Spelling suggestions: "subject:"huntergatherers"" "subject:"huntergatherer""
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Caçadores-coletores na Serra de Paranapiacaba durante a transição do Holoceno Médio para o Tardio (5920-1000 anos AP) / Hunter-gatherers from Parnapiacaba Mountains during the Middle Holocene to the Later Holocene transition (5920-1000 yr BP)Mendes, Gérson Levi da Silva 22 March 2007 (has links)
Esta dissertação apresenta o resultado de um levantamento de sítios líticos caçadores-coletores no alto rio das Almas nos contrafortes ocidentais da Serra de Paranapiacaba. Dados sobre as indústrias líticas relacionadas são fornecidos sucintamente e comparadas às pesquisas desenvolvidas no Médio Ribeira por De Blasis (1988). Em acréscimo, esta Dissertação trata de estabelecer parâmetros para a compreensão da formação de sítios arqueológicos detectados em profundidade em porções de alta vertente, datados do Holoceno Médio. A continuidade de grupos caçadores-coletores na área de pesquisa é delimitada entre 5920 e 1000 anos AP e, em face a este período, tratamos de reconstruir os cenários sob transformação ambiental regional em a que estiveram submetidos esses grupos humanos e seus assentamentos. Nossa contribuição é desvincular os estudos sobre grupos caçadores-coletores do cunho hiper-determinista da tecno-tipologia lítica para uma discussão mais ampla que dialogue de forma transdisciplinar com a geomorfologia, a palinologia e a espeleologia. / This thesis provides the results of an archaeological survey focused in hunter-gatherer settlements from Upper Almas valley, on the western side of Paranapiacaba Mountains. Dates from lithics analysis associated to these sites are compared with results from Middle Ribeira valley, developed by De Blasis (1988). In addition, this Thesis treats to establish frames of reference to understand the formation processes of archaeological sites settled during the Middle Holocene in high depth on high portions of the mountains. The hunter-gatherer continuity between 5920 and 1000 yr BP in the studied area is approached by a paleoambiental treatment: our additional goal is to reconstruct the scenarios of environmental transformations in which these human groups developed their History. Furthermore, this thesis provides an instance to reduce the technological approach over these groups, opening an ecosystem approach which includes dates from palinology, geomorphology and espeleology.
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Caçadores-coletores do médio vale do Paranaíba, Minas Gerais: estudo inter-sítios da cadeia operatória e sistema tecnológico / Hunter-gatherers of the middle valley of Paranaíba, Minas Gerais: Inter-site study of the operative chain and technological systemBarros, Alex Sandro Alves de 10 August 2018 (has links)
A presente dissertação expõe os resultados provenientes da pesquisa desenvolvida junto ao Projeto Arqueológico Quebra Anzol - MG, a qual versa sobre o estudo das cadeias operatórias e sistema tecnológico relacionado às indústrias líticas provenientes dos sítios ATM-691, localizado no Município de Tupaciguara - MG, Novo 1, Novo 2, Canindé e Buraco Seco, localizados no Município de Monte Alegre de Minas - MG, além de uma correlação junto aos dados que dizem respeito às ocupações mais recuadas do sítio Rezende, este localizado no município de Centralina - MG, em todos os casos caracterizados como sítios a céu aberto tocantes a contextos de ocupações de populações com economia extrativista de provisão relacionada às atividades de caça, coleta e pesca e que tem como único remanescente sua cultura material lítica. Pelo viés da tecnológica lítica, tivemos como principal objetivo analisar as dinâmicas socioculturais em sua compreensão intrassítio, de modo realizar um estudo pormenorizado dos sítios arqueológicos numa perspectiva da análise da cadeia operatória e sistema tecnológico dos vestígios líticos, bem como a análise inter-sítio, que visa à correlação dos dados obtidos no estudo dos cinco sítios propostos junto aos dados de outro sítio já estudado na região, de modo que foi possível verificar possíveis permanências e mudanças culturais manifestadas por meio da tecnologia presente nos conjuntos artefatuais oriundos das dinâmicas de populações caçadoras-coletoras, o que nos permitiu conceber um modelo empírico regional de ocupação baseado na caracterização da paisagem, economia de aprovisionamento, organização social