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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Empirical Essays on Wage Setting and Immigrant Labor Market Opportunities

Eliasson, Tove January 2014 (has links)
This thesis consists of three self-contained essays. Essay 1: This essay estimates wage assimilation among non-western immigrants in Sweden, controlling for selection into employment by including individual fixed effects. Furthermore, using matched employer-employee panel data covering the complete Swedish labor market, this essay decomposes wage catch-up into relative wage growth within and between workplaces and occupations. The results show that failing to control for selection into employment is likely to underestimate relative wage growth of immigrants, as early entrants in the labor market differ from later entrants along unobservable dimensions. Even after 30 years in the country, the group of non-western immigrants still earns substantially lower wages than natives. Wages catch up mainly within workplaces and occupations, suggesting that improved signals of productivity, rather than improved knowledge of job options, are of importance for the wage growth of non-western immigrants. Essay 2: Earlier research has shown that immigrant- and minority entrepreneurs have difficulties accessing capital through the formal financial markets. This essay studies what role immigrant employees within the local bank sector have for the probability of immigrants to run their own businesses. I use linked employer-employee data covering the whole Swedish labor market for the years 1987 to 2003 and utilize a nationwide refugee dispersal policy to get exogenous variation in the exposure to co-ethnic bank employees. Results suggest that there is a positive relation between co-ethnic bank employees and the probability of being self-employed. This effect is most pronounced for immigrants who arrived with low education, for males and for those residing in metropolitan regions. The effects are substantial and robust to a wide set of controls for labor market characteristics of the ethnic group at the local level. These results provide evidence of an ethnic component in the formal credit markets. Essay 3 (with Oskar Nordström Skans): This essay investigates the impact of a collective agreement stipulating a one shot increase in establishment-specific wage levels in a public-sector setting where wages otherwise are set according to individualized wage bargaining. The agreement stipulated that wages should increase in proportion to the number of low-paid females within each establishment. We find that actual wages among incumbents responded to the share of females with a wage below the stipulated threshold, conditional on the separate effects of the share of low wage earners, and the share of females. We find clear evidence of path-dependence in wages, covered workers remained on higher wage levels 4 years after the agreement took effect. The increase in wages resulted in a reduced probability of exit among young workers with relatively good grades and a lower frequency of new hires at the establishment level.

集團內子公司地主國知識產生與移轉之研究 / Host-Country-Specific Knowledge: Generating and Transferring Among Member Firms in Business Groups

