses resulting in the establishment of persistent and chronic infections. One such pathogen, Porphyromonas gingivalis, induces chronic low-grade inflammation associated with local inflammatory oral bone loss and systemic inflammation manifested as atherosclerosis. The pathogenic mechanisms contributing to P. gingivalis evasion of host immunity and chronic inflammation are not well defined. P. gingivalis evades host immunity at Toll-like receptor (TLR)-4 through expression of an atypical lipopolysaccharide (LPS) that contains lipid A species that exhibit TLR4 agonist or antagonist activity or fail to activate TLR4. By utilizing a series of P. gingivalis lipid A mutants we demonstrated that expression of antagonist lipid A structures resulted in weak induction of proinflammatory mediators. Moreover, expression of antagonist lipid A failed to activate the inflammasome, which correlated with increased bacterial survival in macrophages. Oral infection of atherosclerotic prone apolipoprotein E (ApoE) deficient mice with the antagonist lipid A strain resulted in vascular inflammation characterized by macrophage accumulation and atherosclerosis progression. In contrast, a P. gingivalis strain expressing exclusively agonist lipid A augmented levels of proinflammatory mediators and activated the inflammasome in a caspase-11 dependent manner, resulting in host cell lysis and decreased bacterial survival. ApoE deficient mice infected with the agonist lipid A strain exhibited diminished vascular inflammation. Notably, the ability of P. gingivalis to induce local inflammatory oral bone loss was independent of lipid A expression, indicative of distinct mechanisms for induction of local versus systemic inflammation by this pathogen. We next investigated the role of TLRs and lipid A on bacterial trafficking by the autophagic pathway. Originally characterized as a cell autonomous pathway for recycling damaged organelles and proteins, autophagy is now recognized to play a critical role in innate defense and release of the proinflammatory cytokine interleukin (IL)-1β. We demonstrated that P. gingivalis suppresses the autophagic pathway in macrophages for pathogen survival and intercepts autophagy-mediated IL-1β release. P. gingivalis-mediated suppression of autophagy was independent of lipid A expression but partially dependent on TLR2 signaling. Collectively, our results indicate that P. gingivalis evasion of innate immunity plays a role in chronic inflammation.

Mimicry and speciation in the parasitic finches of Africa

Jamie, Gabriel Adam January 2017 (has links)
In this thesis, I study a radiation of brood-parasitic finch species, the indigobirds and whydahs (genus Vidua), that occur across Africa. Host colonisation is tightly linked to speciation in Vidua because of their remarkable capacity to imprint on their hosts, with mating traits and host preferences being influenced by the parasite's early environment. The challenge of explaining why the radiation has diversified to the extent it has therefore simplifies to understanding why only certain potential host species have been successfully colonised. Following on from the introduction (Chapter 1), I begin by critically examining the logic with which mimicry in the natural world can be conceptually organized (Chapter 2). This creates a “mimicry landscape” in which to situate the mimetic adaptations of hosts exhibited by Vidua. The framework can be used to contrast and draw parallels between these and other mimetic adaptations present in the natural world. In Chapter 3, I review the literature on begging call mimicry and development across all avian brood parasite species. I outline the conditions under which we expect begging call mimicry to evolve, and when we expect it to develop primarily through genetic or environmental cues. This provides clear predictions for what we expect to occur in Vidua finches, which are tested in Chapters 4 and 5. In Chapter 4, I quantify the mimicry of host nestlings by Vidua in detail. I provide the first quantitative evidence that Vidua nestlings mimic the begging calls and show for the first time that Vidua are imperfect mimics of their hosts. In Chapter 5, I simulate the colonisation of a new host by transferring Vidua eggs into the nest of a new host species. I monitor Vidua survival in the foreign host environment and test several hypotheses about what explains differences in chick survival. I find that Vidua survive poorly in the new nest environment and that they do not show adaptive plasticity in begging calls or head movements. This poor survival occurs despite there being minimal differences in the diets each host species feeds their young. Finally, in Chapter 6, I carry out a comparative analysis on the evolution of estrildid mouth markings. Estrildid finches are the hosts of Vidua and so provide the landscape of potential ecological niches that Vidua may colonise and adapt to. I demonstrate that the host family shows strong phylogenetic signal in mouth marking traits, and find no evidence that ecological factors such as light environment or predation pressure has shaped estrildid mouth marking evolution. The work in this thesis highlights how difficult successfully colonising new hosts is for Vidua finches. Vidua must mimic hosts in multiple traits (mouth markings, begging calls, head movements) to obtain sufficient amounts of food from host parents. Overall, habitat filters, the complex and diverse begging displays of estrildid nestlings, the discriminatory behaviour of estrildid parents against mismatching chicks and the lack of adaptive plasticity in begging displays by Vidua together help explain why the Vidua radiation consists of only 19 species rather than many more or fewer.

The role of the NS segment of Influenza A virus in setting host range and pathogenicity

Turnbull, Matthew Luke January 2017 (has links)
Influenza A virus (IAV) circulates in waterfowl, causing mostly asymptomatic infections. IAV can undergo host adaptation and evolve to cause significant disease and mortality in domestic poultry and mammals, applying an enormous socio-economic burden on society. Sporadically, IAV causes global pandemics in man due to its zoonotic nature, and this can result in millions of deaths worldwide during a single outbreak. Host adaptation of IAV is an incompletely understood phenomenon, but is known to involve both host and viral determinants. It is essential to improve the understanding of the factors governing host range and pathogenicity of avian IAV, especially given the absence of a universal influenza vaccine and a limited weaponry of effective antiviral compounds. This study set out to improve the understanding of host adaptation of avian IAV, focussing on segment 8 (NS segment) of the virus genome. The NS segment of non-chiropteran IAV circulates as two phylogenetically distinct clades – the ‘A-’ and ‘B-alleles’. The A-allele is found in avian and mammalian viruses, but the B-allele is considered to be almost exclusively avian. This might result from one or both of the major NS gene products (NS1 and NEP) being non-functional in mammalian host cells, or from an inability of segment 8 RNA to package into mammalian-adapted strains. To investigate this, the NS segments from a panel of avian A- and B-allele strains were introduced into human H1N1 and H3N2 viruses by reverse genetics. A- and B-allele reassortant viruses replicated equally well in a variety of mammalian cell types in vitro. Surprisingly, the consensus B-allele segment 8 out-competed an A-allele counterpart when reassortant H1N1 viruses were co-infected, with the parental WT segment 8 being most fit in this system. A- and B-allele NS1 proteins were equally efficient at blocking the mammalian IFN response both in the context of viral infection and in transfection-based reporter assays. Consensus A- and B-allele H1N1 viruses also caused disease in mice and replicated to high virus titre in the lung. Interestingly, the B-allele virus induced more weight-loss than the A-allele, although the parental WT virus was most pathogenic in vivo. To re-address the hypothesis that B-allele NS genes really are avian-restricted, the relative rates of independent Aves to Mammalia incursion events of A- and B-allele lineage IAV strains was estimated and compared using phylogenetic analyses of all publically available segment 8 sequences. 32 A-allele introduction events were estimated compared to 6 B-allele incursions, however the total number of avian Aallele sequences outnumbered B-allele sequences by over 3.5 to 1, and the relative rates of introduction were not significantly different across the two lineages suggesting no bias against avian B-allele NS segments entering mammalian hosts in nature. Therefore, this study provides evidence that avian B-allele NS genes are not attenuating in mammalian hosts and are able to cause severe disease. Thus, this lineage of IAV genes, previously assumed to be avian-restricted, should be considered when assessing zoonotic potential and pandemic risk of circulating avian IAVs.

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