e tipificação da tecnologia lítica para o médio vale do Paranaíba. / The Archaeological Project Quebra Anzol - MG, which deals with the study of the operative chains and technological system related to the lithic industries from the ATM- 691 sites, located in the municipality of Tupaciguara - MG, Novo 1, Novo 2, Canindé and Buraco Seco, located in the municipality of Monte Alegre de Minas - MG, in addition to a correlation with the data referring to the most backward occupations of the Rezende site, located in the Municipality of Centralina - MG, in all cases characterized as open - air sites touching contexts of occupations of populations with extractive economy of provision related to the activities of hunting, gathering and fishing and that has as its only remaining material lytic culture. The main objective of this study was to analyze the sociocultural dynamics in its intra-site understanding, so as to carry out a detailed study of the archaeological sites from the perspective of the analysis of the operative chain and the technological system of the lithic vestiges, as well as the inter-site analysis, which aims to correlate the data obtained in the study of the five sites proposed together with the data of another site already studied in the region, so that it was possible to verify possible permanences and cultural changes manifested through the technology present in the artifactual ensembles derived from the dynamics of hunting populations which allowed us to conceive a regional empirical model of occupation based on the characterization of the landscape, economy of supply, social organization and typification of lithic technology for the middle valley of Paranaíba
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Les derniers chasseurs-cueilleurs de l'Arc circum-alpin occidental et de ses marges : nouvelles données apportées par l'étude archéozoologique de l'abri sous roche de la Souche à Arconciel (Canton de Fribourg, Suisse) / The last hunter-gatherers of the occidental circum-alpine arc and its borders : new data from the zooarchaeological study of the La Souche rockshelter in Arconciel (canton of Fribourg, Switzerland)Guidez, Aurélie 29 June 2018 (has links)
À la fin du VIe millénaire av. J.-C. le Néolithique s’est propagé en Europe centre-occidentale par l’intermédiaire des courants danubien et méridionaux. Pourtant les premières traces connues d’occupation néolithique au sein du Plateau suisse n’apparaissent que près d’un millénaire plus tard. Cette thèse a pour objectif d’étudier la faune issue des niveaux supérieurs de l’abri sous roche de la Souche (Arconciel, Canton de Fribourg, Suisse). Le nombre de restes de faune inégalé pour le Second Mésolithique régional, l’exceptionnelle stratigraphie de ce gisement et la datation des ensembles étudiés à la fin du Second Mésolithique en font un site idéal pour appréhender de nombreux aspects du mode de vie des derniers chasseurs-cueilleurs d’Europe centrale. Les résultats de cette étude montrent une évolution dans le temps des activités liées à la chasse qui ont pris place au sein de l’abri. En replaçant les résultats de cette analyse archéozoologique au sein d’un corpus plus vaste, ce travail aborde également les facteurs qui peuvent influer sur la composition des spectres de chasse et le rôle qu’ils ont pu jouer à la fin du Mésolithique. / At the end of the VIth millennium BC, the Neolithic propagated in central and western Europe through danubian and meridional streams. However, the first known traces of Neolithic occupation on the Swiss Plateau date from a thousand years later only. This PhD work focuses on the study of the fauna remains from the upper levels of the La Souche rock shelter (Arconciel, Canton of Fribourg, Switzerland). The site is characterized by unusually abundant fauna remains for the regional Second Mesolithic, an exceptionally extensive stratigraphy and the dating of the studied assemblages to the end of the Second Mesolithic. It therefore constitutes an ideal tool to investigate the various aspects of the last hunter-gatherers way of life in central Europe. The results of the study point to an evolution over time of the activities linked to hunting in this shelter. By integrating the results of this archeozoological analysis in a more general context, we can further address the factors that can affect the composition of the hunted faunal spectra, and the part they played at the end of the Second Mesolithic.