范慧宜, Fan,hui yi Unknown Date (has links)
本研究透過三個台灣大型MNCs(集團企業)的深度訪談,期望了解集團成員入如何產生與移轉特定地主國知識的議題。台灣MNCs(集團企業)在國際化時,地主國環境不同於母國,使得台灣MNCs(集團企業)海外成員不足以利用其擁有的經驗與知識去因應環境差異所產生的挑戰與問題,而需要產生新的解決辦法。台灣MNCs(集團企業)海外成員所在地之經營環境與母國環境有差異時,其處理方式有二:規劃性(定期會議處理各階段所面臨之問題)及隨機性(臨時會議對於臨時狀況進行處理);另外,在地主國發生的突發事件亦會產生地主國知識。當集團海外成員所面臨之經營環境與母國環境差異越大者,所產生特定地主國知識的量會越多。 透過每次在該地主國設廠及執行每一次新產品發展流程的經驗過程中各階段中因為與地主國環境介面互動而產生特定地主國知識,所以台灣MNCs(集團企業)是以漸進方式累積集團成員在特定地主國面對問題解決問題的方法。當遇到問題越多時,台灣MNCs(集團企業)海外子公司特定地主國知識累積速度越快;但每種特定地主國問題的解決方法是需要各階段多方人員不斷地溝通才能產生的,所以當內外部溝通成本越高時,會減緩海外成員累積特定地主國知識累積速度;為了加快累積特定地主國知識,台灣MNCs(集團企業)大量借助資訊科技及人員面對面溝通,期望加速溝通效率以因應快速變動的環境。 在同一地主國,透過三個台灣大型MNCs(集團企業)的深度訪談發現,台灣MNCs(集團企業)在特定地主國知識移轉機制路徑有三,且在探究過程中發現海外總部(OHQs)的存在,所以進一步探討,在特定地主國中,集團成員間移轉地主國知識時,海外總部(OHQs)所扮演的角色及其存在的價值;在取得這個知識的過程中,有哪些因素會影響移轉機制中正式化機制與非正式化機制使用比例?知識移轉時,正式化機制與非正式化機制之間是一個連續帶的概念,而影響集團成員間知識移轉機制選用時,正式化與非正式化機制搭配比例的影響因素包含:知識特性、子公司自主性、知識情境鑲嵌性、經營模式(產品相似性、技術差距性)以及地理距離。 台灣MNCs(集團企業)在知識移轉制度建立初期,較仰賴非正式化機制,隨著制度建立完備程度增加,正式化機制使用的比重提高,但是非正式化機制對於知識移轉機制的效力仍然存在於中高階主管層級,對於基層主管及員工而言,則會完全仰賴正式化機制,以確保自身工作上的權責釐清。台灣MNCs(集團企業)進行國際擴張時,海外成員初期國際化知識是從MNCs總部遺傳而來。台灣MNCs(集團企業)海外成員間特定地主國知識移轉路徑有三:1)透過集團總部(HQs)移轉、2)子公司間移轉及3)透過集團海外總部(OHQs)。本研究認為當台灣MNCs(集團企業)總部在特定地主國設立集團海外總部(OHQs)後,集團海外總部(OHQs)在特定地主國知識移轉上會取代集團企業總部的角色(意即地主國知識移轉時,路徑三會取代路徑一)。 台灣MNCs(集團企業)國際策略在大陸拓展的廣度(各個集團成員(產品不同)赴大陸投資)及深度(負責新產品發展流程階段越多)增加,使總部須處理的專業知識涵蓋範圍廣且處理資料量大,對於位於台灣的MNCs(集團企業)總部而言,處理資訊成本是很高的;再者,集團在大陸據點越多,對於總部監督成本上亦是很大的負擔,所以在大陸設立海外總部(OHQs),以與集團總部進行某種程度的分工;同時,當世界各地子公司均需將地主國知識回傳至台灣MNCs(集團企業)總部時,台灣MNCs(集團企業)總部即將面臨很複雜的處理及整合成本,所以海外總部(OHQs)有存在的必要。台灣MNCs(集團企業)設置的海外總部(OHQs)所進行的交流、整理及儲存的資訊較複雜和多元化,其設立目的包含:降低監督成本、降低整合成本、降低協調成本、降低知識移轉過程中由於資訊不對稱所產生的無效率情形。集團海外總部(OHQs)亦促進地主國集團成員間知識快速流通,且將知識從母國或其它地主國之集團成員處引入,也就是大量的知識流入與流出的主要樞紐。當集團型態是屬於聯邦分權式時,集團海外總部(OHQs)的設立是有困難的。集團海外總部(OHQs)可能設立在主要市場地理居中位置、交通便捷之處或離知識最接近的地方,以降低「集團」海外成員開會時的交通成本。 集團海外總部(OHQs)是在集團總部(HQs)監控下創造出其在特定地主國知識移轉扮演的角色獨特性及存在必要性,為避免集團海外總部(OHQs)憑藉結構洞角色壟斷所有特定地主國知識,進而取代集團總部(HQs),集團總部(HQs)透過其與集團海外成員間稽核性連結及其對集團海外總部(OHQs)的正式控制(包含所有權控制及組織層級控制)來防堵集團海外總部(OHQs)坐大,以有效管理集團海外總部(OHQs)。 正式機制與非正式機制間是一個連續帶的概念。然而,在移轉過程中,哪些因素會影響到正式與非正式機制搭配的比例呢? 當海外成員自主性高時,採用正式化機制強迫集團海外成員間進行知識分享,亦搭配非正式化機制的社會互動,來緩和彼此間因競爭所產生不願意分享的情形;當知識的情境鑲嵌性程度越高,越需要使用非正式機制來縮小正式機制中知識再利用的可能性;當產品相似性很高,知識來源者與接收者若能搭配少部分(短時間、次數少)的人員互動,便能加快知識再利用的速度;當技術越接近時,知識需求方較可準確地預估需求單上的要項,雙方技術差距越大,越需要仰賴非正式關係使知識來源者願意「多」花時間來教導知識接收者;當集團成員地理距離愈遠時,透過正式化機制,如海外總部(OHQs)進行地主國資料蒐集以避免資訊不對稱造成的知識移轉障礙,以克服因為地理距離所產生的知識移轉障礙。 / Knowledge about host countries and international environment is needed when firms enter international markets. A firm encounters more challenges when it enters a new market with no knowledge. After entry, it then can gain valuable experiential knowledge about the host country (i.e., host-country-specific knowledge) and this knowledge is helpful for further operation in the country and internationalization (Yu, 1990). A firm can gain hands-on knowledge by operating in a host market and then it can filter the information gained into forms it needs for internationalization later on. The purpose of the study addresses host-country-specific-knowledge generating and accumulating by overseas member firms in business groups by identifying factors that affect how business groups from an emerging economy transfer host-country-specific knowledge among their group members. We have found that formal and informal mechanisms were helpful in facilitating the transferring of host-country-specific knowledge. In the literature, it is often assumed that knowledge can be easily and automatically transferred within business groups. Our study confirms that business groups do transfer knowledge among subsidiaries purposely and has also demonstrated that some mechanisms are needed to realize