Spelling suggestions: "subject:"human 5factors"" "subject:"human dfactors""
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Incorporating human factors into process plant lifecycle: HF during design and operation of a process plantWidiputri, Diah Indriani 10 June 2011 (has links)
Major accidents in the process industries occurred mostly as an outcome of multiple failures in different safety barriers and their interrelation with unsafe acts by frontline operators. This has become the reason why safety analyses in terms of plant technical aspects cannot be performed independently from analysing human response to the changing technology. Unsafe acts and errors by operators must be seen as a symptom of system insufficiencies and underlying problems, rather than as the cause of an accident. With this paradigm, the need to optimally configure the system and the whole working condition to understand human’s limitation and requirements becomes very evident. It is too naive to desire that human operators make zero error by asking them to change their behaviour and to perfectly adapt to the system.
Human Factors (HF) attempts to cope with the need to understand the interrelation between human operators, the technology they are working with and the management system, with the aim to increase safety and efficiency. In achieving this goal, HF must be incorporated into the whole plant lifecycle, from the earliest design stage to plant operation and modifications. Moreover, HF analysis must comprise all kinds of operators’ activities and responsibilities in operating process plants, which can include manual works in field and supervisory control conducted remotely from a control centre/room.
This work has developed techniques that provide systematic way to incorporate HF into process plant lifecycle. The new HF analysis technique, PITOPA-Design, in a combination with the classic PITOPA, is applicable for an implementation during design and operation of a plant. With the awareness that safety analysis and HF cannot be performed separately, an interconnection with HAZOPs is made possible by means of this new technique. Moreover, to provide a systematic analysis of operators’ work in control room, an additional technique, the PITOPA-CR was also developed. This HF technique can as well be integrated into a general HF analysis both during design phase and plant operation. In addition to it, results coming from PITOPA-CR will provide information required to optimally configure control and alarm system, as well as the whole alarm management system to better understand the limitation and requirements of control room operators.
The structure of the development can be described as follows:
i) Development of HAZOPA (the Hazards and Operator Actions Analysis), which provides the interconnection between HF analysis and HAZOPs,
ii) Development of PITOPA-Design, a technique to incorporate HF consideration into design phase, which is differentiated into 3 stages to comprise the conceptual design, the basic engineering and the detail engineering phase,
iii) Development of PITOPA-CR, a technique for HF analysis in control room,
iv) Integration of PITOPA-CR into alarm management system, development of a technique for alarm prioritization.:ACKNOWLEDGEMENT i
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Objectives 2
1.3 Scope of Work 3
2.1 Fundamentals of Human Error 5
2.2 Human Factors (HF) 8
2.3 Motivations to Consider HF in Process Safety 9
2. 3. 1 Accidents that Address HF in Process Safety 11
2. 3. 2 Regulation and Legal Requirements 16
2. 3. 3 Business Value 19
2.4 Work of Operators in Complex Systems 19
2. 4. 1 Role of Operators in Complex Systems 20
2. 4. 2 Problems with Computerisation and Automation 24
2. 4. 3 Allocation of Functions and Levels of Automation 25
2.5 Performance Influencing Factors (PIFs) 27