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L'équipement lithique des chasseurs-cueilleurs maritimes de Patagonie australe pendant l'Holocène moyen : fabrication et utilisation des armes et des outils / The lithic tool kits of the maritime gatherers from Southern Patagonia during the middle Holocene : manufacture and use of stone tools and weaponsHuidobro Marín, Consuelo 23 February 2018 (has links)
Ce travail correspond à une étude technique et fonctionnelle de l’équipement lithique taillé des chasseurs cueilleurs maritimes de la région de Magellan entre 6.000-3500 et 3000 BP. Cette période se caractérise par plusieurs changements, notamment dans les industries lithiques, qui ont mené à la définition de deux unités chrono-culturelles : La «Culture d’Englefield», à la période ancienne, caractérisée par une exploitation intensive de l’obsidienne verte ; et la «Tradition culturelle Ponsonby» à la période moyenne, caractérisée par son absence et l’apparition de grandes pointes lancéolées. L’analyse technique et fonctionnelle de l’équipement lithique de trois gisements, l’un appartenant à la période ancienne, et deux à la période moyenne, a permis d’évaluer ces discontinuités techniques et de les traduire en termes de comportements humains. L’analyse fonctionnelle a nécessité d’abord l’élaboration d’un cadre analytique pour l’application de la tracéologie au contexte d’étude, car les groupes canoeros (en canot) de la région ont exploité différents types de roche: obsidiennes, rhyolites, cinérites et RGFO métamorphiques. Ces matières premières réagissent de façon différente à l’utilisation, et leur analyse pose des problèmes méthodologiques différenciés et offre des possibilités interprétatives particulières. Ceci est illustré aussi bien lors de la description des traces d’utilisation expérimentales, que de l’analyse du corpus archéologique. En particulier, l’analyse des trois gisements a donné des résultats de qualité différente et les données concernant ceux de la période moyenne sont moins éloquentes que celles du site de la période ancienne. Ceci reflète des biais dus au type de roches utilisées pour la fabrication de l’équipement et ne répondent pas nécessairement à des comportements préhistoriques. Malgré ces biais, les résultats de l’analyse fonctionnelle ont servi d’abord à mieux comprendre les activités réalisées dans chaque site (boucherie, travail de la peau, des matières végétales, osseuses et minérales…). Dans un deuxième temps, ils ont permis de contribuer à la définition de l’équipement lithique de chaque période, de discuter certains choix techniques de fabrication et des comportements de gestion de l’outillage. Finalement, une comparaison diachronique est tentée, en discutant les changements et continuités dans la composition et gestion de l’équipement lithique taillé, en rapport avec les chaines techniques de fabrication et d’utilisation. / This work corresponds to a technological and functional study of the knapped lithic tool kit of the maritime hunter gatherers from Magallanes region between 6,000-3,500/3,000 BP. This period is characterised by several discontinuities, particularly in the lithic technology, that have led to the definition of two chrono-cultural unites. First, the so called “Englefield Culture” in the old period, characterised by an intensive exploitation of green obsidian. Then, the “Ponsonby Tradition”, in the middle period, which is defined by the absence of obsidian and the onset of big lanceolate bifacial points. The technological and functional analyses of the lithic tool kit of three archaeological sites, one associated to the old period and the other two related to the middle period, contributed to the evaluation of these technical discontinuities, which were seen in terms of human behaviour. The functional analysis required, in first place, of an analytic frame for applying the Traceology to the study context. This is because the canoeist groups exploited different lithic raw materials: obsidian, rhyolites, cinerites and metamorphic FGDR (Fine grain dark rocks). These raw materials respond in a different way to the use, therefore, their analysis implies methodological requirements and special interpretative possibilities. These particularities are evidenced in the description of the experimental use wear as well as in the results of the archaeological material analysis. In relation with the last ones, the analysis of the three sites yielded different results, and the data available for the contexts of the old period is more eloquent than the data of the middle period. This difference reveals a probable bias linked to the types of rocks used for the tool kit manufacture, and does not express necessarily human behaviour. Even though the bias presented above, the results of the functional analysis helped, in first place, to achieve a better understanding of the activities developed in each site (butchering, processing of skin, vegetable, bone and mineral materials). In second place, the data improved the definition