this intent. While the business group’s network provides a platform for facilitating flows of host-country-specific knowledge, the mere existence of such a network does not automatically result in knowledge transfer. From managerial viewpoint, both formal and informal mechanisms should be in place to promote and encourage host-country-specific knowledge transfer. Gaining a good understanding of the mechanisms contributing to knowledge transfer is strategically important for knowledge management. Regarding the use of mechanisms, our results indicate that the buildup of internationalization knowledge can go along with a firm’s development in foreign markets and also can allow for accumulation of various types of knowledge. The more significant the difference between the contexts encountered by foreign subsidiaries and headquarters is, the more the quantity of knowledge the former will create regarding the host country. When foreign subsidiaries encounter similar problems within a tight time frame in a host country, the accumulation of knowledge about the host country will be faster. In the early stages, setting up knowledge transferring system relies more on informal mechanisms. The more mature the system is, the higher the proportion of formal mechanisms is used. However, although informal mechanisms are effective for chief executive officers and senior vice presidents, primary executives and operators rely solely on formal mechanisms in order to clarify responsibilities. With more important strategic position of the host country, the headquarters will establish overseas headquarters in order to quickly respond to the market requirements. In a specific host country, overseas headquarters, established by the HQs, may substitute for the headquarters in transferring host country-specific knowledge among member firms via formal mechanisms. When a business group belongs to federal decentralization, external market mechanisms will be adopted to transfer knowledge among its member firms. The overseas headquarters hardly governs transferring knowledge among overseas member firms and the headquarters. When the overseas headquarters is established, the headquarters adopts auditing connection to prevent the host country from monopolizing host-country-specific knowledge. A headquarters can successfully implement multiple formal and informal mechanisms for knowledge transfer. With respect to knowledge transfer, the higher the level of subsidiary autonomy, the greater the necessity the headquarters rely on formal mechanisms to transfer host-country-specific knowledge among member firms. Encouraging sharing within a business group through some managerial mechanisms can wear down the negative influence caused by opportunism and information asymmetry on the part of the subsidiary and the inter-member competition for the transfer of host-country-specific knowledge. Overseas headquarters accumulates a vast experience and are capable of absorbing, transferring and applying knowledge adequately. They can transcend the geographical limitations and establish good cooperation relations between knowledge originator (the subsidiaries in the host country) and knowledge receiver (other sister firms and the headquarters), warranting the success of the knowledge transfer. Provided that knowledge is tacit, information technology is necessity in transferring knowledge initially documented while social interaction is needed in transferring the rest knowledge embedded in persons. Finally, product and technology similarity are factors affecting how headquarters rely on formal mechanisms in transferring knowledge among member firms.

