Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cousing bmarket"" "subject:"cousing 1market""
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Gender equality in relation to the public housing market : A critical assessment of the publiv housing market in Västerbotten CountyGyllström, Clara January 2018 (has links)
In the welfare state classification in which Sweden is found housing is not fully included as a key element which implies some difficulties when analyzing equality in the Swedish housing market. Furthermore, the Swedish housing market is shifting towards becoming more marketoriented which has indicated that housing is becoming more of an individual responsibility rather than a key element supplied from the state. When it comes to the Swedish gender equality work this needs to be further problematized as it has become a norm in Swedish policy that does not reflect reality. The purpose of this study is therefore to analyze if and how the aspect of gender equality is incorporated in the work with the public housing market as well as if there are different views towards the subject in the study area of Västerbotten County. By using a short survey and stakeholder interviews, data has been collected providing empirical data regarding gender equality in relation to the public housing market across the study area. The result shows some uncertainties and different views towards the subject of gender equality in relation to the public housing market across the municipalities in Västerbotten County. These uncertainties take form as some informants does not fully understand how gender equality and the public housing market is connected to each other and as there seem to be a lack of information which needs to spread within the municipalities. Furthermore, the informants problematize some underlying norms when planning for housing that needs to be reconsidered in order to create inclusiveness in the public housing market across the county. Otherwise, the planning process might end up creating a future exclusion of those not fitting into these norms. It is therefore important to always view the gender equality work as a continuous process. / Bostadsmarknadsanalys över Västerbottens län 2018
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Traditionella och nya upplåtelseformer av bostadslägenheterArfwidsson, Linnéa, Warg, Alicia January 2018 (has links)
This essays main focus is to further develop the understanding and describe six different types of tenure. The essay investigate similarities and differences between the types of tenure on the Stockholm housing market. The most common types of leaseholds, ownership apartments, and rental apartments will be described but and also new types of leases will be described. Such as cooperative rental apartments, condominiums, low purchase price apartments and rental purchases. The latter two are new forms of types of ownership and have emerged as an attempt by developers to bring young adults and low-wage earners into the housing market. Firstly, The qQuestion formulations in this essay are constructed to investigate similarities and differences which exist between the different forms of submission. Secondly, the questions target what kind of current costs for housing and the non-recurrent costs for purchasing. Finally, the purposes for the introduction of the new forms of leasing. The study has been conducted through literature studies and also interviews with market developers. Therefore, based on the study questions, respondents have answered the basis for our presentation and discussion of a descriptive analysis of the various forms of submission. Based on the results of the study, it can be clarified that the rental apartments can be the most advantageous in terms of the cost. But then it is taken into account that the queue is about 10 years for getting an apartment. Further, the results indicate that individuals that has a capital and the opportunity to purchase a ownership apart, the queue isn’t a matter and the individual has an opportunity to make a profit or loss on a later sale of the residence. Taking account to amortization of loans, an ownership apartment can be most advantageous from an economic perspective. Condominiums has been found to have a relatively low fee but the monthly cost become relatively high depending on the high purchase price. The results of this study shows that co-operative rental apartments have been found to have a low monthly cost. But the problem is that they are bothered by a long queue and also that the individual is dependent of a input gains. The two new types of low purchase price apartments and rental purchases on the market are so newly established which makes it difficult to make an accurately interpret of their impact on the housing market today. / I denna uppsats beskrivs sex olika upplåtelseformer och undersöker likheter och skillnader dem emellan på Stockholms bostadsmarknad. Dels kommer de vanligaste upplåtelseformerna bostadsrätter och hyresrätter beskrivas men även nya upplåtelseformer såsom kooperativa hyresrätter, ägarlägenheter, låginsatslägenheter samt hyrköp. De två sistnämnda är nya upplåtelseformer som uppkommit som ett försök av aktörer att få in unga vuxna och låginkomsttagare på bostadsmarknaden. Frågeställningar som kommer tas upp i arbetet är vilka likheter och skillnader det finns mellan de olika upplåtelseformerna. Vilka olika fasta och löpande kostnader som uppkommer i de olika upplåtelseformerna samt vilka syften som finns med införandet av de nya upplåtelseformerna. Genom litteraturstudier och intervjuer med aktörer har studiens frågeställningar besvarats och ligger till grund för presentation och diskussion av en beskrivande analys de olika upplåtelseformerna. Utifrån studiens resultat kan det konstateras att hyresrätten kan vara mest förmånlig med tanke på kostnaden, i beräkningarna bör det dock beaktas att kötiden är ungefär 10 år. Har individen ett kapital och möjlighet att förvärva en bostad är inte individen beroende av någon kötid, då finns det även möjlighet till att göra en vinst eller förlust på en senare försäljning av bostaden. Räknas amortering på lån bort kan en bostadsrätt vara mest fördelaktig från ett ekonomiskt perspektiv. Ägarlägenhet har visat sig ha en relativt låg avgift men månadskostnaden har blivit relativt hög beroende av den höga köpeskillingen. Kooperativa hyresrätter har i vår studie visat sig ha en låg månadskostnad men besväras av en lång kötid och individen är beroende av ett kapital för att kunna bosätta sig i den upplåtelseformen. De två nya upplåtelseformerna låginsatslägenhet och hyrköp är så pass nyetablerade att de har varit vanskligt att göra en exakt tolkning av dess påverkan på bostadsmarknaden.
