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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sítio Moraes, uma biografia não autorizada: análise do processo de formação de um sambaqui fluvial / The Moraes site, an unauthorized biography. Formation process analysis of a riverine shellmound

Plens, Cláudia Regina 15 February 2008 (has links)
Pesquisas recentes apontam para o fenômeno construtivo de sambaquis fluviais na região do médio Vale do Ribeira de Iguape, São Paulo, mais precisamente em três regiões, Itaoca, bacia do rio Jacupiranguinha e bacia do Juquiá, durante, pelo menos, o período de 9000 anos. O presente trabalho tem por objetivo definir o perfil de um sambaqui fluvial, sítio Moraes (6000-4000 anos a.P.), no município de Miracatu, SP, com a finalidade de criar a compreensão intra-sítio dos processos formativos envolvidos para a elevação desta estrutura monticular, através de diferentes abordagens: distribuição espacial intra-sítio, tecnologia, subsistência, isótopos estáveis, estudo sedimentológico e análise de proporção componencial volumétrico. Os resultados destas análises associados aos dados advindos de outras pesquisas nos permitiram ampliar a discussão sobre o processo formativo do sítio Moraes e abordar a questão sobre as relações genética e cultural entre sambaquieiros fluviais e os demais grupos vizinhos. / Previous research at the Ribeira de Iguape valley, at the southern part of the State of São Paulo, Brasil, has revealed a long cultural sequence (ca. 11 to 1,2 kyBP) characterized by small shellmound sites generally designated as riverine, or fluvial, sambaquis. Besides the conspicuous presence of a terrestrial gastropod (Megalobulimus sp.) shells, these little mounds also share relevant amounts of human burials and similar technological patterns as regards lithic and bone industries, among other compositional elements. The principal aim of this thesis is to describe one of these mounds, Moraes, investigating the cultural and post-depositional formation processes implied on the long duration (6 to 4 kyBP) construction phase of such mound structure and after its abandonment, by means of zooarchaeological, technological, geochemical and isotopic analysis of its various deposits and cultural components therein, as well as their spatial distribution and articulation. This thesis also discusses the cultural and historical relationships of this fluvial shellmound culture with other cultural patterns and populations found at the same and nearby areas.

Pré-história da província Cárstica do Alto São Francisco, Minas Gerais: a indústria lítica dos caçadores-coletores arcaicos / Prehistory of the carstic province of the upper São Francisco river valley, Minas Gerais: lithic industry of the arcaic hunter-gatherers

Koole, Edward Karel Maurits 12 November 2007 (has links)
O presente trabalho aborda uma região bem delimitada, circunscrita aos afloramentos calcários do alto curso do rio São Francisco no estado de Minas Gerais (1500km²). Depois de um período inicial exploratório com levantamentos de superfície intensivos, resultando na descoberta de 120 sítios, duas cavernas, a Loca do Suim e a Gruta do Marinheiro, foram escolhidas para receberem escavações. O objetivo foi comprovar a existência de uma ocupação caçadora-coletora arcaica na região estudada, utilizando como principal elemento descritivo a indústria lítica produzida por esses grupos, envolvendo aspectos como tipologia, tecnologia e cronologia do material. Buscou-se assim colocar em evidência algumas particularidades da região estudada, assim como apontar para eventuais semelhanças com as grandes tradições arqueológicas do período arcaico conhecidas no centro e sul do Brasil. / This project is located in the carstic region (1500km²) of the upper São Francisco river valley, in the southeastern portion of the Brazilian highlands, 250km to the southwest of the well known Lagoa Santa region, State of Minas Gerais. After a period (5 years) of intensive search for sites, discovering more than 120 of them, two caves (Loca do Suim and Gruta do Marinheiro) where excavated. The objective was to prove the existence, also in this area, of archaeological material related to arcaic hunter-gatherers. For being abundant, the lithic industry produced by these pre-historic groups was chosen as main descriptive element. The analysis, based on typological, technological and chronological characteristics of the sample, points out the similarities and differences that exist between this industry and the main lithic archaeological traditions of central and southern Brazil during the arcaic period.