The effectiveness of a cross-cultural training programme on expatriate adjustment

Schutte, Vani 10 1900 (has links)
In today’s global business environment, multinational companies recognise that expatriate management is a major determinant of success in international business. Expatriates do not only face changes in the work environment but face a full range of cultural, personal and lifestyle changes that influence the success of an international assignment. This study investigates the relationship between cross-cultural training and expatriate adjustment. A quantitative longitudinal study was conducted within two phases to explore a European multinational companies cross-cultural training programme and its effects on expatriate adjustment in South Africa. Overseas experience, language proficiency, spousal adjustment, cultural distance and host country friendships were also explored as antecedents of adjustment. The empirical study included descriptive and inferential statistics. The results showed that there was no statistically significant relationship between cross-cultural training and expatriate adjustment. While previous overseas experience showed a significant positive influence on sociocultural adjustment, it had no significant effect on psychological well-being or culture shock. Cultural distance displayed a significant negative influence on sociocultural adjustment and psychological well-being / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M. Com.

Foreign direct investment : its determinants and relevance to developing countries

Pascoal, Fernando Luis 11 1900 (has links)
This dissertation is divided into six chapters, as foHows: Chapter 1 of this dissertation discusses the growing significance of FDI for developing countries. It compares FDT in developed and developing countries and analyses recent evidence ofFDI flows to developing countries. Chapter 2 analyses the (endogenous and exogenous) detenninants ofFDI flows into developing countries. Chapter 3 discusses the importance of FDI flows, which are essential for new investments or for financing fortuitous deficits in host countries, and looks at the adjustment mechanisms for the equilibrium of the balance of payments. Chapter 4 gives attention to FDI flows, the liberalisation of financial markets and the financial account of the balance of payments in developing countries in providing more opportunities and mechanisms for development and economic growth. Finally, chapter S examines and compares FDI flows tu South Africa and Angola - the biggest FDI recipients on the African continent. / Economics / MCom (Economics)

Opvoedkundig-sielkundige ondersoek na derdekultuur-kinders in Suid-Afrika / An educational-psychological exploratory investigation on third culture kids in South-Africa