of the lithic tool kit for every period, and allowed the discussion of some technical decisions in the manufacture chaine operatoires as well as the management behaviours of the tool kit. Finally, it was attempted to develop a diachronic comparison, discussing the changes and continuities in the composition and management of the lithic tool kit and stablishing the relationships with the manufacture and use chaine operatoires. / Este trabajo corresponde a un estudio tecnológico y funcional del equipamiento lítico tallado de los cazadores recolectores marítimos de la región de Magallanes entre los 6.000-3500/3000 AP. Este periodo se caracteriza por varias discontinuidades, particularmente en la tecnología lítica, que han conducido a la definición de dos unidades crono-culturales. Primero, la llamada “Cultura Englefield” en el periodo antiguo, caracterizada por una explotación intensiva de la obsidiana verde. Luego, la “Tradición Ponsonby”, en el periodo medio, caracterizada por la ausencia de obsidiana y la aparición de grandes puntas bifaciales lanceoladas. El análisis tecnológico y funcional del equipamiento lítico de tres sitios arqueológicos, uno asociado al periodo antiguo y dos al periodo medio, permitió realizar aportes a la evaluación de estas discontinuidades técnicas, vistas en términos de comportamientos humanos. El análisis funcional requirió, en primer lugar, de un marco analítico para aplicar la traceología al contexto de estudio, ya que los grupos canoeros explotaron diferentes materias primas líticas: obsidianas, riolitas, cineritas y RGFO (Rocas de Grano Fino Oscuras) metamórficas. Estas materias primas reaccionan de forma diferente al uso, y su análisis implica requerimientos metodológicos y posibilidades interpretativas particulares. Esto se evidencia tanto en la descripción de huellas de uso experimentales como en los resultados del análisis del material arqueológico. Con respecto a estos últimos, el análisis de los tres sitios arrojó resultados de calidad diferente, y los datos disponibles para el sitio del periodo antiguo son más elocuentes que los de los sitios del periodo medio. Esto refleja probables sesgos asociados a los tipos de roca utilizados para la fabricación del equipamiento, y no necesariamente comportamientos humanos. A pesar de estos sesgos, los resultados del análisis funcional sirvieron en primer lugar para lograr una mejor comprensión de las actividades realizadas en cada sitio (carnicería, trabajo de piel, de materias vegetales, óseas y minerales…). En segundo lugar, los datos permitieron realizar una mejor definición del equipamiento lítico para cada periodo, así como discutir algunas elecciones técnicas en las cadenas operativas de fabricación y los comportamientos de gestión del instrumental lítico. Finalmente, se intentó realizar una comparación diacrónica, discutiendo los cambios y continuidades en la composición y gestión del equipamiento lítico y estableciendo relaciones con las cadenas operativas de fabricación y uso.
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Caçadores-coletores do médio vale do Paranaíba, Minas Gerais: estudo inter-sítios da cadeia operatória e sistema tecnológico / Hunter-gatherers of the middle valley of Paranaíba, Minas Gerais: Inter-site study of the operative chain and technological systemAlex Sandro Alves de Barros 10 August 2018 (has links)
A presente dissertação expõe os resultados provenientes da pesquisa desenvolvida junto ao Projeto Arqueológico Quebra Anzol - MG, a qual versa sobre o estudo das cadeias operatórias e sistema tecnológico relacionado às indústrias líticas provenientes dos sítios ATM-691, localizado no Município de Tupaciguara - MG, Novo 1, Novo 2, Canindé e Buraco Seco, localizados no Município de Monte Alegre de Minas - MG, além de uma correlação junto aos dados que dizem respeito às ocupações mais recuadas do sítio Rezende, este localizado no município de Centralina - MG, em todos os casos caracterizados como sítios a céu aberto tocantes a contextos de ocupações de populações com economia extrativista de provisão relacionada às atividades de caça, coleta e pesca e que tem como único remanescente sua cultura material lítica. Pelo viés da tecnológica lítica, tivemos como principal objetivo analisar as dinâmicas socioculturais em sua compreensão intrassítio, de modo realizar um estudo pormenorizado dos sítios arqueológicos numa perspectiva da análise da cadeia operatória e sistema tecnológico dos vestígios líticos, bem como a análise inter-sítio, que visa à correlação dos dados obtidos no estudo dos cinco sítios propostos junto aos dados de outro sítio já estudado na região, de modo que foi possível verificar possíveis permanências e mudanças culturais manifestadas por meio da tecnologia presente nos conjuntos artefatuais oriundos das dinâmicas de populações caçadoras-coletoras, o que nos permitiu conceber um modelo empírico regional de ocupação baseado na caracterização da paisagem, economia de aprovisionamento, organização social e tipificação da