2.6 Distributed Control System (DCS) and Alarm Systems 29
2. 6. 1 Alarm, Alarm System and Alarm Management 30
2. 6. 2 Most Common Alarm Problems 33
2. 6. 3 Improving Alarm Performance through Prioritization 34
2.7 Safety Analysis Methods 38
2.7.1 Qualitative Safety Analysis 39
2.7.2 Quantitative Safety Analysis 43
2.8 Mathematical Algorithms 44
2.8.1 Techniques for Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) 44
2.8.2 Classification Methods 47
3. 1 Methods for HF analysis 50
A. Task Analysis 50
B. Techniques for Operators Actions Analysis 51
3. 2 Human Reliability Analyses (HRA) 52
3. 3 Consideration of Human Error in HAZOP 53
3. 4 HF in Process Plant Design 54
3. 5 HF in Alarm Management and DCS-Design 55
3. 6 The Need for Further Development of HF Methods 57
5.1 The New Technique for Operator Actions Analysis (OAA) 64
5.2 Technique for Performance Influencing Factors (PIFs) Evaluation 65
5.3 Validation of PITOPA in the Process Industry 67
6.1 Development of HAZOPA (The Hazard, Operability and Operator Actions Analysis) 72
6.2 Case Study 75
7.1 Development of an Approach for HF Analysis in Design – The PITOPA-Design 85
7.1.1 HF Analysis in Conceptual Design Phase (HFAD–Conceptual) 88
7.1.2 HF Analysis in Basic Engineering (HFAD – Basic) 93
7.1.3 HF Analysis in Detail Engineering (HFAD-Detail) 107
7.2 Technique for HF-Design Parameters Evaluation 109
7.3 Intermediate Summary 114
8.1 Conceptual Design 115
8.2 Basic Engineering 123
8.3 Detail Engineering 127
9.1 Performance Influencing Factors (PIFs) for Supervisory & Monitoring Tasks 134
9.2 Development of PITOPA-Control Room (PITOPA-CR) 140
9.2.1 Analysis of Normal Operation 142
9.2.2 Analysis of Abnormal Operation 150
9.3 Alarm Prioritization 156
9.3.1 A survey on Alarm Prioritization 156
9.3.2 Incorporation of CROAA into Alarm Prioritization 157
9.4 Intermediate Summary 165
CHAPTER 10 167
CHAPTER 11 171
11. 1 Results 171
11. 2 Future Works 172
APPENDIX B B-1 / Schwere Unfälle in der Prozessindustrie erfolgen meist aus einem Zusammenspiel mehrerer verschiedener Fehler und der gleichzeitigen Wechselwirkung mit falschem menschlichem Handeln. Dabei sind diese Fehlhandlungen nicht als Unfallursache anzusehen, sondern sie resultieren aus Fehlern, die in dem System selbst zu finden sind. Aus diesem Grund kann bei der Sicherheitsanalyse die technische Analyse nicht unabhängig von der Betrachtung des Human Factors (HF) durchgeführt werden. Um eine Reduzierung der Fehlhandlungen zu erreichen, müssen das Anlagendesign, die Bedienbarkeit und die Arbeitsumgebung an die menschlichen Fähigkeiten angepasst werden.
Human Factors (HF) betrachtet die Interaktion zwischen menschlichen, technischen und organisatorischen Aspekten einer Anlage, mit dem Ziel die Sicherheit und Effektivität der Anlage zu optimieren. Dafür ist eine Einbindung von HF in den gesamten Lebenszyklus einer Anlage notwendig. So müssen HF- Analysen nicht nur während des Betriebs einer Anlage und bei Prozessmodifikationen durchgeführt werden, sondern auch während des gesamten Design- Prozesses, da gerade in den frühen Design-Phasen das Optimierungspotential besonders hoch ist. Eine solche Analysemethode muss alle Aufgaben eines Operators erfassen, so dass zwischen manueller Arbeit und der Arbeit in der Leitwarte unterschieden werden muss.
In dieser Arbeit wurden Analysentechniken entwickelt, die einen systematischen Ansatz zur Berücksichtigung des HF über den gesamten Lebenszyklus einer verfahrenstechnischen Anlage darstellen. Mit Hilfe der neuen Analysemethode, PITOPA-Design, können Untersuchungen sowohl während der Designphase als auch während des Betriebs einer Anlage durchgeführt werden. Da solche HF-Analyse immer in Verbindung mit einer klassischen Sicherheitsanalyse erfolgen muss, bindet die neue Methode die HAZOP-Analyse direkt ein.