Sauveterrian hunter-gatherers in Northern Italy and Southern France : evolution and dynamics of lithic technical systems / Les chasseurs-cueilleurs sauveterriens entre Italie septentrionale et France méridionale : évolution et dynamiques des systèmes techniques lithiques

Visentin, Davide 12 April 2017 (has links)
Le Sauveterrien représente l'une des principales traditions culturelles du Premier Mésolithique européen. L'uniformité présumée de ce complexe était basée surtout sur la présence dans la France méridionale et l'Italie septentrionale de pointes à dos fusiformes (pointes de Sauveterre) et de microlithes triangulaires. Le but principal de ce travail est celui de mettre en discussion et vérifier cette association en utilisant une approche technologique ample des assemblages lithiques appartenant à 23 contextes stratigraphiques de 12 sites français et italiens de référence. En particulier, ces assemblages ont été analysés avec l'objectif de reconstruire les chaînes opératoires dans leur totalité, de l'approvisionnement des matières premières à l'utilisation et à l'abandon des éléments ayant servi comme outils. Plusieurs techniques d'analyse ont été intégrées afin de comprendre et caractériser les assemblages sauveterriens à partir de points de vue différents et complémentaires. De plus, l'évaluation de l'uniformité du complexe sauveterrien dans son territoire central par rapports aux groupes culturels des régions voisines a permis d'aborder de façon préliminaire la question de la réelle nature du Premier Mésolithique de l'Europe occidentale. / The Sauveterrian represents one of the main cultural aspects of the European Early Mesolithic. It was at first identified and described in southern France during the 1920ies. Following the discovery of similar lithic assemblages in north-eastern Italy (Adige Valley), during the 1970ies it was proposed that this culture had developed over a large territory whose central areas are represented by southern France and northern Italy. The presumed uniformity of this complex was based, in particular, on the presence in both regions of needle-like backed points (Sauveterre points) and triangular microliths. In the following years a first typological attempt to verify the actual homogeneity of the Early Mesolithic of this region arose some doubts regarding the appropriateness of this unification. Following this line of research the main aim of this work was, thus, to question and verify this association, by applying a broad technological approach to the study of the lithic assemblages belonging to 23 stratigraphic contexts from 12 French and Italian reference sites. More specifically these assemblages were investigated with the aim of reconstructing the entire reduction sequences, from the procurement of lithic raw materials to the use and discard of tools. Different analytical techniques were thus combined in order to understand and characterize the Sauveterrian assemblages from different and complementary viewpoints. Besides, the evaluation of the uniformity of the Sauveterrian complex in its central area with respect to the neighbouring cultural groups, allowed tentatively approaching the investigation of the very nature of western European Early Mesolithic.

The Impacts of Geography and Climate Change on Magdalenian Social Networks

January 2017 (has links)
abstract: This dissertation uses a comparative approach to investigate long-term human- environment interrelationships in times of climate change. It uses Geographical Information Systems and ecological models to reconstruct the Magdalenian (~20,000- 14,000 calibrated years ago) environments of the coastal mountainous zone of Cantabria (Northwest Spain) and the interior valleys of the Dordogne (Southwest France) to contextualize the social networks that could have formed during a time of high climate and resource variability. It simulates the formation of such networks in an agent-based model, which documents the processes underlying the formation of archaeological assemblages, and evaluates the potential impacts of climate-topography interactions on cultural transmission. This research then reconstructs the Magdalenian social networks visible through a multivariate statistical analysis of stylistic similarities among portable art objects. As these networks cannot be analyzed directly to infer social behavior, their characteristics are compared to the results of the agent-based model, which provide characteristics estimates of the Magdalenian latent social networks that most likely produced the empirical archaeological assemblage studied. This research contributes several new results, most of which point to the advantages of using an inter-disciplinary approach to the study of the archaeological record. It demonstrates the benefits of using an agent-based model to parse social data from long- term palimpsests. It shows that geographical and environmental contexts affect the structure of social networks, which in turn affects the transmission of ideas and goods that flow through it. This shows the presence of human-environment interactions that not only affected our ancestors’ reaction to resource insecurities, but also led them to innovate and improve the productivity of their own environment. However, it also suggests that such alterations may have reduced the populations’ resilience to strong climatic changes, and that the region with diverse resources provided a more stable and resilient environment than the region transformed to satisfy the immediate needs of its population. / Dissertation/Thesis / Appendix_D_Sites_Dates / Appendix_E_Flowchart_Biome_Reconstruction / Appendix_H_Flowchart_ABM / Appendix_I_Flowchart_Social_Network / Appendix_J_Portable_Art_Objects / Appendix_J_Art_Characteristics / Appendix_L_Poster_Summary / Appendix_A_Prehistoric_Fauna / Appendix_B_Modern_PFT_Distribution / Appendix_C_Prehistoric_PFT_Distribution / Doctoral Dissertation Anthropology 2017

