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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The state, non-state actors and violation of economic, social and cultural rights : making the case for paradigm shift in human rights advocacy and protection in Africa

Busia, Nana K. A. 06 1900 (has links)
For many sets of reasons, including the unequal power relationship between them and most underdeveloped states, and probably more in Africa than anywhere else in the world, non-state actors (NSAs) like states are involved in the violation of human rights. With the phenomenon of globalization, their role has become even more pronounced with some of the traditional functions of the state being performed by them, with implications for human rights, especially socioeconomic rights. Unfortunately, state-centred traditional international law has proved to be ill-equipped to hold NSAs directly accountable and liable for their violations of human rights. NSAs are only expected to adhere to non-binding voluntary standards, such as codes of conduct. Yet, if properly interpreted and enforced, the African Charter for Human and People’s Rights (ACHPR) can be relied upon to hold them accountable. Against this backdrop, the study interrogates the existing universal and regional human rights laws and systems with the view to identifying any rules, principles, case law or literature that can help hold NSAs directly accountable for human rights violations. For better advocacy and protection of human rights on the African continent, it makes a case for a paradigm shift away from a state centred to a holistic approach that would include NSAs and ensure that they are also bound to protect human rights and become accountable for their violations. / Private Law / LL.M.

Contribution à la réflexion sur la notion de sanction pénale dans le droit positif contemporain français

Desfour, Mary-Hélène 20 December 2012 (has links)
La conception traditionnelle de la notion de sanction pénale est fondée sur un critère fonctionnel que l'on peut synthétiser en deux axiomes : seule la sanction pénale est punitive et toutes les sanctions pénales sont punitives. Cette conception conduit à l'assimilation de la notion de sanction pénale à celle de peine. L'hypothèse de cette réflexion est d'envisager si l'on peut se départir de cette conception en vérifiant si le critère matériel sur lequel elle repose est toujours pertinent. La première partie de la thèse tend à démontrer que le critère fonctionnel traditionnel est remis en cause dès lors que sa confrontation aux données du droit positif contemporain révèle un dualisme de conception de la fonction punitive. En effet, le droit commun interne et le droit des droits de l'homme n'admettent pas une conception unitaire de cette fonction ce qui conduira à un éclatement du jus puniendi qui rend obsolète le critère traditionnel. La seconde partie met en exergue l'admission d'un critère moderne unitaire de la notion de sanction pénale. En effet, le renouvellement du type de sanction à la marge de cette notion, allié à l'établissement d'un critère commun d'exclusion de ces sanctions de la sanction pénale, permettent d'établir que le droit positif contemporain (c'est-à-dire celui ayant pleinement assimilé le dualisme normatif qui prévaut désormais en droit pénal) admet désormais un critère moderne : la nature spécifique de l'intérêt bénéficiaire de la sanction pénale. Le renouvellement du critère permet alors in fine de poser une nouvelle définition de la sanction pénale et de proposer une justification à ses évolutions contemporaines. / The traditional conception of the notion of criminal penalty is based on a functional criterion that can be synthesized in two axioms: only the criminal penalty is punitive and all criminal penalties are punitive. This conception leads to the assimilation of the notion of criminal sanction penalty to that of punishment. The hypothesis of this analysis is to consider whether one can abandon this conception by checking whether the material criterion on which it relies is still relevant. The first part of the thesis tends to demonstrate that the traditional functional criteria is challenged when confronted with contemporary positive law data. It reveals a dualism of conception of the punitive function. Indeed, the internal common law and the law of human rights do not admit a unitary conception of this function which will lead to a split of jus puniendi which obsoletes the traditional criterion. The second part highlights the acceptance of a modern unitary criterion of the criminal penalty notion. Indeed, the renewal of the type of penalty at the edges of this concept, combined with the establishment of a common exclusion criterion of these penalties from the criminal penalty enable to establish that contemporary positive law (that is to say that having fully assimilated the normative dualism that now prevails in criminal law) now admits a modern criterion: the specific nature of the beneficial interest of the criminal penalty. The renewal of the criterion in fine therefore allows to consider a new definition of the criminal sanction and provides a justification for its contemporary developments.

L'impact de la dignité humaine sur la protection du droit à la vie en droit international des droits de l'homme

Kenfack, Henri Bandolo 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.

O impacto no Brasil da casuística internacional relativa à violação do direito de informação sobre a assistência consular para preso estrangeiro / The impact on Brazil of the international jurisprudence regarding the violation of the right to consular information and notification for foreign detainee.