Darüber hinaus wurde ein weiterer Ansatz für die Analyse von Operatorhandlungen in einer Messwartenarbeit entwickelt. Diese neue Analysentechnik, PITOPA-CR, bildet die Grundlage für Verbesserungen im Alarmsystem und wird in das Alarmmanagementsystem eingebunden.
Die Arbeit ist wie folgt strukturiert:
i) Entwicklung von HAZOPA (the Hazards and Operator Actions Analysis). Diese Methode stellt die Einbindung der HF-Analyse in HAZOP dar.
ii) Entwicklung von PITOPA-Design, zur HF-Analyse während des gesamten Designprozesses einer verfahrenstechnischen Anlage. Die Methode wurde in 3 Teile eingeteilt, um die drei Designsphasen Conceptual-, Basic-, und Detail-Design zu erfassen.
iii) Entwicklung von PITOPA-CR, zur HF-Analyse in der Messwarte.
iv) Einbindung von PITOPA-CR in das Alarmmanagementsystem und Entwicklung einer Technik zur Alarmpriorisierung.:ACKNOWLEDGEMENT i
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Objectives 2
1.3 Scope of Work 3
2.1 Fundamentals of Human Error 5
2.2 Human Factors (HF) 8
2.3 Motivations to Consider HF in Process Safety 9
2. 3. 1 Accidents that Address HF in Process Safety 11
2. 3. 2 Regulation and Legal Requirements 16
2. 3. 3 Business Value 19
2.4 Work of Operators in Complex Systems 19
2. 4. 1 Role of Operators in Complex Systems 20
2. 4. 2 Problems with Computerisation and Automation 24
2. 4. 3 Allocation of Functions and Levels of Automation 25
2.5 Performance Influencing Factors (PIFs) 27
2.6 Distributed Control System (DCS) and Alarm Systems 29
2. 6. 1 Alarm, Alarm System and Alarm Management 30
2. 6. 2 Most Common Alarm Problems 33
2. 6. 3 Improving Alarm Performance through Prioritization 34
2.7 Safety Analysis Methods 38
2.7.1 Qualitative Safety Analysis 39
2.7.2 Quantitative Safety Analysis 43
2.8 Mathematical Algorithms 44
2.8.1 Techniques for Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) 44
2.8.2 Classification Methods 47
3. 1 Methods for HF analysis 50
A. Task Analysis 50
B. Techniques for Operators Actions Analysis 51
3. 2 Human Reliability Analyses (HRA) 52
3. 3 Consideration of Human Error in HAZOP 53
3. 4 HF in Process Plant Design 54
3. 5 HF in Alarm Management and DCS-Design 55
3. 6 The Need for Further Development of HF Methods 57
5.1 The New Technique for Operator Actions Analysis (OAA) 64
5.2 Technique for Performance Influencing Factors (PIFs) Evaluation 65
5.3 Validation of PITOPA in the Process Industry 67
6.1 Development of HAZOPA (The Hazard, Operability and Operator Actions Analysis) 72
6.2 Case Study 75
7.1 Development of an Approach for HF Analysis in Design – The PITOPA-Design 85
7.1.1 HF Analysis in Conceptual Design Phase (HFAD–Conceptual) 88
7.1.2 HF Analysis in Basic Engineering (HFAD – Basic) 93
7.1.3 HF Analysis in Detail Engineering (HFAD-Detail) 107
7.2 Technique for HF-Design Parameters Evaluation 109
7.3 Intermediate Summary 114
8.1 Conceptual Design 115
8.2 Basic Engineering 123
8.3 Detail Engineering 127
9.1 Performance Influencing Factors (PIFs) for Supervisory & Monitoring Tasks 134
9.2 Development of PITOPA-Control Room (PITOPA-CR) 140
9.2.1 Analysis of Normal Operation 142
9.2.2 Analysis of Abnormal Operation 150
9.3 Alarm Prioritization 156
9.3.1 A survey on Alarm Prioritization 156
9.3.2 Incorporation of CROAA into Alarm Prioritization 157
9.4 Intermediate Summary 165
CHAPTER 10 167
CHAPTER 11 171
11. 1 Results 171
11. 2 Future Works 172
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Lokföraren i förändring : En studie om ERTMS-implementeringens påverkan på arbetsrollen / The changing role of train drivers : A study on the impact of ERTMS implementation on the work roleLarsson, Anton, Windus, Björn, Stålbrand, Filip January 2023 (has links)