Bester, Dierdré 01 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Hierdie studie handel oor derdekultuur-kinders in Suid-Afrika met die fokus daarop om die fenomeen aan ouers, kinders, onderwysers, sielkundiges en ander belangstellendes bekend te stel. Derdekultuur-kinders is die term wat geskep is om kinders te benoem wat vir 'n tydperk tydens hulle ontwikkelingsjare saam met hulle ouers in die buiteland deurbring en hul daar vestig, maar weer na hul vaderland terugkeer. 'n Derdekultuur word geskep indien die kinders dele van hul ouers se kultuur en dele van die kultuur van die gasheerland integreer ten einde geredelik in die gasheerland te funksioneer. Die probleem ontstaan egter wanneer hierdie kinders na hul vaderland terugkeer, aangesien hulle dan nie meer binne hul portuurgroep inpas nie. Die aantal derdekultuur-kinders in Suid-Afrikaanse konteks het sedert 1994 met rasse skrede vermeerder, aangesien al hoe meer internasionale maatskappye Suid-Afrikaners in die buiteland in diens neem en Suid-Afrikaanse ambassades in bykans elke land in die wêreld gevestig is. Die tendens om gesinne saam op die internasionale plasing te neem, veroorsaak dat kinders in verskeie lande gevestig word en in hierdie tydperk aan 'n internasionale en bevoorregte leefwyse blootgestel word. In hierdie studie word 'n literatuurstudie onderneem om die profiel van derdekultuur-kinders, hul kulturele identiteitsvorming en omgekeerde kultuurskok met hul terugkeer na hul land van oorsprong, te ondersoek. 'n Empiriese studie is onderneem om te bepaal tot watter mate die profiele en omgekeerde kultuurskok waaraan Suid-Afrikaanse derdekultuur-kinders blootgestel word, vergelyk met dié soos beskryf in die literatuurstudie. Op grond van die inligting verkry uit vraelyste en individuele onderhoudvoering, en inligting verkry uit die literatuurstudie, is riglyne vir 'n hulpprogram saamgestel waarmee ouers hulle derdekultuur-kinders tydens hulle terugkeer na Suid-Afrika kan ondersteun. Terapeute sonder internasionale ondervinding sal ook hierdie hulpprogram nuttig kan vind. Die studie bevestig dat: * die profiel van Suid-Afrikaanse derdekultuur-kinders grootliks met dié van ander lande ooreenstem; * Suid-Afrikaanse derdekultuur-kinders problematiese her-aanpassing by hul terugkeer na hul paspoortland ondervind; * ouers en terapeute bemagtig moet word om derdekultuur-kinders met hul heraanpassingsprobleme te ondersteun. / This study deals with Third Culture Kids in South Africa, focusing on introducing the phenomenon to parents, children, teachers, psychologists and other concerned parties. “Third Culture Kids” is the term used to describe children who have spent a number of their developmental years with their parents abroad, after which they return to their country of origin. A third culture is created when children integrates the culture of their parents together with the culture of the host country in order to function readily in the host community. The problem arises when the children return to their home country as they then encounter problems adapting and fitting into the local community. The number of Third Culture Kids in the South African context has increased dramatically since 1994, as international companies employed more South Africans abroad and many new South African Embassies were established all over the world. The tendency of having the family accompanying the parents to other countries results in the children residing in various countries and being exposed to an international and privileged lifestyle This study consists of a literature study of the profile and cultural identity-formation of Third Culture Kids, as well as the reverse culture shock they experience on their return to their country of origin.An empirical study is conducted to establish how South African Third Culture Kids‟ profiles compare with that of the literature and whether they are affected by reverse culture shock upon their return to South Africa. The information, gathered by means of a survey and individual interviews and from the literature study, was then used to compile guidelines for a programme with which parents would be able to assist their Third Culture Kids during the repatriation to their country of origin. Therapists without international experience would also be able to benefit from using this programme to assist Third Culture Kids. The study confirms that: the profiles of South African Third Culture Kids have commonalities with those described in the literature; South African Third Culture Kids experience problems on re-entry adapting to the culture of the country of origin; parents and therapists should be empowered to assist and support Third Culture Kids with problems relating to their return to their passport country / Educational Studies / D.Ed. (Sielkundige Opvoedkundige)

A psycho-educational analysis of the cross-cultural adjustment experiences of expatriate spouses

Muller, Bernice 06 October 2015 (has links)
This study examines the expatriate spouses’ cross-cultural adjustment to the host country. The cross-cultural adjustment experience of the expatriate spouse differs vastly from that of the expatriate. Literature was consulted to understand the cardinal role that the spouse portrays during an expatriate assignment and to highlight the importance of a well-adjusted spouse. This study engaged in qualitative research methodology using five expatriate spouses residing in Rome, Italy. Spouses were from two different countries and represented different age groups. Data collection methods included interviews and a focus group session to gain an in-depth understanding of spouses’ cross-cultural adjustment experiences. Results showed that spouses arriving in the host country experienced a loss of identity. Identity in this study was divided into three categories namely personal, situational and social. Once spouses went through a period of identity reformation they were able to become well-adjusted spouses. / Psychology of Education / M. Ed. (Guidance and Counselling)