Bolivar, Analluza Bravo 24 November 2011 (has links)
Trata-se do estudo da casuística internacional sobre as violações cometidas pelos Estados Unidos da América contra o artigo 36 da Convenção de Viena sobre Relações Consulares de 1963. A Corte Internacional de Justiça e a Corte Interamericana de Direitos Humanos interpretam, regulamentam e aprimoram o direito de informação sobre assistência consular para preso estrangeiro, que deixa de ser visto como um direito puramente inter-Estatal por ambos os tribunais. Abordamse questões de Direito Internacional Público, como a força vinculante das decisões da Corte Internacional de Justiça, e sua íntima relação com o direito interno do Estado parte do tratado, inclusive com relação aos Estados terceiros ao litígio internacional, como o Brasil. Em sendo um componente do pacote das garantias do devido processo legal, o prejuízo causado ao réu estrangeiro pela falta de informação sobre o direito de assistência consular pode ensejar o reconhecimento de nulidade processual penal absoluta. / This is the study of international cases relating the violations committed by the United States of America against the article 36 of the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations of 1963. The International Court of Justice and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights have the opportunity to interpret, regulate and enhance the right to information on consular assistance to foreign detainee, who is no longer seen as a purely inter-State law by both Courts. The study addresses issues of Public International Law, as the binding force of decisions of the International Court of Justice, and its close relationship with the Domestic Law of the State party to the treaty, including with respect to third states to the international dispute. Considered a human right, part of the package of guarantees of due process, the demonstrated prejudice caused to the foreign defendant for lack of information about his right to consular assistance may cause the recognition of absolute nullity of criminal procedure.

Vers un statut international en faveur des personnes deplacées à l'interieur de leur propre pays / Towards an international status for internally displaced persons within their own country

Millan, Stéphanie 26 September 2011 (has links)
Le déplacement interne forcé est un phénomène ancien et récurrent dont la communautéinternationale a tardé à se saisir. Ce n’est qu’en 1992 que le Secrétaire général des NationsUnies a nommé un Représentant spécial chargé des personnes déplacées internes. Dès sanomination, ce dernier a entrepris un important travail d’analyse et de compilation des normesinternationales afin d’étudier l’applicabilité de celles-ci aux personnes déplacées internes.L’aboutissement de ce travail a permis l’élaboration et la présentation des « Principesdirecteurs relatifs au déplacement de personnes à l’intérieur de leur propre pays » en 1998.Ces Principes directeurs sont par la suite devenus un cadre de référence pour ledéveloppement d’instruments internationaux conventionnels de portée régionale dont ledernier en date est la Convention de Kampala adoptée en 2009 par l’Union africaine.Cette étude a un double-objet. Tout d’abord, mettre en évidence l’évolution normative qu’aconnue la notion de personne déplacée interne et la protection juridique internationale relativeà cette notion. Ensuite, de se questionner sur l’émergence d’un statut juridique internationalen faveur des déplacés internes à travers l’analyse du concept de responsabilité de protéger etl’examen de l’utilité et de l’intérêt de ce statut juridique international dont l’émergencepourrait être entravée par d’éventuels obstacles juridiques. / Forced internal displacement is an old and recurring phenomenon that the internationalcommunity has been slow to grasp. It was not until 1992 that the United Nations GeneralSecretary appointed a Special Representative on internally displaced persons. Upon hisappointment, the Special Representative undertook a major work of analysis and compilationof international norms in order to study their applicability to internally displaced persons.The culmination of this work has enabled the development and presentation of the “GuidingPrinciples on internal displacement” in 1998. These guidelines have subsequently become animportant framework for the development of international treaties with regional impactwhose latest is the Kampala Convention adopted in 2009 by the African Union.This study has a double-object. First of all, it is to underline the important evolution of thenotion of internally displaced person and of the international legal protection regarding thisnotion.Secondly, it is to question about the emergence of an international legal status dedicated tointernally displaced persons through the analysis of the concept of responsibility to protectand through the review of the usefulness and the significance of this international legal statuswhose emergence could be hampered by possible legal obstacles.

Le droit des agents internationaux à un recours effectif : vers un droit commun de la procédure administrative internationale / The right of international agents to an effective remedy : towards a common body of law of international administrative procedure

Thévenot-Werner, Anne-Marie 01 December 2014 (has links)
L’immunité de juridiction des organisations internationales exclue – en principe – toute possibilité pour un agent international de se tourner vers le juge national en cas de litige avec son organisation. Ainsi, la question se pose de la garantie par le droit international du droit à un recours effectif des agents. Bien que chaque organisation internationale soit créatrice de son propre ordre juridique partiel, de multiples principes généraux identifiés par les différents tribunaux administratifs internationaux établissent un droit des agents internationaux à un recours effectif. Toutefois, dans la pratique, les parties prenantes dotées du pouvoir décisionnel ne tirent pas toujours toutes les conséquences de ces normes pour offrir aux agents les garanties nécessaires en vue d’assurer l’effectivité des voies de recours. Il en résulte une fragilité de ce droit, qui n’est pas sans répercussion sur le respect de l’état de droit au sein des organisations internationales. / International organizations’ immunity from jurisdiction prevents – in principle – an international agent from access to national courts in case of a conflict with his organization. Therefore, the question arises whether agents have a right to an effective remedy under international law. Despite the fact that each international organization creates its own partial legal order, various general principles identified by different international administrative tribunals establish, taken as a whole, the right of international agents to an effective remedy. However, in practice, the key stakeholders having decision-making power do not draw all necessary conclusions from these rules which would provide agents with the required guarantees for ensuring effectiveness of the legal remedies. This emphasizes the fragility of this right – a fragility which is not without consequences on the rule of law in international organizations.