Implementeringen av ERTMS/ETCS har haft betydande inverkan på lokförarnas roll och arbetssituation. Denna studie undersöker konsekvenserna av ERTMS/ETCS gällande lokförarnas ansvar, grad av kontroll och den viktiga balansen mellan automation och mänsklig kompetens. Intervjuer med lokförare och branschexperter visade på en tydlig förändring från aktivt beslutsfattande och operativ kontroll till en mer passiv roll där lokförarna följer systemets instruktioner. Med ERTMS/ETCS har lokförarnas självständighet minskat, eftersom systemet kan ta över kontrollen om förarna avviker från systemets rekommendationer. Därmed förskjuts maktbalansen mot systemets fördel och minskar lokförarnas inflytande. För att upprätthålla en balans mellan bevarandet av lokförarnas kompetens och användningen av avancerade system övervägs en strategi där lokförarna utbildas som "Säkerhetsoperatörer". Faktorer såsom ljuskänslig display och dess positionering är tydliga tecken på att ERTMS/ETCS inte beaktat den sociala aspekten ur ett sociotekniskt perspektiv. / The implementation of ERTMS/ETCS has had a significant impact on the role and work situation of train drivers. This study examines the consequences of ERTMS/ETCS in terms of train drivers' responsibilities, level of control, and the crucial balance between automation and human competence. Interviews with train drivers and industry experts revealed a clear shift from active decision-making and operational control to a more passive role where train drivers follow the system's instructions. With ERTMS/ETCS, train drivers' autonomy has decreased as the system can take control if the drivers deviate from its recommendations. Consequently, the power dynamics shift in favor of the system, diminishing train drivers' influence. To maintain a balance between preserving train drivers' competence and utilizing advanced systems, a strategy is being considered to train train drivers as "Safety Operators." Factors such as the light-sensitive display and its positioning indicate that ERTMS/ETCS has not considered the social aspect from a socio-technical perspective.
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Influence of trust in Ambient Assisted Living technologiesSteinke, Frederick 13 March 2015 (has links)
Zwischenmenschliches Vertrauen spielt in Beziehungen eine wichtige Rolle und beinhaltet die Erwartung, dass auf das Wort des Anderen Verlass ist (Rotter, 1967). Auch im Zusammenhang mit Automation und Mensch-Maschine-Systemen erlangt die Betrachtung von Vertrauen in den vergangenen Jahren immer größere Bedeutung. In den Bereichen automatisierte Fahrzeugsteuerung oder militärische Freund-Feind-Erkennung wurde bereits eine Vielzahl von Erhebungen durchgeführt. Einen Forschungsgegenstand, der bislang jedoch weitestgehend unbeachtet geblieben ist, stellen Heim-Automatisierungen und Unterstützungstechnologien für ältere Personen dar. Die vorliegende Dissertation möchte einen Anstoß für die Forschungsaktivitäten im Kontext von Vertrauen in Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) Systeme geben und gleichzeitig die Möglichkeiten von Unterstützungs-technologien (für beeinträchtigte Personen) im Wohnumfeld aufzeigen. Im Fokus der Untersuchung steht dabei das Vertrauen älterer Personen, als potentielle Endnutzer, in AAL Systeme. Nach Durchführung der Literaturanalyse, wurden mittels einer Fragebogenstudie zunächst verschiedene Einflussfaktoren auf das Vertrauen in AAL sowie die Nutzungsabsicht der senioren Zielgruppe erforscht. Unter Einbeziehung der Variablen des Technology Acceptance Modells (TAM) (Davis, 1989) werden Personen mit und ohne täglichem Unterstützungsbedarf befragt. Basierend auf den dadurch gewonnenen Erkenntnissen wurden zwei Experimente durchgeführt. Die Probanden der beiden Experimente, die jeweils eine seniore Testgruppe und eine junge Kontrollgruppe umfassten, sollten mittels eines Mock-Ups auf einem Tablet-Computer verschiedene Aufgaben im Wohnumfeld bearbeiten. Im ersten Experiment wurde zusätzlich zu der Standard-Bedienoberfläche der AAL Technologie, entweder persönliche Unterstützung via Operateur oder eine technische Unterstützung zur Verfügung gestellt. Das zweite Experiment untersuchte drei unterschiedliche Stufen von Zuverlässigkeit einer AAL Applikation. / Interpersonal trust as “expectancy that the verbal statements of others can be relied upon” (Rotter, 1967; p. 651) plays an important role in human relationships. But even in the context of automation and man-machine systems, the consideration of trust has acquired even greater importance in recent years. In the field of automated vehicle control systems or military friend-or-foe recognition, a large number of surveys relating to trust have been conducted. An area of research that, to date, has not been well-investigated is home automation, such as smart home and assistive technologies for older people. The present thesis aims to initiate such research activities in the context of trust in Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) systems, as well as to demonstrate the opportunities that assistive technologies present for impaired persons in the living environment. The focus of the present survey is on the trust of older people, as potential end-users, in AAL systems. To establish an understanding of the state of this research field, a literature review has been conducted. Subsequently, the various factors influencing trust in AAL and usage intention of the elderly target group are examined via a written questionnaire study. Taking into account the variables of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) (Davis, 1989), persons with and without need for daily support are interviewed. Based on the obtained results, two subsequent experiments were carried out. The participants in the two experiments, each including a senior test group and a young control group, worked on various tasks through a mock-up on a tablet-computer in the living environment. In the first experiment, in addition to the standard user interface of the AAL technology, either personal support via operator or a technical embedded support was provided to test the differential impact on the trust of the participants in AAL. The second experiment included three different levels of reliability of an AAL application.
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Towards a framework for managing enterprise architecture acceptance / Sonja GillilandGilliland, Sonja January 2014 (has links)
An enterprise is a complex and changing entity, which is managed and maintained by humans. Enterprise architecture has been identified as an organisational strategy designed to assist enterprises with the understanding of complexity and the management of change. Acceptance, implementation and maintenance of enterprise architecture in organisations are complex and time-consuming. Work roles, responsibilities, common vocabulary, and buy-in are some of the cooperative human factors of stakeholders and participants and are believed to have an effect on the process of enterprise architecture acceptance in organisations. This study focused on identifying human factors affecting enterprise architecture acceptance and the question of how knowledge of these human factors can be used to assist organisations in the management of enterprise architecture acceptance. The research addressed two main research objectives: the development of a work-level-related model for enterprise architecture acceptance and a proposed method for assisting organisations with enterprise architecture acceptance. An initial set of human factors affecting enterprise architecture acceptance were identified through an exploratory study in one organisation. A study of existing literature was used to identify other human factors affecting enterprise architecture acceptance and to compile a more comprehensive list of human factors. The resulting comprehensive list of human factors was categorised into six constructed work-level-related human concerns and confirmed in more organisations. A work-level-related model for enterprise architecture acceptance was established based on the work-level-related human concerns and associated human factors. A method for organisational use and management of enterprise architecture acceptance based on the model was proposed. The result of the research is the Work-level acceptance framework for enterprise architecture (WoLAF for EA), which could contribute to understanding and managing the important aspect of human acceptance of enterprise architecture in organisations. / PhD (Information Technology)--North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2015
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Towards a framework for managing enterprise architecture acceptance / Sonja GillilandGilliland, Sonja January 2014 (has links)