Foreign direct investment and its importance to the economy of South Africa

Asafo-Adjei, Augustina 30 November 2007 (has links)
This study focuses on foreign direct investment ("FDI") and its importance to the economy of South Africa. Recognising that FDI, notwithstanding the type, can contribute to economic growth and development, most countries including South Africa are constantly working to attract it, and hence its demand has become highly competitive. However, FDI does not go without some negative effects, such as conflicts between host and investor country, and the creation of damaging competition to local firms. These negative effects could be minimised if policies and strategies for the promotion and attraction of FDI is part of, and integrated into, general economic development and economic reform policies, and not seen in isolation. Although South Africa has implemented strategies to attract more FDI, a refinement of some of these policies is needed if the country is to be successful in this regard. / Economics / M. Comm. (Economics)

企業生命週期與進入模式關聯性之研究 / The research of connection between business life cycle and entry mode

簡吉龍, Chein, Allan Unknown Date (has links)
『國際化』對於台灣企業而言,已是必然的趨勢。因此,如何成功地進入國外市場?可以說是目前台灣企業最重要的課題。而對一個想要進入國外市場的企業而言,除了選擇所要進入的國家外,更重要的是『進入模式』的決定。一個適當的進入模式對於企業往後的國際營運影響深遠,不僅直接影響到該市場的成敗,對於企業的其他市場亦具有間接的效應。因為在全球整合性的競爭下,市場間的競爭關連性上升,一個市場的成敗往往是在另一個市場上優、劣勢的來源。 目前學者對於影響企業決定『進入模式』的因素看法並不一致。不過大致仍可歸納出內部與外部因素兩個方面(Root, 1987)。而『企業生命週期』可視為企業內部因素的表徵,因此,企業的組織階段勢必對進入模式的決定有某種程度的影響。而由於『企業生命週期』的概念較為普遍,對於台灣一般的企業而言,實用性較高。因此,本研究的動機乃是基於探討『企業生命週期』與最適『進入模式』間的關連性。而影響進入模式的因素除了組織內部因素外,還有企業外部的環境因素,尤其是地主國的環境因素,對進入模式的決策更具有關鍵性的影響。因此,本研究亦將地主國的環境變數納入考量,以提高研究模型的解釋能力。 基於以上研究動機,本研究有以下主要目的:1.探討並整理『企業生命週期』與國外市場『進入模式』相關的文獻。2.以『企業生命週期』理論為出發點,發展一個觀念架構,用以描述企業的組織階段與地主國環境變數,對於國外市場進入模式決策的影響。3.以台灣企業為對象,針對本研究所發展的觀念架構,進行實證分析,並提出研究結果以供業界及後續研究參考。 本文以郵寄問卷方式,對於台灣企業進行實證研究;所採用分析方法包括:敘述性統計、因素分析(Factor analysis)、集群分析(Cluster analysis)、變異數分析、鑑別分析(Discriminant analysis)、t-test 以及 Logistic Regression Analysis 等等。研究結果顯示: 一、目前從事國際化的台灣企業,根據其組織內部情況,我們可將其劃分為創業期、加速期、制度化期、以及再生期四個階段。 二、企業生命週期對進入模式之影響 1.再生階段相對於創業階段而言,在出口對其他、出口對生產據點、以及出口對銷售據點三種情況下,具有顯著性影響;也就是說在以上三種情況下,再生階段會比創業階段傾向採用較高涉入的進入模式。 2.加速階段與制度化階段相對於創業階段而言,只在出口對銷售據點時,具有顯著性影響;亦即,在考慮出口與銷售據點兩種進入模式時,加速階段或制度化階段均會比創業階段傾向採用銷售據點形式之進入模式。 3.若考慮銷售對生產據點,或者是合資生產對獨資生產據點時,則不論是加速階段、制度化階段或是再生階段,相對於創業階段而言,均未有顯著性影響。 三、地主國環境因素對進入模式之影響 1.關於地主國環境變動程度之因素,實證結果雖具顯著影響,但與本研究假設相衝突。因此,只可經由文獻之整理加以推論(詳見 P.98),而無法獲得明確之結論。 2.不論是考慮出口對其他、出口對銷售據點、或是出口對生產據點,當地市場之規模與文化相似性具有顯著性影響。亦即,當市場規模愈大或兩地文化相似愈高時,企業會傾向採用涉入程度較出口為高的進入模式。 3.若考慮同為生產據點的合資生產與獨資生產兩類進入模式時,企業對當地環境之熟悉程度具有顯著影響。亦即,當企業對所進入的市場環境愈熟悉,其愈傾於採用獨資生產的進入模式。反之,若企業對當地環境較陌生時,則會傾向以合資的方式進入該市場,以分散投資風險。 4.若以出口對生產據點以及銷售據點對生產據點而言,當地市場之吸引力具有顯著性影響。亦即,相對於出口或銷售據點,在當地市場吸引力愈大時,企業會傾向採用生產據點形式進入模式,以獲取在當地投資設廠之利益與優惠。 / Internationalization is the developmental trend of Taiwan business. The choice of the entry mode for foreign markets play a vital role in global competition.According to other literatures, we find that the factors effect this choice can devide into two part: internal and external factors. And the business life cycle express the internal ones. According to these reasons,our research has the following porpose: 1.Review the relevant literatures about the business life cycle and entry mode. 2.To develope a concept infrastructure to describe the influence of business life cycle and host country environment for entry mode. 3.Using the Taiwan business as empirical respondents to approve our concept infrastucture, and give some suggestions to Taiwan entrepreneur.