tecnologia lítica para o médio vale do Paranaíba. / The Archaeological Project Quebra Anzol - MG, which deals with the study of the operative chains and technological system related to the lithic industries from the ATM- 691 sites, located in the municipality of Tupaciguara - MG, Novo 1, Novo 2, Canindé and Buraco Seco, located in the municipality of Monte Alegre de Minas - MG, in addition to a correlation with the data referring to the most backward occupations of the Rezende site, located in the Municipality of Centralina - MG, in all cases characterized as open - air sites touching contexts of occupations of populations with extractive economy of provision related to the activities of hunting, gathering and fishing and that has as its only remaining material lytic culture. The main objective of this study was to analyze the sociocultural dynamics in its intra-site understanding, so as to carry out a detailed study of the archaeological sites from the perspective of the analysis of the operative chain and the technological system of the lithic vestiges, as well as the inter-site analysis, which aims to correlate the data obtained in the study of the five sites proposed together with the data of another site already studied in the region, so that it was possible to verify possible permanences and cultural changes manifested through the technology present in the artifactual ensembles derived from the dynamics of hunting populations which allowed us to conceive a regional empirical model of occupation based on the characterization of the landscape, economy of supply, social organization and typification of lithic technology for the middle valley of Paranaíba
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Though some researchers have argued that the Big Barrens grasslands of Kentucky were the product of anthropogenic land clearing practices by Native Americans, heretofore, this hypothesis had not been tested archaeologically. More work was needed to refine chronologies of fire activity in the region, determine the extent to which humans played a role in the process, and integrate these findings with the paleoenvironmental and archaeological record. With these goals in mind, I conducted archaeological and geoarchaeological investigations at Crumps Sink in the Sinkhole Plain of Kentucky. The archaeological record and site formation history of Crumps Sink were compared with environmental and archaeological data from the Interior Low Plateaus and Southern Appalachian Mountains for an understanding of how the site fits into the larger story of human-environmental interactions in the Eastern Woodlands. Based on the data recovered, I argue that through land burning Archaic hunter-gatherers were active managers of ecosystems to a greater degree than previously acknowledged.
Excavations at Crumps Sink revealed stratified archaeological deposits spanning the late Middle Archaic to Terminal Late Archaic periods. Radiocarbon dates and an analysis of projectile point typologies provided information on the chronological and cultural history of the site. Magnetic susceptibility, loss-on-ignition, plant available phosphorous, and soil micromorphological analyses were conducted to examine landform dynamics in response to environmental change and to trace the anthropogenic signature created by human activities at the site. Masses of lithic debitage, animal bone, and burned sediment nodules per ten-cm-level provide an indication of human occupation intensity and shifting activities over time. Radiocarbon dates were used to reconstruct rates of sediment accumulation in the sink. These varying datasets were considered together for a holistic understanding of localized environmental and anthropogenic impacts on the landform.
Between 7200 and 5600 cal. BP, during the Middle Holocene Thermal Maximum and corresponding with the late Middle Archaic period, sediment accumulation was sustained with one identifiable episode of very weak soil development. Background magnetic and chemical signatures in the soils were greater than they were at pre-occupation levels, demonstrating that human activities left a lasting imprint in soils as early as the late Middle Archaic period. Between 5600 and 3900 cal. BP, periods of diminished sedimentation led to more pronounced episodes of soil formation. However, these soil horizons are interposed by pulses of enhanced sediment accumulation. These soil data may signal shifting environmental regimes during the Middle to Late Holocene transition. Between 5600 and 3900 cal. BP scattered plant ash, elevated masses of burned sediment nodules, and pestle fragments in Late Archaic deposits suggest that hunter-gatherers were intensively processing nut mast, potentially in association with early forest clearance and silviculture. Botanical assemblages from a coincident archaeological sequence at the Carlston Annis site in the nearby middle Green River region has demonstrated woodland disturbance and potential silviculture in central Kentucky during this time.