An enterprise is a complex and changing entity, which is managed and maintained by humans. Enterprise architecture has been identified as an organisational strategy designed to assist enterprises with the understanding of complexity and the management of change. Acceptance, implementation and maintenance of enterprise architecture in organisations are complex and time-consuming. Work roles, responsibilities, common vocabulary, and buy-in are some of the cooperative human factors of stakeholders and participants and are believed to have an effect on the process of enterprise architecture acceptance in organisations. This study focused on identifying human factors affecting enterprise architecture acceptance and the question of how knowledge of these human factors can be used to assist organisations in the management of enterprise architecture acceptance. The research addressed two main research objectives: the development of a work-level-related model for enterprise architecture acceptance and a proposed method for assisting organisations with enterprise architecture acceptance. An initial set of human factors affecting enterprise architecture acceptance were identified through an exploratory study in one organisation. A study of existing literature was used to identify other human factors affecting enterprise architecture acceptance and to compile a more comprehensive list of human factors. The resulting comprehensive list of human factors was categorised into six constructed work-level-related human concerns and confirmed in more organisations. A work-level-related model for enterprise architecture acceptance was established based on the work-level-related human concerns and associated human factors. A method for organisational use and management of enterprise architecture acceptance based on the model was proposed. The result of the research is the Work-level acceptance framework for enterprise architecture (WoLAF for EA), which could contribute to understanding and managing the important aspect of human acceptance of enterprise architecture in organisations. / PhD (Information Technology)--North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2015
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Understanding users in context : an investigation into designers' requirementsBowerman, Julian January 2014 (has links)
In the future, as world markets become more diverse, designers will be increasingly asked to create products for people dissimilar to themselves. Human issues, such as product pleasure, will also become more important as advances in manufacturing (enabling companies to produce high quality goods more cheaply) will mean companies will look elsewhere to achieve a competitive edge. These changes will affect designers who presently work with little or no user information. This thesis investigates the attributes designers need in resources that offer them an immediate yet broad understanding of users. The research presented in the thesis has a philosophical strand and a design strand. In the design strand, two mock up resources and a prototype resource are developed. These creations are used in the philosophical strand: the mock ups are used to provide focus while collecting opinions from participants and the prototype is evaluated at the end of the research as if it were a real resource. The thesis starts with a literature review; this review reveals that designers need to understand users' physical, psychological and social needs as well as their environments if they are to design appropriate products for them. It explains that designers find much ergonomics information too technical and not visual enough and reveals that no tools or methods exist that offer a broad and instant understanding of users at the start of the design process. Following this, the results from a set of interviews and a focus group are presented. These studies reveal that designers want both personal and general user information that is reliable, video based, contextual and authentic. The results also show that designers want a fast, online resource that allows information to be easily tagged, compared and shared. Next, the thesis describes the development of the prototype resource and its examination using a heuristic inspection. This resource is then evaluated by designers. The evaluation reveals that designers perceived that the resource would be of value to the design process and thought that the videos showing people going about their everyday lives and the virtual tours around people's homes would be particularly useful. The thesis concludes that designers want contextual user information presented as easily navigable video in an Internet based resource. In doing so, it provides an original contribution to knowledge.