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Ägarlägenheter : Etableringen på bostadsmarknaden i GävleJonsson, Wictoria January 2018 (has links)
Ägarlägenheter har funnits i Sverige sedan dess lagstiftning infördes i maj år 2009. Starten för den nya boendeformen var dock trög och många forskare menar att landets dåvarande lågkonjunktur i kombination med informationsbrist var de största orsakerna till att ägarlägenheter inte bildades i samma utsträckning som förväntat. Syftet med denna studie är att ta reda på hur beståndet av ägarlägenheter ser ut i Gävle kommun år 2018, om etableringen av ägarlägenheter tagit fart eller om det fortfarande anses vara en oetablerad boendeform. En kvalitativ metod har använts, där intervjuer via telefon och mail genomfördes med olika aktörer på bostadsmarknaden. Intervjuerna återgav aktörernas åsikter om ägarlägenheter som bostadsform och dess situation på bostadsmarknaden. En kvantitativ metod kompletterade undersökningen genom att studera fastighetsregistret och se hur många ägarlägenheter det finns i Gävle kommun och i hela Sverige idag. Ägarlägenheternas etablering har ännu inte tagit fart i Gävle kommun. 14 st ägarlägenheter byggdes år 2011 på Alderholmen i Gävle Strand och är de enda ägarlägenheterna som finns i Gävle idag. Spekulationer finns om ett nytt ägarlägenhetsprojekt i Gävle men några garantier för att byggandet kommer att bli av finns inte. Att ett nytt ägarlägenhetsprojekt initieras är heller inget som kan tolkas som att det blivit en framgångsrik upplåtelseform. Antalet ägarlägenheter i landet har ökat varje år men stegringen har varit varierad. Statistiken visar på en totalsumma på 1204 st registrerade ägarlägenheter i Sverige i slutet på år 2017. Det byggs nya ägarlägenheter på sina håll men att enbart kunna bilda ägarlägenheter genom nyproduktion är en tidskrävande process. En stor kunskapsbrist om upplåtelseformen råder på bostadsmarknaden och begränsar ägarlägenheternas etableringsmöjligheter. En satsning på att marknadsföra ägarlägenheter och belysa dess fördelar skulle krävas för att öka kunskapen och intresset på bostadsmarknaden. Förenklade lagkrav som möjliggör ombildning av befintliga bostäder till ägarlägenheter skulle också kunna möjliggöra uppkomsten av flera ägarlägenheter. / Condominiums have only existed in Sweden since the legislation allowed it in May 2009. However, this new form of living did not get the start that was anticipated by the government. Researches pinpoints the reason for this slow start to the current recession in Sweden in conjunction with lack of information about this new form of living. The purpose of this study is to investigate the stock/population of condominiums in Gävle municipality by the year of 2018. Also, to investigate if the population of condominiums is growing faster or if it’s still considered as an unestablished form of living. For the study a qualitative method have been used, which have consisted of interviews through phone and e-mail with different players on the housing market. The interviews reveled the different player’s opinions regarding condominiums and its position on the housing market. To better the study, a quantitative method by study the cadaster to see how many condominiums there are in Gävle municipality and Sweden today was also done. The establishment of condominiums on the housing market in Gävle municipality have not yet been successful. 14 condominiums were built on Alderholmen in the Gävle harbor in 2011, and is by todays date the only condominiums in Gävle. There are speculations on new projects in Gävle, but there are no fixed building plans or guarantees. To have one new project for condominiums is in itself not a sign that they are established or a success on the housing market in Gävle. The number of condominiums in Sweden have been growing every year, but the growth has been varying. By the end of 2017, there are 1204 registered condominiums in Sweden. New condominiums are being built, but the only possibility to create them by building them from scratch and not changing from an existing housing form is a time-consuming process. In the housing market, there is a large lack of information regarding condominiums which is limiting its growth in popularity. An effort in marketing this form of tenure and highlights its advantages is needed to increase the knowledge and attractiveness on the housing market. Simplified laws which facilitates changing existing forms of tenure to condominiums could also increase the growth of condominiums in the future.