During the Late Archaic and Terminal Late Archaic periods (3900-3000 cal. BP), substantial plant ash deposition occurred in a stratum that accumulated relatively quickly. Very low burned sediment nodule masses in this deposit indicate that combustion features were not common in the immediate vicinity and that elevated frequencies of plant ash were the result of burning on a broader expanse of the surrounding landform. Chronologically, the zone with enhanced plant ash deposition is coeval with previously demonstrated occurrences of increased forest fires, grassland expansion, and a shift to early horticultural economies throughout the region. Soil development occurred after 3000 cal. BP, and this episode of landform stability may have lasted for over two millennia until being capped by sediment accumulation from historic agriculture.
The late Middle Archaic through Terminal Late Archaic data from Crumps Sink demonstrate that hunter-gatherer activities left lasting signatures in soils in Kentucky. The data from the Late Archaic to Terminal Late Archaic periods (ca. 5600-3000 cal. BP) may indicate intentional land burning by hunter-gatherers to create anthropogenic environments, first for silviculture and then for early plant domestication. This forces a rethinking of labor and subsistence systems within hunter-gatherer societies. Thus, if hunter-gatherers were utilizing long-term forest management methods, they were employing a delayed-return economic system relying on labor investment and negotiated understandings about land tenure. Further characterization of the origin of fire management activities will help us to elucidate the nature of incipient indigenous plant domestication in the Eastern Woodlands.
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Analysis of a lithic assemblage from the multi-component habitation site Gorelyi Les, SiberiaKurzybov, Petr 06 1900 (has links)
The research presented in this thesis examines a lithic assemblage from the multi-component habitation site Gorelyi Les in the Belaia river valley, Cis-Baikal region, Siberia. The distinctive traits of this collection are the relatively small size of the lithic assemblage and the large proportion of debitage. The chosen methodological framework for this research concentrates on obtaining maximum information from the available materials through application of typological, technological, use-wear, and spatial analyses.
The results suggest that there were differences in the organization of the technological process of lithic tool manufacture during the Early Neolithic and Late Neolithic. During the Early Neolithic, lithic tool manufacture and use were rather intensive and diversified, while during the Late Neolithic, tool manufacture and use were limited to a narrower range of technological operations and functions.
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Dental Calculus: Combining Current Methods in the Study of Diet and Mouth Use Activities Among Neolithic and Early Bronze Age Hunter-Gatherers of the Cis-Baikal, Siberia2015 June 1900 (has links)
The utility of dental calculus as a proxy for diet and mouth use is explored for the Middle Holocene Cis-Baikal region of Central Siberia based on two methods: a macroscopic analysis of severity and a microscopic analysis of particles within deposits. The study area was inhabited by two culturally and biologically distinct cultures, the Early Neolithic (EN) Kitoi culture (8,000 to 7,000/6,800 cal B.P.) and the Late Neolithic-Early Bronze Age (LN-EBA) Isakovo-Serovo-Glaskovo (ISG) cultural complex (6,000/5,800 to 4,000 cal B.P.), separated by a period of cultural transition marked by a cessation in formal cemetery use. Data were collected from four cemetery sites, two dating to the EN and two dating to the LN-EBA. Nonparametric testing of calculus severity revealed that, for adult males and juveniles, lakeshore populations displayed greater affinity to each other than to their contemporaneous cultural counterpart populations living along riverine systems in the Angara River Valley. Trends within the EN cemetery Shamanka II contrasted to the other cemetery populations, with noticeably larger deposits in anterior quadrants and significant sexual distinctions. The proportion of protein to carbohydrates consumed is known to influence calculus formation, but both cultural groups lived on a diet based predominately on meat sources so dietary ratios alone do not adequately explain the differences distinguished. A complex multifactorial model involving microregional differences in resources/environment, foraging patterns, individual variation, and dental wear patterns provides at least a partial explanation for the results observed. A wide range of particles were recovered during the microscopic analysis of calculus, albeit in low concentrations. The low starch grain counts were consistent with a diet based predominately on meats but still provide some of the first direct evidence for plant consumption in the Cis-Baikal, including possible plant processing by cooking or grinding based on damage evident on the grains. Other particles recovered may provide evidence of mouth use activities or palaeoenvironmental influences. Together, the two components of this analysis offer strong evidence that dental calculus is a useful tool for reconstructing hunter-gatherer lifeways but also highlight the limitations of conducting this type of research on previously excavated and potentially contaminated material.