Recent Discoveries of the Paijanense in The Upper Chicama, Moche and Virú Valleys, Northern Perú: New Perspectives on the First Hunter-Gatherers in the Andes of South America / Últimos descubrimientos del Paijanense en la parte alta de los valles de Chicama, Moche y Virú, norte del Perú: nuevas perspectivas sobre los primeros cazadores-recolectores en los Andes de Sudamérica

Briceño, Jesús 10 April 2018 (has links)
We present newly-registered Paiján sites in the interior and upper parts of the Chicama, Moche and Virú valleys, with strong tiesto the highland region. The research indicates that Paiján hunter-gatherers were not only a coastal group whose subsistence was basedon marine resources. They also occupied diverse ecological environments preferring springs with high mobility across the Andes and exploiting diverse resources, such as white-tail deer (Odocoileus virginianus) and raw materials for producing lithic tools. / En este artículo se presenta el registro de nuevos sitios paijanenses al interior y parte alta de los valles de Chicama, Moche y Virú, más vinculados con la región de la sierra, lo que evidencia, de manera consistente, que estos grupos de cazadores-recolectores no se establecieron solo en la costa y basaron su subsistencia en los recursos marinos, sino que ocuparon diversos ambientes ecológicos siempre relacionados con fuentes de agua y tuvieron un amplio grado de movilidad de manera longitudinal y transversal a lo largo de los cursos de ríos y quebradas, con lo que pudieron aprovechar una mayor diversidad de recursos, entre ellos el venado gris de cola blanca (Odocoileus virginianus) y materias primas para la elaboración de herramientas líticas.

Pré-história da província Cárstica do Alto São Francisco, Minas Gerais: a indústria lítica dos caçadores-coletores arcaicos / Prehistory of the carstic province of the upper São Francisco river valley, Minas Gerais: lithic industry of the arcaic hunter-gatherers

Edward Karel Maurits Koole 12 November 2007 (has links)
O presente trabalho aborda uma região bem delimitada, circunscrita aos afloramentos calcários do alto curso do rio São Francisco no estado de Minas Gerais (1500km²). Depois de um período inicial exploratório com levantamentos de superfície intensivos, resultando na descoberta de 120 sítios, duas cavernas, a Loca do Suim e a Gruta do Marinheiro, foram escolhidas para receberem escavações. O objetivo foi comprovar a existência de uma ocupação caçadora-coletora arcaica na região estudada, utilizando como principal elemento descritivo a indústria lítica produzida por esses grupos, envolvendo aspectos como tipologia, tecnologia e cronologia do material. Buscou-se assim colocar em evidência algumas particularidades da região estudada, assim como apontar para eventuais semelhanças com as grandes tradições arqueológicas do período arcaico conhecidas no centro e sul do Brasil. / This project is located in the carstic region (1500km²) of the upper São Francisco river valley, in the southeastern portion of the Brazilian highlands, 250km to the southwest of the well known Lagoa Santa region, State of Minas Gerais. After a period (5 years) of intensive search for sites, discovering more than 120 of them, two caves (Loca do Suim and Gruta do Marinheiro) where excavated. The objective was to prove the existence, also in this area, of archaeological material related to arcaic hunter-gatherers. For being abundant, the lithic industry produced by these pre-historic groups was chosen as main descriptive element. The analysis, based on typological, technological and chronological characteristics of the sample, points out the similarities and differences that exist between this industry and the main lithic archaeological traditions of central and southern Brazil during the arcaic period.