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The Relationship between Household’s Risk Preference and the Homeownership Decisions among Young Adults in Changing Housing Market ConditionsLe, Vien January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / School of Family Studies and Human Services / Martin Seay / For many decades, the American Dream of homeownership has been a source of pride and one of the traditional ways to improve financial and non-financial well-being for American households. However, during the recent housing crisis, millions of homeowners lost their homes or experienced negative home equity due to job loss, reductions in work hours, or a decline in home values. The recent housing crisis made many individuals and families rethink their American Dream. As with most investments, there are some risks associated with owning a home, especially when housing markets are volatile and the economy is uncertain. Understanding the relationship between household’s risk preference and homeownership decisions may help households make better and more informed decisions regarding their housing tenure choice. This study investigates the relationship between household’s risk preference and homeownership decisions among young adults made during the stability in the housing market, which occurred around 1993, and during the decline in the housing market, which occurred around 2010. This study also examined demographic and economic characteristics of homeowners during those periods.
Two separate datasets from the National Longitudinal Study of Youth 1979 and the National Longitudinal Study of Youth 1997 were utilized to address research questions and research hypotheses under the lens of the expected utility theory. The results showed shifts in household’s rick preferences, homeownership rates, and demographic and economic characteristics between periods. Compared to households who preferred lowest risk level, households who preferred highest risk level were more likely to own a home in both periods. The relationships between household’s risk preference and homeownership decisions did not change between periods. However, some relationships between household’s demographic and economic characteristics and homeownership decisions changed between periods.
The findings of this study have several important implications for potential homebuyers, lenders, and personal financial planning practitioners. Household’s risk preference, as well as demographic and economic characteristics, should be considered during the home purchase process. The findings also expand the literature on expected utility theory, household’s risk preference, and homeownership research areas.
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The effects of regulation and competition on the housing market from a structural model / Os efeitos da regulação e competição no mercado imobiliário a partir de um modelo estruturalRômullo Carvalho da Silva 03 October 2017 (has links)
Real estate activity is notably influenced by local land use regulation. By acting as redtape costs or explicitly through compensatory payments, such rules typically increase construction costs by reducing supply and increasing demand in the housing market, which leads to higher prices. This is the first study to model the decision-making process of housing supply using a game theoretic approach. To shed light on the roleof regulation and competition in this industry, I employ a static-entry model that incorporates the demand, cost and strategic factors common to the activity. I built aunique data set forthe city of São Paulo, Brazil, with information on the universe ofnew residential buildings launched in the city, along with a history of all licenses requested by the developers tothe government for each project. My empirical results show that the regulation play akey role in developer activity. For the areas with the most intense activity of the city,the bureaucracy in the residential approval process cost annually R$ 47 millions (US$ 14millions) by entrant firm. / A atividade imobiliária é particularmente influenciada pela regulação do uso da terra. Ao agir como \"custos burocráticos\" ou explicitamente por meio de pagamentos compensatórios,essas regras normalmente aumentam os custos de construção ao reduzir a oferta e aumentara demanda de novas residências, o que leva a preços mais altos. Este é o primeiro estudo amodelar o processo de decisão de oferta de residências usando uma abordagem de teoria dos jogos. Para mostrar os efeitos da regulação e da competição nesse setor, eu emprego um modelo de entrada estático que incorpora os fatores de demanda, custo e estratégicos comuns a essa atividade. Eu construí uma base de dados única para a cidade de São Paulo, Brasil, com informações sobre o universo de novos empreendimentos residenciais na cidade, juntamente comum histórico de todas as licenças e alvarás requeridos pelas incorporadoras à Prefeitura para cada projeto. Meus resultados mostram que a regulação tem um papel chave na atividade imobiliária. Para as áreas com atividade mais intensa da cidade, a burocracia no processo de aprovação de novas residências tem um custo média anual de R$ 47 milhões por firma entrante no mercado.
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Price and Quantity Effects of the German Real Estate Transfer TaxPetkova, Kunka, Weichenrieder, Alfons 15 June 2017 (has links) (PDF)
This paper analyzes the tax effects of the German real estate transfer tax (RETT).
