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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Perceived Safety Aspects when Collaborating with Robots in the Manufacturing Industry : Applying an HTO Methodology

Eklund, Jonas, Hallengren, Ida January 2024 (has links)
As Industry 4.0 continues to evolve, human-robot collaboration, HRC, has become more common in industries. This study aimed to explore perceived safety in HRC within manufacturing, with a focus on the assembly processes at Volvo. The goal was to promote perceived safety among operators by applying the Human-Technology-Organization, HTO, perspective, including Safety-I, -II, and -III. A framework was developed to illustrate the aim in relation to the theory and the approach taken in the study. The Volvo case RITA, a collaborative robot designed to assist with kitting, was used as a use case in the study. Numerous interviews were conducted with organizational representatives and assembly line operators with a complementary questionnaire. Since RITA was not operational, a video of the case was utilized extensively throughout the study. Operator interviews were centered on gathering their insights on perceived safety, drawing from the above safety perspectives. The formulated recommendations emphasized the importance of comprehensive operator training and early involvement in new development processes. Various traffic rules were devised for different collaboration scenarios, and the significance of clear workspaces was underscored to maintain system efficiency. These recommendations were later validated by an organizational representative from Volvo. Lastly, the study emphasizes that while technical solutions for safety are necessary, they are not sufficient without a strong safety culture that encourages openness and collaboration. By considering technical, organizational, and human aspects of safety, this study contributes to a deeper understanding of the dynamics in HRC and lays the foundation for safe and efficient manufacturing processes.

Människa – Teknik – Organisation ur ett utredningsperspektiv : En intervjustudie av medarbetare vid Statens haverikommission

Ghorban, Maryam January 2014 (has links)
Human - Technology - Organization (HTO) is a well-established, general unifying concept in the Swedish Accident Investigation Authority (SHK) that represents an approach, knowledge and use of various tools regarding interactions between people, technology and organizational factors. The HTO-perspective is well described in literature but there are few studies on how SHKs staff experiences working according to this method in their investigations. The aim of this study was therefore to describe their HTO-perspective, examine how it is used in the investigations at SHK and describe the investigators experience of working with the HTO-perspective as well as the method's usefulness compared to old methods in accident investigations. A literature study has been conducted in the areas of HTO, Theory of planned behavior (TPB) and safety culture. TPB and safety culture are described in this paper since they highlight the different aspects of a HTO-perspective. The hypothesis was answered by using semi-structured interviews. The interviews were analyzed by a content analysis and themes were identified. Furthermore the material from the interviews was subsequently structured through a Strength – Weakness – Opportunities – Threats analysis (SWOT), i.e. the informants' view on the HTO-perspective was structured based on the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats SHKs staff experience that the method has in the investigative work. The informants consisted of two investigators at SHK who 3have worked with accident investigations for a long time in various roles. The results yielded that the investigators had a positive attitude towards conducting investigations according to the HTO-perspective because they feel that this perspective provides them with cross-competence. A flaw is though that the perspective lacks a structured approach. As a result of this, the investigators own experiences and expertise play a major role in the quality of the investigation. As the study's aim is met and the informants are considered to be experts the validity requirements are also fulfilled.