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Analysis of a lithic assemblage from the multi-component habitation site Gorelyi Les, SiberiaKurzybov, Petr Unknown Date
No description available.
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La pêche chez les chasseurs-cueilleurs marins de la région du détroit de Magellan et des mers adjacentes, de l'Holocène moyen aux temps ethnographiques : rôle, technologie et stratégies saisonnières / The fisheries to marines hunters-gatherers of Strait of Magellan and adjacent seas, from Middle Holocene to ethnographic Period : role, technology and seasonal strategiesTorres Elgueta, Jimena 18 May 2016 (has links)
La présente recherche souligne l'importance de la pêche chez les chasseurs cueilleurs marins de la région centrale du détroit de Magellan et des mers adjacentes. L'approche méthodologique prend en compte l'analyse ichthyoarchéologique de 13 sites archéologiques couvrant une chronologie de 6000 à 1000 ans BP. La méthode de la sclérochronologie est appliquée aux vertèbres de l'espèce la plus importante (Salilota aust alis) afin d'évaluer la saisonnalité des activités de pêche. Les techniques de pêche sont abordées à partir des éléments de technologie découverts dans les gisements étudiés (poids lithiques, pointes en os, murets de pêcherie) et de l'information ethnographique. Les résultats permettent de discuter et de réévaluer le rôle de la pêche par rapport à la chasse aux mammifères marins, généralement estimée (avec les mollusques) comme l'axe principal de subsistance de ces sociétés nomades. Des changements radicaux sont observés dans le modèle d'exploitation des poissons à travers le temps. On observe à l'époque ancienne et moyenne (de 6000 à 2000 ans BP) une grande spécialisation dans des espèces démersales exploitées à différents moments de l'année, et l'emploi de technologies spécialisées standardisées. Au cours des derniers 2000 ans et jusqu'à la période ethnographique, la pêche est concentrée sur les bords de côte ; son rôle dans la subsistance est variable et on observe des stratégies opportunistes permises par l'usage de techniques de pêche variées. Le modèle d'exploitation observé tout au long de la séquence chronologique est différent de celui qui avait été suggéré par D. Zangrando pour les nomades marins du canal Beagle, où est observée une intensification progressive de la pêche à travers le temps. Finalement on remarque le haut niveau de spécialisation de la pêche chez les premiers indiens canoeros qui ont peuplé la région de Magellan, il y a 6000 ans, ce qui permet de discuter du degré d'adaptation de ces populations aux milieux marins. Cette observation renforce l'hypothèse, de plus en plus documentée, d'un peuplement maritime venu du nord, le long de la côte pacifique. / This research highlights the importance of fishing in marine hunter-gatherers of the central region of the Magellan Strait and adjacent seas. The methodological approach takes into account the ichthyoarchaeological analysis of 13 archaeological sites covering a chronology from 6000 to 1000 years BP. The Sclerochronology method is applied to the vertebrae of the most important species (Salilota australis) to estimate the seasonality of fishing activities. Fishing techniques are discussed from technology elements discovered in the studied deposits (weight lithic, bone points, fishing weirs) and ethnographic information. The results allow to discuss and reassess the role of fisheries in respect to the hunting of marine mammals, generally estimated to be (along with shellfish) the main source of subsistence nomadic societies. Radical changes are observed on fishing strategies over time. We observe in the Early and Middle Periods (6000 to 2000 years BP) a specialization in demersals species exploited at different moments of the year, and the use of standardized and specialized technologies. ln the last 2000 years until the ethnographic period, fishing is concentrated on the seashore; the role in subsistence is variable and opportunistic strategies enabled by the use of various fishing technics can be observed. The fishing strategies observed throughout the chronological sequence is different from the one suggested by F. Zangrando for the marine nomads of the Beagle Channel, where a progressive intensification of fishing through time is detected. Finally this research emphasizes the high level of the fishing specialization of the first canoeros Indians who populated the region of Magallanes, 6000 years ago, which allows us to discuss the degree of adaptation of these populations to marine environments. This observation strengthens the hypothesis, increasingly documented, of the existence of a maritime population from the Northern regions, along the Pacific Coast.
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