While the vast majority of single-family houses in Germany are owner-occupied,
apartments are usually held by private and incorporated investors. For this reason,
we conducted a regression analysis to determine the effects of increasing RETT on
the number and the prices of transactions separately for these two market segments.
Our findings suggest that increasing the RETT by 1% is associated with a decline
in transactions by 0.23% for single-family houses, but with no significant effect on
the prices of traded houses. Conversely, for apartments, we find no significantly
negative effects on the transactions, but the price effect of the RETT tends to be
negative. Finally, for vacant lots, we find even larger quantity effects than for singlefamily
houses suggesting roughly an elasticity of -1. The results for this specific
market segment indicate that the government operates near the top of a Laffer
curve. / Series: WU International Taxation Research Paper Series
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Housing Markets and Mortgage FinanceÖsterling, Anders January 2017 (has links)
This Ph.D. thesis deals with questions related to the housing market, and answers the questions: "Does it matter if housing markets are underpriced?" and "How do the legal system and the loan contract affect those who default on their mortgage payments? "When selling a home, a popular marketing strategy is to set the list price far below market value. The idea is that a low list price will attract loads of buyers, who will push up the sale price. This thesis finds that a voluntary reform can reduce underpricing in the short run. Further, underpriced housing markets do indeed require more attention from potential buyers during all stages — online, at open houses, and during the bidding. This extra search effort is costly to society. However, underpricing is found not to affect the sale price, the time to sell, who the buyers are, or how hard the real estate agent works. The household's choice to default on a mortgage depends on the cost of the default (the legal system) and the mortgage contract. By studying a heterogeneous agent consumption/savings lifecycle model, this thesis finds that households prefer "lender friendly" laws that are costly for the homeowners upon default. This is because costly defaults yield fewer defaulters and thus lower interest rates, and thus are cheaper for non-defaulters. Households always prefer non-amortizing mortgages except when defaults do not have any cost associated with them, and they prefer adjustable rates over fixed rates. The benefits of costly defaults are particularly large for non-amortizing mortgages. The thesis concludes with the development of a new mathematical method to solve a particular class of dynamic programming problems, using stochastic simulated grids and nearest-neighbour interpolation.
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Bytová výstavba v Praze a Středočeském kraji / Housing development in Prague and Central Bohemia regionPflanzerová, Šárka January 2009 (has links)
This Diploma thesis focuses on new housing development. The aim is to evaluate housing development in Prague and Central Bohemia region and point out factors that affect housing development. This work is seen on demographic, social, economic and political factors. The first part defines basic concepts and put into the real estate market and housing market. The following section analyses the various factors that affect housing, such as the demographic situation and its trends, economic and social environment, legal environment and government policy and prices. Another part of the work evaluates housing development in Prague and Central Bohemia by using empirical data from the Czech Statistical Office. The last part of the work deals with problems of suburbanisation in terms of migration flows and the impact reflecting in living and socio-economic environment, territorial planning, transport and economy.
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Počátky a historie intervencí státu do bytového trhu na příkladu ČR / Beginnings and history of state interventions into housing market using Czech market as exampleKnap, Adam January 2009 (has links)
The goal of my thesis "Beginnings and history of state interventions into housing market using Czech market as example" is to illustrate circumstances (conditions) in which housing policy started to evolve. Next goal is to explain the reasons why state interventions on Czech housing market grew stronger. Historical circumstances, which were important in housing market shaping, are accompanied by analysis of historical sources. First part of thesis is focused on explaining basic terms regarding forming housing market and highlighting specialties of housing as (tady ten statek nevím). Second part demonstrates first state interventions in Czech Republic territory using historical legislative sources, statistical data and historical context. It starts in Austria-Hungary and then chronologically moves over two World Wars era and socialism to the present.
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Daňová politika a bytová výstavba / Tax policy and housing developmentKubantová, Kateřina January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with the impact of tax policy on new housing developments. In the first part is analysed the development of housing construction in recent years, in the next section can be found influences that could have an impact on housing development and consequently the analysis of the evolution of housing development under the influence of these aspects. The result of the analysis is the conclusion that the greatest impact on housing has a set of value added tax. Income taxes are much less important, as well as a tax on immovable property, tax on the purchase of property has negligible effect actually. These and other tax influences are less significant than the adjustment of the value added tax. An influence on the development of housing construction has also economic and demographic development. The method used in thesis is primarily correlation of the housing and the individual effects, abstraction and comparison of the impact of individual effects.
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