Sítio Moraes, uma biografia não autorizada: análise do processo de formação de um sambaqui fluvial / The Moraes site, an unauthorized biography. Formation process analysis of a riverine shellmound

Cláudia Regina Plens 15 February 2008 (has links)
Pesquisas recentes apontam para o fenômeno construtivo de sambaquis fluviais na região do médio Vale do Ribeira de Iguape, São Paulo, mais precisamente em três regiões, Itaoca, bacia do rio Jacupiranguinha e bacia do Juquiá, durante, pelo menos, o período de 9000 anos. O presente trabalho tem por objetivo definir o perfil de um sambaqui fluvial, sítio Moraes (6000-4000 anos a.P.), no município de Miracatu, SP, com a finalidade de criar a compreensão intra-sítio dos processos formativos envolvidos para a elevação desta estrutura monticular, através de diferentes abordagens: distribuição espacial intra-sítio, tecnologia, subsistência, isótopos estáveis, estudo sedimentológico e análise de proporção componencial volumétrico. Os resultados destas análises associados aos dados advindos de outras pesquisas nos permitiram ampliar a discussão sobre o processo formativo do sítio Moraes e abordar a questão sobre as relações genética e cultural entre sambaquieiros fluviais e os demais grupos vizinhos. / Previous research at the Ribeira de Iguape valley, at the southern part of the State of São Paulo, Brasil, has revealed a long cultural sequence (ca. 11 to 1,2 kyBP) characterized by small shellmound sites generally designated as riverine, or fluvial, sambaquis. Besides the conspicuous presence of a terrestrial gastropod (Megalobulimus sp.) shells, these little mounds also share relevant amounts of human burials and similar technological patterns as regards lithic and bone industries, among other compositional elements. The principal aim of this thesis is to describe one of these mounds, Moraes, investigating the cultural and post-depositional formation processes implied on the long duration (6 to 4 kyBP) construction phase of such mound structure and after its abandonment, by means of zooarchaeological, technological, geochemical and isotopic analysis of its various deposits and cultural components therein, as well as their spatial distribution and articulation. This thesis also discusses the cultural and historical relationships of this fluvial shellmound culture with other cultural patterns and populations found at the same and nearby areas.

Costly Signaling and Prey Choice: the Signaling Value of Hunted Game

January 2019 (has links)
abstract: For most of human history hunting has been the primary economic activity of men. Hunted animals are valued for their food energy and nutrients, however, hunting is associated with a high risk of failure. Additionally, large animals cannot be consumed entirely by the nuclear family, so much of the harvest may be shared to others. This has led some researchers to ask why men hunt large and difficult game. The “costly signaling” and “show-off” hypotheses propose that large prey are hunted because the difficulty of finding and killing them is a reliable costly signal of the phenotypic quality of the hunter. These hypotheses were tested using original interview data from Aché (hunter gatherer; n=52, age range 50-76, 46% female) and Tsimané (horticulturalist; n=40, age range 15-77, 45% female) informants. Ranking tasks and paired comparison tasks were used to determine the association between the costs of killing an animal and its value as a signal of hunter phenotypic quality for attracting mates and allies. Additional tasks compared individual large animals to groups of smaller animals to determine whether assessments of hunters’ phenotypes and preferred status were more impacted by the signal value of the species or by the weight and number of animals killed. Aché informants perceived hunters who killed larger or harder to kill animals as having greater provisioning ability, strength, fighting ability, and disease susceptibility, and preferred them as mates and allies. Tsimané informants held a similar preference for hunters who killed large game, but not for hunters targeting hard to kill species. When total biomass harvested was controlled, both populations considered harvesting more animals in a given time period to be a better signal of preferred phenotypes than killing a single large and impressive species. Male and female informants both preferred hunters who consistently brought back small game over hunters who sometimes killed large animals and sometimes killed nothing. No evidence was found that hunters should forgo overall food return rates in order to signal phenotypic qualities by specializing on large game. Nutrient provisioning rather than costly phenotypic signaling was the strategy preferred by potential mates and allies. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Anthropology 2019

Evolution et changements techniques dans les sociétés de chasseurs-cueilleurs de la Puna Sèche des Andes Centre-Sude ancien et moyen : technologie lithique dans la région de Susques durant l’Holocène ancien et moyen / Evolution and technical changes in the hunter-gatherers societies of the Dry Puna of South-Central Andes : lithic technology in the area of Susques during the early and middle Holocene