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Augmenting low-fidelity flight simulation training devices via amplified head rotationsLe-Ngoc, Luan January 2013 (has links)
Due to economic and operational constraints, there is an increasing demand from aviation operators and training manufacturers to extract maximum training usage from the lower fidelity suite of flight simulators. It is possible to augment low-fidelity flight simulators to achieve equivalent performance compared to high-fidelity setups but at reduced cost and greater mobility. In particular for visual manoeuvres, the virtual reality technique of head-tracking amplification for virtual view control enables full field-of-regard access even with limited field-of-view displays. This research quantified the effects of this technique on piloting performance, workload and simulator sickness by applying it to a fixed-base, low-fidelity, low-cost flight simulator. In two separate simulator trials, participants had to land a simulated aircraft from a visual traffic circuit pattern whilst scanning for airborne traffic. Initially, a single augmented display was compared to the common triple display setup in front of the pilot. Starting from the base leg, pilots exhibited tighter turns closer to the desired ground track and were more actively conducting visual scans using the augmented display. This was followed up by a second experiment to quantify the scalability of augmentation towards larger displays and field of views. Task complexity was increased by starting the traffic pattern from the downwind leg. Triple displays in front of the pilot yielded the best compromise delivering flight performance and traffic detection scores just below the triple projectors but without an increase in track deviations and the pilots were also less prone to simulator sickness symptoms. This research demonstrated that head augmentation yields clear benefits of quick user adaptation, low-cost, ease of systems integration, together with the capability to negate the impact of display sizes yet without incurring significant penalties in workload and incurring simulator sickness. The impact of this research is that it facilitates future flight training solutions using this augmentation technique to meet budgetary and mobility requirements. This enables deployment of simulators in large numbers to deliver expanded mission rehearsal previously unattainable within this class of low-fidelity simulators, and with no restrictions for transfer to other training media.
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Integrating User Centred Design into the development of energy saving technologiesMallaband, Becky January 2013 (has links)
Legally binding targets set by the UK government to reduce carbon emissions by 2050 mean it is imperative that the efficiency of the UK housing stock is improved. Housing currently contributes over 30% of the UK s total carbon emissions and a large proportion of the current stock will still exist in 2050. There is therefore a need to retrofit this existing stock with energy saving measures, as the savings from new builds will not be adequate to meet the stringent carbon reduction targets. Whilst technologies to facilitate energy saving retrofit are available, there has been a low uptake from householders in the UK, in part due to the lack of consideration of user requirements within the design of these technologies. To investigate this issue further, this thesis considers two main questions: How can the design of energy saving measures and the process of retrofit of the existing UK housing stock be improved through the use of user centred design (UCD) and How can UCD methods be applied to the research and development process for energy saving measures in order to improve the outcome? Through the research, it became clear that in order to answer these questions, it would be necessary to work across disciplines and therefore a third Research Question was posed; How can UCD facilitate working across disciplines in the context of an energy research project? The results provide evidence of how UCD can effectively improve the design and development process of energy saving technologies, the process of retrofit and the practice of cross-disciplinary working within a research environment. The research is novel in several ways: firstly, the UCD process has been applied in the area of domestic retrofit, giving new insights into the barriers and opportunities to retrofit; secondly, home improvement has been investigated by viewing the home as a complete, interacting system, using novel methods; thirdly, a set of UCD specifications have been created to inform the design of heat pumps, a specific domestic energy saving technology, and finally, enhancements to the UCD process are made for use within an energy technology project, together with the development of six principles for effective cross-disciplinary working and conceptualisation of the bridge building role which the UCD practitioner fulfills.