Samspel mellan fysiska, organisatoriska och sociala arbetsmiljön vid arbete hemifrån.En fallstudie som undersökt omställningen till arbete hemifrån under Covid-19 pandemin. / Interaction between physical, organisational and social work environment when working from home. A case study that investigated the transition to work from home during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Löfgren, Karolina January 2021 (has links)
När Covid-19 pandemin slog till var många organisationer tvungna att anpassasig till nya arbetssätt. För många medförde det att arbete som tidigare utförts påkontor nu istället fick flytta hem. Detta innebar en stor omställning inte minst förmyndigheter som inte haft möjlighet att utföra sitt arbeta hemifrån tidigare.Syftet med studien var att undersöka positiva och negativa effekter iarbetsmiljön vid en omställning från kontorsarbete till arbete hemifrån.Myndigheter och andra organisationer kan ha nytta av denna nya kunskap för attförutse riskfaktorer och förebygga dessa. En fallstudie genomfördes på en enhetpå en myndighet i en större stad i Sverige. En enkät skickades ut till enhetensamt två djupintervjuer genomfördes. Resultatet presenterar samband somframkommit i den organisatoriska och sociala arbetsmiljön samt fysiskaarbetsmiljön. Resultatet i studien tolkas som att de flesta ställde sig positiva tillarbete hemifrån. Samtliga undersökta statiska samband angående denorganisatoriska, sociala och fysiska arbetsmiljön visade på signifikantakorrelationer (korrelationsvärdena låg mellan 0,387–0,754). Dessa resultatvisade att en väl fungerande digital plattform är en förutsättning för godkommunikation, att ostört arbete påverkar upplevelsen av koncentration, attproduktiviteten påverkades av att sitta ostört, att arbetstillfredsställelsenpåverkades av stödet från ledningen, att uppfattning av sin arbetsställningpåverkade värk och besvär i kroppen och att vad de ansåg om den fysiskaarbetsmiljön gällande bord och stol har betydelse. Både i enkätsvaren och iintervjuerna var de flesta positiva gällande arbete hemifrån. Myndigheter bör taställning till hur de ska ställa sig till att de anställda utför arbete hemifrån ävenefter att samhället fått bättre kontroll på Covid-19 pandemin. Den här studienhar genererat ny kunskap som kan förändra eventuella ställningstagandetgällande arbete hemifrån för anställda på myndigheter. / When the Covid-19 pandemic hit, many organizations had to adapt to new waysof working. For many, this meant that the work previously done in offices wasnow allowed to move home instead. This meant a major change, not least forauthorities that had not been able to carry out their work from home before. Theaim with the study was to investigate positive and negative effects in the workenvironment during a transition from office work to work from home.Authorities and other organizations may benefit from this new knowledge inanticipating risk factors and preventing them. A case study was conducted on aunit of an authority in a larger city in Sweden. A questionnaire was sent out tothe unit and two in-depth interviews were conducted. The results presentconnections that have emerged in the organizational and social workenvironment as well as the physical work environment. The results of the studyare interpreted as saying that most people were positive about working fromhome. All static relationships investigated regarding the organizational, socialand physical working environment showed significant correlations (correlationvalues ranged from 0.387-0.754). These results showed that a well-functioningdigital platform is a prerequisite for good communication, that undisturbed workaffects the experience of concentration, that productivity was affected by sittingundisturbed, that job satisfaction was affected by the support of management,that perception of their working position affected pain and discomfort in thebody and that what they thought about the physical work environment regardingtables and chair matters. Both the answers in the survey and in the interviewsturned out to be positive. All the relationships regarding the organizational andsocial work environment showed correlation that was significant. Also, all therelationships regarding the physical work environment showed correlation thatwas significant. Since the study showed such positive results, authorities shouldconsider about how to approach employees doing work from home even aftersociety has gained better control of the Covid-19 pandemic. This study hasgenerated new knowledge that can change any position regarding work fromhome for employees at authorities.

Work-life balance, work engagementand sense of coherence in remotework among white-collar workers- A mixed method study