Hoguin, Rodolphe 20 September 2013 (has links)
La recherche développée dans le cadre de cette thèse se centre sur l’analyse de l’évolution et du changement en technologie lithique dans les sociétés de chasseurs-cueilleurs dans la Puna argentine à partir des sites de la localité de Susques, province de Jujuy. La Puna est un désert d’altitude (au-dessus des 3.000 masl). La période chasseur-cueilleur dans la Puna est comprise entre 11.000 et 3.500 ans AP. Ceci implique une séquence chronologique qui s’étend depuis le premier peuplement jusqu’à la domestication des camélidés. Dans un tel contexte, l’évolution des systèmes techniques a alors pu être dynamique durant cette période. L’analyse de 1’évolution technique se base ici sur l’étude des chaines opératoires et des systèmes techniques.Nous nous baserons donc sur une approche technologique, et donc sur la reconstitution des chaînes opératoires lithiques permet de resituer chaque objet dans son contexte technique et offre un cadre méthodologique pour l’interprétation à plusieurs niveaux d’analyse. En étudiant l’évolution des techniques selon deux voies - l’une lente liée au développement continu et intrinsèque des techniques, l’autre rapide, liée à des changements abrupts et externes - nous pouvons mettre en évidence des changements rapides et le rôle des sociétés et de leur environnement au sein de cette évolution. Nous observons un certain nombre d’innovations se produire au long de la séquence, dont la nature est différente; certaines étant liées aux premiers degrés des faits, et d’autres aux derniers degrés. Nous concluons qu’un tel développement a pu se produire grâce au développement de sociétés stables. / The research developed in this work focuses on the analysis of the evolution and change in lithic technology in the societies of hunter-gatherers in the Argentine Puna from the sites of the Susques locality, Jujuy. The Puna is an altitude desert (above 3000 masl). The hunter-gatherer period in Puna is between 11,000 and 3,500 years BP. This implies a chronological sequence that extends from the first settlement to the domestication of camelids. ln this context, the evolution of technical systems could then be dynamic during this period. The analysis of technical change is based here on the study of operative chains and technical systems. So we will use a technological approach, and thus the recovery of lithic reduction sequences can situate each object in his technical context and provides a methodological framework for interpretation at several levels of analysis. By studying the evolution of technology in two ways - one slow due to the continuous development and intrinsic techniques, other fast, due to abrupt changes and external contingencies - , we can highlight fast changes and the role of societies and their environment in this evolution. We see a number of innovations occurring throughout the sequence, whose nature is different, some are related to the first degree of the facts, and other are linked to the last degrees. We conclude that such development could occur through the development of stable societies.

"Sistemas de assentamento e estilo tecnológico: uma proposta interpretativa para a ocupação pré-colonial do Alto Vale do Rio dos Sinos, Rio Grande do Sul" / "Settlement systems and technological style: an interpretive porposal to Sinos River Valley precolonial settlement, Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil)"

Dias, Adriana Schmidt 08 September 2003 (has links)
O estilo tecnológico é resultado de escolhas culturalmente determinadas, que se refletem na seleção das matérias primas, nas técnicas e seqüências de produção e nos resultados materiais destas escolhas. A comparação entre estilos tecnológicos de distintas indústrias líticas de uma mesma região permite, portanto, antever a possibilidade de distinção entre identidades sociais ou culturais no registro arqueológico. Buscando testar a validade desta premissa teórica para o estudo da variabilidade artefatual das indústrias líticas do sul do Brasil, analisamos de forma comparativa os conjuntos líticos da região do Alto rio dos Sinos, Rio Grande do Sul, relacionados a grupos de caçadores coletores, associados à Tradição Umbu, e a dois distintos grupos de horticultores, das Tradições Guarani e Taquara. / Technological style can be defined as the result of cultural choices reflected in different strategies of raw materials selections and debidage techniques related to the production of lithic artifacts. Therefore, it can be used to identify cultural or social identity in the archaeological record through the analysis of lithic assemblages. This concept was used to interpret the artefactual variability of lithic assemblages related to three different prehistoric settlement systems that occupied the Sinos River Valley (Rio Grande do Sul State, southern Brazil), between 8.800 and 440 BP: the hunter-gatherers of Umbu Tradition and the horticulturalists of Taquara and Guarani Traditions.

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