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Measuring the Effect of Task-Irrelevant Visuals in Augmented RealityAllison C Hopkins (6632282) 14 May 2019 (has links)
<p>Augmented reality (AR) allows people to view digital information overlaid on to real-world objects. While the technology is still new, it is currently being used in places such as the military and industrial assembly operations in the form of ocular devices worn on the head over the eyes. Head-mounted displays (HMDs) let people always see AR information in their field of view no matter where their head is positioned. Studies have shown that HMDs displaying information directly related to the immediate task can decreased cognitive workload and increase the speed and accuracy of task performance. However, task-irrelevant information has shown to decrease performance and accuracy of the primary task and also hinder the efficiency of processing the irrelevant information. This has been investigated in industry settings but less so in an everyday consumer context. This study proposes comparing two types of visual information (text and shapes) in AR displayed on an HMD to answer the following questions: 1) when content is of importance, which visual notification (text or shapes) is processed faster while degrading the performance of the primary task the least? And 2) When presence is of importance, which visual notification (text or shapes) is processed faster while degrading the performance of the primary task the least?</p>
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Sistemas de investigação dos acidentes aeronáuticos da aviação geral: uma análise comparativa / Accident investigation systems for the general aviation: a comparative analysisFajer, Marcia 03 September 2009 (has links)
Descreve o panorama do surgimento da aviação e das teorias de investigação de acidentes aeronáuticos. Objetivo - Analisar a investigação dos acidentes e incidentes aeronáuticos ocorridos na Aviação Geral no Estado de São Paulo no período de 2000 a 2005 e verificar sua associação a fatores organizacionais. Método - Foram comparadas as atuações das agências de investigação de acidentes aeronáuticos dos Estados Unidos, União Européia e Brasil, identificado os métodos de investigação de acidentes empregados. Foi realizado o levantamento das ocorrências com as aeronaves classificadas na categoria de aviação geral no estado de São Paulo no período 2000 a 2005 e feita a análise comparativa de 36 relatórios finais de acidentes utilizados pelo Centro de Investigação e Prevenção de Acidentes (CENIPA) com o Human Factors Analysis and Classification System (HFACS). Resultados Identificou-se que as agências de investigação dos Estados Unidos e União Européia atuam de forma sistêmica e a brasileira atua isoladamente. Foi constatado que houve 636 ocorrências com aeronaves da aviação geral, sendo que 92 por cento foram incidentes, que não foram investigados. Dos acidentes, 5,5 por cento possuíam relatórios finais concluídos. A análise dos relatórios finais, segundo o CENIPA, apontou 163 fatores contribuintes, sendo que o principal fator foi o deficiente julgamento presente em 80,5 por cento dos acidentes. A utilização do modelo HFACS identificou a presença de 370 fatores contribuintes e os erros de habilidade, de decisão e planejamento inadequado foram os principais fatores contribuintes com 86,1 por cento . Considerações Finais O estudo possibilitou a identificação da falta de integração de diversos órgãos governamentais na investigação dos acidentes aeronáuticos. A ausência de investigação de incidentes aeronáuticos dificultando a prevenção. A análise do CENIPA não contempla de forma adequada os fatores organizacionais. O HFACS não deve ser uma ferramenta apenas quantificadora das causas de acidentes aeronáuticos / Introduction Describes the birth of aviation and aeronautical accidents factors. investigation theories. Objective Analyze the investigation of aeronautical accidents and incidents occurring in the General Aviation in the State of São Paulo during the period of 2000 through 2005 and verify their association with organizational factors. Method The air accident agencies of the United States, European Union and Brazil were studied, identifying and comparing the accident investigation methods used. It was registered the number of events with aircrafts in the State of Sao Paulo from 2000 to 2005, and performed the comparative analysis of 36 accident final reports used by the Centro de Investigação e Prevenção de Acidentes (CENIPA; Accident Prevention and Investigation Center) using the Human Factors Analysis and Classification System (HFACS). Results It was observed that the investigation agencies of the United States and the European Union work in a systemic way, and that the Brazilian one works alone. It was observed that there were 636 events with aircrafts of the general aviation, of which 92 per cent were not-investigated incidents. Of the accidents, 5.5 per cent had their final reports finished. The analysis of the final reports according to CENIPA pointed out 163 contributing factors, being the main factor \"inadequate evaluation\", present in 80.5 per cent of the accidents. The HFACS model identified 370 contributing factors, and the \"skill errors\", \"decision\" and \"inadequate planning\" were the main contributing factors, being present in 86.1 per cent of the cases. Final Considerations The study allowed identifying the lack of integration of several administration agencies when investigating air accidents. The non investigation of air incidents hinders the prevention. The CENIPA analysis does not study properly the organizational factors. HFACS must not be just a quantifying tool of the air accidents causes.
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