Att fly väpnad konflikt : Om kompletterande skydd och rätten till ett värdigt liv / Fleeing armed conflict : On complementary protection and the right to a dignified life

Lindered, Susanne January 2018 (has links)
Armed conflicts of our time tend to be prolonged, characterised by indiscriminate violence and the direct targeting of civilians. These conflicts cause situations where civilians are not only at risk of being exposed to threats of direct violence, but also unbearable humanitarian situations, a form of indirect harm resulting from armed violence. Current protection regimes only address direct harm to civilians, which leaves a significant protection gap. Previous research has identified a possibility for recognising severe humanitarian conditions as a basis for international protection in recent human rights law developments. This thesis explores if the right to a dignified life can further address this form of indirect harm to civilians and create assessment criteria for providing international protection to persons fleeing severe humanitarian conditions caused by armed conflict. The right to a dignified life is constructed from theories on human dignity as a basis for human rights, as well as case law from the Inter-American Court of Human Rights and the European Court of Human Rights. The results show that the right to a dignified life is able to provide criteria for assessing the severity of a humanitarian situation and establish a threshold for triggering international protection, but several legal difficulties remain for its practical application. / Dagens väpnade konflikter tenderar att vara utdragna och komplexa. De karaktäriseras ofta av urskillningslöst våld och våld riktat mot civila. Väpnade konflikter i vår tid har orsakat svåra humanitära situationer, som innebär att civila inte endast riskerar att utsättas för skada till följd direkt våld, utan även en form av indirekt skada till följd av våld. Nuvarande skydd för den som flyr väpnad konflikt omfattar endast den som riskerar skada som en direkt följd av väpnat våld. Detta innebär att det finns en lucka i existerande skydd som behöver adresseras. Tidigare forskning har identifierat en möjlighet att inkludera även personer som riskerar att utsättas för skyddsgrundande behandling på grund av humanitära situationer i den senaste utvecklingen i regionala människorättsdomstolar. Denna uppsats undersöker huruvida rätten till ett värdigt liv kan adressera allvarlig skada som en indirekt följd av väpnad konflikt och skapa kriterier för när en humanitär situation ska omfattas av internationellt skydd. Rätten till ett värdigt liv konstrueras med hjälp av teorier om mänsklig värdighet samt praxis från Inter-Amerikanska domstolen för mänskliga rättigheter och Europadomstolen för mänskliga rättigheter. Resultatet visar att rätten till ett värdigt liv kan erbjuda kriterier för att bedöma allvaret hos en humanitär situation och aktivera internationella skyddsmekanismer, men finner att det kvarstår juridiska svårigheter för att applicera i verkliga fall.

A proteção aos refugiados no sistema interamericano de direitos humanos: reflexões a partir do caso Pacheco Tineo