Bergendorff, Emma, Kjellsson, Moa January 2024 (has links)
This study aims to analyze factors and individual characteristics that affect the outcomes:work-life balance, work engagement and sense of coherence for white-collar workers whenworking remotely. In today’s society where technology is constantly evolving, hybrid and remote work optionsare becoming more common. Research has shown that work-life balance, work engagement,and sense of coherence affect employee well-being and organizational performance. Theresearch on the extent to which remote work can contribute to sustainable work andemployee well-being is mixed, and most of the research on remote work has been conductedeither before or during the COVID-19 pandemic. Further post-pandemic research cancontribute to more sustainable work and society as a whole. To analyze what factors affect the outcomes in a remote work setting, a mixed-methodapproach was used to gain a comprehensive understanding, including a quantitative and aqualitative study. The quantitative method included bivariate correlation tests, multiple linearregression and group difference testing on cross-sectional survey data collected from twolarge Swedish companies. The qualitative method included six interviews with experiencedwhite-collar workers, which helped us interpret the findings and gain a more in depthunderstanding of quantitative results. To analyze the study findings the theoretical model ofhuman, technology, and organization (HTO) was applied. The quantitative study showed that social support from superiors, remote leadership quality,functionality of digital management systems and digital learning climate were identified asfactors that were associated with work-life balance, work engagement and sense ofcoherence. However, digital resources and social support from superiors were found to beinfluencing work engagement and sense of coherence to a greater extent. For work-lifebalance, social support from superiors and remote leadership quality was found to besignificant. The qualitative study showed that the interviewees' perception of work-lifebalance, work engagement, and sense of coherence was affected by flexible workingarrangements, functionality and use of digital tools, social interaction, collaboration,communication, inspirational relationships at the workplace, supportive colleagues, andsupportive and responsive superiors. Better understanding of what factors affect employees'personal and working life when working remotely can help organizations to promoteoccupational well-being and performance, which can contribute to more sustainable work. / Denna studie syftar till att analysera faktorer och individuella egenskaper som påverkarutfallen: balans mellan arbete och privatliv, arbetsengagemang och känsla av sammanhangför tjänstemän som arbetar på distans. I dagens samhälle där tekniken ständigt utvecklas, blir hybrid- och distansarbeten alltvanligare. Forskning har visat att balans mellan arbete och privatliv, arbetsengagemang ochkänsla av sammanhang påverkar medarbetarnas välbefinnande och organisatorisk prestation.Forskningen om i vilken utsträckning distansarbete kan bidra till hållbart arbete ochmedarbetarnas välbefinnande är blandad, och det mesta av forskningen om distansarbete harbedrivits antingen före eller under COVID-19-pandemin. Ytterligare postpandemiskforskning kan bidra till ett mer hållbart arbete och samhället. För att analysera vilka faktorer som påverkar utfallen i distansarbete användes en blandadmetod för att få en övergripande förståelse, inklusive en kvantitativ och en kvalitativ studie.Den kvantitativa metoden inkluderade bivariata korrelationstester, multipel linjär regressionoch tester av gruppskillnader. Tvärsnittsdata samlades in från två stora svenska företaggenom en enkät. Den kvalitativa metoden inkluderade sex intervjuer med erfarna tjänstemänoch hjälpte oss att tolka utfall och få en mer djupgående förståelse av kvantitativatestresultat. För att analysera studiens resultat användes den teoretiska modellen förmänniska, teknologi och organisation (MTO). Den kvantitativa studien visade att socialt stöd från överordnade, ledarskapskvalitet pådistans, funktionalitet av digitala ledningssystem och digitalt lärandeklimat identifieradessom faktorer som korrelerade med utfallen. Digitala resurser och socialt stöd frånöverordnade visade sig dock ha en större förknippning med faktorerna som påverkararbetsengagemang och känsla av sammanhang. För balans mellan arbete och privatliv varsocialt stöd från överordnade och ledarskapskvalitet på distans betydande. Den kvalitativastudien visade att intervjupersonernas uppfattning om balans mellan arbete och privatliv,arbetsengagemang och känsla av sammanhang påverkades av flexibla arbetsarrangemang,funktionalitet och användning av digitala verktyg, social interaktion, samarbete,kommunikation, inspirerande relationer på arbetsplatsen, stödjande kollegor, samt stödjandeoch lyhörda överordnade. Bättre förståelse för vilka faktorer som påverkar anställdaspersonliga liv och arbetsliv när de arbetar på distans kan hjälpa organisationer att främjayrkesmässigt välbefinnande och prestation, vilket kan bidra till ett mer hållbart arbete.

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