Foreign direct investment and its importance to the economy of South Africa

Asafo-Adjei, Augustina 30 November 2007 (has links)
This study focuses on foreign direct investment ("FDI") and its importance to the economy of South Africa. Recognising that FDI, notwithstanding the type, can contribute to economic growth and development, most countries including South Africa are constantly working to attract it, and hence its demand has become highly competitive. However, FDI does not go without some negative effects, such as conflicts between host and investor country, and the creation of damaging competition to local firms. These negative effects could be minimised if policies and strategies for the promotion and attraction of FDI is part of, and integrated into, general economic development and economic reform policies, and not seen in isolation. Although South Africa has implemented strategies to attract more FDI, a refinement of some of these policies is needed if the country is to be successful in this regard. / Economics / M. Comm. (Economics)

Exil jako tvůrčí proces. Kapitoly z rumunské exilové literatury ve Francii. / Exile as a creative process. Chapters from romanian exile literature in France.

Chojnacka, Olga January 2013 (has links)
Exile has always played a significant role in the history of the Romanian nation. On that account the Romanian literature written in exile after 1945 presents an important part of the history of Romanian literature as a whole. Due to its linguistic and cultural affinity France became one of the main host countries for Romanian exile writers. The introductive chapter is dedicated to description, classification and history of this phenomenon in Romanian context; furthermore, it deals with the position and reception of exile literature in Romania. According to their departure date in exile two generations of authors are presented: Mircea Eliade, Virgil Ierunca, Monica Lovinescu who left Romania in 1940s and Paul Goma, Bujor Nedelcovici, Dumitru Ţepeneag who decided to leave in France in 1970s and 1980s. The chosen works help us to get to know to the writers' creation and lives during the process of integration and, simultaneously, we get familiar with the communist Romania that became the main topics of the exile writers who are chosen as representatives of their exile generation. Through them the basic survey of this phenomenon in Romanian literature was drawn up.

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