Gilberto, Camila Marques 12 December 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Rosina Valeria Lanzellotti Mattiussi Teixeira (rosina.teixeira@unisantos.br) on 2017-02-21T16:16:25Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Camila Marques Gilberto.pdf: 1029531 bytes, checksum: 2d61de2b9dad88156cc0a9e0a886328b (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-02-21T16:16:25Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Camila Marques Gilberto.pdf: 1029531 bytes, checksum: 2d61de2b9dad88156cc0a9e0a886328b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-12-12 / This study deals with the evolution of the refugee concept and its growing dialogue with the International Human Rights Law. International Refugee Law stems from the Second World War and seeks to protect more and more individuals whose human rights are systematically violated (civil and political rights and economic, social and cultural rights), and due to those violations are forced to leave their countries in search of international protection. More than identifying an individual in a situation of vulnerability, it is necessary to recognize him as a refugee and to allow him access to a system of rights. In this perspective, the concept of refugee remains vital for the system of protection resulting in constant conceptual expansion through interpretations in light of International Human Rights Law. Therefore, this work has the specific objective of analyzing the concept established by the 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees and the regional advances that have broadened the scope of the universal definition, especially in the regional context of the Inter-American Human Rights System. The protection approach used in the context of the Americas is analyzed in the light of the 1984 Cartagena Declaration, the American Convention of Human Rights, and other universal protection instruments. The progress observed regionally is translated into a recent precedent of the Inter-American System, Pacheco Tineo vs. Plurinational State of Bolivia. The rights ensured in this case demonstrate that the region is moving towards the consolidation of a refugee protection system that is based on the analysis of demands in light of International Human Rights Law. Although the case has not brought conceptual advances, it has brought a series of procedural advances that result in the recognition and protection sought by individuals in situations of extreme vulnerability. The methodology used in this study is based on descriptive and normative approaches, based on bibliographical, documentary and jurisprudential research. The analysis uses reference works on International Human Rights Law, International Refugee Law and on the Inter-American Human Rights System. The method used is a deductive approach, starting with the construction of the concept of refugee throughout the twentieth century and analyzing the complementarity of the human protection aspects represented in the judgment of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights. / O presente trabalho trata da evolução do conceito de refugiado e sua crescente interlocução com o Direito Internacional dos Direitos Humanos. O Direito Internacional dos Refugiados tem origem após a Segunda Guerra Mundial e busca proteger cada vez mais indivíduos que, por terem seus direitos humanos (direitos civis e políticos e direitos econômicos, sociais e culturais) sistematicamente violados, são obrigados a deixar seus países em busca de proteção internacional em outro local. Mais do que identificar um indivíduo em situação de vulnerabilidade, é necessário reconhecê-lo enquanto refugiado e permitir a ele acesso a um sistema de direitos. Assim, o conceito de refugiado segue vital para o sistema de proteção resultando em constante expansão conceitual por via de interpretações à luz do Direito Internacional dos Direitos Humanos. Nesta perspectiva, este trabalho tem como objetivo específico analisar o conceito estabelecido pela Convenção de 1951 Relativa ao Status dos Refugiados e os avanços regionais que ampliaram o alcance da definição universal, especialmente no contexto regional do Sistema Interamericano de Direitos Humanos. A abordagem de proteção utilizada no contexto das Américas é analisada à luz da Declaração de Cartagena de 1984, da Convenção Americana de Direitos Humanos e demais instrumentos universais de proteção. Os avanços observados regionalmente são traduzidos em precedente recente do Sistema Interamericano, o Caso Família Pacheco Tineo vs. Estado Plurinacional da Bolívia. Os direitos assegurados, neste caso, demonstram que a região caminha para a consolidação de um sistema de proteção ao refugiado que prima pela análise de demandas à luz do Direito Internacional dos Direitos Humanos. Muito embora o caso não tenha trazido avanços conceituais, trouxe uma série de avanços procedimentais que resultam no reconhecimento e proteção almejados por indivíduos em situação de extrema vulnerabilidade. A metodologia empregada no presente trabalho é de abordagens descritivas e normativas, com base em pesquisa bibliográfica, documental e jurisprudencial. O trabalho utiliza obras de referência sobre o Direito Internacional dos Direitos Humanos, Direito Internacional dos Refugiados e sobre o Sistema Interamericano de Direitos Humanos. O método utilizado é de abordagem dedutivo, pelo qual parte-se da construção do conceito de refugiado ao longo do século XX e da análise da complementaridade das vertentes de proteção da pessoa humana representadas no julgamento proferido pela Corte Interamericana de Direitos Humanos.

It Takes a Village: An Analysis of Multilateralism and the Legal Mechanisms Designed to Prevent Violence Against Women

Ivey, Madison 01 January 2019 (has links)
Treaties and international organizations work together to create a global environment that protects the rights of a person and actively promotes the well-being of society. However, they do not necessarily guarantee the rights of everyone. Since women are not explicitly named in human rights documents, they are often not granted equal human rights. Therefore, it takes more than just international legal instruments to guarantee women's rights as human rights. A combination of civil society (NGOs), International organizations (IOs), and domestic government creates a perfect coalition to beat the barriers that must be overcome to fully protect women from violence.

Armed Drones: An Age Old Problem Exacerbated by New Technology

Frazier, Grant H 01 January 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to examine the history behind and the use of militarized drones in modern day conflicts, and to conclude whether the use of these machines, with special attention to the United States, is legal, ethical, and morally defensible. In achieving the aforementioned goals, shortcomings of current policy surrounding drone warfare will be highlighted, acting as the catalyst for a proposal for changes to be made to better suit legal, ethical, and moral considerations. The proposal of a policy to help us work with armed drones is due to the fact that this thesis acknowledges that armed drones, like guns, nuclear weapons, or any type of military technology, is here to stay and that once we acknowledge that fact, the most important step is to make sure we have the right tools to judge the conduct of conflict carried out using armed drones or other weapons that raise similar issues and questions.

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